mirror of
synced 2025-02-17 21:34:10 -05:00
Merge branch 'master' into webui
This commit is contained in:
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,486 @@
; Script generated with the Venis Install Wizard & modified by defnax
; Reworked by Thunder
# Needed defines
;!define BUILDADD ""
;!define SOURCEDIR ""
;!define RELEASEDIR ""
;!define QTDIR ""
;!define MINGWDIR ""
# Optional defines
;!define OUTDIR ""
# Check needed defines
!ifndef BUILDADD
!error "BUILDADD is not defined"
!error "SOURCEDIR is not defined"
!error "RELEASEDIR is not defined"
!ifndef QTDIR
!error "QTDIR is not defined"
!ifndef MINGWDIR
!error "MINGWDIR is not defined"
# Check optional defines
!ifdef OUTDIR
!define OUTDIR_ "${OUTDIR}\"
!define OUTDIR ""
!define OUTDIR_ ""
# Get version from executable
!GetDllVersion "${RELEASEDIR}\retroshare-gui\src\release\RetroShare06.exe" VERSION_
;!define REVISION ${VERSION_4}
# Check version
!ifndef REVISION
!error "REVISION is not defined"
!ifndef REVISION
!error "REVISION is not defined"
# Date
!define /date Date "%Y%m%d"
# Application name and version
!define APPNAME "RetroShare"
!define PUBLISHER "RetroShare Team"
# Install path
!define INSTDIR_NORMAL "$ProgramFiles\${APPNAME}"
!define INSTDIR_PORTABLE "$Desktop\${APPNAME}"
# Main Install settings
InstallDirRegKey HKLM "Software\${APPNAME}" ""
OutFile "${OUTDIR_}RetroShare-${VERSION}-${Date}-${REVISION}-setup.exe"
RequestExecutionlevel highest
# Use compression
SetCompressor /SOLID LZMA
# Global variables
Var PortableMode
Var InstDirNormal
Var InstDirPortable
Var DataDir
Var StyleSheetDir
# Modern interface settings
!include Sections.nsh
!include nsDialogs.nsh
!include "MUI.nsh"
# Interface Settings
!define MUI_HEADERIMAGE_BITMAP "${SOURCEDIR}\build_scripts\Windows\HeaderImage.bmp"
# MUI defines
!define MUI_ICON "${NSISDIR}\Contrib\Graphics\Icons\orange-install.ico"
!define MUI_FINISHPAGE_LINK "Visit the RetroShare forum for the latest news and support"
!define MUI_FINISHPAGE_LINK_LOCATION "http://retroshare.sourceforge.net/forum/"
!define MUI_FINISHPAGE_RUN "$INSTDIR\RetroShare.exe"
!define MUI_UNICON "${NSISDIR}\Contrib\Graphics\Icons\orange-uninstall.ico"
# Defines the un-/installer logo of RetroShare
!insertmacro MUI_DEFAULT MUI_WELCOMEFINISHPAGE_BITMAP "${NSISDIR}\Contrib\Graphics\Wizard\orange.bmp"
!insertmacro MUI_DEFAULT MUI_UNWELCOMEFINISHPAGE_BITMAP "${NSISDIR}\Contrib\Graphics\Wizard\orange-uninstall.bmp"
# Installer pages
!insertmacro MUI_PAGE_WELCOME
!insertmacro MUI_PAGE_LICENSE "$(myLicenseData)"
Page Custom PortableModePageCreate PortableModePageLeave
!insertmacro MUI_PAGE_FINISH
# Set languages (first is default language)
# Installer languages
# Translations
!insertmacro MUI_LANGUAGE "${LANGUAGE}"
; !verbose off
!define LANG "${LANGUAGE}"
!include "lang\${LANGCODE}.nsh"
LangString LANGUAGEID "${LANG_${LANG}}" "1031"
LicenseLangString myLicenseData ${LANGCODE} ${LICENCEFILE}
; !verbose on
!undef LANG
LangString "${NAME}" "${LANG_${LANG}}" "${VALUE}"
!insertmacro LANG_LOAD "English" "en" "1033" "${SOURCEDIR}\retroshare-gui\src\license\license.txt"
!insertmacro LANG_LOAD "French" "fr" "1036" "${SOURCEDIR}\retroshare-gui\src\license\license-FR.txt"
!insertmacro LANG_LOAD "German" "de" "1031" "${SOURCEDIR}\retroshare-gui\src\license\license-GER.txt"
!insertmacro LANG_LOAD "Turkish" "tr" "1055" "${SOURCEDIR}\retroshare-gui\src\license\license-TR.txt"
!insertmacro LANG_LOAD "SimpChinese" "zh_CN" "2052" "${SOURCEDIR}\retroshare-gui\src\license\license.txt"
!insertmacro LANG_LOAD "Polish" "pl" "1045" "${SOURCEDIR}\retroshare-gui\src\license\license.txt"
!insertmacro LANG_LOAD "Spanish" "es" "1034" "${SOURCEDIR}\retroshare-gui\src\license\license.txt"
!insertmacro LANG_LOAD "Russian" "ru" "1049" "${SOURCEDIR}\retroshare-gui\src\license\license.txt"
!insertmacro LANG_LOAD "Catalan" "ca_ES" "1027" "${SOURCEDIR}\retroshare-gui\src\license\license.txt"
LicenseData $(myLicenseData)
# Main binaries
Section $(Section_Main) Section_Main
;Set Section required
SectionIn RO
; Set Section properties
SetOverwrite on
; Clears previous error logs
; Delete "$INSTDIR\*.log"
; Main binaries
SetOutPath "$INSTDIR"
File /oname=RetroShare.exe "${RELEASEDIR}\retroshare-gui\src\release\RetroShare06.exe"
File /oname=retroshare-nogui.exe "${RELEASEDIR}\retroshare-nogui\src\release\RetroShare06-nogui.exe"
; Qt binaries
File "${QTDIR}\bin\Qt5Core.dll"
File "${QTDIR}\bin\Qt5Gui.dll"
File "${QTDIR}\bin\Qt5Multimedia.dll"
File "${QTDIR}\bin\Qt5Network.dll"
File "${QTDIR}\bin\Qt5PrintSupport.dll"
File "${QTDIR}\bin\Qt5Svg.dll"
File "${QTDIR}\bin\Qt5Widgets.dll"
File "${QTDIR}\bin\Qt5Xml.dll"
; Qt audio
SetOutPath "$INSTDIR\audio"
File /r "${QTDIR}\plugins\audio\qtaudio_windows.dll"
; Qt platforms
SetOutPath "$INSTDIR\platforms"
File /r "${QTDIR}\plugins\platforms\qwindows.dll"
; MinGW binaries
SetOutPath "$INSTDIR"
File "${MINGWDIR}\bin\libstdc++-6.dll"
File "${MINGWDIR}\bin\libgcc_s_dw2-1.dll"
File "${MINGWDIR}\bin\libwinpthread-1.dll"
; External binaries
File "${SOURCEDIR}\..\libs\bin\miniupnpc.dll"
File "${SOURCEDIR}\..\libs\bin\libeay32.dll"
File "${SOURCEDIR}\..\libs\bin\ssleay32.dll"
; Other files
File "${SOURCEDIR}\retroshare-gui\src\changelog.txt"
File "${SOURCEDIR}\libbitdht\src\bitdht\bdboot.txt"
; Image formats
SetOutPath "$INSTDIR\imageformats"
File /r "${QTDIR}\plugins\imageformats\qgif.dll"
File /r "${QTDIR}\plugins\imageformats\qicns.dll"
File /r "${QTDIR}\plugins\imageformats\qico.dll"
File /r "${QTDIR}\plugins\imageformats\qjp2.dll"
File /r "${QTDIR}\plugins\imageformats\qjpeg.dll"
File /r "${QTDIR}\plugins\imageformats\qmng.dll"
File /r "${QTDIR}\plugins\imageformats\qsvg.dll"
