*final modifications to qblog network messages: might need to consider
wstring for profile kvsets tho
*update qblog core to hanldle messages
*updated interface with all methods we will ever need hopefully
git-svn-id: http://svn.code.sf.net/p/retroshare/code/trunk@614 b45a01b8-16f6-495d-af2f-9b41ad6348cc
Various improvements to get p3distrib Messages working:
* Defensive programming in cachestrapper (forcing ownId on save).
* Changed CONFIG_CACHE_ID to last -> to force correct loading order at startup
This should be Config Files, Local Cache Files, then Remote Caches.
* Hack to maintain existing Cache Files.
* Improvments to forum_test.
Lots of work on p3distrib:
* fixed nextCacheSubId.
* Added new Msgs to Config Save.
* Fixed Cache reload issues.
* Overall: Enabled Forum Msg publication.
git-svn-id: http://svn.code.sf.net/p/retroshare/code/trunk@611 b45a01b8-16f6-495d-af2f-9b41ad6348cc
* Added GUI interface for auto connect state.
* Added HTTP retrieval and storage of DHT peers update.
* Added code for partial recv() from DHT peers.
* Disabled Chat/Disc/Udplayer/tcpstream debug output.
* Added Unreachable Check to connMgr.
* Added auto reconnect functions to connMgr (#define to disable).
* Restructured DHT notify code... much cleaner.
* DHT now flags out of date DHT results.
* DHT notifies ConnMgr on any results (same or diff).
* Added Fns to cleanup old udp connection.
* other bugfixes.
git-svn-id: http://svn.code.sf.net/p/retroshare/code/trunk@369 b45a01b8-16f6-495d-af2f-9b41ad6348cc
the rewrite of the retroshare core networking stack.
This check-in commits the changes to the rsiface code.
Addition of new Retroshare Interface for Peer/Neighbour control.
Mods to notifytxt to use new interface.
git-svn-id: http://svn.code.sf.net/p/retroshare/code/trunk@315 b45a01b8-16f6-495d-af2f-9b41ad6348cc