Got group retrieval working with gui and fixed subsequent bugs

add p3distribsecurity mirror gxssecurity (does not have grp or msg verification implemented, but other methods are valid)

git-svn-id: b45a01b8-16f6-495d-af2f-9b41ad6348cc
This commit is contained in:
chrisparker126 2012-08-12 20:46:21 +00:00
parent 148d1310a2
commit acaefada65
12 changed files with 1166 additions and 762 deletions

View File

@ -0,0 +1,280 @@
* libretroshare/src/distrib:
* Copyright 2008-2010 by Robert Fernie
* 2011 Christopher Evi-Parker
* This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public
* License Version 2 as published by the Free Software Foundation.
* This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* Library General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public
* License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307
* USA.
* Please report all bugs and problems to "".
#include "gxssecurity.h"
#include "pqi/authgpg.h"
#include "retroshare/rspeers.h"
RSA *GxsSecurity::extractPublicKey(RsTlvSecurityKey& key)
const unsigned char *keyptr = (const unsigned char *) key.keyData.bin_data;
long keylen = key.keyData.bin_len;
/* extract admin key */
RSA *rsakey = d2i_RSAPublicKey(NULL, &(keyptr), keylen);
return rsakey;
bool GxsSecurity::validateNxsMsg(RsNxsMsg *msg)
return false;
std::string GxsSecurity::getBinDataSign(void *data, int len)
unsigned char *tmp = (unsigned char *) data;
// copy first CERTSIGNLEN bytes...
if (len > CERTSIGNLEN)
std::string id;
for(uint32_t i = 0; i < CERTSIGNLEN; i++)
rs_sprintf_append(id, "%02x", (uint16_t) (((uint8_t *) (tmp))[i]));
return id;
bool GxsSecurity::encrypt(void *& out, int & outlen, const void *in, int inlen, EVP_PKEY *privateKey)
std::cerr << "GxsSecurity::encrypt() " << std::endl;
RSA *rsa_publish_pub = NULL;
EVP_PKEY *public_key = NULL;
RSA* rsa_publish = EVP_PKEY_get1_RSA(privateKey);
rsa_publish_pub = RSAPublicKey_dup(rsa_publish);
if(rsa_publish_pub != NULL){
public_key = EVP_PKEY_new();
EVP_PKEY_assign_RSA(public_key, rsa_publish_pub);
std::cerr << "GxsSecurity(): Could not generate publish key " << grpId
<< std::endl;
return false;
int eklen, net_ekl;
unsigned char *ek;
unsigned char iv[EVP_MAX_IV_LENGTH];
int out_currOffset = 0;
int out_offset = 0;
int max_evp_key_size = EVP_PKEY_size(public_key);
ek = (unsigned char*)malloc(max_evp_key_size);
const EVP_CIPHER *cipher = EVP_aes_128_cbc();
int cipher_block_size = EVP_CIPHER_block_size(cipher);
int size_net_ekl = sizeof(net_ekl);
int max_outlen = inlen + cipher_block_size + EVP_MAX_IV_LENGTH + max_evp_key_size + size_net_ekl;
// intialize context and send store encrypted cipher in ek
if(!EVP_SealInit(&ctx, EVP_aes_128_cbc(), &ek, &eklen, iv, &public_key, 1)) return false;
// now assign memory to out accounting for data, and cipher block size, key length, and key length val
out = new unsigned char[inlen + cipher_block_size + size_net_ekl + eklen + EVP_MAX_IV_LENGTH];
net_ekl = htonl(eklen);
memcpy((unsigned char*)out + out_offset, &net_ekl, size_net_ekl);
out_offset += size_net_ekl;
memcpy((unsigned char*)out + out_offset, ek, eklen);
out_offset += eklen;
