mirror of
synced 2025-02-17 13:24:15 -05:00
changed global router routing strategy. Should be more effective now.
This commit is contained in:
@ -142,6 +142,8 @@ RsGRouterGenericDataItem *RsGRouterSerialiser::deserialise_RsGRouterGenericDataI
ok &= getRawUInt32(data, pktsize, &offset, &item->service_id);
ok &= getRawUInt32(data, pktsize, &offset, &item->data_size);
if(item->data_size > 0) // This happens when the item data has been deleted from the cache
if(item->data_size > rssize || offset > rssize - item->data_size) // better than if(item->data_size + offset > rssize)
std::cerr << __PRETTY_FUNCTION__ << ": Cannot read beyond item size. Serialisation error!" << std::endl;
@ -157,10 +159,27 @@ RsGRouterGenericDataItem *RsGRouterSerialiser::deserialise_RsGRouterGenericDataI
memcpy(item->data_bytes,&((uint8_t*)data)[offset],item->data_size) ;
offset += item->data_size ;
item->data_bytes = NULL ;
ok &= item->signature.GetTlv(data, pktsize, &offset) ;
ok &= getRawUInt32(data, pktsize, &offset, &item->randomized_distance);
ok &= getRawUInt32(data, pktsize, &offset, &item->duplication_factor);
// make sure the duplication factor is not altered by friends. In the worst case, the item will duplicate a bit more.
if(item->duplication_factor < 1)
item->duplication_factor = 1 ;
std::cerr << "(II) correcting GRouter item duplication factor from 0 to 1, to ensure backward compat." << std::endl;
if(item->duplication_factor > GROUTER_MAX_DUPLICATION_FACTOR)
std::cerr << "(WW) correcting GRouter item duplication factor of " << item->duplication_factor << ". This is very unexpected." << std::endl;
item->duplication_factor = GROUTER_MAX_DUPLICATION_FACTOR ;
ok &= getRawUInt32(data, pktsize, &offset, &item->flags);
if (offset != rssize || !ok)
@ -382,7 +401,7 @@ uint32_t RsGRouterGenericDataItem::serial_size() const
s += 4 ; // service id
s += data_size ; // data
s += signature.TlvSize() ; // signature
s += 4 ; // randomized distance
s += 4 ; // duplication_factor
s += 4 ; // flags
return s ;
@ -483,7 +502,7 @@ bool RsGRouterGenericDataItem::serialise(void *data,uint32_t& size) const
ok &= signature.SetTlv(data, tlvsize, &offset) ;
ok &= setRawUInt32(data, tlvsize, &offset, randomized_distance) ;
ok &= setRawUInt32(data, tlvsize, &offset, duplication_factor) ;
ok &= setRawUInt32(data, tlvsize, &offset, flags) ;
if (offset != tlvsize)
@ -796,7 +815,7 @@ std::ostream& RsGRouterGenericDataItem::print(std::ostream& o, uint16_t)
o << " Data size: " << data_size << std::endl ;
o << " Data hash: " << RsDirUtil::sha1sum(data_bytes,data_size) << std::endl ;
o << " signature key: " << signature.keyId << std::endl;
o << " randomized dist:" << randomized_distance << std::endl;
o << " duplication fac:" << duplication_factor << std::endl;
o << " flags: " << flags << std::endl;
return o ;
@ -133,7 +133,7 @@ class RsGRouterGenericDataItem: public RsGRouterAbstractMsgItem, public RsGRoute
uint32_t data_size ;
uint8_t *data_bytes;
uint32_t randomized_distance ; // number of hops (tunnel wise. Does not preclude of the real distance)
uint32_t duplication_factor ; // number of duplicates allowed. Should be capped at each de-serialise operation!
