mirror of
synced 2025-03-17 20:46:25 -04:00
half implemented the hash-based communication for dirs between friends
This commit is contained in:
@ -393,9 +393,9 @@ DirectoryStorage::EntryIndex InternalFileHierarchyStorage::getSubDirIndex(Direct
bool InternalFileHierarchyStorage::searchHash(const RsFileHash& hash,std::list<DirectoryStorage::EntryIndex>& results)
std::map<RsFileHash,DirectoryStorage::EntryIndex>::const_iterator it = mHashes.find(hash);
std::map<RsFileHash,DirectoryStorage::EntryIndex>::const_iterator it = mFileHashes.find(hash);
if( it != mHashes.end() )
if( it != mFileHashes.end() )
results.push_back(it->second) ;
@ -117,5 +117,19 @@ private:
bool recursRemoveDirectory(DirectoryStorage::EntryIndex dir);
std::map<RsFileHash,DirectoryStorage::EntryIndex> mHashes ; // used for fast search access. We should try something faster than std::map. hash_map??
// Map of the hash of all files and all directories. The file hashes are the sha1sum of the file data.
// is used for fast search access for FT.
// Note: We should try something faster than std::map. hash_map??
std::map<RsFileHash,DirectoryStorage::EntryIndex> mFileHashes ;
// The directory hashes are the sha1sum of the
// full public path to the directory.
// The later is used by synchronisation items in order
// to avoid sending explicit EntryIndex values.
// This is kept separate from mFileHashes because the two are used
// in very different ways.
std::map<RsFileHash,DirectoryStorage::EntryIndex> mDirHashes ;
@ -94,13 +94,16 @@ class DirectoryStorage
const RsPeerId& peerId() const { return mPeerId ; }
int parentRow(EntryIndex e) const ;
bool updateSubDirectoryList(const EntryIndex& indx, const std::map<std::__cxx11::string, time_t> &subdirs) ;
bool updateSubDirectoryList(const EntryIndex& indx, const std::map<std::string, time_t> &subdirs) ;
bool updateSubFilesList(const EntryIndex& indx, const std::map<std::string, FileTS> &subfiles, std::map<std::string, FileTS> &new_files) ;
bool removeDirectory(const EntryIndex& indx) ;
bool updateFile(const EntryIndex& index,const RsFileHash& hash, const std::string& fname, uint64_t size, time_t modf_time) ;
bool updateHash(const EntryIndex& index,const RsFileHash& hash);
bool getHashFromIndex(const EntryIndex& index,RsFileHash& hash) const { NOT_IMPLEMENTED() ; return false; }
bool getIndexFromHash(const RsFileHash& hash,EntryIndex& index) const { NOT_IMPLEMENTED() ; return false; }
void print();
void cleanup();
@ -200,7 +200,7 @@ int p3FileDatabase::tick()
mLastRemoteDirSweepTS = now;
#warning hack to make loaded directories show up in the GUI, because the GUI isn't ready at the time they are actually loaded up.
#warning hack to make loaded directories show up in the GUI, because the GUI isn_t ready at the time they are actually loaded up.
RsServer::notify()->notifyListChange(NOTIFY_LIST_DIRLIST_FRIENDS, 0);
@ -864,6 +864,9 @@ bool p3FileDatabase::convertSharedFilePath(const std::string& path,std::string&
// - local node sends the last known modf time to friends,
// - friends respond with either a full directory content, or an acknowledge that the time is right
// Directories are designated by their hash, instead of their index. This allows to hide the non shared directories
// behind a layer of abstraction, at the cost of a logarithmic search, which is acceptable as far as dir sync-ing between
// friends is concerned (We obviously could not do that for GUI display, which has a small and constant cost).
