mirror of
synced 2025-03-28 01:28:15 -04:00
added check to prevent loading saving corrupted peer/grp ids in GXS update maps
This commit is contained in:
@ -224,13 +224,13 @@
NXS_NET_DEBUG_7 encryption/decryption of transactions
//#define NXS_NET_DEBUG_0 1
#define NXS_NET_DEBUG_0 1
//#define NXS_NET_DEBUG_1 1
//#define NXS_NET_DEBUG_2 1
//#define NXS_NET_DEBUG_3 1
//#define NXS_NET_DEBUG_4 1
//#define NXS_NET_DEBUG_5 1
//#define NXS_NET_DEBUG_6 1
#define NXS_NET_DEBUG_5 1
#define NXS_NET_DEBUG_6 1
//#define NXS_NET_DEBUG_7 1
//#define NXS_FRAG
@ -266,8 +266,9 @@ static const uint32_t RS_NXS_ITEM_ENCRYPTION_STATUS_GXS_KEY_MISSING = 0x05 ;
|| defined(NXS_NET_DEBUG_4) || defined(NXS_NET_DEBUG_5) || defined(NXS_NET_DEBUG_6) || defined(NXS_NET_DEBUG_7)
static const RsPeerId peer_to_print = RsPeerId(std::string("")) ;
//static const RsGxsGroupId group_id_to_print = RsGxsGroupId(std::string("cb98f4013f7b4ed4245e54ca7095925b")) ; // use this to allow to this group id only, or "" for all IDs
static const RsGxsGroupId group_id_to_print = RsGxsGroupId(std::string("")) ; // use this to allow to this group id only, or "" for all IDs
static const uint32_t service_to_print = 0x211 ; // use this to allow to this service id only, or 0 for all services
static const uint32_t service_to_print = 0x215 ; // use this to allow to this service id only, or 0 for all services
// warning. Numbers should be SERVICE IDS (see serialiser/rsserviceids.h. E.g. 0x0215 for forums)
class nullstream: public std::ostream {};
@ -292,7 +293,7 @@ static std::ostream& gxsnetdebug(const RsPeerId& peer_id,const RsGxsGroupId& grp
if((peer_to_print.isNull() || peer_id.isNull() || peer_id == peer_to_print)
&& (group_id_to_print.isNull() || grp_id.isNull() || grp_id == group_id_to_print)
&& (service_to_print==0 || service_type == 0 || ((service_type >> 8)&0xffff) == service_to_print))
return std::cerr << time(NULL) << ": " ;
return std::cerr << time(NULL) << ":GXSNETSERVICE: " ;
return null ;
@ -828,6 +829,19 @@ void RsGxsNetService::handleRecvSyncGrpStatistics(RsNxsSyncGrpStatsItem *grs)
std::cerr << "(EE) RsGxsNetService::handleRecvSyncGrpStatistics(): unknown item type " << grs->request_type << " found. This is a bug." << std::endl;
// This function is useful when we need to force a new sync of messages from all friends when e.g. the delay for sync gets changed.
// Normally, when subscribing to a group (not needed when unsubscribing), we should also call this method.
void RsGxsNetService::locked_resetClientTS(const RsGxsGroupId& grpId)
#ifdef NXS_NET_DEBUG_0
GXSNETDEBUG__G(grpId) << "Resetting client TS for grp " << grpId << std::endl;
for(ClientMsgMap::iterator it(mClientMsgUpdateMap.begin());it!=mClientMsgUpdateMap.end();++it)
it->second.msgUpdateInfos.erase(grpId) ;
void RsGxsNetService::subscribeStatusChanged(const RsGxsGroupId& grpId,bool subscribed)
@ -852,6 +866,9 @@ void RsGxsNetService::subscribeStatusChanged(const RsGxsGroupId& grpId,bool subs
// will be lower than our own grpUpdateTS, triggering our sending of the new subscribed grp list.
