/* * libretroshare/src/services chatservice.h * * Services for RetroShare. * * Copyright 2004-2008 by Robert Fernie. * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public * License Version 2 as published by the Free Software Foundation. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Library General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 * USA. * * Please report all bugs and problems to "retroshare@lunamutt.com". * */ #ifndef SERVICE_CHAT_HEADER #define SERVICE_CHAT_HEADER #include #include #include #include "serialiser/rsmsgitems.h" #include "services/p3service.h" #include "pqi/pqiservicemonitor.h" #include "pgp/pgphandler.h" #include "turtle/turtleclientservice.h" #include "retroshare/rsmsgs.h" class p3ServiceControl; class p3LinkMgr; class p3HistoryMgr; class p3turtle ; typedef RsPeerId ChatLobbyVirtualPeerId ; //!The basic Chat service. /** * * Can be used to send and receive chats, immediate status (using notify), avatars, and custom status * This service uses rsnotify (callbacks librs clients (e.g. rs-gui)) * @see NotifyBase */ class p3ChatService: public p3Service, public p3Config, public pqiServiceMonitor, public RsTurtleClientService { public: p3ChatService(p3ServiceControl *cs, p3LinkMgr *cm, p3HistoryMgr *historyMgr); virtual RsServiceInfo getServiceInfo(); /***** overloaded from p3Service *****/ /*! * This retrieves all chat msg items and also (important!) * processes chat-status items that are in service item queue. chat msg item requests are also processed and not returned * (important! also) notifications sent to notify base on receipt avatar, immediate status and custom status * : notifyCustomState, notifyChatStatus, notifyPeerHasNewAvatar * @see NotifyBase */ virtual int tick(); virtual int status(); /*************** pqiMonitor callback ***********************/ virtual void statusChange(const std::list &plist); /*! * public chat sent to all peers */ int sendPublicChat(const std::string &msg); /********* RsMsgs ***********/ /*! * chat is sent to specifc peer * @param id peer to send chat msg to */ bool sendPrivateChat(const RsPeerId &id, const std::string &msg); /*! * can be used to send 'immediate' status msgs, these status updates are meant for immediate use by peer (not saved by rs) * e.g currently used to update user when a peer 'is typing' during a chat */ void sendStatusString(const RsPeerId& peer_id,const std::string& status_str) ; /*! * send to all peers online *@see sendStatusString() */ void sendGroupChatStatusString(const std::string& status_str) ; /*! * this retrieves custom status for a peers, generate a requests to the peer * @param peer_id the id of the peer you want status string for */ std::string getCustomStateString(const RsPeerId& peer_id) ; /*! * sets the client's custom status, generates 'status available' item sent to all online peers */ void setOwnCustomStateString(const std::string&) ; /*! * @return client's custom string */ std::string getOwnCustomStateString() ; /*! gets the peer's avatar in jpeg format, if available. Null otherwise. Also asks the peer to send * its avatar, if not already available. Creates a new unsigned char array. It's the caller's * responsibility to delete this ones used. */ void getAvatarJpegData(const RsPeerId& peer_id,unsigned char *& data,int& size) ; /*! * Sets the avatar data and size for client's account * @param data is copied, so should be destroyed by the caller */ void setOwnAvatarJpegData(const unsigned char *data,int size) ; /*! * Gets the avatar data for clients account * data is in jpeg format */ void getOwnAvatarJpegData(unsigned char *& data,int& size) ; /*! * returns the count of messages in public queue * @param public or private queue */ int getPublicChatQueueCount(); /*! * This retrieves all public chat msg items */ bool getPublicChatQueue(std::list &chats); /*! * returns the count of messages in private queue * @param public or private queue */ int getPrivateChatQueueCount(bool incoming); /*! * @param id's of available private chat messages */ bool getPrivateChatQueueIds(bool incoming, std::list &ids); /*! * This retrieves all private chat msg items for peer */ bool getPrivateChatQueue(bool incoming, const RsPeerId &id, std::list &chats); /*! * Checks message security, especially remove billion laughs attacks */ static bool checkForMessageSecurity(RsChatMsgItem *) ; /*! * @param clear private chat queue */ bool clearPrivateChatQueue(bool incoming, const RsPeerId &id); bool getVirtualPeerId(const ChatLobbyId& lobby_id, RsPeerId& virtual_peer_id) ; bool isLobbyId(const RsPeerId& virtual_peer_id, ChatLobbyId& lobby_id) ; void