File /r "${QTDIR}\plugins\imageformats\qtga.dll"
File /r "${QTDIR}\plugins\imageformats\qtiff.dll"
File /r "${QTDIR}\plugins\imageformats\qwbmp.dll"
File /r "${QTDIR}\plugins\imageformats\qwebp.dll"
; Sounds
SetOutPath "$INSTDIR\sounds"
File /r "${SOURCEDIR}\retroshare-gui\src\sounds\*.*"
; Translations
SetOutPath "$INSTDIR\translations"
File /r "${SOURCEDIR}\retroshare-gui\src\translations\*.qm"
File /r "${QTDIR}\translations\qt_*.qm"
File /r "${QTDIR}\translations\qtbase_*.qm"
File /r "${QTDIR}\translations\qtscript_*.qm"
File /r "${QTDIR}\translations\qtquick1_*.qm"
File /r "${QTDIR}\translations\qtmultimedia_*.qm"
File /r "${QTDIR}\translations\qtxmlpatterns_*.qm"
; WebUI
SetOutPath "$INSTDIR\webui"
File /r "${SOURCEDIR}\libresapi\src\webfiles\*.*"
; License
SetOutPath "$INSTDIR\license"
File /r "${SOURCEDIR}\retroshare-gui\src\license\*.*"
# Plugins
SectionGroup $(Section_Plugins) Section_Plugins
Section $(Section_Plugin_FeedReader) Section_Plugin_FeedReader
SetOutPath "$DataDir\extensions6"
File "${RELEASEDIR}\plugins\FeedReader\release\FeedReader.dll"
Section $(Section_Plugin_VOIP) Section_Plugin_VOIP
SetOutPath "$DataDir\extensions6"
File "${RELEASEDIR}\plugins\VOIP\release\VOIP.dll"
# Data (Styles)
Section $(Section_Data) Section_Data
; Set Section properties
SetOverwrite on
; Chat style
SetOutPath "$StyleSheetDir\stylesheets\Bubble"
File /r "${SOURCEDIR}\retroshare-gui\src\gui\qss\chat\Bubble\*.*"
SetOutPath "$StyleSheetDir\stylesheets\Bubble_Compact"
File /r "${SOURCEDIR}\retroshare-gui\src\gui\qss\chat\Bubble_Compact\*.*"
; Stylesheets
SetOutPath "$INSTDIR\qss"
File /r "${SOURCEDIR}\retroshare-gui\src\qss\*.*"
;Section $(Section_Link) Section_Link
; Delete any existing keys
; Write the file association
; WriteRegStr HKCR .pqi "" retroshare
; WriteRegStr HKCR retroshare "" "PQI File"
; WriteRegBin HKCR retroshare EditFlags 00000100
; WriteRegStr HKCR "retroshare\shell" "" open
; WriteRegStr HKCR "retroshare\shell\open\command" "" `"$INSTDIR\RetroShare.exe" "%1"`
# Shortcuts
SectionGroup $(Section_Shortcuts) Section_Shortcuts
Section $(Section_StartMenu) Section_StartMenu
SetOutPath "$INSTDIR"
CreateDirectory "$SMPROGRAMS\${APPNAME}"
CreateShortCut "$SMPROGRAMS\${APPNAME}\$(Link_Uninstall).lnk" "$INSTDIR\uninstall.exe" "" "$INSTDIR\uninstall.exe" 0
CreateShortCut "$SMPROGRAMS\${APPNAME}\${APPNAME}.lnk" "$INSTDIR\RetroShare.exe" "" "$INSTDIR\RetroShare.exe" 0
Section $(Section_Desktop) Section_Desktop
CreateShortCut "$DESKTOP\${APPNAME}.lnk" "$INSTDIR\RetroShare.exe" "" "$INSTDIR\RetroShare.exe" 0
Section $(Section_QuickLaunch) Section_QuickLaunch
CreateShortCut "$QUICKLAUNCH\${APPNAME}.lnk" "$INSTDIR\RetroShare.exe" "" "$INSTDIR\RetroShare.exe" 0
Section $(Section_AutoStart) Section_AutoStart
WriteRegStr HKCU "Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run" "RetroShare" "$INSTDIR\${APPNAME}.exe -m"
;Section $(Section_AutoStart) Section_AutoStart
; CreateShortCut "$SMSTARTUP\${APPNAME}.lnk" "$INSTDIR\RetroShare.exe" "" "$INSTDIR\RetroShare.exe -m" 0
Section -FinishSection
${If} $PortableMode = 0
WriteRegStr HKLM "Software\${APPNAME}" "" "$INSTDIR"
WriteRegStr HKLM "Software\${APPNAME}" "Version" "${VERSION}"
WriteRegStr HKLM "Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\${APPNAME}" "DisplayName" "${APPNAME}"
WriteRegStr HKLM "Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\${APPNAME}" "DisplayVersion" "${VERSION}"
WriteRegStr HKLM "Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\${APPNAME}" "DisplayIcon" "$INSTDIR\RetroShare.exe"
WriteRegStr HKLM "Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\${APPNAME}" "Publisher" "${PUBLISHER}"
WriteRegStr HKLM "Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\${APPNAME}" "NoModify" "1"
WriteRegStr HKLM "Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\${APPNAME}" "NoRepair" "1"
WriteRegStr HKLM "Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\${APPNAME}" "UninstallString" "$INSTDIR\uninstall.exe"
WriteUninstaller "$INSTDIR\uninstall.exe"
; Create the file the application uses to detect portable mode
FileOpen $0 "$INSTDIR\portable" w
FileClose $0
# Descriptions
!insertmacro MUI_DESCRIPTION_TEXT ${Section_Main} $(Section_Main_Desc)
!insertmacro MUI_DESCRIPTION_TEXT ${Section_Data} $(Section_Data_Desc)
!insertmacro MUI_DESCRIPTION_TEXT ${Section_Shortcuts} $(Section_Shortcuts_Desc)
!insertmacro MUI_DESCRIPTION_TEXT ${Section_StartMenu} $(Section_StartMenu_Desc)
!insertmacro MUI_DESCRIPTION_TEXT ${Section_Desktop} $(Section_Desktop_Desc)
!insertmacro MUI_DESCRIPTION_TEXT ${Section_QuickLaunch} $(Section_QuickLaunch_Desc)
!insertmacro MUI_DESCRIPTION_TEXT ${Section_Plugins} $(Section_Plugins_Desc)
!insertmacro MUI_DESCRIPTION_TEXT ${Section_Plugin_FeedReader} $(Section_Plugin_FeedReader_Desc)
!insertmacro MUI_DESCRIPTION_TEXT ${Section_Plugin_VOIP} $(Section_Plugin_VOIP_Desc)
; !insertmacro MUI_DESCRIPTION_TEXT ${Section_Link} $(Section_Link_Desc)
!insertmacro MUI_DESCRIPTION_TEXT ${Section_AutoStart} $(Section_AutoStart_Desc)
# Uninstall
Section "Uninstall"
; Remove file association registry keys
; DeleteRegKey HKCR .pqi
DeleteRegKey HKCR RetroShare
; Remove program/uninstall regsitry keys
DeleteRegKey HKLM "Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\${APPNAME}"
DeleteRegValue HKCU "Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run" "RetroShare"
; Remove shortcuts, if any
; Remove desktop shortcut
Delete "$DESKTOP\${APPNAME}.lnk"
; Remove Quicklaunch shortcut
; Remove Autstart
Delete "$SMSTARTUP\${APPNAME}.lnk"
; Remove directories used
; Don't remove the directory, otherwise
; we lose the XPGP keys.
; Should make this an option though...
