mirror of
synced 2025-03-25 08:16:51 -04:00
git-svn-id: http://svn.code.sf.net/p/retroshare/code/trunk@1031 b45a01b8-16f6-495d-af2f-9b41ad6348cc
This commit is contained in:
@ -7,31 +7,45 @@
#include <QWidget> //a strange thing: it compiles without this header, but
//then segfaults in some place
#include <QApplication>
#include "PluginManager.h"
#include "PluginManagerWidget.h"
#include "plugins/PluginInterface.h"
#include "rshare.h"
baseFolder = //qApp->applicationDirPath()+"///plugins" ;
Rshare::dataDirectory() + "/plugins" ;
lastError = "No error.";
viewWidget = 0;
// defaultLoad();
PluginManager::defaultLoad( QString baseDir )
QDir workDir(baseDir);
/* //=== find a file with last loaded plugins =====
QStringList lastLoaded;
QFile llFile( workDir.absolutePath()+"last_loaded.txt" ) ;
if ( llFile.open(QIODevice::ReadOnly) )
QString tmps;
QTextStream stream( &llFile ); // Set the stream to read from myFile
tmps = stream.readLine();
PluginManager::defaultLoad( )
qDebug() << " " << "Default load started" ;
lastLoaded = tmps.split(";");
QDir workDir(baseFolder);
if ( !workDir.exists() )
QString em= QString("base folder %1 doesn't exist, default load failed")
.arg( baseFolder );
emit errorAppeared( em );
return ;
//=== get current available plugins =====
QStringList currAvailable = workDir.entryList(QDir::Files);
#if defined(Q_OS_WIN)
@ -49,7 +63,12 @@ PluginManager::defaultLoad( QString baseDir )
foreach(QString pluginFileName, currAvailable)
QString fullfn( workDir.absoluteFilePath( pluginFileName ) );
readPluginFromFile( fullfn);
QString newName;
int ti = readPluginInformation( fullfn, newName);
if (! ti )
acceptPlugin(fullfn, newName);
}// foreach(QString pluginFileName, currAvailable)
qDebug() << " " << "names are " << names;
@ -57,58 +76,34 @@ PluginManager::defaultLoad( QString baseDir )
PluginManager::readPluginFromFile(QString fullFileName)
PluginManager::readPluginInformation(QString fullFileName, QString& pluginName)
qDebug() << " " << "processing file " << fullFileName;
QString errMess;
PluginInterface* plugin = loadPluginInterface(fullFileName, errMess) ;
QString plName = "Name undefined" ;
QWidget* plWidget = 0;
PluginInterface* plugin = loadPluginInterface(fullFileName) ;
pluginName = "Undefined name" ;
if (plugin)
plName = plugin->pluginName();
qDebug() << " " << "got pluginName:" << plName;
//=== load widget (only if this plugin was loaded last time)
if ( lastLoaded.indexOf( pluginFileName) >= 0)
plWidget = plugin->pluginWidget() ;
if (plWidget)
// all was good,
qDebug() << " " << "got widget..." ;
emit loadDone( plName, plWidget);
errMess = "Plugin Object can't create widget" ;
delete plugin;
// int tpi = (int)plWidget;
emit installComplete(plName);
pluginName = plugin->pluginName();
qDebug() << " " << "got pluginName:" << pluginName;
delete plugin;
return 0 ;
emit installFailed( plName, errMess);
//do not emit anything, cuz error message already was sent
//from loadPluginInterface(..)
