mirror of
synced 2025-03-06 05:36:10 -05:00
Optimized the fill of the up- and downloads in TransfersDialog.
git-svn-id: http://svn.code.sf.net/p/retroshare/code/trunk@5191 b45a01b8-16f6-495d-af2f-9b41ad6348cc
This commit is contained in:
@ -1625,7 +1625,7 @@ bool ftController::FileDetails(const std::string &hash, FileInfo &info)
info.fname = it->second->mName;
info.flags = it->second->mFlags;
info.priority = SPEED_NORMAL ;
info.path = RsDirUtil::removeTopDir(it->second->mDestination); /* remove fname */
RsDirUtil::removeTopDir(it->second->mDestination, info.path); /* remove fname */
info.queue_position = it->second->mQueuePosition ;
/* get list of sources from transferModule */
@ -1982,7 +1982,7 @@ bool ftController::saveList(bool &cleanup, std::list<RsItem *>& saveData)
rft->file.name = fit->second->mName;
rft->file.hash = fit->second->mHash;
rft->file.filesize = fit->second->mSize;
rft->file.path = RsDirUtil::removeTopDir(fit->second->mDestination); /* remove fname */
RsDirUtil::removeTopDir(fit->second->mDestination, rft->file.path); /* remove fname */
rft->flags = fit->second->mFlags;
rft->state = fit->second->mState;
@ -2031,7 +2031,7 @@ bool ftController::saveList(bool &cleanup, std::list<RsItem *>& saveData)
rft->file.name = pit->mName;
rft->file.hash = pit->mHash;
rft->file.filesize = pit->mSize;
rft->file.path = RsDirUtil::removeTopDir(pit->mDest); /* remove fname */
RsDirUtil::removeTopDir(pit->mDest, rft->file.path); /* remove fname */
rft->flags = pit->mFlags;
rft->allPeerIds.ids = pit->mSrcIds;
@ -157,26 +157,25 @@ bool RsDirUtil::crc32File(FILE *fd, uint64_t file_size,uint32_t chunk_size, CRC3
return true ;
std::string RsDirUtil::removeTopDir(const std::string& dir)
void RsDirUtil::removeTopDir(const std::string& dir, std::string& path)
std::string rest;
/* remove the subdir: [/][dir1.../]<top>[/]
int i,j;
int len = dir.length();
for(j = len - 1; (j > 0) && (dir[j] == '/'); j--) ;
for(i = j; (i >= 0) && (dir[i] != '/'); i--) ;
int j = dir.find_last_not_of('/');
int i = dir.rfind('/', j);
/* remove any more slashes */
for(; (i >= 0) && (dir[i] == '/'); i--) ;
for(j = 0; j <= i; j++)
if (i > 0)
rest += dir[j];
i = dir.find_last_not_of('/', i);
return rest;
if (i > 0)
path.assign(dir, 0, i + 1);
std::string RsDirUtil::getRootDir(const std::string& dir)
@ -41,7 +41,7 @@ namespace RsDirUtil {
std::string getTopDir(const std::string&);
std::string getRootDir(const std::string&);
std::string removeRootDir(const std::string& path);
std::string removeTopDir(const std::string& dir);
void removeTopDir(const std::string& dir, std::string &path);
std::string removeRootDirs(const std::string& path, const std::string& root);
// Renames file from to file to. Files should be on the same file system.