memcpy((unsigned char*)out + out_offset, iv, EVP_MAX_IV_LENGTH);
out_offset += EVP_MAX_IV_LENGTH;
// now encrypt actual data
if(!EVP_SealUpdate(&ctx, (unsigned char*) out + out_offset, &out_currOffset, (unsigned char*) in, inlen)) return false;
// move along to partial block space
out_offset += out_currOffset;
// add padding
if(!EVP_SealFinal(&ctx, (unsigned char*) out + out_offset, &out_currOffset)) return false;
// move to end
out_offset += out_currOffset;
// make sure offset has not gone passed valid memory bounds
if(out_offset > max_outlen) return false;
// free encrypted key data
outlen = out_offset;
return true;
delete[] ek;
std::cerr << "GxsSecurity::encrypt() finished with outlen : " << outlen << std::endl;
return true;
bool GxsSecurity::decrypt(void *& out, int & outlen, const void *in, int inlen, EVP_PKEY *privateKey)
std::cerr << "GxsSecurity::decrypt() " << std::endl;
int eklen = 0, net_ekl = 0;
unsigned char *ek = NULL;
unsigned char iv[EVP_MAX_IV_LENGTH];
ek = (unsigned char*)malloc(EVP_PKEY_size(privateKey));
int in_offset = 0, out_currOffset = 0;
int size_net_ekl = sizeof(net_ekl);
memcpy(&net_ekl, (unsigned char*)in, size_net_ekl);
eklen = ntohl(net_ekl);
in_offset += size_net_ekl;
memcpy(ek, (unsigned char*)in + in_offset, eklen);
in_offset += eklen;
memcpy(iv, (unsigned char*)in + in_offset, EVP_MAX_IV_LENGTH);
in_offset += EVP_MAX_IV_LENGTH;
const EVP_CIPHER* cipher = EVP_aes_128_cbc();
if(!EVP_OpenInit(&ctx, cipher, ek, eklen, iv, privateKey)) return false;
out = new unsigned char[inlen - in_offset];
if(!EVP_OpenUpdate(&ctx, (unsigned char*) out, &out_currOffset, (unsigned char*)in + in_offset, inlen - in_offset)) return false;
in_offset += out_currOffset;
outlen += out_currOffset;
if(!EVP_OpenFinal(&ctx, (unsigned char*)out + out_currOffset, &out_currOffset)) return false;
outlen += out_currOffset;
return true;
std::string GxsSecurity::getRsaKeySign(RSA *pubkey)
int len = BN_num_bytes(pubkey -> n);
unsigned char tmp[len];
BN_bn2bin(pubkey -> n, tmp);
// copy first CERTSIGNLEN bytes...
if (len > CERTSIGNLEN)
std::string id;
for(uint32_t i = 0; i < CERTSIGNLEN; i++)
rs_sprintf_append(id, "%02x", (uint16_t) (((uint8_t *) (tmp))[i]));
return id;
bool GxsSecurity::validateNxsGrp(RsNxsGrp *newGrp)
void GxsSecurity::setRSAPublicKey(RsTlvSecurityKey & key, RSA *rsa_pub)
unsigned char data[10240]; /* more than enough space */
unsigned char *ptr = data;
int reqspace = i2d_RSAPublicKey(rsa_pub, &ptr);
key.keyData.setBinData(data, reqspace);
std::string keyId = getRsaKeySign(rsa_pub);
key.keyId = keyId;
void GxsSecurity::setRSAPrivateKey(RsTlvSecurityKey & key, RSA *rsa_priv)
unsigned char data[10240]; /* more than enough space */
unsigned char *ptr = data;
int reqspace = i2d_RSAPrivateKey(rsa_priv, &ptr);
key.keyData.setBinData(data, reqspace);
std::string keyId = getRsaKeySign(rsa_priv);
key.keyId = keyId;
RSA *GxsSecurity::extractPrivateKey(RsTlvSecurityKey & key)
const unsigned char *keyptr = (const unsigned char *) key.keyData.bin_data;
long keylen = key.keyData.bin_len;
/* extract admin key */
RSA *rsakey = d2i_RSAPrivateKey(NULL, &(keyptr), keylen);
