mirror of
synced 2025-03-15 11:36:42 -04:00
Merge pull request #2638 from csoler/v0.6-TorControl3
Added more info to display in GUI part or FS
This commit is contained in:
@ -77,31 +77,55 @@ void FriendServer::handleClientPublish(const RsFriendServerClientPublishItem *it
// First of all, read PGP key and short invites, parse them, and check that they contain the same information
std::map<RsPeerId,PeerInfo>::iterator pi = handleIncomingClientData(item->pgp_public_key_b64,item->short_invite);
RsPeerId pid;
// No need to test for it==mCurrentClients.end() because it will be directly caught by the exception handling below even before.
// Respond with a list of potential friends
RsErr() << "Client data is dropped because of error." ;
return ;
// All good.
auto pi(mCurrentClientPeers.find(pid));
// Update the list of closest peers for other peers, based on which known friends it reports, and of current peer depending
// on friendship levels of other peers.
RsDbg() << "Sending response item to " << item->PeerId() ;
RsFriendServerServerResponseItem sr_item;
std::map<RsPeerId,RsPgpFingerprint> friends;
sr_item.nonce = pi->second.last_nonce;
sr_item.friend_invites = computeListOfFriendInvites(item->n_requested_friends,item->already_received_peers,pi->first,friends);
std::set<RsPeerId> friends;
sr_item.unique_identifier = pi->second.last_identifier;
sr_item.friend_invites = computeListOfFriendInvites(pi->first,item->n_requested_friends,item->already_received_peers,friends);
// Update the have_added_as_friend for the list of each peer. We do that before sending because sending destroys
// the item.
RsDbg() << " Got " << sr_item.friend_invites.size() << " closest peers not in the list." ;
RsDbg() << " Updating local information for destination peer." ;
for(const auto& pid:friends)
// Update friendship levels of the peer that will receive the new list
for(auto fr:friends)
auto& p(mCurrentClientPeers[pid.first]);
p.have_added_this_peer[computePeerDistance(p.pgp_fingerprint, pi->second.pgp_fingerprint)] = pi->first;
auto& p(pi->second.friendship_levels[fr]);
RsDbg() << " Already a friend: " << fr << ", with local status " << static_cast<int>(p) ;
if(static_cast<int>(p) < static_cast<int>(RsFriendServer::PeerFriendshipLevel::HAS_KEY))
p = RsFriendServer::PeerFriendshipLevel::HAS_KEY;
RsDbg() << " --> updating status to HAS_KEY" ;
// Now encrypt the item with the public PGP key of the destination. This prevents the wrong person to request for
// someone else's data.
RsDbg() << " Encrypting item..." ;
RsFriendServerEncryptedServerResponseItem *encrypted_response_item = new RsFriendServerEncryptedServerResponseItem;
uint32_t serialized_clear_size = FsSerializer().size(&sr_item);
RsTemporaryMemory serialized_clear_mem(serialized_clear_size);
@ -124,11 +148,9 @@ void FriendServer::handleClientPublish(const RsFriendServerClientPublishItem *it
// Send the item.
RsDbg() << " Sending item..." ;
// Update the list of closest peers for all peers currently in the database.
catch(std::exception& e)
@ -142,14 +164,14 @@ void FriendServer::handleClientPublish(const RsFriendServerClientPublishItem *it
std::map<std::string, bool> FriendServer::computeListOfFriendInvites(uint32_t nb_reqs_invites,
const std::set<RsPeerId>& already_known_peers,
const RsPeerId &pid,
std::map<RsPeerId,RsPgpFingerprint>& friends)
std::map<std::string,RsFriendServer::PeerFriendshipLevel> FriendServer::computeListOfFriendInvites(const RsPeerId &pid, uint32_t nb_reqs_invites,
const std::map<RsPeerId,RsFriendServer::PeerFriendshipLevel>& already_known_peers,
std::set<RsPeerId>& chosen_peers) const
// Strategy: we want to return the same set of friends for a given PGP profile key.
// Still, using some closest distance strategy, the n-closest peers for profile A is not the
// same set than the n-closest peers for profile B. We have multiple options:
// same set than the n-closest peers for profile B, so some peers will not be in both sets.
