diff --git a/retroshare-gui/src/gui/ChannelFeed.cpp b/retroshare-gui/src/gui/ChannelFeed.cpp
index 0d99c8e5d..8cf604aaf 100644
--- a/retroshare-gui/src/gui/ChannelFeed.cpp
+++ b/retroshare-gui/src/gui/ChannelFeed.cpp
@@ -118,6 +118,7 @@ ChannelFeed::ChannelFeed(QWidget *parent)
 void ChannelFeed::createChannel()
 	CreateForum *cf = new CreateForum(NULL, false);
+	cf->setWindowTitle(tr("Create Channel"));
diff --git a/retroshare-gui/src/gui/ForumsDialog.cpp b/retroshare-gui/src/gui/ForumsDialog.cpp
index 973ad0f39..7f02a4caf 100644
--- a/retroshare-gui/src/gui/ForumsDialog.cpp
+++ b/retroshare-gui/src/gui/ForumsDialog.cpp
@@ -50,7 +50,7 @@
 #define IMAGE_DOWNLOAD       ":/images/start.png"
 #define IMAGE_DOWNLOADALL    ":/images/startall.png"
-/* Images for TreeWidget */
+/* Images for TreeWidget */
 #define IMAGE_FOLDER         ":/images/folder16.png"
 #define IMAGE_FOLDERGREEN    ":/images/folder_green.png"
 #define IMAGE_FOLDERRED      ":/images/folder_red.png"
@@ -65,7 +65,7 @@
 /** Constructor */
-ForumsDialog::ForumsDialog(QWidget *parent)
+ForumsDialog::ForumsDialog(QWidget *parent)
 : MainPage(parent)
   /* Invoke the Qt Designer generated object setup routine */
@@ -94,72 +94,19 @@ ForumsDialog::ForumsDialog(QWidget *parent)
-#if 0
-  connect( ui.msgWidget, SIGNAL( itemClicked ( QTreeWidgetItem *, int) ), this, SLOT( updateMessages ( QTreeWidgetItem *, int) ) );
-  connect( ui.listWidget, SIGNAL( currentRowChanged ( int) ), this, SLOT( changeBox ( int) ) );
-  connect(ui.newmessageButton, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(newmessage()));
-  connect(ui.removemessageButton, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(removemessage()));
-  //connect(ui.printbutton, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(print()));
-  //connect(ui.actionPrint, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(print()));
-  //connect(ui.actionPrintPreview, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(printpreview()));
-  connect(ui.downloadButton, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(getallrecommended()));
-  mCurrCertId = "";
-  mCurrMsgId  = "";
-  /* hide the Tree +/- */
-  ui.msgList->setRootIsDecorated( false );
-  ui.msgWidget->setRootIsDecorated( false );
-  /* Set header resize modes and initial section sizes */
-  QHeaderView * msgwheader = ui.msgWidget->header () ;
-  msgwheader->setResizeMode (0, QHeaderView::Custom);
-  msgwheader->setResizeMode (3, QHeaderView::Interactive);
-  msgwheader->resizeSection ( 0, 24 );
-  msgwheader->resizeSection ( 2, 250 );
-  msgwheader->resizeSection ( 3, 140 );
-    /* Set header resize modes and initial section sizes */
-	QHeaderView * msglheader = ui.msgList->header () ;
-   	msglheader->setResizeMode (0, QHeaderView::Interactive);
-	msglheader->setResizeMode (1, QHeaderView::Interactive);
-	msglheader->setResizeMode (2, QHeaderView::Interactive);
-	msglheader->setResizeMode (3, QHeaderView::Interactive);
-	msglheader->resizeSection ( 0, 200 );
-	msglheader->resizeSection ( 1, 100 );
-	msglheader->resizeSection ( 2, 100 );
-	msglheader->resizeSection ( 3, 200 );