return 1; //this means, some rrror appeared
PluginManager::loadPluginInterface(QString fileName, QString& errorMessage)
PluginManager::loadPluginInterface(QString fileName)
errorMessage = "Default Error Message" ;
QString errorMessage = "Default Error Message" ;
PluginInterface* plugin = 0 ;
QPluginLoader* plLoader = new QPluginLoader(fileName);
@ -116,182 +111,218 @@ PluginManager::loadPluginInterface(QString fileName, QString& errorMessage)
if (pluginObject)
//qDebug() << " " << "loaded..." ;
plugin = qobject_cast<PluginInterface*> (pluginObject) ;
plugin = qobject_cast<PluginInterface*> (pluginObject) ;
if (plugin)
errorMessage = "No error" ;
errorMessage = "Cast to 'PluginInterface*' failed";
errorMessage = "Cast to 'PluginInterface*' failed";
emit errorAppeared( errorMessage );
errorMessage = "Istance wasn't created: " + plLoader->errorString() ;
errorMessage = "Istance wasn't created: " + plLoader->errorString() ;
emit errorAppeared( errorMessage );
delete plLoader; // plugin instance will not be deleted with this action
return plugin;
plName = plugin->pluginName();
// names.append(plddName);
qDebug() << " " << "got pluginName:" << plName;
//=== load widget (only if this plugin was loaded last time)
if ( lastLoaded.indexOf( pluginFileName) >= 0)
QWidget* pw = plugin->pluginWidget() ;
if (pw)
// all was good,
qDebug() << " " << "got widget..." ;
plState = PS_Loaded;
emit loadDone( plName, pw);
errMess = "Plugin Object can't create widget" ;
plState = PS_Failed ;
plState = PS_Viewed ; //this is no error, all's normal
// delete pluginObject;
errMess = "Instance wasn't created: " + plLoader->errorString() ;
PluginManager:: ~PluginManager()
// delete all widgets
foreach(QWidget* wp, widgets)
if (wp)
delete wp;
return names;
PluginManager::isLoaded(QString pluginName)
PluginManager::loadPlugin(QString pluginName)
PluginManager::acceptPlugin(QString fileName, QString pluginName)
qDebug() << "" << "PluginManager::loadPlugin called for" << pluginName;
qDebug() << " " << "accepting plugin " << pluginName;
int plIndex = names.indexOf( pluginName ) ;
if (plIndex >=0 )
QWidget* plWidget = widgets.at(plIndex);
//=== first, check if we loaded it before
if ( plWidget )
emit loadFailed( pluginName,
"Error: plugin already loaded") ;
return ;
//=== next, load it's interface
QString fn = fileNames.at(plIndex);
QString errMess;
PluginInterface* pliface = loadPluginInterface(fn, errMess);
if (pliface)
if (viewWidget)
viewWidget->registerNewPlugin( pluginName );
emit newPluginRegistered( pluginName );
PluginManager::pluginWidget(QString pluginName)
QWidget* result = 0;
int plIndex = names.indexOf( pluginName ) ;
if (plIndex >=0 )
//=== load plugin's interface
QString fn = fileNames.at(plIndex);
PluginInterface* pliface = loadPluginInterface(fn);
if (pliface)
//=== now, get a widget
plWidget = pliface->pluginWidget() ;
if (plWidget)
// all was good,
qDebug() << " " << "got plg widget..." ;
emit loadDone( pluginName, plWidget );
widgets[plIndex] = plWidget;
emit loadFailed(pluginName,
"Error: instance can't create a widget");
emit loadFailed( pluginName,
tr("Error: failed to load interface for ")
+ pluginName +"("+errMess+")");
emit loadFailed( pluginName,
tr("Error: know nothing about plugin ") + pluginName );
result = pliface->pluginWidget() ;
if (result)
// all was good,
qDebug() << " " << "got plg widget..." ;
return result;
QString em=QString("Error: instance '%1'can't create a widget")
.arg( pluginName );
emit errorAppeared( em );
return 0;
// do nothing here...
QString em = QString("Error: no plugin with name '%1' found")
emit errorAppeared( em );
qDebug() << " " << "error: request to load " << pluginName
<< " failed (unknown file)" ;
PluginManager::getViewWidget(QWidget* parent )
if (viewWidget)
return viewWidget;
//=== else, create the viewWidget and return it
viewWidget = new PluginManagerWidget();
foreach(QString pn, names)
qDebug() << " " << "reg new plg " << pn;
viewWidget->registerNewPlugin( pn );
connect(this , SIGNAL( errorAppeared(QString) ) ,
viewWidget, SLOT( acceptErrorMessage( QString)));
connect(viewWidget, SIGNAL( destroyed() ) ,
this , SLOT( viewWidgetDestroyed( )));
connect(viewWidget, SIGNAL( installPluginRequested(QString)),
this , SLOT( installPlugin( QString)));
connect(viewWidget, SIGNAL( removeRequested( QString ) ),
this , SLOT( removePlugin(QString )));
qDebug() << " PluginManager::getViewWidget done";
return viewWidget;
PluginManager::unloadPlugin(QString pluginName)
qDebug() << " " << "PluginManager::unloadPlugin called for" << pluginName;
PluginManager::viewWidgetDestroyed(QObject* obj )
