mirror of
synced 2025-02-28 19:01:36 -05:00
improved explicit requests of missing GXS ids, also fixing situations where empty peers lists would wipe out pending peer lists
This commit is contained in:
@ -168,7 +168,7 @@ bool DistributedChatService::handleRecvChatLobbyMsgItem(RsChatMsgItem *ci)
if(it == _chat_lobbys.end())
std::cerr << "Chatlobby for id " << std::hex << item->lobby_id << " has no record. Dropping the msg." << std::dec << std::endl;
std::cerr << "Chatlobby for id " << std::hex << cli->lobby_id << " has no record. Dropping the msg." << std::dec << std::endl;
return false;
@ -2832,12 +2832,15 @@ void RsGenExchange::processRecvdMessages()
void RsGenExchange::processRecvdGroups()
NxsGrpPendValidVect::iterator vit = mReceivedGrps.begin();
std::cerr << "RsGenExchange::Processing received groups" << std::endl;
NxsGrpPendValidVect::iterator vit = mReceivedGrps.begin();
std::vector<RsGxsGroupId> existingGrpIds;
std::list<RsGxsGroupId> grpIds;
@ -96,7 +96,6 @@
* as these will be used very frequently.
typedef RsPeerId PeerId; // SHOULD BE REMOVED => RsPeerId (SSLID)
typedef PGPIdType RsPgpId;
/* Identity Interface for GXS Message Verification.
@ -150,7 +149,7 @@ public:
* @param keyref the KeyRef of the key being requested
* @return will
virtual bool requestKey(const RsGxsId &id, const std::list<PeerId> &peers) = 0;
virtual bool requestKey(const RsGxsId &id, const std::list<RsPeerId> &peers) = 0;
virtual bool requestPrivateKey(const RsGxsId &id) = 0;
@ -220,16 +220,16 @@
NXS_NET_DEBUG_3 publish key exchange
NXS_NET_DEBUG_4 vetting
NXS_NET_DEBUG_5 summary of transactions (useful to just know what comes in/out)
NXS_NET_DEBUG_6 group sync statistics (e.g. number of posts at nighbour nodes, etc)
NXS_NET_DEBUG_7 encryption/decryption of transactions
//#define NXS_NET_DEBUG_0 1
#define NXS_NET_DEBUG_0 1
//#define NXS_NET_DEBUG_1 1
//#define NXS_NET_DEBUG_2 1
//#define NXS_NET_DEBUG_3 1
//#define NXS_NET_DEBUG_4 1
//#define NXS_NET_DEBUG_5 1
#define NXS_NET_DEBUG_5 1
//#define NXS_NET_DEBUG_6 1
//#define NXS_NET_DEBUG_7 1
@ -266,8 +266,8 @@ static const uint32_t RS_NXS_ITEM_ENCRYPTION_STATUS_GXS_KEY_MISSING = 0x05 ;
|| defined(NXS_NET_DEBUG_4) || defined(NXS_NET_DEBUG_5) || defined(NXS_NET_DEBUG_6) || defined(NXS_NET_DEBUG_7)
static const RsPeerId peer_to_print = RsPeerId(std::string("")) ;
static const RsGxsGroupId group_id_to_print = RsGxsGroupId(std::string("87c769d3ffeafdc4433f557d50cdf2e8" )) ; // use this to allow to this group id only, or "" for all IDs
static const uint32_t service_to_print = 0x215 ; // use this to allow to this service id only, or 0 for all services
static const RsGxsGroupId group_id_to_print = RsGxsGroupId(std::string("30501fac090b65f5b9def169598b53ed" )) ; // use this to allow to this group id only, or "" for all IDs
static const uint32_t service_to_print = 0x211 ; // use this to allow to this service id only, or 0 for all services
// warning. Numbers should be SERVICE IDS (see serialiser/rsserviceids.h. E.g. 0x0215 for forums)
class nullstream: public std::ostream {};
@ -4610,7 +4610,13 @@ void RsGxsNetService::setSyncAge(uint32_t /* age */)