-	ui.newmessageButton->setIcon(QIcon(QString(":/images/folder-draft24-pressed.png")));
-    ui.replymessageButton->setIcon(QIcon(QString(":/images/replymail-pressed.png")));
-    ui.removemessageButton->setIcon(QIcon(QString(":/images/deletemail-pressed.png")));
-    ui.printbutton->setIcon(QIcon(QString(":/images/print24.png")));
-    /*Disabled Reply Button */
-    ui.replymessageButton->setEnabled(false);
-    QMenu * printmenu = new QMenu();
-    printmenu->addAction(ui.actionPrint);
-    printmenu->addAction(ui.actionPrintPreview);
-    ui.printbutton->setMenu(printmenu);
-    /* Set header resize modes and initial section sizes */
-	QHeaderView * ftheader = ui.forumTreeWidget->header () ;
+    	/* Set header resize modes and initial section sizes */
+	QHeaderView * ftheader = ui.forumTreeWidget->header () ;
 	ftheader->setResizeMode (0, QHeaderView::Interactive);
 	ftheader->resizeSection ( 0, 170 );
 	/* Set header resize modes and initial section sizes */
-	QHeaderView * ttheader = ui.threadTreeWidget->header () ;
-   	ttheader->setResizeMode (0, QHeaderView::Interactive);
+	QHeaderView * ttheader = ui.threadTreeWidget->header () ;
+   	ttheader->setResizeMode (0, QHeaderView::Interactive);
 	ttheader->resizeSection ( 0, 170 );
+	ttheader->resizeSection ( 1, 170 );
@@ -230,7 +177,7 @@ void ForumsDialog::newmessage()
     /* window will destroy itself! */
-void ForumsDialog::replytomessage()
+void ForumsDialog::replytomessage()
 	/* put msg on msgBoard, and switch to it. */
@@ -276,7 +223,7 @@ void ForumsDialog::togglefileview()
-	    ui.expandButton->setToolTip("Expand");
+	    	ui.expandButton->setToolTip("Expand");
@@ -285,8 +232,8 @@ void ForumsDialog::togglefileview()
 		int nMsgSize = (totalSize / 2);
-	    ui.expandButton->setIcon(QIcon(QString(":/images/edit_remove24.png")));
-	    ui.expandButton->setToolTip("Hide");
+	    	ui.expandButton->setIcon(QIcon(QString(":/images/edit_remove24.png")));
+	    	ui.expandButton->setToolTip("Hide");
diff --git a/retroshare-gui/src/gui/forums/CreateForumMsg.cpp b/retroshare-gui/src/gui/forums/CreateForumMsg.cpp
index acfef6004..643cd05e9 100644
--- a/retroshare-gui/src/gui/forums/CreateForumMsg.cpp
+++ b/retroshare-gui/src/gui/forums/CreateForumMsg.cpp
@@ -26,6 +26,29 @@
 #include "rsiface/rsforums.h"
+#include <QContextMenuEvent>
+#include <QCloseEvent>
+#include <QColorDialog>
+#include <QClipboard>
+#include <QFile>
+#include <QFileDialog>
+#include <QFileInfo>
+#include <QMenu>
+#include <QCursor>
+#include <QPoint>
+#include <QMouseEvent>
+#include <QMessageBox>
+#include <QPixmap>
+#include <QPrintDialog>
+#include <QPrinter>
+#include <QHeaderView>
+#include <QTextCodec>
+#include <QTextEdit>
+#include <QTextCursor>
+#include <QTextList>
+#include <QTextStream>
+#include <QTextDocumentFragment>
 /** Constructor */
 CreateForumMsg::CreateForumMsg(std::string fId, std::string pId)
 : QMainWindow(NULL), mForumId(fId), mParentId(pId)
@@ -33,13 +56,106 @@ CreateForumMsg::CreateForumMsg(std::string fId, std::string pId)
   /* Invoke the Qt Designer generated object setup routine */
-  RshareSettings config;
+  RshareSettings config;
   // connect up the buttons.
