mirror of
synced 2025-03-21 06:16:29 -04:00
Merge pull request #245 from csoler/v0.6-Messaging
fixed serialization error (missing call) for received Distant msg hash map
This commit is contained in:
@ -1023,12 +1023,14 @@ RsMsgDistantMessagesHashMap* RsMsgSerialiser::deserialiseMsgDistantMessageHashMa
if (offset != rssize)
/* error */
std::cerr << "(EE) size error in packet deserialisation: p3MsgItem, subtype " << getRsItemSubType(rstype) << ". offset=" << offset << " != rssize=" << rssize << std::endl;
delete item;
return NULL;
if (!ok)
std::cerr << "(EE) size error in packet deserialisation: p3MsgItem, subtype " << getRsItemSubType(rstype) << std::endl;
delete item;
return NULL;
@ -1177,27 +1179,14 @@ RsItem* RsMsgSerialiser::deserialise(void *data, uint32_t *pktsize)
return deserialiseMsgItem(data, pktsize);
return deserialiseMsgSrcIdItem(data, pktsize);
return deserialiseMsgParentIdItem(data, pktsize);
return deserialiseTagItem(data, pktsize);
return deserialisePublicMsgInviteConfigItem(data, pktsize);
return deserialiseMsgTagItem(data, pktsize);
return deserialiseMsgGRouterMap(data, pktsize);
case RS_PKT_SUBTYPE_DEFAULT: return deserialiseMsgItem(data, pktsize);
case RS_PKT_SUBTYPE_MSG_SRC_TAG: return deserialiseMsgSrcIdItem(data, pktsize);
case RS_PKT_SUBTYPE_MSG_PARENT_TAG: return deserialiseMsgParentIdItem(data, pktsize);
case RS_PKT_SUBTYPE_MSG_TAG_TYPE: return deserialiseTagItem(data, pktsize);
case RS_PKT_SUBTYPE_MSG_INVITE: return deserialisePublicMsgInviteConfigItem(data, pktsize);
case RS_PKT_SUBTYPE_MSG_TAGS: return deserialiseMsgTagItem(data, pktsize);
case RS_PKT_SUBTYPE_MSG_GROUTER_MAP: return deserialiseMsgGRouterMap(data, pktsize);
case RS_PKT_SUBTYPE_MSG_DISTANT_MSG_MAP: return deserialiseMsgDistantMessageHashMap(data, pktsize);
return NULL;
@ -51,7 +51,9 @@
#include "util/rsstring.h"
#include "util/radix64.h"
#include "util/rsrandom.h"
#include "util/rsmemory.h"
#include "util/rsprint.h"
#include "util/rsthreads.h"
#include <unistd.h>
#include <iomanip>
@ -67,6 +69,8 @@ using namespace Rs::Msgs;
const int msgservicezone = 54319;
static const uint32_t RS_MSG_DISTANT_MESSAGE_HASH_KEEP_TIME = 2*30*86400 ; // keep msg hashes for 2 months to avoid re-sent msgs
/* Another little hack ..... unique message Ids
* will be handled in this class.....
* These are unique within this run of the server,
@ -78,23 +82,22 @@ const int msgservicezone = 54319;
* (3) from storage...
p3MsgService::p3MsgService(p3ServiceControl *sc, p3IdService *id_serv)
:p3Service(), p3Config(), mIdService(id_serv), mServiceCtrl(sc), mMsgMtx("p3MsgService"), mMsgUniqueId(0)
_serialiser = new RsMsgSerialiser(); // this serialiser is used for services. It's not the same than the one returned by setupSerialiser(). We need both!!
mMsgUniqueId = RSRandom::random_u32() ; // better than time(NULL). We don't need crypto-safe random here. Just something much likely
// different from what friends use.
mMsgUniqueId = 1 ; // MsgIds are not transmitted, but only used locally as a storage index. As such, thay do not need to be different
// at friends nodes.
