/* * Retroshare Gxs Feed Item * * Copyright 2012-2013 by Robert Fernie. * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public * License Version 2.1 as published by the Free Software Foundation. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Library General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 * USA. * * Please report all bugs and problems to "retroshare@lunamutt.com". * */ #include #include #include "rshare.h" #include "GxsChannelPostItem.h" #include "ui_GxsChannelPostItem.h" #include "FeedHolder.h" #include "SubFileItem.h" //#include "gui/notifyqt.h" #include "util/misc.h" #include "gui/RetroShareLink.h" #include "util/HandleRichText.h" #include "util/DateTime.h" #include /**** * #define DEBUG_ITEM 1 ****/ #define COLOR_NORMAL QColor(248, 248, 248) #define COLOR_NEW QColor(220, 236, 253) #define SELF_LOAD 1 #define DATA_PROVIDED 2 GxsChannelPostItem::GxsChannelPostItem(FeedHolder *parent, uint32_t feedId, const RsGxsGroupId &groupId, const RsGxsMessageId &messageId, bool isHome, bool autoUpdate) : GxsFeedItem(parent, feedId, groupId, messageId, isHome, rsGxsChannels, true, autoUpdate) { mMode = SELF_LOAD; setup(); } /** Constructor */ GxsChannelPostItem::GxsChannelPostItem(FeedHolder *parent, uint32_t feedId, const RsGxsChannelPost &post, uint32_t subFlags, bool isHome, bool autoUpdate) : GxsFeedItem(parent, feedId, post.mMeta.mGroupId, post.mMeta.mMsgId, isHome, rsGxsChannels, false, autoUpdate) { std::cerr << "GxsChannelPostItem::GxsChannelPostItem() Direct Load"; std::cerr << std::endl; mMode = DATA_PROVIDED; mGroupMeta.mSubscribeFlags = subFlags; mInUpdateItemStatic = false; setup(); // is it because we are in the constructor? loadPost(post); } bool GxsChannelPostItem::setPost(const RsGxsChannelPost &post) { if (groupId() != post.mMeta.mGroupId || messageId() != post.mMeta.mMsgId) { std::cerr << "GxsChannelPostItem::setPost() - Wrong id, cannot set post"; std::cerr << std::endl; return false; } loadPost(post); return true; } GxsChannelPostItem::~GxsChannelPostItem() { delete(ui); } void GxsChannelPostItem::setup() { /* Invoke the Qt Designer generated object setup routine */ ui = new Ui::GxsChannelPostItem; ui->setupUi(this); setAttribute ( Qt::WA_DeleteOnClose, true ); mInUpdateItemStatic = false; /* general ones */ connect(ui->expandButton, SIGNAL(clicked(void)), this, SLOT(toggle(void))); connect(ui->clearButton, SIGNAL(clicked(void)), this, SLOT(removeItem(void))); /* specific */ connect(ui->readAndClearButton, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(readAndClearItem())); connect(ui->unsubscribeButton, SIGNAL(clicked(void)), this, SLOT(unsubscribeChannel(void))); connect(ui->downloadButton, SIGNAL(clicked(void)), this, SLOT(download(void))); // HACK FOR NOW. connect(ui->commentButton, SIGNAL(clicked(void)), this, SLOT(loadComments(void))); connect(ui->playButton, SIGNAL(clicked(void)), this, SLOT( play(void))); connect(ui->copyLinkButton, SIGNAL(clicked(void)), this, SLOT(copyLink(void))); connect(ui->readButton, SIGNAL(toggled(bool)), this, SLOT(readToggled(bool))); //connect(NotifyQt::getInstance(), SIGNAL(channelMsgReadSatusChanged(QString,QString,int)), this, SLOT(channelMsgReadSatusChanged(QString,QString,int)), Qt::QueuedConnection); //connect(ui-> voteUpButton, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(makeUpVote())); //connect(ui->voteDownButton, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(makeDownVote())); ui->downloadButton->hide(); ui->playButton->hide(); ui->warn_image_label->hide(); ui->warning_label->hide(); ui->titleLabel->setMinimumWidth(100); ui->subjectLabel->setMinimumWidth(100); ui->warning_label->setMinimumWidth(100); ui->frame->setProperty("state", ""); QPalette