/* * libretroshare/src/ft: ftcontroller.cc * * File Transfer for RetroShare. * * Copyright 2008 by Robert Fernie. * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public * License Version 2 as published by the Free Software Foundation. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Library General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 * USA. * * Please report all bugs and problems to "retroshare@lunamutt.com". * */ /* * ftController * * Top level download controller. * * inherits configuration (save downloading files) * inherits pqiMonitor (knows which peers are online). * inherits CacheTransfer (transfers cache files too) * inherits RsThread (to control transfers) * */ #include "ft/ftcontroller.h" #include "ft/ftfilecreator.h" #include "ft/fttransfermodule.h" #include "ft/ftsearch.h" #include "ft/ftdatamultiplex.h" #include "util/rsdir.h" #include "pqi/p3connmgr.h" #define CONTROL_DEBUG 1 #warning CONFIG_FT_CONTROL Not defined in p3cfgmgr.h const uint32_t CONFIG_FT_CONTROL = 1; ftFileControl::ftFileControl() :mTransfer(NULL), mCreator(NULL), mState(0), mSize(0), mFlags(0) { return; } ftFileControl::ftFileControl(std::string fname, std::string tmppath, std::string dest, uint64_t size, std::string hash, uint32_t flags, ftFileCreator *fc, ftTransferModule *tm, uint32_t cb) :mName(fname), mCurrentPath(tmppath), mDestination(dest), mTransfer(tm), mCreator(fc), mState(0), mHash(hash), mSize(size), mFlags(0), mDoCallback(false), mCallbackCode(cb) { if (cb) mDoCallback = true; return; } ftController::ftController(CacheStrapper *cs, ftDataMultiplex *dm, std::string configDir) :CacheTransfer(cs), p3Config(CONFIG_FT_CONTROL), mDataplex(dm) { /* TODO */ } void ftController::setFtSearch(ftSearch *search) { mSearch = search; } void ftController::run() { /* check the queues */ while(1) { #ifdef WIN32 Sleep(1000); #else sleep(1); #endif #ifdef CONTROL_DEBUG //std::cerr << "ftController::run()"; //std::cerr << std::endl; #endif /* tick the transferModules */ std::list done; std::list::iterator it; { RsStackMutex stack(ctrlMutex); /******* LOCKED ********/ std::map::iterator it; for(it = mDownloads.begin(); it != mDownloads.end(); it++) { std::cerr << "\tTicking: " << it->first; std::cerr << std::endl; if (it->second.mTransfer) (it->second.mTransfer)->tick(); } } RsStackMutex stack2(doneMutex); for(it = mDone.begin(); it != mDone.end(); it++) { completeFile(*it); } mDone.clear(); } } /* Called every 10 seconds or so */ void ftController::checkDownloadQueue() { /* */ } bool ftController::FlagFileComplete(std::string hash) { RsStackMutex stack2(doneMutex); mDone.push_back(hash); std::cerr << "ftController:FlagFileComplete(" << hash << ")"; std::cerr << std::endl; return true; } bool ftController::completeFile(std::string hash) { RsStackMutex stack(ctrlMutex); /******* LOCKED ********/ std::cerr << "ftController:completeFile(" << hash << ")"; std::cerr << std::endl; std::map::iterator it; it = mDownloads.find(hash); if (it == mDownloads.end()) { std::cerr << "ftController:completeFile(" << hash << ")"; std::cerr << " Not Found!"; std::cerr << std::endl; return false; } /* check if finished */ if (!