started implementing gen exchange client calls
finished implementing msgrelated info dataAccess routine
more refinements to various interface - need to think about how meta is passed about the various
layers of gxs and kept consistent with sqldb
git-svn-id: b45a01b8-16f6-495d-af2f-9b41ad6348cc
User-level changes:
- libgpgme is not used anymore; it is replaced by a built-in piece of code called OpenPGP-SDK
( that was improved to be used by RetroShare
for handling PGP keys.
- the gnupg keyring is not used anymore. Now, RetroShare has it's own gpg keyring, shared by all instances.
On linux it's located in ~/.retroshare/pgp/. A lock system prevents multiple locations to read/write keyrings
- the trust database from gnupg is not documented, so RetroShare cannot import it. This comes from the fact that
the GPG standard (RFC4880) asks explicitly not to export trust information. So RetroShare has it's own
trust DB shared by locations. This means you need to re-trust people. Sorry for that!
- at start, if no keyring is found, RS will propose to copy the gnupg keyring to use your existing keys. Clicking on
"OK" will do the copy, and you should find back all existing locations, except for DSA keys.
- locations for which the suitable keypair is not in the keyring will not be displayed in the login window
- locations for which the suitable keypair is not a RSA/RSA key will not be displayed. RetroShare does not
support DSA/Elgamal keypairs yet.
- a key import/export exchange function has been added in the certificate creation window (you go there from the login
window by clicking on "manage keys/locations". This allows to easily create a new location with the same pgp key on
another computer. To obtain a suitable keypair using gnupg, you need to concatenate the encrypted private key and the
public key into an ascii file. This can be done using:
gpg -a --export-secret-keys [your ID] > mykey.asc
gpg -a --export [your ID] >> mykey.asc
- importing a key with subkeys in not yet possible. Please remove subkeys before importing.
- The code has been tested for a reasonnable amount of time, but it's not possible to prevent some new bugs
to appear. Please report them asap supplying: call-stacks if possible, and terminal output. In particular,
openpgp has some assert()'s that should not be triggered unless RetroShare is calling it in an improper way.
Internal changes
- a specific component, PGPHandler, takes care of the interface between openpgp-sdk and RetroShare
openpgp-sdk is c-code, with it's own memory management, which has been kept well separated from
- GPG Ids are now a specific class (not a std::string anymore) for code consistency reasons. As strings are
still used in many places, this requires a few conversions. In particular, AuthGPG takes strings as
function params and calls GPGHandler with the proper PGPIdType class. In the future, RetroShare should
only use PGPIdType. The same will be done for SSL ids.
- signature cleaning is still handled by the Retroshare built-in function, not by openpgp, but we will
do this later.
Still to do
- DSA needs subkey handling, since the encryption is performed by a Elgamal subkey. Not sure this will be done.
- GPGIds/SSLIds cleaning (meaning replace strings by appropriate types). Lots of confusion throughout the code in retroshare-gui in particular.
- key removal from keyring. This is a challenge to keep locations synchronised.
git-svn-id: b45a01b8-16f6-495d-af2f-9b41ad6348cc
- Modified dummy data so new comments / votes get added in (testing background processing).
- exposed fns for GUI rankings & testing.
- corrected order of extraction from ranking Map.
- fixed up debug output.
git-svn-id: b45a01b8-16f6-495d-af2f-9b41ad6348cc
- Defined expected parameters for GxsGroups (see comments in rsidentity.h)
- Added Various #defines for Groups / Msgs (again in rsidentity.h)
- Converted new Group / new Msg into async "token" calls, returing MetaData.
- Refined Grp/Msg Status Flags... similarly to how Forums used them...
Expect UNREAD & UNPROCESSED flags to be set for a new msg,
and UPDATED flag to be set for the corresponding group.
There is flexibility for services to add their own flags too.
- removed groupsChanged(). This can alternatively be implemented using.
getGroupList(opts.Status == UPDATED)...
- refined SubscribeFlags in a similar manner.
- Added "ServiceString" to Group/Msg MetaData. This is freeform cache
storage for service to use... currently p3Posted uses it to count Votes.
- Added MsgStatus & SubscribeFlag filtering to Cache Requests.
- Implemented these filters in GxsDataProxy (no efficient yet!)
* Cleaned up all 6 new Cache Services to conform to new interface.
* Removed old interface code that was #ifdef'd out.
* Implemented Basic Ranking algorithms for p3posted:
- Background process to process new votes/comments.
- getRanking(token) interface call.
- Intercept StatusRequests, etc to hide internal data requests.
- While the basic code is complete, it needs much testing / tweaking.
- Should shift work to a seperate thread.
- Comment Ranking has still to be done.
