mirror of
synced 2025-03-20 05:56:05 -04:00
added auto-cleaning of reputation info for outdated/removed identities
This commit is contained in:
@ -221,47 +221,48 @@ public:
RsIdentity(RsGxsIface *gxs): RsGxsIfaceHelper(gxs) { return; }
virtual ~RsIdentity() { return; }
// For Other Services....
// It should be impossible for them to get a message which we don't have the identity.
// Its a major error if we don't have the identity.
// We cache all identities, and provide alternative (instantaneous)
// functions to extract info, rather than the standard Token system.
// For Other Services....
// It should be impossible for them to get a message which we don't have the identity.
// Its a major error if we don't have the identity.
//virtual bool getNickname(const RsGxsId &id, std::string &nickname) = 0;
virtual bool getIdDetails(const RsGxsId &id, RsIdentityDetails &details) = 0;
// We cache all identities, and provide alternative (instantaneous)
// functions to extract info, rather than the standard Token system.
// Fills up list of all own ids. Returns false if ids are not yet loaded.
virtual bool getOwnIds(std::list<RsGxsId> &ownIds) = 0;
virtual bool isOwnId(const RsGxsId& id) = 0;
//virtual bool getNickname(const RsGxsId &id, std::string &nickname) = 0;
virtual bool getIdDetails(const RsGxsId &id, RsIdentityDetails &details) = 0;
virtual bool submitOpinion(uint32_t& token, const RsGxsId &id,
bool absOpinion, int score) = 0;
virtual bool createIdentity(uint32_t& token, RsIdentityParameters ¶ms) = 0;
// Fills up list of all own ids. Returns false if ids are not yet loaded.
virtual bool getOwnIds(std::list<RsGxsId> &ownIds) = 0;
virtual bool isOwnId(const RsGxsId& id) = 0;
virtual bool updateIdentity(uint32_t& token, RsGxsIdGroup &group) = 0;
virtual bool deleteIdentity(uint32_t& token, RsGxsIdGroup &group) = 0;
virtual bool submitOpinion(uint32_t& token, const RsGxsId &id,
bool absOpinion, int score) = 0;
virtual bool createIdentity(uint32_t& token, RsIdentityParameters ¶ms) = 0;
virtual bool parseRecognTag(const RsGxsId &id, const std::string &nickname,
const std::string &tag, RsRecognTagDetails &details) = 0;
virtual bool getRecognTagRequest(const RsGxsId &id, const std::string &comment,
uint16_t tag_class, uint16_t tag_type, std::string &tag) = 0;
virtual bool updateIdentity(uint32_t& token, RsGxsIdGroup &group) = 0;
virtual bool deleteIdentity(uint32_t& token, RsGxsIdGroup &group) = 0;
virtual bool parseRecognTag(const RsGxsId &id, const std::string &nickname,
const std::string &tag, RsRecognTagDetails &details) = 0;
virtual bool getRecognTagRequest(const RsGxsId &id, const std::string &comment,
uint16_t tag_class, uint16_t tag_type, std::string &tag) = 0;
virtual bool setAsRegularContact(const RsGxsId& id,bool is_a_contact) = 0 ;
virtual bool isARegularContact(const RsGxsId& id) = 0 ;
virtual bool isBanned(const RsGxsId& id) =0;
// Specific RsIdentity Functions....
/* Specific Service Data */
/* We expose these initially for testing / GUI purposes.
virtual time_t getLastUsageTS(const RsGxsId &id) =0;
// Specific RsIdentity Functions....
/* Specific Service Data */
/* We expose these initially for testing / GUI purposes.