getChatLobbyList(std::list >& cl_infos) ; bool acceptLobbyInvite(const ChatLobbyId& id) ; void denyLobbyInvite(const ChatLobbyId& id) ; void getPendingChatLobbyInvites(std::list& invites) ; void invitePeerToLobby(const ChatLobbyId&, const RsPeerId& peer_id,bool connexion_challenge = false) ; void unsubscribeChatLobby(const ChatLobbyId& lobby_id) ; bool setNickNameForChatLobby(const ChatLobbyId& lobby_id,const std::string& nick) ; bool getNickNameForChatLobby(const ChatLobbyId& lobby_id,std::string& nick) ; bool setDefaultNickNameForChatLobby(const std::string& nick) ; bool getDefaultNickNameForChatLobby(std::string& nick) ; void setLobbyAutoSubscribe(const ChatLobbyId& lobby_id, const bool autoSubscribe); bool getLobbyAutoSubscribe(const ChatLobbyId& lobby_id); void sendLobbyStatusString(const ChatLobbyId& id,const std::string& status_string) ; ChatLobbyId createChatLobby(const std::string& lobby_name,const std::string& lobby_topic, const std::list& invited_friends,uint32_t privacy_type) ; void getListOfNearbyChatLobbies(std::vector& public_lobbies) ; bool joinVisibleChatLobby(const ChatLobbyId& id) ; protected: /************* from p3Config *******************/ virtual RsSerialiser *setupSerialiser() ; /*! * chat msg items and custom status are saved */ virtual bool saveList(bool& cleanup, std::list&) ; virtual void saveDone(); virtual bool loadList(std::list& load) ; bool isOnline(const RsPeerId& id) ; private: RsMutex mChatMtx; class AvatarInfo ; class StateStringInfo ; // Receive chat queue void receiveChatQueue(); void handleIncomingItem(RsItem *); // called by the former, and turtle handler for incoming encrypted items void initRsChatInfo(RsChatMsgItem *c, ChatInfo &i); /// make some statistics about time shifts, to prevent various issues. void addTimeShiftStatistics(int shift) ; /// Send avatar info to peer in jpeg format. void sendAvatarJpegData(const RsPeerId& peer_id) ; /// Send custom state info to peer void sendCustomState(const RsPeerId& peer_id); /// Receive the avatar in a chat item, with RS_CHAT_RECEIVE_AVATAR flag. void receiveAvatarJpegData(RsChatAvatarItem *ci) ; // new method void receiveStateString(const RsPeerId& id,const std::string& s) ; /// methods for handling various Chat items. bool handleRecvChatMsgItem(RsChatMsgItem *item) ; // returns false if the item should be deleted. void handleRecvChatStatusItem(RsChatStatusItem *item) ; void handleRecvChatAvatarItem(RsChatAvatarItem *item) ; void handleRecvChatLobbyListRequest(RsChatLobbyListRequestItem *item) ; void handleRecvChatLobbyList(RsChatLobbyListItem *item) ; void handleRecvChatLobbyEventItem(RsChatLobbyEventItem *item) ; /// Checks that the lobby object is not flooding a lobby. bool locked_bouncingObjectCheck(RsChatLobbyBouncingObject *obj,const RsPeerId& peer_id,uint32_t lobby_count) ; /// Sends a request for an avatar to the peer of given id void sendAvatarRequest(const RsPeerId& peer_id) ; /// Send a request for custom status string void sendCustomStateRequest(const RsPeerId& peer_id); /// called as a proxy to sendItem(). Possibly splits item into multiple items of size lower than the maximum item size. void checkSizeAndSendMessage(RsChatLobbyMsgItem *item) ; void checkSizeAndSendMessage_deprecated(RsChatMsgItem *item) ; // keep for compatibility for a few weeks. /// Called when a RsChatMsgItem is received. The item may be collapsed with any waiting partial chat item from the same peer. bool locked_checkAndRebuildPartialMessage(RsChatLobbyMsgItem*) ; bool locked_checkAndRebuildPartialMessage_deprecated(RsChatMsgItem*) ; /// receive and handle chat lobby item bool recvLobbyChat(RsChatLobbyMsgItem*,const RsPeerId& src_peer_id) ; bool sendLobbyChat(const RsPeerId &id, const std::string&, const ChatLobbyId&) ; void handleRecvLobbyInvite(RsChatLobbyInviteItem*) ; void checkAndRedirectMsgToLobby(RsChatMsgItem*) ; void handleConnectionChallenge(RsChatLobbyConnectChallengeItem *item) ; void sendConnectionChallenge(ChatLobbyId id) ; void handleFriendUnsubscribeLobby(RsChatLobbyUnsubscribeItem*) ; void cleanLobbyCaches() ; bool bounceLobbyObject(RsChatLobbyBouncingObject *obj, const RsPeerId& peer_id) ; void sendLobbyStatusItem(const ChatLobbyId&, int type, const std::string& status_string) ; void sendLobbyStatusPeerLiving(const ChatLobbyId& lobby_id) ; void sendLobbyStatusPeerChangedNickname(const ChatLobbyId& lobby_id, const std::string& newnick) ; void sendLobbyStatusNewPeer(const ChatLobbyId& lobby_id) ; void sendLobbyStatusKeepAlive(const ChatLobbyId&) ; bool locked_initLobbyBouncableObject(const ChatLobbyId& id,RsChatLobbyBouncingObject&) ; static ChatLobbyVirtualPeerId