Merge pull request #568 from csoler/v0.6-FileListsOptim

fixed problems with negative time shifts in DirDetails causing multip…
This commit is contained in:
Cyril Soler 2016-11-14 22:03:47 +01:00 committed by GitHub
commit aeb683479b
9 changed files with 56 additions and 40 deletions

View File

@ -206,8 +206,6 @@ bool DirectoryStorage::extractData(const EntryIndex& indx,DirDetails& d)
RS_STACK_MUTEX(mDirStorageMtx) ;
d.children.clear() ;
time_t now = time(NULL) ;
uint32_t type = mFileHierarchy->getType(indx) ;
d.ref = (void*)(intptr_t)indx ;
@ -241,8 +239,8 @@ bool DirectoryStorage::extractData(const EntryIndex& indx,DirDetails& d)
d.type = DIR_TYPE_DIR;
d.hash.clear() ;
d.count = dir_entry->subdirs.size() + dir_entry->subfiles.size();
d.min_age = now - dir_entry->dir_most_recent_time ;
d.age = now - dir_entry->dir_modtime ;
d.max_mtime = dir_entry->dir_most_recent_time ;
d.mtime = dir_entry->dir_modtime ; = dir_entry->dir_name;
d.path = RsDirUtil::makePath(dir_entry->dir_parent_path, dir_entry->dir_name) ;
d.parent = (void*)(intptr_t)dir_entry->parent_index ;
@ -259,10 +257,10 @@ bool DirectoryStorage::extractData(const EntryIndex& indx,DirDetails& d)
d.type = DIR_TYPE_FILE;
d.count = file_entry->file_size;
d.min_age = now - file_entry->file_modtime ;
d.max_mtime = file_entry->file_modtime ; = file_entry->file_name;
d.hash = file_entry->file_hash;
d.age = now - file_entry->file_modtime;
d.mtime = file_entry->file_modtime;
d.parent = (void*)(intptr_t)file_entry->parent_index ;
const InternalFileHierarchyStorage::DirEntry *parent_dir_entry = mFileHierarchy->getDirEntry(file_entry->parent_index);

View File

@ -733,9 +733,9 @@ int p3FileDatabase::RequestDirDetails(void *ref, DirDetails& d, FileSearchFlags = "root";
d.hash.clear() ;
d.path = "";
d.age = 0;
d.mtime = 0;
d.flags.clear() ;
d.min_age = 0 ;
d.max_mtime = 0 ;
@ -1054,7 +1054,7 @@ int p3FileDatabase::filterResults(const std::list<EntryIndex>& firesults,std::li
P3FILELISTS_ERROR() << "(EE) Cannot get dir details for entry " << (void*)(intptr_t)*rit << std::endl;
continue ;
P3FILELISTS_DEBUG() << "Filtering candidate " << (void*)(intptr_t)(*rit) << ", flags=" << cdetails.flags << ", peer=" << peer_id ;
@ -1066,11 +1066,11 @@ int p3FileDatabase::filterResults(const std::list<EntryIndex>& firesults,std::li
{ ;
std::cerr << ": kept" << std::endl ;
std::cerr << ": discarded" << std::endl ;

View File

@ -239,9 +239,9 @@ public:
RsFileHash hash;
std::string path; // full path of the parent directory, when it is a file; full path of the dir otherwise.
uint64_t count;
uint32_t age;
uint32_t mtime; // file/directory modification time, according to what the system reports
FileStorageFlags flags;
uint32_t min_age ; // minimum age of files in this subtree
uint32_t max_mtime ; // maximum modification time of the whole hierarchy below.
std::vector<DirStub> children;
std::list<RsNodeGroupId> parent_groups; // parent groups for the shared directory

View File

@ -56,8 +56,8 @@ std::ostream &operator<<(std::ostream &out, const DirDetails& d)
std::cerr << " Hash : " << d.hash << std::endl;
std::cerr << " Path : " << d.path << std::endl;
std::cerr << " Count : " << d.count << std::endl;
std::cerr << " Age : " << d.age << std::endl;
std::cerr << " Min age : " << d.min_age << std::endl;
std::cerr << " Age : " << time(NULL) - (int)d.mtime << std::endl;
std::cerr << " Min age : " << time(NULL) - (int)d.max_mtime << std::endl;
std::cerr << " Flags : " << d.flags << std::endl;
std::cerr << " Parent groups : " ; for(std::list<RsNodeGroupId>::const_iterator it(d.parent_groups.begin());it!=d.parent_groups.end();++it) std::cerr << (*it) << " "; std::cerr << std::endl;
std::cerr << " Children : " ; for(uint32_t i=0;i<d.children.size();++i) std::cerr << (void*)(intptr_t)d.children[i].ref << " "; std::cerr << std::endl;