return rsakey;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,132 @@
* libretroshare/src/gxs: gxssecurity
* Security functions for Gxs
* Copyright 2008-2010 by Robert Fernie
* 2012 Christopher Evi-Parker
* This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public
* License Version 2 as published by the Free Software Foundation.
* This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* Library General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public
* License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307
* USA.
* Please report all bugs and problems to "".
#include "serialiser/rstlvkeys.h"
#include "serialiser/rsnxsitems.h"
#include <openssl/ssl.h>
#include <openssl/evp.h>
* This contains functionality for performing security
* operations needed to validate data received in RsGenExchange
* Also has routine for creating security objects around msgs and groups
class GxsSecurity {
* extracts the public key from an RsTlvSecurityKey
* @param key RsTlvSecurityKey to extract public RSA key from
* @return pointer to the public RSA key if successful, null otherwise
static RSA *extractPublicKey(RsTlvSecurityKey &key);
* extracts the public key from an RsTlvSecurityKey
* @param key RsTlvSecurityKey to extract private RSA key from
* @return pointer to the private RSA key if successful, null otherwise
static RSA *extractPrivateKey(RsTlvSecurityKey &key);
* stores the rsa public key in a RsTlvSecurityKey
* @param key RsTlvSecurityKey to store the public rsa key in
* @param rsa_pub
static void setRSAPublicKey(RsTlvSecurityKey &key, RSA *rsa_pub);
* stores the rsa private key in a RsTlvSecurityKey
* @param key stores the rsa private key in a RsTlvSecurityKey
* @param rsa_priv the rsa private key to store
static void setRSAPrivateKey(RsTlvSecurityKey &key, RSA *rsa_priv);
* extracts signature from RSA key
* @param pubkey
* @return signature of RSA key in hex format
static std::string getRsaKeySign(RSA *pubkey);
* extracts the signature and stores it in a string
* in hex format
* @param data
* @param len
* @return
static std::string getBinDataSign(void *data, int len);
* Encrypts data using envelope encryption (taken from open ssl's evp_sealinit )
* only full publish key holders can encrypt data for given group
*@param out
*@param outlen
*@param in
*@param inlen
static bool encrypt(void *&out, int &outlen, const void *in, int inlen, EVP_PKEY *privateKey);
* Decrypts data using evelope decryption (taken from open ssl's evp_sealinit )
* only full publish key holders can decrypt data for a group
* @param out where decrypted data is written to
* @param outlen
* @param in
* @param inlen
* @return false if encryption failed
static bool decrypt(void *&out, int &outlen, const void *in, int inlen, EVP_PKEY *privateKey);
* uses grp signature to check if group has been
* tampered with
* @param newGrp
* @return true if group valid false otherwise
static bool validateNxsGrp(RsNxsGrp *newGrp);
* uses groupinfo public key to verify signature of signed message
* @param info groupinfo for which msg is meant for
* @param msg
* @return false if verfication of signature is not passed
static bool validateNxsMsg(RsNxsMsg *msg);