void p3FileDatabase::tickRecv()
@ -898,12 +901,20 @@ void p3FileDatabase::handleDirSyncRequest(RsFileListsSyncRequestItem *item)
P3FILELISTS_DEBUG() << "Received directory sync request. index=" << item->entry_index << ", flags=" << (void*)(intptr_t)item->flags << ", request id: " << std::hex << item->request_id << std::dec << ", last known TS: " << item->last_known_recurs_modf_TS << std::endl;
P3FILELISTS_DEBUG() << "Received directory sync request. hash=" << item->entry_hash << ", flags=" << (void*)(intptr_t)item->flags << ", request id: " << std::hex << item->request_id << std::dec << ", last known TS: " << item->last_known_recurs_modf_TS << std::endl;
uint32_t entry_type = mLocalSharedDirs->getEntryType(item->entry_index) ;
EntryIndex entry_index = DirectoryStorage::NO_INDEX;
std::cerr << " (EE) Cannot find entry index for hash " << item->entry_hash << ": cannot respond to sync request." << std::endl;
uint32_t entry_type = mLocalSharedDirs->getEntryType(entry_index) ;
ritem->PeerId(item->PeerId()) ;
ritem->request_id = item->request_id;
ritem->entry_index = item->entry_index ;
ritem->entry_hash = item->entry_hash ;
std::list<RsNodeGroupId> node_groups;
FileStorageFlags node_flags;
@ -913,15 +924,15 @@ void p3FileDatabase::handleDirSyncRequest(RsFileListsSyncRequestItem *item)
P3FILELISTS_DEBUG() << " Directory does not exist anymore, or is not a directory, or permission denied. Answering with proper flags." << std::endl;
ritem->flags = RsFileListsItem::FLAGS_SYNC_RESPONSE | RsFileListsItem::FLAGS_ENTRY_WAS_REMOVED ;
else if(item->entry_index != 0 && (!mLocalSharedDirs->getFileSharingPermissions(item->entry_index,node_flags,node_groups) || !(rsPeers->computePeerPermissionFlags(item->PeerId(),node_flags,node_groups) & RS_FILE_HINTS_BROWSABLE)))
else if(entry_index != 0 && (!mLocalSharedDirs->getFileSharingPermissions(entry_index,node_flags,node_groups) || !(rsPeers->computePeerPermissionFlags(item->PeerId(),node_flags,node_groups) & RS_FILE_HINTS_BROWSABLE)))
std::cerr << "(EE) cannot get file permissions for entry index " << (void*)(intptr_t)item->entry_index << ", or permission denied." << std::endl;
std::cerr << "(EE) cannot get file permissions for entry index " << (void*)(intptr_t)entry_index << ", or permission denied." << std::endl;
ritem->flags = RsFileListsItem::FLAGS_SYNC_RESPONSE | RsFileListsItem::FLAGS_ENTRY_WAS_REMOVED ;
time_t local_recurs_max_time,local_update_time;
if(item->last_known_recurs_modf_TS < local_recurs_max_time)
@ -931,7 +942,7 @@ void p3FileDatabase::handleDirSyncRequest(RsFileListsSyncRequestItem *item)
ritem->last_known_recurs_modf_TS = local_recurs_max_time;
// We supply the peer id, in order to possibly remove some subdirs, if entries are not allowed to be seen by this peer.
mLocalSharedDirs->serialiseDirEntry(item->entry_index,ritem->directory_content_data,item->PeerId()) ;
mLocalSharedDirs->serialiseDirEntry(entry_index,ritem->directory_content_data,item->PeerId()) ;
@ -950,13 +961,21 @@ void p3FileDatabase::handleDirSyncRequest(RsFileListsSyncRequestItem *item)
void p3FileDatabase::handleDirSyncResponse(RsFileListsSyncResponseItem *item)
P3FILELISTS_DEBUG() << "Handling sync response for directory with index " << item->entry_index << std::endl;
P3FILELISTS_DEBUG() << "Handling sync response for directory with hash " << item->entry_hash << std::endl;
EntryIndex entry_index = DirectoryStorage::NO_INDEX;
// remove the original request from pending list
if(entry_index == DirectoryStorage::NO_INDEX)
std::cerr << " (EE) Cannot find entry index for hash " << item->entry_hash << ": cannot respond to sync request." << std::endl;
std::map<DirSyncRequestId,DirSyncRequestData>::iterator it = mPendingSyncRequests.find(item->request_id) ;
if(it == mPendingSyncRequests.end())
@ -984,12 +1003,19 @@ void p3FileDatabase::handleDirSyncResponse(RsFileListsSyncResponseItem *item)
if(mRemoteDirectories[fi] == NULL)
mRemoteDirectories[fi] = new RemoteDirectoryStorage(item->PeerId(),makeRemoteFileName(item->PeerId()));