RMDir /r "${DATADIR_NORMAL}\extensions6"
RMDir /r "${DATADIR_NORMAL}\stylesheets"
Function .onInit
StrCpy $InstDirNormal "${INSTDIR_NORMAL}"
StrCpy $InstDirPortable "${INSTDIR_PORTABLE}"
StrCpy $PortableMode 0
StrCpy $INSTDIR "$InstDirNormal"
StrCpy $DataDir "${DATADIR_NORMAL}"
Push $R1
File /oname=$PLUGINSDIR\spltmp.bmp "${SOURCEDIR}\retroshare-gui\src\gui\images\logo\logo_splash.png"
advsplash::show 1200 1000 1000 -1 $PLUGINSDIR\spltmp
Pop $R1
Pop $R1
# Installation mode
Function RequireAdmin
Pop $8
${If} $8 != "admin"
MessageBox MB_ICONSTOP "You need administrator rights to install ${APPNAME}"
Function SetModeDestinationFromInstdir
${If} $PortableMode = 0
StrCpy $InstDirNormal $INSTDIR
StrCpy $InstDirPortable $INSTDIR
Function PortableModePageCreate
Call SetModeDestinationFromInstdir ; If the user clicks BACK on the directory page we will remember their mode specific directory
!insertmacro MUI_HEADER_TEXT $(Page_InstallMode) $(Page_InstallMode_Desc)
nsDialogs::Create 1018
Pop $0
${NSD_CreateRadioButton} 5u 25u -10u 8u $(Page_InstallMode_Standard)
Pop $1
${NSD_CreateLabel} 18u 40u -10u 24u $(Page_InstallMode_Standard_Desc)
Pop $0
${NSD_CreateRadioButton} 5u 75u -10u 8u $(Page_InstallMode_Portable)
Pop $2
${NSD_CreateLabel} 18u 90u -10u 24u $(Page_InstallMode_Portable_Desc)
Pop $0
${If} $PortableMode = 0
SendMessage $1 ${BM_SETCHECK} ${BST_CHECKED} 0
SendMessage $2 ${BM_SETCHECK} ${BST_CHECKED} 0
Function PortableModePageLeave
${NSD_GetState} $1 $0
${If} $0 <> ${BST_UNCHECKED}
StrCpy $PortableMode 0
StrCpy $INSTDIR $InstDirNormal
Call RequireAdmin
; Enable sections
SectionSetText ${Section_Shortcuts} $(Section_Shortcuts)
SectionSetText ${Section_StartMenu} $(Section_StartMenu)
SectionSetText ${Section_Desktop} $(Section_Desktop)
SectionSetText ${Section_QuickLaunch} $(Section_QuickLaunch)
SectionSetText ${Section_AutoStart} $(Section_AutoStart)
!insertmacro SelectSection ${Section_Shortcuts}
!insertmacro SelectSection ${Section_AutoStart}
!insertmacro SelectSection ${Section_StartMenu}
!insertmacro SelectSection ${Section_Desktop}
!insertmacro SelectSection ${Section_QuickLaunch}
StrCpy $PortableMode 1
StrCpy $INSTDIR $InstDirPortable
; Disable sections
!insertmacro UnselectSection ${Section_Shortcuts}
!insertmacro UnselectSection ${Section_AutoStart}
!insertmacro UnselectSection ${Section_StartMenu}
!insertmacro UnselectSection ${Section_Desktop}
!insertmacro UnselectSection ${Section_QuickLaunch}
SectionSetText ${Section_Shortcuts} ""
SectionSetText ${Section_StartMenu} ""
SectionSetText ${Section_Desktop} ""
SectionSetText ${Section_QuickLaunch} ""
SectionSetText ${Section_AutoStart} ""
Function dir_leave
${If} $PortableMode = 0
StrCpy $DataDir "${DATADIR_NORMAL}"
StrCpy $StyleSheetDir $DataDir
StrCpy $StyleSheetDir $INSTDIR
@ -299,10 +299,10 @@ bool p3BitDht::loadList(std::list<RsItem *>& load)
return false;
std::cerr << "BITDHT Load Item:";
std::cerr << std::endl;
//std::cerr << "BITDHT Load Item:";
//std::cerr << std::endl;
config->print(std::cerr, 0);
//config->print(std::cerr, 0);
std::list<std::string> servers;
int peers[RSDHT_RELAY_NUM_CLASS] = {0};
@ -320,16 +320,16 @@ bool p3BitDht::loadList(std::list<RsItem *>& load)
/* add to RELAY_SERVER List */
std::cerr << "p3BitDht::loadList() Found Server: " << value;
std::cerr << std::endl;
//std::cerr << "p3BitDht::loadList() Found Server: " << value;
//std::cerr << std::endl;
else if (0 == strncmp(key.c_str(), "RELAY_MODE", 10))
mode = atoi(value.c_str());
haveMode = true;
std::cerr << "p3BitDht::loadList() Found Mode: " << mode;
std::cerr << std::endl;
//std::cerr << "p3BitDht::loadList() Found Mode: " << mode;
//std::cerr << std::endl;
else if (0 == strncmp(key.c_str(), "RELAY_CLASS", 11))
@ -358,24 +358,24 @@ bool p3BitDht::loadList(std::list<RsItem *>& load)
if (key[13] == 'C')
std::cerr << "p3BitDht::loadList() Found Count(" << idx << "): ";
std::cerr << val;
std::cerr << std::endl;
//std::cerr << "p3BitDht::loadList() Found Count(" << idx << "): ";
//std::cerr << val;
//std::cerr << std::endl;
peers[idx] = val;
std::cerr << "p3BitDht::loadList() Found Bandwidth(" << idx << "): ";
std::cerr << val;
std::cerr << std::endl;
//std::cerr << "p3BitDht::loadList() Found Bandwidth(" << idx << "): ";
//std::cerr << val;
//std::cerr << std::endl;
bandwidth[idx] = val;
std::cerr << "p3BitDht::loadList() Unknown Key:value: " << key;
std::cerr << ":" << value;
std::cerr << std::endl;
//std::cerr << "p3BitDht::loadList() Unknown Key:value: " << key;
//std::cerr << ":" << value;
//std::cerr << std::endl;
@ -142,6 +142,8 @@ RsGRouterGenericDataItem *RsGRouterSerialiser::deserialise_RsGRouterGenericDataI
ok &= getRawUInt32(data, pktsize, &offset, &item->service_id);
ok &= getRawUInt32(data, pktsize, &offset, &item->data_size);
if(item->data_size > 0) // This happens when the item data has been deleted from the cache
if(item->data_size > rssize || offset > rssize - item->data_size) // better than if(item->data_size + offset > rssize)
std::cerr << __PRETTY_FUNCTION__ << ": Cannot read beyond item size. Serialisation error!" << std::endl;
@ -157,10 +159,27 @@ RsGRouterGenericDataItem *RsGRouterSerialiser::deserialise_RsGRouterGenericDataI
memcpy(item->data_bytes,&((uint8_t*)data)[offset],item->data_size) ;
offset += item->data_size ;
item->data_bytes = NULL ;
ok &= item->signature.GetTlv(data, pktsize, &offset) ;
ok &= getRawUInt32(data, pktsize, &offset, &item->randomized_distance);
ok &= getRawUInt32(data, pktsize, &offset, &item->duplication_factor);
// make sure the duplication factor is not altered by friends. In the worst case, the item will duplicate a bit more.
if(item->duplication_factor < 1)
item->duplication_factor = 1 ;
std::cerr << "(II) correcting GRouter item duplication factor from 0 to 1, to ensure backward compat." << std::endl;
if(item->duplication_factor > GROUTER_MAX_DUPLICATION_FACTOR)
std::cerr << "(WW) correcting GRouter item duplication factor of " << item->duplication_factor << ". This is very unexpected." << std::endl;
item->duplication_factor = GROUTER_MAX_DUPLICATION_FACTOR ;
ok &= getRawUInt32(data, pktsize, &offset, &item->flags);
if (offset != rssize || !ok)
@ -382,7 +401,7 @@ uint32_t RsGRouterGenericDataItem::serial_size() const
s += 4 ; // service id
s += data_size ; // data
s += signature.TlvSize() ; // signature
s += 4 ; // randomized distance
s += 4 ; // duplication_factor
s += 4 ; // flags
return s ;
@ -483,7 +502,7 @@ bool RsGRouterGenericDataItem::serialise(void *data,uint32_t& size) const
ok &= signature.SetTlv(data, tlvsize, &offset) ;
ok &= setRawUInt32(data, tlvsize, &offset, randomized_distance) ;
ok &= setRawUInt32(data, tlvsize, &offset, duplication_factor) ;
ok &= setRawUInt32(data, tlvsize, &offset, flags) ;
if (offset != tlvsize)
@ -796,7 +815,7 @@ std::ostream& RsGRouterGenericDataItem::print(std::ostream& o, uint16_t)
o << " Data size: " << data_size << std::endl ;
o << " Data hash: " << RsDirUtil::sha1sum(data_bytes,data_size) << std::endl ;
o << " signature key: " << signature.keyId << std::endl;
o << " randomized dist:" << randomized_distance << std::endl;
o << " duplication fac:" << duplication_factor << std::endl;
o << " flags: " << flags << std::endl;
return o ;
@ -133,7 +133,7 @@ class RsGRouterGenericDataItem: public RsGRouterAbstractMsgItem, public RsGRoute
uint32_t data_size ;
uint8_t *data_bytes;
uint32_t randomized_distance ; // number of hops (tunnel wise. Does not preclude of the real distance)
uint32_t duplication_factor ; // number of duplicates allowed. Should be capped at each de-serialise operation!
