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synced 2025-03-27 17:18:11 -04:00
libretroshare: add share single files (no dir, no extra)
Add capability to libretroshare to share single files without sharing the whole folder containing it, this is expecially useful in Android where files are organized in a peculiar way that render classic way of sharing folder almost unusable. Using extra files which was already implemented doesn't solve this use case as extra files are limited in time and dosn't support search and sharing permissions. RetroShare GUI works fine if a single file is added as shared dir via JSON API, but probably would need tweaking some flags in file picker to give the ability to the user.
This commit is contained in:
@ -30,6 +30,7 @@
#include "directory_storage.h"
#include "dir_hierarchy.h"
#include "filelist_io.h"
#include "util/cxx17retrocompat.h"
# include "deep_search/filesindex.hpp"
@ -617,48 +618,78 @@ bool LocalDirectoryStorage::getFileSharingPermissions(const EntryIndex& indx,Fil
return locked_getFileSharingPermissions(indx,flags,parent_groups) ;
bool LocalDirectoryStorage::locked_getFileSharingPermissions(const EntryIndex& indx, FileStorageFlags& flags, std::list<RsNodeGroupId> &parent_groups)
bool LocalDirectoryStorage::locked_getFileSharingPermissions(
const EntryIndex& indx, FileStorageFlags& flags,
std::list<RsNodeGroupId>& parent_groups )
flags.clear() ;
std::string base_dir;
/* We got a request for root directory no need to do anything more after
* clearing outputs */
if(!indx) return true;
const InternalFileHierarchyStorage::FileStorageNode *n = mFileHierarchy->getNode(indx) ;
using FileStorageNode = InternalFileHierarchyStorage::FileStorageNode;
using EntryIndex = DirectoryStorage::EntryIndex;
if(n == NULL)
return false ;
rs_view_ptr<const FileStorageNode> n = mFileHierarchy->getNode(indx);
RS_ERR("Node for index: ", indx, "not found");
return false;
for(DirectoryStorage::EntryIndex i=((n->type()==InternalFileHierarchyStorage::FileStorageNode::TYPE_FILE)?((intptr_t)n->parent_index):indx);;)
const InternalFileHierarchyStorage::DirEntry *e = mFileHierarchy->getDirEntry(i) ;
// Climb down node tree up to root + 1
EntryIndex curIndex = indx;
while (n->parent_index)
curIndex = n->parent_index;
n = mFileHierarchy->getNode(curIndex);
if(e == NULL)
break ;
// Retrieve base name
std::string tBaseName;
switch (n->type())
// Handle single file shared case
case InternalFileHierarchyStorage::FileStorageNode::TYPE_FILE:
tBaseName = mFileHierarchy->getFileEntry(curIndex)->file_name;
// Handle shared directory case
case InternalFileHierarchyStorage::FileStorageNode::TYPE_DIR:
tBaseName = mFileHierarchy->getDirEntry(curIndex)->dir_name;
RS_ERR("Got unhandled node type: ", n->type());
return false;
if(e->parent_index == 0)
base_dir = e->dir_name ;
break ;
i = e->parent_index ;
// Use base name to retrieve sharing permissions
auto it = std::as_const(mLocalDirs).find(tBaseName);
std::map<std::string,SharedDirInfo>::const_iterator it = mLocalDirs.find(base_dir) ;
if(it == mLocalDirs.end())
RS_ERR( "base name \"", tBaseName,
"\" for index: ", indx, " not found in shared dir list." );
return false;
if(it == mLocalDirs.end())
std::cerr << "(II) base directory \"" << base_dir << "\" not found in shared dir list." << std::endl;
return false ;
flags = it->second.shareflags;
parent_groups = it->second.parent_groups;
RS_ERR("base name for indx: ", indx, " is empty");
return false;
flags = it->second.shareflags;
parent_groups = it->second.parent_groups;
return true;
return true;
std::string LocalDirectoryStorage::locked_getVirtualDirName(EntryIndex indx) const
@ -3,7 +3,9 @@
* *
* libretroshare: retroshare core library *
* *
* Copyright 2016 by Mr.Alice <mralice@users.sourceforge.net> *