std::cerr << std::endl << " (EE) cannot find index from hash " << item->entry_hash << ". Dropping the response." << std::endl;
return ;
std::cerr << " entry index is " << entry_index ;
if(item->flags & RsFileListsItem::FLAGS_ENTRY_WAS_REMOVED)
P3FILELISTS_DEBUG() << " removing directory with index " << item->entry_index << " because it does not exist." << std::endl;
P3FILELISTS_DEBUG() << " removing directory with index " << entry_index << " because it does not exist." << std::endl;
@ -997,13 +1023,13 @@ void p3FileDatabase::handleDirSyncResponse(RsFileListsSyncResponseItem *item)
P3FILELISTS_DEBUG() << " Directory is up to date. Setting local TS." << std::endl;
else if(item->flags & RsFileListsItem::FLAGS_SYNC_DIR_CONTENT)
P3FILELISTS_DEBUG() << " Item contains directory data. Deserialising/Updating." << std::endl;
RsServer::notify()->notifyListChange(NOTIFY_LIST_DIRLIST_FRIENDS, 0); // notify the GUI if the hierarchy has changed
std::cerr << "(EE) Cannot deserialise dir entry. ERROR. "<< std::endl;
@ -1051,7 +1077,13 @@ void p3FileDatabase::locked_recursSweepRemoteDirectory(RemoteDirectoryStorage *r
P3FILELISTS_DEBUG() << "Asking for sync of directory " << e << " to peer " << rds->peerId() << " because it's " << (now - local_update_TS) << " secs old since last check." << std::endl;
RsFileListsSyncRequestItem *item = new RsFileListsSyncRequestItem ;
item->entry_index = e ;
if(!rds->getHashFromIndex(e,item->entry_hash) )
std::cerr << "(EE) cannot find hash for entry index " << e << ". This is very unexpected." << std::endl;
item->flags = RsFileListsItem::FLAGS_SYNC_REQUEST ;
item->request_id = sync_req_id ;
item->last_known_recurs_modf_TS = recurs_max_modf_TS_remote_time ;
@ -1080,14 +1112,16 @@ void p3FileDatabase::locked_recursSweepRemoteDirectory(RemoteDirectoryStorage *r
p3FileDatabase::DirSyncRequestId p3FileDatabase::makeDirSyncReqId(const RsPeerId& peer_id,DirectoryStorage::EntryIndex e)
static uint64_t random_bias = RSRandom::random_u64();
uint64_t r = e ;
// This is kind of arbitrary. The important thing is that the same ID needs to be generated for a given (peer_id,e) pair.
// This is kind of arbitrary. The important thing is that the same ID needs to be generated every time for a given (peer_id,e) pair, in a way
// that cannot be brute-forced or reverse-engineered, which explains the random bias.
for(uint32_t i=0;i<RsPeerId::SIZE_IN_BYTES;++i)
r += (0x3ff92892a94 * peer_id.toByteArray()[i] + r) ^ 0x39e83784378aafe3;
return r;
return r ^ random_bias;
@ -91,7 +91,7 @@ bool RsFileListsSyncRequestItem::serialise(void *data, uint32_t& size) const
/* RsFileListsSyncMsgItem */
ok &= setRawUInt32(data, size, &offset, entry_index);
ok &= entry_hash.serialise(data, size, offset);
ok &= setRawUInt32(data, size, &offset, flags );
ok &= setRawUInt32(data, size, &offset, last_known_recurs_modf_TS);
ok &= setRawUInt64(data, size, &offset, request_id);
@ -127,7 +127,7 @@ bool RsFileListsSyncResponseItem::serialise(void *data, uint32_t& size) const
/* RsFileListsSyncMsgItem */
ok &= setRawUInt32(data, size, &offset, entry_index);
ok &= entry_hash.serialise(data, size, offset);
ok &= setRawUInt32(data, size, &offset, flags );
ok &= setRawUInt32(data, size, &offset, last_known_recurs_modf_TS);
ok &= setRawUInt64(data, size, &offset, request_id);
@ -168,7 +168,7 @@ RsFileListsSyncRequestItem* RsFileListsSerialiser::deserialFileListsSyncRequestI
RsFileListsSyncRequestItem* item = new RsFileListsSyncRequestItem();
ok &= getRawUInt32(data, *size, &offset, &item->entry_index);
ok &= item->entry_hash.deserialise(data, *size, offset);
ok &= getRawUInt32(data, *size, &offset, &item->flags);
ok &= getRawUInt32(data, *size, &offset, &item->last_known_recurs_modf_TS);
ok &= getRawUInt64(data, *size, &offset, &item->request_id);
@ -206,7 +206,7 @@ RsFileListsSyncResponseItem* RsFileListsSerialiser::deserialFileListsSyncRespons
uint32_t last_known_recurs_modf_TS; // time of last modification, computed over all files+directories below.