// utility methods for signing data
virtual uint32_t signed_data_size() const ;
@ -203,7 +203,7 @@ void GRouterMatrix::debugDump() const
std::cerr << " " << it->first << ": from " << it->second.friend_id << " " << now - it->second.time_stamp << " secs ago." << std::endl;
bool GRouterMatrix::computeRoutingProbabilities(const GRouterKeyId& key_id, const std::vector<RsPeerId>& friends, std::vector<float>& probas) const
bool GRouterMatrix::computeRoutingProbabilities(const GRouterKeyId& key_id, const std::vector<RsPeerId>& friends, std::vector<float>& probas, float& maximum) const
// Routing probabilities are computed according to routing clues
@ -239,6 +239,7 @@ bool GRouterMatrix::computeRoutingProbabilities(const GRouterKeyId& key_id, cons
return false ;
const std::vector<float>& w(it2->second) ;
maximum = 0.0f ;
for(uint32_t i=0;i<friends.size();++i)
@ -250,6 +251,9 @@ bool GRouterMatrix::computeRoutingProbabilities(const GRouterKeyId& key_id, cons
probas[i] = w[findex] ;
total += w[findex] ;
if(maximum < w[findex])
maximum = w[findex] ;
@ -57,7 +57,7 @@ class GRouterMatrix
// the computation accounts for the time at which the info was received and the
// weight of each routing hit record.
bool computeRoutingProbabilities(const GRouterKeyId& id, const std::vector<RsPeerId>& friends, std::vector<float>& probas) const ;
bool computeRoutingProbabilities(const GRouterKeyId& id, const std::vector<RsPeerId>& friends, std::vector<float>& probas, float &maximum) const ;
// Update routing probabilities for each key, accounting for all received events, but without
// activity information
@ -44,6 +44,8 @@ static const uint32_t RS_GROUTER_MAX_KEEP_TRACKING_CLUES = 86400*10 ; // m
static const float RS_GROUTER_BASE_WEIGHT_ROUTED_MSG = 1.0f ; // base contribution of routed message clue to routing matrix
static const float RS_GROUTER_BASE_WEIGHT_GXS_PACKET = 0.1f ; // base contribution of GXS message to routing matrix
static const float RS_GROUTER_PROBABILITY_THRESHOLD_FOR_RANDOM_ROUTING = 0.01f ; // routing probability under which the routage is performed randomly
static const float RS_GROUTER_PROBABILITY_THRESHOLD_BEST_PEERS_SELECT = 0.5f ; // min ratio of forward proba with respect to best peer.
static const uint32_t MAX_TUNNEL_WAIT_TIME = 60 ; // wait for 60 seconds at most for a tunnel response.
static const uint32_t MAX_TUNNEL_UNMANAGED_TIME = 600 ; // min time before retry tunnels for that msg.
@ -54,6 +56,8 @@ static const uint32_t MAX_GROUTER_DATA_SIZE = 2*1024*1024 ; // 2M
static const uint32_t MAX_TRANSACTION_ACK_WAITING_TIME = 60 ; // wait for at most 60 secs for a ACK. If not restart the transaction.
static const uint32_t DIRECT_FRIEND_TRY_DELAY = 20 ; // wait for 20 secs if no friends available, then try tunnels.
static const uint32_t MAX_INACTIVE_DATA_PIPE_DELAY = 300 ; // clean inactive data pipes for more than 5 mins
static const uint32_t GROUTER_MAX_DUPLICATION_FACTOR = 10 ; // max number of duplicates for a given message to keep in the network
static const uint32_t GROUTER_MAX_BRANCHING_FACTOR = 3 ; // max number of branches, for locally forwarding items
static const time_t RS_GROUTER_DEBUG_OUTPUT_PERIOD = 10 ; // Output everything
static const time_t RS_GROUTER_AUTOWASH_PERIOD = 10 ; // Autowash every minute. Not a costly operation.
@ -190,6 +190,7 @@
#include "services/p3idservice.h"
#include "turtle/p3turtle.h"
#include "gxs/rsgixs.h"
#include "retroshare/rspeers.h"
#include "p3grouter.h"
#include "grouteritems.h"
@ -855,6 +856,34 @@ void p3GRouter::handleTunnels()
void p3GRouter::locked_sendToPeers(RsGRouterGenericDataItem *data_item,const std::map<RsPeerId,uint32_t>& peers_and_duplication_factors)
// slice the data appropriately and send.
uint32_t saved_duplication_factor = data_item->duplication_factor ; // this little trick avoids copying the item for each peer before slicing it up
for(std::map<RsPeerId,uint32_t>::const_iterator itpid(peers_and_duplication_factors.begin());itpid!=peers_and_duplication_factors.end();++itpid)
std::list<RsGRouterTransactionChunkItem*> chunks ;
data_item->duplication_factor = itpid->second;
sliceDataItem(data_item,chunks) ;
for(std::list<RsGRouterTransactionChunkItem*>::const_iterator it2(chunks.begin());it2!=chunks.end();++it2)
locked_sendTransactionData(itpid->first,*(*it2) ) ;
std::cerr << " sending " << chunks.size() << " slices to peer " << itpid->first << " with duplication factor = " << itpid->second << std::endl;
// delete temporary items
for(std::list<RsGRouterTransactionChunkItem*>::const_iterator cit=chunks.begin();cit!=chunks.end();++cit)
delete *cit;
data_item->duplication_factor = saved_duplication_factor ;
void p3GRouter::routePendingObjects()
// Go throught he list of pending messages. For those with a peer ready, send the message to that peer.
@ -885,17 +914,45 @@ void p3GRouter::routePendingObjects()
// Look for tunnels and friends where to send the data. Send to both.
std::list<RsPeerId> peers ;
std::map<RsPeerId,uint32_t> peers_and_duplication_factors ;
if(it->second.routing_flags & GRouterRoutingInfo::ROUTING_FLAGS_ALLOW_TUNNELS)
// For now, disable friends. We'll first check that the good old tunnel system works as before.
std::cerr << " tunnels available! sending!" << std::endl;
locked_sendToPeers(it->second.data_item,peers_and_duplication_factors) ;
// change item state in waiting list
it->second.data_status = RS_GROUTER_DATA_STATUS_ONGOING ;
it->second.data_transaction_TS = now ;
pending_messages_changed = true ;
continue ; // no need to seek for friend asynced routes since tunnels directly go to the final destination!
if(it->second.routing_flags & GRouterRoutingInfo::ROUTING_FLAGS_ALLOW_FRIENDS)
locked_collectAvailableFriends(it->second.data_item->destination_key,peers, it->second.incoming_routes.ids, it->second.routing_flags & GRouterRoutingInfo::ROUTING_FLAGS_IS_ORIGIN);
std::cerr << " friends available! sending!" << std::endl;
locked_sendToPeers(it->second.data_item,peers_and_duplication_factors) ;
// change item state in waiting list
it->second.data_status = RS_GROUTER_DATA_STATUS_ONGOING ;
it->second.data_transaction_TS = now ;
pending_messages_changed = true ;
std::cerr << " no direct friends available" << std::endl;
@ -908,33 +965,8 @@ void p3GRouter::routePendingObjects()
it->second.routing_flags |= GRouterRoutingInfo::ROUTING_FLAGS_ALLOW_TUNNELS ;
continue ;
// slice the data appropriately and send.
