/**************************************************************** * RetroShare is distributed under the following license: * * Copyright (C) 2006, 2007 crypton * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, * Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. ****************************************************************/ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #ifdef BLOGS #include "gui/unfinished/blogs/BlogsDialog.h" #endif #include #include #include "rshare.h" #include "MainWindow.h" #include "ui_MainWindow.h" #include "MessengerWindow.h" #include "NetworkDialog.h" #include "SearchDialog.h" #include "gui/FileTransfer/TransfersDialog.h" #include "MessagesDialog.h" #include "SharedFilesDialog.h" #include "PluginsPage.h" #include "NewsFeed.h" #include "ShareManager.h" #include "NetworkView.h" //#include "ForumsDialog.h" #include "FriendsDialog.h" #include "ChatLobbyWidget.h" #include "HelpDialog.h" #include "AboutDialog.h" //#include "ChannelFeed.h" #include "bwgraph/bwgraph.h" #include "help/browser/helpbrowser.h" #include "chat/ChatDialog.h" #include "RetroShareLink.h" #include "SoundManager.h" #include "notifyqt.h" #include "common/UserNotify.h" #include "gui/ServicePermissionDialog.h" #ifdef UNFINISHED #include "unfinished/ApplicationWindow.h" #endif #define GETSTARTED_GUI 1 #ifdef GETSTARTED_GUI #include "gui/GetStartedDialog.h" #endif #include "gui/FileTransfer/TurtleRouterDialog.h" #include "idle/idle.h" #include "statusbar/peerstatus.h" #include "statusbar/natstatus.h" #include "statusbar/ratesstatus.h" #include "statusbar/dhtstatus.h" #include "statusbar/hashingstatus.h" #include "statusbar/discstatus.h" #include "statusbar/OpModeStatus.h" #include "statusbar/SoundStatus.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include "gui/gxschannels/ChannelDialog.h" #include "gui/gxsforums/GxsForumsDialog.h" #include "gui/Identity/IdDialog.h" #include "gui/Circles/CirclesDialog.h" #include "gui/connect/ConnectFriendWizard.h" #include "util/rsguiversion.h" #include "settings/rsettingswin.h" #include "settings/rsharesettings.h" #include "common/StatusDefs.h" #include #include /**** * * #define USE_DHTWINDOW 1 * #define USE_BWCTRLWINDOW 1 * ****/ #define USE_DHTWINDOW 1 #define USE_BWCTRLWINDOW 1 #ifdef USE_DHTWINDOW #include "dht/DhtWindow.h" #endif #ifdef USE_BWCTRLWINDOW #include "bwctrl/BwCtrlWindow.h" #endif /* Images for toolbar icons */ //#define IMAGE_NETWORK2 ":/images/rs1.png" #define IMAGE_PEERS ":/images/groupchat.png" #define IMAGE_TRANSFERS ":/images/ktorrent32.png" #define IMAGE_FILES ":/images/fileshare32.png" #define IMAGE_CHANNELS ":/images/channels.png" #define IMAGE_FORUMS ":/images/konversation.png" #define IMAGE_PREFERENCES ":/images/kcmsystem24.png" #define IMAGE_CHAT ":/images/groupchat.png" #define IMAGE_RETROSHARE ":/images/logo/logo_16.png" #define IMAGE_ABOUT ":/images/informations_24x24.png" #define IMAGE_STATISTIC ":/images/utilities-system-monitor.png" #define IMAGE_MESSAGES ":/images/evolution.png" #define IMAGE_BWGRAPH ":/images/ksysguard.png" #define IMAGE_RSM32 ":/images/kdmconfig.png" #define IMAGE_RSM16 ":/images/rsmessenger16.png" #define IMAGE_CLOSE ":/images/close_normal.png" #define IMAGE_BLOCK ":/images/blockdevice.png" #define IMAGE_COLOR ":/images/highlight.png" #define IMAGE_GAMES ":/images/kgames.png" #define IMAGE_PHOTO ":/images/lphoto.png" #define IMAGE_ADDFRIEND ":/images/add-friend24.png" #define IMAGE_ADDSHARE ":/images/directoryadd_24x24_shadow.png" #define IMAGE_OPTIONS ":/images/settings.png" #define IMAGE_QUIT ":/images/exit_24x24.png" #define IMAGE_UNFINISHED ":/images/underconstruction.png" #define IMAGE_MINIMIZE ":/images/window_nofullscreen.png" #define IMAGE_MAXIMIZE ":/images/window_fullscreen.png" #define IMG_HELP ":/images/help24.png" #define IMAGE_NEWSFEED ":/images/newsfeed128.png" #define IMAGE_PLUGINS ":/images/extension_32.png" #define IMAGE_NOONLINE ":/images/logo/logo_24_0.png" #define IMAGE_ONEONLINE ":/images/logo/logo_24_1.png" #define IMAGE_TWOONLINE ":/images/logo/logo_24_2.png" #define IMAGE_BLOGS ":/images/kblogger.png" #define IMAGE_DHT ":/images/dht16.png" #define IMAGE_CHATLOBBY ":/images/chat_32.png" #define IMAGE_GXSCHANNELS ":/images/channels.png" #define IMAGE_GXSFORUMS ":/images/konversation.png" #define IMAGE_IDENTITY ":/images/identity/identities_32.png" #define IMAGE_CIRCLES ":/images/user/agt_forum24.png" /*static*/ MainWindow *MainWindow::_instance = NULL; /** create main window */ /*static*/ MainWindow *MainWindow::Create () { if (_instance == NULL) { /* _instance is set in constructor */ new MainWindow (); } return _instance; } /*static*/ MainWindow *MainWindow::getInstance() { return _instance; } /** Constructor */ MainWindow::MainWindow(QWidget* parent, Qt::WindowFlags flags) : RWindow("MainWindow", parent, flags) { /* Invoke the Qt Designer generated QObject setup routine */ setupUi(this); _instance = this; m_bStatusLoadDone = false; isIdle = false; onlineCount = 0; notifyMenu = NULL; /* Calculate only once */ RsPeerDetails pd; if (rsPeers->getPeerDetails(rsPeers->getOwnId(), pd)) { nameAndLocation = QString("%1 (%2)").arg(QString::fromUtf8(pd.name.c_str())).arg(QString::fromUtf8(pd.location.c_str())); } setWindowTitle(tr("RetroShare %1 a secure decentralized communication platform").arg(retroshareVersion()) + " - " + nameAndLocation); /* WORK OUT IF WE"RE IN ADVANCED MODE OR NOT */ bool advancedMode = false; std::string advsetting; if (rsConfig->getConfigurationOption(RS_CONFIG_ADVANCED, advsetting) && (advsetting == "YES")) { advancedMode = true; } /* add url handler for RetroShare links */ QDesktopServices::setUrlHandler(RSLINK_SCHEME, this, "retroshareLinkActivated"); QDesktopServices::setUrlHandler("http", this, "externalLinkActivated"); QDesktopServices::setUrlHandler("https", this, "externalLinkActivated"); // Setting icons this->setWindowIcon(QIcon(QString::fromUtf8(":/images/logo/logo_16.png"))); /* Create all the dialogs of which we only want one instance */ _bandwidthGraph = new BandwidthGraph(); #ifdef UNFINISHED applicationWindow = new ApplicationWindow(); applicationWindow->hide(); #endif QList > notify; /* Create the Main pages and actions */ QActionGroup *grp = new QActionGroup(this); QAction *action; stackPages->add(newsFeed = new NewsFeed(stackPages), action = createPageAction(QIcon(IMAGE_NEWSFEED), tr("News feed"), grp)); notify.push_back(QPair(newsFeed, action)); stackPages->add(friendsDialog = new FriendsDialog(stackPages), action = createPageAction(QIcon(IMAGE_PEERS), tr("Network"), grp)); notify.push_back(QPair(friendsDialog, action)); IdDialog *idDialog = NULL; stackPages->add(idDialog = new IdDialog(stackPages), action = createPageAction(QIcon(IMAGE_IDENTITY), tr("People"), grp)); notify.push_back(QPair(idDialog, action)); CirclesDialog *circlesDialog = NULL; stackPages->add(circlesDialog = new CirclesDialog(stackPages), createPageAction(QIcon(IMAGE_CIRCLES ), tr("Circles"), grp)); notify.push_back(QPair(circlesDialog, action)); stackPages->add(transfersDialog = new TransfersDialog(stackPages), action = createPageAction(QIcon(IMAGE_TRANSFERS), tr("File sharing"), grp)); notify.push_back(QPair(transfersDialog, action)); stackPages->add(chatLobbyDialog = new ChatLobbyWidget(stackPages), action = createPageAction(QIcon(IMAGE_CHATLOBBY), tr("Chat Lobbies"), grp)); notify.push_back(QPair(chatLobbyDialog, action)); stackPages->add(messagesDialog = new MessagesDialog(stackPages), action = createPageAction(QIcon(IMAGE_MESSAGES), tr("Messages"), grp)); notify.push_back(QPair(messagesDialog, action)); stackPages->add(gxschannelDialog = new ChannelDialog(stackPages), action = createPageAction(QIcon(IMAGE_GXSCHANNELS), tr("Channels"), grp)); gxschannelDialog->setup(); notify.push_back(QPair(gxschannelDialog, action)); stackPages->add(gxsforumDialog = new GxsForumsDialog(stackPages), action = createPageAction(QIcon(IMAGE_GXSFORUMS), tr("Forums"), grp)); notify.push_back(QPair(gxsforumDialog, action)); #ifdef BLOGS stackPages->add(blogsFeed = new BlogsDialog(stackPages), createPageAction(QIcon(IMAGE_BLOGS), tr("Blogs"), grp)); #endif #if 0 stackPages->add(forumsDialog = new ForumsDialog(stackPages), action = createPageAction(QIcon(IMAGE_FORUMS), tr("Forums"), grp)); notify.push_back(QPair(forumsDialog, action)); #endif std::cerr << "Looking for interfaces in existing plugins:" << std::endl; for(int i = 0;inbPlugins();++i) { QIcon icon ; if(rsPlugins->plugin(i) != NULL && rsPlugins->plugin(i)->qt_page() != NULL) { if(rsPlugins->plugin(i)->qt_icon() != NULL) icon = *rsPlugins->plugin(i)->qt_icon() ; else icon = QIcon(":images/extension_48.png") ; std::cerr << " Addign widget page for plugin " << rsPlugins->plugin(i)->getPluginName() << std::endl; MainPage *pluginPage = rsPlugins->plugin(i)->qt_page(); QAction *pluginAction = createPageAction(icon, QString::fromUtf8(rsPlugins->plugin(i)->getPluginName().c_str()), grp); stackPages->add(pluginPage, pluginAction); notify.push_back(QPair(pluginPage, pluginAction)); } else if(rsPlugins->plugin(i) == NULL) std::cerr << " No plugin object !" << std::endl; else std::cerr << " No plugin page !" << std::endl; } #ifndef RS_RELEASE_VERSION #ifdef PLUGINMGR stackPages->add(pluginsPage = new PluginsPage(stackPages), createPageAction(QIcon(IMAGE_PLUGINS), tr("Plugins"), grp)); #endif #endif #ifdef GETSTARTED_GUI MainPage *getStartedPage = NULL; if (!advancedMode) { stackPages->add(getStartedPage = new GetStartedDialog(stackPages), createPageAction(QIcon(IMG_HELP), tr("Getting Started"), grp)); } #endif /* Create the toolbar */ toolBar->addActions(grp->actions()); connect(grp, SIGNAL(triggered(QAction *)), stackPages, SLOT(showPage(QAction *))); #ifdef UNFINISHED toolBar->addSeparator(); addAction(new QAction(QIcon(IMAGE_UNFINISHED), tr("Unfinished"), toolBar), SLOT(showApplWindow())); #endif addAction(new QAction(QIcon(IMAGE_OPTIONS), tr("Options"), toolBar), SLOT(showSettings())); addAction(new QAction(QIcon(IMAGE_ABOUT), tr("About"), toolBar), SLOT(showabout())); addAction(new QAction(QIcon(IMAGE_QUIT), tr("Quit"), toolBar), SLOT(doQuit())); stackPages->setCurrentIndex(Settings->getLastPageInMainWindow()); /** StatusBar section ********/ /* initialize combobox in status bar */ statusComboBox = new QComboBox(statusBar()); statusComboBox->setFocusPolicy(Qt::ClickFocus); initializeStatusObject(statusComboBox, true); QWidget *widget = new QWidget(); QHBoxLayout *hbox = new QHBoxLayout(); hbox->setMargin(0); hbox->setSpacing(6); hbox->addWidget(statusComboBox); widget->setLayout(hbox); statusBar()->addWidget(widget); peerstatus = new PeerStatus(); statusBar()->addWidget(peerstatus); natstatus = new NATStatus(); statusBar()->addWidget(natstatus); dhtstatus = new DHTStatus(); statusBar()->addWidget(dhtstatus); hashingstatus = new HashingStatus(); statusBar()->addPermanentWidget(hashingstatus); discstatus = new DiscStatus(); statusBar()->addPermanentWidget(discstatus); ratesstatus = new RatesStatus(); statusBar()->addPermanentWidget(ratesstatus); statusBar()->addPermanentWidget(new OpModeStatus()); statusBar()->addPermanentWidget(new SoundStatus()); /** Status Bar end ******/ /* Creates a tray icon with a context menu and adds it to the system's * notification area. */ createTrayIcon(); QList >::iterator notifyIt; for (notifyIt = notify.begin(); notifyIt != notify.end(); ++notifyIt) { UserNotify *userNotify = notifyIt->first->getUserNotify(this); if (userNotify) { userNotify->initialize(toolBar, notifyIt->second); connect(userNotify, SIGNAL(countChanged()), this, SLOT(updateTrayCombine())); userNotifyList.push_back(userNotify); } } createNotifyIcons(); /* caclulate friend count */ updateFriends(); connect(NotifyQt::getInstance(), SIGNAL(peerStatusChanged(QString,int)), this, SLOT(updateFriends())); connect(NotifyQt::getInstance(), SIGNAL(friendsChanged()), this, SLOT(updateFriends())); loadOwnStatus(); /* Set focus to the current page */ stackPages->currentWidget()->setFocus(); idle = new Idle(); idle->start(); connect(idle, SIGNAL(secondsIdle(int)), this, SLOT(checkAndSetIdle(int))); QTimer *timer = new QTimer(this); timer->connect(timer, SIGNAL(timeout()), this, SLOT(updateStatus())); timer->start(1000); } /** Destructor. */ MainWindow::~MainWindow() { Settings->setLastPageInMainWindow(stackPages->currentIndex()); delete peerstatus; delete natstatus; delete dhtstatus; delete ratesstatus; delete discstatus; MessengerWindow::releaseInstance(); #ifdef UNFINISHED delete applicationWindow; #endif } void MainWindow::displayDiskSpaceWarning(int loc,int size_limit_mb) { QString locString ; switch(loc) { case RS_PARTIALS_DIRECTORY: locString = "Partials" ; break ; case RS_CONFIG_DIRECTORY: locString = "Config" ; break ; case RS_DOWNLOAD_DIRECTORY: locString = "Download" ; break ; default: std::cerr << "Error: " << __PRETTY_FUNCTION__ << " was called with an unknown parameter loc=" << loc << std::endl ; return ; } QMessageBox::critical(NULL,tr("Low disk space warning"), tr("The disk space in your ")+locString +tr(" directory is running low (current limit is ")+QString::number(size_limit_mb)+tr("MB). \n\n RetroShare will now safely suspend any disk access to this directory. \n\n Please make some free space and click Ok.")) ; } /** Creates a tray icon with a context menu and adds it to the system * notification area. */ void MainWindow::createTrayIcon() { /** Tray icon Menu **/ QMenu *trayMenu = new QMenu(this); QObject::connect(trayMenu, SIGNAL(aboutToShow()), this, SLOT(updateMenu())); toggleVisibilityAction = trayMenu->addAction(QIcon(IMAGE_RETROSHARE), tr("Show/Hide"), this, SLOT(toggleVisibilitycontextmenu())); /* Create status menu */ QMenu *statusMenu = trayMenu->addMenu(tr("Status")); initializeStatusObject(statusMenu, true); /* Create notify menu */ notifyMenu = trayMenu->addMenu(tr("Notify")); notifyMenu->menuAction()->setVisible(false); trayMenu->addSeparator(); trayMenu->addAction(QIcon(IMAGE_RSM16), tr("Open Messenger"), this, SLOT(showMessengerWindow())); trayMenu->addAction(QIcon(IMAGE_MESSAGES), tr("Open Messages"), this, SLOT(showMess())); trayMenu->addAction(QIcon(IMAGE_BWGRAPH), tr("Bandwidth Graph"), _bandwidthGraph, SLOT(showWindow())); #ifdef USE_DHTWINDOW trayMenu->addAction(QIcon(IMAGE_DHT), tr("DHT Details"), this, SLOT(showDhtWindow())); #endif #ifdef USE_BWCTRLWINDOW trayMenu->addAction(QIcon(IMAGE_DHT), tr("Bandwidth Details"), this, SLOT(showBwCtrlWindow())); #endif #ifdef UNFINISHED trayMenu->addAction(QIcon(IMAGE_UNFINISHED), tr("Applications"), this, SLOT(showApplWindow())); #endif trayMenu->addAction(QIcon(IMAGE_PREFERENCES), tr("Options"), this, SLOT(showSettings())); trayMenu->addAction(QIcon(IMG_HELP), tr("Help"), this, SLOT(showHelpDialog())); trayMenu->addSeparator(); trayMenu->addAction(QIcon(IMAGE_MINIMIZE), tr("Minimize"), this, SLOT(showMinimized())); trayMenu->addAction(QIcon(IMAGE_MAXIMIZE), tr("Maximize"), this, SLOT(showMaximized())); trayMenu->addSeparator(); trayMenu->addAction(QIcon(IMAGE_CLOSE), tr("&Quit"), this, SLOT(doQuit())); /** End of Icon Menu **/ // Create the tray icon trayIcon = new QSystemTrayIcon(this); trayIcon->setToolTip(tr("RetroShare")); trayIcon->setContextMenu(trayMenu); trayIcon->setIcon(QIcon(IMAGE_NOONLINE)); connect(trayIcon, SIGNAL(activated(QSystemTrayIcon::ActivationReason)), this, SLOT(toggleVisibility(QSystemTrayIcon::ActivationReason))); trayIcon->show(); } void MainWindow::createNotifyIcons() { /* create notify icons */ QList::iterator it; for (it = userNotifyList.begin(); it != userNotifyList.end(); ++it) { UserNotify *userNotify = *it; userNotify->createIcons(notifyMenu); userNotify->updateIcon(); } updateTrayCombine(); } const QList &MainWindow::getUserNotifyList() { return userNotifyList; } /*static*/ void MainWindow::displayLobbySystrayMsg(const QString& title,const QString& msg) { if (_instance == NULL) return; if(Settings->getDisplayTrayChatLobby()) _instance->displaySystrayMsg(title,msg) ; } /*static*/ void MainWindow::installGroupChatNotifier() { if (_instance == NULL) { // nothing to do return; } if(Settings->getDisplayTrayGroupChat()) { QObject::connect(_instance->friendsDialog, SIGNAL(notifyGroupChat(const QString&,const QString&)), _instance, SLOT(displaySystrayMsg(const QString&,const QString&)), Qt::QueuedConnection); } else { QObject::disconnect(_instance->friendsDialog, SIGNAL(notifyGroupChat(const QString&,const QString&)), _instance, SLOT(displaySystrayMsg(const QString&,const QString&))); } } /*static*/ void MainWindow::installNotifyIcons() { if (_instance == NULL) { // nothing to do return; } _instance->createNotifyIcons(); } void MainWindow::displaySystrayMsg(const QString& title,const QString& msg) { trayIcon->showMessage(title, msg, QSystemTrayIcon::Information, 3000); } void MainWindow::updateTrayCombine() { notifyToolTip.clear(); bool visible = false; if (notifyMenu) { QList actions = notifyMenu->actions(); int count = 0; QList::iterator actionIt; for (actionIt = actions.begin(); actionIt != actions.end(); actionIt++) { if ((*actionIt)->isVisible()) { visible = true; count += (*actionIt)->data().toInt(); // ToolTip is too long to show all services // if (notifyToolTip.isEmpty() == false) { // notifyToolTip += "\r"; // } // notifyToolTip += (*actionIt)->data().toString() + ":" + (*actionIt)->text(); } if (visible) { notifyToolTip = ((count == 1) ? tr("%1 new message") : tr("%1 new messages")).arg(count); } } } notifyMenu->menuAction()->setVisible(visible); // update tray icon updateFriends(); } void MainWindow::updateStatus() { // This call is essential to remove locks due to QEventLoop re-entrance while asking gpg passwds. Dont' remove it! if(RsAutoUpdatePage::eventsLocked()) return; float downKb = 0; float upKb = 0; rsConfig->GetCurrentDataRates(downKb, upKb); if (ratesstatus) ratesstatus->getRatesStatus(downKb, upKb); if (natstatus) natstatus->getNATStatus(); if (dhtstatus) dhtstatus->getDHTStatus(); if (discstatus) { discstatus->update(); } QString tray = "RetroShare\n" + tr("Down: %1 (kB/s)").arg(downKb, 0, 'f', 2) + " | " + tr("Up: %1 (kB/s)").arg(upKb, 0, 'f', 2) + "\n"; if (onlineCount == 1) { tray += tr("%1 friend connected").arg(onlineCount); } else { tray += tr("%1 friends connected").arg(onlineCount); } tray += "\n" + nameAndLocation; if (!notifyToolTip.isEmpty()) { tray += "\n"; tray += notifyToolTip; } trayIcon->setToolTip(tray); } void MainWindow::updateFriends() { if(RsAutoUpdatePage::eventsLocked()) return ; unsigned int friendCount = 0; rsPeers->getPeerCount (&friendCount, &onlineCount, false); if (peerstatus) peerstatus->getPeerStatus(friendCount, onlineCount); QString trayIconResource; if (onlineCount == 0) { trayIconResource = IMAGE_NOONLINE; } else if (onlineCount < 2) { trayIconResource = IMAGE_ONEONLINE; } else if (onlineCount < 3) { trayIconResource = IMAGE_TWOONLINE; } else { trayIconResource = IMAGE_RETROSHARE; } QIcon icon; if (notifyMenu && notifyMenu->menuAction()->isVisible()) { QPixmap trayImage(trayIconResource); QPixmap overlayImage(":/images/rstray_star.png"); QPainter painter(&trayImage); painter.drawPixmap(0, 0, overlayImage); icon.addPixmap(trayImage); } else { icon = QIcon(trayIconResource); } trayIcon->setIcon(icon); } void MainWindow::postModDirectories(bool update_local) { RSettingsWin::postModDirectories(update_local); ShareManager::postModDirectories(update_local); QCoreApplication::flush(); } /** Creates a new action associated with a config page. */ QAction *MainWindow::createPageAction(const QIcon &icon, const QString &text, QActionGroup *group) { QFont font; QAction *action = new QAction(icon, text, group); font = action->font(); font.setPointSize(9); action->setCheckable(true); action->setFont(font); return action; } /** Adds the given action to the toolbar and hooks its triggered() signal to * the specified slot (if given). */ void MainWindow::addAction(QAction *action, const char *slot) { QFont font; font = action->font(); font.setPointSize(9); action->setFont(font); toolBar->addAction(action); connect(action, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, slot); } #ifdef WINDOWS_SYS //void SetForegroundWindowInternal(HWND hWnd) //{ // if (!::IsWindow(hWnd)) return; // // relation time of SetForegroundWindow lock // DWORD lockTimeOut = 0; // HWND hCurrWnd = ::GetForegroundWindow(); // DWORD dwThisTID = ::GetCurrentThreadId(), // dwCurrTID = ::GetWindowThreadProcessId(hCurrWnd,0); // // we need to bypass some limitations from Microsoft :) // if (dwThisTID != dwCurrTID) { // ::AttachThreadInput(dwThisTID, dwCurrTID, TRUE); // ::SystemParametersInfo(SPI_GETFOREGROUNDLOCKTIMEOUT,0,&lockTimeOut,0); // ::SystemParametersInfo(SPI_SETFOREGROUNDLOCKTIMEOUT,0,0,SPIF_SENDWININICHANGE | SPIF_UPDATEINIFILE); // ::AllowSetForegroundWindow(ASFW_ANY); // } // ::SetForegroundWindow(hWnd); // if(dwThisTID != dwCurrTID) { // ::SystemParametersInfo(SPI_SETFOREGROUNDLOCKTIMEOUT,0,(PVOID)lockTimeOut,SPIF_SENDWININICHANGE | SPIF_UPDATEINIFILE); // ::AttachThreadInput(dwThisTID, dwCurrTID, FALSE); // } //} void SetForegroundWindowInternal(HWND hWnd) { if (!::IsWindow(hWnd)) return; BYTE keyState[256] = {0}; // to unlock SetForegroundWindow we need to imitate Alt pressing if (::GetKeyboardState((LPBYTE)&keyState)) { if(!(keyState[VK_MENU] & 0x80)) { ::keybd_event(VK_MENU, 0, KEYEVENTF_EXTENDEDKEY | 0, 0); } } ::SetForegroundWindow(hWnd); if (::GetKeyboardState((LPBYTE)&keyState)) { if(!