mirror of
synced 2025-03-05 13:16:12 -05:00
Turtle tunnel management. In progress.
git-svn-id: http://svn.code.sf.net/p/retroshare/code/trunk@1133 b45a01b8-16f6-495d-af2f-9b41ad6348cc
This commit is contained in:
@ -51,6 +51,9 @@
// Operating System specific includes.
#include "pqi/pqinetwork.h"
static const unsigned int TUNNEL_REQUESTS_LIFE_TIME = 120 ; // life time for requests in the cache.
static const unsigned int SEARCH_REQUESTS_LIFE_TIME = 120 ;
p3turtle::p3turtle(p3ConnectMgr *cm) :p3Service(RS_SERVICE_TYPE_TURTLE), mConnMgr(cm)
@ -59,33 +62,133 @@ p3turtle::p3turtle(p3ConnectMgr *cm) :p3Service(RS_SERVICE_TYPE_TURTLE), mConnMg
srand(time(NULL)) ;
addSerialType(new RsTurtleSerialiser());
_last_clean_time = 0 ;
_last_tunnel_management_time = 0 ;
int p3turtle::tick()
handleIncoming(); // handle incoming packets
// Clean every 10 sec.
time_t now = time(NULL) ;
// Manage tunnels every 10 sec.
if(now > 10+_last_tunnel_management_time)
std::cerr << "Calling tunnel management." << std::endl ;
manageTunnels() ;
_last_tunnel_management_time = now ;
// Clean every 10 sec.
if(now > 10+_last_clean_time)
std::cerr << "Calling autowash." << std::endl ;
autoWash() ; // clean old/unused tunnels and search requests.
_last_clean_time = now ;
// Dump state every 20 sec.
static time_t last_dump = time(NULL) ;
if(now > 20+last_dump)
last_dump = now ;
dumpState() ;
return 0 ;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------//
// ------------------------------ Tunnel maintenance. ------------------------------ //
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------//
// This method handles peer connexion/deconnexion
// If A connects, new tunnels should be initiated from A
// If A disconnects, the tunnels passed through A should be closed.
void p3turtle::statusChange(const std::list<pqipeer> &plist) // derived from pqiMonitor
// Do we shutdown tunnels whne peers are down, or automatically find a new tunnel ?
// I'll see that later...
#ifdef TO_DO
/* get a list of all online peers */
std::list<std::string> onlineIds;
std::list<pqipeer>::const_iterator pit;
/* if any have switched to 'connected' then we notify */
for(pit = plist.begin(); pit != plist.end(); pit++)
if ((pit->state & RS_PEER_S_FRIEND) &&
(pit->actions & RS_PEER_CONNECTED))
/* send our details to them */
// This method handles digging new tunnels as needed.
// New tunnels are dug when:
// - new peers have connected. The resulting tunnels should be checked against doubling.
// - new hashes are submitted for handling.
void p3turtle::manageTunnels()
// Digg new tunnels for waiting file hashes
for(std::map<TurtleFileHash,TurtleFileHashInfo>::const_iterator it(_file_hashes_tunnels.begin());it!=_file_hashes_tunnels.end();++it)
std::cerr << "Tunnel management: No tunnels for hash " << it->first << ", digging new ones." << std::endl ;
diggTunnel(it->first) ;
void p3turtle::autoWash()
RsStackMutex stack(mTurtleMtx); /********** STACK LOCKED MTX ******/
std::cerr << "Calling autowash." << std::endl ;
std::cerr << " In autowash." << std::endl ;
// look for tunnels and stored temportary info that have not been used for a while.
// look for tunnels and stored temporary info that have not been used for a while.
time_t now = time(NULL) ;
for(std::map<TurtleSearchRequestId,TurtleRequestInfo>::iterator it(_search_requests_origins.begin());it!=_search_requests_origins.end();++it)
if(now > it->second.time_stamp + SEARCH_REQUESTS_LIFE_TIME)
std::cerr << " removed search request " << (void *)it->first << ", timeout." << std::endl ;
_search_requests_origins.erase(it) ;
for(std::map<TurtleTunnelRequestId,TurtleRequestInfo>::iterator it(_tunnel_requests_origins.begin());it!=_tunnel_requests_origins.end();++it)
if(now > it->second.time_stamp + TUNNEL_REQUESTS_LIFE_TIME)
std::cerr << " removed tunnel request " << (void *)it->first << ", timeout." << std::endl ;
_tunnel_requests_origins.erase(it) ;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------//
@ -190,7 +293,9 @@ void p3turtle::handleSearchRequest(RsTurtleSearchRequestItem *item)
// This is a new request. Let's add it to the request map, and forward it to
// open peers.