   connect( ui.postmessage_action, SIGNAL( triggered (bool) ), this, SLOT( createMsg( ) ) );
   connect( ui.close_action, SIGNAL( triggered (bool) ), this, SLOT( cancelMsg( ) ) );
+  connect(ui.boldbtn, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(textBold()));
+  connect(ui.underlinebtn, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(textUnderline()));
+  connect(ui.italicbtn, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(textItalic()));
+  connect(ui.colorbtn, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(textColor()));
+  connect(ui.forumMessage, SIGNAL(currentCharFormatChanged(const QTextCharFormat &)),
+            this, SLOT(currentCharFormatChanged(const QTextCharFormat &)));
+  connect(ui.forumMessage, SIGNAL(cursorPositionChanged()),
+            this, SLOT(cursorPositionChanged()));
+    connect(ui.forumMessage->document(), SIGNAL(modificationChanged(bool)),
+            actionSave, SLOT(setEnabled(bool)));
+    connect(ui.forumMessage->document(), SIGNAL(modificationChanged(bool)),
+            this, SLOT(setWindowModified(bool)));
+    connect(ui.forumMessage->document(), SIGNAL(undoAvailable(bool)),
+            actionUndo, SLOT(setEnabled(bool)));
+    connect(ui.forumMessage->document(), SIGNAL(redoAvailable(bool)),
+            actionRedo, SLOT(setEnabled(bool)));
+    setWindowModified(ui.forumMessage->document()->isModified());
+    actionSave->setEnabled(ui.forumMessage->document()->isModified());
+    actionUndo->setEnabled(ui.forumMessage->document()->isUndoAvailable());
+    actionRedo->setEnabled(ui.forumMessage->document()->isRedoAvailable());
+    connect(actionUndo, SIGNAL(triggered()), ui.forumMessage, SLOT(undo()));
+    connect(actionRedo, SIGNAL(triggered()), ui.forumMessage, SLOT(redo()));
+    actionCut->setEnabled(false);
+    actionCopy->setEnabled(false);
+    connect(actionCut, SIGNAL(triggered()), ui.forumMessage, SLOT(cut()));
+    connect(actionCopy, SIGNAL(triggered()), ui.forumMessage, SLOT(copy()));
+    connect(actionPaste, SIGNAL(triggered()), ui.forumMessage, SLOT(paste()));
+    connect(ui.forumMessage, SIGNAL(copyAvailable(bool)), actionCut, SLOT(setEnabled(bool)));
+    connect(ui.forumMessage, SIGNAL(copyAvailable(bool)), actionCopy, SLOT(setEnabled(bool)));
+    connect(QApplication::clipboard(), SIGNAL(dataChanged()), this, SLOT(clipboardDataChanged()));
+    QActionGroup *grp = new QActionGroup(this);
+    connect(grp, SIGNAL(triggered(QAction *)), this, SLOT(textAlign(QAction *)));
+    actionAlignLeft = new QAction(QIcon(":/images/textedit/textleft.png"), tr("&Left"), grp);
+    actionAlignLeft->setShortcut(Qt::CTRL + Qt::Key_L);
+    actionAlignLeft->setCheckable(true);
+    actionAlignCenter = new QAction(QIcon(":/images/textedit/textcenter.png"), tr("C&enter"), grp);
+    actionAlignCenter->setShortcut(Qt::CTRL + Qt::Key_E);
+    actionAlignCenter->setCheckable(true);
+    actionAlignRight = new QAction(QIcon(":/images/textedit/textright.png"), tr("&Right"), grp);
+    actionAlignRight->setShortcut(Qt::CTRL + Qt::Key_R);
+    actionAlignRight->setCheckable(true);
+    actionAlignJustify = new QAction(QIcon(":/images/textedit/textjustify.png"), tr("&Justify"), grp);
+    actionAlignJustify->setShortcut(Qt::CTRL + Qt::Key_J);
+    actionAlignJustify->setCheckable(true);
+    ui.comboStyle->addItem("Standard");
+    ui.comboStyle->addItem("Bullet List (Disc)");
+    ui.comboStyle->addItem("Bullet List (Circle)");
+    ui.comboStyle->addItem("Bullet List (Square)");
+    ui.comboStyle->addItem("Ordered List (Decimal)");
+    ui.comboStyle->addItem("Ordered List (Alpha lower)");
+    ui.comboStyle->addItem("Ordered List (Alpha upper)");
+    connect(ui.comboStyle, SIGNAL(activated(int)),this, SLOT(textStyle(int)));
