RsServer properly handle deletion (childs are not yet)
p3GxsMails properly handle deletion
RsControl::instance() use proper static initialization
p3GxsMails register configuration files at right time
RsGxsMailBaseItem take in account offset in header pointer
RsGxsMailSerializer use C++11 safe enum class for items types
RsGxsMailItem take in account offset in header pointer
RsGxsMailItem::deserialize(...) properly calculate final offset
p3GxsMails::handleResponse(...) delete group items after usage
move ex inner struct OutgoingRecord to gxs mail items header
p3MsgService::saveList removed unused variable
p3MsgService::notifyDataStatus(...) take in account multiple backends
p3MsgService::receiveGxsMail(...) take in account multiple backends
p3MsgService::receiveGRouterData(...) take in account multiple backends
Added prersistence to p3MsgService::gxsOngoingMessages
Moved testing code to TestGxsMailClientService
RsGxsMailPresignedReceipt and RsGxsMailItem inherit RsGxsMailBaseItem
p3GxsMails::sendMail(...) check paramenters and return immediately
Added GxsMailsClient::notifySendMailStatus(...) to notify sent mails status
Added p3GxsMails::querySendMailStatus(...) so clients can query status
This method does protect recipient metadata but doesn't support multicasting so
if a mail has N recipients N copies of the mail need to be sent to the group
RsGenExchange made some members protected instead of private so child classes
can use them
Create Rs{G,N}xsMailPresignedReceipt items to prepare and dispatch receipts
Move RsNxsMsg deserialization to RsNxsMsg::deserialize(...) method
Add notice about param not being checked in GxsSecurity
Use proper types for RsGenExchange::getMsg* params
Implement bitwise or and not operators for t_RsGenericIdType
GxsMail unsubscribe old unused groups
GxsMail initial work on supporting client services
Implemented p3IdService::encryptData(...) for multiple recipients
Periodically pool GXS backend for new groups and subscribe to all.
A group is created and an email can be sent to it but for some reason
the group and and the email are not received by friends.
RsGxsDataAccess deprecate unused ansType
RsGxsDataAccess::setReq(...) use proper types for params
RsGxsDataAccess::getGroupData(...) print useful information in case of error
GxsRequest proper initialization in constructor
GxsRequest deprecate meaningless ansType
RsGroupMetaData Fix comment to avoid confusion
Deprecated meaningless RS_TOKREQ_ANSTYPE_* common source of confusion
p3GxsCircles::request_CircleIdList() removed unused variable
p3GxsCircles::request_CircleIdList() preper return value
Fix a warning in RsGenExchange::messagePublicationTest(...)
Fix documentation for RsGenExchange::{generatePublicToken(), acknowledgeTokenGrp(...)}
Properly initialize RsGroupMetaData, RsMsgMetaData and p3GxsForums members
Cleanup RsGxsNotify