_search_requests_origins[item->request_id] = item->PeerId() ;
TurtleRequestInfo& req( _search_requests_origins[item->request_id] ) ;
req.origin = item->PeerId() ;
req.time_stamp = time(NULL) ;
// If it's not for us, perform a local search. If something found, forward the search result back.
@ -283,7 +388,7 @@ void p3turtle::handleSearchResult(RsTurtleSearchResultItem *item)
RsStackMutex stack(mTurtleMtx); /********** STACK LOCKED MTX ******/
// Find who actually sent the corresponding request.
std::map<TurtleRequestId,TurtlePeerId>::const_iterator it = _search_requests_origins.find(item->request_id) ;
std::map<TurtleRequestId,TurtleRequestInfo>::const_iterator it = _search_requests_origins.find(item->request_id) ;
std::cerr << "Received search result:" << std::endl ;
item->print(std::cerr,0) ;
@ -302,82 +407,30 @@ void p3turtle::handleSearchResult(RsTurtleSearchResultItem *item)
++(item->depth) ; // increase depth
if(it->second == mConnMgr->getOwnId())
if(it->second.origin == mConnMgr->getOwnId())
returnSearchResult(item) ; // Yes, so send upward.
{ // Nope, so forward it back.
std::cerr << " Forwarding result back to " << it->second << std::endl;
std::cerr << " Forwarding result back to " << it->second.origin << std::endl;
RsTurtleSearchResultItem *fwd_item = new RsTurtleSearchResultItem(*item) ; // copy the item
// normally here, we should setup the forward adress, so that the owner's of the files found can be further reached by a tunnel.
fwd_item->PeerId(it->second) ;
fwd_item->PeerId(it->second.origin) ;
sendItem(fwd_item) ;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------//
// ------------------------------------- IO --------------------------------------- //
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------//
std::ostream& RsTurtleSearchRequestItem::print(std::ostream& o, uint16_t)
o << "Search request:" << std::endl ;
o << " direct origin: \"" << PeerId() << "\"" << std::endl ;
o << " match string: \"" << match_string << "\"" << std::endl ;
o << " Req. Id: " << (void *)request_id << std::endl ;
o << " Depth : " << depth << std::endl ;
return o ;
std::ostream& RsTurtleSearchResultItem::print(std::ostream& o, uint16_t)
o << "Search result:" << std::endl ;
o << " Peer id: " << PeerId() << std::endl ;
o << " Depth : " << depth << std::endl ;
o << " Req. Id: " << (void *)request_id << std::endl ;
o << " Files:" << std::endl ;
for(std::list<TurtleFileInfo>::const_iterator it(result.begin());it!=result.end();++it)
o << " " << it->hash << " " << it->size << " " << it->name << std::endl ;
return o ;
std::ostream& RsTurtleOpenTunnelItem::print(std::ostream& o, uint16_t)
o << "Open Tunnel:" << std::endl ;
o << " Peer id : " << PeerId() << std::endl ;
o << " Partial tId: " << (void *)partial_tunnel_id << std::endl ;
o << " Req. Id : " << (void *)request_id << std::endl ;
o << " Depth : " << depth << std::endl ;
o << " Hash : " << file_hash << std::endl ;
return o ;
std::ostream& RsTurtleTunnelOkItem::print(std::ostream& o, uint16_t)
o << "Tunnel Ok:" << std::endl ;
o << " Peer id : " << PeerId() << std::endl ;
o << " tunnel id : " << (void*)tunnel_id << std::endl ;
o << " Req. Id : " << (void *)request_id << std::endl ;
return o ;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------//
// -------------------------------- Search handling. ------------------------------- //
// -------------------------------- Tunnel handling. ------------------------------- //
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------//
void p3turtle::diggTunnel(const TurtleFileHash& hash)
TurtleRequestId p3turtle::diggTunnel(const TurtleFileHash& hash)
std::cerr << "performing tunnel request. OwnId = " << mConnMgr->getOwnId() << std::endl ;
@ -394,6 +447,10 @@ void p3turtle::diggTunnel(const TurtleFileHash& hash)
TurtleRequestId id = generateRandomRequestId() ;
// Store the request id, so that we can find the hash back when we get the response.