// utility methods for signing data
virtual uint32_t signed_data_size() const ;
@ -203,7 +203,7 @@ void GRouterMatrix::debugDump() const
std::cerr << " " << it->first << ": from " << it->second.friend_id << " " << now - it->second.time_stamp << " secs ago." << std::endl;
bool GRouterMatrix::computeRoutingProbabilities(const GRouterKeyId& key_id, const std::vector<RsPeerId>& friends, std::vector<float>& probas) const
bool GRouterMatrix::computeRoutingProbabilities(const GRouterKeyId& key_id, const std::vector<RsPeerId>& friends, std::vector<float>& probas, float& maximum) const
// Routing probabilities are computed according to routing clues
@ -239,6 +239,7 @@ bool GRouterMatrix::computeRoutingProbabilities(const GRouterKeyId& key_id, cons
return false ;
const std::vector<float>& w(it2->second) ;
maximum = 0.0f ;
for(uint32_t i=0;i<friends.size();++i)
@ -250,6 +251,9 @@ bool GRouterMatrix::computeRoutingProbabilities(const GRouterKeyId& key_id, cons
probas[i] = w[findex] ;
total += w[findex] ;
if(maximum < w[findex])
maximum = w[findex] ;
@ -57,7 +57,7 @@ class GRouterMatrix
// the computation accounts for the time at which the info was received and the
// weight of each routing hit record.
bool computeRoutingProbabilities(const GRouterKeyId& id, const std::vector<RsPeerId>& friends, std::vector<float>& probas) const ;
bool computeRoutingProbabilities(const GRouterKeyId& id, const std::vector<RsPeerId>& friends, std::vector<float>& probas, float &maximum) const ;
// Update routing probabilities for each key, accounting for all received events, but without
// activity information
@ -44,6 +44,8 @@ static const uint32_t RS_GROUTER_MAX_KEEP_TRACKING_CLUES = 86400*10 ; // m
static const float RS_GROUTER_BASE_WEIGHT_ROUTED_MSG = 1.0f ; // base contribution of routed message clue to routing matrix
static const float RS_GROUTER_BASE_WEIGHT_GXS_PACKET = 0.1f ; // base contribution of GXS message to routing matrix
static const float RS_GROUTER_PROBABILITY_THRESHOLD_FOR_RANDOM_ROUTING = 0.01f ; // routing probability under which the routage is performed randomly
static const float RS_GROUTER_PROBABILITY_THRESHOLD_BEST_PEERS_SELECT = 0.5f ; // min ratio of forward proba with respect to best peer.
static const uint32_t MAX_TUNNEL_WAIT_TIME = 60 ; // wait for 60 seconds at most for a tunnel response.
static const uint32_t MAX_TUNNEL_UNMANAGED_TIME = 600 ; // min time before retry tunnels for that msg.
@ -54,6 +56,8 @@ static const uint32_t MAX_GROUTER_DATA_SIZE = 2*1024*1024 ; // 2M
static const uint32_t MAX_TRANSACTION_ACK_WAITING_TIME = 60 ; // wait for at most 60 secs for a ACK. If not restart the transaction.
static const uint32_t DIRECT_FRIEND_TRY_DELAY = 20 ; // wait for 20 secs if no friends available, then try tunnels.
static const uint32_t MAX_INACTIVE_DATA_PIPE_DELAY = 300 ; // clean inactive data pipes for more than 5 mins
static const uint32_t GROUTER_MAX_DUPLICATION_FACTOR = 10 ; // max number of duplicates for a given message to keep in the network
static const uint32_t GROUTER_MAX_BRANCHING_FACTOR = 3 ; // max number of branches, for locally forwarding items
static const time_t RS_GROUTER_DEBUG_OUTPUT_PERIOD = 10 ; // Output everything
static const time_t RS_GROUTER_AUTOWASH_PERIOD = 10 ; // Autowash every minute. Not a costly operation.