+    connect(ui.comboFont, SIGNAL(activated(const QString &)), this, SLOT(textFamily(const QString &)));
+    ui.comboSize->setEditable(true);
+    QFontDatabase db;
+    foreach(int size, db.standardSizes())
+        ui.comboSize->addItem(QString::number(size));
+    connect(ui.comboSize, SIGNAL(activated(const QString &)),this, SLOT(textSize(const QString &)));
+    ui.comboSize->setCurrentIndex(ui.comboSize->findText(QString::number(QApplication::font().pointSize())));
+    ui.boldbtn->setIcon(QIcon(QString(":/images/textedit/textbold.png")));
+    ui.underlinebtn->setIcon(QIcon(QString(":/images/textedit/textunder.png")));
+    ui.italicbtn->setIcon(QIcon(QString(":/images/textedit/textitalic.png")));
+    ui.textalignmentbtn->setIcon(QIcon(QString(":/images/textedit/textcenter.png")));
+    //ui.actionContactsView->setIcon(QIcon(":/images/contacts24.png"));
+    //ui.actionSaveas->setIcon(QIcon(":/images/save24.png"));
+    QMenu * alignmentmenu = new QMenu();
+    alignmentmenu->addAction(actionAlignLeft);
+    alignmentmenu->addAction(actionAlignCenter);
+    alignmentmenu->addAction(actionAlignRight);
+    alignmentmenu->addAction(actionAlignJustify);
+    ui.textalignmentbtn->setMenu(alignmentmenu);
+	QPixmap pxm(24,24);
+	pxm.fill(Qt::black);
+	ui.colorbtn->setIcon(pxm);
@@ -101,7 +217,306 @@ void  CreateForumMsg::cancelMsg()
-	RshareSettings config;
+	RshareSettings config;
+void CreateForumMsg::textBold()
+    QTextCharFormat fmt;
+    fmt.setFontWeight(ui.boldbtn->isChecked() ? QFont::Bold : QFont::Normal);
+    mergeFormatOnWordOrSelection(fmt);
+void CreateForumMsg::textUnderline()
+    QTextCharFormat fmt;
+    fmt.setFontUnderline(ui.underlinebtn->isChecked());
+    mergeFormatOnWordOrSelection(fmt);
+void CreateForumMsg::textItalic()
+    QTextCharFormat fmt;
+    fmt.setFontItalic(ui.italicbtn->isChecked());
+    mergeFormatOnWordOrSelection(fmt);
+void CreateForumMsg::textFamily(const QString &f)
+    QTextCharFormat fmt;
+    fmt.setFontFamily(f);
+    mergeFormatOnWordOrSelection(fmt);
+void CreateForumMsg::textSize(const QString &p)
+    QTextCharFormat fmt;
+    fmt.setFontPointSize(p.toFloat());
+    mergeFormatOnWordOrSelection(fmt);
+void CreateForumMsg::textStyle(int styleIndex)
+    QTextCursor cursor = ui.forumMessage->textCursor();
+    if (styleIndex != 0) {
+        QTextListFormat::Style style = QTextListFormat::ListDisc;
+        switch (styleIndex) {
+            default:
+            case 1:
+                style = QTextListFormat::ListDisc;
+                break;
+            case 2:
+                style = QTextListFormat::ListCircle;
+                break;
+            case 3:
+                style = QTextListFormat::ListSquare;
+                break;
+            case 4:
+                style = QTextListFormat::ListDecimal;
+                break;
+            case 5:
+                style = QTextListFormat::ListLowerAlpha;
+                break;
+            case 6:
+                style = QTextListFormat::ListUpperAlpha;
+                break;
+        }
+        cursor.beginEditBlock();
+        QTextBlockFormat blockFmt = cursor.blockFormat();
+        QTextListFormat listFmt;
+        if (cursor.currentList()) {
+            listFmt = cursor.currentList()->format();
+        } else {
+            listFmt.setIndent(blockFmt.indent() + 1);
+            blockFmt.setIndent(0);
+            cursor.setBlockFormat(blockFmt);
+        }
+        listFmt.setStyle(style);
+        cursor.createList(listFmt);
+        cursor.endEditBlock();
+    } else {
+        // ####
+        QTextBlockFormat bfmt;
+        bfmt.setObjectIndex(-1);
+        cursor.mergeBlockFormat(bfmt);
+    }
+void CreateForumMsg::textColor()