int RsGxsNetService::requestGrp(const std::list<RsGxsGroupId>& grpId, const RsPeerId& peerId)
mExplicitRequest[peerId].assign(grpId.begin(), grpId.end());
#ifdef NXS_NET_DEBUG_0
GXSNETDEBUG_P_(peerId) << "RsGxsNetService::requestGrp(): adding explicit group requests to peer " << peerId << std::endl;
for(std::list<RsGxsGroupId>::const_iterator it(grpId.begin());it!=grpId.end();++it)
GXSNETDEBUG_PG(peerId,*it) << " Group ID: " << *it << std::endl;
mExplicitRequest[peerId].assign(grpId.begin(), grpId.end());
return 1;
@ -4622,7 +4628,10 @@ void RsGxsNetService::processExplicitGroupRequests()
for(; cit != mExplicitRequest.end(); ++cit)
const RsPeerId& peerId = cit->first;
#ifdef NXS_NET_DEBUG_0
GXSNETDEBUG_P_(cit->first) << "RsGxsNetService::sending pending explicit group requests to peer " << cit->first << std::endl;
const RsPeerId& peerId = cit->first;
const std::list<RsGxsGroupId>& groupIdList = cit->second;
std::list<RsNxsItem*> grpSyncItems;
@ -4630,7 +4639,10 @@ void RsGxsNetService::processExplicitGroupRequests()
uint32_t transN = locked_getTransactionId();
for(; git != groupIdList.end(); ++git)
RsNxsSyncGrpItem* item = new RsNxsSyncGrpItem(mServType);
#ifdef NXS_NET_DEBUG_0
GXSNETDEBUG_PG(peerId,*git) << " group request for grp ID " << *git << " to peer " << peerId << std::endl;
RsNxsSyncGrpItem* item = new RsNxsSyncGrpItem(mServType);
item->grpId = *git;
item->flag = RsNxsSyncGrpItem::FLAG_REQUEST;
@ -1073,7 +1073,7 @@ bool p3GxsCircles::locked_processLoadingCacheEntry(RsGxsCircleCache& cache)
std::list<PeerId> peers;
std::list<RsPeerId> peers;
@ -50,6 +50,7 @@
* #define DEBUG_OPINION 1
#define DEBUG_IDS 1
#define ID_REQUEST_LIST 0x0001
#define ID_REQUEST_IDENTITY 0x0002
@ -700,16 +701,25 @@ bool p3IdService::havePrivateKey(const RsGxsId &id)
return mKeyCache.is_cached(id) ;
bool p3IdService::requestKey(const RsGxsId &id, const std::list<PeerId> &peers)
bool p3IdService::requestKey(const RsGxsId &id, const std::list<RsPeerId>& peers)
if (haveKey(id))
return true;
return true;
RsStackMutex stack(mIdMtx); /********** STACK LOCKED MTX ******/
std::map<RsGxsId,std::list<RsPeerId> >::iterator rit = mIdsNotPresent.find(id) ;
if(rit != mIdsNotPresent.end())
locked_mergeIdsToRequestFromNet(id,peers) ;
return true ;
std::cerr << "(EE) empty peer list in ID request from net. This is bound to fail!" << std::endl;
return cache_request_load(id, peers);
@ -725,6 +735,27 @@ bool p3IdService::isPendingNetworkRequest(const RsGxsId& gxsId)
return false;
void p3IdService::locked_mergeIdsToRequestFromNet(const RsGxsId& id,const std::list<RsPeerId>& peers)
// merge the two lists (I use a std::set to make it more efficient)
std::cerr << "p3IdService::requestKey(): merging list with existing pending request." << std::endl;
std::list<RsPeerId>& old_peers(mIdsNotPresent[id]) ; // create if necessary
std::set<RsPeerId> new_peers ;
for(std::list<RsPeerId>::const_iterator it(peers.begin());it!=peers.end();++it)
new_peers.insert(*it) ;
for(std::list<RsPeerId>::iterator it(old_peers.begin());it!=old_peers.end();++it)
new_peers.insert(*it) ;