virtual bool getGroupData(const uint32_t &token, std::vector<RsGxsIdGroup> &groups) = 0;
//virtual bool getMsgData(const uint32_t &token, std::vector<RsGxsIdOpinion> &opinions) = 0;
virtual bool getGroupData(const uint32_t &token, std::vector<RsGxsIdGroup> &groups) = 0;
//virtual bool getMsgData(const uint32_t &token, std::vector<RsGxsIdOpinion> &opinions) = 0;
@ -117,13 +117,13 @@
* 10 | 1.0 | 0 | 0.25 | 1.0
* To check:
* [ ] Opinions are saved/loaded accross restart
* [ ] Opinions are transmitted to friends
* [ ] Opinions are transmitted to friends when updated
* [X] Opinions are saved/loaded accross restart
* [X] Opinions are transmitted to friends
* [X] Opinions are transmitted to friends when updated
* To do:
* [ ] Add debug info
* [ ] Test the whole thing
* [X] Add debug info
* [X] Test the whole thing
* [X] Implement a system to allow not storing info when we don't have it
@ -139,6 +139,7 @@ static const float REPUTATION_ASSESSMENT_THRESHOLD_X1 = 0.5f ; // reputat
static const uint32_t PGP_AUTO_BAN_THRESHOLD_DEFAULT = 2 ; // above this, auto ban any GXS id signed by this node
static const uint32_t IDENTITY_FLAGS_UPDATE_DELAY = 100 ; //
static const uint32_t BANNED_NODES_UPDATE_DELAY = 313 ; // update approx every 5 mins. Chosen to not be a multiple of IDENTITY_FLAGS_UPDATE_DELAY
static const uint32_t REPUTATION_INFO_KEEP_DELAY = 86400*35; // remove old reputation info 5 days after last usage limit, in case the ID would come back..
p3GxsReputation::p3GxsReputation(p3LinkMgr *lm)
:p3Service(), p3Config(),
@ -343,26 +344,38 @@ void p3GxsReputation::cleanup()
// identities, which would cause an excess of hits to the database.
bool updated = false ;
time_t now = time(NULL) ;
RsStackMutex stack(mReputationMtx); /****** LOCKED MUTEX *******/
for(std::map<RsGxsId,Reputation>::iterator it(mReputations.begin());it!=mReputations.end();)
if(it->second.mOpinions.empty() && it->second.mOwnOpinion == RsReputations::OPINION_NEUTRAL)
std::map<RsGxsId,Reputation>::iterator tmp(it) ;
++tmp ;
mReputations.erase(it) ;
it = tmp ;
if(it->second.mOpinions.empty() && it->second.mOwnOpinion == RsReputations::OPINION_NEUTRAL)
std::map<RsGxsId,Reputation>::iterator tmp(it) ;
++tmp ;
mReputations.erase(it) ;
it = tmp ;
std::cerr << " ID " << it->first << ": own is neutral and no opinions from friends => remove entry" << std::endl;
std::cerr << " ID " << it->first << ": own is neutral and no opinions from friends => remove entry" << std::endl;
updated = true ;
++it ;
updated = true ;
else if(rsIdentity->getLastUsageTS(it->first) + REPUTATION_INFO_KEEP_DELAY < now)
std::cerr << " Identity " << it->first << " has a last usage TS of " << now - rsIdentity->getLastUsageTS(it->first) << " secs ago: deleting it." << std::endl;
std::map<RsGxsId,Reputation>::iterator tmp(it) ;
++tmp ;
mReputations.erase(it) ;
it = tmp ;
updated = true ;
++it ;
IndicateConfigChanged() ;
IndicateConfigChanged() ;
void p3GxsReputation::updateActiveFriends()
@ -709,28 +722,28 @@ bool p3GxsReputation::getReputationInfo(const RsGxsId& gxsid, const RsPgpId& own
info.mOwnOpinion = RsReputations::OPINION_NEUTRAL ;
info.mOverallReputationScore = RsReputations::REPUTATION_THRESHOLD_DEFAULT ;
const Reputation& rep(it->second) ;
const Reputation& rep(it->second) ;
info.mOwnOpinion = RsReputations::Opinion(rep.mOwnOpinion) ;
info.mOverallReputationScore = rep.mReputation ;
info.mFriendAverage = rep.mFriendAverage ;
info.mOwnOpinion = RsReputations::Opinion(rep.mOwnOpinion) ;
info.mOverallReputationScore = rep.mReputation ;