+    QColor col = QColorDialog::getColor(ui.forumMessage->textColor(), this);
+    if (!col.isValid())
+        return;
+    QTextCharFormat fmt;
+    fmt.setForeground(col);
+    mergeFormatOnWordOrSelection(fmt);
+    colorChanged(col);
+void CreateForumMsg::textAlign(QAction *a)
+    if (a == actionAlignLeft)
+        ui.forumMessage->setAlignment(Qt::AlignLeft);
+    else if (a == actionAlignCenter)
+        ui.forumMessage->setAlignment(Qt::AlignHCenter);
+    else if (a == actionAlignRight)
+        ui.forumMessage->setAlignment(Qt::AlignRight);
+    else if (a == actionAlignJustify)
+        ui.forumMessage->setAlignment(Qt::AlignJustify);
+void CreateForumMsg::currentCharFormatChanged(const QTextCharFormat &format)
+    fontChanged(format.font());
+    colorChanged(format.foreground().color());
+void CreateForumMsg::cursorPositionChanged()
+    alignmentChanged(ui.forumMessage->alignment());
+void CreateForumMsg::mergeFormatOnWordOrSelection(const QTextCharFormat &format)
+    QTextCursor cursor = ui.forumMessage->textCursor();
+    if (!cursor.hasSelection())
+        cursor.select(QTextCursor::WordUnderCursor);
+    cursor.mergeCharFormat(format);
+    ui.forumMessage->mergeCurrentCharFormat(format);
+void CreateForumMsg::fontChanged(const QFont &f)
+    ui.comboFont->setCurrentIndex(ui.comboFont->findText(QFontInfo(f).family()));
+    ui.comboSize->setCurrentIndex(ui.comboSize->findText(QString::number(f.pointSize())));
+    ui.boldbtn->setChecked(f.bold());
+    ui.italicbtn->setChecked(f.italic());
+    ui.underlinebtn->setChecked(f.underline());
+void CreateForumMsg::colorChanged(const QColor &c)
+    QPixmap pix(16, 16);
+    pix.fill(c);
+    ui.colorbtn->setIcon(pix);
+void CreateForumMsg::alignmentChanged(Qt::Alignment a)
+    if (a & Qt::AlignLeft) {
+        actionAlignLeft->setChecked(true);
+    } else if (a & Qt::AlignHCenter) {
+        actionAlignCenter->setChecked(true);
+    } else if (a & Qt::AlignRight) {
+        actionAlignRight->setChecked(true);
+    } else if (a & Qt::AlignJustify) {
+        actionAlignJustify->setChecked(true);
+    }
+void CreateForumMsg::clipboardDataChanged()
+    actionPaste->setEnabled(!QApplication::clipboard()->text().isEmpty());
+void CreateForumMsg::fileNew()
+    if (maybeSave()) {
+        ui.forumMessage->clear();
+        //setCurrentFileName(QString());
+    }
+void CreateForumMsg::fileOpen()
+    QString fn = QFileDialog::getOpenFileName(this, tr("Open File..."),
+                                              QString(), tr("HTML-Files (*.htm *.html);;All Files (*)"));
+    if (!fn.isEmpty())
+        load(fn);
+bool CreateForumMsg::fileSave()
+    if (fileName.isEmpty())
+        return fileSaveAs();
+    QFile file(fileName);
+    if (!file.open(QFile::WriteOnly))
+        return false;
+    QTextStream ts(&file);
+    ts.setCodec(QTextCodec::codecForName("UTF-8"));
+    ts << ui.forumMessage->document()->toHtml("UTF-8");
+    ui.forumMessage->document()->setModified(false);
+    return true;
+bool CreateForumMsg::fileSaveAs()
+    QString fn = QFileDialog::getSaveFileName(this, tr("Save as..."),
+                                              QString(), tr("HTML-Files (*.htm *.html);;All Files (*)"));
+    if (fn.isEmpty())
+        return false;
+    setCurrentFileName(fn);
+    return fileSave();
+void CreateForumMsg::filePrint()
+#ifndef QT_NO_PRINTER
+    QPrinter printer(QPrinter::HighResolution);
+    printer.setFullPage(true);
+    QPrintDialog *dlg = new QPrintDialog(&printer, this);
+    if (ui.forumMessage->textCursor().hasSelection())
+        dlg->addEnabledOption(QAbstractPrintDialog::PrintSelection);
+    dlg->setWindowTitle(tr("Print Document"));
+    if (dlg->exec() == QDialog::Accepted) {
+        ui.forumMessage->print(&printer);
+    }
+    delete dlg;