qDebug() << " PluginManager::viewWidgetDestroyed is here";
viewWidget = 0;
PluginManager::removePlugin(QString pluginName)
QWidget* result = 0;
int plIndex = names.indexOf( pluginName ) ;
if (plIndex >=0 )
QWidget* plWidget = widgets.at(plIndex);
qDebug() << "in pm is " << (void *)plWidget;
if ( plWidget )
{ //
widgets[plIndex] = 0;//(QWidget*)0;
qDebug() << "111" ;
delete plWidget;
qDebug() << "222" ;
QString fn = fileNames.at(plIndex);
if (QDir::isRelativePath(fn))
fn = QDir(baseFolder).path() + QDir::separator() + fn ;
QFile fl(fn);
if (!fl.remove())
QString em = QString("Error: failed to revove file %1"
"(uninstalling plugin '%2')")
emit errorAppeared( em);
if (viewWidget)
viewWidget->removePluginFrame( pluginName);
QString em = QString("Error(uninstall): no plugin with name '%1' found")
emit errorAppeared( em );
PluginManager::installPlugin(QString fileName)
qDebug() << " " << "PluginManager::installPlugin is here" ;
if (!QFile::exists( fileName) )
QString em = QString("Error(installation): flugin file %1 doesn't exist")
.arg( fileName );
emit errorAppeared( em );
return ;
QString pn;
if (! readPluginInformation(fileName, pn))
QFile sf( fileName) ;
QString newFileName = baseFolder + QDir::separator() +
QFileInfo( fileName).fileName();
if ( QFile::copy( fileName, newFileName ) )
QString pn;
int ti = readPluginInformation( newFileName , pn );
if (! ti )
acceptPlugin(newFileName, pn);
} //
QString em = QString("Error: can't copy %1 as %2")
.arg(fileName, newFileName) ;
emit errorAppeared( em );
// do nothing here: read plugin information emits its own error
@ -12,7 +12,14 @@
#include <QVector>
class PluginInterface;
class PluginManagerWidget;
//! An engine for plugins management
//! This class performs oaa plugin management operations: installing,
//! loading, remowing. it also provides a PluginManagerWidget for controlling
//! itself. I supose, a appication has to create a global instance of the class,
//! so all pages (instances of the MainPage class) could receive plugin widgets.
class PluginManager: public QObject
@ -21,37 +28,96 @@ public:
void defaultLoad(QString baseDir = "");
//! Checks up 'plugins' folder for loadable plugins
QStringList availablePlugins();
QStringList loadedPlugins();
//! This is a separate method, becouse an application should create
//! a PluginManager instance, then connect all its signals, optionally
//! create a view widget, and only after all perform lookup
void defaultLoad( ) ;
bool isLoaded(QString pluginName);
void unloadPlugin(QString pluginName);
//! GUI for the loader.
//! Returns a PluginManagerWidget instance. When called for the first time,
//! creates a new object; after that returns pointer to the same instance.
//! After the instance was deleteted (it could be safely done in usual way)
//! may create a new one.
QWidget* getViewWidget(QWidget* parent = 0);
//! Loads a widget of the plugin with given name
//! Loads a new copy (called twice will return different objects) of the
//! plugin widget. If there is no plugin with given name, returns 0 (also
//! emits errorAppeared(..) with an error description).
//! PluginManager provides ablolutely no control over returned widget;
//! the application should delete it, like all other widgets
QWidget* pluginWidget(QString pluginName);
//! returns last error appeared;
//! Sorry, doesn't work in current implementation
QString getLastError();
public slots:
void loadPlugin(QString pluginName);
void readPluginFromFile(QString fullFileName);
// void loadPluginFromFile(QString fileName);
//! processes the desctucrion of the view widget;
void viewWidgetDestroyed(QObject * obj = 0);
//! processes the plugin installation request
//! After successful installatio a newPluginRegistered(..) signal will be
//! emitted. On some error -- errorAppeared(..) will be emitted;
//! 'Installation' means that plgin file (dll or so) will be checked and
//! copied to the 'plugins' directory. Later, in pluginWidget(..) call this
//! copy will be used
void installPlugin(QString fileName);
//! Processes plugin remove request
//! 'Remove' means that plugin file (so or dll) will be physically deleted
//! from 'plugins' folder.
void removePlugin(QString pluginName);
void loadDone(QString pluginName, QWidget* pluginWidget);
void loadFailed(QString pluginName, QString errorMessage);
void installComplete(QString pluginName);
void installFailed(QString pluginFileName, QString errorMessage);
//! PluginManager emits this signal on every error;
//! This signal is connected to the PluginManagerWidget::acceptErrorMessage.