@ -310,6 +310,8 @@ TransfersDialog::TransfersDialog(QWidget *parent)
if(rsPlugins->plugin(i) != NULL && rsPlugins->plugin(i)->qt_transfers_tab() != NULL)
ui.tabWidget->addTab( rsPlugins->plugin(i)->qt_transfers_tab(),QString::fromUtf8(rsPlugins->plugin(i)->qt_transfers_tab_name().c_str()) ) ;
// TurtleRouterDialog *trdl = new TurtleRouterDialog();
// ui.tunnelInfoWidget->setWidget(trdl);
// ui.tunnelInfoWidget->setWidgetResizable(true);
@ -598,159 +600,249 @@ void TransfersDialog::downloadListCostumPopupMenu( QPoint /*point*/ )
int TransfersDialog::addItem(const QString&, const QString& name, const QString& coreID, qlonglong fileSize, const FileProgressInfo& pinfo, double dlspeed,
const QString& sources, const QString& status, const QString& priority, qlonglong completed, qlonglong remaining, qlonglong downloadtime,const QString& tooltip)
int TransfersDialog::addItem(int row, const FileInfo &fileInfo, const std::map<std::string, std::string> &versions)
int rowCount = DLListModel->rowCount();
int row ;
if(DLListModel->item(row,ID)->data(Qt::DisplayRole).toString() == coreID)
break ;
QString fileHash = QString::fromStdString(fileInfo.hash);
double fileDlspeed = (fileInfo.downloadStatus == FT_STATE_DOWNLOADING) ? (fileInfo.tfRate * 1024.0) : 0.0;
if(row >= rowCount )
row = rowCount;
QString status;
switch (fileInfo.downloadStatus) {
case FT_STATE_FAILED: status = tr("Failed"); break;
case FT_STATE_OKAY: status = tr("Okay"); break;
case FT_STATE_WAITING: status = tr("Waiting"); break;
case FT_STATE_DOWNLOADING: status = tr("Downloading"); break;
case FT_STATE_COMPLETE: status = tr("Complete"); break;
case FT_STATE_QUEUED: status = tr("Queued"); break;
case FT_STATE_PAUSED: status = tr("Paused"); break;
case FT_STATE_CHECKING_HASH:status = tr("Checking..."); break;
default: status = tr("Unknown"); break;
QString priority;
if (fileInfo.downloadStatus == FT_STATE_QUEUED) {
priority = QString::number(fileInfo.queue_position);
} else {
switch (fileInfo.priority) {
case SPEED_LOW: priority = tr("Slower");break;
case SPEED_NORMAL: priority = tr("Average");break;
case SPEED_HIGH: priority = tr("Faster");break;
default: priority = tr("Average");break;
qlonglong completed = fileInfo.transfered;
qlonglong remaining = fileInfo.size - fileInfo.transfered;
qlonglong downloadtime = (fileInfo.size - fileInfo.transfered) / (fileInfo.tfRate * 1024.0);
FileChunksInfo fcinfo;
if (!rsFiles->FileDownloadChunksDetails(fileInfo.hash, fcinfo)) {
return -1;
FileProgressInfo pinfo;
pinfo.cmap = fcinfo.chunks;
pinfo.type = FileProgressInfo::DOWNLOAD_LINE;
pinfo.progress = (fileInfo.size == 0) ? 0 : (completed * 100.0 / fileInfo.size);
pinfo.nb_chunks = pinfo.cmap._map.empty() ? 0 : fcinfo.chunks.size();
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < fcinfo.active_chunks.size(); ++i) {
QString tooltip;
if (fileInfo.downloadStatus == FT_STATE_CHECKING_HASH) {
tooltip = tr("If the hash of the downloaded data does\nnot correspond to the hash announced\nby the file source. The data is likely \nto be corrupted.\n\nRetroShare will ask the source a detailed \nmap of the data; it will compare and invalidate\nbad blocks, and download them again\n\nTry to be patient!") ;
if (row < 0) {
row = DLListModel->rowCount();
// change progress column to own class for sorting
DLListModel->setItem(row, PROGRESS, new ProgressItem (NULL));
DLListModel->setItem(row, PRIORITY, new PriorityItem (NULL));
DLListModel->setItem(row, PROGRESS, new ProgressItem(NULL));
DLListModel->setItem(row, PRIORITY, new PriorityItem(NULL));