// We have multiple options:
// Option 1:
@ -169,41 +191,54 @@ std::map<std::string, bool> FriendServer::computeListOfFriendInvites(uint32_t nb
// So we choose Option 2.
std::map<std::string,bool> res;
std::map<std::string,RsFriendServer::PeerFriendshipLevel> res;
auto pinfo_it(mCurrentClientPeers.find(pid));
auto add_from = [&res,&friends,nb_reqs_invites,already_known_peers,this](bool added,
const std::map<PeerInfo::PeerDistance, RsPeerId>& lst) -> bool
if(pinfo_it == mCurrentClientPeers.end())
for(const auto& pid:lst)
if(already_known_peers.find(pid.second) == already_known_peers.end())
const auto p = mCurrentClientPeers.find(pid.second);
if(res.size() + already_known_peers.size() >= nb_reqs_invites)
return true;
return false;
const auto& pinfo(mCurrentClientPeers[pid]);
// First add from peers who already added the current peer as friend, and leave if we already have enough
RsErr() << "inconsistency in computeListOfFriendInvites. Something's wrong in the code." ;
return res;
auto pinfo(pinfo_it->second);
for(const auto& pit:pinfo.closest_peers)
if(already_known_peers.find(pit.second) == already_known_peers.end())
RsDbg() << " peer " << pit.second << ": not in supplied list => adding it.";
const auto p = mCurrentClientPeers.find(pit.second);
if(p == mCurrentClientPeers.end()) // should not happen, but just an extra security.
auto pp = p->second.friendship_levels.find(pid);
auto peer_friendship_level = (pp==p->second.friendship_levels.end())?(RsFriendServer::PeerFriendshipLevel::UNKNOWN):(pp->second);
res[p->second.short_certificate] = peer_friendship_level;
if(res.size() + already_known_peers.size() >= nb_reqs_invites)
auto p = already_known_peers.find(pit.second);
RsDbg() << " peer " << pit.second << ": already in supplied list, with status " << static_cast<int>(p->second) << ". Not adding it.";
return res;
std::map<RsPeerId,PeerInfo>::iterator FriendServer::handleIncomingClientData(const std::string& pgp_public_key_b64,const std::string& short_invite_b64)
bool FriendServer::handleIncomingClientData(const std::string& pgp_public_key_b64,const std::string& short_invite_b64,RsPeerId& pid)
// 1 - Check that the incoming data is sound.
RsDbg() << " Checking item data...";
std::string error_string;
@ -239,24 +274,21 @@ std::map<RsPeerId,PeerInfo>::iterator FriendServer::handleIncomingClientData(con
// 3 - if the key is not already here, add it to keyring.
RsPgpFingerprint fpr_test;
RsDbg() << " PGP Key is already into keyring.";
RsPgpId pgp_id;
if(!mPgpHandler->LoadCertificateFromBinaryData(key_binary_data.data(),key_binary_data.size(), pgp_id, error_string))
throw std::runtime_error("Cannot load client's pgp public key into keyring: " + error_string) ;
RsPgpFingerprint fpr_test;
RsDbg() << " PGP Key is already into keyring.";
RsPgpId pgp_id;
if(!mPgpHandler->LoadCertificateFromBinaryData(key_binary_data.data(),key_binary_data.size(), pgp_id, error_string))
throw std::runtime_error("Cannot load client's pgp public key into keyring: " + error_string) ;
RsDbg() << " Public key added to keyring.";
RsDbg() << " Sync-ing the PGP keyring on disk";
RsDbg() << " Public key added to keyring.";
RsDbg() << " Sync-ing the PGP keyring on disk";
// All good.
// Store/update the peer info
auto& pi(mCurrentClientPeers[shortInviteDetails.id]);
@ -265,13 +297,19 @@ std::map<RsPeerId,PeerInfo>::iterator FriendServer::handleIncomingClientData(con
pi.last_connection_TS = time(nullptr);
pi.pgp_fingerprint = shortInviteDetails.fpr;
while(pi.last_nonce == 0) // reuse the same identifier (so it's not really a nonce, but it's kept secret whatsoever).
pi.last_nonce = RsRandom::random_u64();
while(pi.last_identifier == 0) // reuse the same identifier (so it's not really a nonce, but it's kept secret whatsoever).