_file_hashes_tunnels[hash].last_request = id ;
// Form a tunnel request packet that simulates a request from us.
RsTurtleOpenTunnelItem *item = new RsTurtleOpenTunnelItem ;
@ -409,12 +466,12 @@ void p3turtle::diggTunnel(const TurtleFileHash& hash)
handleTunnelRequest(item) ;
delete item ;
return id ;
void p3turtle::handleTunnelRequest(RsTurtleOpenTunnelItem *item)
RsStackMutex stack(mTurtleMtx); /********** STACK LOCKED MTX ******/
std::cerr << "Received tunnel request from peer " << item->PeerId() << ": " << std::endl ;
item->print(std::cerr,0) ;
@ -433,7 +490,9 @@ void p3turtle::handleTunnelRequest(RsTurtleOpenTunnelItem *item)
// This is a new request. Let's add it to the request map, and forward it to
// open peers.
_tunnel_requests_origins[item->request_id] = item->PeerId() ;
TurtleRequestInfo& req( _tunnel_requests_origins[item->request_id] ) ;
req.origin = item->PeerId() ;
req.time_stamp = time(NULL) ;
// If it's not for us, perform a local search. If something found, forward the search result back.
@ -511,7 +570,7 @@ void p3turtle::handleTunnelResult(RsTurtleTunnelOkItem *item)
// Find who actually sent the corresponding turtle tunnel request.
std::map<TurtleTunnelRequestId,TurtlePeerId>::const_iterator it = _tunnel_requests_origins.find(item->request_id) ;
std::map<TurtleTunnelRequestId,TurtleRequestInfo>::const_iterator it = _tunnel_requests_origins.find(item->request_id) ;
std::cerr << "Received tunnel result:" << std::endl ;
item->print(std::cerr,0) ;
@ -532,7 +591,7 @@ void p3turtle::handleTunnelResult(RsTurtleTunnelOkItem *item)
TurtleTunnel& tunnel(_local_tunnels[item->tunnel_id]) ;
tunnel.local_src = it->second ;
tunnel.local_src = it->second.origin ;
tunnel.local_dst = item->PeerId() ;
tunnel.time_stamp = time(NULL) ;
@ -542,55 +601,38 @@ void p3turtle::handleTunnelResult(RsTurtleTunnelOkItem *item)
// Is this result's target actually ours ?
if(it->second == mConnMgr->getOwnId())
if(it->second.origin == mConnMgr->getOwnId())
std::cerr << " Tunnel starting point. Storing id=" << item->tunnel_id << " for hash (unknown) and tunnel request id " << it->second << std::endl;
std::cerr << " Tunnel starting point. Storing id=" << item->tunnel_id << " for hash (unknown) and tunnel request id " << it->second.origin << std::endl;
// Tunnel is ending here. Add it to the list of tunnels for the given hash.
// a connexion between the file hash and the tunnel id is missing at this point.
//_file_hashes_tunnels.insert(item->tunnel_id) ;
// 1 - find which file hash issued this request. This is not costly, because there is not too much file hashes to be active
// at a time, and this mostly prevents from sending the hash back in the tunnel.
bool found = false ;
for(std::map<TurtleFileHash,TurtleFileHashInfo>::iterator it(_file_hashes_tunnels.begin());it!=_file_hashes_tunnels.end();++it)
if(it->second.last_request == item->request_id)
found = true ;
it->second.tunnels.push_back(item->tunnel_id) ;
std::cerr << "p3turtle: error. Could not find hash that emmitted tunnel request " << (void*)item->tunnel_id << std::endl ;
{ // Nope, forward it back.
std::cerr << " Forwarding result back to " << it->second << std::endl;
std::cerr << " Forwarding result back to " << it->second.origin << std::endl;
RsTurtleTunnelOkItem *fwd_item = new RsTurtleTunnelOkItem(*item) ; // copy the item
fwd_item->PeerId(it->second) ;
fwd_item->PeerId(it->second.origin) ;
sendItem(fwd_item) ;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------//
// ------------------------------ Tunnel maintenance. ------------------------------ //
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------//
/************* from pqiMonitor *******************/
void p3turtle::statusChange(const std::list<pqipeer> &plist)
// Do we shutdown tunnels whne peers are down, or automatically find a new tunnel ?