QString fileName = QString::fromUtf8(fileInfo.fname.c_str());
DLListModel->setData(DLListModel->index(row, NAME), fileName);
DLListModel->setData(DLListModel->index(row, SIZE), QVariant((qlonglong) fileInfo.size));
DLListModel->setData(DLListModel->index(row, ID), fileHash);
DLListModel->setData(DLListModel->index(row, NAME), FilesDefs::getIconFromFilename(fileName), Qt::DecorationRole);
DLListModel->setData(DLListModel->index(row, NAME), QVariant(name));
DLListModel->setData(DLListModel->index(row, SIZE), QVariant((qlonglong)fileSize));
DLListModel->setData(DLListModel->index(row, COMPLETED), QVariant((qlonglong)completed));
DLListModel->setData(DLListModel->index(row, DLSPEED), QVariant((double)dlspeed));
DLListModel->setData(DLListModel->index(row, DLSPEED), QVariant((double)fileDlspeed));
DLListModel->setData(DLListModel->index(row, PROGRESS), QVariant::fromValue(pinfo));
DLListModel->setData(DLListModel->index(row, SOURCES), QVariant((QString)sources));
DLListModel->setData(DLListModel->index(row, STATUS), QVariant((QString)status));
DLListModel->setData(DLListModel->index(row, PRIORITY), QVariant((QString)priority));
DLListModel->setData(DLListModel->index(row, STATUS), QVariant(status));
DLListModel->setData(DLListModel->index(row, PRIORITY), QVariant(priority));
DLListModel->setData(DLListModel->index(row, REMAINING), QVariant((qlonglong)remaining));
DLListModel->setData(DLListModel->index(row, DOWNLOADTIME), QVariant((qlonglong)downloadtime));
DLListModel->setData(DLListModel->index(row, ID), QVariant((QString)coreID));
DLListModel->setData(DLListModel->index(row,NAME), FilesDefs::getIconFromFilename(name), Qt::DecorationRole);
DLListModel->item(row,STATUS)->setToolTip(tooltip) ;
return row ;
QStandardItem *dlItem = DLListModel->item(row);
std::map<std::string, std::string>::const_iterator vit;
std::set<int> used_rows ;
int active = 0;
if (fileInfo.downloadStatus != FT_STATE_COMPLETE) {
std::list<TransferInfo>::const_iterator pit;
for (pit = fileInfo.peers.begin(); pit != fileInfo.peers.end(); ++pit) {
const TransferInfo &transferInfo = *pit;
QString peerName = getPeerName(transferInfo.peerId);
//unique combination: fileHash + peerId, variant: hash + peerName (too long)
QString hashFileAndPeerId = fileHash + QString::fromStdString(transferInfo.peerId);
QString version;
if (versions.end() != (vit = versions.find(transferInfo.peerId))) {
version = tr("version: ") + QString::fromStdString(vit->second);
double peerDlspeed = 0;
if ((uint32_t)transferInfo.status == FT_STATE_DOWNLOADING && fileInfo.downloadStatus != FT_STATE_PAUSED && fileInfo.downloadStatus != FT_STATE_COMPLETE)
peerDlspeed = transferInfo.tfRate * 1024.0;
FileProgressInfo peerpinfo;
peerpinfo.cmap = fcinfo.compressed_peer_availability_maps[transferInfo.peerId];
peerpinfo.type = FileProgressInfo::DOWNLOAD_SOURCE ;
peerpinfo.progress = 0.0; // we don't display completion for sources.
peerpinfo.nb_chunks = peerpinfo.cmap._map.empty() ? 0 : fcinfo.chunks.size();
int row_id = addPeerToItem(dlItem, peerName, hashFileAndPeerId, peerDlspeed, transferInfo.status, peerpinfo);
/* get the sources (number of online peers) */
if (transferInfo.tfRate > 0 && fileInfo.downloadStatus == FT_STATE_DOWNLOADING)
QString sources = QString("%1 (%2)").arg(active).arg(fileInfo.peers.size());
DLListModel->setData(DLListModel->index(row, SOURCES), QVariant(sources));
// This is not optimal, but we deal with a small number of elements. The reverse order is really important,
// because rows after the deleted rows change positions !