std::list<RsGRouterTransactionChunkItem*> chunks ;
sliceDataItem(it->second.data_item,chunks) ;
std::cerr << " sending to peers:" << std::endl;
for(std::list<RsPeerId>::const_iterator itpid(peers.begin());itpid!=peers.end();++itpid)
for(std::list<RsGRouterTransactionChunkItem*>::const_iterator it2(chunks.begin());it2!=chunks.end();++it2)
locked_sendTransactionData(*itpid,*(*it2) ) ;
// delete temporary items
for(std::list<RsGRouterTransactionChunkItem*>::const_iterator cit=chunks.begin();cit!=chunks.end();++cit)
delete *cit;
// change item state in waiting list
it->second.data_status = RS_GROUTER_DATA_STATUS_ONGOING ;
it->second.data_transaction_TS = now ;
pending_messages_changed = true ;
else if(it->second.data_status == RS_GROUTER_DATA_STATUS_ONGOING && now > MAX_TRANSACTION_ACK_WAITING_TIME + it->second.data_transaction_TS)
@ -1014,70 +1046,161 @@ void p3GRouter::routePendingObjects()
IndicateConfigChanged() ;
void p3GRouter::locked_collectAvailableFriends(const GRouterKeyId& gxs_id,std::list<RsPeerId>& friend_peers,const std::set<RsPeerId>& incoming_routes,bool is_origin)
void p3GRouter::locked_collectAvailableFriends(const GRouterKeyId& gxs_id,const std::set<RsPeerId>& incoming_routes,uint32_t duplication_factor, std::map<RsPeerId,uint32_t>& friend_peers_and_duplication_factors)
// The strategy is the following:
// Old strategy was the following:
// if origin
// send to multiple neighbors : best and random
// else
// send to a single "best" neighbor (determined by threshold over routing probability),
std::set<RsPeerId> ids ;
mServiceControl->getPeersConnected(getServiceInfo().mServiceType,ids) ;
std::vector<float> probas;
std::vector<RsPeerId> tmp_peers;
// remove previous peers
for(std::set<RsPeerId>::const_iterator it(ids.begin());it!=ids.end();++it)
if(incoming_routes.find(*it) == incoming_routes.end())
tmp_peers.push_back(*it) ;
return ;
_routing_matrix.computeRoutingProbabilities(gxs_id, tmp_peers, probas) ;
// New strategy is:
// Characteristics of the distribution to look at:
// * who's online, who's not
// * all values quite equal
// * single value well above others
// * largest value is small
// Algorithm:
// 0 - encode duplicate factor in routed item and allow at most N duplicates
// - when forwarding to N peers, split the duplication factor into N bins, each being proportional to the forwarding probability.
// Example for N=3 and D=10:
// p Calculation Final bin
// +-0.21--> 0.21*10=2.1 --> 2 0.1 below
// |
// 10 ----+-0.45--> 0.45*10=4.5 --> 4.6-> 5 0.4 above
// |
// +-0.34--> 0.34*10=3.4 --> 3.0-> 3 0
// 1 - get routing probabilities p_i for all peers as well as the maximum proba p before normalization.
// Set N = min(3,item->duplication_factor) // max number of friends to route to
// if p < threshold // That means the routage info is too old => Fallback to random routing.
// Select N random online friends and forward to them.
// else
// Let p_i be the probabilities of all peers
// Select all online peers for which p_i >= 0.5*p.
// if !empty
// Update duplication factors according to probabilities and number of peers
// Route to these peers
// else
// Keep the item
std::cerr << "locked_getAvailableFriends()" << std::endl;
std::cerr << " getting connected friends, computing routing probabilities" << std::endl;
std::cerr << " looking for friends for item to ID " << gxs_id << " duplication factor = " << duplication_factor << std::endl;
std::cerr << " retrieving online friends and all friends lists." << std::endl;
std::set<RsPeerId> online_ids ;
std::list<RsPeerId> all_ids ;
rsPeers->getFriendList(all_ids) ;
mServiceControl->getPeersConnected(getServiceInfo().mServiceType,online_ids) ;
std::vector<RsPeerId> tmp_peers;
for(std::list<RsPeerId>::const_iterator it(all_ids.begin());it!=all_ids.end();++it)
tmp_peers.push_back(*it) ;
std::vector<float> probas;
float maximum = 1.0;
float max_probability = 0.0;
_routing_matrix.computeRoutingProbabilities(gxs_id, tmp_peers, probas, maximum) ;
std::cerr << " initial routing probabilities (maximum=" << maximum << ")" << std::endl;
for(uint32_t i=0;i<tmp_peers.size();++i)
std::cerr << " " << tmp_peers[i] << " " << probas[i] << std::endl;
max_probability = 0.0f ;
std::cerr << " max proba: " << maximum << " is below random threshold => using uniform random routing." << std::endl;
for(uint32_t i=0;i<tmp_peers.size();++i)
max_probability = std::max(max_probability,probas[i]) ;
std::cerr << " maxi probability=" << max_probability << std::endl;
// remove incoming peers and peers for which the proba is less than half the maximum proba
float total_probas = 0.0f ;
uint32_t count=0;
for(uint32_t i=0;i<tmp_peers.size();++i)
if(incoming_routes.find(tmp_peers[i]) != incoming_routes.end())
std::cerr << " removing " << tmp_peers[i] << " which is an incoming route" << std::endl;
std::cerr << " removing " << tmp_peers[i] << " because probability is below best peers threshold" << std::endl;
tmp_peers[count] = tmp_peers[i] ;
probas[count] = (max_probability==0.0)? (0.5+0.001*RSRandom::random_f32()) : probas[i] ;
++count ;
total_probas+=probas[i] ;
tmp_peers.resize(count) ;
probas.resize(count) ;
std::cerr << " online - available peers empty => giving up." << std::endl;
return ;
// now select the N best peers
std::cerr << " Remaining peers and routing probabilities:" << std::endl;
for(uint32_t i=0;i<tmp_peers.size();++i)
std::cerr << " " << tmp_peers[i] << ", probability: " << probas[i] << std::endl;
uint32_t max_count = is_origin?3:1 ;
float probability_threshold = is_origin?0.0:0.5 ;
std::cerr << " position at origin: " << is_origin << " => mac_count=" << max_count << ", proba threshold=" << probability_threshold << std::endl;
std::vector<std::pair<float,RsPeerId> > mypairs ;
for(uint32_t i=0;i<tmp_peers.size();++i)
mypairs.push_back(std::make_pair(probas[i],tmp_peers[i])) ;
mypairs.push_back(std::make_pair(probas[i]/total_probas,tmp_peers[i])) ;
// now sort them up
std::sort(mypairs.begin(),mypairs.end(),item_comparator_001()) ;
// take the max_count peers that are still above min_probability
uint32_t max_count = std::min(std::min((uint32_t)mypairs.size(),(uint32_t)GROUTER_MAX_BRANCHING_FACTOR),duplication_factor);
uint32_t n=0 ;
for(std::vector<std::pair<float,RsPeerId> >::const_reverse_iterator it = mypairs.rbegin();it!=mypairs.rend() && n<max_count;++it)
if( (*it).first >= probability_threshold )
friend_peers.push_back( (*it).second ), ++n ;
std::cerr << " keeping " << (*it).second << std::endl;
float duplication_factor_delta =0.0;
uint32_t duplication_factor_buff =duplication_factor ;
if(!is_origin) // only collect one peer if we're not at origin.
break ;
for(int i=mypairs.size()-1;i>=0 && n<max_count;--i)
float ideal_dupl = duplication_factor*mypairs[i].first - duplication_factor_delta ; // correct what was taken in advance
uint32_t real_dupl = std::min( duplication_factor - max_count+1,std::max(1u,uint32_t(rint(ideal_dupl)))) ;
duplication_factor_delta = real_dupl - ideal_dupl ;
std::cerr << " Peer " << mypairs[i].second << " prob=" << mypairs[i].first << ", ideal_dupl=" << ideal_dupl << ", real=" << real_dupl << ". Delta = " << duplication_factor_delta << std::endl;
friend_peers_and_duplication_factors[ mypairs[i].second ] = real_dupl ; // should be updated correctly
++n ;
void p3GRouter::locked_collectAvailableTunnels(const TurtleFileHash& hash,std::list<RsPeerId>& tunnel_peers)
void p3GRouter::locked_collectAvailableTunnels(const TurtleFileHash& hash,uint32_t total_duplication,std::map<RsPeerId,uint32_t>& tunnel_peers_and_duplication_factors)
time_t now = time(NULL) ;
@ -1110,7 +1233,7 @@ void p3GRouter::locked_collectAvailableTunnels(const TurtleFileHash& hash,std::l
TurtleVirtualPeerId vpid = *(vpit->second.virtual_peers.begin()) ;
tunnel_peers.push_back(vpid) ;
tunnel_peers_and_duplication_factors[vpid] = total_duplication ;
bool p3GRouter::locked_sendTransactionData(const RsPeerId& pid,const RsGRouterTransactionItem& trans_item)
@ -1927,7 +2050,7 @@ bool p3GRouter::sendData(const RsGxsId& destination,const GRouterServiceId& clie
data_item->data_size = data_size ;
data_item->routing_id = propagation_id ;
data_item->randomized_distance = 0 ;
data_item->duplication_factor = GROUTER_MAX_DUPLICATION_FACTOR ;
data_item->service_id = client_id ;
data_item->destination_key = destination ;
data_item->flags = 0 ; // this is unused for now.
