Added a .pro file for libretroshare. This does not compile retroshare-nogui though, so I keep the Makefile in the svn

git-svn-id: b45a01b8-16f6-495d-af2f-9b41ad6348cc
This commit is contained in:
csoler 2009-02-01 14:06:21 +00:00
parent ebe43a2079
commit bc5b8ef702

View File

@ -0,0 +1,299 @@
CONFIG *= staticlib
TARGET = retroshare
################################# Linux ##########################################
linux-g++ {
OBJECTS_DIR = temp/linux-g++/obj
DESTDIR = lib.linux-g++
QMAKE_CXXFLAGS *= -fomit-frame-pointer -Wall
QMAKE_CC = g++
#################### Cross compilation for windows under Linux ####################
win32-x-g++ {
OBJECTS_DIR = temp/win32xgcc/obj
DESTDIR = lib.win32xgcc
QMAKE_CXXFLAGS *= -Wmissing-include-dirs
QMAKE_CC = i586-mingw32msvc-g++
QMAKE_LIB = i586-mingw32msvc-ar
INCLUDEPATH *= /usr/i586-mingw32msvc/include ${HOME}/.wine/drive_c/pthreads/include/
################################### COMMON stuff ##################################
INCLUDEPATH += . $${SSL_DIR}/include $${UPNPC_DIR}
# util \
# tcponudp \
# serialiser \
# pqi \
# dbase \
# services \
# dht \
# upnp \
# ft \
# rsserver
# util \
# tcponudp \
# serialiser \
# pqi \
# dbase \
# services \
# dht \
# upnp \
# ft \
# rsserver
# Input
HEADERS += dbase/cachestrapper.h \
dbase/fimonitor.h \
dbase/findex.h \
dbase/fistore.h \
dht/b64.h \
dht/dhtclient.h \
dht/opendht.h \
dht/opendhtmgr.h \
dht/opendhtstr.h \
ft/ftcontroller.h \
ft/ftdata.h \
ft/ftdatamultiplex.h \
ft/ftdbase.h \
ft/ftextralist.h \
ft/ftfilecreator.h \
ft/ftfileprovider.h \
ft/ftfilesearch.h \
ft/ftsearch.h \
ft/ftserver.h \
ft/fttransfermodule.h \
pqi/authssl.h \
pqi/authxpgp.h \
pqi/cleanupxpgp.h \
pqi/gpgauthmgr.h \
pqi/p3authmgr.h \
pqi/p3cfgmgr.h \
pqi/p3connmgr.h \
pqi/p3dhtmgr.h \
pqi/p3notify.h \
pqi/p3upnpmgr.h \
pqi/pqi.h \
pqi/pqi_base.h \
pqi/pqiarchive.h \
pqi/pqiassist.h \
pqi/pqibin.h \
pqi/pqihandler.h \
pqi/pqihash.h \
pqi/pqiindic.h \
pqi/pqilistener.h \
pqi/pqiloopback.h \
pqi/pqimonitor.h \
pqi/pqinetwork.h \
pqi/pqinotify.h \
pqi/pqiperson.h \
pqi/pqipersongrp.h \
pqi/pqisecurity.h \
pqi/pqiservice.h \
pqi/pqissl.h \
pqi/pqissllistener.h \
pqi/pqisslpersongrp.h \
pqi/pqissludp.h \
pqi/pqistreamer.h \
pqi/sslcert.h \
pqi/xpgpcert.h \
rsiface/notifytxt.h \
rsiface/rschannels.h \
rsiface/rsdisc.h \
rsiface/rsdistrib.h \
rsiface/rsexpr.h \
rsiface/rsfiles.h \
rsiface/rsforums.h \
rsiface/rsgame.h \
rsiface/rsiface.h \
rsiface/rsmsgs.h \
rsiface/rsnotify.h \
rsiface/rspeers.h \
rsiface/rsphoto.h \
rsiface/rsQblog.h \