@ -190,6 +190,7 @@
#include "services/p3idservice.h"
#include "turtle/p3turtle.h"
#include "gxs/rsgixs.h"
#include "retroshare/rspeers.h"
#include "p3grouter.h"
#include "grouteritems.h"
@ -197,7 +198,7 @@
#include "grouterclientservice.h"
const std::string p3GRouter::SERVICE_INFO_APP_NAME = "Global Router" ;
@ -855,6 +856,34 @@ void p3GRouter::handleTunnels()
void p3GRouter::locked_sendToPeers(RsGRouterGenericDataItem *data_item,const std::map<RsPeerId,uint32_t>& peers_and_duplication_factors)
// slice the data appropriately and send.
uint32_t saved_duplication_factor = data_item->duplication_factor ; // this little trick avoids copying the item for each peer before slicing it up
for(std::map<RsPeerId,uint32_t>::const_iterator itpid(peers_and_duplication_factors.begin());itpid!=peers_and_duplication_factors.end();++itpid)
std::list<RsGRouterTransactionChunkItem*> chunks ;
data_item->duplication_factor = itpid->second;
sliceDataItem(data_item,chunks) ;
for(std::list<RsGRouterTransactionChunkItem*>::const_iterator it2(chunks.begin());it2!=chunks.end();++it2)
locked_sendTransactionData(itpid->first,*(*it2) ) ;
std::cerr << " sending " << chunks.size() << " slices to peer " << itpid->first << " with duplication factor = " << itpid->second << std::endl;
// delete temporary items
for(std::list<RsGRouterTransactionChunkItem*>::const_iterator cit=chunks.begin();cit!=chunks.end();++cit)
delete *cit;
data_item->duplication_factor = saved_duplication_factor ;
void p3GRouter::routePendingObjects()
// Go throught he list of pending messages. For those with a peer ready, send the message to that peer.
@ -885,56 +914,59 @@ void p3GRouter::routePendingObjects()
// Look for tunnels and friends where to send the data. Send to both.
std::list<RsPeerId> peers ;
std::map<RsPeerId,uint32_t> peers_and_duplication_factors ;
if(it->second.routing_flags & GRouterRoutingInfo::ROUTING_FLAGS_ALLOW_TUNNELS)
// For now, disable friends. We'll first check that the good old tunnel system works as before.
// if(it->second.routing_flags & GRouterRoutingInfo::ROUTING_FLAGS_ALLOW_TUNNELS)
// locked_collectAvailableTunnels(it->second.tunnel_hash,it->second.data_item->duplication_factor,peers_and_duplication_factors);
// if(!peers_and_duplication_factors.empty())
// {
// std::cerr << " tunnels available! sending!" << std::endl;
// locked_sendToPeers(it->second.data_item,peers_and_duplication_factors) ;
// // change item state in waiting list
// it->second.data_status = RS_GROUTER_DATA_STATUS_ONGOING ;
// it->second.data_transaction_TS = now ;
// pending_messages_changed = true ;
// continue ; // no need to seek for friend asynced routes since tunnels directly go to the final destination!
// }
if(it->second.routing_flags & GRouterRoutingInfo::ROUTING_FLAGS_ALLOW_FRIENDS)
locked_collectAvailableFriends(it->second.data_item->destination_key,peers, it->second.incoming_routes.ids, it->second.routing_flags & GRouterRoutingInfo::ROUTING_FLAGS_IS_ORIGIN);
std::cerr << " no direct friends available" << std::endl;
// if(!peers_and_duplication_factors.empty())
// {
// std::cerr << " friends available! sending!" << std::endl;
// locked_sendToPeers(it->second.data_item,peers_and_duplication_factors) ;
// // change item state in waiting list
// it->second.data_status = RS_GROUTER_DATA_STATUS_ONGOING ;
// it->second.data_transaction_TS = now ;
// pending_messages_changed = true ;
// }
// else
// {
// std::cerr << " no direct friends available" << std::endl;
// if(it->second.received_time_TS + DIRECT_FRIEND_TRY_DELAY < now && !(it->second.routing_flags & GRouterRoutingInfo::ROUTING_FLAGS_ALLOW_TUNNELS))
// {
// std::cerr << " enabling tunnels for this message." << std::endl;
// it->second.routing_flags |= GRouterRoutingInfo::ROUTING_FLAGS_ALLOW_TUNNELS ;
// }
// }
if(it->second.received_time_TS + DIRECT_FRIEND_TRY_DELAY < now && !(it->second.routing_flags & GRouterRoutingInfo::ROUTING_FLAGS_ALLOW_TUNNELS))
std::cerr << " enabling tunnels for this message." << std::endl;
it->second.routing_flags |= GRouterRoutingInfo::ROUTING_FLAGS_ALLOW_TUNNELS ;
continue ;
// slice the data appropriately and send.