//! So, all error messages will appear on the view widget (only if that one
//! was created, of course)
void errorAppeared(QString errorDescription);
//! Is emitted after plugin removing;
//! Already loaded plugin widgets, will not be deleted. Nobody will touch
//! them
void pluginRemoveCompleted(QString pluginName);
//! Is emitted for every loadable plugin
void newPluginRegistered(QString pluginName);
//QList<QPluginLoader*> loaders;
QList<QWidget*> widgets;
// QList<int> widgets;
PluginManagerWidget* viewWidget;
QStringList fileNames;
QList<QString> names;
// QList<int> states;
QStringList names;
PluginInterface* loadPluginInterface(QString fileName,
QString& errorMessage) ;
QString baseFolder;
QString lastError;
//! Reads information from plugin file
//! The function tries to read the info from the plugin file (in current
//! implementation only pluginName).
//! \returns 0 on success, error code (>0) on fail
int readPluginInformation( QString fileName, QString& pluginName);
//! ---
//! Adds plugin name and plugin filename to the lists, emits nesessary
//! signals, updates the view widget
void acceptPlugin( QString fileName, QString pluginName);
PluginInterface* loadPluginInterface(QString fileName ) ;
@ -5,21 +5,19 @@
#include <QPushButton>
#include <QLabel>
#include <QWidget>
#include <QTextEdit>
#include <QFileDialog>
#include <QDebug>
#include <QObject>
#include "PluginManagerWidget.h"
enum {
LBS_Load , // load button state : load (it will send signal 'needToLoad')
LBS_Unload // load button state: unload
PluginFrame::PluginFrame(QWidget * parent, QString pluginName)
PluginFrame::PluginFrame( QString pluginName, QWidget * parent)
plgName = pluginName;
@ -31,20 +29,18 @@ PluginFrame::PluginFrame(QWidget * parent, QString pluginName)
descrLabel = new QLabel();
descrLabel->setText("plugin description will appear here someday");
descrLabel->setText("# # # # # # # # # #");
// "plugin description will appear here someday");
// buttons
buttonsLay = new QVBoxLayout() ;
loadBtn = new QPushButton;
loadBtn->setText( tr("Load") );
loadBtnState = LBS_Load;
connect( loadBtn, SIGNAL( clicked() ) ,
this , SLOT ( loadButtonClicked() ) );
buttonsLay->addWidget( loadBtn );
removeBtn = new QPushButton() ;
removeBtn->setText( tr("Remove") ) ;
connect( removeBtn, SIGNAL( clicked() ) ,
this , SLOT ( removeButtonClicked() ) ) ;
buttonsLay->addWidget( removeBtn ) ;
//all together
@ -53,10 +49,6 @@ PluginFrame::PluginFrame(QWidget * parent, QString pluginName)
this->setFrameStyle(QFrame::Box | QFrame::Raised);
@ -68,44 +60,18 @@ PluginFrame::~PluginFrame()
if (loadBtnState == LBS_Load)
emit needToLoad(plgName);
if ( loadBtnState == LBS_Unload)
emit needToUnload(plgName);
loadBtn->setText( tr("Load") );
loadBtnState = LBS_Load ;
emit needToRemove( plgName );
emit needToRemove( plgName );
PluginFrame::successfulLoad(QString pluginName, QWidget* wd)
qDebug() << " " << "PluginFrame::successfulLoad for " << pluginName
<< " -- " << plgName ;
if (pluginName == plgName )
qDebug() << "so...";
loadBtn->setText( tr("Unload") );
loadBtnState = LBS_Unload ;
return plgName ;
@ -114,41 +80,65 @@ PluginFrame::successfulLoad(QString pluginName, QWidget* wd)
PluginManagerWidget::PluginManagerWidget(QWidget * parent)
vlay = new QVBoxLayout(this);
qDebug() << " " << "PluginManagerWidget::PluginManagerWidget here";
instPlgLay = new QHBoxLayout();
instPlgButton = new QPushButton();
mainLayout = new QVBoxLayout(this);
installPluginLayout = new QHBoxLayout();
installPluginButton = new QPushButton();
instPlgButton->setText("Install New Plugin...");
connect( instPlgButton, SIGNAL( clicked() ),
this , SLOT( instPlgButtonClicked() ) );
instPlgSpacer = new QSpacerItem(283, 20,
QSizePolicy::Expanding, QSizePolicy::Minimum);
installPluginButton->setText("Install New Plugin...");
connect( installPluginButton, SIGNAL( clicked() ),
this , SLOT( installPluginButtonClicked() ) );