(keyState[VK_MENU] & 0x80)) { ::keybd_event(VK_MENU, 0, KEYEVENTF_EXTENDEDKEY | KEYEVENTF_KEYUP, 0); } } } #endif /*static*/ void MainWindow::raiseWindow() { if (_instance == NULL) { return; } /* Show the dialog. */ _instance->show(); _instance->raise(); #ifdef WINDOWS_SYS SetForegroundWindowInternal((HWND) _instance->winId()); #endif } /** Shows the MainWindow with focus set to the given page. */ /*static*/ void MainWindow::showWindow(Page page) { if (_instance == NULL) { return; } /* Show the dialog. */ raiseWindow(); /* Set the focus to the specified page. */ activatePage (page); } /** Shows the MainWindow with focus set to the given page. */ /*static*/ void MainWindow::showWindow(MainPage *page) { if (_instance == NULL) { return; } /* Show the dialog. */ raiseWindow(); /* Set the focus to the specified page. */ _instance->stackPages->setCurrentPage(page); } /** Set focus to the given page. */ /*static*/ bool MainWindow::activatePage(Page page) { if (_instance == NULL) { return false; } switch (page) { case Search: _instance->stackPages->setCurrentPage( _instance->transfersDialog ); _instance->transfersDialog->activatePage(TransfersDialog::SearchTab) ; break ; case Network: _instance->stackPages->setCurrentPage( _instance->friendsDialog ); _instance->friendsDialog->activatePage(FriendsDialog::NetworkTab) ; break; case Friends: _instance->stackPages->setCurrentPage( _instance->friendsDialog ); break; case ChatLobby: _instance->stackPages->setCurrentPage( _instance->chatLobbyDialog ); break; case Transfers: _instance->stackPages->setCurrentPage( _instance->transfersDialog ); break; case SharedDirectories: _instance->stackPages->setCurrentPage( _instance->transfersDialog ); _instance->transfersDialog->activatePage(TransfersDialog::LocalSharedFilesTab) ; break; case Messages: _instance->stackPages->setCurrentPage( _instance->messagesDialog ); break; #if 0 case Channels: _instance->stackPages->setCurrentPage( _instance->channelFeed ); return true ; case Forums: _instance->stackPages->setCurrentPage( _instance->forumsDialog ); return true ; #endif #ifdef BLOGS case Blogs: Page = _instance->blogsFeed; return true ; #endif default: std::cerr << "Show page called on value that is not handled yet. Please code it! (value = " << page << ")" << std::endl; } return false ; } /** Get the active page. */ /*static*/ MainWindow::Page MainWindow::getActivatePage() { if (_instance == NULL) { return Network; } QWidget *page = _instance->stackPages->currentWidget(); // if (page == _instance->networkDialog) { // return Network; // } if (page == _instance->friendsDialog) { return Friends; } if (page == _instance->chatLobbyDialog) { return ChatLobby; } if (page == _instance->transfersDialog) { return Transfers; } // if (page == _instance->sharedfilesDialog) { // return SharedDirectories; // } if (page == _instance->messagesDialog) { return Messages; } #ifdef RS_USE_LINKS if (page == _instance->linksDialog) { return Links; } #endif #if 0 if (page == _instance->channelFeed) { return Channels; } if (page == _instance->forumsDialog) { return Forums; } #endif #ifdef BLOGS if (page == _instance->blogsFeed) { return Blogs; } #endif return Network; } /** get page */ /*static*/ MainPage *MainWindow::getPage (Page page) { if (_instance == NULL) { return NULL; } switch (page) { case Network: return _instance->friendsDialog->networkDialog; case Friends: return _instance->friendsDialog; case ChatLobby: return _instance->chatLobbyDialog; case Transfers: return _instance->transfersDialog; case SharedDirectories: return _instance->transfersDialog->localSharedFiles; case Search: return _instance->transfersDialog->searchDialog; case Messages: return _instance->messagesDialog; #ifdef RS_USE_LINKS case Links: return _instance->linksDialog; #endif #if 0 case Channels: return _instance->channelFeed; case Forums: return _instance->forumsDialog; #endif #ifdef BLOGS case Blogs: return _instance->blogsFeed; #endif } return NULL; } /***** TOOL BAR FUNCTIONS *****/ /** Add a Friend ShortCut */ void MainWindow::addFriend() { ConnectFriendWizard connwiz (this); connwiz.exec (); } /** Shows Share Manager */ void MainWindow::openShareManager() { ShareManager::showYourself(); } /** Shows Messages Dialog */ void MainWindow::showMess() { showWindow(MainWindow::Messages); } /** Shows Options */ void MainWindow::showSettings() { RSettingsWin::showYourself(this); } /** Shows Messenger window */ void MainWindow::showMessengerWindow() { MessengerWindow::showYourself(); } /** Shows