for (int r = dlItem->rowCount() - 1; r >= 0; --r) {
if (used_rows.find(r) == used_rows.end()) {
return row;
int TransfersDialog::addPeerToItem(int row, const QString& name, const QString& coreID, double dlspeed, uint32_t status, const FileProgressInfo& peerInfo)
int TransfersDialog::addPeerToItem(QStandardItem *dlItem, const QString& name, const QString& coreID, double dlspeed, uint32_t status, const FileProgressInfo& peerInfo)
QStandardItem *dlItem = DLListModel->item(row);
if (!dlItem) return -1;
// try to find the item
int childRow = -1;
int count = 0;
QStandardItem *childId = NULL;
//try to find the item
int childRow = -1;
int count = 0;
QStandardItem* childId=NULL ;
for (count = 0; (childId = dlItem->child(count, ID)) != NULL; ++count) {
if (childId->data(Qt::DisplayRole).toString() == coreID) {
childRow = count;
for(count=0; (childId = dlItem->child(count, ID)) != NULL;++count)
if (childId->data(Qt::DisplayRole).toString() == coreID)
childRow = count;
QStandardItem *si1 = NULL;
QStandardItem *si7 = NULL;
if (childRow == -1) {
// set this false if you want to expand on double click
QStandardItem *si1 = NULL,*si7=NULL;
QHeaderView *header = ui.downloadList->header();
if (childRow == -1)
//set this false if you want to expand on double click
QStandardItem *i1 = new QStandardItem();
QStandardItem *i2 = new SortByNameItem(header);
QStandardItem *i3 = new SortByNameItem(header);
QStandardItem *i4 = new SortByNameItem(header);
QStandardItem *i5 = new ProgressItem(header);
QStandardItem *i6 = new SortByNameItem(header);
QStandardItem *i7 = new SortByNameItem(header);
QStandardItem *i8 = new SortByNameItem(header);
QStandardItem *i9 = new SortByNameItem(header);
QStandardItem *i10 = new SortByNameItem(header);
QStandardItem *i11 = new SortByNameItem(header);
QHeaderView *header = ui.downloadList->header ();
si1 = i1;
si7 = i7;
QStandardItem *i1 = new QStandardItem();
QStandardItem *i2 = new SortByNameItem(header);
QStandardItem *i3 = new SortByNameItem(header);
QStandardItem *i4 = new SortByNameItem(header);
QStandardItem *i5 = new ProgressItem(header);
QStandardItem *i6 = new SortByNameItem(header);
QStandardItem *i7 = new SortByNameItem(header);
QStandardItem *i8 = new SortByNameItem(header);
QStandardItem *i9 = new SortByNameItem(header);
QStandardItem *i10 = new SortByNameItem(header);
QStandardItem *i11 = new SortByNameItem(header);
QList<QStandardItem*> items;
i1->setData(QVariant(" " + name), Qt::DisplayRole);
i2->setData(QVariant(QString()), Qt::DisplayRole);
i3->setData(QVariant(QString()), Qt::DisplayRole);
i4->setData(QVariant((double)dlspeed), Qt::DisplayRole);
i5->setData(QVariant::fromValue(peerInfo), Qt::DisplayRole);
i6->setData(QVariant(QString()), Qt::DisplayRole);
si1 = i1 ;
si7 = i7 ;
i8->setData(QVariant(QString()), Qt::DisplayRole); // blank field for priority
i9->setData(QVariant(QString()), Qt::DisplayRole);
i10->setData(QVariant(QString()), Qt::DisplayRole);
i11->setData(QVariant(coreID), Qt::DisplayRole);
QList<QStandardItem *> items;
i1->setData(QVariant((QString)" "+name), Qt::DisplayRole);
i2->setData(QVariant(QString()), Qt::DisplayRole);
i3->setData(QVariant(QString()), Qt::DisplayRole);
i4->setData(QVariant((double)dlspeed), Qt::DisplayRole);
i5->setData(QVariant::fromValue(peerInfo), Qt::DisplayRole);
i6->setData(QVariant(QString()), Qt::DisplayRole);