installPluginSpacer = new QSpacerItem(283, 20,
QSizePolicy::Expanding, QSizePolicy::Minimum);
vlay->addLayout( instPlgLay );
mainLayout->addLayout( installPluginLayout );
pluginFramesContainer = new QFrame();
pluginFramesLayout = new QVBoxLayout(pluginFramesContainer);
errorsConsole = new QTextEdit();
mainLayout->addWidget( errorsConsole );
qDebug() << " " << "PluginManagerWidget::PluginManagerWidget done";
//nothing to do here
PluginManagerWidget::addPluginWidget(PluginFrame* pf)
PluginManagerWidget::registerNewPlugin(QString pluginName)
qDebug() << " " << "PluginManagerWidget::registerNewPlugin "<< pluginName;
PluginFrame* pf = new PluginFrame(pluginName, pluginFramesContainer) ;
connect( pf , SIGNAL( needToRemove(QString)),
this, SIGNAL( removeRequested(QString) ) );
QString fileName = QFileDialog::getOpenFileName(this,
tr("Open Plugin to install"),
@ -156,7 +146,42 @@ PluginManagerWidget::instPlgButtonClicked()
tr("Plugins (*.so *.dll)"));
if (!fileName.isNull())
emit needToLoadFileWithPlugin(fileName);
emit installPluginRequested(fileName);
PluginManagerWidget::removePluginFrame(QString pluginName)
foreach(QObject* ob, pluginFramesContainer->children())
PluginFrame* pf = qobject_cast<PluginFrame*> (ob);
if (pf)
if (pf->getPluginName() == pluginName )
delete pf;
return ;
// normally unreachable place
QString em = QString("Widget for plugin %1 not found on plugins frame")
.arg( pluginName ) ;
acceptErrorMessage( em );
PluginManagerWidget::acceptErrorMessage(QString errorMessage)
errorsConsole->append( errorMessage );
@ -11,6 +11,7 @@ class QHBoxLayout;
class QVBoxLayout;
class QPushButton;
class QSpacerItem;
class QTextEdit;
@ -19,26 +20,20 @@ class PluginFrame : public QFrame
PluginFrame(QWidget* parent , QString pluginName );
PluginFrame( QString pluginName, QWidget* parent =0 );
virtual ~PluginFrame();
void needToLoad(QString pluginName);
void needToUnload(QString pluginName);
void needToRemove(QString pluginName);
QString getPluginName();
public slots:
void successfulLoad(QString pluginName, QWidget* wd=0);
void needToRemove(QString pluginName);
protected slots:
void loadButtonClicked() ;
void removeButtonClicked();
QString plgName;
QPushButton* loadBtn;
unsigned char loadBtnState;
QPushButton* removeBtn;
QVBoxLayout* buttonsLay;
@ -52,28 +47,46 @@ protected:
//! GUI representation of the PluginManager class
//! This is something like GUI for PluginManager class. Or you can think
//! about PluginManagerWidget as a view, and a PluginManager as a model.
//! Instances should be created only by PluginManager class; maybe later i'll
//! hide constructor in some way. Parent (or somebody else) can delete it.
//! Widget itself can be used anywere, in some 'settings' dialogs.
class PluginManagerWidget: public QFrame
PluginManagerWidget(QWidget* parent);
PluginManagerWidget(QWidget* parent =0);
virtual ~PluginManagerWidget();
void addPluginWidget(PluginFrame* pf);
void registerNewPlugin(QString pluginName);
void removePluginFrame(QString pluginName);
void needToLoadFileWithPlugin(QString fileName) ;
void removeRequested(QString pluginName);
void installPluginRequested(QString fileName) ;
QVBoxLayout* vlay;
QPushButton* instPlgButton;
QHBoxLayout* instPlgLay;
QSpacerItem* instPlgSpacer;
public slots:
void acceptErrorMessage(QString errorMessage);
protected slots:
void instPlgButtonClicked();
QVBoxLayout* mainLayout;
QFrame* pluginFramesContainer;
QVBoxLayout* pluginFramesLayout;
QPushButton* installPluginButton;
QHBoxLayout* installPluginLayout;
QSpacerItem* installPluginSpacer;
QTextEdit* errorsConsole;
protected slots:
void installPluginButtonClicked();
@ -6,348 +6,74 @@
#include <QSizePolicy>
#include <QTextEdit>
#include <QtPlugin>
#include <QPluginLoader>
#include <QDir>
//#include <QtPlugin>
//#include <QPluginLoader>
//#include <QDir>
#include <QDebug>
#include <QStringList>
#include <QRegExp>
#include <QApplication> // for qApp->....