mShouldEnableDistantMessaging = true ;
mDistantMessagingEnabled = false ;
/* Initialize standard tag types */
/* Initialize standard tag types */
@ -117,7 +120,7 @@ RsServiceInfo p3MsgService::getServiceInfo()
uint32_t p3MsgService::getNewUniqueMsgId()
RsStackMutex stack(mMsgMtx); /********** STACK LOCKED MTX ******/
RS_STACK_MUTEX(mMsgMtx); /********** STACK LOCKED MTX ******/
return mMsgUniqueId++;
@ -139,6 +142,7 @@ int p3MsgService::tick()
manageDistantPeers() ;
last_management_time = now ;
@ -146,6 +150,24 @@ int p3MsgService::tick()
return 0;
void p3MsgService::cleanListOfReceivedMessageHashes()
RS_STACK_MUTEX(mMsgMtx); /********** STACK LOCKED MTX ******/
time_t now = time(NULL) ;
for(std::map<Sha1CheckSum,uint32_t>::iterator it(mRecentlyReceivedDistantMessageHashes.begin());it!=mRecentlyReceivedDistantMessageHashes.end();)
std::cerr << "p3MsgService(): cleanListOfReceivedMessageHashes(). Removing old hash " << it->first << ", aged " << now - it->second << " secs ago" << std::endl;
std::map<Sha1CheckSum,uint32_t>::iterator tmp(it) ;
++tmp ;
mRecentlyReceivedDistantMessageHashes.erase(it) ;
it=tmp ;
++it ;
int p3MsgService::status()
@ -332,9 +354,6 @@ int p3MsgService::checkOutgoingMessages()
* if online, send
static const uint32_t OLD_MESSAGE_FLUSHING_DELAY = 86400*7 ; // re-send old messages every week. This mainly ensures that
// messages that where never sent get sent at some point.
time_t now = time(NULL);
bool changed = false ;
std::list<RsMsgItem*> output_queue ;
@ -363,18 +382,9 @@ int p3MsgService::checkOutgoingMessages()
if( mServiceCtrl->isPeerConnected(getServiceInfo().mServiceType, pid) ) /* FEEDBACK Msg to Ourselves */
should_send = true ;
if (mit->second->msgFlags & RS_MSG_FLAGS_DISTANT)
if(!(mit->second->msgFlags & RS_MSG_FLAGS_ROUTED))
if((mit->second->msgFlags & RS_MSG_FLAGS_DISTANT) && !(mit->second->msgFlags & RS_MSG_FLAGS_ROUTED))
should_send = true ;
// if(mit->second->sendTime + OLD_MESSAGE_FLUSHING_DELAY < now)
// should_send = true ;
// mit->second->sendTime = now;
// }
/* send msg */
@ -595,6 +605,13 @@ bool p3MsgService::loadList(std::list<RsItem*>& load)
else if(NULL != (ghm = dynamic_cast<RsMsgDistantMessagesHashMap*>(*it)))
mRecentlyReceivedDistantMessageHashes = ghm->hash_map ;
std::cerr << " loaded recently received message map: " << std::endl;
for(std::map<Sha1CheckSum,uint32_t>::const_iterator it(mRecentlyReceivedDistantMessageHashes.begin());it!=mRecentlyReceivedDistantMessageHashes.end();++it)
std::cerr << " " << it->first << " received " << time(NULL)-it->second << " secs ago." << std::endl;
else if(NULL != (mtt = dynamic_cast<RsMsgTagType *>(*it)))
@ -1820,7 +1837,7 @@ void p3MsgService::manageDistantPeers()
for(std::list<RsGxsId>::const_iterator it(own_id_list.begin());it!=own_id_list.end();++it)
std::cerr << (b?"Enabling":"Disabling") << " distant messaging, with peer id = " << *it << std::endl;
std::cerr << (mShouldEnableDistantMessaging?"Enabling":"Disabling") << " distant messaging, with peer id = " << *it << std::endl;
for(std::list<RsGxsId>::const_iterator it(own_id_list.begin());it!=own_id_list.end();++it)
@ -1943,6 +1960,7 @@ void p3MsgService::receiveGRouterData(const RsGxsId& destination_key, const RsGx
return ;
mRecentlyReceivedDistantMessageHashes[hash] = time(NULL) ;
IndicateConfigChanged() ;
RsItem *item = _serialiser->deserialise(data,&data_size) ;
free(data) ;
@ -1969,7 +1987,8 @@ void p3MsgService::sendDistantMsgItem(RsMsgItem *msgitem)
RsGxsId destination_key_id(msgitem->PeerId()) ;
RsGxsId signing_key_id ;
msgitem->msgFlags |= RS_MSG_FLAGS_DISTANT ;
msgitem->msgFlags |= RS_MSG_FLAGS_DISTANT ;// just in case, but normally we should always have this flag set, when ending up here.
