-/* Images for context menu icons */
-#define IMAGE_MESSAGE ":/images/folder-draft.png"
-#define IMAGE_MESSAGEREMOVE ":/images/message-mail-imapdelete.png"
-#define IMAGE_STAR_ON ":/images/star-on-16.png"
-#define IMAGE_STAR_OFF ":/images/star-off-16.png"
-#define IMAGE_SYSTEM ":/images/user/user_request16.png"
-#define IMAGE_DECRYPTMESSAGE ":/images/decrypt-mail.png"
-#define IMAGE_AUTHOR_INFO ":/images/info16.png"
-#define COLUMN_STAR 0
-#define COLUMN_UNREAD 3
-#define COLUMN_FROM 4
-#define COLUMN_DATE 6
-#define COLUMN_TAGS 8
-#define COLUMN_COUNT 9
-#define COLUMN_DATA 0 // column for storing the userdata like msgid and srcid
-#define ROLE_SORT Qt::UserRole
-#define ROLE_MSGID Qt::UserRole + 1
-#define ROLE_SRCID Qt::UserRole + 2
-#define ROLE_UNREAD Qt::UserRole + 3
-#define ROLE_MSGFLAGS Qt::UserRole + 4
-#define ROLE_QUICKVIEW_TYPE Qt::UserRole
-#define ROLE_QUICKVIEW_ID Qt::UserRole + 1
-#define ROLE_QUICKVIEW_TEXT Qt::UserRole + 2
-#define ROW_INBOX 0
-#define ROW_OUTBOX 1
-#define ROW_DRAFTBOX 2
-#define ROW_SENTBOX 3
-#define ROW_TRASHBOX 4
-MessagesDialog::LockUpdate::LockUpdate (MessagesDialog *pDialog, bool bUpdate)
- m_pDialog = pDialog;
- m_bUpdate = bUpdate;
- ++m_pDialog->lockUpdate;
-MessagesDialog::LockUpdate::~LockUpdate ()
- if(--m_pDialog->lockUpdate < 0)
- m_pDialog->lockUpdate = 0;
- if (m_bUpdate && m_pDialog->lockUpdate == 0) {
- m_pDialog->insertMessages();
- }
-void MessagesDialog::LockUpdate::setUpdate(bool bUpdate)
- m_bUpdate = bUpdate;
-/** Constructor */
-MessagesDialog::MessagesDialog(QWidget *parent)
-: MainPage(parent)
- /* Invoke the Qt Designer generated object setup routine */
- ui.setupUi(this);
- inProcessSettings = false;
- inChange = false;
- lockUpdate = 0;
- connect(NotifyQt::getInstance(), SIGNAL(messagesChanged()), this, SLOT(insertMessages()));
- connect(NotifyQt::getInstance(), SIGNAL(messagesTagsChanged()), this, SLOT(messagesTagsChanged()));
- connect(ui.messageTreeWidget, SIGNAL(customContextMenuRequested(QPoint)), this, SLOT(messageTreeWidgetCustomPopupMenu(QPoint)));
- connect(ui.listWidget, SIGNAL(customContextMenuRequested(QPoint)), this, SLOT(folderlistWidgetCustomPopupMenu(QPoint)));
- connect(ui.messageTreeWidget, SIGNAL(itemClicked(QTreeWidgetItem*,int)) , this, SLOT(clicked(QTreeWidgetItem*,int)));
- connect(ui.messageTreeWidget, SIGNAL(itemDoubleClicked(QTreeWidgetItem*,int)) , this, SLOT(doubleClicked(QTreeWidgetItem*,int)));
- connect(ui.messageTreeWidget, SIGNAL(currentItemChanged(QTreeWidgetItem*,QTreeWidgetItem*)), this, SLOT(currentItemChanged(QTreeWidgetItem*)));
- connect(ui.messageTreeWidget->selectionModel(), SIGNAL(currentChanged(QModelIndex,QModelIndex)), this, SLOT(currentChanged(const QModelIndex&)));
- connect(ui.listWidget, SIGNAL(currentRowChanged(int)), this, SLOT(changeBox(int)));
- connect(ui.quickViewWidget, SIGNAL(currentRowChanged(int)), this, SLOT(changeQuickView(int)));
- connect(ui.tabWidget, SIGNAL(currentChanged(int)), this, SLOT(tabChanged(int)));
- connect(ui.tabWidget, SIGNAL(tabCloseRequested(int)), this, SLOT(tabCloseRequested(int)));
- connect(ui.newmessageButton, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(newmessage()));
- connect(ui.actionTextBesideIcon, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(buttonStyle()));
- connect(ui.actionIconOnly, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(buttonStyle()));
- connect(ui.actionTextUnderIcon, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(buttonStyle()));
- ui.actionTextBesideIcon->setData(Qt::ToolButtonTextBesideIcon);
- ui.actionIconOnly->setData(Qt::ToolButtonIconOnly);
- ui.actionTextUnderIcon->setData(Qt::ToolButtonTextUnderIcon);
- connect(ui.filterLineEdit, SIGNAL(textChanged(QString)), this, SLOT(filterChanged(QString)));
- connect(ui.filterLineEdit, SIGNAL(filterChanged(int)), this, SLOT(filterColumnChanged(int)));
- msgWidget = new MessageWidget(true, this);
- ui.msgLayout->addWidget(msgWidget);
- connectActions();
- listMode = LIST_NOTHING;
- mCurrMsgId = "";
- // Set the QStandardItemModel
- ui.messageTreeWidget->setColumnCount(COLUMN_COUNT);
- QTreeWidgetItem *headerItem = ui.messageTreeWidget->headerItem();
- headerItem->setText(COLUMN_ATTACHEMENTS, "");
- headerItem->setIcon(COLUMN_ATTACHEMENTS, QIcon(":/images/attachment.png"));
- headerItem->setText(COLUMN_SUBJECT, tr("Subject"));
- headerItem->setText(COLUMN_UNREAD, "");
- headerItem->setIcon(COLUMN_UNREAD, QIcon(":/images/message-state-header.png"));
- headerItem->setText(COLUMN_FROM, tr("From"));
- headerItem->setText(COLUMN_SIGNATURE, "");
- headerItem->setIcon(COLUMN_SIGNATURE, QIcon(":/images/signature.png"));
- headerItem->setText(COLUMN_DATE, tr("Date"));
- headerItem->setText(COLUMN_TAGS, tr("Tags"));
- headerItem->setText(COLUMN_CONTENT, tr("Content"));
- headerItem->setText(COLUMN_STAR, "");