+/*void TextEdit::filePrintPreview()
+    PrintPreview *preview = new PrintPreview(textEdit->document(), this);
+    preview->setWindowModality(Qt::WindowModal);
+    preview->setAttribute(Qt::WA_DeleteOnClose);
+    preview->show();
+void CreateForumMsg::filePrintPdf()
+#ifndef QT_NO_PRINTER
+    QString fileName = QFileDialog::getSaveFileName(this, "Export PDF",
+                                                    QString(), "*.pdf");
+    if (!fileName.isEmpty()) {
+        if (QFileInfo(fileName).suffix().isEmpty())
+            fileName.append(".pdf");
+        QPrinter printer(QPrinter::HighResolution);
+        printer.setOutputFormat(QPrinter::PdfFormat);
+        printer.setOutputFileName(fileName);
+        ui.forumMessage->document()->print(&printer);
+    }
+void CreateForumMsg::setCurrentFileName(const QString &fileName)
+    this->fileName = fileName;
+    ui.forumMessage->document()->setModified(false);
+    setWindowModified(false);
+bool CreateForumMsg::load(const QString &f)
+    if (!QFile::exists(f))
+        return false;
+    QFile file(f);
+    if (!file.open(QFile::ReadOnly))
+        return false;
+    QByteArray data = file.readAll();
+    QTextCodec *codec = Qt::codecForHtml(data);
+    QString str = codec->toUnicode(data);
+    if (Qt::mightBeRichText(str)) {
+        ui.forumMessage->setHtml(str);
+    } else {
+        str = QString::fromLocal8Bit(data);
+        ui.forumMessage->setPlainText(str);
+    }
+    setCurrentFileName(f);
+    return true;
+bool CreateForumMsg::maybeSave()
+    if (!ui.forumMessage->document()->isModified())
+        return true;
+    if (fileName.startsWith(QLatin1String(":/")))
+        return true;
+    QMessageBox::StandardButton ret;
+    ret = QMessageBox::warning(this, tr("Save Message"),
+                               tr("Forum Message has not been Sent.\n"
+                                  "Do you want to save forum message ?"),
+                               QMessageBox::Save | QMessageBox::Discard
+                               | QMessageBox::Cancel);
+    if (ret == QMessageBox::Save)
+        return fileSave();
+    else if (ret == QMessageBox::Cancel)
+        return false;
+    return true;
diff --git a/retroshare-gui/src/gui/forums/CreateForumMsg.h b/retroshare-gui/src/gui/forums/CreateForumMsg.h
index 9cf377725..226b32aa1 100644
--- a/retroshare-gui/src/gui/forums/CreateForumMsg.h
+++ b/retroshare-gui/src/gui/forums/CreateForumMsg.h
@@ -28,6 +28,12 @@
 #include "ui_CreateForumMsg.h"
+class QAction;
+class QComboBox;
+class QFontComboBox;
+class QTextEdit;
+class QTextCharFormat;
 class CreateForumMsg : public QMainWindow
@@ -35,18 +41,67 @@ class CreateForumMsg : public QMainWindow
   CreateForumMsg(std::string fId, std::string pId);
-void  newMsg(); /* cleanup */
+  void  newMsg(); /* cleanup */
 private slots:
 	/* actions to take.... */
-void  createMsg();
-void  cancelMsg();
+  void  createMsg();
+  void  cancelMsg();
+  void fileNew();
+  void fileOpen();
+  bool fileSave();
+  bool fileSaveAs();
+  void filePrint(); 
+  //void filePrintPreview();
+  void filePrintPdf();
+  void textBold();
+  void textUnderline();
+  void textItalic();
+  void textFamily(const QString &f);
+  void textSize(const QString &p);
+  void textStyle(int styleIndex);
+  void textColor();
+  void textAlign(QAction *a);
+  void currentCharFormatChanged(const QTextCharFormat &format);
+  void cursorPositionChanged();
+  void clipboardDataChanged();
-  std::string mForumId;
-  std::string mParentId;
+  	std::string mForumId;
+  	std::string mParentId;
+    	void mergeFormatOnWordOrSelection(const QTextCharFormat &format);
+    	void fontChanged(const QFont &f);
+    	void colorChanged(const QColor &c);
+    	void alignmentChanged(Qt::Alignment a);