@ -1994,12 +2013,11 @@ void p3MsgService::sendDistantMsgItem(RsMsgItem *msgitem)
// The item is serialized and turned into a generic turtle item. Use use the explicit serialiser to make sure that the msgId is not included
uint32_t msg_serialized_rssize = msgitem->serial_size(false) ;
unsigned char *msg_serialized_data = new unsigned char[msg_serialized_rssize] ;
RsTemporaryMemory msg_serialized_data(msg_serialized_rssize) ;
std::cerr << "(EE) p3MsgService::sendTurtleData(): Serialization error." << std::endl;
delete[] msg_serialized_data ;
return ;
@ -2009,8 +2027,6 @@ void p3MsgService::sendDistantMsgItem(RsMsgItem *msgitem)
GRouterMsgPropagationId grouter_message_id ;
mGRouter->sendData(destination_key_id,GROUTER_CLIENT_ID_MESSAGES,msg_serialized_data,msg_serialized_rssize,signing_key_id,grouter_message_id) ;
delete[] msg_serialized_data ;
// now store the grouter id along with the message id, so that we can keep track of received messages
@ -56,160 +56,161 @@ class p3IdService;
// Temp tweak to test grouter
class p3MsgService: public p3Service, public p3Config, public pqiServiceMonitor, public GRouterClientService
p3MsgService(p3ServiceControl *sc, p3IdService *id_service);
virtual RsServiceInfo getServiceInfo();
p3MsgService(p3ServiceControl *sc, p3IdService *id_service);
virtual RsServiceInfo getServiceInfo();
/* External Interface */
bool getMessageSummaries(std::list<Rs::Msgs::MsgInfoSummary> &msgList);
bool getMessage(const std::string &mid, Rs::Msgs::MessageInfo &msg);
void getMessageCount(unsigned int *pnInbox, unsigned int *pnInboxNew, unsigned int *pnOutbox, unsigned int *pnDraftbox, unsigned int *pnSentbox, unsigned int *pnTrashbox);
/* External Interface */
bool getMessageSummaries(std::list<Rs::Msgs::MsgInfoSummary> &msgList);
bool getMessage(const std::string &mid, Rs::Msgs::MessageInfo &msg);
void getMessageCount(unsigned int *pnInbox, unsigned int *pnInboxNew, unsigned int *pnOutbox, unsigned int *pnDraftbox, unsigned int *pnSentbox, unsigned int *pnTrashbox);
bool decryptMessage(const std::string& mid) ;
bool removeMsgId(const std::string &mid);
bool markMsgIdRead(const std::string &mid, bool bUnreadByUser);
bool setMsgFlag(const std::string &mid, uint32_t flag, uint32_t mask);
bool getMsgParentId(const std::string &msgId, std::string &msgParentId);
// msgParentId == 0 --> remove
bool setMsgParentId(uint32_t msgId, uint32_t msgParentId);
bool decryptMessage(const std::string& mid) ;
bool removeMsgId(const std::string &mid);
bool markMsgIdRead(const std::string &mid, bool bUnreadByUser);
bool setMsgFlag(const std::string &mid, uint32_t flag, uint32_t mask);
bool getMsgParentId(const std::string &msgId, std::string &msgParentId);
// msgParentId == 0 --> remove
bool setMsgParentId(uint32_t msgId, uint32_t msgParentId);
bool MessageSend(Rs::Msgs::MessageInfo &info);
bool SystemMessage(const std::string &title, const std::string &message, uint32_t systemFlag);
bool MessageToDraft(Rs::Msgs::MessageInfo &info, const std::string &msgParentId);
bool MessageToTrash(const std::string &mid, bool bTrash);
bool MessageSend(Rs::Msgs::MessageInfo &info);
