/**************************************************************** * RetroShare GUI is distributed under the following license: * * Copyright (C) 2012 by Thunder * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, * Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. ****************************************************************/ #include #include #include "XMLWrapper.h" XMLWrapper::XMLWrapper() { mDocument = NULL; mCharEncodingHandler = xmlFindCharEncodingHandler ("UTF8"); if (!mCharEncodingHandler) { /* no encoding handler found */ std::cerr << "XMLWrapper::XMLWrapper - no encoding handler found" << std::endl; } } XMLWrapper::~XMLWrapper() { cleanup(); xmlCharEncCloseFunc(mCharEncodingHandler); } void XMLWrapper::cleanup() { if (mDocument) { xmlFreeDoc(mDocument); mDocument = NULL; } } bool XMLWrapper::convertToString(const xmlChar *xmlText, std::string &text) { bool result = false; xmlBufferPtr in = xmlBufferCreateStatic((void*) xmlText, xmlStrlen(xmlText)); xmlBufferPtr out = xmlBufferCreate(); int ret = xmlCharEncOutFunc(mCharEncodingHandler, out, in); if (ret >= 0) { result = true; text = (char*) xmlBufferContent(out); } xmlBufferFree(in); xmlBufferFree(out); return result; } bool XMLWrapper::convertFromString(const char *text, xmlChar *&xmlText) { bool result = false; xmlBufferPtr in = xmlBufferCreateStatic((void*) text, strlen(text)); xmlBufferPtr out = xmlBufferCreate(); int ret = xmlCharEncOutFunc(mCharEncodingHandler, out, in); if (ret >= 0) { result = true; xmlText = xmlBufferDetach(out); } xmlBufferFree(in); xmlBufferFree(out); return result; } xmlNodePtr XMLWrapper::getRootElement() { if (mDocument) { return xmlDocGetRootElement(mDocument); } return NULL; } bool XMLWrapper::readXML(const char *xml) { cleanup(); mDocument = xmlReadDoc((const xmlChar*) xml, "", NULL, XML_PARSE_NOERROR | XML_PARSE_NOWARNING/* | XML_PARSE_COMPACT | XML_PARSE_NOCDATA*/); if (mDocument) { return true; } return false; } bool XMLWrapper::getContent(xmlNodePtr node, std::string &content) { content.clear(); if (!node) { return false; } xmlChar *xmlContent = xmlNodeListGetString(mDocument, node, 1); if (!xmlContent) { return true; } bool result = convertToString(xmlContent, content); xmlFree(xmlContent); return result; } std::string XMLWrapper::nodeName(xmlNodePtr node) { std::string name; if (node) { convertToString(node->name, name); } return name; } std::string XMLWrapper::attrName(xmlAttrPtr attr) { std::string name; if (attr) { convertToString(attr->name, name); } return name; } xmlNodePtr XMLWrapper::findNode(xmlNodePtr node, const char *name, bool children) { if (node->name) { if (xmlStrcasecmp(node->name, (xmlChar*) name) == 0) { return node; } } xmlNodePtr nodeFound = NULL; if (children) { if (node->children) { nodeFound = findNode(node->children, name, children); if (nodeFound) { return nodeFound; } } } if (node->next) { nodeFound = findNode(node->next, name, children); if (nodeFound) { return nodeFound; } } return NULL; } bool XMLWrapper::getChildText(xmlNodePtr node, const char *childName, std::string &text) { if (node == NULL || node->children == NULL) { return false; } xmlNodePtr child = findNode(node->children, childName, true); if (!child) { return false; } if (child->type != XML_ELEMENT_NODE) { return false; } if (!child->children) { return false; } if (child->children->type != XML_TEXT_NODE) { return false; } if (child->children->content) { return convertToString(child->children->content, text); } return true; } std::string XMLWrapper::getAttr(xmlNodePtr node, xmlAttrPtr attr) { return getAttr(node, (const char*) attr->name); } std::string XMLWrapper::getAttr(xmlNodePtr node, const char *name) { if (!node || !name) { return ""; } std::string value; xmlChar *xmlValue = xmlGetProp(node, (const xmlChar*) name); if (xmlValue) { convertToString(xmlValue, value); xmlFree(xmlValue); } return value; } bool XMLWrapper::setAttr(xmlNodePtr node, const char *name, const char *value) { if (!node || !name) { return false; } xmlChar *xmlValue = NULL; if (!convertFromString(value, xmlValue)) { return false; } xmlAttrPtr xmlAttr = xmlSetProp (node, (const xmlChar*) name, xmlValue); xmlFree(xmlValue); return xmlAttr != NULL; }