mirror of
synced 2025-03-01 11:21:25 -05:00
added proper decryption calls for partial decryption and possible re-try after loading keys.
This commit is contained in:
@ -306,7 +306,10 @@ RsGxsNetService::RsGxsNetService(uint16_t servType, RsGeneralDataService *gds,
RsGixsReputation* reputations, RsGcxs* circles, RsGixs *gixs,
PgpAuxUtils *pgpUtils, bool grpAutoSync,bool msgAutoSync)
: p3ThreadedService(), p3Config(), mTransactionN(0),
mObserver(nxsObs),mGixs(gixs), mDataStore(gds), mServType(servType),
mTransactionTimeOut(TRANSAC_TIMEOUT), mNetMgr(netMgr), mNxsMutex("RsGxsNetService"),
mSyncTs(0), mLastKeyPublishTs(0),mLastCleanRejectedMessages(0), mSYNC_PERIOD(SYNC_PERIOD), mCircles(circles), mReputations(reputations),
@ -2144,25 +2147,28 @@ void RsGxsNetService::processTransactions()
// Try to decrypt the items that need to be decrypted. This function returns true if the transaction is not encrypted.
#ifdef NXS_NET_DEBUG_7
GXSNETDEBUG_P_(tr->mTransaction->PeerId()) << " successfully decrypted transaction " << transN << std::endl;
GXSNETDEBUG_P_(tr->mTransaction->PeerId()) << " successfully decrypted/processed transaction " << transN << ". Adding to completed list." << std::endl;
#ifdef NXS_NET_DEBUG_7
GXSNETDEBUG_P_(tr->mTransaction->PeerId()) << " no decryption occurred in transaction " << transN << std::endl;
#ifdef NXS_NET_DEBUG_1
int total_transaction_time = (int)time(NULL) - (tr->mTimeOut - mTransactionTimeOut) ;
GXSNETDEBUG_P_(mit->first) << " incoming completed " << tr->mTransaction->nItems << " items transaction in " << total_transaction_time << " seconds." << std::endl;
// transaction processing done
// for this id, add to removal list
// transaction processing done
// for this id, add to removal list
#ifdef NXS_NET_DEBUG_1
int total_transaction_time = (int)time(NULL) - (tr->mTimeOut - mTransactionTimeOut) ;
GXSNETDEBUG_P_(mit->first) << " incoming completed " << tr->mTransaction->nItems << " items transaction in " << total_transaction_time << " seconds." << std::endl;
#ifdef NXS_NET_DEBUG_7
GXSNETDEBUG_P_(tr->mTransaction->PeerId()) << " no decryption occurred because of unloaded keys. Will retry later. TransN=" << transN << std::endl;
else if(flag & NxsTransaction::FLAG_STATE_STARTING)
@ -3598,6 +3604,10 @@ bool RsGxsNetService::encryptTransaction(NxsTransaction *tr)
return true ;
// Tries to decrypt the transaction. First load the keys and process all items.
// If keys are loaded, encrypted items that cannot be decrypted are discarded.
// Otherwise the transaction is untouched for retry later.
bool RsGxsNetService::decryptTransaction(NxsTransaction *tr)
#ifdef NXS_NET_DEBUG_7
@ -3709,70 +3719,93 @@ bool RsGxsNetService::decryptTransaction(NxsTransaction *tr)
// get all private keys. Normally we should look into the circle name and only supply the keys that we have
std::list<RsGxsId> own_keys ;
mGixs->getOwnIds(own_keys) ;
for(std::list<RsGxsId>::const_iterator it(own_keys.begin());it!=own_keys.end();++it)
RsTlvSecurityKey private_key ;
std::cerr << "(EE) Cannot retrieve private key for ID " << *it << std::endl;
return false ;
private_keys.push_back(private_key) ;
std::cerr << " retrived private key " << *it << std::endl;
for(std::list<RsNxsItem*>::iterator it(tr->mItems.begin());it!=tr->mItems.end();++it)
for(std::list<RsNxsItem*>::iterator it(tr->mItems.begin());it!=tr->mItems.end();)
RsNxsEncryptedDataItem *encrypted_item = dynamic_cast<RsNxsEncryptedDataItem*>(*it) ;
if(encrypted_item == NULL)
std::cerr << " skipping unencrypted item..." << std::endl;
++it ;
continue ;
// we need the private keys to decrypt the item. First load them in!