mGrpServerUpdate.grpUpdateTS = time(NULL) ;
locked_resetClientTS(grpId) ;
bool RsGxsNetService::fragmentMsg(RsNxsMsg& msg, MsgFragments& msgFragments) const
@ -1349,6 +1366,14 @@ public:
: mClientGrpMap(cgm), mClientMsgMap(cmm), mServerMsgMap(smm), mGrpConfigMap(gcm), mServerGrpUpdate(sgm)
template <typename ID_type,typename UpdateMap,class ItemClass> void check_store(ID_type id,UpdateMap& map,ItemClass& item)
map.insert(std::make_pair(id,item)) ;
std::cerr << "(EE) loaded a null ID for class type " << typeid(map).name() << std::endl;
void operator() (RsItem* item)
RsGxsMsgUpdateItem* mui;
@ -1358,13 +1383,13 @@ public:
RsGxsGrpConfigItem* mgci;
if((mui = dynamic_cast<RsGxsMsgUpdateItem*>(item)) != NULL)
mClientMsgMap.insert(std::make_pair(mui->peerID, *mui));
else if((mgci = dynamic_cast<RsGxsGrpConfigItem*>(item)) != NULL)
mGrpConfigMap.insert(std::make_pair(mgci->grpId, *mgci));
check_store(mgci->grpId,mGrpConfigMap, *mgci);
else if((gui = dynamic_cast<RsGxsGrpUpdateItem*>(item)) != NULL)
mClientGrpMap.insert(std::make_pair(gui->peerID, *gui));
check_store(gui->peerID,mClientGrpMap, *gui);
else if((msui = dynamic_cast<RsGxsServerMsgUpdateItem*>(item)) != NULL)
mServerMsgMap.insert(std::make_pair(msui->grpId, *msui));
check_store(msui->grpId,mServerMsgMap, *msui);
else if((gsui = dynamic_cast<RsGxsServerGrpUpdateItem*>(item)) != NULL)
mServerGrpUpdate = *gsui;
@ -1446,14 +1471,35 @@ struct get_second : public std::unary_function<typename UpdateMap::value_type, R
uint16_t mServType ;
template <typename ID_class,typename UpdateMap>
void clean_copy_value_into_item(ID_class id, UpdateMap& thismap,typename UpdateMap::iterator& iter, ID_class& dest)
std::cerr << "(EE) had to remove NULL value from ..." << std::endl;
typename UpdateMap::iterator tmp(iter) ;
++tmp ;
thismap.erase(iter) ;
iter = tmp ;
dest = id ;
bool RsGxsNetService::saveList(bool& cleanup, std::list<RsItem*>& save)
// First, make sure that all IDs (which are needed twice) are consistent
for(GrpConfigMap::iterator it(mServerGrpConfigMap.begin());it!=mServerGrpConfigMap.end();++it) it->second.grpId = it->first ;
for(ServerMsgMap::iterator it(mServerMsgUpdateMap.begin());it!=mServerMsgUpdateMap.end();++it) it->second.grpId = it->first ;
for(GrpConfigMap::iterator it(mServerGrpConfigMap.begin());it!=mServerGrpConfigMap.end();) clean_copy_value_into_item(it->first,mServerGrpConfigMap,it,it->second.grpId);
for(ServerMsgMap::iterator it(mServerMsgUpdateMap.begin());it!=mServerMsgUpdateMap.end();) clean_copy_value_into_item(it->first,mServerMsgUpdateMap,it,it->second.grpId);
for(ClientGrpMap::iterator it(mClientGrpUpdateMap.begin());it!=mClientGrpUpdateMap.end();) clean_copy_value_into_item(it->first,mClientGrpUpdateMap,it,it->second.peerID);
for(ClientMsgMap::iterator it(mClientMsgUpdateMap.begin());it!=mClientMsgUpdateMap.end();) clean_copy_value_into_item(it->first,mClientMsgUpdateMap,it,it->second.peerID);
std::cerr << "RsGxsNetService::saveList()..." << std::endl;
@ -1796,34 +1842,31 @@ void RsGxsNetService::debugDump()
if(mGrpServerUpdateItem != NULL)