// I'll see that later...
#ifdef TO_DO
/* get a list of all online peers */
std::list<std::string> onlineIds;
std::list<pqipeer>::const_iterator pit;
/* if any have switched to 'connected' then we notify */
for(pit = plist.begin(); pit != plist.end(); pit++)
if ((pit->state & RS_PEER_S_FRIEND) &&
(pit->actions & RS_PEER_CONNECTED))
/* send our details to them */
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------//
// ------------------------------ IO with libretroshare ----------------------------//
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------//
@ -672,7 +714,7 @@ void p3turtle::turtleDownload(const std::string& file_hash)
// No tunnels at start, but this triggers digging new tunnels.
_file_hashes_tunnels[file_hash] = std::list<TurtleTunnelId>() ;
_file_hashes_tunnels[file_hash].tunnels = std::list<TurtleTunnelId>() ;
// also should send associated request to the file transfer module.
@ -785,6 +827,8 @@ RsItem *RsTurtleSerialiser::deserialise(void *data, uint32_t *size)
case RS_TURTLE_SUBTYPE_SEARCH_REQUEST: return new RsTurtleSearchRequestItem(data,*size) ;
case RS_TURTLE_SUBTYPE_SEARCH_RESULT: return new RsTurtleSearchResultItem(data,*size) ;
case RS_TURTLE_SUBTYPE_OPEN_TUNNEL : return new RsTurtleOpenTunnelItem(data,*size) ;
case RS_TURTLE_SUBTYPE_TUNNEL_OK : return new RsTurtleTunnelOkItem(data,*size) ;
std::cerr << "Unknown packet type in RsTurtle!" << std::endl ;
@ -910,7 +954,7 @@ RsTurtleSearchResultItem::RsTurtleSearchResultItem(void *data,uint32_t pktsize)
ok &= getRawUInt16(data, pktsize, &offset, &depth);
ok &= getRawUInt32(data, pktsize, &offset, &s) ;
std::cerr << " reuqest_id=" << request_id << ", depth=" << depth << ", s=" << s << std::endl ;
std::cerr << " request_id=" << request_id << ", depth=" << depth << ", s=" << s << std::endl ;
result.clear() ;
@ -984,7 +1028,7 @@ RsTurtleOpenTunnelItem::RsTurtleOpenTunnelItem(void *data,uint32_t pktsize)
ok &= getRawUInt32(data, pktsize, &offset, &partial_tunnel_id) ;
ok &= getRawUInt16(data, pktsize, &offset, &depth);
std::cerr << " reuqest_id=" << (void*)request_id << ", partial_id=" << (void*)partial_tunnel_id << ", depth=" << depth << ", hash=" << file_hash << std::endl ;
std::cerr << " request_id=" << (void*)request_id << ", partial_id=" << (void*)partial_tunnel_id << ", depth=" << depth << ", hash=" << file_hash << std::endl ;
if (offset != rssize)
@ -1041,7 +1085,7 @@ RsTurtleTunnelOkItem::RsTurtleTunnelOkItem(void *data,uint32_t pktsize)
ok &= getRawUInt32(data, pktsize, &offset, &tunnel_id) ;
ok &= getRawUInt32(data, pktsize, &offset, &request_id);
std::cerr << " reuqest_id=" << (void*)request_id << ", tunnel_id=" << (void*)tunnel_id << std::endl ;
std::cerr << " request_id=" << (void*)request_id << ", tunnel_id=" << (void*)tunnel_id << std::endl ;
if (offset != rssize)
@ -1050,4 +1094,86 @@ RsTurtleTunnelOkItem::RsTurtleTunnelOkItem(void *data,uint32_t pktsize)
throw std::runtime_error("RsTurtleTunnelOkItem::() unknown error while deserializing.") ;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------//
// ------------------------------------- IO --------------------------------------- //
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------//
std::ostream& RsTurtleSearchRequestItem::print(std::ostream& o, uint16_t)
o << "Search request:" << std::endl ;
o << " direct origin: \"" << PeerId() << "\"" << std::endl ;