i8->setData(QVariant(QString()), Qt::DisplayRole); // blank field for priority
i9->setData(QVariant(QString()), Qt::DisplayRole);
i10->setData(QVariant(QString()), Qt::DisplayRole);
i11->setData(QVariant((QString)coreID), Qt::DisplayRole);
childRow = dlItem->rowCount() - 1;
} else {
// just update the child (peer)
dlItem->child(childRow, DLSPEED)->setData(QVariant((double)dlspeed), Qt::DisplayRole);
dlItem->child(childRow, PROGRESS)->setData(QVariant::fromValue(peerInfo), Qt::DisplayRole);
si1 = dlItem->child(childRow,NAME);
si7 = dlItem->child(childRow, STATUS);
childRow = dlItem->rowCount()-1 ;
//just update the child (peer)
dlItem->child(childRow, DLSPEED)->setData(QVariant((double)dlspeed), Qt::DisplayRole);
dlItem->child(childRow, PROGRESS)->setData(QVariant::fromValue(peerInfo), Qt::DisplayRole);
switch (status) {
si7->setData(QVariant(tr("Failed"))) ;
si1->setData(QIcon(":/images/Client1.png"), Qt::DecorationRole);
break ;
si1->setData(QIcon(":/images/Client2.png"), Qt::DecorationRole);
break ;
si1->setData(QIcon(":/images/Client3.png"), Qt::DecorationRole);
break ;
si1->setData(QIcon(":/images/Client0.png"), Qt::DecorationRole);
break ;
si1->setData(QIcon(":/images/Client0.png"), Qt::DecorationRole);
break ;
si1->setData(QIcon(":/images/Client4.png"), Qt::DecorationRole);
si1 = dlItem->child(childRow,NAME) ;
si7 = dlItem->child(childRow, STATUS) ;
QString sstatus;
switch (status)
case FT_STATE_FAILED: si7->setData(QVariant(tr("Failed"))) ;
si1->setData(QIcon(QString::fromUtf8(":/images/Client1.png")), Qt::DecorationRole);
break ;
case FT_STATE_OKAY: si7->setData(QVariant(tr("Okay")));
si1->setData(QIcon(QString::fromUtf8(":/images/Client2.png")), Qt::DecorationRole);
break ;
case FT_STATE_WAITING: si7->setData(QVariant(tr("")));
si1->setData(QIcon(QString::fromUtf8(":/images/Client3.png")), Qt::DecorationRole);
break ;
case FT_STATE_DOWNLOADING: si7->setData(QVariant(tr("Transferring")));
si1->setData(QIcon(QString::fromUtf8(":/images/Client0.png")), Qt::DecorationRole);
break ;
case FT_STATE_COMPLETE: si7->setData(QVariant(tr("Complete")));
si1->setData(QIcon(QString::fromUtf8(":/images/Client0.png")), Qt::DecorationRole);
break ;
default: si7->setData(QVariant(tr("")));
break ;
si1->setData(QIcon(QString::fromUtf8(":/images/Client4.png")), Qt::DecorationRole);
return childRow;
return childRow;
int TransfersDialog::addUploadItem( const QString&, const QString& name, const QString& coreID,
qlonglong fileSize, const FileProgressInfo& pinfo, double dlspeed,
const QString& source, const QString& peer_id, const QString& status, qlonglong completed, qlonglong)
@ -770,44 +862,30 @@ int TransfersDialog::addUploadItem( const QString&, const QString& name, const Q
// change progress column to own class for sorting
ULListModel->setItem(row, UPROGRESS, new ProgressItem(NULL));
ULListModel->setData(ULListModel->index(row, UNAME), QVariant((QString)" "+name), Qt::DisplayRole);
ULListModel->setData(ULListModel->index(row, USERNAME), QVariant((QString)source));
ULListModel->setData(ULListModel->index(row, UHASH), QVariant((QString)coreID));
ULListModel->setData(ULListModel->index(row, UUSERID), QVariant((QString)peer_id));
ULListModel->setData(ULListModel->index(row,UNAME), FilesDefs::getIconFromFilename(name), Qt::DecorationRole);
ULListModel->setData(ULListModel->index(row, UNAME), QVariant((QString)" "+name), Qt::DisplayRole);
