Rise color palette size from 16 to 256 colors
Note: Max chat item size is 32000 without splitting the message.
31000 = 32000 - some place left for other fields
Deprecate unsafe costructor, substituted by fromBufferUnsafe which explicitely
marked suggest the caller to pay attention.
Use enum class for id types instead of constants
Make size constants more private
Use internal Id_t alias to avoid huge template lines
Remove and deprecate oguly names in favor of consistent names
Avoid problems to serialization on different platforms, without breaking
nested STL containers serialization.
The conversion have been made with sed, and checked with grep, plus
kdiff3 visual ispection, plus rutime tests, so it should be fine.
Abstract serialization concept to pure virtaul class RsSerializable
from which every other serializable class must inherit from
Use RapidJSON for JSON manipulation
Add TO_JSON and FROM_JSON SerializeJob
Deprecate unused SerializationFormat
Remove some unused old piece of code
Adjust many lines to max 80 columns for better readability on little
Clean up documentation and code, remove old cruft
Add copyright notice on edited files that miss it
previously declared as a class
/libretroshare/src/chat/p3chatservice.h:56: warning: 'p3ChatService'
defined as a struct here but previously declared as a class [-
struct p3ChatService :
/libretroshare/src/rsserver/p3msgs.h:33: did you mean struct here?
class p3ChatService;
/libretroshare/src/chat/distributedchat.cc:57: warning: unused variable
'MAX_MESSAGES_PER_SECONDS_NUMBER' [-Wunused-const-variable]
static const uint32_t MAX_MESSAGES_PER_SECONDS_NUMBER = 5 ; // max
number of messages from a given peer in a window for duration below
RsItem added some comment and more verbose error reporting
RsTypeSerializer added support for RsItem derived classes as members
added utility macros for better readability of the code and easier
handling of RsItem derived members
RsNxsMsg::serial_process use new macros for better readability and to
have an exemple of usage with RsTlvItem derived class
Fix undefined reference to RsNxsMsg::print