+	bool load(const QString &f);
+    	bool maybeSave();
+	void setCurrentFileName(const QString &fileName);
+  	QAction *actionSave,
+		*actionAlignLeft,
+        *actionAlignCenter,
+        *actionAlignRight,
+        *actionAlignJustify,
+        *actionUndo,
+        *actionRedo,
+        *actionCut,
+        *actionCopy,
+        *actionPaste;
+	QString fileName;
   /** Qt Designer generated object */
   Ui::CreateForumMsg ui;
diff --git a/retroshare-gui/src/gui/forums/CreateForumMsg.ui b/retroshare-gui/src/gui/forums/CreateForumMsg.ui
index b2f301ee0..4f4ac40b8 100644
--- a/retroshare-gui/src/gui/forums/CreateForumMsg.ui
+++ b/retroshare-gui/src/gui/forums/CreateForumMsg.ui
@@ -5,8 +5,8 @@
-    <width>441</width>
-    <height>353</height>
+    <width>533</width>
+    <height>398</height>
   <property name="windowTitle" >
@@ -21,75 +21,220 @@
   <widget class="QWidget" name="centralwidget" >
    <layout class="QGridLayout" >
     <item row="0" column="0" >
-     <layout class="QVBoxLayout" >
+     <layout class="QHBoxLayout" >
-       <layout class="QHBoxLayout" >
-        <item>
-         <widget class="QLabel" name="label_2" >
-          <property name="text" >
-           <string>Forum</string>
-          </property>
-         </widget>
-        </item>
-        <item>
-         <widget class="QLineEdit" name="forumName" >
-          <property name="enabled" >
-           <bool>false</bool>
-          </property>
-         </widget>
-        </item>
-       </layout>
+       <widget class="QLabel" name="label_2" >
+        <property name="text" >
+         <string>Forum</string>
+        </property>
+       </widget>
-       <layout class="QHBoxLayout" >
-        <item>
-         <widget class="QLabel" name="label" >
-          <property name="text" >
-           <string>Forum Post Subject</string>
-          </property>
-         </widget>
-        </item>
-        <item>
-         <widget class="QLineEdit" name="forumSubject" />
-        </item>
-       </layout>
-      </item>
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-           <string>Forum Post</string>
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-           <enum>Qt::Horizontal</enum>
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-         <widget class="QCheckBox" name="signBox" >
-          <property name="text" >
-           <string>Sign Message</string>
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+        <property name="text" >
+         <string>Forum Post Subject</string>
+        </property>
+       </widget>
+      </item>
+      <item>
+       <widget class="QLineEdit" name="forumSubject" />
+      </item>
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+         <string>Forum Post</string>
+        </property>
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+      <item>
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+         <string>Sign Message</string>
+        </property>
+       </widget>
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+         <string/>
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+         <string/>
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+         <string/>
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+         <string>Alignment</string>
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+    <item row="4" column="0" >
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   <widget class="QToolBar" name="toolBar" >
@@ -105,6 +250,16 @@
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+     <x>0</x>
+     <y>0</y>
+     <width>533</width>
+     <height>30</height>
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     <iconset resource="../images.qrc" >:/images/mail_send24.png</iconset>