As a bonus the behaviour is now homogeneous between C++ API and JSON API
Fix a bunch of compiler warning
RsEvents implementation is now safer
mHandlerMaps size is known at compile time, so use an std::array instead
of vector
Fix missing RsDiscPgpKeyItem initialization
Fix inconsistent new[]/delete[] usage in RsDiscPgpKeyItem and
PGPHandler::exportPublicKey which now consistently uses malloc/free
Remove deprecated RsGenericSerializer::FORMAT_*
Move from deprecated RsServiceSerializer::SERIALIZATION_FLAG_* to
Solve a bunch of compiler warnings
Stricter checks in SerializeContext costructor
JSON API debug lambda returned a dangling reference on Android, fix by
moving the scope of the returned object
What made this a bit tricky to understand was the fact that it happened
only on Android, while the code was formally incorrect for all
platforms, and strangely caused a stack overflow due to two std lib
functions (sentry and flush) calling each other ad infinitum
+#23379 0x603cb2a8 in std::__ndk1::basic_ostream<char, std::__ndk1::char_traits<char> >::flush (this=0x618e92bc) at /opt/android-ndk/sources/cxx-stl/llvm-libc++/include/ostream:949
+#23380 0x603cad08 in std::__ndk1::basic_ostream<char, std::__ndk1::char_traits<char> >::sentry::sentry (this=0x618e9284, __os=...) at /opt/android-ndk/sources/cxx-stl/llvm-libc++/include/ostream:270
+#23381 0x603cb2a8 in std::__ndk1::basic_ostream<char, std::__ndk1::char_traits<char> >::flush (this=0x618e92bc) at /opt/android-ndk/sources/cxx-stl/llvm-libc++/include/ostream:949
+#23382 0x603cad08 in std::__ndk1::basic_ostream<char, std::__ndk1::char_traits<char> >::sentry::sentry (this=0x618e9304, __os=...) at /opt/android-ndk/sources/cxx-stl/llvm-libc++/include/ostream:270
+#23383 0x603caa6c in std::__ndk1::__put_character_sequence<char, std::__ndk1::char_traits<char> > (__os=..., __str=0x61379a60 " user: ", __len=7) at /opt/android-ndk/sources/cxx-stl/llvm-libc++/include/ostream:726
+#23384 0x603caa30 in std::__ndk1::operator<< <std::__ndk1::char_traits<char> > (__os=..., __str=0x61379a60 " user: ") at /opt/android-ndk/sources/cxx-stl/llvm-libc++/include/ostream:869
+#23385 0x60522184 in t_RsLogger<(RsLoggerCategories)5>::operator<< <char [8]> (this=0x618e92bc, val=...) at ../../../../Development/rs-develop/libretroshare/src/util/rsdebug.h:53
+#23386 0x60bbe5ec in JsonApiServer::registerHandler(std::__ndk1::basic_string<char, std::__ndk1::char_traits<char>, std::__ndk1::allocator<char> > const&, std::__ndk1::function<void (std::__ndk1::shared_ptr<restbed::Session>)> const&, bool)::$_259::operator()(std::__ndk1::shared_ptr<restbed::Session>, std::__ndk1::function<void (std::__ndk1::shared_ptr<restbed::Session>)> const&) const (this=0x617d8364, session=..., callback=...) at ../../../../Development/rs-develop/libretroshare/src/jsonapi/jsonapi.cpp:517
Improve atomic access to restbed service
Protect JSON API restart against bursts
Fix JSON API error condition enum registration
Provide ostream helper for error_condition
Provide optional forced thread cancel for debugging purpose, disabled by
default at compile time define RS_THREAD_FORCE_STOP to enable it
Avoid double fullstop in retroshare-gui json api apply button
JSON API server uses standardized error handling based on
std::error_condition for a few method, this improve debugabbility both
from library size and from API client side
JSON API auth token are now more flexible, now the only proibition is using
colon character ':' in user name
Implemented TO_JSON operation for std::error_condition
Avoid unkown serial job handling code duplication via fatalUnknownSerialJob
Usability improvement in t_RsLogger
Disable compilation of now unused is_alphanumeric
Browsers won't let JavaScript properly handle the error if the corsa
headers are missing thanks Saud for report see:
Removed antipattern abstraction RsSingleJobThread
Rename runloop() method to run() in RsThread
Ported few classes ineriting from RsSingleJobThread to RsThread
RsThread use std::atomic instead of self implemented strange binary semaphores
Removed RsTickingThread::shutdown() use RsThread::askForStop() instead
Removed RsTickingThread::fullstop() use RsThread::fullstop() instead
Stop properly JSON API server in retroshare-gui
Centralize errno traslation to literal in util/rserrno.*
In Restbed one is not supposed to call session->yield outside the
threads controlled by Restbed. RetroShare JSON API async call were
calling session->yield from threads controlled by RetroShare all the
times, this caused crashes in some cases, like when the JSON API
socket timed out concurrently with the session->yield call .
To solve this problem session->yield from async
calls are now wrapped insto mService->schedule to ensure they are
executed on the right thread (aka one of the threads controlled by
While solving this issue I realized also that passing RsEvents as const
references around was quite limiting in cases where the event need to
be finally handled in another thread, in that case passing by const
reference the RsEvent needed to be copied by value into the thread
that process it, in this copy by value process the information of
which was the original specific type is lost, and then only the data
and methods from general RsEvents are available, unless the handler
does tricky stuff with type coercion etc. To solve this limitation
pass the events as std::shared_ptr<const RsEvent> seems the safer and
more elegant solution.
This should bit by bit substitute RsNotify which would be very difficult
to support properly in JSON API.
The new system is much simpler to use also from the C++ side of the
BroadcastDiscovery take advantage of the new system to notify about new
non friend peer discovered, tested successfully also in JSON API.
Discover peers on the same broadcast domain/LAN
Implements own node announcement
Implements others announcement listening
Implements API to get notifiend when other nodes get discovered
Implements API to get discovered nodes
Add discovered peer locator to rsPeers if it is already friend
Yet a bunch of things to do to take full advantage of this new
Avoid problems to serialization on different platforms, without breaking
nested STL containers serialization.
The conversion have been made with sed, and checked with grep, plus
kdiff3 visual ispection, plus rutime tests, so it should be fine.