std::list<RsGRouterTransactionChunkItem*> chunks ;
sliceDataItem(it->second.data_item,chunks) ;
std::cerr << " sending to peers:" << std::endl;
for(std::list<RsPeerId>::const_iterator itpid(peers.begin());itpid!=peers.end();++itpid)
for(std::list<RsGRouterTransactionChunkItem*>::const_iterator it2(chunks.begin());it2!=chunks.end();++it2)
locked_sendTransactionData(*itpid,*(*it2) ) ;
// delete temporary items
for(std::list<RsGRouterTransactionChunkItem*>::const_iterator cit=chunks.begin();cit!=chunks.end();++cit)
delete *cit;
// change item state in waiting list
it->second.data_status = RS_GROUTER_DATA_STATUS_ONGOING ;
it->second.data_transaction_TS = now ;
pending_messages_changed = true ;
else if(it->second.data_status == RS_GROUTER_DATA_STATUS_ONGOING && now > MAX_TRANSACTION_ACK_WAITING_TIME + it->second.data_transaction_TS)
@ -1014,70 +1046,161 @@ void p3GRouter::routePendingObjects()
IndicateConfigChanged() ;
void p3GRouter::locked_collectAvailableFriends(const GRouterKeyId& gxs_id,std::list<RsPeerId>& friend_peers,const std::set<RsPeerId>& incoming_routes,bool is_origin)
void p3GRouter::locked_collectAvailableFriends(const GRouterKeyId& gxs_id,const std::set<RsPeerId>& incoming_routes,uint32_t duplication_factor, std::map<RsPeerId,uint32_t>& friend_peers_and_duplication_factors)
// The strategy is the following:
// Old strategy was the following:
// if origin
// send to multiple neighbors : best and random
// else
// send to a single "best" neighbor (determined by threshold over routing probability),
std::set<RsPeerId> ids ;
mServiceControl->getPeersConnected(getServiceInfo().mServiceType,ids) ;
std::vector<float> probas;
std::vector<RsPeerId> tmp_peers;
// remove previous peers
for(std::set<RsPeerId>::const_iterator it(ids.begin());it!=ids.end();++it)
if(incoming_routes.find(*it) == incoming_routes.end())
tmp_peers.push_back(*it) ;
return ;
_routing_matrix.computeRoutingProbabilities(gxs_id, tmp_peers, probas) ;
// New strategy is:
// Characteristics of the distribution to look at:
// * who's online, who's not
// * all values quite equal
// * single value well above others
// * largest value is small
// Algorithm:
// 0 - encode duplicate factor in routed item and allow at most N duplicates
// - when forwarding to N peers, split the duplication factor into N bins, each being proportional to the forwarding probability.
// Example for N=3 and D=10:
// p Calculation Final bin
// +-0.21--> 0.21*10=2.1 --> 2 0.1 below
// |
// 10 ----+-0.45--> 0.45*10=4.5 --> 4.6-> 5 0.4 above
// |
// +-0.34--> 0.34*10=3.4 --> 3.0-> 3 0
// 1 - get routing probabilities p_i for all peers as well as the maximum proba p before normalization.
// Set N = min(3,item->duplication_factor) // max number of friends to route to
// if p < threshold // That means the routage info is too old => Fallback to random routing.
// Select N random online friends and forward to them.