- headerItem->setIcon(COLUMN_STAR, QIcon(IMAGE_STAR_ON));
- headerItem->setToolTip(COLUMN_ATTACHEMENTS, tr("Click to sort by attachments"));
- headerItem->setToolTip(COLUMN_SUBJECT, tr("Click to sort by subject"));
- headerItem->setToolTip(COLUMN_UNREAD, tr("Click to sort by read"));
- headerItem->setToolTip(COLUMN_FROM, tr("Click to sort by from"));
- headerItem->setToolTip(COLUMN_SIGNATURE, tr("Click to sort by signature"));
- headerItem->setToolTip(COLUMN_DATE, tr("Click to sort by date"));
- headerItem->setToolTip(COLUMN_TAGS, tr("Click to sort by tags"));
- headerItem->setToolTip(COLUMN_STAR, tr("Click to sort by star"));
- mMessageCompareRole = new RSTreeWidgetItemCompareRole;
- mMessageCompareRole->setRole(COLUMN_SUBJECT, ROLE_SORT);
- mMessageCompareRole->setRole(COLUMN_UNREAD, ROLE_SORT);
- mMessageCompareRole->setRole(COLUMN_FROM, ROLE_SORT);
- mMessageCompareRole->setRole(COLUMN_DATE, ROLE_SORT);
- mMessageCompareRole->setRole(COLUMN_TAGS, ROLE_SORT);
- mMessageCompareRole->setRole(COLUMN_ATTACHEMENTS, ROLE_SORT);
- mMessageCompareRole->setRole(COLUMN_STAR, ROLE_SORT);
- RSElidedItemDelegate *itemDelegate = new RSElidedItemDelegate(this);
- itemDelegate->setSpacing(QSize(0, 2));
- ui.messageTreeWidget->setItemDelegate(itemDelegate);
- ui.messageTreeWidget->sortByColumn(COLUMN_DATA, Qt::DescendingOrder);
- // workaround for Qt bug, should be solved in next Qt release 4.7.0
- // http://bugreports.qt.nokia.com/browse/QTBUG-8270
- QShortcut *Shortcut = new QShortcut(QKeySequence (Qt::Key_Delete), ui.messageTreeWidget, 0, 0, Qt::WidgetShortcut);
- connect(Shortcut, SIGNAL(activated()), this, SLOT( removemessage ()));
- Shortcut = new QShortcut(QKeySequence (Qt::SHIFT | Qt::Key_Delete), ui.messageTreeWidget, 0, 0, Qt::WidgetShortcut);
- connect(Shortcut, SIGNAL(activated()), this, SLOT( removemessage ()));
- /* Set initial section sizes */
- QHeaderView * msgwheader = ui.messageTreeWidget->header () ;
- msgwheader->resizeSection (COLUMN_ATTACHEMENTS, 24);
- msgwheader->resizeSection (COLUMN_SUBJECT, 250);
- msgwheader->resizeSection (COLUMN_FROM, 140);
- msgwheader->resizeSection (COLUMN_SIGNATURE, 24);
- msgwheader->resizeSection (COLUMN_DATE, 140);
- QHeaderView_setSectionResizeModeColumn(msgwheader, COLUMN_STAR, QHeaderView::Fixed);
- msgwheader->resizeSection (COLUMN_STAR, 24);
- QHeaderView_setSectionResizeModeColumn(msgwheader, COLUMN_UNREAD, QHeaderView::Fixed);
- msgwheader->resizeSection (COLUMN_UNREAD, 24);
- ui.forwardmessageButton->setToolTip(tr("Forward selected Message"));
- ui.replyallmessageButton->setToolTip(tr("Reply to All"));
- QMenu *printmenu = new QMenu();
- printmenu->addAction(ui.actionPrint);
- printmenu->addAction(ui.actionPrintPreview);
- ui.printButton->setMenu(printmenu);
- QMenu *viewmenu = new QMenu();
- viewmenu->addAction(ui.actionTextBesideIcon);
- viewmenu->addAction(ui.actionIconOnly);
- ui.viewtoolButton->setMenu(viewmenu);
- // Set initial size of the splitter
- ui.listSplitter->setStretchFactor(0, 0);
- ui.listSplitter->setStretchFactor(1, 1);
- /* add filter actions */
- ui.filterLineEdit->addFilter(QIcon(), tr("Subject"), COLUMN_SUBJECT, tr("Search Subject"));
- ui.filterLineEdit->addFilter(QIcon(), tr("From"), COLUMN_FROM, tr("Search From"));
- ui.filterLineEdit->addFilter(QIcon(), tr("Date"), COLUMN_DATE, tr("Search Date"));
- ui.filterLineEdit->addFilter(QIcon(), tr("Content"), COLUMN_CONTENT, tr("Search Content"));
- ui.filterLineEdit->addFilter(QIcon(), tr("Tags"), COLUMN_TAGS, tr("Search Tags"));
- ui.filterLineEdit->addFilter(QIcon(), tr("Attachments"), COLUMN_ATTACHEMENTS, tr("Search Attachments"));
- //setting default filter by column as subject
- ui.filterLineEdit->setCurrentFilter(COLUMN_SUBJECT);
- // load settings
- processSettings(true);
- /* Set header sizes for the fixed columns and resize modes, must be set after processSettings */
- QHeaderView_setSectionResizeModeColumn(msgwheader, COLUMN_ATTACHEMENTS, QHeaderView::Fixed);
- QHeaderView_setSectionResizeModeColumn(msgwheader, COLUMN_DATE, QHeaderView::Interactive);
- QHeaderView_setSectionResizeModeColumn(msgwheader, COLUMN_UNREAD, QHeaderView::Fixed);
- QHeaderView_setSectionResizeModeColumn(msgwheader, COLUMN_SIGNATURE, QHeaderView::Fixed);
- msgwheader->resizeSection (COLUMN_UNREAD, 24);
- msgwheader->resizeSection (COLUMN_SIGNATURE, 24);
- msgwheader->resizeSection (COLUMN_STAR, 24);
- QHeaderView_setSectionResizeModeColumn(msgwheader, COLUMN_STAR, QHeaderView::Fixed);
- msgwheader->setStretchLastSection(false);
- // fill folder list
- updateMessageSummaryList();
- ui.listWidget->setCurrentRow(ROW_INBOX);
- // create tag menu
- TagsMenu *menu = new TagsMenu (tr("Tags"), this);
- connect(menu, SIGNAL(aboutToShow()), this, SLOT(tagAboutToShow()));
- connect(menu, SIGNAL(tagSet(int, bool)), this, SLOT(tagSet(int, bool)));
- connect(menu, SIGNAL(tagRemoveAll()), this, SLOT(tagRemoveAll()));