rsiface/rsrank.h \
rsiface/rsstatus.h \
rsiface/rstypes.h \
rsserver/p3Blog.h \
rsserver/p3discovery.h \
rsserver/p3face.h \
rsserver/p3files.h \
rsserver/p3msgs.h \
rsserver/p3peers.h \
rsserver/p3photo.h \
rsserver/p3rank.h \
rsserver/pqistrings.h \
serialiser/rsbaseitems.h \
serialiser/rsbaseserial.h \
serialiser/rschannelitems.h \
serialiser/rsconfigitems.h \
serialiser/rsdiscitems.h \
serialiser/rsdistribitems.h \
serialiser/rsforumitems.h \
serialiser/rsgameitems.h \
serialiser/rsmsgitems.h \
serialiser/rsphotoitems.h \
serialiser/rsqblogitems.h \
serialiser/rsrankitems.h \
serialiser/rsserial.h \
serialiser/rsserviceids.h \
serialiser/rsserviceitems.h \
serialiser/rsstatusitems.h \
serialiser/rstlvbase.h \
serialiser/rstlvkeys.h \
serialiser/rstlvkvwide.h \
serialiser/rstlvtypes.h \
serialiser/rstlvutil.h \
services/p3channels.h \
services/p3chatservice.h \
services/p3disc.h \
services/p3distrib.h \
services/p3forums.h \
services/p3gamelauncher.h \
services/p3gameservice.h \
services/p3msgservice.h \
services/p3photoservice.h \
services/p3portservice.h \
services/p3Qblog.h \
services/p3ranking.h \
services/p3service.h \
services/p3status.h \
tcponudp/bio_tou.h \
tcponudp/tcppacket.h \
tcponudp/tcpstream.h \
tcponudp/tou.h \
tcponudp/tou_errno.h \
tcponudp/tou_net.h \
tcponudp/udplayer.h \
tcponudp/udpsorter.h \
upnp/upnphandler.h \
upnp/upnputil.h \
util/rsdebug.h \
util/rsdir.h \
util/rsnet.h \
util/rsprint.h \
util/rsthreads.h \
dht/ \
dht/ \
pqi/ \
rsserver/ \
rsserver/ \
rsserver/ \
rsserver/ \
rsserver/ \
rsserver/ \
rsserver/ \
rsserver/ \
rsserver/ \
rsserver/ \
rsserver/ \
rsserver/ \
ft/ \
ft/ \
ft/ \
ft/ \
ft/ \
ft/ \
ft/ \
ft/ \
ft/ \
ft/ \
upnp/upnputil.c \
dht/ \
upnp/ \
dht/ \
dht/ \
dht/b64.c \
services/ \
services/ \
services/ \
services/ \
services/ \
services/ \
services/ \
services/ \
services/ \
services/ \
services/ \
services/ \
services/ \
dbase/ \
dbase/ \
dbase/ \
dbase/ \
dbase/ \
pqi/ \
pqi/ \
pqi/ \
pqi/ \
pqi/ \
pqi/ \
pqi/ \
pqi/ \
pqi/ \
pqi/ \
pqi/ \
pqi/ \
pqi/ \
pqi/ \
pqi/ \
pqi/ \
pqi/ \
pqi/ \
pqi/ \
pqi/ \
pqi/ \
pqi/ \
serialiser/ \
serialiser/ \
serialiser/ \
serialiser/ \
serialiser/ \
serialiser/ \
serialiser/ \
serialiser/ \
serialiser/ \
serialiser/ \
serialiser/ \
serialiser/ \
serialiser/ \
serialiser/ \
serialiser/ \
serialiser/ \
serialiser/ \
serialiser/ \
serialiser/ \
serialiser/ \
serialiser/ \
tcponudp/bss_tou.c \
tcponudp/ \
tcponudp/ \
tcponudp/ \
tcponudp/ \
tcponudp/ \
tcponudp/ \
util/ \
util/ \
util/ \
util/ \