palette = ui->frame->palette(); palette.setColor(ui->frame->backgroundRole(), COLOR_NORMAL); ui->frame->setPalette(palette); ui->expandFrame->hide(); } void GxsChannelPostItem::loadComments() { QString title = QString::fromUtf8(mPost.mMeta.mMsgName.c_str()); comments(title); } void GxsChannelPostItem::loadMessage(const uint32_t &token) { std::cerr << "GxsChannelPostItem::loadMessage()"; std::cerr << std::endl; std::vector posts; if (!rsGxsChannels->getPostData(token, posts)) { std::cerr << "GxsChannelPostItem::loadMessage() ERROR getting data"; std::cerr << std::endl; return; } if (posts.size() != 1) { std::cerr << "GxsChannelPostItem::loadMessage() Wrong number of Items"; std::cerr << std::endl; return; } loadPost(posts[0]); updateItem(); } void GxsChannelPostItem::loadPost(const RsGxsChannelPost &post) { /* fill in */ #ifdef DEBUG_ITEM std::cerr << "GxsChannelPostItem::loadPost()"; std::cerr << std::endl; #endif mInUpdateItemStatic = true; mPost = post; QString title; if (!mIsHome) { title = tr("Channel Feed") + ": "; RetroShareLink link; link.createChannel(post.mMeta.mGroupId.toStdString(), ""); title += link.toHtml(); ui->titleLabel->setText(title); RetroShareLink msgLink; msgLink.createChannel(post.mMeta.mGroupId.toStdString(), post.mMeta.mMsgId.toStdString()); ui->subjectLabel->setText(msgLink.toHtml()); if (IS_GROUP_SUBSCRIBED(mSubscribeFlags) || IS_GROUP_ADMIN(mSubscribeFlags)) { ui->unsubscribeButton->setEnabled(true); } else { ui->unsubscribeButton->setEnabled(false); } ui->readButton->hide(); //newLabel->hide(); ui->copyLinkButton->hide(); } else { /* subject */ ui->titleLabel->setText(QString::fromUtf8(post.mMeta.mMsgName.c_str())); ui->subjectLabel->setText(RsHtml().formatText(NULL, QString::fromUtf8(post.mMsg.c_str()), RSHTML_FORMATTEXT_EMBED_SMILEYS | RSHTML_FORMATTEXT_EMBED_LINKS)); //QString score = QString::number(post.mTopScore); // scoreLabel->setText(score); /* disable buttons: deletion facility not enabled with cache services yet */ ui->clearButton->setEnabled(false); ui->unsubscribeButton->setEnabled(false); ui->clearButton->hide(); ui->readAndClearButton->hide(); ui->unsubscribeButton->hide(); ui->copyLinkButton->show(); if (IS_GROUP_SUBSCRIBED(mGroupMeta.mSubscribeFlags) || IS_GROUP_ADMIN(mGroupMeta.mSubscribeFlags)) { ui->readButton->setVisible(true); #if 0 uint32_t status = 0; rsChannels->getMessageStatus(mChanId, mMsgId, status); #endif if (IS_MSG_UNREAD(post.mMeta.mMsgStatus) || IS_MSG_NEW(post.mMeta.mMsgStatus)) { ui->readButton->setChecked(true); ui->readButton->setIcon(QIcon(":/images/message-state-unread.png")); } else { ui->readButton->setChecked(false); ui->readButton->setIcon(QIcon(":/images/message-state-read.png")); } bool newState; QColor color; if (!IS_MSG_UNREAD(post.mMeta.mMsgStatus)) { //newLabel->setVisible(false); newState = false; color = COLOR_NORMAL; } else { //newLabel->setVisible(true); newState = true; color = COLOR_NEW; } /* unpolish widget to clear the stylesheet's palette cache */ ui->frame->style()->unpolish(ui->frame); QPalette palette = ui->frame->palette(); palette.setColor(ui->frame->backgroundRole(), color); ui->frame->setPalette(palette); ui->frame->setProperty("new", newState); Rshare::refreshStyleSheet(ui->frame, false); } else { ui->readButton->setVisible(false); //ui->newLabel->setVisible(false); } } // differences