GXSNETDEBUG___<< " mGrpServerUpdateItem time stamp: " << nice_time_stamp(time(NULL) , mGrpServerUpdateItem->grpUpdateTS) << " (is the last local modification time over all groups of this service)" << std::endl;
GXSNETDEBUG___<< " mGrpServerUpdateItem time stamp: not inited yet (is the last local modification time over all groups of this service)" << std::endl;
GXSNETDEBUG___<< " mGrpServerUpdateItem time stamp: " << nice_time_stamp(time(NULL) , mGrpServerUpdate.grpUpdateTS) << " (is the last local modification time over all groups of this service)" << std::endl;
GXSNETDEBUG___<< " mServerMsgUpdateMap: (is for each subscribed group, the last local modification time)" << std::endl;
for(std::map<RsGxsGroupId,RsGxsServerMsgUpdateItem*>::const_iterator it(mServerMsgUpdateMap.begin());it!=mServerMsgUpdateMap.end();++it)
for(ServerMsgMap::const_iterator it(mServerMsgUpdateMap.begin());it!=mServerMsgUpdateMap.end();++it)
RsGxsMetaDataTemporaryMap<RsGxsGrpMetaData>::const_iterator it2 = grpMetas.find(it->first) ;
RsGxsGrpMetaData *grpMeta = (it2 != grpMetas.end())? it2->second : NULL;
std::string subscribe_string = (grpMeta==NULL)?"Unknown" : ((grpMeta->mSubscribeFlags & GXS_SERV::GROUP_SUBSCRIBE_SUBSCRIBED)?" Subscribed":" NOT Subscribed") ;
GXSNETDEBUG__G(it->first) << " Grp:" << it->first << " last local modification (secs ago): " << nice_time_stamp(time(NULL),it->second->msgUpdateTS) << ", " << subscribe_string << std::endl;
GXSNETDEBUG__G(it->first) << " Grp:" << it->first << " last local modification (secs ago): " << nice_time_stamp(time(NULL),it->second.msgUpdateTS) << ", " << subscribe_string << std::endl;
GXSNETDEBUG___<< " mClientGrpUpdateMap: (is for each friend, last modif time of group meta data at that friend, all groups included, sent by the friend himself)" << std::endl;
for(std::map<RsPeerId,RsGxsGrpUpdateItem*>::const_iterator it(mClientGrpUpdateMap.begin());it!=mClientGrpUpdateMap.end();++it)
GXSNETDEBUG_P_(it->first) << " From peer: " << it->first << " - last updated at peer (secs ago): " << nice_time_stamp(time(NULL),it->second->grpUpdateTS) << std::endl;
for(std::map<RsPeerId,RsGxsGrpUpdate>::const_iterator it(mClientGrpUpdateMap.begin());it!=mClientGrpUpdateMap.end();++it)
GXSNETDEBUG_P_(it->first) << " From peer: " << it->first << " - last updated at peer (secs ago): " << nice_time_stamp(time(NULL),it->second.grpUpdateTS) << std::endl;
GXSNETDEBUG___<< " mClientMsgUpdateMap: (is for each friend, the modif time for each group (e.g. last message received), sent by the friend himself)" << std::endl;
for(std::map<RsPeerId,RsGxsMsgUpdateItem*>::const_iterator it(mClientMsgUpdateMap.begin());it!=mClientMsgUpdateMap.end();++it)
for(std::map<RsPeerId,RsGxsMsgUpdate>::const_iterator it(mClientMsgUpdateMap.begin());it!=mClientMsgUpdateMap.end();++it)
GXSNETDEBUG_P_(it->first) << " From peer: " << it->first << std::endl;
for(std::map<RsGxsGroupId, RsGxsMsgUpdateItem::MsgUpdateInfo>::const_iterator it2(it->second->msgUpdateInfos.begin());it2!=it->second->msgUpdateInfos.end();++it2)
for(std::map<RsGxsGroupId, RsGxsMsgUpdateItem::MsgUpdateInfo>::const_iterator it2(it->second.msgUpdateInfos.begin());it2!=it->second.msgUpdateInfos.end();++it2)
