mirror of
synced 2025-03-18 13:06:10 -04:00
added challenge protocol to securely improve lobby connectivity
git-svn-id: http://svn.code.sf.net/p/retroshare/code/branches/v0.5-ChatLobby@4735 b45a01b8-16f6-495d-af2f-9b41ad6348cc
This commit is contained in:
@ -57,6 +57,15 @@ std::ostream& RsChatMsgItem::print(std::ostream &out, uint16_t indent)
printRsItemEnd(out, "RsChatMsgItem", indent);
return out;
std::ostream& RsChatLobbyConnectChallengeItem::print(std::ostream &out, uint16_t indent)
printRsItemBase(out, "RsChatLobbyConnectChallengeItem", indent);
printIndent(out, indent);
out << "Challenge Code: " << std::hex << challenge_code << std::endl;
printRsItemEnd(out, "RsChatLobbyConnectChallengeItem", indent);
return out;
std::ostream& RsChatLobbyMsgItem::print(std::ostream &out, uint16_t indent)
RsChatMsgItem::print(out,indent) ;
@ -190,6 +199,13 @@ uint32_t RsChatMsgItem::serial_size()
return s;
uint32_t RsChatLobbyConnectChallengeItem::serial_size()
uint32_t s = 8; /* header */
s += 8; // challenge code
return s ;
uint32_t RsChatLobbyMsgItem::serial_size()
uint32_t s = RsChatMsgItem::serial_size() ; // parent
@ -339,6 +355,33 @@ bool RsChatLobbyMsgItem::serialise(void *data, uint32_t& pktsize)
return ok ;
bool RsChatLobbyConnectChallengeItem::serialise(void *data, uint32_t& pktsize)
uint32_t tlvsize = serial_size() ;
if (pktsize < tlvsize)
return false; /* not enough space */
bool ok = true ;
ok &= setRsItemHeader(data, tlvsize, PacketId(), tlvsize); // correct header!
uint32_t offset = 8 ;
ok &= setRawUInt64(data, tlvsize, &offset, challenge_code);
if (offset != tlvsize)
ok = false;
std::cerr << "RsChatSerialiser::serialiseItem() Size Error! " << std::endl;
std::cerr << "computed size: " << 256*((unsigned char*)data)[6]+((unsigned char*)data)[7] << std::endl ;
pktsize = tlvsize ;
return ok ;
bool RsChatLobbyInviteItem::serialise(void *data, uint32_t& pktsize)
uint32_t tlvsize = serial_size() ;
@ -540,6 +583,23 @@ RsChatLobbyMsgItem::RsChatLobbyMsgItem(void *data,uint32_t /*size*/)
std::cerr << "Unknown error while deserializing." << std::endl ;
RsChatLobbyConnectChallengeItem::RsChatLobbyConnectChallengeItem(void *data,uint32_t /*size*/)
uint32_t rssize = getRsItemSize(data);
bool ok = true ;
std::cerr << "RsChatLobbyConnectChallengeItem: rsitem size is " << rssize << std::endl;
uint32_t offset = 8 ;
/* get mandatory parts first */
ok &= getRawUInt64(data, rssize, &offset, &challenge_code);
if (offset != rssize)
std::cerr << "Size error while deserializing." << std::endl ;
if (!ok)
std::cerr << "Unknown error while deserializing." << std::endl ;
RsChatLobbyInviteItem::RsChatLobbyInviteItem(void *data,uint32_t /*size*/)
@ -54,6 +54,7 @@ const uint8_t RS_PKT_SUBTYPE_PRIVATECHATMSG_CONFIG = 0x05 ;
const uint8_t RS_PKT_SUBTYPE_CHAT_LOBBY_MSG = 0x06 ;
const uint8_t RS_PKT_SUBTYPE_CHAT_LOBBY_INVITE = 0x07 ;
const uint8_t RS_PKT_SUBTYPE_CHAT_LOBBY_ACCEPT = 0x08 ;
// for defining tags themselves and msg tags
const uint8_t RS_PKT_SUBTYPE_MSG_TAG_TYPE = 0x03;
@ -128,6 +129,21 @@ class RsChatLobbyMsgItem: public RsChatMsgItem
ChatLobbyNickName nick ;
class RsChatLobbyConnectChallengeItem: public RsChatItem
RsChatLobbyConnectChallengeItem() :RsChatItem(RS_PKT_SUBTYPE_CHAT_LOBBY_CHALLENGE) {}
RsChatLobbyConnectChallengeItem(void *data,uint32_t size) ; // deserialization
virtual ~RsChatLobbyConnectChallengeItem() {}
virtual std::ostream& print(std::ostream &out, uint16_t indent = 0);
uint64_t challenge_code ;
virtual bool serialise(void *data,uint32_t& size) ; // Isn't it better that items can serialize themselves ?