View File

@ -968,8 +968,8 @@ void SearchDialog::insertDirectory(const QString &txt, qulonglong searchId, cons
child->setText(SR_HASH_COL, QString::fromStdString(dir.hash.toStdString()));
child->setText(SR_SIZE_COL, QString::number(dir.count));
child->setData(SR_SIZE_COL, ROLE_SORT, (qulonglong) dir.count);
child->setText(SR_AGE_COL, QString::number(dir.age));
child->setData(SR_AGE_COL, ROLE_SORT, dir.age);
child->setText(SR_AGE_COL, QString::number(dir.mtime));
child->setData(SR_AGE_COL, ROLE_SORT, dir.mtime);
child->setTextAlignment( SR_SIZE_COL, Qt::AlignRight );
child->setText(SR_SOURCES_COL, QString::number(1));
@ -994,8 +994,8 @@ void SearchDialog::insertDirectory(const QString &txt, qulonglong searchId, cons
child->setText(SR_HASH_COL, QString::fromStdString(dir.hash.toStdString()));
child->setText(SR_SIZE_COL, QString::number(dir.count));
child->setData(SR_SIZE_COL, ROLE_SORT, (qulonglong) dir.count);
child->setText(SR_AGE_COL, QString::number(dir.age));
child->setData(SR_AGE_COL, ROLE_SORT, dir.age);
child->setText(SR_AGE_COL, QString::number(dir.mtime));
child->setData(SR_AGE_COL, ROLE_SORT, dir.mtime);
child->setTextAlignment( SR_SIZE_COL, Qt::AlignRight );
child->setText(SR_SOURCES_COL, QString::number(1));
child->setData(SR_SOURCES_COL, ROLE_SORT, 1);
@ -1063,8 +1063,8 @@ void SearchDialog::insertDirectory(const QString &txt, qulonglong searchId, cons
child->setText(SR_HASH_COL, QString::fromStdString(dir.hash.toStdString()));
child->setText(SR_SIZE_COL, QString::number(dir.count));
child->setData(SR_SIZE_COL, ROLE_SORT, (qulonglong) dir.count);
child->setText(SR_AGE_COL, QString::number(dir.min_age));
child->setData(SR_AGE_COL, ROLE_SORT, dir.min_age);
child->setText(SR_AGE_COL, QString::number(dir.max_mtime));
child->setData(SR_AGE_COL, ROLE_SORT, dir.max_mtime);
child->setTextAlignment( SR_SIZE_COL, Qt::AlignRight );
child->setText(SR_SOURCES_COL, QString::number(1));
child->setData(SR_SOURCES_COL, ROLE_SORT, 1);
@ -1320,7 +1320,7 @@ void SearchDialog::resultsToTree(const QString& txt,qulonglong searchId, const s
fd.hash = it->hash;
fd.path = it->path;
fd.size = it->count;
fd.age = it->age;
fd.age = it->mtime;
fd.rank = 0;
insertFile(searchId,fd, FRIEND_SEARCH);

View File

@ -93,7 +93,7 @@ class RSHumanReadableAgeDelegate: public RSHumanReadableDelegate
QStyleOptionViewItem opt(option) ;
setPainterOptions(painter,opt,index) ;
painter->drawText(opt.rect, Qt::AlignCenter, misc::userFriendlyDuration( ;
painter->drawText(opt.rect, Qt::AlignCenter, misc::timeRelativeToNow( ;