for(std::set<RsPeerId>::iterator it(new_peers.begin());it!=new_peers.end();++it)
old_peers.push_back(*it) ;
bool p3IdService::getKey(const RsGxsId &id, RsTlvPublicRSAKey &key)
@ -918,7 +949,7 @@ bool p3IdService::haveReputation(const RsGxsId &id)
return haveKey(id);
bool p3IdService::loadReputation(const RsGxsId &id, const std::list<PeerId>& peers)
bool p3IdService::loadReputation(const RsGxsId &id, const std::list<RsPeerId>& peers)
if (haveKey(id))
return true;
@ -2010,11 +2041,10 @@ bool p3IdService::cache_store(const RsGxsIdGroupItem *item)
#define MIN_CYCLE_GAP 2
bool p3IdService::cache_request_load(const RsGxsId &id, const std::list<PeerId>& peers)
bool p3IdService::cache_request_load(const RsGxsId &id, const std::list<RsPeerId> &peers)
#ifdef DEBUG_IDS
std::cerr << "p3IdService::cache_request_load(" << id << ")";
std::cerr << std::endl;
std::cerr << "p3IdService::cache_request_load(" << id << ")" << std::endl;
#endif // DEBUG_IDS
@ -2130,11 +2160,14 @@ bool p3IdService::cache_load_for_token(uint32_t token)
// now store identities that aren't present
RsStackMutex stack(mIdMtx);
mIdsNotPresent.insert(mPendingCache.begin(), mPendingCache.end());
for(std::map<RsGxsId,std::list<RsPeerId> >::const_iterator itt(mPendingCache.begin());itt!=mPendingCache.end();++itt)
locked_mergeIdsToRequestFromNet(itt->first,itt->second) ;
@ -2150,46 +2183,69 @@ bool p3IdService::cache_load_for_token(uint32_t token)
void p3IdService::requestIdsFromNet()
RsStackMutex stack(mIdMtx);
RsStackMutex stack(mIdMtx);
std::map<RsGxsId, std::list<RsPeerId> >::const_iterator cit;
std::map<RsPeerId, std::list<RsGxsId> > requests;
std::cerr << "(WW) cannot request missing GXS IDs because network service is not present." << std::endl;
return ;
// transform to appropriate structure (<peer, std::list<RsGxsId> > map) to make request to nes
for(cit = mIdsNotPresent.begin(); cit != mIdsNotPresent.end(); ++cit)
std::map<RsGxsId, std::list<RsPeerId> >::iterator cit;
std::map<RsPeerId, std::list<RsGxsId> > requests;
// Transform to appropriate structure (<peer, std::list<RsGxsId> > map) to make request to nes per peer ID
// Only delete entries in mIdsNotPresent that can actually be performed.
for(cit = mIdsNotPresent.begin(); cit != mIdsNotPresent.end();)
#ifdef DEBUG_IDS
std::cerr << "p3IdService::requestIdsFromNet() Id not found, deferring for net request: ";
std::cerr << cit->first;
std::cerr << std::endl;
#endif // DEBUG_IDS
std::cerr << "p3IdService::requestIdsFromNet() Id not found, deferring for net request: " << cit->first << std::endl;
const std::list<RsPeerId>& peers = cit->second;
std::list<RsPeerId>::const_iterator cit2;
const std::list<RsPeerId>& peers = cit->second;
std::list<RsPeerId>::const_iterator cit2;
for(cit2 = peers.begin(); cit2 != peers.end(); ++cit2)
bool request_can_proceed = false ;
std::map<RsPeerId, std::list<RsGxsId> >::const_iterator cit2;
for(cit2 = requests.begin(); cit2 != requests.end(); ++cit2)
for(cit2 = peers.begin(); cit2 != peers.end(); ++cit2)
if(rsPeers->isOnline(*cit2)) // make sure that the peer in online, so that we know that the request has some chance to succeed.