View File

@ -24,7 +24,13 @@
#include <openssl/err.h>
#include <openssl/ssl.h>
#include <openssl/evp.h>
#include <openssl/rand.h>
#include "rsgenexchange.h"
#include "gxssecurity.h"
RsGenExchange::RsGenExchange(RsGeneralDataService *gds,
RsNetworkExchangeService *ns, RsSerialType *serviceSerialiser, uint16_t servType)
@ -62,6 +68,30 @@ void RsGenExchange::tick()
void RsGenExchange::createGroup(RsNxsGrp *grp)
/* create Keys */
RSA *rsa_admin = RSA_generate_key(2048, 65537, NULL, NULL);
RSA *rsa_admin_pub = RSAPublicKey_dup(rsa_admin);
/* set keys */
RsTlvSecurityKey adminKey;
GxsSecurity::setRSAPublicKey(adminKey, rsa_admin_pub);
adminKey.startTS = time(NULL);
adminKey.endTS = 0; /* no end */
RsGxsGrpMetaData* meta = grp->metaData;
meta->keys.keys[adminKey.keyId] = adminKey;
meta->mGroupId = adminKey.keyId;
grp->grpId = meta->mGroupId;
// free the private key for now, as it is not in use
bool RsGenExchange::getGroupList(const uint32_t &token, std::list<RsGxsGroupId> &groupIds)
@ -125,7 +155,7 @@ bool RsGenExchange::getMsgMeta(const uint32_t &token,
return ok;
bool RsGenExchange::getGroupData(const uint32_t &token, std::vector<RsGxsGrpItem *> grpItem)
bool RsGenExchange::getGroupData(const uint32_t &token, std::vector<RsGxsGrpItem *>& grpItem)
std::list<RsNxsGrp*> nxsGrps;
@ -294,13 +324,16 @@ void RsGenExchange::publishGrps()
char gData[size];
bool ok = mSerialiser->serialise(grpItem, gData, &size);
grp->grp.setBinData(gData, size);
grp->metaData = new RsGxsGrpMetaData();
*(grp->metaData) = grpItem->meta;
ok = mDataAccess->addGroupData(grp);
RsGxsGroupChange* gc = new RsGxsGroupChange();

View File

@ -143,7 +143,7 @@ protected:
* @param token token to be redeemed for grpitem retrieval
* @param grpItem the items to be retrieved for token are stored here
bool getGroupData(const uint32_t &token, std::vector<RsGxsGrpItem*> grpItem);
bool getGroupData(const uint32_t &token, std::vector<RsGxsGrpItem*>& grpItem);
* retrieves message data associated to a request token
@ -193,9 +193,7 @@ protected:
virtual void notifyChanges(std::vector<RsGxsNotify*>& changes) = 0;
void publishGrps();
void publishMsgs();
@ -205,6 +203,12 @@ private:
void processRecvdGroups();
void publishGrps();
void publishMsgs();
void createGroup(RsNxsGrp* grp);
RsMutex mGenMtx;