bool key_loading_failed = false ;
std::cerr << " need to retrieve private keys..." << std::endl;
std::list<RsGxsId> own_keys ;
mGixs->getOwnIds(own_keys) ;
for(std::list<RsGxsId>::const_iterator it(own_keys.begin());it!=own_keys.end();++it)
RsTlvSecurityKey private_key ;
private_keys.push_back(private_key) ;
std::cerr << " retrieved private key " << *it << std::endl;
std::cerr << " (EE) Cannot retrieve private key for ID " << *it << std::endl;
key_loading_failed = true ;
break ;
std::cerr << " Some keys not loaded.Returning false to retry later." << std::endl;
return false ;
// we do this only when something actually needs to be decrypted.
unsigned char *decrypted_mem = NULL;
uint32_t decrypted_len =0;
std::cerr << " Trying to decrypt item..." ;
std::cerr << " Trying to decrypt item..." ;
if(!GxsSecurity::decrypt(decrypted_mem,decrypted_len, (uint8_t*)encrypted_item->aes_encrypted_data.bin_data,encrypted_item->aes_encrypted_data.bin_len,private_keys))
std::cerr << "Failed! Cannot decrypt transaction. Giving up." << std::endl;
return false ;
std::cerr << "Failed! Cannot decrypt this item." << std::endl;
decrypted_mem = NULL ; // for safety
std::cerr << "Succeeded! deserialising..." << std::endl;
std::cerr << " Succeeded! deserialising..." << std::endl;
// deserialise the item
RsItem *ditem = RsNxsSerialiser(mServType).deserialise(decrypted_mem,&decrypted_len) ;
RsItem *ditem = NULL ;
RsNxsItem *nxsitem = NULL ;
if(ditem == NULL)
std::cerr << " Cannot deserialise. Item encoding error!" << std::endl;
return false ;
RsNxsItem *nxsitem = dynamic_cast<RsNxsItem*>(ditem) ;
if(nxsitem == NULL)
std::cerr << " Deserialised item is not an NxsItem. Weird. Dropping transaction." << std::endl;
return false ;
// replace the encrypted item with the clear one
std::cerr << " Replacing the encrypted item with the clear one." << std::endl;
ditem = RsNxsSerialiser(mServType).deserialise(decrypted_mem,&decrypted_len) ;
if(ditem == NULL)
std::cerr << " Cannot deserialise. Item encoding error!" << std::endl;
nxsitem = dynamic_cast<RsNxsItem*>(ditem) ;
if(nxsitem == NULL)
std::cerr << " (EE) Deserialised item is not an NxsItem. Weird. Dropping transaction." << std::endl;
// remove the encrypted item. After that it points to the next item to handle
it = tr->mItems.erase(it) ;
tr->mItems.insert(it,nxsitem) ;
--it ; // this is to make sure the ++it in the for loop is not goign to skip the item just after the one being inserted
if(nxsitem != NULL)
std::cerr << " Replacing the encrypted item with the clear one." << std::endl;
tr->mItems.insert(it,nxsitem) ; // inserts before it, so no need to ++it
delete encrypted_item ;
@ -455,7 +455,7 @@ private:
* encrypts/decrypts the transaction for the destination circle id.
bool encryptTransaction(NxsTransaction *tr);
bool decryptTransaction(NxsTransaction *tr);
bool decryptTransaction(NxsTransaction *tr); // return false when the keys are not loaded => need retry later
void cleanRejectedMessages();
void processObserverNotifications();
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