- added check for banned IP from DHT at connection time
- added regular removal of banned IPs from friend IP lists
- increased time of banned IP storage to 1 week (previously 6 hours)
- added save for banned IPs to keep them after restart (in bdfilter.cc) to file bdfilter.txt (can be manually updated)
- changed mFiltered into a std::map for increased search efficiency
- added secondary check of cert ID at connection time.-This line, and those below, will be ignored--
M libretroshare/src/pqi/p3netmgr.cc
M libretroshare/src/pqi/pqimonitor.h
M libretroshare/src/pqi/p3peermgr.cc
M libretroshare/src/pqi/p3linkmgr.h
M libretroshare/src/pqi/pqissllistener.cc
M libretroshare/src/pqi/p3peermgr.h
M libretroshare/src/pqi/p3linkmgr.cc
M libretroshare/src/pqi/pqiperson.cc
M libretroshare/src/pqi/pqissl.cc
M libretroshare/src/rsserver/rsinit.cc
M libretroshare/src/dht/p3bitdht_relay.cc
M libretroshare/src/dht/p3bitdht.cc
M libretroshare/src/dht/p3bitdht.h
M libretroshare/src/retroshare/rsdht.h
M libbitdht/src/udp/udpbitdht.h
M libbitdht/src/udp/udpbitdht.cc
M libbitdht/src/bitdht/bdmanager.cc
M libbitdht/src/bitdht/bdmanager.h
M libbitdht/src/bitdht/bdnode.h
M libbitdht/src/bitdht/bdfilter.h
M libbitdht/src/bitdht/bdfilter.cc
M libbitdht/src/bitdht/bdnode.cc
M libbitdht/src/bitdht/bdstore.h
git-svn-id: http://svn.code.sf.net/p/retroshare/code/trunk@8289 b45a01b8-16f6-495d-af2f-9b41ad6348cc
- create Timeout Fn so it can be called by classes derived from pqissl.
- set HIDDEN timeout to 30 seconds.
- add reset_locked() calls on errors in pqisslproxy.
git-svn-id: http://svn.code.sf.net/p/retroshare/code/branches/v0.6-initdev@7039 b45a01b8-16f6-495d-af2f-9b41ad6348cc
* service->SendItem() now goes direct to pqistreamer buffer.
* split p3FastService out of p3Service.
p3FastService removes the recv buffer for faster processing.
p3Service maintains its original interface, so derivate classes can remain unchanged.
* Added uint32_t usec (wait period) to BinInterface.moretoread() & cansend() for future threading.
* Added Mutex protection to pqistreamer, pqissl and derivatives of both.
git-svn-id: http://svn.code.sf.net/p/retroshare/code/branches/v0.6-initdev@6783 b45a01b8-16f6-495d-af2f-9b41ad6348cc
Fixed interfaces for UPnP.
Some further tweaks to get TCP connections working again:
- hiddenNode issue in p3peers.cc
- fixed socklen_t for bind() and connect() calls.
- initialise addr to IPv4 for netmgr.
- change netAssist (Upnp) interfaces.
Still todo: tou address functions, test UDP functionality.
git-svn-id: http://svn.code.sf.net/p/retroshare/code/branches/v0.6-initdev@6755 b45a01b8-16f6-495d-af2f-9b41ad6348cc
In preparation for making RS support IPv6.
NB: This breaks the build of retroshare-gui, as the
sockaddr_storage_xxx fns are only defined as prototypes for now.
All the aux libraries like udp / stun / tcponudp / dht have still to be converted.
These changes will probably break various things and need to be tested thoroughly.
git-svn-id: http://svn.code.sf.net/p/retroshare/code/branches/v0.6-initdev@6735 b45a01b8-16f6-495d-af2f-9b41ad6348cc
- This will only effect people who upgrade from a very old version.
- Other people will have to switch it on manually.
- Default is 0 friends, 1 FOF & 1 General @ 1kb/s... max 4kb/s usage per peer.
* Switched off lots of debugging.
* Bugfix for natassist (zeroconf returns when its doesn't work).
* Logged IP Addresses for Failed incoming connections.
* Hacked IP address into the NewsFeed notifications (ugly).
git-svn-id: http://svn.code.sf.net/p/retroshare/code/trunk@4827 b45a01b8-16f6-495d-af2f-9b41ad6348cc
* Added DataRate accounting to Relay and Dht.
* Rates are exposed through rsDht.h interface.
* Added LastIncomingTS() to pqistreamer.
* Turned HeartBeat reset() into a warning.
* Added NoPacket in 60 sec reset().
* Minor typos/errors corrected.
git-svn-id: http://svn.code.sf.net/p/retroshare/code/trunk@4818 b45a01b8-16f6-495d-af2f-9b41ad6348cc
- Hid lots of DEBUG_BASIC behind #defines in pqissl.
- Added PeerID() in many places, so grep for a single peer.
- fixed linkMgr output so we can tell a FAILURE vs FAILED ATTEMPT
- reduced most logging to a single line.
- print out of errno in HumanText for SSL errors.
git-svn-id: http://svn.code.sf.net/p/retroshare/code/trunk@4814 b45a01b8-16f6-495d-af2f-9b41ad6348cc
* Adding more detailed flags to each connection.
* Cleaned up unneeded stuff from p3LinkMgr.
* Added rswin.h includes before openssl - allows compilation using std Win OpenSSL.
* Added getConnectFlags() to Net Base.
* removed net_attempt and associated obsolete variables from pqissl
* Made NetBinInterface protected in pqiperson (is this okay?)
git-svn-id: http://svn.code.sf.net/p/retroshare/code/branches/v0.5-dhtmods@4767 b45a01b8-16f6-495d-af2f-9b41ad6348cc