// else
// Let p_i be the probabilities of all peers
// Select all online peers for which p_i >= 0.5*p.
// if !empty
// Update duplication factors according to probabilities and number of peers
// Route to these peers
// else
// Keep the item
std::cerr << "locked_getAvailableFriends()" << std::endl;
std::cerr << " getting connected friends, computing routing probabilities" << std::endl;
std::cerr << " looking for friends for item to ID " << gxs_id << " duplication factor = " << duplication_factor << std::endl;
std::cerr << " retrieving online friends and all friends lists." << std::endl;
std::set<RsPeerId> online_ids ;
std::list<RsPeerId> all_ids ;
rsPeers->getFriendList(all_ids) ;
mServiceControl->getPeersConnected(getServiceInfo().mServiceType,online_ids) ;
std::vector<RsPeerId> tmp_peers;
for(std::list<RsPeerId>::const_iterator it(all_ids.begin());it!=all_ids.end();++it)
tmp_peers.push_back(*it) ;
std::vector<float> probas;
float maximum = 1.0;
float max_probability = 0.0;
_routing_matrix.computeRoutingProbabilities(gxs_id, tmp_peers, probas, maximum) ;
std::cerr << " initial routing probabilities (maximum=" << maximum << ")" << std::endl;
for(uint32_t i=0;i<tmp_peers.size();++i)
std::cerr << " " << tmp_peers[i] << " " << probas[i] << std::endl;
max_probability = 0.0f ;
std::cerr << " max proba: " << maximum << " is below random threshold => using uniform random routing." << std::endl;
for(uint32_t i=0;i<tmp_peers.size();++i)
max_probability = std::max(max_probability,probas[i]) ;
std::cerr << " maxi probability=" << max_probability << std::endl;
// remove incoming peers and peers for which the proba is less than half the maximum proba
float total_probas = 0.0f ;
uint32_t count=0;
for(uint32_t i=0;i<tmp_peers.size();++i)
if(incoming_routes.find(tmp_peers[i]) != incoming_routes.end())
std::cerr << " removing " << tmp_peers[i] << " which is an incoming route" << std::endl;
std::cerr << " removing " << tmp_peers[i] << " because probability is below best peers threshold" << std::endl;
tmp_peers[count] = tmp_peers[i] ;
probas[count] = (max_probability==0.0)? (0.5+0.001*RSRandom::random_f32()) : probas[i] ;
++count ;
total_probas+=probas[i] ;
tmp_peers.resize(count) ;
probas.resize(count) ;
std::cerr << " online - available peers empty => giving up." << std::endl;
return ;
// now select the N best peers
std::cerr << " Remaining peers and routing probabilities:" << std::endl;
for(uint32_t i=0;i<tmp_peers.size();++i)
std::cerr << " " << tmp_peers[i] << ", probability: " << probas[i] << std::endl;
uint32_t max_count = is_origin?3:1 ;
float probability_threshold = is_origin?0.0:0.5 ;
std::cerr << " position at origin: " << is_origin << " => mac_count=" << max_count << ", proba threshold=" << probability_threshold << std::endl;
std::vector<std::pair<float,RsPeerId> > mypairs ;
for(uint32_t i=0;i<tmp_peers.size();++i)
mypairs.push_back(std::make_pair(probas[i],tmp_peers[i])) ;
mypairs.push_back(std::make_pair(probas[i]/total_probas,tmp_peers[i])) ;
// now sort them up
std::sort(mypairs.begin(),mypairs.end(),item_comparator_001()) ;
// take the max_count peers that are still above min_probability
uint32_t max_count = std::min(std::min((uint32_t)mypairs.size(),(uint32_t)GROUTER_MAX_BRANCHING_FACTOR),duplication_factor);
uint32_t n=0 ;
for(std::vector<std::pair<float,RsPeerId> >::const_reverse_iterator it = mypairs.rbegin();it!=mypairs.rend() && n<max_count;++it)
if( (*it).first >= probability_threshold )
friend_peers.push_back( (*it).second ), ++n ;
std::cerr << " keeping " << (*it).second << std::endl;
float duplication_factor_delta =0.0;
uint32_t duplication_factor_buff =duplication_factor ;
if(!is_origin) // only collect one peer if we're not at origin.