makeVirtualPeerId(ChatLobbyId) ; static uint64_t makeConnexionChallengeCode(const RsPeerId& peer_id,ChatLobbyId lobby_id,ChatLobbyMsgId msg_id) ; void locked_printDebugInfo() const ; RsChatAvatarItem *makeOwnAvatarItem() ; RsChatStatusItem *makeOwnCustomStateStringItem() ; p3ServiceControl *mServiceCtrl; p3LinkMgr *mLinkMgr; p3HistoryMgr *mHistoryMgr; std::list publicList; std::list privateIncomingList; std::list privateOutgoingList; AvatarInfo *_own_avatar ; std::map _avatars ; std::map _pendingPartialMessages ; std::map > _pendingPartialLobbyMessages ; // should be used for all chat msgs after version updgrade std::string _custom_status_string ; std::map _state_strings ; class ChatLobbyEntry: public ChatLobbyInfo { public: std::map msg_cache ; RsPeerId virtual_peer_id ; int connexion_challenge_count ; time_t last_connexion_challenge_time ; time_t last_keep_alive_packet_time ; std::set previously_known_peers ; uint32_t flags ; }; std::map _chat_lobbys ; std::map _lobby_invites_queue ; std::map _visible_lobbies ; std::map _lobby_ids ; std::map _known_lobbies_flags ; // flags for all lobbies, including the ones that are not known. So we can't // store them in _chat_lobbies (subscribed lobbies) nor _visible_lobbies. // Known flags: // RS_CHAT_LOBBY_FLAGS_AUTO_SUBSCRIBE std::string _default_nick_name ; float _time_shift_average ; time_t last_lobby_challenge_time ; // prevents bruteforce attack time_t last_visible_lobby_info_request_time ; // allows to ask for updates bool _should_reset_lobby_counts ; RsChatSerialiser *_serializer ; // ===========================================================// // Members related to anonymous distant chat. // // ===========================================================// public: virtual void connectToTurtleRouter(p3turtle *) ; // Creates the invite if the public key of the distant peer is available. // Om success, stores the invite in the map above, so that we can respond to tunnel requests. // bool initiateDistantChatConnexion(const RsGxsId& gxs_id,DistantChatPeerId& pid,uint32_t& error_code) ; bool closeDistantChatConnexion(const DistantChatPeerId& pid) ; virtual bool getDistantChatStatus(const DistantChatPeerId& hash,RsGxsId& gxs_id,uint32_t& status) ; private: struct DistantChatPeerInfo { time_t last_contact ; // used to send keep alive packets unsigned char aes_key[16] ; // key to encrypt packets uint32_t status ; // info: do we have a tunnel ? RsPeerId virtual_peer_id; // given by the turtle router. Identifies the tunnel. RsGxsId gxs_id ; // pgp id of the peer we're talking to. RsTurtleGenericTunnelItem::Direction direction ; // specifiec wether we are client(managing the tunnel) or server. }; // This maps contains the current peers to talk to with distant chat. // std::map _distant_chat_peers ; // List of items to be sent asap. Used to store items that we cannot pass directly to // sendTurtleData(), because of Mutex protection. std::list pendingDistantChatItems ; // Overloaded from RsTurtleClientService virtual bool handleTunnelRequest(const RsFileHash &hash,const RsPeerId& peer_id) ; virtual void receiveTurtleData(RsTurtleGenericTunnelItem *item,const RsFileHash& hash,const RsPeerId& virtual_peer_id,RsTurtleGenericTunnelItem::Direction direction) ; void addVirtualPeer(const TurtleFileHash&, const TurtleVirtualPeerId&,RsTurtleGenericTunnelItem::Direction dir) ; void removeVirtualPeer(const TurtleFileHash&, const TurtleVirtualPeerId&) ; void markDistantChatAsClosed(const TurtleVirtualPeerId& vpid) ; void startClientDistantChatConnection(const RsFileHash& hash,const RsGxsId& gxs_id,const unsigned char *aes_key_buf) ; bool getHashFromVirtualPeerId(const TurtleVirtualPeerId& pid,RsFileHash& hash) ; TurtleFileHash hashFromDistantChatPeerId(const DistantChatPeerId& pid) ; // Utility functions void sendTurtleData(RsChatItem *) ; void sendPrivateChatItem(RsChatItem *) ; static TurtleFileHash hashFromVirtualPeerId(const DistantChatPeerId& peerId) ; // converts IDs so that we can talk to RsPeerId from outside static DistantChatPeerId virtualPeerIdFromHash(const TurtleFileHash& hash ) ; // ... and to a hash for p3turtle p3turtle *mTurtle ; }; class p3ChatService::StateStringInfo { public: StateStringInfo() { _custom_status_string = "" ; // the custom status string of the peer _peer_is_new = false ; // true when the peer has a new avatar _own_is_new = false ; // true when I myself a new avatar to send to this peer. } std::string _custom_status_string ; int _peer_is_new ; // true when the peer has a new avatar int _own_is_new ; // true when I myself a new avatar to send to this peer. }; #endif // SERVICE_CHAT_HEADER