pi.last_identifier = RsRandom::random_u64();
return mCurrentClientPeers.find(shortInviteDetails.id);
pid = shortInviteDetails.id;
return true;
catch (std::exception& e)
RsErr() << "Exception while adding client data: " << e.what() ;
return false;
void FriendServer::handleClientRemove(const RsFriendServerClientRemoveItem *item)
RsDbg() << "Received a client remove item:" << *item ;
@ -284,14 +322,14 @@ void FriendServer::handleClientRemove(const RsFriendServerClientRemoveItem *item
if(it->second.last_nonce != item->nonce)
if(it->second.last_identifier != item->unique_identifier)
RsErr() << " ERROR: Client supplied a nonce " << std::hex << item->nonce << std::dec << " that is not correct (expected "
<< std::hex << it->second.last_nonce << std::dec << ")";
RsErr() << " ERROR: Client supplied a nonce " << std::hex << item->unique_identifier << std::dec << " that is not correct (expected "
<< std::hex << it->second.last_identifier << std::dec << ")";
RsDbg() << " Nonce is correct: " << std::hex << item->nonce << std::dec << ". Removing peer " << item->peer_id ;
RsDbg() << " Nonce is correct: " << std::hex << item->unique_identifier << std::dec << ". Removing peer " << item->peer_id ;
@ -310,7 +348,7 @@ void FriendServer::removePeer(const RsPeerId& peer_id)
for(auto pit(it.second.closest_peers.begin());pit!=it.second.closest_peers.end();)
if(pit->second == peer_id)
RsDbg() << " Removing from n-closest peers of peer " << pit->first ;
RsDbg() << " Removing from n-closest peers of peer " << it.first ;
auto tmp(pit);
@ -320,27 +358,26 @@ void FriendServer::removePeer(const RsPeerId& peer_id)
// Also remove that peer from peers that have accepted each peer
// Also remove that peer from friendship levels of that particular peer.
for(auto fit(it.second.have_added_this_peer.begin());fit!=it.second.have_added_this_peer.end();)
if(fit->second == peer_id)
RsDbg() << " Removing from have_added_as_friend peers of peer " << fit->first ;
auto fit = it.second.friendship_levels.find(peer_id);
auto tmp(fit);
if(fit != it.second.friendship_levels.end())
RsDbg() << " Removing from have_added_as_friend peers of peer " << it.first ;
PeerInfo::PeerDistance FriendServer::computePeerDistance(const RsPgpFingerprint& p1,const RsPgpFingerprint& p2)
std::cerr << "Computing peer distance: p1=" << p1 << " p2=" << p2 << " p1^p2=" << (p1^p2) << " distance=" << ((p1^p2)^mRandomPeerBias) << std::endl;
return (p1 ^ p2)^mRandomPeerBias;
auto res = (p1 ^ p2)^mRandomPeerBias;
auto res2 = RsDirUtil::sha1sum(res.toByteArray(),res.SIZE_IN_BYTES); // sha1sum prevents reverse finding the random bias
std::cerr << "Computing peer distance: p1=" << p1 << " p2=" << p2 << " p1^p2=" << (p1^p2) << " distance=" << res2 << std::endl;
return res2;
FriendServer::FriendServer(const std::string& base_dir,const std::string& listening_address,uint16_t listening_port)
: mListeningAddress(listening_address),mListeningPort(listening_port)
@ -389,18 +426,73 @@ void FriendServer::autoWash()
void FriendServer::updateClosestPeers(const RsPeerId& pid,const RsPgpFingerprint& fpr)
void FriendServer::updateClosestPeers(const RsPeerId& pid,const RsPgpFingerprint& fpr,const std::map<RsPeerId,RsFriendServer::PeerFriendshipLevel>& friended_peers)
auto find_multi = [](PeerInfo::PeerDistance dist,std::map< std::pair<RsFriendServer::PeerFriendshipLevel,PeerInfo::PeerDistance>,RsPeerId >& mp)
-> std::map< std::pair<RsFriendServer::PeerFriendshipLevel,PeerInfo::PeerDistance>,RsPeerId >::iterator
auto it = mp.find(std::make_pair(RsFriendServer::PeerFriendshipLevel::UNKNOWN,dist)) ;
if(it == mp.end()) it = mp.find(std::make_pair(RsFriendServer::PeerFriendshipLevel::NO_KEY ,dist));
if(it == mp.end()) it = mp.find(std::make_pair(RsFriendServer::PeerFriendshipLevel::HAS_KEY ,dist));
if(it == mp.end()) it = mp.find(std::make_pair(RsFriendServer::PeerFriendshipLevel::HAS_ACCEPTED_KEY,dist));
return it;
auto remove_from_map = [find_multi](PeerInfo::PeerDistance dist,
std::map< std::pair<RsFriendServer::PeerFriendshipLevel,
PeerInfo::PeerDistance>,RsPeerId>& mp) -> bool
auto mpit = find_multi(dist,mp);
if(mpit != mp.end())
return true;
return false;
auto& pit(mCurrentClientPeers[pid]);
for(auto& it:mCurrentClientPeers)
if(it.first != pid)
// 1 - for all existing peers, update the level at which the given peer has added the peer as friend.