virtual uint32_t serial_size() ; // deserialise is handled using a constructor
class RsChatLobbyInviteItem: public RsChatItem
@ -140,7 +156,6 @@ class RsChatLobbyInviteItem: public RsChatItem
ChatLobbyId lobby_id ;
std::string lobby_name ;
/// TODO !!!
virtual bool serialise(void *data,uint32_t& size) ; // Isn't it better that items can serialize themselves ?
virtual uint32_t serial_size() ; // deserialise is handled using a constructor
@ -26,6 +26,7 @@
#include "util/rsdir.h"
#include "util/rsrandom.h"
#include "retroshare/rsiface.h"
#include "retroshare/rspeers.h"
#include "pqi/pqibin.h"
#include "pqi/pqinotify.h"
#include "pqi/pqistore.h"
@ -44,6 +45,8 @@
static const int CONNECTION_CHALLENGE_MAX_COUNT = 10 ; // sends a connexion challenge every 10 messages
p3ChatService::p3ChatService(p3LinkMgr *lm, p3HistoryMgr *historyMgr)
:p3Service(RS_SERVICE_TYPE_CHAT), p3Config(CONFIG_TYPE_CHAT), mChatMtx("p3ChatService"), mLinkMgr(lm) , mHistoryMgr(historyMgr)
@ -51,6 +54,7 @@ p3ChatService::p3ChatService(p3LinkMgr *lm, p3HistoryMgr *historyMgr)
_own_avatar = NULL ;
_custom_status_string = "" ;
_default_nick_name = rsPeers->getPeerName(rsPeers->getOwnId());
int p3ChatService::tick()
@ -619,6 +623,16 @@ void p3ChatService::receiveChatQueue()
continue ;
RsChatLobbyConnectChallengeItem *cn = dynamic_cast<RsChatLobbyConnectChallengeItem*>(item) ;
if(cn != NULL)
handleConnectionChallenge(cn) ;
delete item ;
continue ;
std::cerr << "Received ChatItem of unhandled type: " << std::endl;
item->print(std::cerr,0) ;
@ -1265,50 +1279,66 @@ void p3ChatService::statusChange(const std::list<pqipeer> &plist)
bool p3ChatService::recvLobbyChat(RsChatLobbyMsgItem *item)
RsStackMutex stack(mChatMtx); /********** STACK LOCKED MTX ******/
bool send_challenge = false ;
ChatLobbyId send_challenge_lobby ;
std::cerr << "Handling ChatLobbyMsg " << std::hex << item->msg_id << ", lobby id " << item->lobby_id << ", from peer id " << item->PeerId() << std::endl;
// send upward for display
std::map<ChatLobbyId,ChatLobbyEntry>::iterator it(_chat_lobbys.find(item->lobby_id)) ;
if(it == _chat_lobbys.end())
std::cerr << "Chatlobby for id " << std::hex << item->lobby_id << " has no record. Dropping the msg." << std::dec << std::endl;
return false ;
ChatLobbyEntry& lobby(it->second) ;
RsStackMutex stack(mChatMtx); /********** STACK LOCKED MTX ******/
// Adds the peer id to the list of friend participants, even if it's not original msg source
lobby.participating_friends.insert(item->PeerId()) ;
lobby.nick_names.insert(item->nick) ;
std::cerr << "Handling ChatLobbyMsg " << std::hex << item->msg_id << ", lobby id " << item->lobby_id << ", from peer id " << item->PeerId() << std::endl;
// Checks wether the msg is already recorded or not
std::map<ChatLobbyMsgId,time_t>::const_iterator it2(lobby.msg_cache.find(item->msg_id)) ;
// send upward for display
if(it2 != lobby.msg_cache.end()) // found!