bool SystemMessage(const std::string &title, const std::string &message, uint32_t systemFlag);
bool MessageToDraft(Rs::Msgs::MessageInfo &info, const std::string &msgParentId);
bool MessageToTrash(const std::string &mid, bool bTrash);
bool getMessageTagTypes(Rs::Msgs::MsgTagType& tags);
bool setMessageTagType(uint32_t tagId, std::string& text, uint32_t rgb_color);
bool removeMessageTagType(uint32_t tagId);
bool getMessageTagTypes(Rs::Msgs::MsgTagType& tags);
bool setMessageTagType(uint32_t tagId, std::string& text, uint32_t rgb_color);
bool removeMessageTagType(uint32_t tagId);
bool getMessageTag(const std::string &msgId, Rs::Msgs::MsgTagInfo& info);
/* set == false && tagId == 0 --> remove all */
bool setMessageTag(const std::string &msgId, uint32_t tagId, bool set);
bool getMessageTag(const std::string &msgId, Rs::Msgs::MsgTagInfo& info);
/* set == false && tagId == 0 --> remove all */
bool setMessageTag(const std::string &msgId, uint32_t tagId, bool set);
bool resetMessageStandardTagTypes(Rs::Msgs::MsgTagType& tags);
bool resetMessageStandardTagTypes(Rs::Msgs::MsgTagType& tags);
void loadWelcomeMsg(); /* startup message */
void loadWelcomeMsg(); /* startup message */
//std::list<RsMsgItem *> &getMsgList();
//std::list<RsMsgItem *> &getMsgOutList();
int tick();
int status();
//std::list<RsMsgItem *> &getMsgList();
//std::list<RsMsgItem *> &getMsgOutList();
/*** Overloaded from p3Config ****/
virtual RsSerialiser *setupSerialiser();
virtual bool saveList(bool& cleanup, std::list<RsItem*>&);
virtual bool loadList(std::list<RsItem*>& load);
virtual void saveDone();
/*** Overloaded from p3Config ****/
int tick();
int status();
/*** Overloaded from pqiMonitor ***/
virtual void statusChange(const std::list<pqiServicePeer> &plist);
int checkOutgoingMessages();
/*** Overloaded from pqiMonitor ***/
/*** Overloaded from p3Config ****/
virtual RsSerialiser *setupSerialiser();
virtual bool saveList(bool& cleanup, std::list<RsItem*>&);
virtual bool loadList(std::list<RsItem*>& load);
virtual void saveDone();
/*** Overloaded from p3Config ****/
/*** overloaded from p3turtle ***/
/*** Overloaded from pqiMonitor ***/
virtual void statusChange(const std::list<pqiServicePeer> &plist);
int checkOutgoingMessages();
/*** Overloaded from pqiMonitor ***/
virtual void connectToGlobalRouter(p3GRouter *) ;
/*** overloaded from p3turtle ***/
struct DistantMessengingInvite
time_t time_of_validity ;
struct DistantMessengingContact
time_t last_hit_time ;
RsPeerId virtual_peer_id ;
uint32_t status ;
bool pending_messages ;
void enableDistantMessaging(bool b) ;
bool distantMessagingEnabled() ;
void setDistantMessagingPermissionFlags(uint32_t flags) ;
uint32_t getDistantMessagingPermissionFlags() ;
virtual void connectToGlobalRouter(p3GRouter *) ;
void sendDistantMsgItem(RsMsgItem *msgitem) ;
struct DistantMessengingInvite
time_t time_of_validity ;
struct DistantMessengingContact
time_t last_hit_time ;
RsPeerId virtual_peer_id ;
uint32_t status ;
bool pending_messages ;
void enableDistantMessaging(bool b) ;
bool distantMessagingEnabled() ;
// This contains the ongoing tunnel handling contacts.