ULListModel->setData(ULListModel->index(row, USIZE), QVariant((qlonglong)fileSize));
ULListModel->setData(ULListModel->index(row, UTRANSFERRED), QVariant((qlonglong)completed));
ULListModel->setData(ULListModel->index(row, ULSPEED), QVariant((double)dlspeed));
ULListModel->setData(ULListModel->index(row, UPROGRESS), QVariant::fromValue(pinfo));
ULListModel->setData(ULListModel->index(row, USTATUS), QVariant((QString)status));
ULListModel->setData(ULListModel->index(row, USERNAME), QVariant((QString)source));
ULListModel->setData(ULListModel->index(row, UHASH), QVariant((QString)coreID));
ULListModel->setData(ULListModel->index(row, UUSERID), QVariant((QString)peer_id));
ULListModel->setData(ULListModel->index(row,UNAME), FilesDefs::getIconFromFilename(name), Qt::DecorationRole);
return row;
//void TransfersDialog::delItem(int row)
// DLListModel->removeRow(row, QModelIndex());
//void TransfersDialog::delUploadItem(int row)
// ULListModel->removeRow(row, QModelIndex());
/* get the list of Transfers from the RsIface. **/
/* get the list of Transfers from the RsIface. **/
void TransfersDialog::updateDisplay()
updateDetailsDialog ();
static void QListDelete (const QList <QStandardItem*> &List)
qDeleteAll (List);
updateDetailsDialog ();
void TransfersDialog::insertTransfers()
@ -819,156 +897,77 @@ void TransfersDialog::insertTransfers()
std::list<std::string> downHashes;
// std::list<DwlDetails> dwlDetails;
// rsFiles->getDwlDetails(dwlDetails);
bool showCacheTransfers = ui._showCacheTransfers_CB->isChecked();
/* get online peers only once */
std::list<std::string> onlineIds;
/* get also only once */
/* get only once */
std::map<std::string, std::string> versions;
bool retv = rsDisc->getDiscVersions(versions);
std::set<std::string> used_hashes ;
// clear all source peers.
/* build set for quick search */
std::set<std::string> hashs;
std::list<std::string>::iterator it;
for (it = downHashes.begin(); it != downHashes.end(); it++)
FileInfo info;
if (!rsFiles->FileDetails(*it, RS_FILE_HINTS_DOWNLOAD, info)) {
for (it = downHashes.begin(); it != downHashes.end(); ++it) {
/* add downloads, first iterate all rows in list */
int rowCount = DLListModel->rowCount();
int row ;
std::set<std::string>::iterator hashIt;
for (row = 0; row < rowCount; ) {
std::string hash = DLListModel->item(row, ID)->data(Qt::DisplayRole).toString().toStdString();
hashIt = hashs.find(hash);
if (hashIt == hashs.end()) {
// remove not existing downloads
rowCount = DLListModel->rowCount();
FileInfo fileInfo;
if (!rsFiles->FileDetails(hash, RS_FILE_HINTS_DOWNLOAD, fileInfo)) {
rowCount = DLListModel->rowCount();
if ((fileInfo.flags & RS_FILE_HINTS_CACHE) && !showCacheTransfers) {
// if file transfer is a cache file index file, don't show it
rowCount = DLListModel->rowCount();
if (addItem(row, fileInfo, versions) < 0) {
rowCount = DLListModel->rowCount();
/* then add new downloads to the list */
for (hashIt = hashs.begin(); hashIt != hashs.end(); ++hashIt) {
FileInfo fileInfo;
if (!rsFiles->FileDetails(*hashIt, RS_FILE_HINTS_DOWNLOAD, fileInfo)) {
if ((fileInfo.flags & RS_FILE_HINTS_CACHE) && !showCacheTransfers) {
//if file transfer is a cache file index file, don't show it
if((info.flags & RS_FILE_HINTS_CACHE) && !showCacheTransfers)
QString fileName = QString::fromUtf8(info.fname.c_str());
QString fileHash = QString::fromStdString(info.hash);