std::cerr << " Msg already received at time " << it2->second << ". Dropping!" << std::endl ;
return false ;
std::cerr << " Msg already not received already. Adding in cache, and forwarding!" << std::endl ;
std::map<ChatLobbyId,ChatLobbyEntry>::iterator it(_chat_lobbys.find(item->lobby_id)) ;
lobby.msg_cache[item->msg_id] = time(NULL) ;
// Forward to allparticipating friends, except this peer.
for(std::set<std::string>::const_iterator it(lobby.participating_friends.begin());it!=lobby.participating_friends.end();++it)
if((*it)!=item->PeerId() && mLinkMgr->isOnline(*it))
if(it == _chat_lobbys.end())
RsChatLobbyMsgItem *item2 = new RsChatLobbyMsgItem(*item) ; // copy almost everything
item2->PeerId(*it) ;
std::cerr << "Chatlobby for id " << std::hex << item->lobby_id << " has no record. Dropping the msg." << std::dec << std::endl;
return false ;
ChatLobbyEntry& lobby(it->second) ;
// Adds the peer id to the list of friend participants, even if it's not original msg source
lobby.participating_friends.insert(item->PeerId()) ;
lobby.nick_names.insert(item->nick) ;
// Checks wether the msg is already recorded or not
std::map<ChatLobbyMsgId,time_t>::const_iterator it2(lobby.msg_cache.find(item->msg_id)) ;
if(it2 != lobby.msg_cache.end()) // found!
std::cerr << " Msg already received at time " << it2->second << ". Dropping!" << std::endl ;
return false ;
std::cerr << " Msg already not received already. Adding in cache, and forwarding!" << std::endl ;
lobby.msg_cache[item->msg_id] = time(NULL) ;
// Forward to allparticipating friends, except this peer.
for(std::set<std::string>::const_iterator it(lobby.participating_friends.begin());it!=lobby.participating_friends.end();++it)
if((*it)!=item->PeerId() && mLinkMgr->isOnline(*it))
RsChatLobbyMsgItem *item2 = new RsChatLobbyMsgItem(*item) ; // copy almost everything
item2->PeerId(*it) ;
if(++lobby.connexion_challenge_count > CONNECTION_CHALLENGE_MAX_COUNT)
lobby.connexion_challenge_count = 0 ;
send_challenge_lobby = item->lobby_id ;
send_challenge = true ;
sendConnectionChallenge(send_challenge_lobby) ;
return true ;
@ -1360,6 +1390,101 @@ bool p3ChatService::sendLobbyChat(const std::wstring& msg, const ChatLobbyId& lo
return true ;
void p3ChatService::handleConnectionChallenge(RsChatLobbyConnectChallengeItem *item)
// Look into message cache of all lobbys to handle the challenge.