- Interfacing with GUI not yet attempted.
git-svn-id: b45a01b8-16f6-495d-af2f-9b41ad6348cc
Updated dataservice tests and fixed subsequent bugs
added bug fixes for RetroDb and fixed postability issue (removed use)
Data access module used as token service
gxs service backend (RsGenExchange)
RsPhotoV2 which is a modification to deal with different interface provided by RsGenExchange
also added subsequent p3photoserviceV2
NxsTestHub to help with testing nxsnetservice (RsGxsNetService is not yet working)
git-svn-id: b45a01b8-16f6-495d-af2f-9b41ad6348cc
* Added p3Posted service. This is a *better* Links Cloud, based on the new Cache system.
* Fixed p3GxsService retrival of Thread / Children messages. (for Forum support).
* Added Dummy Data for testing Forum integration.
* switched on both these services in libretroshare
git-svn-id: b45a01b8-16f6-495d-af2f-9b41ad6348cc
- p3bwctrl.h/.cc & rsbwctrlitems.h/.cc
- New Interface in pqihandler to extract the data.
- New Interface in rsconfig to display in GUI.
- Added extra debugging in pqistreamer for catching big outqueues.
git-svn-id: b45a01b8-16f6-495d-af2f-9b41ad6348cc
- added PublishTS and AuthorID to GropuMetaData.
- added Mod & Set Flags to PhotoData. (mainly for the GUI).
- added "isNew" parameter to sumbitPhoto/Album calls.
- support modifications to Photos.
- improved Photo Thumbnail handling. (still not right).
- added LATEST msg search in GxsService.
- added ATTRIB flags to rsphoto.h
git-svn-id: b45a01b8-16f6-495d-af2f-9b41ad6348cc
- Defined a generalised Group/Msg retrieval interface (RsTokenService), which is defined in rsidentity.h
- Defined MetaData for both Groups and Messages (not finalised yet).
- Implemented a general Data Backend for Local Testing of interface - inside
- Modified services to use this temporary backend.
- Added Wire and ForumV2 services.
Still lots to do:
- work out request options.
- finalise metadata.
- group permissions.
- identities
git-svn-id: b45a01b8-16f6-495d-af2f-9b41ad6348cc
As opposed to the previous ones, this ends up with a massively complicated set of data calls to build
the tree of modifications... It suggests the need for a dbase cache of MetaData for both Groups and Msgs.
- modified rsphoto/p3PhotoService interface to conform to 'developing style'
- shifted fakeprocessrequests() to p3GxsService - as its generic.
- added requestMsgRelatedList() request to allow searching for OrigMsgId, MsgVersions + LatestVersions.
- added RsTokReqOptions class to allow fine tuning of requests.
- major changes to p3WikiService to conform to new standard.
git-svn-id: b45a01b8-16f6-495d-af2f-9b41ad6348cc
Moved notify of lobby nick name change from the gui to p3ChatService.
Added missing mutex locks for p3ChatService::_default_nick_name.
Recompile needed.
git-svn-id: b45a01b8-16f6-495d-af2f-9b41ad6348cc
RS_CHAT_LOBBY_EVENT_PEER_CHANGE_NICKNAME is send, when changing nickname, so the blocklist can be updated (in future).
This will never wort for 100% as discussed in the developer forum, but should stop the most spam.
git-svn-id: b45a01b8-16f6-495d-af2f-9b41ad6348cc
Show "RetroShare" as sender of system messages to myself.
Added new quick view in MessagesDialog to filter system messages.
Changed RetroShare link in friend request message to certificate.
Added new subject image for the system messages (defnax).
Removed not used notify in message service.
Recompile needed.
git-svn-id: b45a01b8-16f6-495d-af2f-9b41ad6348cc
- handled backward compatibility by keeping/sending old LobbyList item. Should be remove in the near future.
- removed constraint to have at least one friends invited when creating a new lobby.
git-svn-id: b45a01b8-16f6-495d-af2f-9b41ad6348cc
Moved update of the friends from QTimer to signals.
Combined p3LinkMgr::getFriendCount and p3LinkMgr::getOnlineCount and moved to p3PeerMgr.
git-svn-id: b45a01b8-16f6-495d-af2f-9b41ad6348cc
Added -Wextra to the Windows compile.
Added new define in libbitdht for snprintf and fprintf to proper handling of "%ll" under Windows.
git-svn-id: b45a01b8-16f6-495d-af2f-9b41ad6348cc
The forum/channel news feed is removed when the user reads the message in forums/channels.
Recompile needed.
git-svn-id: b45a01b8-16f6-495d-af2f-9b41ad6348cc
- adding a time stamp to lobby events (new item tag)
- controllign time stamp of lobby msg and event: drop packets if time is older than cache duration.
- moved connexion challenge code to lobby management loop
- added new type of lobby invite to handle connexion challenges and avoid false invitations in the GUI
New lobby event format is not backward compatible -> "peer typing" and "peer joined/left" will need
the new version. Messages are still compatible)
git-svn-id: b45a01b8-16f6-495d-af2f-9b41ad6348cc