View File

@ -68,9 +68,9 @@ Qt::DropActions RetroshareDirModel::supportedDragActions() const
static bool isNewerThanEpoque(uint32_t age)
static bool isNewerThanEpoque(uint32_t ts)
return age < time(NULL) - 1000 ; // this should be conservative enough
return ts > 0 ; // this should be conservative enough
void FlatStyle_RDM::update()
@ -251,12 +251,13 @@ QString RetroshareDirModel::getGroupsString(FileStorageFlags flags,const std::li
return groups_str ;
QString RetroshareDirModel::getAgeIndicatorString(const DirDetails &details) const
QString ret("");
QString nind = tr("NEW");
// QString oind = tr("OLD");
uint32_t age = details.min_age;
int32_t age = time(NULL) - details.max_mtime;
switch (ageIndicator) {
@ -334,7 +335,9 @@ QVariant RetroshareDirModel::decorationRole(const DirDetails& details,int coln)
if (details.type == DIR_TYPE_PERSON)
if(details.min_age > ageIndicator)
time_t now = time(NULL) ;
if(ageIndicator != IND_ALWAYS && now > details.max_mtime + ageIndicator)
return QIcon(":/images/folder_grey.png");
else if (ageIndicator == IND_LAST_DAY )
return QIcon(":/images/folder_green.png");
@ -347,7 +350,9 @@ QVariant RetroshareDirModel::decorationRole(const DirDetails& details,int coln)
else if (details.type == DIR_TYPE_DIR)
if(details.min_age > ageIndicator)
time_t now = time(NULL) ;
if(ageIndicator != IND_ALWAYS && now > details.max_mtime + ageIndicator)
return QIcon(":/images/folder_grey.png");
else if (ageIndicator == IND_LAST_DAY )
return QIcon(":/images/folder_green.png");
@ -408,10 +413,11 @@ QVariant TreeStyle_RDM::displayRole(const DirDetails& details,int coln) const
case 1:
return QString() ;
case 2: if(!isNewerThanEpoque(details.min_age))
case 2: if(!isNewerThanEpoque(details.max_mtime))
return QString();
return misc::userFriendlyDuration(details.min_age);
return misc::timeRelativeToNow(details.max_mtime);
return QString() ;
@ -425,7 +431,7 @@ QVariant TreeStyle_RDM::displayRole(const DirDetails& details,int coln) const
case 1:
return misc::friendlyUnit(details.count);
case 2:
return misc::userFriendlyDuration(details.min_age);
return misc::timeRelativeToNow(details.max_mtime);
case 3:
return QVariant();
case 4:
@ -449,7 +455,7 @@ QVariant TreeStyle_RDM::displayRole(const DirDetails& details,int coln) const
return QString::number(details.count) + " " + tr("File");
case 2:
return misc::userFriendlyDuration(details.min_age);
return misc::timeRelativeToNow(details.max_mtime);
case 3:
return QVariant();
case 4:
@ -493,7 +499,7 @@ QVariant FlatStyle_RDM::displayRole(const DirDetails& details,int coln) const
case 0: return QString::fromUtf8(;
case 1: return misc::friendlyUnit(details.count);
case 2: return misc::userFriendlyDuration(details.min_age);
case 2: return misc::timeRelativeToNow(details.max_mtime);
case 3: return QString::fromUtf8(rsPeers->getPeerName(;
case 4: return computeDirectoryPath(details);
@ -519,7 +525,7 @@ QVariant TreeStyle_RDM::sortRole(const QModelIndex& /*index*/,const DirDetails&
case 1:
return QString();
case 2:
return details.min_age;
return details.max_mtime;
return QString();
@ -533,7 +539,7 @@ QVariant TreeStyle_RDM::sortRole(const QModelIndex& /*index*/,const DirDetails&
case 1:
return (qulonglong) details.count;
case 2:
return details.min_age;
return details.max_mtime;
case 3:
return getFlagsString(details.flags);
case 4:
@ -556,7 +562,7 @@ QVariant TreeStyle_RDM::sortRole(const QModelIndex& /*index*/,const DirDetails&
case 1:
return (qulonglong) details.count;
case 2:
return details.min_age;
return details.max_mtime;
case 3:
return getFlagsString(details.flags);
@ -579,7 +585,7 @@ QVariant FlatStyle_RDM::sortRole(const QModelIndex& /*index*/,const DirDetails&
case 0: return QString::fromUtf8(;
case 1: return (qulonglong) details.count;
case 2: return details.min_age;
case 2: return details.max_mtime;
case 3: return QString::fromUtf8(rsPeers->getPeerName(;
case 4: {
@ -620,7 +626,7 @@ QVariant RetroshareDirModel::data(const QModelIndex &index, int role) const
if(details.type == DIR_TYPE_FILE && details.hash.isNull())
return QVariant(QColor(Qt::green)) ;
else if(details.min_age > ageIndicator)
else if(ageIndicator != IND_ALWAYS && details.max_mtime + ageIndicator < time(NULL))
return QVariant(QColor(Qt::gray)) ;
else if(RemoteMode)
@ -645,7 +651,7 @@ QVariant RetroshareDirModel::data(const QModelIndex &index, int role) const
return decorationRole(details,coln) ;
if(role == Qt::ToolTipRole)
return tr("This node hasn't sent any directory information yet.") ;
@ -921,7 +927,7 @@ Qt::ItemFlags RetroshareDirModel::flags( const QModelIndex & index ) const
// we grey out a person that has never been updated. It's easy to spot these, since the min age of the directory is approx equal to time(NULL), which exceeds 40 years.
case DIR_TYPE_PERSON:return isNewerThanEpoque(details.min_age)? (Qt::ItemIsEnabled):(Qt::NoItemFlags) ;
case DIR_TYPE_PERSON:return isNewerThanEpoque(details.max_mtime)? (Qt::ItemIsEnabled):(Qt::NoItemFlags) ;
case DIR_TYPE_DIR: return Qt::ItemIsSelectable | Qt::ItemIsEnabled;
case DIR_TYPE_FILE: return Qt::ItemIsSelectable | Qt::ItemIsDragEnabled | Qt::ItemIsEnabled;

View File

@ -206,6 +206,15 @@ QString misc::userFriendlyDuration(qlonglong seconds)
return tr("%1y %2d", "e.g: 2 years 2days ").arg(years).arg(days);
QString misc::timeRelativeToNow(uint32_t mtime)
time_t now = time(NULL) ;
if(mtime > now)
return misc::userFriendlyDuration(mtime - (int)now) + " (ahead of now)";
return misc::userFriendlyDuration(now - (int)mtime) ;
QString misc::userFriendlyUnit(double count, unsigned int decimal, double factor)
if (count <= 0.0) {

View File

@ -152,6 +152,9 @@ class misc : public QObject
// time duration like "1d 2h 10m".
static QString userFriendlyDuration(qlonglong seconds);
// Computes the time shift between now and the given time, and prints it in a friendly way, accounting for possible negative shifts (time from the future!)
static QString timeRelativeToNow(uint32_t mtime);
static QString userFriendlyUnit(double count, unsigned int decimal, double factor = 1000);
static QString removeNewLine(const QString &text);