between Feed or Top of Comment. if (mParent) { ui->commentButton->show(); // THIS CODE IS doesn't compile - disabling until fixed. #if 0 if (post.mComments) { QString commentText = QString::number(post.mComments); commentText += " "; commentText += tr("Comments"); ui->commentButton->setText(commentText); } else { ui->commentButton->setText(tr("Comment")); } #endif } else { ui->commentButton->hide(); } // disable voting buttons - if they have already voted. /*if (post.mMeta.mMsgStatus & GXS_SERV::GXS_MSG_STATUS_VOTE_MASK) { voteUpButton->setEnabled(false); voteDownButton->setEnabled(false); }*/ ui->msgLabel->setText(RsHtml().formatText(NULL, QString::fromUtf8(post.mMsg.c_str()), RSHTML_FORMATTEXT_EMBED_SMILEYS | RSHTML_FORMATTEXT_EMBED_LINKS)); ui->msgFrame->setVisible(!post.mMsg.empty()); ui->datetimelabel->setText(DateTime::formatLongDateTime(post.mMeta.mPublishTs)); ui->filelabel->setText(QString("(%1 %2) %3").arg(post.mCount).arg(tr("Files")).arg(misc::friendlyUnit(post.mSize))); if (mFileItems.empty() == false) { std::list::iterator it; for(it = mFileItems.begin(); it != mFileItems.end(); it++) { delete(*it); } mFileItems.clear(); } std::list::const_iterator it; for(it = post.mFiles.begin(); it != post.mFiles.end(); it++) { /* add file */ std::string path; SubFileItem *fi = new SubFileItem(it->mHash, it->mName, path, it->mSize, SFI_STATE_REMOTE | SFI_TYPE_CHANNEL, RsPeerId()); mFileItems.push_back(fi); /* check if the file is a media file */ if (!misc::isPreviewable(QFileInfo(QString::fromUtf8(it->mName.c_str())).suffix())) fi->mediatype(); QLayout *layout = ui->expandFrame->layout(); layout->addWidget(fi); } if(post.mThumbnail.mData != NULL) { QPixmap thumbnail; thumbnail.loadFromData(post.mThumbnail.mData, post.mThumbnail.mSize, "PNG"); // Wiping data - as its been passed to thumbnail. ui->logoLabel->setPixmap(thumbnail); } mInUpdateItemStatic = false; } void GxsChannelPostItem::setFileCleanUpWarning(uint32_t time_left) { int hours = (int)time_left/3600; int minutes = (time_left - hours*3600)%60; ui->warning_label->setText(tr("Warning! You have less than %1 hours and %2 minute before this file is deleted Consider saving it.").arg( QString::number(hours)).arg(QString::number(minutes))); QFont warnFont = ui->warning_label->font(); warnFont.setBold(true); ui->warning_label->setFont(warnFont); ui->warn_image_label->setVisible(true); ui->warning_label->setVisible(true); } void GxsChannelPostItem::updateItem() { /* fill in */ #ifdef DEBUG_ITEM std::cerr << "GxsChannelPostItem::updateItem()"; std::cerr << std::endl; #endif int msec_rate = 10000; int downloadCount = 0; int downloadStartable = 0; int playCount = 0; int playStartable = 0; bool startable; bool loopAgain = false; /* Very slow Tick to check when all files are downloaded */ std::list::iterator it; for(it = mFileItems.begin(); it != mFileItems.end(); it++) { SubFileItem *item = *it; if (item->isDownloadable(startable)) { downloadCount++; if (startable) { downloadStartable++; } } if (item->isPlayable(startable)) { playCount++; if (startable) { playStartable++; } } if (!item->done()) { /* loop again */ loopAgain = true; } } if (downloadCount) { ui->downloadButton->show(); if (downloadStartable) { ui->downloadButton->setEnabled(true); } else { ui->downloadButton->setEnabled(false); } } else { ui->downloadButton->hide(); } if (playCount) { /* one file is playable */ ui->playButton->show(); if (playStartable == 1) { ui->playButton->setEnabled(true); } else { ui->playButton->setEnabled(false); } } else { ui->playButton->hide(); } if (loopAgain) { QTimer::singleShot( msec_rate, this, SLOT(updateItem(void))); } // HACK TO DISPLAY COMMENT BUTTON FOR NOW. //downloadButton->show(); //downloadButton->setEnabled(true); } void GxsChannelPostItem::toggle() { if (mParent) { mParent->lockLayout(this, true); } if (ui->expandFrame->isHidden()) { ui->expandFrame->show(); ui->expandButton->setIcon(QIcon(QString(":/images/edit_remove24.png"))); ui->expandButton->setToolTip(tr("Hide")); readToggled(false); } else { ui->expandFrame->hide(); ui->expandButton->setIcon(QIcon(QString(":/images/edit_add24.png"))); ui->expandButton->setToolTip(tr("Expand")); } if (mParent) { mParent->lockLayout(this, false); } } /*********** SPECIFIC FUNCTIONS ***********************/ void GxsChannelPostItem::readAndClearItem() { #ifdef DEBUG_ITEM std::cerr << "GxsChannelPostItem::readAndClearItem()"; std::cerr << std::endl; #endif readToggled(false); removeItem(); } void GxsChannelPostItem::unsubscribeChannel() { #ifdef DEBUG_ITEM std::cerr << "GxsChannelPostItem::unsubscribeChannel()"; std::cerr << std::endl; #endif unsubscribe(); updateItemStatic(); } void GxsChannelPostItem::download() { std::list::iterator it; for(it = mFileItems.begin(); it != mFileItems.end(); it++) { (*it)->download(); } updateItem(); } void GxsChannelPostItem::play() { std::list::iterator it; for(it = mFileItems.begin(); it != mFileItems.end(); it++) { bool startable; if ((*it)->isPlayable(startable) && startable) { (*it)->play(); } } } void GxsChannelPostItem::readToggled(bool checked) { #if 0 if (mInUpdateItemStatic) { return; } /* set always as read ... */ uint32_t statusNew = CHANNEL_MSG_STATUS_READ; if (checked) { /* ... and as unread by user */ statusNew |= CHANNEL_MSG_STATUS_UNREAD_BY_USER; } else { /* ... and as read by user */ statusNew &= ~CHANNEL_MSG_STATUS_UNREAD_BY_USER; } if (!mIsHome) { disconnect( NotifyQt::getInstance(), SIGNAL(channelMsgReadSatusChanged(QString,QString,int)), this, SLOT(channelMsgReadSatusChanged(QString,QString,int))); } rsChannels->setMessageStatus(mChanId, mMsgId, statusNew, CHANNEL_MSG_STATUS_READ | CHANNEL_MSG_STATUS_UNREAD_BY_USER); if (!mIsHome) { connect( NotifyQt::getInstance(), SIGNAL(channelMsgReadSatusChanged(QString,QString,int)), this, SLOT(channelMsgReadSatusChanged(QString,QString,int)), Qt::QueuedConnection); } #endif } void GxsChannelPostItem::channelMsgReadSatusChanged(const QString& channelId, const QString& msgId, int status) { #if 0 if (channelId.toStdString() == mChanId && msgId.toStdString() == mMsgId) { if (!mIsHome) { if (status & CHANNEL_MSG_STATUS_READ) { close(); return; } } updateItemStatic(); } #endif } void GxsChannelPostItem::copyLink() { #if 0 if (mChanId.empty() || mMsgId.empty()) { return; } ChannelMsgInfo cmi; if (rsChannels->getChannelMessage(mChanId, mMsgId, cmi)) { RetroShareLink link; if (link.createChannel(cmi.channelId, cmi.msgId)) { QList urls; urls.push_back(link); RSLinkClipboard::copyLinks(urls); } } #endif } void GxsChannelPostItem::makeDownVote() { RsGxsGrpMsgIdPair msgId; msgId.first = mPost.mMeta.mGroupId; msgId.second = mPost.mMeta.mMsgId; ui->voteUpButton->setEnabled(false); ui->voteDownButton->setEnabled(false); emit vote(msgId, false); } void GxsChannelPostItem::makeUpVote() { RsGxsGrpMsgIdPair msgId; msgId.first = mPost.mMeta.mGroupId; msgId.second = mPost.mMeta.mMsgId; ui->voteUpButton->setEnabled(false); ui->voteDownButton->setEnabled(false); emit vote(msgId, true); }