(it->second).mCreator->finished()) { /* not done! */ std::cerr << "ftController:completeFile(" << hash << ")"; std::cerr << " Transfer Not Done"; std::cerr << std::endl; std::cerr << "FileSize: "; std::cerr << (it->second).mCreator->getFileSize(); std::cerr << " and Recvd: "; std::cerr << (it->second).mCreator->getRecvd(); return false; } ftFileControl *fc = &(it->second); /* done - cleanup */ mDataplex->removeTransferModule(fc->mTransfer->hash()); if (fc->mTransfer) { delete fc->mTransfer; fc->mTransfer = NULL; } if (fc->mCreator) { delete fc->mCreator; fc->mCreator = NULL; } fc->mState = ftFileControl::COMPLETED; /* Move to Correct Location */ if (0 == rename(fc->mCurrentPath.c_str(), fc->mDestination.c_str())) { /* correct the file_name */ fc->mCurrentPath = fc->mDestination; } else { fc->mState = ftFileControl::ERROR_COMPLETION; } /* If it has a callback - do it now */ if (fc->mDoCallback) { switch (fc->mCallbackCode) { case CB_CODE_CACHE: /* callback */ if (fc->mState == ftFileControl::COMPLETED) { CompletedCache(fc->mHash); } else { FailedCache(fc->mHash); } break; case CB_CODE_MEDIA: break; } } /* switch map */ mCompleted[fc->mHash] = *fc; mDownloads.erase(it); return true; } /***************************************************************/ /********************** Controller Access **********************/ /***************************************************************/ bool ftController::FileRequest(std::string fname, std::string hash, uint64_t size, std::string dest, uint32_t flags, std::list &srcIds) { /* check if we have the file */ FileInfo info; std::list::iterator it; std::list::iterator pit; #ifdef CONTROL_DEBUG std::cerr << "ftController::FileRequest(" << fname << ","; std::cerr << hash << "," << size << "," << dest << ","; std::cerr << flags << ",<"; for(it = srcIds.begin(); it != srcIds.end(); it++) { std::cerr << *it << ","; } std::cerr << ">)"; std::cerr << std::endl; #endif bool doCallback = false; uint32_t callbackCode = 0; if (flags & RS_FILE_HINTS_NO_SEARCH) { #ifdef CONTROL_DEBUG std::cerr << "ftController::FileRequest() Flags for NO_SEARCH "; std::cerr << std::endl; #endif /* no search */ if (flags & RS_FILE_HINTS_CACHE) { doCallback = true; callbackCode = CB_CODE_CACHE; } } else { if (mSearch->search(hash, size, RS_FILE_HINTS_LOCAL | RS_FILE_HINTS_EXTRA | RS_FILE_HINTS_SPEC_ONLY, info)) { /* have it already */ /* add in as completed transfer */ #ifdef CONTROL_DEBUG std::cerr << "ftController::FileRequest() Matches Local File"; std::cerr << std::endl; std::cerr << "\tNo need to download"; std::cerr << std::endl; #endif return true; } /* do a source search - for any extra sources */ if (mSearch->search(hash, size, RS_FILE_HINTS_REMOTE | RS_FILE_HINTS_SPEC_ONLY, info)) { /* do something with results */ #ifdef CONTROL_DEBUG std::cerr << "ftController::FileRequest() Found Other Sources"; std::cerr << std::endl; #endif /* if the sources don't exist already - add in */ for(pit = info.peers.begin(); pit != info.peers.end(); pit++) { std::cerr << "\tSource: " << pit->peerId; std::cerr << std::endl; if (srcIds.end() == std::find( srcIds.begin(), srcIds.end(), pit->peerId)) { srcIds.push_back(pit->peerId); std::cerr << "\tAdding in: " << pit->peerId; std::cerr << std::endl; } } } if (flags & RS_FILE_HINTS_MEDIA) { doCallback = true; callbackCode = CB_CODE_MEDIA; } } //std::map mTransfers; //std::map mFileCreators; /* add in new item for download */ std::string savepath = mPartialsPath + "/" + hash; std::string destination = dest + "/" + fname; /* if no destpath - send to download directory */ if (dest == "") { destination = mDownloadPath + "/" + fname; } ftFileCreator *fc = new ftFileCreator(savepath, size, hash, 0); ftTransferModule *tm = new ftTransferModule(fc, mDataplex,this); /* add into maps */ ftFileControl ftfc(fname, savepath, destination, size, hash, flags, fc, tm, callbackCode); /* add to ClientModule */ mDataplex->addTransferModule(tm, fc); /* now add source peers (and their current state) */ tm->setFileSources(srcIds); /* get current state for transfer module */ std::string ownId = mConnMgr->getOwnId(); for(it = srcIds.begin(); it != srcIds.end(); it++) { if (*it == ownId) { #ifdef