o << " match string: \"" << match_string << "\"" << std::endl ;
o << " Req. Id: " << (void *)request_id << std::endl ;
o << " Depth : " << depth << std::endl ;
return o ;
std::ostream& RsTurtleSearchResultItem::print(std::ostream& o, uint16_t)
o << "Search result:" << std::endl ;
o << " Peer id: " << PeerId() << std::endl ;
o << " Depth : " << depth << std::endl ;
o << " Req. Id: " << (void *)request_id << std::endl ;
o << " Files:" << std::endl ;
for(std::list<TurtleFileInfo>::const_iterator it(result.begin());it!=result.end();++it)
o << " " << it->hash << " " << it->size << " " << it->name << std::endl ;
return o ;
std::ostream& RsTurtleOpenTunnelItem::print(std::ostream& o, uint16_t)
o << "Open Tunnel:" << std::endl ;
o << " Peer id : " << PeerId() << std::endl ;
o << " Partial tId: " << (void *)partial_tunnel_id << std::endl ;
o << " Req. Id : " << (void *)request_id << std::endl ;
o << " Depth : " << depth << std::endl ;
o << " Hash : " << file_hash << std::endl ;
return o ;
std::ostream& RsTurtleTunnelOkItem::print(std::ostream& o, uint16_t)
o << "Tunnel Ok:" << std::endl ;
o << " Peer id : " << PeerId() << std::endl ;
o << " tunnel id : " << (void*)tunnel_id << std::endl ;
o << " Req. Id : " << (void *)request_id << std::endl ;
return o ;
void p3turtle::dumpState()
time_t now = time(NULL) ;
std::cerr << std::endl ;
std::cerr << "********************** Turtle router dump ******************" << std::endl ;
std::cerr << " Active file hashes: " << _file_hashes_tunnels.size() << std::endl ;
for(std::map<TurtleFileHash,TurtleFileHashInfo>::const_iterator it(_file_hashes_tunnels.begin());it!=_file_hashes_tunnels.end();++it)
std::cerr << " hash=0x" << it->first << ", tunnel ids =" ;
for(std::list<TurtleTunnelId>::const_iterator it2(it->second.tunnels.begin());it2!=it->second.tunnels.end();++it2)
std::cerr << " " << (void*)*it2 ;
std::cerr << ", last_req=" << (void*)it->second.last_request << std::endl ;
std::cerr << " Local tunnels:" << std::endl ;
for(std::map<TurtleTunnelId,TurtleTunnel>::const_iterator it(_local_tunnels.begin());it!=_local_tunnels.end();++it)
std::cerr << " " << (void*)it->first << ": from=" << it->second.local_src << ", to=" << it->second.local_dst << ", ts=" << it->second.time_stamp << " (" << now-it->second.time_stamp << " secs ago)" << std::endl ;
std::cerr << " buffered request origins: " << std::endl ;
std::cerr << " Search requests: " << _search_requests_origins.size() << std::endl ;
for(std::map<TurtleSearchRequestId,TurtleRequestInfo>::const_iterator it(_search_requests_origins.begin());it!=_search_requests_origins.end();++it)
std::cerr << " " << (void*)it->first << ": from=" << it->second.origin << ", ts=" << it->second.time_stamp << " (" << now-it->second.time_stamp << " secs ago)" << std::endl ;
std::cerr << " Tunnel requests: " << _tunnel_requests_origins.size() << std::endl ;
for(std::map<TurtleTunnelRequestId,TurtleRequestInfo>::const_iterator it(_tunnel_requests_origins.begin());it!=_tunnel_requests_origins.end();++it)
std::cerr << " " << (void*)it->first << ": from=" << it->second.origin << ", ts=" << it->second.time_stamp << " (" << now-it->second.time_stamp << " secs ago)" << std::endl ;
@ -199,6 +199,7 @@ class RsTurtleSearchResultItem: public RsTurtleItem
TurtleSearchRequestId request_id ; // randomly generated request id.
