/******************************************************************************* * plugins/VOIP/gui/AudioInputConfig.h * * * * Copyright (C) 2008, Andreas Messer * * Copyright (C) 2005-2010 Thorvald Natvig * * Copyright (C) 2012 by Retroshare Team * * * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as * * published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the * * License, or (at your option) any later version. * * * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * * GNU Affero General Public License for more details. * * * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License * * along with this program. If not, see . * * * *******************************************************************************/ #include "AudioStats.h" #include "VOIPConfigPanel.h" #include "audiodevicehelper.h" #include "AudioWizard.h" #include "gui/VideoProcessor.h" #include "gui/VideoProcessor.h" #include "util/misc.h" #include "util/RsProtectedTimer.h" #include #define iroundf(x) ( static_cast(x) ) class voipGraphSource: public RSGraphSource { public: voipGraphSource() : video_input(NULL) {} void setVideoInput(const QVideoInputDevice *vid) { video_input = vid ; } virtual QString displayName(int) const { return tr("Required bandwidth") ;} virtual QString displayValue(float v) const { if(v < 1000) return QString::number(v,10,2) + " B/s" ; else if(v < 1000*1024) return QString::number(v/1024,10,2) + " KB/s" ; else return QString::number(v/(1024*1024),10,2) + " MB/s" ; } virtual void getValues(std::map& vals) const { vals.clear() ; if(video_input) vals[std::string("bw")] = video_input->currentBandwidth() ; } private: const QVideoInputDevice *video_input ; }; void voipGraph::setVoipSource(voipGraphSource *gs) { _src = gs ; RSGraphWidget::setSource(gs) ; } voipGraph::voipGraph(QWidget *parent) : RSGraphWidget(parent) { setFlags(RSGraphWidget::RSGRAPH_FLAGS_SHOW_LEGEND) ; setFlags(RSGraphWidget::RSGRAPH_FLAGS_PAINT_STYLE_PLAIN) ; _src = NULL ; } /** Constructor */ VOIPConfigPanel::VOIPConfigPanel(QWidget * parent, Qt::WindowFlags flags) : ConfigPage(parent, flags) { std::cerr << "Creating audioInputConfig object" << std::endl; /* Invoke the Qt Designer generated object setup routine */ ui.setupUi(this); loaded = false; inputAudioProcessor = NULL; inputAudioDevice = NULL; graph_source = nullptr; videoInput = nullptr; videoProcessor = nullptr; qtTick = NULL; ui.qcbTransmit->addItem(tr("Continuous"), RsVOIP::AudioTransmitContinous); ui.qcbTransmit->addItem(tr("Voice Activity"), RsVOIP::AudioTransmitVAD); ui.qcbTransmit->addItem(tr("Push To Talk"), RsVOIP::AudioTransmitPushToTalk); ui.abSpeech->qcBelow = Qt::red; ui.abSpeech->qcInside = Qt::yellow; ui.abSpeech->qcAbove = Qt::green; QList input_devices; QVideoInputDevice::getAvailableDevices(input_devices); ui.inputDevice_CB->clear(); ui.inputDevice_CB->addItem(tr("[No video]"),QString("")); for(auto& s:input_devices) ui.inputDevice_CB->addItem(s,QVariant(s)); if(!input_devices.empty()) whileBlocking(ui.inputDevice_CB)->setCurrentIndex(1); // select default cam connect( ui.qsTransmitHold, SIGNAL( valueChanged ( int ) ), this, SLOT( on_qsTransmitHold_valueChanged(int) ) ); connect( ui.qsNoise, SIGNAL( valueChanged ( int ) ), this, SLOT( on_qsNoise_valueChanged(int) ) ); connect( ui.qsAmp, SIGNAL( valueChanged ( int ) ), this, SLOT( on_qsAmp_valueChanged(int) ) ); connect( ui.qcbTransmit, SIGNAL( currentIndexChanged ( int ) ), this, SLOT( on_qcbTransmit_currentIndexChanged(int) ) ); connect( ui.inputDevice_CB, SIGNAL( currentIndexChanged ( int ) ), this, SLOT( on_changedCurrentInputDevice(int) ) ); } void VOIPConfigPanel::showEvent(QShowEvent *) { std::cerr << "Creating the audio pipeline" << std::endl; inputAudioProcessor = new QtSpeex::SpeexInputProcessor(); inputAudioProcessor->open(QIODevice::WriteOnly | QIODevice::Unbuffered); inputAudioDevice = AudioDeviceHelper::getPreferedInputDevice(); inputAudioDevice->start(inputAudioProcessor); connect(inputAudioProcessor, SIGNAL(networkPacketReady()), this, SLOT(emptyBuffer())); std::cerr << "Creating the video pipeline" << std::endl; // Create the video pipeline. // videoInput = new QVideoInputDevice(this) ; videoProcessor = new VideoProcessor() ; videoProcessor->setDisplayTarget(NULL) ; videoProcessor->setMaximumBandwidth(ui.availableBW_SB->value()) ; videoInput->setVideoProcessor(videoProcessor) ; graph_source = new voipGraphSource ; ui.voipBwGraph->setSource(graph_source); graph_source->setVideoInput(videoInput) ; graph_source->setCollectionTimeLimit(1000*300) ; graph_source->start() ; if(ui.showEncoded_CB->isChecked()) { videoInput->setEchoVideoTarget(nullptr) ; videoProcessor->setDisplayTarget(ui.videoDisplay) ; } else { videoInput->setEchoVideoTarget(ui.videoDisplay) ; videoProcessor->setDisplayTarget(nullptr); } QObject::connect(ui.showEncoded_CB,SIGNAL(toggled(bool)),this,SLOT(togglePreview(bool))) ; QObject::connect(ui.availableBW_SB,SIGNAL(valueChanged(double)),this,SLOT(updateAvailableBW(double))) ; loadSettings(); qtTick = new RsProtectedTimer(this); connect( qtTick, SIGNAL( timeout ( ) ), this, SLOT( on_Tick_timeout() ) ); qtTick->start(20); videoInput->start(); } void VOIPConfigPanel::hideEvent(QHideEvent *) { std::cerr << "Deleting the video pipeline" << std::endl; clearPipeline(); } void VOIPConfigPanel::updateAvailableBW(double r) { std::cerr << "Setting max bandwidth to " << r << " KB/s" << std::endl; videoProcessor->setMaximumBandwidth((uint32_t)(r*1024)) ; } void VOIPConfigPanel::togglePreview(bool b) { if(b) { videoInput->setEchoVideoTarget(NULL) ; videoProcessor->setDisplayTarget(ui.videoDisplay) ; } else { videoProcessor->setDisplayTarget(NULL) ; videoInput->setEchoVideoTarget(ui.videoDisplay) ; } } VOIPConfigPanel::~VOIPConfigPanel() { clearPipeline(); } void VOIPConfigPanel::clearPipeline() { if (qtTick) { delete qtTick; qtTick = nullptr; } if (graph_source) { graph_source->stop() ; graph_source->setVideoInput(NULL) ; graph_source=nullptr; // is deleted by setSource below. This is a bad design. } ui.voipBwGraph->setSource(nullptr); std::cerr << "Deleting audioInputConfig object" << std::endl; if(videoInput != NULL) { videoInput->stop() ; delete videoInput ; videoInput = nullptr; } if (videoProcessor) { delete videoProcessor; videoProcessor = nullptr; } if (inputAudioDevice) { inputAudioDevice->stop(); delete inputAudioDevice ; inputAudioDevice = nullptr ; } if(inputAudioProcessor) { delete inputAudioProcessor ; inputAudioProcessor = nullptr ; } } void VOIPConfigPanel::load() { } /** Loads the settings for this page */ void VOIPConfigPanel::loadSettings() { ui.qcbTransmit->setCurrentIndex(rsVOIP->getVoipATransmit()); on_qcbTransmit_currentIndexChanged(rsVOIP->getVoipATransmit()); ui.qsTransmitHold->setValue(rsVOIP->getVoipVoiceHold()); on_qsTransmitHold_valueChanged(rsVOIP->getVoipVoiceHold()); ui.qsTransmitMin->setValue(rsVOIP->getVoipfVADmin()); ui.qsTransmitMax->setValue(rsVOIP->getVoipfVADmax()); ui.qcbEchoCancel->setChecked(rsVOIP->getVoipEchoCancel()); if (rsVOIP->getVoipiNoiseSuppress() != 0) ui.qsNoise->setValue(-rsVOIP->getVoipiNoiseSuppress()); else ui.qsNoise->setValue(14); on_qsNoise_valueChanged(-rsVOIP->getVoipiNoiseSuppress()); ui.qsAmp->setValue(20000 - rsVOIP->getVoipiMinLoudness()); on_qsAmp_valueChanged(20000 - rsVOIP->getVoipiMinLoudness()); loaded = true; } bool VOIPConfigPanel::save(QString &/*errmsg*/) { //mainly useless beacause saving occurs in realtime //s.iQuality = qsQuality->value(); rsVOIP->setVoipiNoiseSuppress((ui.qsNoise->value() == 14) ? 