- ui.tagButton->setMenu(menu);
- // fill quick view
- fillQuickView();
- // create timer for navigation
- timer = new RsProtectedTimer(this);
- timer->setInterval(300);
- timer->setSingleShot(true);
- connect(timer, SIGNAL(timeout()), this, SLOT(updateCurrentMessage()));
- ui.messageTreeWidget->installEventFilter(this);
- // remove close button of the the first tab
- ui.tabWidget->hideCloseButton(0);
- int S = QFontMetricsF(font()).height();
- QString help_str = tr(
- " Messages
- Retroshare has its own internal email system. You can send/receive emails to/from connected friend nodes.
- It is also possible to send messages to other people's Identities using the global routing system. These messages \
- are always encrypted and signed, and are relayed by intermediate nodes until they reach their final destination.
- Distant messages stay into your Outbox until an acknowledgement of receipt has been received.
- Generally, you may use messages to recommend files to your friends by pasting file links, \
- or recommend friend nodes to other friend nodes, in order to strenghten your network, or send feedback \
- to a channel's owner.
- ").arg(QString::number(2*S)).arg(QString::number(S)) ;
- registerHelpButton(ui.helpButton,help_str,"MessagesDialog") ;
- // stop and delete timer
- timer->stop();
- delete(timer);
- // save settings
- processSettings(false);
-UserNotify *MessagesDialog::getUserNotify(QObject *parent)
- return new MessageUserNotify(parent);
-void MessagesDialog::processSettings(bool load)
- int messageTreeVersion = 2; // version number for the settings to solve problems when modifying the column count
- inProcessSettings = true;
- QHeaderView *msgwheader = ui.messageTreeWidget->header () ;
- Settings->beginGroup("MessageDialog");
- if (load) {
- // load settings
- // filterColumn
- ui.filterLineEdit->setCurrentFilter(Settings->value("filterColumn", COLUMN_SUBJECT).toInt());
- // state of message tree
- if (Settings->value("MessageTreeVersion").toInt() == messageTreeVersion) {
- msgwheader->restoreState(Settings->value("MessageTree").toByteArray());
- }
- // state of splitter
- ui.msgSplitter->restoreState(Settings->value("SplitterMsg").toByteArray());
- ui.listSplitter->restoreState(Settings->value("SplitterList").toByteArray());
- /* toolbar button style */
- Qt::ToolButtonStyle style = (Qt::ToolButtonStyle) Settings->value("ToolButon_Style", Qt::ToolButtonIconOnly).toInt();
- setToolbarButtonStyle(style);
- } else {
- // save settings
- // state of message tree
- Settings->setValue("MessageTree", msgwheader->saveState());
- Settings->setValue("MessageTreeVersion", messageTreeVersion);
- // state of splitter
- Settings->setValue("SplitterMsg", ui.msgSplitter->saveState());
- Settings->setValue("SplitterList", ui.listSplitter->saveState());
- /* toolbar button style */
- Settings->setValue("ToolButon_Style", ui.newmessageButton->toolButtonStyle());
- }
- Settings->endGroup();
- if (msgWidget) {
- msgWidget->processSettings("MessageDialog", load);
- }
- inProcessSettings = false;
-bool MessagesDialog::eventFilter(QObject *obj, QEvent *event)
- if (obj == ui.messageTreeWidget) {
- if (event->type() == QEvent::KeyPress) {
- QKeyEvent *keyEvent = static_cast(event);
- if (keyEvent && keyEvent->key() == Qt::Key_Space) {
- // Space pressed
- clicked(ui.messageTreeWidget->currentItem(), COLUMN_UNREAD);
- return true; // eat event
- }
- }
- }
- // pass the event on to the parent class
- return MainPage::eventFilter(obj, event);
-void MessagesDialog::changeEvent(QEvent *e)
- QWidget::changeEvent(e);
- switch (e->type()) {
- case QEvent::StyleChange:
- insertMessages();
- break;
- default:
- // remove compiler warnings
- break;
- }
-void MessagesDialog::fillQuickView()
- MsgTagType tags;
- rsMail->getMessageTagTypes(tags);
- std::map >::iterator tag;
- // fill tags
- inChange = true;
- // save current selection
- QListWidgetItem *item = ui.quickViewWidget->currentItem();
- int selectedType = 0;
- uint32_t selectedId = 0;
- if (item) {
- selectedType = item->data(ROLE_QUICKVIEW_TYPE).toInt();
- selectedId = item->data(ROLE_QUICKVIEW_ID).toInt();
- }
- QListWidgetItem *itemToSelect = NULL;
- QString text;
- ui.quickViewWidget->clear();
- // add static items
- item = new QListWidgetItem(tr("Starred"), ui.quickViewWidget);
- item->setIcon(QIcon(IMAGE_STAR_ON));
- item->setData(ROLE_QUICKVIEW_TEXT, item->text()); // for updateMessageSummaryList
- if (selectedType == QUICKVIEW_TYPE_STATIC && selectedId == QUICKVIEW_STATIC_ID_STARRED) {
- itemToSelect = item;
- }
- item = new QListWidgetItem(tr("System"), ui.quickViewWidget);
- item->setIcon(QIcon(IMAGE_SYSTEM));
- item->setData(ROLE_QUICKVIEW_TEXT, item->text()); // for updateMessageSummaryList
- if (selectedType == QUICKVIEW_TYPE_STATIC && selectedId == QUICKVIEW_STATIC_ID_SYSTEM) {