View File

@ -57,7 +57,7 @@
const uint8_t RsTokenServiceV2::GXS_REQUEST_STATUS_DONE = 5; // ONCE ALL DATA RETRIEVED.
RsGxsDataAccess::RsGxsDataAccess(RsGeneralDataService* ds)
: mDataStore(ds), mDataMutex("RsGxsDataAccess")
: mDataStore(ds), mDataMutex("RsGxsDataAccess"), mNextToken(0)
@ -217,6 +217,7 @@ void RsGxsDataAccess::storeRequest(GxsRequest* req)
RsStackMutex stack(mDataMutex); /****** LOCKED *****/
mRequests[req->token] = req;
@ -263,20 +264,22 @@ bool RsGxsDataAccess::clearRequest(const uint32_t& token)
bool RsGxsDataAccess::getGroupSummary(const uint32_t& token, std::list<RsGxsGrpMetaData*>& groupInfo)
GxsRequest* req = retrieveRequest(token);
RsStackMutex stack(mDataMutex);
GxsRequest* req = locked_retrieveRequest(token);
if(req == NULL){
std::cerr << "RsGxsDataAccess::getGroupSummary() Unable to retrieve group summary" << std::endl;
return false;
}else if(req->token == GXS_REQUEST_STATUS_COMPLETE){
}else if(req->status == GXS_REQUEST_STATUS_COMPLETE){
GroupMetaReq* gmreq = dynamic_cast<GroupMetaReq*>(req);
groupInfo = gmreq->mGroupMetaData;
updateRequestStatus(token, GXS_REQUEST_STATUS_DONE);
locked_updateRequestStatus(token, GXS_REQUEST_STATUS_DONE);
std::cerr << "RsGxsDataAccess::getGroupSummary() Req found, failed caste" << std::endl;
return false;
@ -291,21 +294,22 @@ bool RsGxsDataAccess::getGroupSummary(const uint32_t& token, std::list<RsGxsGrpM
bool RsGxsDataAccess::getGroupData(const uint32_t& token, std::list<RsNxsGrp*>& grpData)
RsStackMutex stack(mDataMutex);
GxsRequest* req = retrieveRequest(token);
GxsRequest* req = locked_retrieveRequest(token);
if(req == NULL){
std::cerr << "RsGxsDataAccess::getGroupData() Unable to retrieve group data" << std::endl;
return false;
}else if(req->token == GXS_REQUEST_STATUS_COMPLETE){
}else if(req->status == GXS_REQUEST_STATUS_COMPLETE){
GroupDataReq* gmreq = dynamic_cast<GroupDataReq*>(req);
grpData = gmreq->mGroupData;
updateRequestStatus(token, GXS_REQUEST_STATUS_DONE);
locked_updateRequestStatus(token, GXS_REQUEST_STATUS_DONE);
std::cerr << "RsGxsDataAccess::getGroupData() Req found, failed caste" << std::endl;
return false;
@ -320,20 +324,23 @@ bool RsGxsDataAccess::getGroupData(const uint32_t& token, std::list<RsNxsGrp*>&
bool RsGxsDataAccess::getMsgData(const uint32_t& token, NxsMsgDataResult& msgData)
GxsRequest* req = retrieveRequest(token);
RsStackMutex stack(mDataMutex);
GxsRequest* req = locked_retrieveRequest(token);
if(req == NULL){
std::cerr << "RsGxsDataAccess::getMsgData() Unable to retrieve group data" << std::endl;
return false;
}else if(req->token == GXS_REQUEST_STATUS_COMPLETE){
}else if(req->status == GXS_REQUEST_STATUS_COMPLETE){
MsgDataReq* mdreq = dynamic_cast<MsgDataReq*>(req);
msgData = mdreq->mMsgData;
updateRequestStatus(token, GXS_REQUEST_STATUS_DONE);
locked_updateRequestStatus(token, GXS_REQUEST_STATUS_DONE);
std::cerr << "RsGxsDataAccess::getMsgData() Req found, failed caste" << std::endl;
return false;
@ -348,20 +355,23 @@ bool RsGxsDataAccess::getMsgData(const uint32_t& token, NxsMsgDataResult& msgDat
bool RsGxsDataAccess::getMsgSummary(const uint32_t& token, GxsMsgMetaResult& msgInfo)
GxsRequest* req = retrieveRequest(token);
RsStackMutex stack(mDataMutex);
GxsRequest* req = locked_retrieveRequest(token);
if(req == NULL){
std::cerr << "RsGxsDataAccess::getMsgSummary() Unable to retrieve group data" << std::endl;
return false;
}else if(req->token == GXS_REQUEST_STATUS_COMPLETE){
}else if(req->status == GXS_REQUEST_STATUS_COMPLETE){
MsgMetaReq* mmreq = dynamic_cast<MsgMetaReq*>(req);
msgInfo = mmreq->mMsgMetaData;
updateRequestStatus(token, GXS_REQUEST_STATUS_DONE);