auto peer_iterator = friended_peers.find(it.first);
auto peer_friendship_level = (peer_iterator==friended_peers.end())? (RsFriendServer::PeerFriendshipLevel::UNKNOWN):(peer_iterator->second);
PeerInfo::PeerDistance d = computePeerDistance(fpr,it.second.pgp_fingerprint);
// Remove the peer from the map. This is costly. I need to find something better. If the peer is already
// in the list, it has a map key with the same distance.
if(it.second.closest_peers.size() > MAXIMUM_PEERS_TO_REQUEST)
it.second.closest_peers[std::make_pair(peer_friendship_level,d)] = pid;
while(it.second.closest_peers.size() > MAXIMUM_PEERS_TO_REQUEST)
// 2 - for the current peer, update the list of closest peers
auto pit2 = it.second.friendship_levels.find(pid);
peer_friendship_level = (pit2==it.second.friendship_levels.end())? (RsFriendServer::PeerFriendshipLevel::UNKNOWN):(pit2->second);
pit.closest_peers[std::make_pair(peer_friendship_level,d)] = it.first;
while(pit.closest_peers.size() > MAXIMUM_PEERS_TO_REQUEST)
// Also update the friendship levels for the current peer, of all friends from the list.
for(auto it:friended_peers)
pit.friendship_levels[it.first] = it.second;
Sha1CheckSum FriendServer::computeDataHash()
@ -416,17 +508,18 @@ Sha1CheckSum FriendServer::computeDataHash()
s << inf.pgp_fingerprint;
s << inf.short_certificate;
s << (uint64_t)inf.last_connection_TS;
s << inf.last_nonce;
s << inf.last_identifier;
for(auto d(inf.closest_peers.begin());d!=inf.closest_peers.end();++d)
s << d->first ;
s << static_cast<uint32_t>(d->first.first) ;
s << d->first.second ;
s << d->second;
for(auto d(inf.have_added_this_peer.begin());d!=inf.have_added_this_peer.end();++d)
for(auto d:inf.friendship_levels)
s << d->first ;
s << d->second;
s << d.first ;
s << static_cast<uint32_t>(d.second);
return s.hash();
@ -449,16 +542,11 @@ void FriendServer::debugPrint(bool force)
for(const auto& it:mCurrentClientPeers)
RsDbg() << " " << it.first << ": nonce=" << std::hex << it.second.last_nonce << std::dec << " fpr: " << it.second.pgp_fingerprint << ", last contact: " << now - it.second.last_connection_TS << " secs ago.";
RsDbg() << " " << it.first << ": identifier=" << std::hex << it.second.last_identifier << std::dec << " fpr: " << it.second.pgp_fingerprint << ", last contact: " << now - it.second.last_connection_TS << " secs ago.";
RsDbg() << " Closest peers:" ;
for(const auto& pit:it.second.closest_peers)
RsDbg() << " " << pit.second << " distance=" << pit.first ;
RsDbg() << " Have added this peer:" ;
for(const auto& pit:it.second.have_added_this_peer)
RsDbg() << " " << pit.second << " distance=" << pit.first ;
for(auto pit:it.second.closest_peers)
RsDbg() << " " << pit.second << " distance=" << pit.first.second << " Peer reciprocal status:" << static_cast<int>(pit.first.first);
RsDbg() << "===============================================";
@ -24,23 +24,39 @@
#include "util/rsthreads.h"
#include "pqi/pqistreamer.h"
#include "pgp/pgphandler.h"
#include "retroshare/rsfriendserver.h"
#include "network.h"
class RsFriendServerClientRemoveItem;
class RsFriendServerClientPublishItem;
// Storage for peer-related information as known by the friend server.
// Peers send to the friend server the list of peers they already have, with their own friendship level with that peer.
// The FS needs to send back a list of peers, with the friendship level to the current peer.