- itemToSelect = item;
- }
- for (tag = tags.types.begin(); tag != tags.types.end(); ++tag) {
- text = TagDefs::name(tag->first, tag->second.first);
- item = new QListWidgetItem (text, ui.quickViewWidget);
- item->setForeground(QBrush(QColor(tag->second.second)));
- item->setIcon(QIcon(":/images/foldermail.png"));
- item->setData(ROLE_QUICKVIEW_ID, tag->first);
- item->setData(ROLE_QUICKVIEW_TEXT, text); // for updateMessageSummaryList
- if (selectedType == QUICKVIEW_TYPE_TAG && tag->first == selectedId) {
- itemToSelect = item;
- }
- }
- if (itemToSelect) {
- ui.quickViewWidget->setCurrentItem(itemToSelect);
- }
- inChange = false;
- updateMessageSummaryList();
-// replaced by shortcut
-//void MessagesDialog::keyPressEvent(QKeyEvent *e)
-// if(e->key() == Qt::Key_Delete)
-// {
-// removemessage() ;
-// e->accept() ;
-// }
-// else
-// MainPage::keyPressEvent(e) ;
-int MessagesDialog::getSelectedMsgCount (QList *items, QList *itemsRead, QList *itemsUnread, QList *itemsStar)
- if (items) items->clear();
- if (itemsRead) itemsRead->clear();
- if (itemsUnread) itemsUnread->clear();
- if (itemsStar) itemsStar->clear();
- //To check if the selection has more than one row.
- QList selectedItems = ui.messageTreeWidget->selectedItems();
- foreach (QTreeWidgetItem *item, selectedItems)
- {
- if (items || itemsRead || itemsUnread || itemsStar) {
- if (items) items->append(item);
- if (item->data(COLUMN_DATA, ROLE_UNREAD).toBool()) {
- if (itemsUnread) itemsUnread->append(item);
- } else {
- if (itemsRead) itemsRead->append(item);
- }
- if (itemsStar) {
- if (item->data(COLUMN_DATA, ROLE_MSGFLAGS).toInt() & RS_MSG_STAR) {
- itemsStar->append(item);
- }
- }
- }
- }
- return selectedItems.size();
-bool MessagesDialog::isMessageRead(QTreeWidgetItem *item)
- if (!item) {
- return true;
- }
- return !item->data(COLUMN_DATA, ROLE_UNREAD).toBool();
-bool MessagesDialog::hasMessageStar(QTreeWidgetItem *item)
- if (!item) {
- return false;
- }
- return item->data(COLUMN_DATA, ROLE_MSGFLAGS).toInt() & RS_MSG_STAR;
-void MessagesDialog::messageTreeWidgetCustomPopupMenu(QPoint /*point*/)
- std::string cid;
- std::string mid;
- MessageInfo msgInfo;
- if (!getCurrentMsg(cid, mid))
- return ;
- if(!rsMail->getMessage(mid, msgInfo))
- return ;
- QList itemsRead;
- QList itemsUnread;
- QList itemsStar;
- int nCount = getSelectedMsgCount (NULL, &itemsRead, &itemsUnread, &itemsStar);
- /** Defines the actions for the context menu */
- QMenu contextMnu( this );
- QAction *action = contextMnu.addAction(QIcon(":/images/view_split_top_bottom.png"), tr("Open in a new window"), this, SLOT(openAsWindow()));
- if (nCount != 1) {
- action->setDisabled(true);
- }
- action = contextMnu.addAction(QIcon(":/images/tab-dock.png"), tr("Open in a new tab"), this, SLOT(openAsTab()));
- if (nCount != 1) {
- action->setDisabled(true);
- }
- contextMnu.addSeparator();
- contextMnu.addAction(ui.actionReply);
- ui.actionReply->setEnabled(nCount == 1);
- contextMnu.addAction(ui.actionReplyAll);
- ui.actionReplyAll->setEnabled(nCount == 1);
- contextMnu.addAction(ui.actionForward);
- ui.actionForward->setEnabled(nCount == 1);
- contextMnu.addSeparator();
- action = contextMnu.addAction(QIcon(":/images/message-mail-read.png"), tr("Mark as read"), this, SLOT(markAsRead()));
- if (itemsUnread.isEmpty()) {
- action->setDisabled(true);
- }
- action = contextMnu.addAction(QIcon(":/images/message-mail.png"), tr("Mark as unread"), this, SLOT(markAsUnread()));
- if (itemsRead.isEmpty()) {
- action->setDisabled(true);
- }
- action = contextMnu.addAction(tr("Add Star"));
- action->setCheckable(true);
- action->setChecked(itemsStar.size());
- connect(action, SIGNAL(triggered(bool)), this, SLOT(markWithStar(bool)));
- contextMnu.addSeparator();
- // add tags
- contextMnu.addMenu(ui.tagButton->menu());
- contextMnu.addSeparator();
- QString text;
- if ((msgInfo.msgflags & RS_MSG_BOXMASK) == RS_MSG_DRAFTBOX) {
- text = tr("Edit");
- } else {
- text = tr("Edit as new");
- }
- action = contextMnu.addAction(text, this, SLOT(editmessage()));
- if (nCount != 1) {
- action->setDisabled(true);
- }
- action = contextMnu.addAction(QIcon(IMAGE_MESSAGEREMOVE), (nCount > 1) ? tr("Remove Messages") : tr("Remove Message"), this, SLOT(removemessage()));
- if (nCount == 0) {
- action->setDisabled(true);
- }
- int listrow = ui.listWidget->currentRow();
- if (listrow == ROW_TRASHBOX) {
- action = contextMnu.addAction(tr("Undelete"), this, SLOT(undeletemessage()));
- if (nCount == 0) {
- action->setDisabled(true);
- }
- }
- contextMnu.addAction(ui.actionSaveAs);
- contextMnu.addAction(ui.actionPrintPreview);
- contextMnu.addAction(ui.actionPrint);
- contextMnu.addSeparator();
- RsIdentityDetails details;
- // test if identity is known. If not, no need to call the people tab. Also some mails come from nodes and we wont show that node in the people tab either.