std::cerr << "p3ChatService::handleConnectionChallenge(): received connexion challenge:" << std::endl;
std::cerr << " Challenge code = 0x" << std::hex << item->challenge_code << std::dec << std::endl;
std::cerr << " Peer Id = " << item->PeerId() << std::endl;
ChatLobbyId lobby_id ;
bool found = false ;
RsStackMutex stack(mChatMtx); /********** STACK LOCKED MTX ******/
for(std::map<ChatLobbyId,ChatLobbyEntry>::const_iterator it(_chat_lobbys.begin());it!=_chat_lobbys.end();++it)
for(std::map<ChatLobbyMsgId,time_t>::const_iterator it2(it->second.msg_cache.begin());it2!=it->second.msg_cache.end();++it2)
if(makeConnexionChallengeCode(it->first,it2->first) == item->challenge_code)
std::cerr << " Challenge accepted for lobby " << std::hex << it->first << ", for chat msg " << it2->first << std::dec << std::endl ;
std::cerr << " Sending connection request to peer " << item->PeerId() << std::endl;
lobby_id = it->first ;
found = true ;
invitePeerToLobby(lobby_id, item->PeerId()) ;
std::cerr << " Challenge denied: no existing cached msg has matching Id." << std::endl;
void p3ChatService::sendConnectionChallenge(ChatLobbyId lobby_id)
RsStackMutex stack(mChatMtx); /********** STACK LOCKED MTX ******/
std::cerr << "Sending connection challenge to friends for lobby 0x" << std::hex << lobby_id << std::dec << std::endl ;
// look for a msg in cache. Any recent msg is fine.
std::map<ChatLobbyId,ChatLobbyEntry>::const_iterator it = _chat_lobbys.find(lobby_id) ;
if(it == _chat_lobbys.end())
std::cerr << "ERROR: sendConnectionChallenge(): could not find lobby 0x" << std::hex << lobby_id << std::dec << std::endl;
return ;
time_t now = time(NULL) ;
uint64_t code = 0 ;
for(std::map<ChatLobbyMsgId,time_t>::const_iterator it2(it->second.msg_cache.begin());it2!=it->second.msg_cache.end();++it2)
if(it2->second + 20 < now) // any msg not older than 20 seconds is fine.
std::cerr << " Using msg id 0x" << std::hex << it2->first << ", challenge code = " << code << std::dec << std::endl;
code = makeConnexionChallengeCode(lobby_id,it2->first) ;
if(code == 0)
std::cerr << " No suitable message found in cache. Weird !!" << std::endl;
return ;
// Broadcast to all direct friends
std::list<std::string> ids ;
for(std::list<std::string>::const_iterator it(ids.begin());it!=ids.end();++it)
RsChatLobbyConnectChallengeItem *item = new RsChatLobbyConnectChallengeItem ;
item->PeerId(*it) ;
item->challenge_code = code ;
uint64_t p3ChatService::makeConnexionChallengeCode(ChatLobbyId lobby_id,ChatLobbyMsgId msg_id)
uint64_t a = lobby_id ;
uint64_t b = msg_id ;
for(int i=0;i<10;++i)
a = ((a+0x3eb57bac44980ab2) ^ (b+0x11278ea3b205aa4e)) + 0x928eeba8 ;
b = ((~b) << 4) + (a & 0xffff) ;
std::cerr << "Making connection challenge id: lobby_id=0x" << std::hex << lobby_id << ", msg=0x" << msg_id << ", code = " << a << std::dec << std::endl ;
return a ;
void p3ChatService::getChatLobbyList(std::list<ChatLobbyInfo>& linfos)
// fill up a dummy list for now.
@ -1406,11 +1531,13 @@ void p3ChatService::handleRecvLobbyInvite(RsChatLobbyInviteItem *item)
RsStackMutex stack(mChatMtx); /********** STACK LOCKED MTX ******/
std::map<ChatLobbyId,ChatLobbyEntry>::const_iterator it = _chat_lobbys.find(item->lobby_id) ;
std::map<ChatLobbyId,ChatLobbyEntry>::iterator it = _chat_lobbys.find(item->lobby_id) ;
if(it != _chat_lobbys.end())
std::cerr << " Lobby already exists. Addign new friend " << item->PeerId() << " to it" << std::endl;
it->second.participating_friends.insert(item->PeerId()) ;
return ;
// no, then create a new invitation entry in the cache.