* Copyright (C) 2016 by Mr.Alice <mralice@users.sourceforge.net> *
* Copyright (C) 2021 Gioacchino Mazzurco <gio@eigenlab.org> *
* Copyright (C) 2021 Asociación Civil Altermundi <info@altermundi.net> *
* *
* This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify *
* it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as *
@ -19,13 +21,15 @@
* along with this program. If not, see <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. *
* *
#include "util/cxx17retrocompat.h"
#include "util/folderiterator.h"
#include "util/rstime.h"
#include "rsserver/p3face.h"
#include "directory_storage.h"
#include "directory_updater.h"
#include "file_sharing_defaults.h"
#include "util/rsdebuglevel3.h"
@ -121,185 +125,238 @@ void LocalDirectoryUpdater::forceUpdate(bool add_safe_delay)
bool LocalDirectoryUpdater::sweepSharedDirectories(bool& some_files_not_ready)
std::cerr << "(EE) no salt value in LocalDirectoryUpdater. Is that a bug?" << std::endl;
return false;
RS_ERR("no salt value in LocalDirectoryUpdater");
return false;
mIsChecking = true ;
mIsChecking = true;
RsServer::notify()->notifyListPreChange(NOTIFY_LIST_DIRLIST_LOCAL, 0);
std::cerr << "[directory storage] LocalDirectoryUpdater::sweep()" << std::endl;
RsServer::notify()->notifyListPreChange(NOTIFY_LIST_DIRLIST_LOCAL, 0);
// recursive update algorithm works that way:
// - the external loop starts on the shared directory list and goes through sub-directories
// - at the same time, it updates the local list of shared directories. A single sweep is performed over the whole directory structure.
// - the information that is costly to compute (the hash) is store externally into a separate structure.
// - doing so, changing directory names or moving files between directories does not cause a re-hash of the content.
std::list<SharedDirInfo> shared_directory_list ;
/* recursive update algorithm works that way:
* - the external loop starts on the shared directory list and goes through
* sub-directories
* - at the same time, it updates the local list of shared directories.
* A single sweep is performed over the whole directory structure.
* - the information that is costly to compute (the hash) is stored
* externally into a separate structure.
* - doing so, changing directory names or moving files between directories
* does not cause a re-hash of the content. */
std::list<SharedDirInfo> shared_directory_list;
std::set<std::string> sub_dir_list;
std::set<std::string> sub_dir_list ;
/* Support also single files sharing as it make much more sense on some
* platforms like Android */
std::map<std::string, DirectoryStorage::FileTS> singleFilesMap;
// We re-check that each dir actually exists. It might have been removed from the disk.
/* We re-check that each dir actually exists. It might have been removed
* from the disk. Accept also single files not just directories. */
for(auto& realDir: std::as_const(shared_directory_list))
const auto& fPath = realDir.filename;
else if (RsDirUtil::fileExists(fPath))
rstime_t lastWrite= RsDirUtil::lastWriteTime(fPath);
if(time(nullptr) >= lastWrite + MIN_TIME_AFTER_LAST_MODIFICATION)
uint64_t fSize = 0;
for(std::list<SharedDirInfo>::const_iterator real_dir_it(shared_directory_list.begin());real_dir_it!=shared_directory_list.end();++real_dir_it)
if(RsDirUtil::checkDirectory( (*real_dir_it).filename ) )
sub_dir_list.insert( (*real_dir_it).filename ) ;
singleFilesMap[fPath].modtime = lastWrite;
singleFilesMap[fPath].size = fSize;
some_files_not_ready = true;
RS_INFO( "file: \"", fPath, "\" is "
"probably being written to. Keep it for later");
else RS_WARN( "Got non existent file \"", fPath,
"\" in shared directories list. Ignored." );
// make sure that entries in stored_dir_it are the same than paths in real_dir_it, and in the same order.