- // The problem here is that the field rsgxsid_srcId is always populated with either the GxsId or the node of the source, which is inconsistent.
- if(nCount==1 && rsIdentity->getIdDetails(msgInfo.rsgxsid_srcId,details))
- {
- std::cerr << "Src ID = " << msgInfo.rsgxsid_srcId << std::endl;
- contextMnu.addAction(QIcon(IMAGE_AUTHOR_INFO),tr("Show author in People"),this,SLOT(showAuthorInPeopleTab()));
- contextMnu.addSeparator();
- }
- contextMnu.addAction(QIcon(IMAGE_MESSAGE), tr("New Message"), this, SLOT(newmessage()));
- contextMnu.exec(QCursor::pos());
-void MessagesDialog::showAuthorInPeopleTab()
- std::string cid;
- std::string mid;
- if(!getCurrentMsg(cid, mid))
- return ;
- MessageInfo msgInfo;
- if (!rsMail->getMessage(mid, msgInfo))
- return;
- if(msgInfo.rsgxsid_srcId.isNull())
- return ;
- /* window will destroy itself! */
- IdDialog *idDialog = dynamic_cast(MainWindow::getPage(MainWindow::People));
- if (!idDialog)
- return ;
- MainWindow::showWindow(MainWindow::People);
- idDialog->navigate(RsGxsId(msgInfo.rsgxsid_srcId)) ;
-void MessagesDialog::folderlistWidgetCustomPopupMenu(QPoint /*point*/)
- if (ui.listWidget->currentRow() != ROW_TRASHBOX) {
- /* Context menu only neede for trash box */
- return;
- }
- QMenu contextMnu(this);
- contextMnu.addAction(tr("Empty trash"), this, SLOT(emptyTrash()));
- contextMnu.exec(QCursor::pos());
-void MessagesDialog::newmessage()
- MessageComposer *nMsgDialog = MessageComposer::newMsg();
- if (nMsgDialog == NULL) {
- return;
- }
- nMsgDialog->show();
- nMsgDialog->activateWindow();
- /* window will destroy itself! */
-void MessagesDialog::openAsWindow()
- std::string cid;
- std::string mid;
- if(!getCurrentMsg(cid, mid))
- return ;
- MessageWidget *msgWidget = MessageWidget::openMsg(mid, true);
- if (msgWidget == NULL) {
- return;
- }
- msgWidget->activateWindow();
- /* window will destroy itself! */
-void MessagesDialog::openAsTab()
- std::string cid;
- std::string mid;
- if(!getCurrentMsg(cid, mid))
- return ;
- MessageWidget *msgWidget = MessageWidget::openMsg(mid, false);
- if (msgWidget == NULL) {
- return;
- }
- ui.tabWidget->addTab(msgWidget, msgWidget->subject(true));
- ui.tabWidget->setCurrentWidget(msgWidget);
- /* window will destroy itself! */
-void MessagesDialog::editmessage()
- std::string cid;
- std::string mid;
- if(!getCurrentMsg(cid, mid))
- return ;
- MessageComposer *msgComposer = MessageComposer::newMsg(mid);
- if (msgComposer == NULL) {
- return;
- }
- msgComposer->show();
- msgComposer->activateWindow();
- /* window will destroy itself! */
-void MessagesDialog::changeBox(int)
- if (inChange) {
- // already in change method
- return;
- }
- inChange = true;
- ui.messageTreeWidget->clear();
- ui.quickViewWidget->setCurrentItem(NULL);
- listMode = LIST_BOX;
- insertMessages();
- insertMsgTxtAndFiles(ui.messageTreeWidget->currentItem());
- inChange = false;
-void MessagesDialog::changeQuickView(int newrow)
- Q_UNUSED(newrow);
- if (inChange) {
- // already in change method
- return;
- }
- inChange = true;
- ui.messageTreeWidget->clear();
- ui.listWidget->setCurrentItem(NULL);
- listMode = LIST_QUICKVIEW;
- insertMessages();
- insertMsgTxtAndFiles(ui.messageTreeWidget->currentItem());
- inChange = false;
-void MessagesDialog::messagesTagsChanged()
- if (lockUpdate) {
- return;
- }
- fillQuickView();
- insertMessages();
-static void InitIconAndFont(QTreeWidgetItem *item)
- int msgFlags = item->data(COLUMN_DATA, ROLE_MSGFLAGS).toInt();
- // show the real "New" state
- if (msgFlags & RS_MSG_NEW) {
- item->setIcon(COLUMN_SUBJECT, QIcon(":/images/message-state-new.png"));
- } else {
- if (msgFlags & RS_MSG_USER_REQUEST) {
- item->setIcon(COLUMN_SUBJECT, QIcon(":/images/user/user_request16.png"));
- } else if (msgFlags & RS_MSG_FRIEND_RECOMMENDATION) {
- item->setIcon(COLUMN_SUBJECT, QIcon(":/images/user/friend_suggestion16.png"));
- } else if (msgFlags & RS_MSG_PUBLISH_KEY) {
- item->setIcon(COLUMN_SUBJECT, QIcon(":/images/share-icon-16.png"));
- } else if (msgFlags & RS_MSG_UNREAD_BY_USER) {
- item->setIcon(COLUMN_SUBJECT, QIcon(":/images/message-mail-replied.png"));
- } else if ((msgFlags & (RS_MSG_REPLIED | RS_MSG_FORWARDED)) == RS_MSG_FORWARDED) {
- item->setIcon(COLUMN_SUBJECT, QIcon(":/images/message-mail-forwarded.png"));
- item->setIcon(COLUMN_SUBJECT, QIcon(":/images/message-mail-replied-forw.png"));
- } else {
- item->setIcon(COLUMN_SUBJECT, QIcon(":/images/message-mail.png"));
- }
- } else {
- item->setIcon(COLUMN_SUBJECT, QIcon(":/images/message-mail-replied-read.png"));
- } else if ((msgFlags & (RS_MSG_REPLIED | RS_MSG_FORWARDED)) == RS_MSG_FORWARDED) {
- item->setIcon(COLUMN_SUBJECT, QIcon(":/images/message-mail-forwarded-read.png"));
- item->setIcon(COLUMN_SUBJECT, QIcon(":/images/message-mail-replied-forw-read.png"));
- } else {