// In the list of closest peers, the reverse friendship levels are stored: for a peer A the reverse friendship level to peer B is whether B has
// added A as friend or not.
// In the list of friends for a peer, the forward FL is stored. The forward FL of a peer A to a peer B is whether A has added B as friend or not.
struct PeerInfo
typedef RsPgpFingerprint PeerDistance;
typedef Sha1CheckSum PeerDistance;
RsPgpFingerprint pgp_fingerprint;
std::string short_certificate;
rstime_t last_connection_TS;
uint64_t last_nonce;
uint64_t last_identifier;
std::map<PeerDistance,RsPeerId> closest_peers;
std::map<PeerDistance,RsPeerId> have_added_this_peer;
// The following map contains the list of closest peers. The sorting is based
// on a combination of the peer XOR distance and the friendship level, so that
// peers which already have added a peer are considered first as potential receivers of his key.
// The friendship level here is a reverse FL, e.g. whether each closest peer has added the current peer as friend.
std::map<std::pair<RsFriendServer::PeerFriendshipLevel,PeerDistance>,RsPeerId > closest_peers; // limited in size.
// Which peers have received the key for that particular peer, along with the direct friendship level: whether current peer has added each peer.
std::map<RsPeerId,RsFriendServer::PeerFriendshipLevel> friendship_levels; // unlimited in size, but no distance sorting.
class FriendServer : public RsTickingThread
@ -60,16 +76,18 @@ private:
void handleClientPublish(const RsFriendServerClientPublishItem *item);
// Updates for each peer in the database, the list of closest peers w.r.t. some arbitrary distance.
void updateClosestPeers(const RsPeerId& pid,const RsPgpFingerprint& fpr);
void updateClosestPeers(const RsPeerId& pid, const RsPgpFingerprint& fpr, const std::map<RsPeerId, RsFriendServer::PeerFriendshipLevel> &friended_peers);
// removes a single peer from all lists.
void removePeer(const RsPeerId& peer_id);
// Adds the incoming peer data to the list of current clients and returns the
std::map<RsPeerId,PeerInfo>::iterator handleIncomingClientData(const std::string& pgp_public_key_b64,const std::string& short_invite_b64);
bool handleIncomingClientData(const std::string& pgp_public_key_b64, const std::string& short_invite_b64, RsPeerId &pid);
// Computes the appropriate list of short invites to send to a given peer.
std::map<std::string, bool> computeListOfFriendInvites(uint32_t nb_reqs_invites, const std::set<RsPeerId> &already_received_peers, const RsPeerId &pid, std::map<RsPeerId,RsPgpFingerprint>& friends);
std::map<std::string,RsFriendServer::PeerFriendshipLevel> computeListOfFriendInvites(const RsPeerId &pid, uint32_t nb_reqs_invites,
const std::map<RsPeerId,RsFriendServer::PeerFriendshipLevel>& already_known_peers,
std::set<RsPeerId>& chosen_peers) const;
// Compute the distance between peers using the random bias (It's not really a distance though. I'm not sure about the triangular inequality).