const auto tRoot = mSharedDirectories->root();
std::map<std::string, DirectoryStorage::FileTS> needsUpdate;
tRoot, singleFilesMap, needsUpdate);
mSharedDirectories->updateSubDirectoryList(mSharedDirectories->root(),sub_dir_list,mHashSalt) ;
for( DirectoryStorage::FileIterator storedSingleFilesIt(
mSharedDirectories, mSharedDirectories->root() );
storedSingleFilesIt; ++storedSingleFilesIt )
const auto& it = storedSingleFilesIt;
RsFileHash hash;
if( mHashCache->requestHash(
it.name(), it.size(), it.modtime(), hash,
this, *it ) )
mSharedDirectories->updateHash(*it, hash, it.hash() != hash);
// now for each of them, go recursively and match both files and dirs
/* make sure that entries in stored_dir_it are the same than paths in
* real_dir_it, and in the same order. */
mSharedDirectories->root(), sub_dir_list, mHashSalt );
std::set<std::string> existing_dirs ;
// now for each of them, go recursively and match both files and dirs
std::set<std::string> existing_dirs;
for( DirectoryStorage::DirIterator stored_dir_it(
mSharedDirectories, mSharedDirectories->root() );
stored_dir_it; ++stored_dir_it )
RS_DBG4("recursing into \"", stored_dir_it.name());
for(DirectoryStorage::DirIterator stored_dir_it(mSharedDirectories,mSharedDirectories->root()) ; stored_dir_it;++stored_dir_it)
std::cerr << "[directory storage] recursing into " << stored_dir_it.name() << std::endl;
stored_dir_it.name(), *stored_dir_it,
existing_dirs, 1, some_files_not_ready );
/* here we need to use the list that was stored, instead of the shared
* dir list, because the two are not necessarily in the same order. */
recursUpdateSharedDir(stored_dir_it.name(), *stored_dir_it,existing_dirs,1,some_files_not_ready) ; // here we need to use the list that was stored, instead of the shared dir list, because the two
// are not necessarily in the same order.
RsServer::notify()->notifyListChange(NOTIFY_LIST_DIRLIST_LOCAL, 0);
mIsChecking = false;
RsServer::notify()->notifyListChange(NOTIFY_LIST_DIRLIST_LOCAL, 0);
mIsChecking = false ;
return true ;
return true;
void LocalDirectoryUpdater::recursUpdateSharedDir(const std::string& cumulated_path, DirectoryStorage::EntryIndex indx,std::set<std::string>& existing_directories,uint32_t current_depth,bool& some_files_not_ready)
void LocalDirectoryUpdater::recursUpdateSharedDir(
const std::string& cumulated_path, DirectoryStorage::EntryIndex indx,
std::set<std::string>& existing_directories, uint32_t current_depth,
bool& some_files_not_ready )
std::cerr << "[directory storage] parsing directory " << cumulated_path << ", index=" << indx << std::endl;
RS_DBG4("parsing directory \"", cumulated_path, "\" index: ", indx);
// make sure list of subdirs is the same
// make sure list of subfiles is the same
// request all hashes to the hashcache
/* make sure list of subdirs is the same
* make sure list of subfiles is the same
* request all hashes to the hashcache */
librs::util::FolderIterator dirIt(cumulated_path,mFollowSymLinks,false); // disallow symbolic links and files from the future.
// disallow symbolic links and files from the future.
librs::util::FolderIterator dirIt(cumulated_path, mFollowSymLinks, false);
rstime_t dir_local_mod_time ;
std::cerr << "(EE) Cannot get local mod time for dir index " << indx << std::endl;
rstime_t dir_local_mod_time;
RS_ERR("Cannot get local mod time for dir index: ", indx);
rstime_t now = time(NULL) ;
rstime_t now = time(nullptr);
/* the > is because we may have changed the virtual name, and therefore the
* TS wont match. We only want to detect when the directory has changed on
* the disk */
if(mNeedsFullRecheck || dirIt.dir_modtime() > dir_local_mod_time)
// collect subdirs and subfiles
std::map<std::string, DirectoryStorage::FileTS> subfiles;
std::set<std::string> subdirs;
if(mNeedsFullRecheck || dirIt.dir_modtime() > dir_local_mod_time) // the > is because we may have changed the virtual name, and therefore the TS wont match.
// we only want to detect when the directory has changed on the disk
// collect subdirs and subfiles
for( ; dirIt.isValid(); dirIt.next() )
const auto fType = dirIt.file_type();
case librs::util::FolderIterator::TYPE_FILE:
if(now >= dirIt.file_modtime() + MIN_TIME_AFTER_LAST_MODIFICATION)
subfiles[dirIt.file_name()].modtime = dirIt.file_modtime();
subfiles[dirIt.file_name()].size = dirIt.file_size();
RS_DBG4("adding sub-file \"", dirIt.file_name(), "\"");
some_files_not_ready = true;
RS_INFO( "file: \"", dirIt.file_fullpath(), "\" is "
"probably being written to. Keep it for later");
case librs::util::FolderIterator::TYPE_DIR:
bool dir_is_accepted = true;
/* 64 is here as a safe limit, to make infinite loops
* impossible.