- item->setIcon(COLUMN_SUBJECT, QIcon(":/images/message-mail-read.png"));
- }
- }
- }
- if (msgFlags & RS_MSG_STAR) {
- item->setIcon(COLUMN_STAR, QIcon(IMAGE_STAR_ON));
- item->setData(COLUMN_STAR, ROLE_SORT, 1);
- } else {
- item->setIcon(COLUMN_STAR, QIcon(IMAGE_STAR_OFF));
- item->setData(COLUMN_STAR, ROLE_SORT, 0);
- }
- bool isNew = msgFlags & (RS_MSG_NEW | RS_MSG_UNREAD_BY_USER);
- // set icon
- if (isNew) {
- item->setIcon(COLUMN_UNREAD, QIcon(":/images/message-state-unread.png"));
- item->setData(COLUMN_UNREAD, ROLE_SORT, 1);
- } else {
- item->setIcon(COLUMN_UNREAD, QIcon(":/images/message-state-read.png"));
- item->setData(COLUMN_UNREAD, ROLE_SORT, 0);
- }
- // set font
- for (int i = 0; i < COLUMN_COUNT; ++i) {
- QFont qf = item->font(i);
- qf.setBold(isNew);
- item->setFont(i, qf);
- }
- item->setData(COLUMN_DATA, ROLE_UNREAD, isNew);
-void MessagesDialog::insertMessages()
- if (lockUpdate) {
- return;
- }
- std::list msgList;
- std::list::const_iterator it;
- MessageInfo msgInfo;
- bool gotInfo;
- QString text;
- RsPeerId ownId = rsPeers->getOwnId();
- rsMail -> getMessageSummaries(msgList);
- int filterColumn = ui.filterLineEdit->currentFilter();
- /* check the mode we are in */
- unsigned int msgbox = 0;
- bool isTrash = false;
- bool doFill = true;
- int quickViewType = 0;
- uint32_t quickViewId = 0;
- QString boxText;
- QIcon boxIcon;
- QString placeholderText;
- switch (listMode) {
- doFill = false;
- break;
- case LIST_BOX:
- {
- QListWidgetItem *listItem = ui.listWidget->currentItem();
- if (listItem) {
- boxIcon = listItem->icon();
- }
- int listrow = ui.listWidget->currentRow();
- switch (listrow) {
- case ROW_INBOX:
- msgbox = RS_MSG_INBOX;
- boxText = tr("Inbox");
- break;
- case ROW_OUTBOX:
- msgbox = RS_MSG_OUTBOX;
- boxText = tr("Outbox");
- break;
- msgbox = RS_MSG_DRAFTBOX;
- boxText = tr("Drafts");
- break;
- msgbox = RS_MSG_SENTBOX;
- boxText = tr("Sent");
- break;
- isTrash = true;
- boxText = tr("Trash");
- break;
- default:
- doFill = false;
- }
- }
- break;
- {
- QListWidgetItem *listItem = ui.quickViewWidget->currentItem();
- if (listItem) {
- quickViewType = listItem->data(ROLE_QUICKVIEW_TYPE).toInt();
- quickViewId = listItem->data(ROLE_QUICKVIEW_ID).toInt();
- boxText = listItem->text();
- boxIcon = listItem->icon();
- switch (quickViewType) {
- doFill = false;
- break;
- switch (quickViewId) {
- placeholderText = tr("No starred messages available. Stars let you give messages a special status to make them easier to find. To star a message, click on the light gray star beside any message.");
- break;
- placeholderText = tr("No system messages available.");
- break;
- }
- break;
- break;
- }
- } else {
- doFill = false;
- }
- }
- break;
- default:
- doFill = false;
- }
- ui.tabWidget->setTabText (0, boxText);
- ui.tabWidget->setTabIcon (0, boxIcon);
- ui.messageTreeWidget->setPlaceholderText(placeholderText);
- QTreeWidgetItem *headerItem = ui.messageTreeWidget->headerItem();
- if (msgbox == RS_MSG_INBOX) {
- headerItem->setText(COLUMN_FROM, tr("From"));
- headerItem->setToolTip(COLUMN_FROM, tr("Click to sort by from"));
- } else {
- headerItem->setText(COLUMN_FROM, tr("To"));
- headerItem->setToolTip(COLUMN_FROM, tr("Click to sort by to"));
- }
- if (doFill) {
- MsgTagType Tags;
- rsMail->getMessageTagTypes(Tags);
- /* search messages */
- std::list msgToShow;
- for(it = msgList.begin(); it != msgList.end(); ++it) {
- if (listMode == LIST_BOX) {
- if (isTrash) {
- if ((it->msgflags & RS_MSG_TRASH) == 0) {
- continue;
- }
- } else {
- if (it->msgflags & RS_MSG_TRASH) {
- continue;
- }
- if ((it->msgflags & RS_MSG_BOXMASK) != msgbox) {
- continue;
- }
- }
- } else if (listMode == LIST_QUICKVIEW && quickViewType == QUICKVIEW_TYPE_TAG) {
- MsgTagInfo tagInfo;
- rsMail->getMessageTag(it->msgId, tagInfo);
- if (std::find(tagInfo.tagIds.begin(), tagInfo.tagIds.end(), quickViewId) == tagInfo.tagIds.end()) {
- continue;
- }
- } else if (listMode == LIST_QUICKVIEW && quickViewType == QUICKVIEW_TYPE_STATIC) {
- if (quickViewId == QUICKVIEW_STATIC_ID_STARRED && (it->msgflags & RS_MSG_STAR) == 0) {
- continue;
- }
- if (quickViewId == QUICKVIEW_STATIC_ID_SYSTEM && (it->msgflags & RS_MSG_SYSTEM) == 0) {
- continue;
- }
- } else {
- continue;
- }
- msgToShow.push_back(*it);
- }
- /* remove old items */
- QTreeWidgetItemIterator itemIterator(ui.messageTreeWidget);
- QTreeWidgetItem *treeItem;
- while ((treeItem = *itemIterator) != NULL) {
- ++itemIterator;
- std::string msgIdFromRow = treeItem->data(COLUMN_DATA, ROLE_MSGID).toString().toStdString();
- for(it = msgToShow.begin(); it != msgToShow.end(); ++it) {
- if (it->msgId == msgIdFromRow) {
- break;
- }
- }
- if (it == msgToShow.end ()) {
- delete(treeItem);
- }
- }
- for(it = msgToShow.begin(); it != msgToShow.end(); ++it)
- {
- /* check the message flags, to decide which
- * group it should go in...