info.mFriendAverage = rep.mFriendAverage ;
if(!owner_id.isNull() && (mBannedPgpIds.find(owner_id) != mBannedPgpIds.end()))
std::cerr << "p3GxsReputations: identity " << gxsid << " is banned because owner node ID " << owner_id << " is banned." << std::endl;
std::cerr << "p3GxsReputations: identity " << gxsid << " is banned because owner node ID " << owner_id << " is banned." << std::endl;
info.mAssessment = RsReputations::ASSESSMENT_BAD ;
info.mAssessment = RsReputations::ASSESSMENT_BAD ;
else if(info.mOverallReputationScore <= REPUTATION_ASSESSMENT_THRESHOLD_X1)
info.mAssessment = RsReputations::ASSESSMENT_BAD ;
info.mAssessment = RsReputations::ASSESSMENT_BAD ;
info.mAssessment = RsReputations::ASSESSMENT_OK ;
info.mAssessment = RsReputations::ASSESSMENT_OK ;
std::cerr << " information present. OwnOp = " << info.mOwnOpinion << ", overall score=" << info.mAssessment << std::endl;
@ -745,7 +758,7 @@ bool p3GxsReputation::isIdentityBanned(const RsGxsId &id,const RsPgpId& owner_no
return false ;
std::cerr << "isIdentityBanned(): returning " << (info.mAssessment == RsReputations::ASSESSMENT_BAD) << " for GXS id " << id << std::endl;
@ -503,6 +503,12 @@ bool p3IdService:: getNickname(const RsGxsId &id, std::string &nickname)
time_t p3IdService::getLastUsageTS(const RsGxsId &id)
RsStackMutex stack(mIdMtx); /********** STACK LOCKED MTX ******/
return locked_getLastUsageTS(id) ;
bool p3IdService::getIdDetails(const RsGxsId &id, RsIdentityDetails &details)
#ifdef DEBUG_IDS
@ -218,34 +218,34 @@ private:
class p3IdService: public RsGxsIdExchange, public RsIdentity, public GxsTokenQueue, public RsTickEvent, public p3Config
p3IdService(RsGeneralDataService* gds, RsNetworkExchangeService* nes, PgpAuxUtils *pgpUtils);
virtual RsServiceInfo getServiceInfo();
static uint32_t idAuthenPolicy();
virtual RsServiceInfo getServiceInfo();
static uint32_t idAuthenPolicy();
virtual void service_tick(); // needed for background processing.
* Design hack, id service must be constructed first as it
* is need for construction of subsequent net services
void setNes(RsNetworkExchangeService* nes);
* Design hack, id service must be constructed first as it
* is need for construction of subsequent net services
void setNes(RsNetworkExchangeService* nes);
/* General Interface is provided by RsIdentity / RsGxsIfaceImpl. */
/* Data Specific Interface */
// These are exposed via RsIdentity.
virtual bool getGroupData(const uint32_t &token, std::vector<RsGxsIdGroup> &groups);
//virtual bool getMsgData(const uint32_t &token, std::vector<RsGxsIdOpinion> &opinions);
virtual bool getGroupData(const uint32_t &token, std::vector<RsGxsIdGroup> &groups);
//virtual bool getMsgData(const uint32_t &token, std::vector<RsGxsIdOpinion> &opinions);
// These are local - and not exposed via RsIdentity.
virtual bool createGroup(uint32_t& token, RsGxsIdGroup &group);
virtual bool updateGroup(uint32_t& token, RsGxsIdGroup &group);
virtual bool deleteGroup(uint32_t& token, RsGxsIdGroup &group);
//virtual bool createMsg(uint32_t& token, RsGxsIdOpinion &opinion);
virtual bool createGroup(uint32_t& token, RsGxsIdGroup &group);
virtual bool updateGroup(uint32_t& token, RsGxsIdGroup &group);
virtual bool deleteGroup(uint32_t& token, RsGxsIdGroup &group);
//virtual bool createMsg(uint32_t& token, RsGxsIdOpinion &opinion);
/**************** RsIdentity External Interface.
* Notes:
@ -256,87 +256,88 @@ virtual bool deleteGroup(uint32_t& token, RsGxsIdGroup &group);
* Also need to handle Cache updates / invalidation from internal changes.