break ;
for(int i=mypairs.size()-1;i>=0 && n<max_count;--i)
float ideal_dupl = duplication_factor*mypairs[i].first - duplication_factor_delta ; // correct what was taken in advance
uint32_t real_dupl = std::min( duplication_factor - max_count+1,std::max(1u,uint32_t(rint(ideal_dupl)))) ;
duplication_factor_delta = real_dupl - ideal_dupl ;
std::cerr << " Peer " << mypairs[i].second << " prob=" << mypairs[i].first << ", ideal_dupl=" << ideal_dupl << ", real=" << real_dupl << ". Delta = " << duplication_factor_delta << std::endl;
friend_peers_and_duplication_factors[ mypairs[i].second ] = real_dupl ; // should be updated correctly
++n ;
void p3GRouter::locked_collectAvailableTunnels(const TurtleFileHash& hash,std::list<RsPeerId>& tunnel_peers)
void p3GRouter::locked_collectAvailableTunnels(const TurtleFileHash& hash,uint32_t total_duplication,std::map<RsPeerId,uint32_t>& tunnel_peers_and_duplication_factors)
time_t now = time(NULL) ;
@ -1110,7 +1233,7 @@ void p3GRouter::locked_collectAvailableTunnels(const TurtleFileHash& hash,std::l
TurtleVirtualPeerId vpid = *(vpit->second.virtual_peers.begin()) ;
tunnel_peers.push_back(vpid) ;
tunnel_peers_and_duplication_factors[vpid] = total_duplication ;
bool p3GRouter::locked_sendTransactionData(const RsPeerId& pid,const RsGRouterTransactionItem& trans_item)
@ -1927,7 +2050,7 @@ bool p3GRouter::sendData(const RsGxsId& destination,const GRouterServiceId& clie
data_item->data_size = data_size ;
data_item->routing_id = propagation_id ;
data_item->randomized_distance = 0 ;
data_item->duplication_factor = GROUTER_MAX_DUPLICATION_FACTOR ;
data_item->service_id = client_id ;
data_item->destination_key = destination ;
data_item->flags = 0 ; // this is unused for now.
@ -1987,7 +2110,7 @@ bool p3GRouter::sendData(const RsGxsId& destination,const GRouterServiceId& clie
grouter_debug() << " data status = " << info.data_status << std::endl;
grouter_debug() << " tunnel status = " << info.tunnel_status << std::endl;
grouter_debug() << " sending attempt= " << info.sending_attempts << std::endl;
grouter_debug() << " distance = " << info.data_item->randomized_distance << std::endl;
grouter_debug() << " duplicate fact = " << info.data_item->duplication_factor << std::endl;
grouter_debug() << " recv time = " << info.received_time_TS << std::endl;
grouter_debug() << " client id = " << std::hex << data_item->service_id << std::dec << std::endl;
grouter_debug() << " tunnel hash = " << info.tunnel_hash << std::endl;
@ -2134,21 +2257,23 @@ bool p3GRouter::getRoutingMatrixInfo(RsGRouter::GRouterRoutingMatrixInfo& info)
info.friend_ids.clear() ;
info.published_keys.clear() ;
std::set<RsPeerId> ids ;
mServiceControl->getPeersConnected(getServiceInfo().mServiceType,ids) ;
std::list<RsPeerId> ids ;
//mServiceControl->getPeersConnected(getServiceInfo().mServiceType,ids) ;
rsPeers->getFriendList(ids) ;
info.published_keys = _owned_key_ids ;
for(std::set<RsPeerId>::const_iterator it(ids.begin());it!=ids.end();++it)
for(std::list<RsPeerId>::const_iterator it(ids.begin());it!=ids.end();++it)
info.friend_ids.push_back(*it) ;
std::vector<GRouterKeyId> known_keys ;
