mirror of
synced 2025-02-26 01:31:30 -05:00
added item splitting and checksum checking in p3filelists
This commit is contained in:
@ -38,3 +38,5 @@ static const std::string HASH_CACHE_FILE_NAME = "hash_cache.bin" ; // hard-co
static const uint32_t MIN_INTERVAL_BETWEEN_HASH_CACHE_SAVE = 20 ; // never save hash cache more often than every 20 secs.
static const uint32_t MIN_INTERVAL_BETWEEN_REMOTE_DIRECTORY_SAVE = 23 ; // never save remote directories more often than this
static const uint32_t MAX_DIR_SYNC_RESPONSE_DATA_SIZE = 20000 ; // Maximum RsItem data size in bytes for serialised directory transmission
@ -606,12 +606,13 @@ bool p3FileDatabase::findChildPointer(void *ref, int row, void *& result, FileSe
return true ;
else for(uint32_t i=0;i<mRemoteDirectories.size();++i)
else if(row < mRemoteDirectories.size())
return true;
return false;
uint32_t fi;
DirectoryStorage::EntryIndex e ;
@ -1077,11 +1078,120 @@ void p3FileDatabase::handleDirSyncRequest(RsFileListsSyncRequestItem *item)
// sends the response.
splitAndSendItem(ritem) ;
void p3FileDatabase::handleDirSyncResponse(RsFileListsSyncResponseItem *item)
void p3FileDatabase::splitAndSendItem(RsFileListsSyncResponseItem *ritem)
ritem->checksum = RsDirUtil::sha1sum((uint8_t*)ritem->directory_content_data.bin_data,ritem->directory_content_data.bin_len);
while(ritem->directory_content_data.bin_len > MAX_DIR_SYNC_RESPONSE_DATA_SIZE)
P3FILELISTS_DEBUG() << "Chopping off partial chunk of size " << MAX_DIR_SYNC_RESPONSE_DATA_SIZE << " from item data of size " << ritem->directory_content_data.bin_len << std::endl;
RsFileListsSyncResponseItem *subitem = new RsFileListsSyncResponseItem() ;
subitem->entry_hash = ritem->entry_hash;
subitem->flags = ritem->flags | RsFileListsItem::FLAGS_SYNC_PARTIAL;
subitem->last_known_recurs_modf_TS = ritem->last_known_recurs_modf_TS;
subitem->request_id = ritem->request_id;
subitem->checksum = ritem->checksum ;
// copy a subpart of the data
subitem->directory_content_data.tlvtype = ritem->directory_content_data.tlvtype ;
subitem->directory_content_data.setBinData(ritem->directory_content_data.bin_data, MAX_DIR_SYNC_RESPONSE_DATA_SIZE) ;
// update ritem to chop off the data that was sent.
memmove(ritem->directory_content_data.bin_data, &((unsigned char*)ritem->directory_content_data.bin_data)[MAX_DIR_SYNC_RESPONSE_DATA_SIZE], ritem->directory_content_data.bin_len - MAX_DIR_SYNC_RESPONSE_DATA_SIZE) ;
ritem->directory_content_data.bin_len -= MAX_DIR_SYNC_RESPONSE_DATA_SIZE ;
// send
subitem->PeerId(ritem->PeerId()) ;
sendItem(subitem) ;
// fix up last chunk
if(ritem->directory_content_data.bin_len <= MAX_DIR_SYNC_RESPONSE_DATA_SIZE)
ritem->flags |= RsFileListsItem::FLAGS_SYNC_PARTIAL_END ;
sendItem(ritem) ;
// This function should not take memory ownership of ritem, so it makes copies.
RsFileListsSyncResponseItem *p3FileDatabase::recvAndRebuildItem(RsFileListsSyncResponseItem *ritem)
#warning make sure about how robust that is to disconnections, etc.
