Now the possible id of the cannel/post is returned and channel/post is
indexed on creation without having to wait for gxsutil scan to happen
Note that the id is correct in normal usage, but if one try to overload
the API per eventually get the id of another channel/post with same data
but created by a different call, it is not dangerous so one trying to
overload the API is just getting a possibly wrong but equivalent
channel/post id returned.
Avoid problems to serialization on different platforms, without breaking
nested STL containers serialization.
The conversion have been made with sed, and checked with grep, plus
kdiff3 visual ispection, plus rutime tests, so it should be fine.
Avoid the need of dirty patching to set the version at build time
In case RS version is not passed as argument attempt to determine it
using git describe, if unavailable use hardcoded default
Move JSON helpers to util/rsjson.* for better usability
Implement JSON ostream manipulator to print compact and pretty JSON
Use lambdas for API wrappers, integrate better and avoid namespace
Removed experimental JSON API for notify client wrapper, notifications
can be implemented automatically with moderns async API calls
Implement and automatically expose to JSON API
const std::string& matchString,
const std::function<void (const RsGxsGroupSummary&)>& multiCallback,
std::time_t maxWait )
Some modifications breaks retrocompatibility of GXS search:
remove horrible templated RsTypeSerializer::serial_process for
RsGxsGroupSummary with hardcoded member names
RsGxsGroupSummary doesn't use old TLV serialization format anymore
RsGxsGroupSummary remove unused description member
RsGxsGroupSummary derive from RsSerializable and use serialization
helper macro
Add autor id and signature flags to the index so there is no need to
retrive them from GXS, thus improving performances
RsGroupNetworkStats initialize members properly
RsGxsGroupSummary rename members to follow usual mMemberName convention
RsGxsIfaceHelper::requestStatus expose it to JSON API
Implemented RsGxsIfaceHelper::waitToken to wait for GXS operations
RsItem::serial_process fix doxygen warning as it's a comment not documentation
RsTypeSerializer add JSON conversion methods for double [de]serialization not
implemented yet
RsTypeSerializer_PRIVATE_{FROM,TO}_JSON_ARRAY fix doxygen warning as it's a
comment not documentation
make GxsChannels::ExtraFileHash a bit more reasonable
jsonapi-generator fix unused variable warning if there is no input or output
jsonapi-generator fix generation for inerithed jsonapi methods
Convert to RsSerializable some Gxs structs for the JSON API