GXSNETDEBUG_PG(it->first,it2->first) << " group " << it2->first << " - last updated at peer (secs ago): " << nice_time_stamp(time(NULL),it2->second.time_stamp) << ". Message count=" << it2->second.message_count << std::endl;
@ -1940,7 +1983,7 @@ void RsGxsNetService::updateServerSyncTS()
#ifdef NXS_NET_DEBUG_0
GXSNETDEBUG__G(mit->first) << " Group " << mit->first << " is conditionned to circle " << mit->second->mCircleId << ". local Grp TS=" << time(NULL) - mGrpServerUpdateItem->grpUpdateTS << " secs ago, circle grp server update TS=" << time(NULL) - circle_group_server_ts << " secs ago";
GXSNETDEBUG__G(mit->first) << " Group " << mit->first << " is conditionned to circle " << mit->second->mCircleId << ". local Grp TS=" << time(NULL) - mGrpServerUpdate.grpUpdateTS << " secs ago, circle grp server update TS=" << time(NULL) - circle_group_server_ts << " secs ago";
if(circle_group_server_ts > mGrpServerUpdate.grpUpdateTS)
@ -2422,16 +2465,38 @@ void RsGxsNetService::locked_processCompletedIncomingTrans(NxsTransaction* tr)
GXSNETDEBUG_P_(tr->mTransaction->PeerId()) << " type = msgs." << std::endl;
RsGxsGroupId grpId;
uint32_t max_sync_age = 0 ;
time_t now = time(NULL) ;
while(tr->mItems.size() > 0)
RsNxsMsg* msg = dynamic_cast<RsNxsMsg*>(tr->mItems.front());
grpId = msg->grpId;
GrpConfigMap::const_iterator it = mServerGrpConfigMap.find(grpId) ;
if(it == mServerGrpConfigMap.end())
max_sync_age = it->second.msg_req_delay ;
if(max_sync_age == 0 || max_sync_age > it->second.msg_keep_delay)
max_sync_age = it->second.msg_keep_delay ;
if(max_sync_age == 0 || msg->metaData->mPublishTs + max_sync_age > now)
std::cerr << "(WW) not storing message " << msg->metaData->mMsgId << " in group " << grpId << " because it is older than synchronisation limit. This message was probably sent by a friend node that does not accept sync limits already." << std::endl;
#ifdef NXS_NET_DEBUG_0
GXSNETDEBUG_PG(tr->mTransaction->PeerId(),msg->grpId) << " pushing grpId="<< msg->grpId << ", msgsId=" << msg->msgId << " to list of incoming messages" << std::endl;
@ -3778,7 +3843,7 @@ void RsGxsNetService::locked_pushGrpRespFromList(std::list<RsNxsItem*>& respList
trItem->transactionNumber = transN;
#ifdef NXS_NET_DEBUG_0
GXSNETDEBUG_P_ (peer) << "Setting tr->mTransaction->updateTS to " << mGrpServerUpdateItem->grpUpdateTS << std::endl;
GXSNETDEBUG_P_ (peer) << "Setting tr->mTransaction->updateTS to " << mGrpServerUpdate.grpUpdateTS << std::endl;
trItem->updateTS = mGrpServerUpdate.grpUpdateTS;
@ -4449,6 +4514,10 @@ void RsGxsNetService::setSyncAge(const RsGxsGroupId &grpId, uint32_t age_in_secs
if(conf.msg_req_delay != age_in_secs)
conf.msg_req_delay = age_in_secs;
// we also need to zero the client TS, in order to trigger a new sync
@ -407,6 +407,7 @@ private:
bool locked_CanReceiveUpdate(const RsNxsSyncGrpReqItem *item);
bool locked_CanReceiveUpdate(RsNxsSyncMsgReqItem *item, bool &grp_is_known);
void locked_resetClientTS(const RsGxsGroupId& grpId);
static RsGxsGroupId hashGrpId(const RsGxsGroupId& gid,const RsPeerId& pid) ;
Reference in New Issue
Block a user