std::list<TurtleFileInfo> result ;
virtual std::ostream& print(std::ostream& o, uint16_t) ;
@ -304,6 +305,15 @@ class RsTurtleSerialiser: public RsSerialType
virtual RsItem *deserialise (void *data, uint32_t *size) ;
// This class is used to keep trace of requests (searches and tunnels).
class TurtleRequestInfo
TurtlePeerId origin ; // where the request came from.
uint32_t time_stamp ; // last time the tunnel was actually used. Used for cleaning old tunnels.
class TurtleTunnel
@ -312,6 +322,15 @@ class TurtleTunnel
uint32_t time_stamp ; // last time the tunnel was actually used. Used for cleaning old tunnels.
// This class keeps trace of the activity for the file hashes the turtle router is asked to monitor.
class TurtleFileHashInfo
std::list<TurtleTunnelId> tunnels ; // list of active tunnel ids for this file hash
TurtleRequestId last_request ; // last request for the tunnels of this hash
class p3turtle: public p3Service, public pqiMonitor, public RsTurtle
@ -360,10 +379,11 @@ class p3turtle: public p3Service, public pqiMonitor, public RsTurtle
//------------------------------ Tunnel handling -----------------------------//
void diggTunnel(const TurtleFileHash& hash) ; /// initiates tunnels from here to any peers having the given file hash
TurtleRequestId diggTunnel(const TurtleFileHash& hash) ; /// initiates tunnels from here to any peers having the given file hash
//----------------------------- Routing functions ----------------------------//
void manageTunnels() ; /// Handle tunnel digging for current file hashes
int handleIncoming(); /// Main routing function
void handleSearchRequest(RsTurtleSearchRequestItem *item); /// specific routing functions for handling particular packets.
@ -389,13 +409,19 @@ class p3turtle: public p3Service, public pqiMonitor, public RsTurtle
RsMutex mTurtleMtx;
std::map<TurtleSearchRequestId,TurtlePeerId> _search_requests_origins ; /// keeps trace of who emmitted a given search request
std::map<TurtleTunnelRequestId,TurtlePeerId> _tunnel_requests_origins ; /// keeps trace of who emmitted a tunnel request
std::map<TurtleSearchRequestId,TurtleRequestInfo> _search_requests_origins ; /// keeps trace of who emmitted a given search request
std::map<TurtleTunnelRequestId,TurtleRequestInfo> _tunnel_requests_origins ; /// keeps trace of who emmitted a tunnel request
std::map<TurtleFileHash,std::list<TurtleTunnelId> > _file_hashes_tunnels ; /// stores adequate tunnels for each file hash locally asked
std::map<TurtleTunnelId,TurtleTunnel > _local_tunnels ; /// local tunnels, stored by ids (Either transiting or ending).
std::map<TurtleFileHash,TurtleFileHashInfo> _file_hashes_tunnels ; /// stores adequate tunnels for each file hash locally asked
std::map<TurtleTunnelId,TurtleTunnel > _local_tunnels ; /// local tunnels, stored by ids (Either transiting or ending).