std::vector<float> probas ;
float maximum= 0.0f;
_routing_matrix.getListOfKnownKeys(known_keys) ;
for(uint32_t i=0;i<known_keys.size();++i)
_routing_matrix.computeRoutingProbabilities(known_keys[i],info.friend_ids,probas) ;
_routing_matrix.computeRoutingProbabilities(known_keys[i],info.friend_ids,probas,maximum) ;
info.per_friend_probabilities[known_keys[i]] = probas ;
@ -2167,6 +2292,7 @@ bool p3GRouter::getRoutingCacheInfo(std::vector<GRouterRoutingCacheInfo>& infos)
cinfo.mid = it->first ;
cinfo.local_origin = it->second.incoming_routes.ids ;
cinfo.destination = it->second.data_item->destination_key ;
cinfo.duplication_factor = it->second.data_item->duplication_factor ;
cinfo.routing_time = it->second.received_time_TS ;
cinfo.last_tunnel_attempt_time = it->second.last_tunnel_request_TS ;
cinfo.last_sent_time = it->second.last_sent_TS ;
@ -2220,15 +2346,16 @@ void p3GRouter::debugDump()
grouter_debug() << " Msg id: " << std::hex << it->first << std::dec ;
grouter_debug() << " data hash: " << it->second.item_hash ;
grouter_debug() << " client id: " << std::hex << it->second.client_id << std::dec;
grouter_debug() << " client: " << std::hex << it->second.client_id << std::dec;
grouter_debug() << " Flags: " << std::hex << it->second.routing_flags << std::dec;
grouter_debug() << " Destination: " << it->second.data_item->destination_key ;
grouter_debug() << " Received: " << now - it->second.received_time_TS << " secs ago.";
grouter_debug() << " Last sent: " << now - it->second.last_sent_TS << " secs ago.";
grouter_debug() << " Transaction TS: " << now - it->second.data_transaction_TS << " secs ago.";
grouter_debug() << " Data Status: " << statusString[it->second.data_status] << std::endl;
grouter_debug() << " Tunl Status: " << statusString[it->second.tunnel_status] << std::endl;
grouter_debug() << " Receipt ok: " << (it->second.receipt_item != NULL) << std::endl;
grouter_debug() << " Dest: " << it->second.data_item->destination_key ;
grouter_debug() << " Recd: " << now - it->second.received_time_TS << " secs ago.";
grouter_debug() << " Sent: " << now - it->second.last_sent_TS << " secs ago.";
grouter_debug() << " Trans. TS: " << now - it->second.data_transaction_TS << " secs ago." ;
grouter_debug() << " Data Status: " << statusString[it->second.data_status] ;
grouter_debug() << " Tunl Status: " << statusString[it->second.tunnel_status] ;
grouter_debug() << " Receipt ok: " << (it->second.receipt_item != NULL) ;
grouter_debug() << " Dup: " << it->second.data_item->duplication_factor << std::endl;
grouter_debug() << " Tunnels: " << std::endl;
@ -2251,8 +2378,8 @@ void p3GRouter::debugDump()
grouter_debug() << " Routing matrix: " << std::endl;
_routing_matrix.debugDump() ;
// if(_debug_enabled)
// _routing_matrix.debugDump() ;
@ -272,8 +272,9 @@ private:
//bool locked_getGxsIdAndClientId(const TurtleFileHash &sum,RsGxsId& gxs_id,GRouterServiceId& client_id);
bool locked_sendTransactionData(const RsPeerId& pid,const RsGRouterTransactionItem& item);
void locked_collectAvailableFriends(const GRouterKeyId &gxs_id,std::list<RsPeerId>& friend_peers, const std::set<RsPeerId>& incoming_routes,bool is_origin);