//virtual bool getNickname(const RsGxsId &id, std::string &nickname);
virtual bool getIdDetails(const RsGxsId &id, RsIdentityDetails &details);
//virtual bool getNickname(const RsGxsId &id, std::string &nickname);
virtual bool getIdDetails(const RsGxsId &id, RsIdentityDetails &details);
virtual bool submitOpinion(uint32_t& token, const RsGxsId &id,
bool absOpinion, int score);
virtual bool createIdentity(uint32_t& token, RsIdentityParameters ¶ms);
virtual bool submitOpinion(uint32_t& token, const RsGxsId &id,
bool absOpinion, int score);
virtual bool createIdentity(uint32_t& token, RsIdentityParameters ¶ms);
virtual bool updateIdentity(uint32_t& token, RsGxsIdGroup &group);
virtual bool deleteIdentity(uint32_t& token, RsGxsIdGroup &group);
virtual bool updateIdentity(uint32_t& token, RsGxsIdGroup &group);
virtual bool deleteIdentity(uint32_t& token, RsGxsIdGroup &group);
virtual bool parseRecognTag(const RsGxsId &id, const std::string &nickname,
const std::string &tag, RsRecognTagDetails &details);
virtual bool getRecognTagRequest(const RsGxsId &id, const std::string &comment,
uint16_t tag_class, uint16_t tag_type, std::string &tag);
virtual bool parseRecognTag(const RsGxsId &id, const std::string &nickname,
const std::string &tag, RsRecognTagDetails &details);
virtual bool getRecognTagRequest(const RsGxsId &id, const std::string &comment,
uint16_t tag_class, uint16_t tag_type, std::string &tag);
virtual bool setAsRegularContact(const RsGxsId& id,bool is_a_contact) ;
virtual bool isARegularContact(const RsGxsId& id) ;
virtual bool isBanned(const RsGxsId& id) ;
/**************** RsGixs Implementation ***************/
virtual bool setAsRegularContact(const RsGxsId& id,bool is_a_contact) ;
virtual bool isARegularContact(const RsGxsId& id) ;
virtual bool isBanned(const RsGxsId& id) ;
virtual time_t getLastUsageTS(const RsGxsId &id) ;
virtual bool getOwnIds(std::list<RsGxsId> &ownIds);
/**************** RsGixs Implementation ***************/
//virtual bool getPublicKey(const RsGxsId &id, RsTlvSecurityKey &key) ;
//virtual void networkRequestPublicKey(const RsGxsId& key_id,const std::list<RsPeerId>& peer_ids) ;
virtual bool getOwnIds(std::list<RsGxsId> &ownIds);
virtual bool isOwnId(const RsGxsId& key_id) ;
//virtual bool getPublicKey(const RsGxsId &id, RsTlvSecurityKey &key) ;
//virtual void networkRequestPublicKey(const RsGxsId& key_id,const std::list<RsPeerId>& peer_ids) ;
virtual bool signData(const uint8_t *data,uint32_t data_size,const RsGxsId& signer_id,RsTlvKeySignature& signature,uint32_t& signing_error) ;
virtual bool validateData(const uint8_t *data,uint32_t data_size,const RsTlvKeySignature& signature,bool force_load,uint32_t& signing_error) ;
virtual bool isOwnId(const RsGxsId& key_id) ;
virtual bool encryptData(const uint8_t *decrypted_data,uint32_t decrypted_data_size,uint8_t *& encrypted_data,uint32_t& encrypted_data_size,const RsGxsId& encryption_key_id,bool force_load,uint32_t& encryption_error) ;
virtual bool decryptData(const uint8_t *encrypted_data,uint32_t encrypted_data_size,uint8_t *& decrypted_data,uint32_t& decrypted_data_size,const RsGxsId& encryption_key_id,uint32_t& encryption_error) ;
virtual bool signData(const uint8_t *data,uint32_t data_size,const RsGxsId& signer_id,RsTlvKeySignature& signature,uint32_t& signing_error) ;
virtual bool validateData(const uint8_t *data,uint32_t data_size,const RsTlvKeySignature& signature,bool force_load,uint32_t& signing_error) ;
virtual bool haveKey(const RsGxsId &id);
virtual bool havePrivateKey(const RsGxsId &id);
virtual bool encryptData(const uint8_t *decrypted_data,uint32_t decrypted_data_size,uint8_t *& encrypted_data,uint32_t& encrypted_data_size,const RsGxsId& encryption_key_id,bool force_load,uint32_t& encryption_error) ;
virtual bool decryptData(const uint8_t *encrypted_data,uint32_t encrypted_data_size,uint8_t *& decrypted_data,uint32_t& decrypted_data_size,const RsGxsId& encryption_key_id,uint32_t& encryption_error) ;
virtual bool getKey(const RsGxsId &id, RsTlvPublicRSAKey &key);
virtual bool getPrivateKey(const RsGxsId &id, RsTlvPrivateRSAKey &key);
virtual bool haveKey(const RsGxsId &id);
virtual bool havePrivateKey(const RsGxsId &id);
virtual bool requestKey(const RsGxsId &id, const std::list<PeerId> &peers);
virtual bool requestPrivateKey(const RsGxsId &id);
virtual bool getKey(const RsGxsId &id, RsTlvPublicRSAKey &key);
virtual bool getPrivateKey(const RsGxsId &id, RsTlvPrivateRSAKey &key);
virtual bool requestKey(const RsGxsId &id, const std::list<PeerId> &peers);
virtual bool requestPrivateKey(const RsGxsId &id);
/**************** RsGixsReputation Implementation ****************/
/**************** RsGixsReputation Implementation ****************/
// get Reputation.