time_t _last_clean_time ;
time_t _last_tunnel_management_time ;
void dumpState() ;
@ -231,40 +231,45 @@ void TurtleSearchDialog::searchtableWidgetCostumPopupMenu( QPoint point )
void TurtleSearchDialog::download()
/* should also be able to handle multi-selection */
QList<QTreeWidgetItem*> itemsForDownload = ui.searchResultWidget->selectedItems();
int numdls = itemsForDownload.size();
QTreeWidgetItem * item;
bool attemptDownloadLocal = false;
for (int i = 0; i < numdls; ++i) {
item = itemsForDownload.at(i);
// call the download
if (item->text(SR_ID_COL) != "Local")
std::cerr << "TurtleSearchDialog::download() Calling File Request";
std::cerr << std::endl;
std::list<std::string> srcIds;
srcIds.push_back(item->text(SR_UID_COL).toStdString()) ;
/* should also be able to handle multi-selection */
QList<QTreeWidgetItem*> itemsForDownload = ui.searchResultWidget->selectedItems();
int numdls = itemsForDownload.size();
QTreeWidgetItem * item;
bool attemptDownloadLocal = false;
rsFiles -> FileRequest((item->text(SR_NAME_COL)).toStdString(),
"", 0, srcIds);
std::cout << "isuing file request from search dialog: -" << (item->text(SR_NAME_COL)).toStdString() << "-" << (item->text(SR_HASH_COL)).toStdString() << "-" << (item->text(SR_REALSIZE_COL)).toInt() << "-ids=" ;
for(std::list<std::string>::const_iterator it(srcIds.begin());it!=srcIds.end();++it)
std::cout << *it << "-" << std::endl ;
for (int i = 0; i < numdls; ++i)
attemptDownloadLocal = true;
item = itemsForDownload.at(i);
// call the download
if(item->text(SR_ID_COL) != "Local")
std::cerr << "TurtleSearchDialog::download() Calling File Request";
#ifdef TO_DO
// This is disabled, although it still works for friends files. Indeed, one must first
// warn the turtle router to digg tunnels for the given hashes, then call rsFiles.
std::cerr << std::endl;
std::list<std::string> srcIds;
srcIds.push_back(item->text(SR_UID_COL).toStdString()) ;
rsFiles -> FileRequest((item->text(SR_NAME_COL)).toStdString(),
"", 0, srcIds);
std::cout << "Issuing file request from search dialog: -"
<< (item->text(SR_NAME_COL)).toStdString() << "-"
<< (item->text(SR_HASH_COL)).toStdString() << "-"
<< (item->text(SR_REALSIZE_COL)).toInt() << std::endl ;
rsTurtle->turtleDownload(item->text(SR_HASH_COL).toStdString()) ;
if (attemptDownloadLocal)
QMessageBox::information(0, tr("Download Notice"), tr("Skipping Local Files"));
if (attemptDownloadLocal)
QMessageBox::information(0, tr("Download Notice"), tr("Skipping Local Files"));
@ -469,7 +474,7 @@ void TurtleSearchDialog::insertFile(const std::string& txt,qulonglong searchId,
for(int i = 0; i < items; i++)
if(ui.searchResultWidget->topLevelItem(i)->text(SR_HASH_COL) == QString::fromStdString(file.hash)
&& ui.searchResultWidget->topLevelItem(i)->text(SR_SEARCH_ID_COL).toInt() == searchId)
&& ui.searchResultWidget->topLevelItem(i)->text(SR_SEARCH_ID_COL).toInt(NULL,16) == searchId)
int s = ui.searchResultWidget->topLevelItem(i)->text(SR_ID_COL).toInt() ;
@ -544,7 +549,7 @@ void TurtleSearchDialog::insertFile(const std::string& txt,qulonglong searchId,
item->setText(SR_REALSIZE_COL, QString::number(file.size));
item->setTextAlignment( SR_SIZE_COL, Qt::AlignRight );
item->setText(SR_ID_COL, QString::number(1));
item->setText(SR_SEARCH_ID_COL, QString::number(searchId));
item->setText(SR_SEARCH_ID_COL, QString::number(searchId,16));
@ -555,7 +560,7 @@ void TurtleSearchDialog::insertFile(const std::string& txt,qulonglong searchId,
bool found2 = false ;
for(int i = 0; i < items2; i++)
if(ui.searchSummaryWidget->topLevelItem(i)->text(SS_SEARCH_ID_COL).toInt() == searchId)
if(ui.searchSummaryWidget->topLevelItem(i)->text(SS_SEARCH_ID_COL).toInt(NULL,16) == searchId)
if(!found) // only increment result when it's a new item.
@ -570,7 +575,7 @@ void TurtleSearchDialog::insertFile(const std::string& txt,qulonglong searchId,
QTreeWidgetItem *item2 = new QTreeWidgetItem();
item2->setText(SS_TEXT_COL, QString::fromStdString(txt));
item2->setText(SS_COUNT_COL, QString::number(1));
item2->setText(SS_SEARCH_ID_COL, QString::number(searchId));
item2->setText(SS_SEARCH_ID_COL, QString::number(searchId,16));
Reference in New Issue
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