uint64_t request_id; // use to determine if changes that have occured since last hash
ok &= getRawUInt32(data, *size, &offset, &item->entry_index);
ok &= item->entry_hash.deserialise(data, *size, offset);
ok &= getRawUInt32(data, *size, &offset, &item->flags);
ok &= getRawUInt32(data, *size, &offset, &item->last_known_recurs_modf_TS);
ok &= getRawUInt64(data, *size, &offset, &item->request_id);
@ -274,7 +274,7 @@ uint32_t RsFileListsSyncRequestItem::serial_size()const
uint32_t s = 8; //header size
s += 4; // entry index
s += RsFileHash::serial_size(); // entry hash
s += 4; // flags
s += 4; // last_known_recurs_modf_TS
s += 8; // request_id
@ -287,7 +287,7 @@ uint32_t RsFileListsSyncResponseItem::serial_size()const
uint32_t s = 8; //header size
s += 4; // entry index
s += RsFileHash::serial_size(); // entry hash
s += 4; // flags
s += 4; // last_known_recurs_modf_TS
s += 8; // request_id
@ -308,7 +308,7 @@ std::ostream& RsFileListsSyncRequestItem::print(std::ostream &out, uint16_t inde
printRsItemBase(out, "RsFileListsSyncReqItem", indent);
uint16_t int_Indent = indent + 2;
printIndent(out , int_Indent); out << "Entry index: " << entry_index << std::endl;
printIndent(out , int_Indent); out << "Entry hash: " << entry_hash << std::endl;
printIndent(out , int_Indent); out << "Flags: " << (uint32_t) flags << std::endl;
printIndent(out , int_Indent); out << "Last modf TS: " << last_known_recurs_modf_TS << std::endl;
printIndent(out , int_Indent); out << "request id: " << std::hex << request_id << std::dec << std::endl;
@ -323,7 +323,7 @@ std::ostream& RsFileListsSyncResponseItem::print(std::ostream &out, uint16_t ind
printRsItemBase(out, "RsFileListsSyncDirItem", indent);
uint16_t int_Indent = indent + 2;
printIndent(out , int_Indent); out << "Entry index: " << entry_index << std::endl;
printIndent(out , int_Indent); out << "Entry hash: " << entry_hash << std::endl;
printIndent(out , int_Indent); out << "Flags: " << (uint32_t) flags << std::endl;
printIndent(out , int_Indent); out << "Last modf TS: " << last_known_recurs_modf_TS << std::endl;
printIndent(out , int_Indent); out << "request id: " << std::hex << request_id << std::dec << std::endl;
@ -84,10 +84,10 @@ public:
virtual bool serialise(void *data,uint32_t& size) const;
virtual uint32_t serial_size() const ;
uint32_t entry_index ; // index of the directory to sync
uint32_t flags; // used to say that it's a request or a response, say that the directory has been removed, ask for further update, etc.
uint32_t last_known_recurs_modf_TS; // time of last modification, computed over all files+directories below.
uint64_t request_id; // use to determine if changes that have occured since last hash
RsFileHash entry_hash ; // hash of the directory to sync
uint32_t flags; // used to say that it's a request or a response, say that the directory has been removed, ask for further update, etc.
uint32_t last_known_recurs_modf_TS; // time of last modification, computed over all files+directories below.
uint64_t request_id; // use to determine if changes that have occured since last hash
class RsFileListsSyncResponseItem : public RsFileListsItem
@ -102,10 +102,10 @@ public:
virtual bool serialise(void *data,uint32_t& size) const;
virtual uint32_t serial_size() const ;
uint32_t entry_index ; // advises whether to use sync hash
uint32_t flags; // is it a partial/final item (used for large items only)
uint32_t last_known_recurs_modf_TS; // time of last modification, computed over all files+directories below.
uint64_t request_id; // use to determine if changes that have occured since last hash
RsFileHash entry_hash ; // hash of the directory to sync
uint32_t flags; // is it a partial/final item (used for large items only)
uint32_t last_known_recurs_modf_TS; // time of last modification, computed over all files+directories below.
uint64_t request_id; // use to determine if changes that have occured since last hash
RsTlvBinaryData directory_content_data ; // encoded binary data. This allows to vary the encoding format, in a way that is transparent to the serialiser.
Reference in New Issue
Block a user