@ -1987,7 +2110,7 @@ bool p3GRouter::sendData(const RsGxsId& destination,const GRouterServiceId& clie
grouter_debug() << " data status = " << info.data_status << std::endl;
grouter_debug() << " tunnel status = " << info.tunnel_status << std::endl;
grouter_debug() << " sending attempt= " << info.sending_attempts << std::endl;
grouter_debug() << " distance = " << info.data_item->randomized_distance << std::endl;
grouter_debug() << " duplicate fact = " << info.data_item->duplication_factor << std::endl;
grouter_debug() << " recv time = " << info.received_time_TS << std::endl;
grouter_debug() << " client id = " << std::hex << data_item->service_id << std::dec << std::endl;
grouter_debug() << " tunnel hash = " << info.tunnel_hash << std::endl;
@ -2134,21 +2257,23 @@ bool p3GRouter::getRoutingMatrixInfo(RsGRouter::GRouterRoutingMatrixInfo& info)
info.friend_ids.clear() ;
info.published_keys.clear() ;
std::set<RsPeerId> ids ;
mServiceControl->getPeersConnected(getServiceInfo().mServiceType,ids) ;
std::list<RsPeerId> ids ;
//mServiceControl->getPeersConnected(getServiceInfo().mServiceType,ids) ;
rsPeers->getFriendList(ids) ;
info.published_keys = _owned_key_ids ;
for(std::set<RsPeerId>::const_iterator it(ids.begin());it!=ids.end();++it)
for(std::list<RsPeerId>::const_iterator it(ids.begin());it!=ids.end();++it)
info.friend_ids.push_back(*it) ;
std::vector<GRouterKeyId> known_keys ;
std::vector<float> probas ;
float maximum= 0.0f;
_routing_matrix.getListOfKnownKeys(known_keys) ;
for(uint32_t i=0;i<known_keys.size();++i)
_routing_matrix.computeRoutingProbabilities(known_keys[i],info.friend_ids,probas) ;
_routing_matrix.computeRoutingProbabilities(known_keys[i],info.friend_ids,probas,maximum) ;
info.per_friend_probabilities[known_keys[i]] = probas ;
@ -2167,6 +2292,7 @@ bool p3GRouter::getRoutingCacheInfo(std::vector<GRouterRoutingCacheInfo>& infos)
cinfo.mid = it->first ;
cinfo.local_origin = it->second.incoming_routes.ids ;
cinfo.destination = it->second.data_item->destination_key ;
cinfo.duplication_factor = it->second.data_item->duplication_factor ;
cinfo.routing_time = it->second.received_time_TS ;
cinfo.last_tunnel_attempt_time = it->second.last_tunnel_request_TS ;
cinfo.last_sent_time = it->second.last_sent_TS ;
@ -2220,15 +2346,16 @@ void p3GRouter::debugDump()
grouter_debug() << " Msg id: " << std::hex << it->first << std::dec ;
grouter_debug() << " data hash: " << it->second.item_hash ;
grouter_debug() << " client id: " << std::hex << it->second.client_id << std::dec;
grouter_debug() << " client: " << std::hex << it->second.client_id << std::dec;
grouter_debug() << " Flags: " << std::hex << it->second.routing_flags << std::dec;
grouter_debug() << " Destination: " << it->second.data_item->destination_key ;
grouter_debug() << " Received: " << now - it->second.received_time_TS << " secs ago.";
grouter_debug() << " Last sent: " << now - it->second.last_sent_TS << " secs ago.";
grouter_debug() << " Transaction TS: " << now - it->second.data_transaction_TS << " secs ago.";
grouter_debug() << " Data Status: " << statusString[it->second.data_status] << std::endl;
grouter_debug() << " Tunl Status: " << statusString[it->second.tunnel_status] << std::endl;
grouter_debug() << " Receipt ok: " << (it->second.receipt_item != NULL) << std::endl;
grouter_debug() << " Dest: " << it->second.data_item->destination_key ;
grouter_debug() << " Recd: " << now - it->second.received_time_TS << " secs ago.";
grouter_debug() << " Sent: " << now - it->second.last_sent_TS << " secs ago.";
grouter_debug() << " Trans. TS: " << now - it->second.data_transaction_TS << " secs ago." ;
grouter_debug() << " Data Status: " << statusString[it->second.data_status] ;
grouter_debug() << " Tunl Status: " << statusString[it->second.tunnel_status] ;
grouter_debug() << " Receipt ok: " << (it->second.receipt_item != NULL) ;
grouter_debug() << " Dup: " << it->second.data_item->duplication_factor << std::endl;
grouter_debug() << " Tunnels: " << std::endl;
@ -2251,8 +2378,8 @@ void p3GRouter::debugDump()
grouter_debug() << " Routing matrix: " << std::endl;
_routing_matrix.debugDump() ;
// if(_debug_enabled)
// _routing_matrix.debugDump() ;
@ -272,8 +272,9 @@ private:
//bool locked_getGxsIdAndClientId(const TurtleFileHash &sum,RsGxsId& gxs_id,GRouterServiceId& client_id);
bool locked_sendTransactionData(const RsPeerId& pid,const RsGRouterTransactionItem& item);
void locked_collectAvailableFriends(const GRouterKeyId &gxs_id,std::list<RsPeerId>& friend_peers, const std::set<RsPeerId>& incoming_routes,bool is_origin);
void locked_collectAvailableTunnels(const TurtleFileHash& hash,std::list<RsPeerId>& tunnel_peers);
void locked_collectAvailableFriends(const GRouterKeyId &gxs_id, const std::set<RsPeerId>& incoming_routes,uint32_t duplication_factor, std::map<RsPeerId, uint32_t> &friend_peers_and_duplication_factors);
void locked_collectAvailableTunnels(const TurtleFileHash& hash, uint32_t total_duplication, std::map<RsPeerId, uint32_t> &tunnel_peers_and_duplication_factors);
void locked_sendToPeers(RsGRouterGenericDataItem *data_item, const std::map<RsPeerId, uint32_t> &peers_and_duplication_factors);
// p3Config methods //
@ -591,7 +591,7 @@ void RsGxsNetService::syncWithPeers()
grp->updateTS = updateTS;
NxsBandwidthRecorder::recordEvent(mServType,grp) ;
//NxsBandwidthRecorder::recordEvent(mServType,grp) ;
#ifdef NXS_NET_DEBUG_5
GXSNETDEBUG_P_(*sit) << "Service "<< std::hex << ((mServiceInfo.mServiceType >> 8)& 0xffff) << std::dec << " sending global group TS of peer id: " << *sit << " ts=" << nice_time_stamp(time(NULL),updateTS) << " (secs ago) to himself" << std::endl;
@ -626,7 +626,11 @@ void RsGxsNetService::syncWithPeers()
sit = peers.begin();
float sending_probability = NxsBandwidthRecorder::computeCurrentSendingProbability() ;
// Jan. 26, 2016. This has been disabled, since GXS has been fixed, groups will not re-ask for data. So even if outqueues are filled up by multiple
// attempts of the same request, the transfer will eventually end up. The code for NxsBandwidthRecorder should be kept for a while,
// just in case.
// float sending_probability = NxsBandwidthRecorder::computeCurrentSendingProbability() ;
#ifdef NXS_NET_DEBUG_2
std::cerr << " syncWithPeers(): Sending probability = " << sending_probability << std::endl;
@ -682,22 +686,24 @@ void RsGxsNetService::syncWithPeers()
msg->grpId = grpId;
msg->updateTS = updateTS;
NxsBandwidthRecorder::recordEvent(mServType,msg) ;
//NxsBandwidthRecorder::recordEvent(mServType,msg) ;
//if(RSRandom::random_f32() < sending_probability)
if(RSRandom::random_f32() < sending_probability)
#ifdef NXS_NET_DEBUG_5
GXSNETDEBUG_PG(*sit,grpId) << "Service "<< std::hex << ((mServiceInfo.mServiceType >> 8)& 0xffff) << std::dec << " sending global message TS of peer id: " << *sit << " ts=" << nice_time_stamp(time(NULL),updateTS) << " (secs ago) for group " << grpId << " to himself" << std::endl;
delete msg ;
#ifdef NXS_NET_DEBUG_0
GXSNETDEBUG_PG(*sit,grpId) << " cancel RsNxsSyncMsg req (last local update TS for group+peer) for grpId=" << grpId << " to peer " << *sit << ": not enough bandwidth." << std::endl;
// delete msg ;
//#ifdef NXS_NET_DEBUG_0
// GXSNETDEBUG_PG(*sit,grpId) << " cancel RsNxsSyncMsg req (last local update TS for group+peer) for grpId=" << grpId << " to peer " << *sit << ": not enough bandwidth." << std::endl;
@ -2308,7 +2314,6 @@ void RsGxsNetService::locked_processCompletedIncomingTrans(NxsTransaction* tr)
GXSNETDEBUG_P_(tr->mTransaction->PeerId()) << " and updating mClientGrpUpdateMap for peer " << peerFrom << " of new time stamp " << nice_time_stamp(time(NULL),updateTS) << std::endl;
#warning should not we conservatively use the most recent one, in case the peer has reset its mServerGrpUpdate time?? What happens if the peer unsubscribed a recent group?