//#include <QUiLoader>
//#include <QtScript>
#include <QFile>
//#include <QIODevice>
//#include <QApplication> // for qApp->....
//#include <QFile>
#include <QMessageBox>
#include <QGroupBox>
#include "PluginsPage.h"
#include "PluginManagerWidget.h"
#include "PluginManager.h"
#include "rshare.h"
//#include "plugins/PluginInterface.h"
PluginsPage::PluginsPage(QWidget *parent )
// :QGroupBox(parent)
// :QGroupBox(parent) // this is for toy applications, do not remove
:MainPage(parent) // this for real retroshare app
pluginManager = new PluginManager();
connect( pluginManager, SIGNAL( newPluginRegistered(QString) ),
this , SLOT( pluginRegistered(QString) ) );
//=== create some gui elements =====
pluginPageLayout = new QVBoxLayout(this);
// pluginPanel = new QGroupBox(this) ;
// pluginPanel->setSizePolicy(QSizePolicy::Expanding, QSizePolicy::Expanding) ;
// this->setTitle("RetroShare plugins");
pluginTabs = new QTabWidget(this) ;
pmFrame = new QFrame;
pmFrame = new QFrame(this);
pmLay = new QVBoxLayout(pmFrame);
pluginManagerWidget = new PluginManagerWidget(pmFrame);
pmLay->addWidget( pluginManagerWidget );
QWidget* tw = pluginManager->getViewWidget();
pmLay->addWidget( tw );
pmSpacer = new QSpacerItem(283, 20,
QSizePolicy::Expanding, QSizePolicy::Minimum);
QSizePolicy::Expanding, QSizePolicy::Minimum);
errlogConsole = new QTextEdit();
pmLay->addWidget( errlogConsole );
pluginTabs->addTab( pmFrame, "Manager" ) ;
// pluginTabs->addTab( errlogConsole, "Error messages" );
//=== try to load binary plugins =====
pluginManager = new PluginManager();
connect( pluginManager, SIGNAL( loadDone(QString, QWidget*) ),
this , SLOT( loadDone(QString, QWidget*) ) );
connect( pluginManager, SIGNAL(loadFailed(QString, QString)) ,
this , SLOT( loadFailed(QString, QString ) ) );
connect( pluginManagerWidget, SIGNAL( needToLoadFileWithPlugin(QString)),
pluginManager , SLOT( readPluginFromFile(QString) ) );
connect( pluginManager, SIGNAL( installComplete(QString) ),
this , SLOT( installComplete(QString) ) );
connect( pluginManager, SIGNAL(installFailed(QString, QString)) ,
this , SLOT( installFailed(QString, QString ) ) );
pluginManager->defaultLoad( Rshare::dataDirectory() + "/plugins" );
// a variant for a toy app: qApp->applicationDirPath()+"///plugins" ) ;
//QStringList lll = pluginManager->availablePlugins();
//foreach( QString pn, lll)
// qDebug() << " " << "----" << pn << "----" ;
QDir pluginsDir(qApp->applicationDirPath()+"///plugins");
if (pluginsDir.exists())
loadBinaryPlugins( pluginsDir );
qDebug() << " " << "plugins will not be loaded: " << pluginsDir.absolutePath() ;
// pluginPageLayout->addWidget(pluginPanel);
pluginPanelLayout = new QVBoxLayout(pluginPanel);
pluginTabs = new QTabWidget(pluginPanel);
QLabel* lbl1 = new QLabel();
lbl1->setText("If you see only this tab, it's a bug :( If you see this tub and calculator, it's a bug too");
pluginTabs->addTab(lbl1, "LLL");//Rshare::dataDirectory());
//"L #1");
//QLabel* lbl2 = new QLabel();
//lbl2->setText("Label #2");
//pluginTabs->addTab(lbl2, "L #2; for debugging purposes");
QDir pluginsDir(Rshare::dataDirectory());
// this piece of code is magical and untested ;
// but on Windows it works
#if defined(Q_OS_WIN)
if (pluginsDir.dirName().toLower() == "debug" || pluginsDir.dirName().toLower() == "release")
#elif defined(Q_OS_MAC)
if (pluginsDir.dirName() == "MacOS") {