* TODO: Make it a visible constexpr in the header */
if( (mMaxShareDepth > 0u && current_depth > mMaxShareDepth)
|| (mMaxShareDepth == 0 && current_depth >= 64) )
dir_is_accepted = false;
std::map<std::string,DirectoryStorage::FileTS> subfiles ;
std::set<std::string> subdirs ;
if(dir_is_accepted && mFollowSymLinks && mIgnoreDuplicates)
std::string real_path = RsDirUtil::removeSymLinks(
cumulated_path + "/" + dirIt.file_name() );
case librs::util::FolderIterator::TYPE_FILE:
if( existing_directories.end() !=
existing_directories.find(real_path) )
RS_WARN( "Directory: \"", cumulated_path,
"\" has real path: \"", real_path,
"\" which already belongs to another "
"shared directory. Ignoring" );
dir_is_accepted = false;
else existing_directories.insert(real_path);
if(dirIt.file_modtime() + MIN_TIME_AFTER_LAST_MODIFICATION < now)
subfiles[dirIt.file_name()].modtime = dirIt.file_modtime() ;
subfiles[dirIt.file_name()].size = dirIt.file_size();
std::cerr << " adding sub-file \"" << dirIt.file_name() << "\"" << std::endl;
some_files_not_ready = true ;
if(dir_is_accepted) subdirs.insert(dirIt.file_name());
std::cerr << "(WW) file " << dirIt.file_fullpath() << " is probably being written to. Keeping it for later." << std::endl;
RS_DBG4("adding sub-dir \"", dirIt.file_name(), "\"");
RS_ERR( "Got Dir entry of unknown type:", fType,
"with path \"", cumulated_path, "/",
dirIt.file_name(), "\"" );
case librs::util::FolderIterator::TYPE_DIR:
bool dir_is_accepted = true ;
/* update folder modificatoin time, which is the only way to detect
* e.g. removed or renamed files. */
if( (mMaxShareDepth > 0u && current_depth > mMaxShareDepth) || (mMaxShareDepth==0 && current_depth >= 64)) // 64 is here as a safe limit, to make loops impossible.
dir_is_accepted = false ;
// update file and dir lists for current directory.
if(dir_is_accepted && mFollowSymLinks && mIgnoreDuplicates)
std::string real_path = RsDirUtil::removeSymLinks(cumulated_path + "/" + dirIt.file_name()) ;
std::map<std::string, DirectoryStorage::FileTS> new_files;
mSharedDirectories->updateSubFilesList(indx, subfiles, new_files);
if(existing_directories.end() != existing_directories.find(real_path))
std::cerr << "(WW) Directory " << cumulated_path << " has real path " << real_path << " which already belongs to another shared directory. Ignoring" << std::endl;
dir_is_accepted = false ;
existing_directories.insert(real_path) ;
std::cerr << " adding sub-dir \"" << dirIt.file_name() << "\"" << std::endl;
std::cerr << "(EE) Dir entry of unknown type with path \"" << cumulated_path << "/" << dirIt.file_name() << "\"" << std::endl;
// update folder modificatoin time, which is the only way to detect e.g. removed or renamed files.
mSharedDirectories->setDirectoryLocalModTime(indx,dirIt.dir_modtime()) ;
// update file and dir lists for current directory.
mSharedDirectories->updateSubDirectoryList(indx,subdirs,mHashSalt) ;
std::map<std::string,DirectoryStorage::FileTS> new_files ;
mSharedDirectories->updateSubFilesList(indx,subfiles,new_files) ;
// now go through list of subfiles and request the hash to hashcache
for(DirectoryStorage::FileIterator dit(mSharedDirectories,indx);dit;++dit)
// ask about the hash. If not present, ask HashCache. If not present, or different, the callback will update it.
RsFileHash hash ;
// mSharedDirectories does two things: store H(F), and compute H(H(F)), which is used in FT. The later is always needed.
if(mHashCache->requestHash(cumulated_path + "/" + dit.name(),dit.size(),dit.modtime(),hash,this,*dit))
mSharedDirectories->updateHash(*dit,hash,hash != dit.hash());
std::cerr << " directory is unchanged. Keeping existing files and subdirs list." << std::endl;
// go through the list of sub-dirs and recursively update
for(DirectoryStorage::DirIterator stored_dir_it(mSharedDirectories,indx) ; stored_dir_it; ++stored_dir_it)
// now go through list of subfiles and request the hash to hashcache
for( DirectoryStorage::FileIterator dit(mSharedDirectories,indx);
dit; ++dit )
std::cerr << " recursing into " << stored_dir_it.name() << std::endl;
recursUpdateSharedDir(cumulated_path + "/" + stored_dir_it.name(), *stored_dir_it,existing_directories,current_depth+1,some_files_not_ready) ;
/* ask about the hash. If not present, ask HashCache.