locked_updateRequestStatus(token, GXS_REQUEST_STATUS_DONE);
std::cerr << "RsGxsDataAccess::getMsgSummary() Req found, failed caste" << std::endl;
@ -377,20 +387,22 @@ bool RsGxsDataAccess::getMsgSummary(const uint32_t& token, GxsMsgMetaResult& msg
bool RsGxsDataAccess::getMsgList(const uint32_t& token, GxsMsgIdResult& msgIds)
GxsRequest* req = retrieveRequest(token);
RsStackMutex stack(mDataMutex);
GxsRequest* req = locked_retrieveRequest(token);
if(req == NULL){
std::cerr << "RsGxsDataAccess::getMsgList() Unable to retrieve group data" << std::endl;
return false;
}else if(req->token == GXS_REQUEST_STATUS_COMPLETE){
}else if(req->status == GXS_REQUEST_STATUS_COMPLETE){
MsgIdReq* mireq = dynamic_cast<MsgIdReq*>(req);
msgIds = mireq->mMsgIdResult;
updateRequestStatus(token, GXS_REQUEST_STATUS_DONE);
locked_updateRequestStatus(token, GXS_REQUEST_STATUS_DONE);
std::cerr << "RsGxsDataAccess::getMsgList() Req found, failed caste" << std::endl;
@ -406,21 +418,23 @@ bool RsGxsDataAccess::getMsgList(const uint32_t& token, GxsMsgIdResult& msgIds)
bool RsGxsDataAccess::getGroupList(const uint32_t& token, std::list<RsGxsGroupId>& groupIds)
GxsRequest* req = retrieveRequest(token);
RsStackMutex stack(mDataMutex);
GxsRequest* req = locked_retrieveRequest(token);
if(req == NULL){
std::cerr << "RsGxsDataAccess::getGroupList() Unable to retrieve group data,"
"\nRequest does not exist" << std::endl;
return false;
}else if(req->token == GXS_REQUEST_STATUS_COMPLETE){
}else if(req->status == GXS_REQUEST_STATUS_COMPLETE){
GroupIdReq* gireq = dynamic_cast<GroupIdReq*>(req);
groupIds = gireq->mGroupIdResult;
updateRequestStatus(token, GXS_REQUEST_STATUS_DONE);
locked_updateRequestStatus(token, GXS_REQUEST_STATUS_DONE);
std::cerr << "RsGxsDataAccess::getGroupList() Req found, failed caste" << std::endl;
@ -435,11 +449,9 @@ bool RsGxsDataAccess::getGroupList(const uint32_t& token, std::list<RsGxsGroupId
GxsRequest* RsGxsDataAccess::retrieveRequest(const uint32_t& token)
GxsRequest* RsGxsDataAccess::locked_retrieveRequest(const uint32_t& token)
RsStackMutex stack(mDataMutex);
if(mRequests.find(token) == mRequests.end()) return NULL;
GxsRequest* req = mRequests[token];
@ -528,7 +540,7 @@ void RsGxsDataAccess::processRequests()
std::cerr << std::endl;
else if (now - req->reqTime > MAX_REQUEST_AGE)
else if (false/*now - req->reqTime > MAX_REQUEST_AGE*/)
std::cerr << "RsGxsDataAccess::processrequests() Clearing Old Request Token: " << req->token;
std::cerr << std::endl;
@ -551,13 +563,13 @@ bool RsGxsDataAccess::getGroupData(GroupDataReq* req)
std::map<RsGxsGroupId, RsNxsGrp*> grpData;
mDataStore->retrieveNxsGrps(grpData, true, true);
bool ok = mDataStore->retrieveNxsGrps(grpData, true, true);
std::map<RsGxsGroupId, RsNxsGrp*>::iterator mit = grpData.begin();
for(; mit != grpData.end(); mit++)
return true;
return ok;
bool RsGxsDataAccess::getGroupSummary(GroupMetaReq* req)
@ -862,11 +874,11 @@ bool RsGxsDataAccess::checkRequestStatus(const uint32_t& token,
uint32_t& status, uint32_t& reqtype, uint32_t& anstype, time_t& ts)
GxsRequest* req = retrieveRequest(token);
RsStackMutex stack(mDataMutex);
GxsRequest* req = locked_retrieveRequest(token);
if(req == NULL)
return false;
anstype = req->ansType;
@ -911,12 +923,10 @@ void RsGxsDataAccess::tokenList(std::list<uint32_t>& tokens) {
bool RsGxsDataAccess::updateRequestStatus(const uint32_t& token,
bool RsGxsDataAccess::locked_updateRequestStatus(const uint32_t& token,
const uint32_t& status) {
RsStackMutex stack(mDataMutex);
GxsRequest* req = retrieveRequest(token);
GxsRequest* req = locked_retrieveRequest(token);
req->status = status;