- *
- * InBox
- * OutBox
- * Drafts
- * Sent
- *
- * -> Outbox/Drafts/Sent
- * + SENT -> Sent
- * + IN_PROGRESS -> Draft.
- * + nuffing -> Outbox.
- * -> + NEW -> Bold.
- *
- */
- gotInfo = false;
- msgInfo = MessageInfo(); // clear
- // search exisisting items
- QTreeWidgetItemIterator existingItemIterator(ui.messageTreeWidget);
- while ((treeItem = *existingItemIterator) != NULL) {
- ++existingItemIterator;
- if (it->msgId == treeItem->data(COLUMN_DATA, ROLE_MSGID).toString().toStdString()) {
- break;
- }
- }
- /* make a widget per friend */
- bool insertItem = false;
- GxsIdRSTreeWidgetItem *item;
- if (treeItem) {
- item = dynamic_cast(treeItem);
- if (!item) {
- std::cerr << "MessagesDialog::insertMessages() Item is no GxsIdRSTreeWidgetItem" << std::endl;
- continue;
- }
- } else {
- item = new GxsIdRSTreeWidgetItem(mMessageCompareRole,GxsIdDetails::ICON_TYPE_AVATAR);
- insertItem = true;
- }
- /* So Text should be:
- * (1) Msg / Broadcast
- * (1b) Person / Channel Name
- * (2) Rank
- * (3) Date
- * (4) Title
- * (5) Msg
- * (6) File Count
- * (7) File Total
- */
- QString dateString;
- // Date First.... (for sorting)
- {
- QDateTime qdatetime;
- qdatetime.setTime_t(it->ts);
- // add string to all data
- dateString = qdatetime.toString("_yyyyMMdd_hhmmss");
- //if the mail is on same date show only time.
- if (qdatetime.daysTo(QDateTime::currentDateTime()) == 0)
- {
- item->setText(COLUMN_DATE, DateTime::formatTime(qdatetime.time()));
- }
- else
- {
- item->setText(COLUMN_DATE, DateTime::formatDateTime(qdatetime));
- }
- // for sorting
- item->setData(COLUMN_DATE, ROLE_SORT, qdatetime);
- }
- // From ....
- {
- bool setText = true;
- if (msgbox == RS_MSG_INBOX || msgbox == RS_MSG_OUTBOX)
- {
- if ((it->msgflags & RS_MSG_SYSTEM) && it->srcId == ownId) {
- text = "RetroShare";
- }
- else
- {
- if (it->msgflags & RS_MSG_DISTANT)
- {
- // distant message
- setText = false;
- if (gotInfo || rsMail->getMessage(it->msgId, msgInfo)) {
- gotInfo = true;
- if(msgbox != RS_MSG_INBOX && !msgInfo.rsgxsid_msgto.empty())
- item->setId(RsGxsId(*msgInfo.rsgxsid_msgto.begin()), COLUMN_FROM, false);
- else
- item->setId(RsGxsId(msgInfo.rsgxsid_srcId), COLUMN_FROM, false);
- }
- else
- std::cerr << "MessagesDialog::insertMsgTxtAndFiles() Couldn't find Msg" << std::endl;
- }
- else
- text = QString::fromUtf8(rsPeers->getPeerName(it->srcId).c_str());
- }
- }
- else
- {
- if (gotInfo || rsMail->getMessage(it->msgId, msgInfo)) {
- gotInfo = true;
- text.clear();
- for(std::set::const_iterator pit = msgInfo.rspeerid_msgto.begin(); pit != msgInfo.rspeerid_msgto.end(); ++pit)
- {
- if (!text.isEmpty())
- text += ", ";
- std::string peerName = rsPeers->getPeerName(*pit);
- if (peerName.empty())
- text += PeerDefs::rsid("", *pit);
- else
- text += QString::fromUtf8(peerName.c_str());
- }
- for(std::set::const_iterator pit = msgInfo.rsgxsid_msgto.begin(); pit != msgInfo.rsgxsid_msgto.end(); ++pit)
- {
- if (!text.isEmpty())
- text += ", ";
- RsIdentityDetails details;
- if (rsIdentity->getIdDetails(*pit, details) && !details.mNickname.empty())
- text += QString::fromUtf8(details.mNickname.c_str()) ;
- else
- text += PeerDefs::rsid("", *pit);
- }
- } else {
- std::cerr << "MessagesDialog::insertMsgTxtAndFiles() Couldn't find Msg" << std::endl;
- }
- }
- if (setText)
- {
- item->setText(COLUMN_FROM, text);
- item->setData(COLUMN_FROM, ROLE_SORT, text + dateString);
- } else {
- item->setData(COLUMN_FROM, ROLE_SORT, item->text(COLUMN_FROM) + dateString);
- }
- }
- // Subject
- text = QString::fromUtf8(it->title.c_str());
- item->setText(COLUMN_SUBJECT, text);
- item->setData(COLUMN_SUBJECT, ROLE_SORT, text + dateString);
- // internal data
- QString msgId = QString::fromStdString(it->msgId);
- item->setData(COLUMN_DATA, ROLE_SRCID, QString::fromStdString(it->srcId.toStdString()));
- item->setData(COLUMN_DATA, ROLE_MSGID, msgId);
- item->setData(COLUMN_DATA, ROLE_MSGFLAGS, it->msgflags);