item->grpUpdateTS = updateTS;
item->peerId = peerFrom;
@ -2591,7 +2596,12 @@ void RsGxsNetService::locked_genReqMsgTransaction(NxsTransaction* tr)
RsGxsGrpMetaData* grpMeta = grpMetaMap[grpId];
#warning TODO: what if grpMeta is NULL?
if(grpMeta == NULL) // this should not happen, but just in case...
std::cerr << "(EE) grpMeta is NULL in " << __PRETTY_FUNCTION__ << " line " << __LINE__ << ". This is very unexpected." << std::endl;
return ;
if(! (grpMeta->mSubscribeFlags & GXS_SERV::GROUP_SUBSCRIBE_SUBSCRIBED ))
// For unsubscribed groups, we update the timestamp something more recent, so that the group content will not be asked to the same
@ -101,7 +101,6 @@ bool p3GxsTunnelService::registerClientService(uint32_t service_id,RsGxsTunnelSe
int p3GxsTunnelService::tick()
static time_t last_dump = 0 ;
time_t now = time(NULL);
@ -434,9 +434,9 @@ int pqipersongrp::removePeer(const RsPeerId& id)
std::map<RsPeerId, SearchModule *>::iterator it;
std::cerr << "pqipersongrp::removePeer() id: " << id;
std::cerr << std::endl;
RsStackMutex stack(coreMtx); /**************** LOCKED MUTEX ****************/
@ -50,6 +50,7 @@ public:
time_t last_tunnel_attempt_time;
time_t last_sent_time;
bool receipt_available ;
uint32_t duplication_factor ;
uint32_t data_status ;
uint32_t tunnel_status ;
uint32_t data_size ;
@ -296,8 +296,17 @@ bool p3Peers::getPeerDetails(const RsPeerId& id, RsPeerDetails &d)
d.hiddenNodeAddress = ps.hiddenDomain;
d.hiddenNodePort = ps.hiddenPort;
d.hiddenType = ps.hiddenType;
if(sockaddr_storage_isnull(ps.localaddr)) // that happens if the address is not initialised.
d.localAddr = "INVALID_IP";
d.localPort = 0 ;
d.localAddr = sockaddr_storage_iptostring(ps.localaddr);
d.localPort = sockaddr_storage_port(ps.localaddr);
d.extAddr = "hidden";
d.extPort = 0;
d.dyndns = "";
@ -354,7 +354,6 @@ int p3MsgService::checkOutgoingMessages()
* if online, send
time_t now = time(NULL);
bool changed = false ;
std::list<RsMsgItem*> output_queue ;
@ -1872,6 +1872,7 @@ void p3turtle::monitorTunnels(const RsFileHash& hash,RsTurtleClientService *clie
// No tunnels at start, but this triggers digging new tunnels.
_incoming_file_hashes[hash].use_aggressive_mode = allow_multi_tunnels ;
// also should send associated request to the file transfer module.
_incoming_file_hashes[hash].last_digg_time = RSRandom::random_u32()%10 ;
@ -28,6 +28,14 @@ win32 {
CONFIG(debug, debug|release) {
} else {
# Tell linker to use ASLR protection
QMAKE_LFLAGS += -Wl,-dynamicbase
# Tell linker to use DEP protection
QMAKE_LFLAGS += -Wl,-nxcompat
# solve linker warnings because of the order of the libraries
QMAKE_LFLAGS += -Wl,--start-group
@ -85,6 +85,7 @@ void SoundManager::soundEvents(SoundEvents &events)
events.addEvent(tr("Chatmessage"), tr("New Msg"), SOUND_NEW_CHAT_MESSAGE, QFileInfo(baseDir, "incomingchat.wav").absoluteFilePath());
events.addEvent(tr("Message"), tr("Message arrived"), SOUND_MESSAGE_ARRIVED, QFileInfo(baseDir, "receive.wav").absoluteFilePath());
events.addEvent(tr("Download"), tr("Download complete"), SOUND_DOWNLOAD_COMPLETE, QFileInfo(baseDir, "ft_complete.wav").absoluteFilePath());
events.addEvent(tr("Lobby"), tr("Message arrived"), SOUND_NEW_LOBBY_MESSAGE, QFileInfo(baseDir, "incomingchat.wav").absoluteFilePath());
/* add plugin events */
int pluginCount = rsPlugins->nbPlugins();
@ -29,6 +29,7 @@
#define SOUND_USER_ONLINE "User_go_Online"
#define SOUND_MESSAGE_ARRIVED "MessageArrived"
#define SOUND_DOWNLOAD_COMPLETE "DownloadComplete"
#define SOUND_NEW_LOBBY_MESSAGE "NewLobbyMessage"
class SoundEvents
@ -18,6 +18,11 @@
* along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor,
* Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
* ccr . 2016 Jan 26
* Play sound on incoming messages.
#include <unistd.h>
@ -42,6 +47,7 @@
#include "gui/gxs/GxsIdChooser.h"
#include "gui/gxs/GxsIdDetails.h"
#include "util/HandleRichText.h"
#include "gui/SoundManager.h"
#include <retroshare/rsnotify.h>
@ -401,6 +407,7 @@ void ChatLobbyDialog::addChatMsg(const ChatMessage& msg)
ui.chatWidget->addChatMsg(msg.incoming, name, gxs_id, sendTime, recvTime, message, ChatWidget::MSGTYPE_NORMAL);
emit messageReceived(msg.incoming, id(), sendTime, name, message) ;
// This is a trick to translate HTML into text.
QTextEdit editor;
@ -127,6 +127,7 @@ ChatWidget::ChatWidget(QWidget *parent) :
connect(ui->actionChooseColor, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(chooseColor()));
connect(ui->actionResetFont, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(resetFont()));
connect(ui->actionQuote, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(quote()));
connect(ui->actionDropPlacemark, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(dropPlacemark()));
connect(ui->actionSave_image, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(saveImage()));
connect(ui->hashBox, SIGNAL(fileHashingFinished(QList<HashedFile>)), this, SLOT(fileHashingFinished(QList<HashedFile>)));
@ -923,7 +924,7 @@ void ChatWidget::addChatMsg(bool incoming, const QString &name, const RsGxsId gx
QString strGxsId = "";
if (!gxsId.isNull())
strGxsId = QString::fromStdString(gxsId.toStdString());
formatMsg.replace(QString("<a name=\"name\">"),QString("<a name=\"%1\">").arg(strGxsId));
formatMsg.replace(QString("<a name=\"name\">"),QString("<a name=\"Person Id: %1\">").arg(strGxsId));
QTextCursor textCursor = QTextCursor(ui->textBrowser->textCursor());
@ -979,6 +980,7 @@ void ChatWidget::contextMenuTextBrowser(QPoint point)
QTextCursor cursor = ui->textBrowser->cursorForPosition(point);
@ -1698,6 +1700,11 @@ void ChatWidget::quote()
void ChatWidget::dropPlacemark()
void ChatWidget::saveImage()
QPoint point = ui->actionSave_image->data().toPoint();
@ -186,6 +186,7 @@ private slots:
bool fileSaveAs();
void quote();
void dropPlacemark();
void saveImage();
@ -1052,6 +1052,14 @@ border-image: url(:/images/closepressed.png)
<string>Quotes the selected text</string>
<action name="actionDropPlacemark">
<property name="text">
<string>Drop Placemark</string>
<property name="toolTip">
<string>Insert horizontal rule</string>
<action name="actionSave_image">
<property name="icon">
<iconset resource="../images.qrc">
@ -254,10 +254,10 @@ void FriendSelectionWidget::loadRequest(const TokenQueue */*queue*/, const Token
for(uint32_t i=0;i<datavector.size();++i)
gxsIds.push_back(datavector[i].mMeta.mGroupId) ;
std::cerr << " got ID = " << datavector[i].mMeta.mGroupId << std::endl;
//std::cerr << " got ID = " << datavector[i].mMeta.mGroupId << std::endl;
std::cerr << "Got all " << datavector.size() << " ids from rsIdentity. Calling update of list." << std::endl;
//std::cerr << "Got all " << datavector.size() << " ids from rsIdentity. Calling update of list." << std::endl;
fillList() ;
@ -160,11 +160,11 @@ static void loadPrivateIdsCallback(GxsIdDetailsType type, const RsIdentityDetail
chooser->setItemData(index, (type == GXS_ID_DETAILS_TYPE_DONE) ? TYPE_FOUND_ID : TYPE_UNKNOWN_ID, ROLE_TYPE);
chooser->setItemIcon(index, icons.empty() ? QIcon() : icons[0]);
std::cerr << "ID=" << details.mId << ", chooser->flags()=" << chooser->flags() << ", flags=" << details.mFlags ;
//std::cerr << "ID=" << details.mId << ", chooser->flags()=" << chooser->flags() << ", flags=" << details.mFlags ;
if((chooser->flags() & IDCHOOSER_NON_ANONYMOUS) && !(details.mFlags & RS_IDENTITY_FLAGS_PGP_LINKED))
std::cerr << " - disabling ID - entry = " << index << std::endl;
//std::cerr << " - disabling ID - entry = " << index << std::endl;
chooser->setEntryEnabled(index,false) ;
std::cerr << std::endl;
@ -20,6 +20,26 @@
* Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
/* ccr . 2015 Aug 01 . Resize Main page and Main window.