void locked_collectAvailableTunnels(const TurtleFileHash& hash,std::list<RsPeerId>& tunnel_peers);
void locked_collectAvailableFriends(const GRouterKeyId &gxs_id, const std::set<RsPeerId>& incoming_routes,uint32_t duplication_factor, std::map<RsPeerId, uint32_t> &friend_peers_and_duplication_factors);
void locked_collectAvailableTunnels(const TurtleFileHash& hash, uint32_t total_duplication, std::map<RsPeerId, uint32_t> &tunnel_peers_and_duplication_factors);
void locked_sendToPeers(RsGRouterGenericDataItem *data_item, const std::map<RsPeerId, uint32_t> &peers_and_duplication_factors);
// p3Config methods //
@ -50,6 +50,7 @@ public:
time_t last_tunnel_attempt_time;
time_t last_sent_time;
bool receipt_available ;
uint32_t duplication_factor ;
uint32_t data_status ;
uint32_t tunnel_status ;
uint32_t data_size ;
@ -52,6 +52,7 @@
#define COL_DATAHASH 6
#define COL_RECEIVED 7
#define COL_SEND 8
static const int PARTIAL_VIEW_SIZE = 5 ;
static const int MAX_TUNNEL_REQUESTS_DISPLAY = 10 ;
@ -187,6 +188,7 @@ void GlobalRouterStatistics::updateContent()
item -> setData(COL_DATAHASH, Qt::DisplayRole, QString::fromStdString(cache_infos[i].item_hash.toStdString()));
item -> setData(COL_RECEIVED, Qt::DisplayRole, QString::number(now - cache_infos[i].routing_time));
item -> setData(COL_SEND, Qt::DisplayRole, QString::number(now - cache_infos[i].last_sent_time));
item -> setData(COL_DUPLICATION_FACTOR, Qt::DisplayRole, QString::number(cache_infos[i].duplication_factor));
@ -333,6 +335,9 @@ void GlobalRouterStatisticsWidget::updateContent()
mMinWheelZoneX = ox+2*cellx ;
mMinWheelZoneY = oy ;
RsGxsId current_id ;
float current_width=0 ;
for(std::map<GRouterKeyId,std::vector<float> >::const_iterator it(matrix_info.per_friend_probabilities.begin());it!=matrix_info.per_friend_probabilities.end();++it,++n)
if(n >= mCurrentN-PARTIAL_VIEW_SIZE/2 && n <= mCurrentN+PARTIAL_VIEW_SIZE/2)
@ -355,12 +360,19 @@ void GlobalRouterStatisticsWidget::updateContent()
current_probs = it->second ;
current_oy = oy ;
current_id = it->first ;
current_width = ox+matrix_info.friend_ids.size()*cellx+fm_monospace.width(ids);
oy += celly ;
RsIdentityDetails iddetails ;
painter.drawText(current_width+cellx, current_oy+celly, QString::fromUtf8(iddetails.mNickname.c_str())) ;
mMaxWheelZoneY = oy+celly ;
painter.setPen(QColor::fromRgb(0,0,0)) ;
@ -382,7 +394,7 @@ void GlobalRouterStatisticsWidget::updateContent()
painter.drawLine(x1,y2,x1 + total_length - i*cellx,y2) ;
painter.drawText(cellx+ x1 + total_length - i*cellx,y2+(0.35)*celly, QString::fromUtf8(peer_ssl_details.name.c_str()) + " ("+QString::number(current_probs[i])+")");
painter.drawText(cellx+ x1 + total_length - i*cellx,y2+(0.35)*celly, QString::fromUtf8(peer_ssl_details.name.c_str()) + " - " + QString::fromUtf8(peer_ssl_details.location.c_str()) + " ("+QString::number(current_probs[i])+")");
oy += celly * (2+matrix_info.friend_ids.size());
@ -35,7 +35,7 @@
@ -101,6 +101,11 @@
<property name="text">
<string>Branching factor</string>
Reference in New Issue
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