CONTROL_DEBUG std::cerr << "ftController::FileRequest()"; std::cerr << *it << " is Self - set high rate"; std::cerr << std::endl; #endif //tm->setPeerState(*it, RS_FILE_RATE_FAST | // RS_FILE_PEER_ONLINE, 100000); tm->setPeerState(*it, PQIPEER_IDLE, 10000); } else if (mConnMgr->isOnline(*it)) { #ifdef CONTROL_DEBUG std::cerr << "ftController::FileRequest()"; std::cerr << *it << " is Online"; std::cerr << std::endl; #endif //tm->setPeerState(*it, RS_FILE_RATE_TRICKLE | // RS_FILE_PEER_ONLINE, 10000); tm->setPeerState(*it, PQIPEER_IDLE, 10000); } else { #ifdef CONTROL_DEBUG std::cerr << "ftController::FileRequest()"; std::cerr << *it << " is Offline"; std::cerr << std::endl; #endif //tm->setPeerState(*it, RS_FILE_PEER_OFFLINE, 10000); tm->setPeerState(*it, PQIPEER_NOT_ONLINE, 10000); } } /* only need to lock before to fiddle with own variables */ RsStackMutex stack(ctrlMutex); /******* LOCKED ********/ mDownloads[hash] = ftfc; mSlowQueue.push_back(hash); return true; } bool ftController::FileCancel(std::string hash) { #ifdef CONTROL_DEBUG std::cerr << "ftController::FileCancel" << std::endl; #endif /*check if the file in the download map*/ std::map::iterator mit; mit=mDownloads.find(hash); if (mit==mDownloads.end()) { #ifdef CONTROL_DEBUG std::cerr<<"ftController::FileCancel file is not found in mDownloads"<second).mTransfer; ft->cancelTransfer(); return true; } bool ftController::FileControl(std::string hash, uint32_t flags) { #ifdef CONTROL_DEBUG std::cerr << "ftController::FileControl(" << hash << ","; std::cerr << flags << ")"<::iterator mit; mit=mDownloads.find(hash); if (mit==mDownloads.end()) { #ifdef CONTROL_DEBUG std::cerr<<"ftController::FileControl file is not found in mDownloads"<second).mTransfer; switch (flags) { case RS_FILE_CTRL_PAUSE: ft->pauseTransfer(); break; case RS_FILE_CTRL_START: ft->resumeTransfer(); break; default: return false; } return true; } bool ftController::FileClearCompleted() { return false; } /* get Details of File Transfers */ bool ftController::FileDownloads(std::list &hashs) { RsStackMutex stack(ctrlMutex); /******* LOCKED ********/ std::map::iterator it; for(it = mDownloads.begin(); it != mDownloads.end(); it++) { hashs.push_back(it->second.mHash); } return true; } /* Directory Handling */ bool ftController::setDownloadDirectory(std::string path) { #ifdef CONTROL_DEBUG std::cerr << "ftController::setDownloadDirectory(" << path << ")"; std::cerr << std::endl; #endif /* check if it exists */ if (RsDirUtil::checkCreateDirectory(path)) { RsStackMutex stack(ctrlMutex); /******* LOCKED ********/ mDownloadPath = path; #ifdef CONTROL_DEBUG std::cerr << "ftController::setDownloadDirectory() Okay!"; std::cerr << std::endl; #endif return true; } #ifdef CONTROL_DEBUG std::cerr << "ftController::setDownloadDirectory() Failed"; std::cerr << std::endl; #endif return false; } bool ftController::setPartialsDirectory(std::string path) { /* check it is not a subdir of download / shared directories (BAD) - TODO */ /* check if it exists */ if (RsDirUtil::checkCreateDirectory(path)) { RsStackMutex stack(ctrlMutex); /******* LOCKED ********/ mPartialsPath = path; #if 0 /*** FIX ME !!!