qlonglong fileSize = info.size;
double fileDlspeed = (info.downloadStatus==FT_STATE_DOWNLOADING)?(info.tfRate * 1024.0):0.0;
/* get the sources (number of online peers) */
int active = 0;
std::list<TransferInfo>::iterator pit;
for (pit = info.peers.begin(); pit != info.peers.end(); pit++)
if(pit->tfRate > 0 && info.downloadStatus==FT_STATE_DOWNLOADING)
QString sources = QString("%1 (%2)").arg(active).arg(info.peers.size());
QString status;
switch (info.downloadStatus) {
case FT_STATE_FAILED: status = tr("Failed"); break;
case FT_STATE_OKAY: status = tr("Okay"); break;
case FT_STATE_WAITING: status = tr("Waiting"); break;
case FT_STATE_DOWNLOADING: status = tr("Downloading"); break;
case FT_STATE_COMPLETE: status = tr("Complete"); break;
case FT_STATE_QUEUED: status = tr("Queued"); break;
case FT_STATE_PAUSED: status = tr("Paused"); break;
case FT_STATE_CHECKING_HASH:status = tr("Checking..."); break;
default: status = tr("Unknown"); break;
QString priority;
if(info.downloadStatus == FT_STATE_QUEUED)
priority = QString::number(info.queue_position) ;
switch (info.priority)
case SPEED_LOW: priority = tr("Slower");break;
case SPEED_NORMAL: priority = tr("Average");break;
case SPEED_HIGH: priority = tr("Faster");break;
default: priority = tr("Average");break;
qlonglong completed = info.transfered;
qlonglong remaining = info.size - info.transfered;
qlonglong downloadtime = (info.size - info.transfered) / (info.tfRate * 1024.0);
FileChunksInfo fcinfo ;
continue ;
FileProgressInfo pinfo ;
pinfo.cmap = fcinfo.chunks ;
pinfo.type = FileProgressInfo::DOWNLOAD_LINE ;
pinfo.progress = (info.size==0)?0:(completed*100.0/info.size) ;
pinfo.nb_chunks = pinfo.cmap._map.empty()?0:fcinfo.chunks.size() ;
for(uint32_t i=0;i<fcinfo.active_chunks.size();++i)
pinfo.chunks_in_progress.push_back(fcinfo.active_chunks[i].first) ;
QString tooltip("") ;
if(info.downloadStatus == FT_STATE_CHECKING_HASH)
tooltip = tr("If the hash of the downloaded data does\nnot correspond to the hash announced\nby the file source. The data is likely \nto be corrupted.\n\nRetroShare will ask the source a detailed \nmap of the data; it will compare and invalidate\nbad blocks, and download them again\n\nTry to be patient!") ;
int addedRow = addItem("", fileName, fileHash, fileSize, pinfo, fileDlspeed, sources, status, priority, completed, remaining, downloadtime,tooltip);
used_hashes.insert(info.hash) ;
std::map<std::string, std::string>::iterator vit;
std::set<int> used_rows ;
if(info.downloadStatus != FT_STATE_COMPLETE)
for (pit = info.peers.begin(); pit != info.peers.end(); pit++)
QString peerName = getPeerName(pit->peerId);
//unique combination: fileHash + peerId, variant: hash + peerName (too long)
QString hashFileAndPeerId = fileHash + QString::fromStdString(pit->peerId);
QString version;
if (retv && versions.end() != (vit = versions.find(pit->peerId))) {
version = tr("version: ") + QString::fromStdString(vit->second);
double peerDlspeed = 0;
if ((uint32_t)pit->status == FT_STATE_DOWNLOADING && info.downloadStatus != FT_STATE_PAUSED && info.downloadStatus != FT_STATE_COMPLETE)
peerDlspeed = pit->tfRate * 1024.0;
FileProgressInfo peerpinfo ;
peerpinfo.cmap = fcinfo.compressed_peer_availability_maps[pit->peerId];
peerpinfo.type = FileProgressInfo::DOWNLOAD_SOURCE ;
peerpinfo.progress = 0.0 ; // we don't display completion for sources.