virtual bool haveReputation(const RsGxsId &id);
virtual bool loadReputation(const RsGxsId &id, const std::list<RsPeerId>& peers);
virtual bool getReputation(const RsGxsId &id, GixsReputation &rep);
// get Reputation.
virtual bool haveReputation(const RsGxsId &id);
virtual bool loadReputation(const RsGxsId &id, const std::list<RsPeerId>& peers);
virtual bool getReputation(const RsGxsId &id, GixsReputation &rep);
/** Notifications **/
virtual void notifyChanges(std::vector<RsGxsNotify*>& changes);
/** Notifications **/
virtual void notifyChanges(std::vector<RsGxsNotify*>& changes);
/** Overloaded to add PgpIdHash to Group Definition **/
virtual ServiceCreate_Return service_CreateGroup(RsGxsGrpItem* grpItem, RsTlvSecurityKeySet& keySet);
virtual ServiceCreate_Return service_CreateGroup(RsGxsGrpItem* grpItem, RsTlvSecurityKeySet& keySet);
// Overloaded from GxsTokenQueue for Request callbacks.
virtual void handleResponse(uint32_t token, uint32_t req_type);
// Overloaded from GxsTokenQueue for Request callbacks.
virtual void handleResponse(uint32_t token, uint32_t req_type);
// Overloaded from RsTickEvent.
virtual void handle_event(uint32_t event_type, const std::string &elabel);
// Overloaded from RsTickEvent.
virtual void handle_event(uint32_t event_type, const std::string &elabel);
// p3Config methods //
// p3Config methods //
// Load/save the routing info, the pending items in transit, and the config variables.
virtual bool loadList(std::list<RsItem*>& items) ;
virtual bool saveList(bool& cleanup,std::list<RsItem*>& items) ;
// Load/save the routing info, the pending items in transit, and the config variables.
virtual bool loadList(std::list<RsItem*>& items) ;
virtual bool saveList(bool& cleanup,std::list<RsItem*>& items) ;
virtual RsSerialiser *setupSerialiser() ;
virtual RsSerialiser *setupSerialiser() ;
* This is the Cache for minimising calls to the DataStore.
@ -349,7 +350,7 @@ virtual void handle_event(uint32_t event_type, const std::string &elabel);
bool cache_store(const RsGxsIdGroupItem *item);
bool cache_update_if_cached(const RsGxsId &id, std::string serviceString);
bool isPendingNetworkRequest(const RsGxsId& gxsId);
bool isPendingNetworkRequest(const RsGxsId& gxsId);
void requestIdsFromNet();
// Mutex protected.
@ -360,7 +361,7 @@ virtual void handle_event(uint32_t event_type, const std::string &elabel);
// Switching to RsMemCache for Key Caching.
RsMemCache<RsGxsId, RsGxsIdCache> mKeyCache;
* Refreshing own Ids.
@ -369,7 +370,7 @@ virtual void handle_event(uint32_t event_type, const std::string &elabel);
std::list<RsGxsId> mOwnIds;
* Test fns for Caching.
@ -377,7 +378,7 @@ virtual void handle_event(uint32_t event_type, const std::string &elabel);
bool cachetest_getlist();
bool cachetest_handlerequest(uint32_t token);
* for processing background tasks that use the serviceString.