std::list<RsGxsId>::const_iterator gxs_id_it = cit2->second.begin();
std::list<RsGxsGroupId> grpIds;
for(; gxs_id_it != cit2->second.end(); ++gxs_id_it)
mNes->requestGrp(grpIds, cit2->first);
request_can_proceed = true ;
#ifdef DEBUG_IDS
std::cerr << " will ask ID " << cit->first << " to peer ID " << *cit2 << std::endl;
std::map<RsGxsId, std::list<RsPeerId> >::iterator tmp(cit);
++tmp ;
mIdsNotPresent.erase(cit) ;
cit = tmp ;
std::cerr << "(EE) empty online peers list in ID request for groupId " << cit->first << ". This is not going to work! Keeping it until peers show up."<< std::endl;
++cit ;
for(std::map<RsPeerId, std::list<RsGxsId> >::const_iterator cit2(requests.begin()); cit2 != requests.end(); ++cit2)
std::list<RsGxsId>::const_iterator gxs_id_it = cit2->second.begin();
std::list<RsGxsGroupId> grpIds;
for(; gxs_id_it != cit2->second.end(); ++gxs_id_it)
#ifdef DEBUG_IDS
std::cerr << " asking ID " << *gxs_id_it << " to peer ID " << cit2->first << std::endl;
mNes->requestGrp(grpIds, cit2->first);
bool p3IdService::cache_update_if_cached(const RsGxsId &id, std::string serviceString)
@ -2373,7 +2429,7 @@ bool p3IdService::cachetest_handlerequest(uint32_t token)
/* try the cache! */
if (!haveKey(*vit))
std::list<PeerId> nullpeers;
std::list<RsPeerId> nullpeers;
requestKey(*vit, nullpeers);
#ifdef DEBUG_IDS
@ -2606,7 +2662,7 @@ RsGenExchange::ServiceCreate_Return p3IdService::service_CreateGroup(RsGxsGrpIte
// }
#ifdef DEBUG_IDS
std::cerr << "p3IdService::service_CreateGroup() for : " << item->mMeta.mGroupId;
std::cerr << "p3IdService::service_CreateGroup() for : " << item->meta.mGroupId;
std::cerr << std::endl;
std::cerr << "p3IdService::service_CreateGroup() Alt GroupId : " << item->meta.mGroupId;
std::cerr << std::endl;
@ -2653,7 +2709,7 @@ RsGenExchange::ServiceCreate_Return p3IdService::service_CreateGroup(RsGxsGrpIte
#ifdef DEBUG_IDS
std::cerr << "p3IdService::service_CreateGroup() Calculated PgpIdHash : " << item->group.mPgpIdHash;
std::cerr << "p3IdService::service_CreateGroup() Calculated PgpIdHash : " << item->mPgpIdHash;
std::cerr << std::endl;
#endif // DEBUG_IDS
@ -3015,7 +3071,7 @@ bool p3IdService::checkId(const RsGxsIdGroup &grp, RsPgpId &pgpId,bool& error)
#ifdef DEBUG_IDS
std::string esign ;
Radix64::encode((char *) grp.mPgpIdSign.c_str(), grp.mPgpIdSign.length(),esign) ;
Radix64::encode((unsigned char *) grp.mPgpIdSign.c_str(), grp.mPgpIdSign.length(),esign) ;
std::cerr << "Checking group signature " << esign << std::endl;
RsPgpId issuer_id ;
@ -298,7 +298,7 @@ public:
virtual bool getKey(const RsGxsId &id, RsTlvPublicRSAKey &key);
virtual bool getPrivateKey(const RsGxsId &id, RsTlvPrivateRSAKey &key);
virtual bool requestKey(const RsGxsId &id, const std::list<PeerId> &peers);
virtual bool requestKey(const RsGxsId &id, const std::list<RsPeerId> &peers);
virtual bool requestPrivateKey(const RsGxsId &id);
@ -343,7 +343,7 @@ private:
int cache_tick();
bool cache_request_load(const RsGxsId &id, const std::list<PeerId>& peers = std::list<PeerId>());
bool cache_request_load(const RsGxsId &id, const std::list<RsPeerId>& peers = std::list<RsPeerId>());
bool cache_start_load();
bool cache_load_for_token(uint32_t token);
@ -351,7 +351,8 @@ private:
bool cache_update_if_cached(const RsGxsId &id, std::string serviceString);
bool isPendingNetworkRequest(const RsGxsId& gxsId);
void requestIdsFromNet();
void locked_mergeIdsToRequestFromNet(const RsGxsId& id,const std::list<RsPeerId>& peers);
void requestIdsFromNet();
// Mutex protected.
Reference in New Issue
Block a user