peerpinfo.nb_chunks = peerpinfo.cmap._map.empty()?0:fcinfo.chunks.size();
int row_id = addPeerToItem(addedRow, peerName, hashFileAndPeerId, peerDlspeed, pit->status, peerpinfo);
used_rows.insert(row_id) ;
QStandardItem *dlItem = DLListModel->item(addedRow);
// This is not optimal, but we deal with a small number of elements. The reverse order is really important,
// because rows after the deleted rows change positions !
for(int r=dlItem->rowCount()-1;r>=0;--r)
if(used_rows.find(r) == used_rows.end())
QListDelete (dlItem->takeRow(r)) ;
addItem(-1, fileInfo, versions);
// remove hashes that where not shown
//first clean the model in case some files are not download anymore
//remove items that are not fiends anymore
int removeIndex = 0;
int rowCount = DLListModel->rowCount();
while (removeIndex < rowCount)
std::string hash = DLListModel->item(removeIndex, ID)->data(Qt::DisplayRole).toString().toStdString();
if(used_hashes.find(hash) == used_hashes.end()) {
QListDelete (DLListModel->takeRow(removeIndex));
rowCount = DLListModel->rowCount();
} else
@ -980,7 +979,7 @@ void TransfersDialog::insertTransfers()
std::string ownId = rsPeers->getOwnId();
used_hashes.clear() ;
std::set<std::string> used_hashes ;
for(it = upHashes.begin(); it != upHashes.end(); it++)
@ -1056,7 +1055,7 @@ void TransfersDialog::insertTransfers()
// remove hashes that where not shown
//first clean the model in case some files are not download anymore
//remove items that are not fiends anymore
removeIndex = 0;
int removeIndex = 0;
rowCount = ULListModel->rowCount();
while (removeIndex < rowCount)
@ -1064,7 +1063,7 @@ void TransfersDialog::insertTransfers()
std::string peer = ULListModel->item(removeIndex, UUSERID)->data(Qt::EditRole).toString().toStdString();
if(used_hashes.find(hash + peer) == used_hashes.end()) {
QListDelete (ULListModel->takeRow(removeIndex));
rowCount = ULListModel->rowCount();
} else
@ -168,12 +168,10 @@ private:
public slots:
// these two functions add entries to the transfers dialog, and return the row id of the entry modified/added
int addItem(const QString& symbol, const QString& name, const QString& coreID, qlonglong size, const FileProgressInfo& pinfo, double dlspeed, const QString& sources, const QString& status, const QString& priority, qlonglong completed, qlonglong remaining, qlonglong downloadtime,const QString& tooltip);
int addPeerToItem(int row, const QString& name, const QString& coreID, double dlspeed, uint32_t status, const FileProgressInfo& peerInfo);
// void delItem(int row);
int addItem(int row, const FileInfo &fileInfo, const std::map<std::string, std::string> &versions);
int addPeerToItem(QStandardItem *dlItem, const QString& name, const QString& coreID, double dlspeed, uint32_t status, const FileProgressInfo& peerInfo);
int addUploadItem(const QString& symbol, const QString& name, const QString& coreID, qlonglong size, const FileProgressInfo& pinfo, double dlspeed, const QString& sources,const QString& source_id, const QString& status, qlonglong completed, qlonglong remaining);
// void delUploadItem(int row);
void showFileDetails() ;
@ -630,9 +630,6 @@ p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; }
<property name="contextMenuPolicy">
<property name="acceptDrops">
<property name="lineWidth">
@ -657,6 +654,9 @@ p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; }
<property name="rootIsDecorated">
<property name="uniformRowHeights">
<property name="sortingEnabled">
@ -681,9 +681,9 @@ p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; }
<property name="currentIndex">
<widget class="QWidget" name="tab">
<widget class="QWidget" name="uploadsTab">
<attribute name="icon">
<iconset resource="images.qrc">
@ -713,7 +713,7 @@ p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; }
<widget class="QWidget" name="tab_2">
<widget class="QWidget" name="transferTab">
<attribute name="icon">
<iconset resource="images.qrc">
@ -744,8 +744,8 @@ p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; }
Reference in New Issue
Block a user