View File

@ -191,7 +191,7 @@ private:
* @param token the value of the token for the request object handle wanted
* @return the request associated to this token
GxsRequest* retrieveRequest(const uint32_t& token);
GxsRequest* locked_retrieveRequest(const uint32_t& token);
* Add a gxs request to queue
@ -222,7 +222,7 @@ private:
* @param status the status to set
* @return
bool updateRequestStatus(const uint32_t &token, const uint32_t &status);
bool locked_updateRequestStatus(const uint32_t &token, const uint32_t &status);
* Use to query the status and other values of a given token

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

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@ -196,7 +196,7 @@ public:
RsTlvBinaryData grp; /// actual group data
* This should contains all the data
* This should contains all data
* which is not specific to the Gxs service data
RsTlvBinaryData meta;

View File

@ -13,12 +13,6 @@ bool p3PhotoServiceV2::updated()
bool changed = (!mGroupChange.empty() || !mMsgChange.empty());
std::list<RsGxsGroupId> gL;
std::map<RsGxsGroupId, std::vector<RsGxsMessageId> > msgs;
return changed;

View File

@ -331,12 +331,8 @@ void PhotoAddDialog::publishAlbum()
std::cerr << "PhotoAddDialog::publishAlbum() New Album Mode Submitting.....";
std::cerr << std::endl;
uint32_t token;
// tell tokenQueue to expect results from submission.
@ -408,7 +404,6 @@ void PhotoAddDialog::publishPhotos(std::string albumId)
std::cerr << "PhotoAddDialog::publishAlbum() Photo(" << i << ") ";
uint32_t token;
if (isNewPhoto)
std::cerr << "Is a New Photo";

View File

@ -145,7 +145,15 @@ void PhotoDialog::checkUpdate()
if (rsPhotoV2->updated())
std::list<std::string> grpIds;
GxsMsgIdResult res;
@ -427,15 +435,23 @@ void PhotoDialog::deletePhotoItem(PhotoItem *item, uint32_t type)
/**************************** Request / Response Filling of Data ************************/
void PhotoDialog::requestAlbumList()
void PhotoDialog::requestAlbumList(std::list<std::string>& ids)
std::list<std::string> ids;
RsTokReqOptionsV2 opts;
uint32_t token;
mPhotoQueue->requestGroupInfo(token, RS_TOKREQ_ANSTYPE_LIST, opts, ids, 0);
void PhotoDialog::requestPhotoList(GxsMsgReq& req)
RsTokReqOptionsV2 opts;
uint32_t token;
mPhotoQueue->requestMsgInfo(token, RS_TOKREQ_ANSTYPE_LIST, opts, req, 0);
void PhotoDialog::loadAlbumList(const uint32_t &token)
@ -461,6 +477,7 @@ void PhotoDialog::requestAlbumData(std::list<std::string> &ids)
RsTokReqOptionsV2 opts;
uint32_t token;
mPhotoQueue->requestGroupInfo(token, RS_TOKREQ_ANSTYPE_DATA, opts, ids, 0);

View File

@ -58,8 +58,9 @@ private slots:
/* Request Response Functions for loading data */
void requestAlbumList();
void requestAlbumList(std::list<std::string>& ids);
void requestAlbumData(std::list<std::string> &ids);
void requestPhotoList(GxsMsgReq &albumIds);
void requestPhotoList(const std::string &albumId);
void requestPhotoData(GxsMsgReq &photoIds);