- // Init icon and font
- InitIconAndFont(item);
- // Tags
- MsgTagInfo tagInfo;
- rsMail->getMessageTag(it->msgId, tagInfo);
- text.clear();
- // build tag names
- std::map >::iterator Tag;
- for (std::list::iterator tagId = tagInfo.tagIds.begin(); tagId != tagInfo.tagIds.end(); ++tagId) {
- if (text.isEmpty() == false) {
- text += ",";
- }
- Tag = Tags.types.find(*tagId);
- if (Tag != Tags.types.end()) {
- text += TagDefs::name(Tag->first, Tag->second.first);
- } else {
- // clean tagId
- rsMail->setMessageTag(it->msgId, *tagId, false);
- }
- }
- item->setText(COLUMN_TAGS, text);
- item->setData(COLUMN_TAGS, ROLE_SORT, text);
- // set color
- QColor color;
- if (tagInfo.tagIds.size()) {
- Tag = Tags.types.find(tagInfo.tagIds.front());
- if (Tag != Tags.types.end()) {
- color = Tag->second.second;
- } else {
- // clean tagId
- rsMail->setMessageTag(it->msgId, tagInfo.tagIds.front(), false);
- }
- }
- if (!color.isValid()) {
- color = ui.messageTreeWidget->palette().color(QPalette::Text);
- }
- QBrush brush = QBrush(color);
- for (int i = 0; i < COLUMN_COUNT; ++i) {
- item->setForeground(i, brush);
- }
- // No of Files.
- {
- item->setText(COLUMN_ATTACHEMENTS, QString::number(it->count));
- item->setData(COLUMN_ATTACHEMENTS, ROLE_SORT, item->text(COLUMN_ATTACHEMENTS) + dateString);
- item->setTextAlignment(COLUMN_ATTACHEMENTS, Qt::AlignHCenter);
- }
- if (filterColumn == COLUMN_CONTENT) {
- // need content for filter
- if (gotInfo || rsMail->getMessage(it->msgId, msgInfo)) {
- gotInfo = true;
- QTextDocument doc;
- doc.setHtml(QString::fromUtf8(msgInfo.msg.c_str()));
- item->setText(COLUMN_CONTENT, doc.toPlainText().replace(QString("\n"), QString(" ")));
- } else {
- std::cerr << "MessagesDialog::insertMsgTxtAndFiles() Couldn't find Msg" << std::endl;
- item->setText(COLUMN_CONTENT, "");
- }
- }
- else if(it->msgflags & RS_MSG_DISTANT)
- {
- item->setIcon(COLUMN_SIGNATURE, QIcon(":/images/blue_lock_open.png")) ;
- item->setIcon(COLUMN_SUBJECT, QIcon(":/images/message-mail-read.png")) ;
- if (msgbox == RS_MSG_INBOX )
- {
- item->setToolTip(COLUMN_SIGNATURE, tr("This message comes from a distant person.")) ;
- }
- else if (msgbox == RS_MSG_OUTBOX)
- {
- item->setToolTip(COLUMN_SIGNATURE, tr("This message goes to a distant person.")) ;
- }
- if(it->msgflags & RS_MSG_SIGNED)
- {
- if(it->msgflags & RS_MSG_SIGNATURE_CHECKS)
- {
- item->setIcon(COLUMN_SIGNATURE, QIcon(":/images/stock_signature_ok.png")) ;
- item->setToolTip(COLUMN_SIGNATURE, tr("This message was signed and the signature checks")) ;
- }
- else
- {
- item->setIcon(COLUMN_SIGNATURE, QIcon(":/images/stock_signature_bad.png")) ;
- item->setToolTip(COLUMN_SIGNATURE, tr("This message was signed but the signature doesn't check")) ;
- }
- }
- }
- else
- item->setIcon(COLUMN_SIGNATURE, QIcon()) ;
- if (insertItem) {
- /* add to the list */
- ui.messageTreeWidget->addTopLevelItem(item);
- }
- }
- } else {
- ui.messageTreeWidget->clear();
- }
- ui.messageTreeWidget->showColumn(COLUMN_ATTACHEMENTS);
- ui.messageTreeWidget->showColumn(COLUMN_SUBJECT);
- ui.messageTreeWidget->showColumn(COLUMN_UNREAD);
- ui.messageTreeWidget->showColumn(COLUMN_FROM);
- ui.messageTreeWidget->showColumn(COLUMN_DATE);
- ui.messageTreeWidget->showColumn(COLUMN_TAGS);
- ui.messageTreeWidget->hideColumn(COLUMN_CONTENT);
- if (!ui.filterLineEdit->text().isEmpty()) {
- ui.messageTreeWidget->filterItems(ui.filterLineEdit->currentFilter(), ui.filterLineEdit->text());
- }
- updateMessageSummaryList();
-// current row in messageTreeWidget has changed
-void MessagesDialog::currentItemChanged(QTreeWidgetItem *item)
- timer->stop();
- if (item) {
- timerIndex = ui.messageTreeWidget->indexOfTopLevelItem(item);
- timer->start();
- } else {
- timerIndex = -1;
- }
- updateInterface();
-// click in messageTreeWidget
-void MessagesDialog::clicked(QTreeWidgetItem *item, int column)
- if (!item) {
- return;
- }
- switch (column) {
- {
- QList