**************/ /* move all existing files! */ std::map::iterator it; for(it = mDownloads.begin(); it != mDownloads.end(); it++) { (it->second).mCreator->changePartialDirectory(mPartialPath); } #endif return true; } return false; } std::string ftController::getDownloadDirectory() { RsStackMutex stack(ctrlMutex); /******* LOCKED ********/ return mDownloadPath; } std::string ftController::getPartialsDirectory() { RsStackMutex stack(ctrlMutex); /******* LOCKED ********/ return mPartialsPath; } bool ftController::FileDetails(std::string hash, FileInfo &info) { RsStackMutex stack(ctrlMutex); /******* LOCKED ********/ std::map::iterator it; it = mDownloads.find(hash); if (it == mDownloads.end()) { return false; } /* extract details */ info.hash = hash; info.fname = it->second.mName; /* get list of sources from transferModule */ std::list peerIds; std::list::iterator pit; it->second.mTransfer->getFileSources(peerIds); double totalRate; uint32_t tfRate; uint32_t state; bool isDownloading = false; bool isSuspended = false; for(pit = peerIds.begin(); pit != peerIds.end(); pit++) { if (it->second.mTransfer->getPeerState(*pit, state, tfRate)) { TransferInfo ti; switch(state) { case PQIPEER_INIT: ti.status = FT_STATE_OKAY; break; case PQIPEER_NOT_ONLINE: ti.status = FT_STATE_WAITING; break; case PQIPEER_DOWNLOADING: isDownloading = true; ti.status = FT_STATE_DOWNLOADING; break; case PQIPEER_IDLE: ti.status = FT_STATE_OKAY; break; default: case PQIPEER_SUSPEND: isSuspended = true; ti.status = FT_STATE_FAILED; break; } ti.tfRate = tfRate / 1024.0; ti.peerId = *pit; info.peers.push_back(ti); totalRate += tfRate / 1024.0; } } if ((it->second).mCreator->finished()) { info.downloadStatus = FT_STATE_COMPLETE; } else if (isDownloading) { info.downloadStatus = FT_STATE_DOWNLOADING; } else if (isSuspended) { info.downloadStatus = FT_STATE_FAILED; } else { info.downloadStatus = FT_STATE_WAITING; } info.tfRate = totalRate; info.size = (it->second).mSize; info.transfered = (it->second).mCreator->getRecvd(); return true; } /***************************************************************/ /********************** Controller Access **********************/ /***************************************************************/ /* pqiMonitor callback: * Used to tell TransferModules new available peers */ void ftController::statusChange(const std::list &plist) { #if 0 /*** FIX ME !!!**************/ RsStackMutex stack(ctrlMutex); /******* LOCKED ********/ /* add online to all downloads */ std::map::iterator it; std::list::const_iterator pit; for(it = mDownloads.begin(); it != mDownloads.end(); it++) { for(pit = plist.begin(); pit != plist.end(); pit++) { if (pit->actions | RS_PEER_CONNECTED) { ((it->second).mTransfer)->setPeer(RS_FILE_PEER_ONLINE | RS_FILE_RATE_TRICKLE); } else if (pit->actions | RS_PEER_DISCONNECTED) { ((it->second).mTransfer)->setPeer(RS_FILE_PEER_OFFLINE); } } } /* modify my list of peers */ for(pit = plist.begin(); pit != plist.end(); pit++) { if (pit->actions | RS_PEER_CONNECTED) { /* add in */ ((it->second).mTransfer)->setPeer(RS_FILE_PEER_ONLINE | RS_FILE_RATE_TRICKLE); } else if (pit->actions | RS_PEER_DISCONNECTED) { ((it->second).mTransfer)->setPeer(RS_FILE_PEER_OFFLINE); } } #endif } /* p3Config Interface */ RsSerialiser *ftController::setupSerialiser() { return NULL; } std::list ftController::saveList(bool &cleanup) { std::list emptyList; return emptyList; } bool ftController::loadList(std::list load) { return false; } /* Cache Interface */ bool ftController::RequestCacheFile(RsPeerId id, std::string path, std::string hash, uint64_t size) { #ifdef CONTROL_DEBUG std::cerr << "ftController::RequestCacheFile(" << id << ","; std::cerr << path << "," << hash << "," << size << ")"; std::cerr << std::endl; #endif /* Request File */ std::list ids; ids.push_back(id); FileRequest(hash, hash, size, path, RS_FILE_HINTS_CACHE | RS_FILE_HINTS_NO_SEARCH, ids); return true; } bool ftController::CancelCacheFile(RsPeerId id, std::string path, std::string hash, uint64_t size) { #ifdef CONTROL_DEBUG std::cerr << "ftController::CancelCacheFile(" << id << ","; std::cerr << path << "," << hash << "," << size << ")"; std::cerr << std::endl; #endif return true; }