// eof magick
foreach (QString fileName, pluginsDir.entryList(QDir::Files))
qDebug() << " "
<< "processing file "
<< pluginsDir.absoluteFilePath(fileName);
QPluginLoader loader(pluginsDir.absoluteFilePath(fileName));
QObject *pluginObject = loader.instance();
if (pluginObject)
qDebug() << " " << "loaded..." ;
PluginInterface* plugin = qobject_cast<PluginInterface*> (pluginObject) ;
if (plugin)
QString pn = plugin->pluginName();
qDebug() << " " << "got description:" << pn;
QWidget* pw = plugin->pluginWidget();
qDebug() << " " << "got widget..." ;
qDebug() << " " << "cast failed..." ;
// script plugins loading; warning, code is dirty; will be changed later
engine = new QScriptEngine;
foreach (QString scriptDirName, pluginsDir.entryList(QDir::Dirs))
qDebug() << " " << "sdn is " << scriptDirName ;
if ( (scriptDirName !=".") && (scriptDirName != "..") )
QDir spDir(pluginsDir) ;
QStringList scfList = spDir.entryList(QDir::Files) ;
qDebug() << " "
<< "to process files: "
<< scfList ;// pluginsDir.absoluteFilePath(fileName);
int ti;
QRegExp rx_qs(".*js");
ti = scfList.indexOf(rx_qs);
QFile scriptFile( spDir.absoluteFilePath( scfList.at(ti) ) );
QUiLoader loader;
QRegExp rx_ui(".*ui");
ti = scfList.indexOf(rx_ui) ;
QFile uiFile( spDir.absoluteFilePath( scfList.at(ti) ) );
qDebug() << "ui file is " << scfList.at(ti) ;
QWidget *ui = loader.load(&uiFile);
QScriptValue ctor = engine->evaluate("Plugin");
QScriptValue scriptUi = engine->newQObject(ui, QScriptEngine::ScriptOwnership);
QScriptValue calc = ctor.construct(QScriptValueList() << scriptUi);
if (!ui)
qDebug() << "ui is null :(" ;
pluginTabs->addTab(ui,"Script plugin");
//What has a head like a cat, feet like a cat, a tail like a cat, but isn't a cat?
pluginManager->defaultLoad( ) ;
// remove all pages, exept first (i.e remove all pages with plugins)
for( int pi=1; pi<pluginTabs->count(); pi++)
pluginTabs->removeTab(pi); // widgets itself will be deleted
//in ~PluginManager()
delete pluginManager;
PluginsPage::installComplete(QString pluginName)
PluginsPage::pluginRegistered(QString pluginName)
PluginFrame* pf = new PluginFrame( pluginManagerWidget, pluginName);
connect( pluginManager, SIGNAL( loadDone(QString, QWidget*) ),
pf , SLOT( successfulLoad(QString, QWidget*) ) );
connect( pf , SIGNAL( needToLoad(QString) ),
pluginManager, SLOT( loadPlugin(QString) ) );
QWidget* pw = pluginManager->pluginWidget( pluginName);
// connect( pf , SIGNAL( needToUnload(QString) ),
// pluginManager, SLOT( unloadPlugin(QString) ) );
connect( pf , SIGNAL( needToUnload(QString) ),
this , SLOT( unloadPlugin(QString) ) );
PluginsPage::installFailed(QString pluginFileName, QString errorMessage)
QString tmps = QString("failed to install plugin from %1 (%2)")
PluginsPage::loadDone(QString pluginName, QWidget* pluginWidget)
pluginTabs->addTab( pluginWidget, pluginName );
pluginTabs->addTab( pw , pluginName );
PluginsPage::loadFailed(QString pluginName, QString errorMessage)
QString tmps = QString("failed to load plugin %1 (%2)")
PluginsPage::unloadPlugin(QString pluginName)
qDebug() << " " << "PluginsPage::unloadPlugin called for " << pluginName ;
for (int tabi=0; tabi< pluginTabs->count(); tabi++)
if( pluginTabs->tabText(tabi) == pluginName)
QWidget* tw= pluginTabs->widget(tabi);
pluginTabs->removeTab( tabi);//the plugin widget will not be deleted !!