PeerInfo::PeerDistance computePeerDistance(const RsPgpFingerprint &p1, const RsPgpFingerprint &p2);
@ -37,6 +37,11 @@
#define ICON_STATUS_UNKNOWN ":/images/ledoff1.png"
#define ICON_STATUS_OK ":/images/ledon1.png"
#define NAME_COLUMN 0
#define NODE_COLUMN 1
#define ADDR_COLUMN 2
#define STAT_COLUMN 3
/** Constructor */
FriendServerControl::FriendServerControl(QWidget *parent)
: MainPage(parent)
@ -71,6 +76,8 @@ FriendServerControl::FriendServerControl(QWidget *parent)
mConnectionCheckTimer = new QTimer;
// init values
@ -83,18 +90,51 @@ FriendServerControl::FriendServerControl(QWidget *parent)
QObject::connect(torServerAddress_LE,SIGNAL(textEdited(const QString&)),this,SLOT(onOnionAddressEdit(const QString&)));
mCheckingServerMovie = new QMovie(":/images/loader/circleball-16.gif");
mEventHandlerId = 0;
rsEvents->registerEventsHandler( [this](std::shared_ptr<const RsEvent> event)
RsQThreadUtils::postToObject([=](){ handleEvent_main_thread(event); }, this );
}, mEventHandlerId, RsEventType::FRIEND_SERVER );
void FriendServerControl::onAutoAddFriends(bool b)
void FriendServerControl::handleEvent_main_thread(std::shared_ptr<const RsEvent> event)
if(event->mType != RsEventType::FRIEND_SERVER) return;
const RsFriendServerEvent *fe = dynamic_cast<const RsFriendServerEvent*>(event.get());
case RsFriendServerEventCode::PEER_INFO_CHANGED: updateContactsStatus();
case RsFriendServerEventCode::UNKNOWN: break;
delete mCheckingServerMovie;
delete mConnectionCheckTimer;
void FriendServerControl::onOnOffClick(bool b)
@ -193,6 +233,7 @@ void FriendServerControl::updateFriendServerStatusIcon(bool ok)
serverStatusCheckResult_LB->setToolTip(tr("Friend server is currently reachable.")) ;
@ -201,8 +242,56 @@ void FriendServerControl::updateFriendServerStatusIcon(bool ok)
void FriendServerControl::updateContactsStatus()
std::map<RsPeerId,RsFriendServer::RsFsPeerInfo> pinfo = rsFriendServer->getPeersInfo();
int row = 0;
status_TW->setHorizontalHeaderItem(NAME_COLUMN,new QTableWidgetItem(QObject::tr("Name")));
status_TW->setHorizontalHeaderItem(NODE_COLUMN,new QTableWidgetItem(QObject::tr("Node")));
status_TW->setHorizontalHeaderItem(ADDR_COLUMN,new QTableWidgetItem(QObject::tr("Address")));
status_TW->setHorizontalHeaderItem(STAT_COLUMN,new QTableWidgetItem(QObject::tr("Status")));
for(auto it:pinfo)
uint32_t err_code=0;
RsPeerDetails details;
status_TW->setItem(row,NAME_COLUMN,new QTableWidgetItem(QString::fromStdString(details.name)));
status_TW->setItem(row,NODE_COLUMN,new QTableWidgetItem(QString::fromStdString(details.id.toStdString())));
status_TW->setItem(row,ADDR_COLUMN,new QTableWidgetItem(QString::fromStdString(details.hiddenNodeAddress)+":"+QString::number(details.hiddenNodePort)));
QString status_string;
status_string += QString("Friend");
status_string += QString("Not friend");
status_string += QString(" / ");
case RsFriendServer::PeerFriendshipLevel::NO_KEY: status_string += "Doesn't have my key" ; break;
case RsFriendServer::PeerFriendshipLevel::HAS_KEY: status_string += "Has my key" ; break;
case RsFriendServer::PeerFriendshipLevel::HAS_ACCEPTED_KEY: status_string += "Has friended me" ; break;
case RsFriendServer::PeerFriendshipLevel::UNKNOWN: status_string += "Unkn" ; break;
status_TW->setItem(row,STAT_COLUMN,new QTableWidgetItem(status_string));
@ -22,6 +22,8 @@
#include <QGraphicsScene>
#include "retroshare/rsevents.h"
#include "retroshare-gui/mainpage.h"
#include "ui_FriendServerControl.h"
@ -39,11 +41,16 @@ protected slots:
void onOnionPortEdit(int);
void onNbFriendsToRequestsChanged(int n);
void checkServerAddress();
void onAutoAddFriends(bool b);
void updateContactsStatus();
void updateFriendServerStatusIcon(bool ok);
void handleEvent_main_thread(std::shared_ptr<const RsEvent> event);
QTimer *mConnectionCheckTimer;
QMovie *mCheckingServerMovie;
bool mCurrentlyCheckingServerAddress;
RsEventsHandlerId_t mEventHandlerId;
@ -81,7 +81,7 @@
<property name="icon">
<iconset resource="images.qrc">
<iconset resource="icons.qrc">
<property name="checkable">
@ -179,9 +179,43 @@
<widget class="QCheckBox" name="autoAccept_CB">
<property name="toolTip">
<string>Auto accept received certificates as friends</string>
<property name="text">
<widget class="QTableWidget" name="status_TW">
<property name="text">
<property name="text">
<string>Node ID</string>
<property name="text">
<property name="text">
<spacer name="verticalSpacer">
<property name="orientation">
@ -198,7 +232,7 @@
<include location="images.qrc"/>
<include location="icons.qrc"/>
Reference in New Issue
Block a user