* - must be mutually exclusive to avoid clashes.
@ -387,7 +388,7 @@ virtual void handle_event(uint32_t event_type, const std::string &elabel);
bool mBgSchedule_Active;
uint32_t mBgSchedule_Mode;
* pgphash processing.
@ -395,7 +396,7 @@ virtual void handle_event(uint32_t event_type, const std::string &elabel);
bool pgphash_handlerequest(uint32_t token);
bool pgphash_process();
bool checkId(const RsGxsIdGroup &grp, RsPgpId &pgp_id, bool &error);
bool checkId(const RsGxsIdGroup &grp, RsPgpId &pgp_id, bool &error);
void getPgpIdList();
/* MUTEX PROTECTED DATA (mIdMtx - maybe should use a 2nd?) */
@ -403,7 +404,7 @@ virtual void handle_event(uint32_t event_type, const std::string &elabel);
std::map<RsPgpId, PGPFingerprintType> mPgpFingerprintMap;
std::list<RsGxsIdGroup> mGroupsToProcess;
* recogn processing.
@ -421,7 +422,7 @@ virtual void handle_event(uint32_t event_type, const std::string &elabel);
void loadRecognKeys();
* opinion processing.
@ -449,24 +450,24 @@ virtual void handle_event(uint32_t event_type, const std::string &elabel);
std::map<RsGxsId, RsGxsRecognSignerItem *> mRecognSignKeys;
std::map<RsGxsId, uint32_t> mRecognOldSignKeys;
* Below is the background task for processing opinions => reputations
virtual void generateDummyData();
virtual void generateDummyData();
void generateDummy_OwnIds();
void generateDummy_FriendPGP();
void generateDummy_UnknownPGP();
void generateDummy_UnknownPseudo();
void cleanUnusedKeys() ;
void slowIndicateConfigChanged() ;
void cleanUnusedKeys() ;
void slowIndicateConfigChanged() ;
virtual void timeStampKey(const RsGxsId& id) ;
time_t locked_getLastUsageTS(const RsGxsId& gxs_id);
virtual void timeStampKey(const RsGxsId& id) ;
time_t locked_getLastUsageTS(const RsGxsId& gxs_id);
std::string genRandomId(int len = 20);
std::string genRandomId(int len = 20);
#if 0
bool reputation_start();
@ -479,7 +480,7 @@ std::string genRandomId(int len = 20);
bool background_processNewMessages();
bool background_FullCalcRequest();
bool background_processFullCalc();
bool background_cleanup();
@ -489,40 +490,40 @@ std::string genRandomId(int len = 20);
/***** below here is locked *****/
bool mLastBgCheck;
bool mBgProcessing;
uint32_t mBgToken;
uint32_t mBgPhase;
std::map<RsGxsGroupId, RsGroupMetaData> mBgGroupMap;
std::list<RsGxsGroupId> mBgFullCalcGroups;
* Other Data that is protected by the Mutex.
std::map<uint32_t, std::set<RsGxsGroupId> > mIdsPendingCache;
std::map<uint32_t, std::list<RsGxsGroupId> > mGroupNotPresent;
std::map<RsGxsId, std::list<RsPeerId> > mIdsNotPresent;
std::map<RsGxsId,time_t> mKeysTS ;
// keep a list of regular contacts. This is useful to sort IDs, and allow some services to priviledged ids only.
std::set<RsGxsId> mContacts;
// keep a list of regular contacts. This is useful to sort IDs, and allow some services to priviledged ids only.
std::set<RsGxsId> mContacts;
RsNetworkExchangeService* mNes;
* AuxUtils provides interface to Security Function (e.g. GPGAuth(), notify etc.)
* AuxUtils provides interface to Security Function (e.g. GPGAuth(), notify etc.)
* without depending directly on all these classes.
PgpAuxUtils *mPgpUtils;
PgpAuxUtils *mPgpUtils;
time_t mLastKeyCleaningTime ;
time_t mLastConfigUpdate ;
time_t mLastKeyCleaningTime ;
time_t mLastConfigUpdate ;
bool mOwnIdsLoaded ;
bool mOwnIdsLoaded ;
Reference in New Issue
Block a user