// The map is indexed by the hash
std::map<GRouterMsgPropagationId,uint32_t> _ongoing_messages ;
void setDistantMessagingPermissionFlags(uint32_t flags) ;
uint32_t getDistantMessagingPermissionFlags() ;
// Overloaded from GRouterClientService
void sendDistantMsgItem(RsMsgItem *msgitem) ;
virtual bool acceptDataFromPeer(const RsGxsId& gxs_id) ;
virtual void receiveGRouterData(const RsGxsId& destination_key,const RsGxsId& signing_key, GRouterServiceId &client_id, uint8_t *data, uint32_t data_size) ;
virtual void notifyDataStatus(const GRouterMsgPropagationId& msg_id,uint32_t data_status) ;
// This contains the ongoing tunnel handling contacts.
// The map is indexed by the hash
std::map<GRouterMsgPropagationId,uint32_t> _ongoing_messages ;
// Utility functions
// Overloaded from GRouterClientService
bool createDistantMessage(const RsGxsId& destination_gxs_id,const RsGxsId& source_gxs_id,RsMsgItem *msg) ;
bool locked_findHashForVirtualPeerId(const RsPeerId& pid,Sha1CheckSum& hash) ;
void sendGRouterData(const RsGxsId &key_id,RsMsgItem *) ;
virtual bool acceptDataFromPeer(const RsGxsId& gxs_id) ;
virtual void receiveGRouterData(const RsGxsId& destination_key,const RsGxsId& signing_key, GRouterServiceId &client_id, uint8_t *data, uint32_t data_size) ;
virtual void notifyDataStatus(const GRouterMsgPropagationId& msg_id,uint32_t data_status) ;
void manageDistantPeers() ;
// Utility functions
void handleIncomingItem(RsMsgItem *) ;
bool createDistantMessage(const RsGxsId& destination_gxs_id,const RsGxsId& source_gxs_id,RsMsgItem *msg) ;
bool locked_findHashForVirtualPeerId(const RsPeerId& pid,Sha1CheckSum& hash) ;
void sendGRouterData(const RsGxsId &key_id,RsMsgItem *) ;
uint32_t getNewUniqueMsgId();
uint32_t sendMessage(RsMsgItem *item);
uint32_t sendDistantMessage(RsMsgItem *item,const RsGxsId& signing_gxs_id);
void checkSizeAndSendMessage(RsMsgItem *msg);
void manageDistantPeers() ;
int incomingMsgs();
void processIncomingMsg(RsMsgItem *mi) ;
bool checkAndRebuildPartialMessage(RsMsgItem*) ;
void handleIncomingItem(RsMsgItem *) ;
void initRsMI(RsMsgItem *msg, Rs::Msgs::MessageInfo &mi);
void initRsMIS(RsMsgItem *msg, Rs::Msgs::MsgInfoSummary &mis);
uint32_t getNewUniqueMsgId();
uint32_t sendMessage(RsMsgItem *item);
uint32_t sendDistantMessage(RsMsgItem *item,const RsGxsId& signing_gxs_id);
void checkSizeAndSendMessage(RsMsgItem *msg);
void cleanListOfReceivedMessageHashes();
RsMsgItem *initMIRsMsg(const Rs::Msgs::MessageInfo &info, const RsPeerId& to);
RsMsgItem *initMIRsMsg(const Rs::Msgs::MessageInfo &info, const RsGxsId& to);
void initMIRsMsg(RsMsgItem *item,const Rs::Msgs::MessageInfo &info) ;
int incomingMsgs();