* On very small legacy CRTs of about 15" (38 cm) RetroShare pages are
* initially too deep (too tall) to fit the screen at 1024x768
* resolution. Some can be shrunk down manually from their initial
* size. Others cannot. This patch tries to allow each page to be
* shrunk somewhat. Then code that runs elsewhere to fit the logical
* Main window into the physical screen will have a better chance of
* success. Notably, on Linux -- Gnome3 -- X11 systems, only when the
* Main window first fits entirely into the physical screen, can it
* then be maximized.
* This code is borrowed from a Stack Overflow post:
* o Darkgaze. "Resize QStackedWidget to the Page Which Is Opened." 23
* Jan. 2013. Online posting. Stack Overflow. 1 Aug. 2015
* <https://stackoverflow.com/questions/14480696/resize-qstackedwidget-to-the-page-which-is-opened>.
#include <QAction>
#include "mainpagestack.h"
@ -34,6 +54,7 @@ void
MainPageStack::add(MainPage *page, QAction *action)
_pages.insert(action, page);
page->setSizePolicy(QSizePolicy::Ignored, QSizePolicy::Ignored); /* 2015 Aug 01 */
insertWidget(count(), page);
@ -61,3 +82,14 @@ MainPageStack::showPage(QAction *pageAction)
/** Adjusts the size of the Main page and the Main window. */
MainPageStack::onCurrentChanged(int index) /* 2015 Aug 01 */
QWidget* pWidget = widget(index);
pWidget->setSizePolicy(QSizePolicy::Expanding, QSizePolicy::Expanding);
@ -50,6 +50,8 @@ public:
public slots:
/** Displays the page associated with the activated action. */
void showPage(QAction *pageAction);
/** Adjusts the size of the Main page and the Main window. */
void onCurrentChanged(int index);
/** Maps an action to a Main page. */
@ -420,6 +420,10 @@ void MessageComposer::processSettings(bool bLoad)
int index = Settings->value("ShowType", 0).toInt();
RsGxsId resp_to_id ( Settings->value("LastRespondTo").toString().toStdString());
} else {
// save settings
@ -433,6 +437,7 @@ void MessageComposer::processSettings(bool bLoad)
// state of filter combobox
Settings->setValue("ShowType", ui.filterComboBox->currentIndex());
@ -1280,7 +1285,7 @@ bool MessageComposer::sendMessage_internal(bool bDraftbox)
mi.rsgxsid_srcId = RsGxsId(ui.respond_to_CB->itemData(ui.respond_to_CB->currentIndex()).toString().toStdString()) ;
std::cerr << "MessageSend: setting 'from' field to GXS id = " << mi.rsgxsid_srcId << std::endl;
//std::cerr << "MessageSend: setting 'from' field to GXS id = " << mi.rsgxsid_srcId << std::endl;
mi.title = misc::removeNewLine(ui.titleEdit->text()).toUtf8().constData();
// needed to send system flags with reply
@ -52,6 +52,7 @@
#define COL_DATAHASH 6
#define COL_RECEIVED 7
#define COL_SEND 8
static const int PARTIAL_VIEW_SIZE = 5 ;
static const int MAX_TUNNEL_REQUESTS_DISPLAY = 10 ;
@ -187,6 +188,7 @@ void GlobalRouterStatistics::updateContent()
item -> setData(COL_DATAHASH, Qt::DisplayRole, QString::fromStdString(cache_infos[i].item_hash.toStdString()));
item -> setData(COL_RECEIVED, Qt::DisplayRole, QString::number(now - cache_infos[i].routing_time));
item -> setData(COL_SEND, Qt::DisplayRole, QString::number(now - cache_infos[i].last_sent_time));
item -> setData(COL_DUPLICATION_FACTOR, Qt::DisplayRole, QString::number(cache_infos[i].duplication_factor));
@ -333,6 +335,9 @@ void GlobalRouterStatisticsWidget::updateContent()
mMinWheelZoneX = ox+2*cellx ;
mMinWheelZoneY = oy ;
RsGxsId current_id ;
float current_width=0 ;
for(std::map<GRouterKeyId,std::vector<float> >::const_iterator it(matrix_info.per_friend_probabilities.begin());it!=matrix_info.per_friend_probabilities.end();++it,++n)
if(n >= mCurrentN-PARTIAL_VIEW_SIZE/2 && n <= mCurrentN+PARTIAL_VIEW_SIZE/2)
@ -355,12 +360,19 @@ void GlobalRouterStatisticsWidget::updateContent()
current_probs = it->second ;
current_oy = oy ;
current_id = it->first ;
current_width = ox+matrix_info.friend_ids.size()*cellx+fm_monospace.width(ids);
oy += celly ;
RsIdentityDetails iddetails ;
painter.drawText(current_width+cellx, current_oy+celly, QString::fromUtf8(iddetails.mNickname.c_str())) ;
mMaxWheelZoneY = oy+celly ;
painter.setPen(QColor::fromRgb(0,0,0)) ;
@ -382,7 +394,7 @@ void GlobalRouterStatisticsWidget::updateContent()
painter.drawLine(x1,y2,x1 + total_length - i*cellx,y2) ;
painter.drawText(cellx+ x1 + total_length - i*cellx,y2+(0.35)*celly, QString::fromUtf8(peer_ssl_details.name.c_str()) + " ("+QString::number(current_probs[i])+")");
painter.drawText(cellx+ x1 + total_length - i*cellx,y2+(0.35)*celly, QString::fromUtf8(peer_ssl_details.name.c_str()) + " - " + QString::fromUtf8(peer_ssl_details.location.c_str()) + " ("+QString::number(current_probs[i])+")");
oy += celly * (2+matrix_info.friend_ids.size());
@ -35,7 +35,7 @@
@ -101,6 +101,11 @@
<property name="text">
<string>Branching factor</string>
@ -157,6 +157,14 @@ win32 {
CONFIG(debug, debug|release) {
} else {
# Tell linker to use ASLR protection
QMAKE_LFLAGS += -Wl,-dynamicbase
# Tell linker to use DEP protection
QMAKE_LFLAGS += -Wl,-nxcompat
# solve linker warnings because of the order of the libraries
QMAKE_LFLAGS += -Wl,--start-group
@ -72,6 +72,14 @@ win32 {
# solve linker warnings because of the order of the libraries
QMAKE_LFLAGS += -Wl,--start-group
CONFIG(debug, debug|release) {
} else {
# Tell linker to use ASLR protection
QMAKE_LFLAGS += -Wl,-dynamicbase
# Tell linker to use DEP protection
QMAKE_LFLAGS += -Wl,-nxcompat
for(lib, LIB_DIR):LIBS += -L"$$lib"
LIBS += -lssl -lcrypto -lpthread -lminiupnpc -lz
LIBS += -lcrypto -lws2_32 -lgdi32
Reference in New Issue
Block a user