//plugin manager will delete it in
//it's unloadPlugin
// qDebug() << " " << "in pp " << (int) tw ;
// delete tw;
pluginManager->unloadPlugin( pluginName );
PluginsPage::loadBinaryPlugins(const QDir directory)
//=== find a file with last loaded plugins =====
QStringList lastLoaded;
QFile llFile( directory.absolutePath()+"last_loaded.txt" ) ;
if ( llFile.open(QIODevice::ReadOnly) )
QString tmps;
QTextStream stream( &llFile ); // Set the stream to read from myFile
tmps = stream.readLine();
lastLoaded = tmps.split(";");
//=== get current available plugins =====
QStringList currAvailable = directory.entryList(QDir::Files);
#if defined(Q_OS_WIN)
QRegExp trx("*.dll")
QRegExp trx("*.so");
trx.setPatternSyntax(QRegExp::Wildcard );
currAvailable.filter( trx );
qDebug() << " " << "can load this plugins: " << currAvailable ;
//=== create widgets for all available; also load which were loaded before
foreach(QString pluginFileName, currAvailable)
QString tmps( directory.absoluteFilePath( pluginFileName ) );
pluginManagerWidget->addPluginWidget( tmps );
@ -1,17 +1,12 @@
#ifndef _PLUGINS_PAGE_H_
#define _PLUGINS_PAGE_H_
//#include <QFileDialog>
#include "mainpage.h"
#include <QGroupBox>
#include <QString>
#include <QDir>
//class QGroupBox;
class QVBoxLayout;
class QTabWidget;
class QFrame;
@ -21,9 +16,15 @@ class QSpacerItem;
class QScriptEngine;
class PluginManagerWidget;
class PluginManager;
//! A demo widget for showing plugin engine in action :)
//! In current version this is just a container for PluginManagerWidget and
//! loaded plugin widgets. All specific actions moved to
//! PluginManagerWidget class. It contains a PluginManager instance, but it's
//! supposed that in future a pluginManager will become a global variable
class PluginsPage : public MainPage
@ -35,44 +36,29 @@ public:
virtual ~PluginsPage() ;
public slots:
void loadDone(QString pluginName, QWidget* pluginWidget);
void loadFailed(QString pluginName, QString errorMessage);
//! A slot for processing new plugin registration events.
void installComplete(QString pluginName);
void installFailed(QString pluginFileName, QString errorMessage);
void unloadPlugin(QString pluginName);
//! Every page, which supports plugins, has to process
//! the PluginManager::newPluginRegistered signal. Suppose, the page knows,
//! that there is a possible plugin "PuzzleGame"; Then, the page should
//! compare received pluginName with "PuzzleGame", and request the plugin
//! widget with PluginManager::pluginWidget(..) method
void pluginRegistered(QString pluginName);
QVBoxLayout* pluginPageLayout;
QGroupBox* pluginPanel;
QVBoxLayout* pluginPanelLayout;
QTextEdit* errlogConsole;
// QPushButton* instPlgButton;
// QHBoxLayout* insPlgLay;
// QSpacerItem* instPlgSpacer;
//! Plugin widgets will be loaded into this tabs
QTabWidget* pluginTabs ;
QVBoxLayout* pmLay;
QFrame* pmFrame;
QSpacerItem* pmSpacer;
QString errorStrLog;
PluginManagerWidget* pluginManagerWidget;
// QFrame* pluginControlsContainer;
//! This should be global, every page should have access to it
PluginManager* pluginManager;
//QScriptEngine* engine;
int loadBinaryPlugins(const QDir directory);//tring& errorString);
int loadScriptPlugins(const QString directory, QString& errorString);
int loadBinaryPlugin(const QString fileName, QString& errorString);
int loadScriptPlugin(const QString dirName, QString& errorString);
@ -8,16 +8,32 @@ class QString;
class QWidget;
//! a base class for plugins
//! All plugin classes must inherite this class and QObject.
class PluginInterface
virtual ~PluginInterface() {}
public slots:
//! A description of the plugin
//! A description of the plugin. Is not used in current version.
virtual QString pluginDescription() const = 0;
//! The plugin's name
//! A name serves like an unique ID. The name is used in all operations
//! such as installing, removing, receiving a widget
virtual QString pluginName() const = 0;
//! plugin's widget.
//! Returns the widget, which is actually a plugin. Main application must
//! delete the widget; usually, a parent widget does it. If you want to use
//! the widget as top-level (i.e. parent==0), please, set
//! Qt::WA_DeleteOnClose flag .
virtual QWidget* pluginWidget(QWidget * parent = 0) = 0;
Reference in New Issue
Block a user