To import contact
To export contact
In both cases if everithing went fine the answer is something like
{"data":{"radix":"AgIRBAAABd...", "gxs_id":"fff..."}, "returncode":"ok"}
Some retrocompatible adaptations were necessary to libretroshare
Now accept an extra optional pointer parameter to return the id of the
key so we can return it back from libresapi too and can be used to
request more information about the key to the API.
ChatHandler::handleUnreadMsgs(...) deprecate 'id' field
in favour of 'chat_id'
IdentityHandler::handleWildcard(...) reduce sleep time from 500 to 50 ms
IdentityHandler::handleWildcard(...) expose 'is_contact' to JSON API
Split contacts list delegate into GxsIdentityDelegate.qml
Update to QtQuick.Controls 2.0 because 1.4 is not supported anymore and
2.1 is not available yet in Qt 5.7.1
ChatView.qml mark messages as read
Set refreshTimer.triggeredOnStart=true to improve reponsiveness of views
Contacts.qml use a Popup that is available in Controls 2.0 instead of a
castrated Dialog to display full fingerprint
TrustedNodesView.qml check if locations[*].is_online is an array before
attempting calling reduce
main.qml added menuentry to shutdown de core
main.qml added menuantry to search contact
Deprecate id field in JSON API as it may cause problems in Qml
Offer gxs_id field in JSON API as an id alternative
LibresapiLocalClient support callbacks now an instance may be shared for
different tasks
Expose an instance of LibresapiLocalClient to Qml, type exposure is kept
for retrocompatibility but deprecated
Qml app now has a tab that permit to exchange some message with selected
distant peer