In preparation for making RS support IPv6.
NB: This breaks the build of retroshare-gui, as the
sockaddr_storage_xxx fns are only defined as prototypes for now.
All the aux libraries like udp / stun / tcponudp / dht have still to be converted.
These changes will probably break various things and need to be tested thoroughly.
git-svn-id: b45a01b8-16f6-495d-af2f-9b41ad6348cc
* new classe p3zcNatAssist
* moved some common ZeroConf functions / definitions around.
* moved virtual tick() to parent class: pqiNetAssist
* added zcNetAssist section to makefiles. (active for OSX build)
* setup switch between p3zcNatAssist & upnphandler in
NOTE: Still to test network restart, etc, and correct exchange of external Ip Address.
git-svn-id: b45a01b8-16f6-495d-af2f-9b41ad6348cc
- registers oneself, browses and resolves services.
- Lots still TODO:
- parse TxtRecords.
- Track peers.
- feedback to libretroshare
- etc, etc.
Enabled ZeroConf in & Compiles and runs on OSX.
Added RelayHandler to Dht, to enable external control of Relays.
Marked pqiAssist Interface for changes... will be revamped with ZeroConf.
git-svn-id: b45a01b8-16f6-495d-af2f-9b41ad6348cc
* Added p3BanList as a service.
* Added interfaces to communicate addresses.
* Added debug to p3BanList.
* Fixed several bugs in the AddEntry/Condense
* Fixed Mutex deadlocks.
Improvements to Dsdv code too.
* Added p3Dsdv as a service.
* Added Function to create a TEST service for routing.
git-svn-id: b45a01b8-16f6-495d-af2f-9b41ad6348cc
- Added missing Mutex protection in p3BitDht.
- Added p3BitDht::addKnownPeer() to communicate with libbitdht.
- Disabled placeholder versions (addFriend/AddFriendOfFriend)
- Added netAssistKnownPeer() libretroshare interface.
- Added calls to netAssistKnownPeer() from p3disc and p3NetMgr.
- Check for NULL ptr in p3NetMgr before calling p3PeerMgr.
- Added FIX to maintain MANUAL FORWARD port (untested!)
- Removed some compiler warnings.
git-svn-id: b45a01b8-16f6-495d-af2f-9b41ad6348cc
* Increased Timeout Periods for UDP connections - this was stopping half of them from succeeding.
* The other bug (Heartbeat / stream issues) has not been solved.
* Fixed up initialisation of p3BitDht data.
* add DropPeers() as NON-ACTIVE (this allows peers which aren't VISIBLE to still try and connect)
* export AddFriends/FOF/Others to LinkMgr to allow further SSL IDs to be added to p3BitDht.
* Export UDP Addresses to DhtWindow.
* switch off lots of debugging.
git-svn-id: b45a01b8-16f6-495d-af2f-9b41ad6348cc
* Added ConnectionFeedback fn to NetAssistConnect & p3BitDht.
* Added TYPE definitions to pqiassist.h
* added extra parameters to p3LinkMgr::connectAttempt() (flags which will be used to pass DIRECT/PROXY/DIRECT + PASSIVE/ACTIVE)
* Added callback from p3LinkMgr to NetMgr::netAssistStatusUpdate() => Dht::ConnectionFeedback.
* updated peerConnectRequest to trigger either TCP attempt (first) or UDP connection.
* updated parameters for p3LinkMgrIMPL::tryConnectUDP()
* added p3LinkMgrIMPL::locked_ConnectAttempt_SpecificAddress() for DHT => TCP attempt.
* added extra parameter to addAddressIfUnique... bool addFront => DHT attempts get pushed to front of Queue due to timing requirements.
* added extra parameter (flags) to pqiperson::connect() - matches extra parameters to p3LinkMgr::connectAttempt().
* added p3NetMgr::netAssistStatusUpdate()
* added mConnectFlags to pqissludp
git-svn-id: b45a01b8-16f6-495d-af2f-9b41ad6348cc
* Added tick() and setRefreshPeriod() to pqiAddrAssist
* Fixed up NETSTATE #defines, all refer to retroshare/rsconfig.h
* added #define => string translations for NETSTATEs
* Added NetStateBox as an independent Network State determination (has no effect on existing code).
* added slowTick() to p3NetMgr.
* connected p3NetMgr::getNet... to NetStateBox.
* piped network state into NetStateBox.
* added p3NetMgr check for changes in NatType. (to update Stun Rate / Attach Mode (TODO))
* added NetStateBox.reset()
* tweaked lots of debugging.
* added Default Stun Period (pass -1 to setRefreshPeriod())
git-svn-id: b45a01b8-16f6-495d-af2f-9b41ad6348cc
* Split debugging in two. Hid Id Translation debug (that code is fine)
* Added initialisation of p3bitdht peer data structure (using values from peernet).
* Added Tick() interface to NetAssistConnect interface, tick it from p3NetMgr.
* FIXED OLD BUG: netAssistFriend was not being called from p3LinkMgr::connectResult() this meant all peers where being searched for.
git-svn-id: b45a01b8-16f6-495d-af2f-9b41ad6348cc
* Plumbed stats through the the retroshare interface.
* Also changed Channel store period back to 10 minutes.... (Reduce overall file count).
This must be done some time before the any changes are made to Channels periods.
git-svn-id: b45a01b8-16f6-495d-af2f-9b41ad6348cc