* If not present, or different, the callback will update it. */
RsFileHash hash;
/* mSharedDirectories does two things: store H(F), and
* compute H(H(F)), which is used in FT.
* The later is always needed. */
if( mHashCache->requestHash(
cumulated_path + "/" + dit.name(),
dit.size(), dit.modtime(), hash, this, *dit ) )
mSharedDirectories->updateHash(*dit, hash, hash != dit.hash());
// go through the list of sub-dirs and recursively update
for( DirectoryStorage::DirIterator stored_dir_it(mSharedDirectories, indx);
stored_dir_it; ++stored_dir_it )
recursUpdateSharedDir( cumulated_path + "/" + stored_dir_it.name(),
*stored_dir_it, existing_directories,
current_depth+1, some_files_not_ready );
bool LocalDirectoryUpdater::filterFile(const std::string& fname) const
@ -4,8 +4,8 @@
* libretroshare: retroshare core library *
* *
* Copyright (C) 2004-2007 Robert Fernie <retroshare@lunamutt.com> *
* Copyright (C) 2020 Gioacchino Mazzurco <gio@eigenlab.org> *
* Copyright (C) 2020 Asociación Civil Altermundi <info@altermundi.net> *
* Copyright (C) 2020-2021 Gioacchino Mazzurco <gio@eigenlab.org> *
* Copyright (C) 2020-2021 Asociación Civil Altermundi <info@altermundi.net> *
* *
* This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify *
* it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as *
@ -438,6 +438,35 @@ bool RsDirUtil::checkFile(const std::string& filename,uint64_t& file_size,bool d
return true;
rstime_t RsDirUtil::lastWriteTime(
const std::string& path,
std::error_condition& errc )
errc = std::errc::no_such_file_or_directory;
return 0;
struct _stati64 buf;
std::wstring wPath;
librs::util::ConvertUtf8ToUtf16(path, wPath);
if ( 0 == _wstati64(wPath.c_str(), &buf))
struct stat64 buf;
if ( 0 == stat64(path.c_str(), &buf))
/* errc is meaningful only if retval is 0
* so it is not necessary but we clean it just in case */
errc = std::error_condition();
return buf.st_mtime;
errc = std::errc::io_error;
return 0;
bool RsDirUtil::checkDirectory(const std::string& dir)
@ -4,8 +4,8 @@
* libretroshare: retroshare core library *
* *
* Copyright (C) 2004-2007 Robert Fernie <retroshare@lunamutt.com> *
* Copyright (C) 2020 Gioacchino Mazzurco <gio@eigenlab.org> *
* Copyright (C) 2020 Asociación Civil Altermundi <info@altermundi.net> *
* Copyright (C) 2020-2021 Gioacchino Mazzurco <gio@eigenlab.org> *
* Copyright (C) 2020-2021 Asociación Civil Altermundi <info@altermundi.net> *
* *
* This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify *
* it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as *
@ -27,11 +27,13 @@
#include <string>
#include <list>
#include <set>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <cstdint>
#include <system_error>
class RsThread;
#include <retroshare/rstypes.h>
#include "retroshare/rstypes.h"
#include "util/rsmemory.h"
typedef int rs_lock_handle_t;
@ -92,6 +94,17 @@ bool moveFile(const std::string& source, const std::string& dest);
bool removeFile(const std::string& file);
bool fileExists(const std::string& file);
bool checkFile(const std::string& filename,uint64_t& file_size,bool disallow_empty_file = false);
* @brief Retrieve file last modification time
* @param path path of the file
* @param errc optional storage for error details
* @return 0 on error, file modification time represented as unix epoch otherwise.
rstime_t lastWriteTime(
const std::string& path,
std::error_condition& errc = RS_DEFAULT_STORAGE_PARAM(std::error_condition) );
bool checkDirectory(const std::string& dir);
bool checkCreateDirectory(const std::string& dir);
Reference in New Issue
Block a user