Dht window */ void MainWindow::showDhtWindow() { #ifdef USE_DHTWINDOW DhtWindow::showYourself(); #endif } /** Shows Bandwitch Control window */ void MainWindow::showBwCtrlWindow() { #ifdef USE_BWCTRLWINDOW BwCtrlWindow::showYourself(); #endif } /** Shows Application window */ #ifdef UNFINISHED void MainWindow::showApplWindow() { applicationWindow->show(); } #endif /** If the user attempts to quit the app, a check-warning is issued. This warning can be turned off for future quit events. */ void MainWindow::doQuit() { if(!Settings->value("doQuit", false).toBool()) { QString queryWrn; queryWrn.clear(); queryWrn.append(tr("Do you really want to exit RetroShare ?")); if ((QMessageBox::question(this, tr("Really quit ? "),queryWrn,QMessageBox::Yes|QMessageBox::No, QMessageBox::Yes))== QMessageBox::Yes) { qApp->quit(); } else return; } rApp->quit(); } void MainWindow::displayErrorMessage(int /*a*/,int /*b*/,const QString& error_msg) { QMessageBox::critical(NULL, tr("Internal Error"),error_msg) ; } void MainWindow::closeEvent(QCloseEvent *e) { e->ignore(); if (Settings->getCloseToTray()) { if (trayIcon->isVisible()) { /***** static bool firstTime = true; if (firstTime) { QMessageBox::information(this, tr("RetroShare System tray"), tr("Application will continue running. Quit using context menu in the system tray")); firstTime = false; } *****/ hide(); } return; } doQuit(); } void MainWindow::updateMenu() { toggleVisibilityAction->setText(isVisible() && !isMinimized() ? tr("Hide") : tr("Show")); } void MainWindow::toggleVisibility(QSystemTrayIcon::ActivationReason e) { if (e == QSystemTrayIcon::Trigger || e == QSystemTrayIcon::DoubleClick) { if (isHidden() || isMinimized()) { show(); if (isMinimized()) { if (isMaximized()) { showMaximized(); }else{ showNormal(); } } raise(); activateWindow(); } else { hide(); } } } void MainWindow::toggleVisibilitycontextmenu() { if (isVisible() && !isMinimized()) hide(); else show(); } void MainWindow::showabout() { AboutDialog adlg(this); adlg.exec(); } /** Displays the help browser and displays the most recently viewed help * topic. */ void MainWindow::showHelpDialog() { showHelpDialog(QString()); } /**< Shows the help browser and displays the given help topic. */ void MainWindow::showHelpDialog(const QString &topic) { HelpBrowser::showWindow(topic); } /** Called when the user changes the UI translation. */ void MainWindow::retranslateUi() { retranslateUi(); foreach (MainPage *page, stackPages->pages()) { page->retranslateUi(); } foreach (QAction *action, toolBar->actions()) { action->setText(tr(qPrintable(action->data().toString()), "MainWindow")); } } /* set status object to status value */ static void setStatusObject(QObject *pObject, int nStatus) { QMenu *pMenu = dynamic_cast(pObject); if (pMenu) { /* set action in menu */ foreach(QObject *pObject, pMenu->children()) { QAction *pAction = qobject_cast (pObject); if (pAction == NULL) { continue; } if (pAction->data().toInt() == nStatus) { pAction->setChecked(true); break; } } return; } QComboBox *pComboBox = dynamic_cast(pObject); if (pComboBox) { /* set index of combobox */ int nIndex = pComboBox->findData(nStatus, Qt::UserRole); if (nIndex != -1) { pComboBox->setCurrentIndex(nIndex); } return; } /* add more objects here */ } /** Load own status Online,Away,Busy **/ void MainWindow::loadOwnStatus() { m_bStatusLoadDone = true; StatusInfo statusInfo; if (rsStatus->getOwnStatus(statusInfo)) { /* send status to all added objects */ for (std::set ::iterator it = m_apStatusObjects.begin(); it != m_apStatusObjects.end(); it++) { setStatusObject(*it, statusInfo.status); } } } void MainWindow::checkAndSetIdle(int idleTime) { int maxTimeBeforeIdle = Settings->getMaxTimeBeforeIdle(); if ((idleTime >= maxTimeBeforeIdle) && !isIdle) { setIdle(true); } else if ((idleTime < maxTimeBeforeIdle) && isIdle) { setIdle(false); } return; } void MainWindow::setIdle(bool idle) { isIdle = idle; StatusInfo statusInfo; if (rsStatus->getOwnStatus(statusInfo)) { setStatus(NULL, statusInfo.status); } } /* add and initialize status object */ void MainWindow::initializeStatusObject(QObject *pObject, bool bConnect) { if (m_apStatusObjects.find(pObject) != m_apStatusObjects.end()) { /* already added */ return; } m_apStatusObjects.insert(m_apStatusObjects.end(), pObject); std::string