@ -1461,10 +1588,11 @@ bool p3ChatService::acceptLobbyInvite(const ChatLobbyId& lobby_id)
ChatLobbyEntry entry ;
entry.participating_friends.insert(it->second.peer_id) ;
entry.nick_name = mLinkMgr->getOwnId() ; // to be changed. For debug only!!
entry.nick_name = _default_nick_name ; // to be changed. For debug only!!
entry.lobby_id = lobby_id ;
entry.lobby_name = it->second.lobby_name ;
entry.virtual_peer_id = makeVirtualPeerId(lobby_id) ;
entry.connexion_challenge_count = 0 ;
_lobby_ids[entry.virtual_peer_id] = lobby_id ;
_chat_lobbys[lobby_id] = entry ;
@ -1478,7 +1606,7 @@ bool p3ChatService::acceptLobbyInvite(const ChatLobbyId& lobby_id)
RsChatLobbyMsgItem *item = new RsChatLobbyMsgItem;
item->lobby_id = entry.lobby_id ;
item->msg_id = 0 ;
item->nick = "" ;
item->nick = "Lobby management" ;
item->message = std::wstring(L"Welcome to chat lobby") ;
item->PeerId(entry.virtual_peer_id) ;
@ -1490,8 +1618,11 @@ bool p3ChatService::acceptLobbyInvite(const ChatLobbyId& lobby_id)
rsicontrol->getNotify().notifyListChange(NOTIFY_LIST_PRIVATE_INCOMING_CHAT, NOTIFY_TYPE_ADD);
// send AKN item
sendLobbyChat(L"[...] joined the lobby",lobby_id) ;
std::wstring wmsg(_default_nick_name.length(), L' '); // Make room for characters
// Copy string to wstring.
std::copy(_default_nick_name.begin(), _default_nick_name.end(), wmsg.begin());
sendLobbyChat(wmsg + L" joined the lobby",lobby_id) ;
return true ;
@ -1535,10 +1666,11 @@ ChatLobbyId p3ChatService::createChatLobby(const std::string& lobby_name,const s
ChatLobbyEntry entry ;
entry.participating_friends.clear() ;
entry.nick_name = mLinkMgr->getOwnId() ; // to be changed. For debug only!!
entry.nick_name = _default_nick_name ; // to be changed. For debug only!!
entry.lobby_id = lobby_id ;
entry.lobby_name = lobby_name ;
entry.virtual_peer_id = makeVirtualPeerId(lobby_id) ;
entry.connexion_challenge_count = 0 ;
_lobby_ids[entry.virtual_peer_id] = lobby_id ;
_chat_lobbys[lobby_id] = entry ;
@ -215,9 +215,13 @@ class p3ChatService: public p3Service, public p3Config, public pqiMonitor
bool sendLobbyChat(const std::wstring&, const ChatLobbyId&) ;
void handleRecvLobbyInvite(RsChatLobbyInviteItem*) ;
void checkAndRedirectMsgToLobby(RsChatMsgItem*) ;
static std::string makeVirtualPeerId(ChatLobbyId) ;
void locked_printDebugInfo() const ;
void handleConnectionChallenge(RsChatLobbyConnectChallengeItem *item) ;
void sendConnectionChallenge(ChatLobbyId id) ;
static std::string makeVirtualPeerId(ChatLobbyId) ;
static uint64_t makeConnexionChallengeCode(ChatLobbyId lobby_id,ChatLobbyMsgId msg_id) ;
void locked_printDebugInfo() const ;
RsChatAvatarItem *makeOwnAvatarItem() ;
RsChatStatusItem *makeOwnCustomStateStringItem() ;
@ -244,11 +248,14 @@ class p3ChatService: public p3Service, public p3Config, public pqiMonitor
static const time_t MAX_KEEP_MSG_RECORD = 240 ; // keep msg record for 240 secs max.
void cleanCache() ;
int connexion_challenge_count ;
std::map<ChatLobbyId,ChatLobbyEntry> _chat_lobbys ;
std::map<ChatLobbyId,ChatLobbyInvite> _lobby_invites_queue ;
std::map<std::string,ChatLobbyId> _lobby_ids ;
std::string _default_nick_name ;
time_t last_lobby_challenge_time ; // prevents bruteforce attack
class p3ChatService::StateStringInfo
Reference in New Issue
Block a user