void processIncomingMsg(RsMsgItem *mi) ;
bool checkAndRebuildPartialMessage(RsMsgItem*) ;
void initStandardTagTypes();
void initRsMI(RsMsgItem *msg, Rs::Msgs::MessageInfo &mi);
void initRsMIS(RsMsgItem *msg, Rs::Msgs::MsgInfoSummary &mis);
p3IdService *mIdService ;
p3ServiceControl *mServiceCtrl;
p3GRouter *mGRouter ;
RsMsgItem *initMIRsMsg(const Rs::Msgs::MessageInfo &info, const RsPeerId& to);
RsMsgItem *initMIRsMsg(const Rs::Msgs::MessageInfo &info, const RsGxsId& to);
void initMIRsMsg(RsMsgItem *item,const Rs::Msgs::MessageInfo &info) ;
/* Mutex Required for stuff below */
void initStandardTagTypes();
RsMutex mMsgMtx;
RsMsgSerialiser *_serialiser ;
p3IdService *mIdService ;
p3ServiceControl *mServiceCtrl;
p3GRouter *mGRouter ;
/* stored list of messages */
std::map<uint32_t, RsMsgItem *> imsg;
/* ones that haven't made it out yet! */
std::map<uint32_t, RsMsgItem *> msgOutgoing;
/* Mutex Required for stuff below */
std::map<RsPeerId, RsMsgItem *> _pendingPartialMessages ;
RsMutex mMsgMtx;
RsMsgSerialiser *_serialiser ;
/* maps for tags types and msg tags */
/* stored list of messages */
std::map<uint32_t, RsMsgItem *> imsg;
/* ones that haven't made it out yet! */
std::map<uint32_t, RsMsgItem *> msgOutgoing;
std::map<uint32_t, RsMsgTagType*> mTags;
std::map<uint32_t, RsMsgTags*> mMsgTags;
std::map<RsPeerId, RsMsgItem *> _pendingPartialMessages ;
uint32_t mMsgUniqueId;
std::map<Sha1CheckSum,uint32_t> mRecentlyReceivedDistantMessageHashes;
/* maps for tags types and msg tags */
// used delete msgSrcIds after config save
std::map<uint32_t, RsMsgSrcId*> mSrcIds;
std::map<uint32_t, RsMsgTagType*> mTags;
std::map<uint32_t, RsMsgTags*> mMsgTags;
// temporary storage. Will not be needed when messages have a proper "from" field. Not saved!
std::map<uint32_t, RsGxsId> mDistantOutgoingMsgSigners;
uint32_t mMsgUniqueId;
std::map<Sha1CheckSum,uint32_t> mRecentlyReceivedDistantMessageHashes;
// save the parent of the messages in draft for replied and forwarded
std::map<uint32_t, RsMsgParentId*> mParentId;
// used delete msgSrcIds after config save
std::map<uint32_t, RsMsgSrcId*> mSrcIds;
std::string config_dir;
// temporary storage. Will not be needed when messages have a proper "from" field. Not saved!
std::map<uint32_t, RsGxsId> mDistantOutgoingMsgSigners;
bool mDistantMessagingEnabled ;
uint32_t mDistantMessagePermissions ;
bool mShouldEnableDistantMessaging ;
// save the parent of the messages in draft for replied and forwarded
std::map<uint32_t, RsMsgParentId*> mParentId;
std::string config_dir;
bool mDistantMessagingEnabled ;
uint32_t mDistantMessagePermissions ;
bool mShouldEnableDistantMessaging ;
Reference in New Issue
Block a user