statusString; QMenu *pMenu = dynamic_cast(pObject); if (pMenu) { /* initialize menu */ QActionGroup *pGroup = new QActionGroup(pMenu); QAction *pAction = new QAction(QIcon(StatusDefs::imageIM(RS_STATUS_ONLINE)), StatusDefs::name(RS_STATUS_ONLINE), pMenu); pAction->setData(RS_STATUS_ONLINE); pAction->setCheckable(true); pMenu->addAction(pAction); pGroup->addAction(pAction); pAction = new QAction(QIcon(StatusDefs::imageIM(RS_STATUS_BUSY)), StatusDefs::name(RS_STATUS_BUSY), pMenu); pAction->setData(RS_STATUS_BUSY); pAction->setCheckable(true); pMenu->addAction(pAction); pGroup->addAction(pAction); pAction = new QAction(QIcon(StatusDefs::imageIM(RS_STATUS_AWAY)), StatusDefs::name(RS_STATUS_AWAY), pMenu); pAction->setData(RS_STATUS_AWAY); pAction->setCheckable(true); pMenu->addAction(pAction); pGroup->addAction(pAction); if (bConnect) { connect(pMenu, SIGNAL(triggered (QAction*)), this, SLOT(statusChangedMenu(QAction*))); } } else { /* initialize combobox */ QComboBox *pComboBox = dynamic_cast(pObject); if (pComboBox) { pComboBox->addItem(QIcon(StatusDefs::imageIM(RS_STATUS_ONLINE)), StatusDefs::name(RS_STATUS_ONLINE), RS_STATUS_ONLINE); pComboBox->addItem(QIcon(StatusDefs::imageIM(RS_STATUS_BUSY)), StatusDefs::name(RS_STATUS_BUSY), RS_STATUS_BUSY); pComboBox->addItem(QIcon(StatusDefs::imageIM(RS_STATUS_AWAY)), StatusDefs::name(RS_STATUS_AWAY), RS_STATUS_AWAY); if (bConnect) { connect(pComboBox, SIGNAL(activated(int)), this, SLOT(statusChangedComboBox(int))); } } /* add more objects here */ } if (m_bStatusLoadDone) { /* loadOwnStatus done, set own status directly */ StatusInfo statusInfo; if (rsStatus->getOwnStatus(statusInfo)) { setStatusObject(pObject, statusInfo.status); } } } /* remove status object */ void MainWindow::removeStatusObject(QObject *pObject) { m_apStatusObjects.erase(pObject); /* disconnect all signals between the object and MainWindow */ disconnect(pObject, NULL, this, NULL); } /** Save own status Online,Away,Busy **/ void MainWindow::setStatus(QObject *pObject, int nStatus) { if (isIdle && nStatus == (int) RS_STATUS_ONLINE) { /* set idle only when I am online */ nStatus = RS_STATUS_INACTIVE; } rsStatus->sendStatus(RsPeerId(), nStatus); /* set status in all status objects, but the calling one */ for (std::set ::iterator it = m_apStatusObjects.begin(); it != m_apStatusObjects.end(); it++) { if (*it != pObject) { setStatusObject(*it, nStatus); } } } /* new status from context menu */ void MainWindow::statusChangedMenu(QAction *pAction) { if (pAction == NULL) { return; } setStatus(pAction->parent(), pAction->data().toInt()); } /* new status from combobox in statusbar */ void MainWindow::statusChangedComboBox(int index) { if (index < 0) { return; } /* no object known */ setStatus(NULL, statusComboBox->itemData(index, Qt::UserRole).toInt()); } void MainWindow::externalLinkActivated(const QUrl &url) { static bool already_warned = false ; if(!already_warned) { QMessageBox mb(QObject::tr("Confirmation"), QObject::tr("Do you want this link to be handled by your system?")+"

"+ url.toString()+"

"+tr("Make sure this link has not been forged to drag you to a malicious website."), QMessageBox::Question, QMessageBox::Yes,QMessageBox::No, 0); mb.setWindowIcon(QIcon(QString::fromUtf8(":/images/rstray3.png"))); QCheckBox *checkbox = new QCheckBox(tr("Don't ask me again")) ; mb.layout()->addWidget(checkbox) ; int res = mb.exec() ; if (res == QMessageBox::No) return ; else if(checkbox->isChecked()) already_warned = true ; } QDesktopServices::openUrl(url) ; } void MainWindow::retroshareLinkActivated(const QUrl &url) { RetroShareLink link(url); if (link.valid() == false) { // QUrl can't handle the old RetroShare link format properly if (url.host().isEmpty()) { QMessageBox mb("RetroShare", tr("It seems to be an old RetroShare link. Please use copy instead."), QMessageBox::Critical, QMessageBox::Ok, 0, 0); mb.setWindowIcon(QIcon(":/images/rstray3.png")); mb.exec(); return; } QMessageBox mb("RetroShare", tr("The file link is malformed."), QMessageBox::Critical, QMessageBox::Ok, 0, 0); mb.setWindowIcon(QIcon(":/images/rstray3.png")); mb.exec(); return; } QList links; links.append(link); RetroShareLink::process(links); } void MainWindow::servicePermission() { ServicePermissionDialog::showYourself(); }