0 : - ui.qsNoise->value()); rsVOIP->setVoipiMinLoudness(20000 - ui.qsAmp->value()); rsVOIP->setVoipVoiceHold(ui.qsTransmitHold->value()); rsVOIP->setVoipfVADmin(ui.qsTransmitMin->value()); rsVOIP->setVoipfVADmax(ui.qsTransmitMax->value()); /*s.uiDoublePush = qsDoublePush->value() * 1000;*/ rsVOIP->setVoipATransmit(static_cast(ui.qcbTransmit->currentIndex() )); rsVOIP->setVoipEchoCancel(ui.qcbEchoCancel->isChecked()); return true; } void VOIPConfigPanel::on_qsTransmitHold_valueChanged(int v) { float val = static_cast(v * FRAME_SIZE); val = val / SAMPLING_RATE; ui.qlTransmitHold->setText(tr("%1 s").arg(val, 0, 'f', 2)); rsVOIP->setVoipVoiceHold(v); } void VOIPConfigPanel::on_qsNoise_valueChanged(int v) { QPalette pal; if (v < 15) { ui.qlNoise->setText(tr("Off")); pal.setColor(ui.qlNoise->foregroundRole(), Qt::red); } else { ui.qlNoise->setText(tr("-%1 dB").arg(v)); } ui.qlNoise->setPalette(pal); rsVOIP->setVoipiNoiseSuppress(- ui.qsNoise->value()); } void VOIPConfigPanel::on_qsAmp_valueChanged(int v) { v = 20000 - v; float d = 20000.0f/static_cast(v); ui.qlAmp->setText(QString::fromLatin1("%1").arg(d, 0, 'f', 2)); rsVOIP->setVoipiMinLoudness(20000 - ui.qsAmp->value()); } void VOIPConfigPanel::on_qcbEchoCancel_clicked() { rsVOIP->setVoipEchoCancel(ui.qcbEchoCancel->isChecked()); } void VOIPConfigPanel::on_qcbTransmit_currentIndexChanged(int v) { switch (v) { case 0: ui.qswTransmit->setCurrentWidget(ui.qwContinuous); break; case 1: ui.qswTransmit->setCurrentWidget(ui.qwVAD); break; case 2: ui.qswTransmit->setCurrentWidget(ui.qwPTT); break; } if (loaded) rsVOIP->setVoipATransmit(static_cast(ui.qcbTransmit->currentIndex() )); } void VOIPConfigPanel::on_Tick_timeout() { // update the sound capture bar ui.abSpeech->iBelow = ui.qsTransmitMin->value(); ui.abSpeech->iAbove = ui.qsTransmitMax->value(); if (loaded) { rsVOIP->setVoipfVADmin(ui.qsTransmitMin->value()); rsVOIP->setVoipfVADmax(ui.qsTransmitMax->value()); } ui.abSpeech->iValue = iroundf(inputAudioProcessor->dVoiceAcivityLevel * 32767.0f + 0.5f); ui.abSpeech->update(); // also transmit encoded video RsVOIPDataChunk chunk ; while((!videoInput->stopped()) && videoInput->getNextEncodedPacket(chunk)) { videoProcessor->receiveEncodedData(chunk) ; chunk.clear() ; } } void VOIPConfigPanel::emptyBuffer() { while(inputAudioProcessor->hasPendingPackets()) { inputAudioProcessor->getNetworkPacket(); //that will purge the buffer } } void VOIPConfigPanel::on_qpbAudioWizard_clicked() { AudioWizard aw(this); aw.exec(); loadSettings(); } void VOIPConfigPanel::on_changedCurrentInputDevice(int i) { QString s = dynamic_cast(sender())->itemData(i).toString(); videoInput->stop(); // check that the camera still exists QList input_devices; QVideoInputDevice::getAvailableDevices(input_devices); for(const QString& cams:input_devices) if(s == cams) { std::cerr << "Switching to camera \"" << s.toStdString() << "\"" << std::endl; videoInput->start(s); return; } // if not, re-create the ComboBox checkAvailableCameras(); } void VOIPConfigPanel::checkAvailableCameras() { // save current camera QString current_cam = videoInput->currentCameraDescriptionString(); // Check that the list of cams we had previously is the same than the list of available camera. QList input_devices; QVideoInputDevice::getAvailableDevices(input_devices); bool same = true; if(input_devices.size() != ui.inputDevice_CB->count()) same = false; if(same) { int n=0; for(auto& s:input_devices) { if(ui.inputDevice_CB->itemData(n).toString() != s) { same = false; break; } n++; } } // If not, re-add them to the comboBox and make sure to re-select the same camera. if(!same) { whileBlocking(ui.inputDevice_CB)->clear(); // remove existing entries whileBlocking(ui.inputDevice_CB)->addItem(tr("[No video]"),QString("")); int n=0; int found_index = -1; for(auto& s:input_devices) { whileBlocking(ui.inputDevice_CB)->addItem(s,QVariant(s)); if(s == current_cam) found_index = n; n++; } if(found_index >= 0) ui.inputDevice_CB->setCurrentIndex(found_index); else ui.inputDevice_CB->setCurrentIndex(0); // no video } }