if(!(ritem->flags & RsFileListsItem::FLAGS_SYNC_PARTIAL ))
return ritem ;
// item is a partial item. Look first for a starting entry
P3FILELISTS_DEBUG() << "Item from peer " << ritem->PeerId() << " is partial. Size = " << ritem->directory_content_data.bin_len << std::endl;
bool is_ending = (ritem->flags & RsFileListsItem::FLAGS_SYNC_PARTIAL_END);
std::map<DirSyncRequestId,RsFileListsSyncResponseItem*>::iterator it = mPartialResponseItems.find(ritem->request_id) ;
if(it == mPartialResponseItems.end())
P3FILELISTS_ERROR() << "Impossible situation: partial item ended right away. Dropping..." << std::endl;
return NULL;
P3FILELISTS_DEBUG() << "Creating new item buffer" << std::endl;
mPartialResponseItems[ritem->request_id] = new RsFileListsSyncResponseItem(*ritem) ;
return NULL ;
else if(it->second->checksum != ritem->checksum)
P3FILELISTS_ERROR() << "Impossible situation: partial items with different checksums. Dropping..." << std::endl;
return NULL;
// collapse the item at the end of the existing partial item. Dont delete ritem as it will be by the caller.
it->second->directory_content_data.bin_data = realloc(it->second->directory_content_data.bin_data,it->second->directory_content_data.bin_len + ritem->directory_content_data.bin_len) ;
// if finished, return the item
P3FILELISTS_DEBUG() << "Item is complete. Returning it" << std::endl;
RsFileListsSyncResponseItem *ret = it->second ;
mPartialResponseItems.erase(it) ;
ret->flags &= ~RsFileListsItem::FLAGS_SYNC_PARTIAL_END ;
ret->flags &= ~RsFileListsItem::FLAGS_SYNC_PARTIAL ;
return ret ;
return NULL ;
void p3FileDatabase::handleDirSyncResponse(RsFileListsSyncResponseItem *sitem)
RsFileListsSyncResponseItem *item = recvAndRebuildItem(sitem) ;
return ;
// check the hash. If anything goes wrong (in the chunking for instance) the hash will not match
if(RsDirUtil::sha1sum((uint8_t*)item->directory_content_data.bin_data,item->directory_content_data.bin_len) != item->checksum)
P3FILELISTS_ERROR() << "Checksum error in response item " << std::hex << item->request_id << std::dec << " . This is unexpected, and might be due to connection problems." << std::endl;
return ;
P3FILELISTS_DEBUG() << "Handling sync response for directory with hash " << item->entry_hash << std::endl;
EntryIndex entry_index = DirectoryStorage::NO_INDEX;
@ -173,6 +173,11 @@ class p3FileDatabase: public p3Service, public p3Config, public ftSearch //, pub
static DirSyncRequestId makeDirSyncReqId(const RsPeerId& peer_id, const RsFileHash &hash) ;
// utility functions to send items with some maximum size.
void splitAndSendItem(RsFileListsSyncResponseItem *ritem);
RsFileListsSyncResponseItem *recvAndRebuildItem(RsFileListsSyncResponseItem *ritem);
* \brief generateAndSendSyncRequest
* \param rds Remote directory storage for the request
@ -221,6 +226,7 @@ class p3FileDatabase: public p3Service, public p3Config, public ftSearch //, pub
time_t mLastRemoteDirSweepTS ; // TS for friend list update
std::map<DirSyncRequestId,DirSyncRequestData> mPendingSyncRequests ; // pending requests, waiting for an answer
std::map<DirSyncRequestId,RsFileListsSyncResponseItem *> mPartialResponseItems;
void locked_recursSweepRemoteDirectory(RemoteDirectoryStorage *rds, DirectoryStorage::EntryIndex e, int depth);
@ -152,6 +152,7 @@ bool RsFileListsSyncResponseItem::serialise(void *data, uint32_t& size) const
/* RsFileListsSyncMsgItem */
ok &= entry_hash.serialise(data, size, offset);
ok &= checksum.serialise(data, size, offset);
ok &= setRawUInt32(data, size, &offset, flags );
ok &= setRawUInt32(data, size, &offset, last_known_recurs_modf_TS);
ok &= setRawUInt64(data, size, &offset, request_id);
@ -231,6 +232,7 @@ RsFileListsSyncResponseItem* RsFileListsSerialiser::deserialFileListsSyncRespons
uint64_t request_id; // use to determine if changes that have occured since last hash
ok &= item->entry_hash.deserialise(data, *size, offset);
ok &= item->checksum.deserialise(data, *size, offset);
ok &= getRawUInt32(data, *size, &offset, &item->flags);
ok &= getRawUInt32(data, *size, &offset, &item->last_known_recurs_modf_TS);
ok &= getRawUInt64(data, *size, &offset, &item->request_id);
@ -312,6 +314,7 @@ uint32_t RsFileListsSyncResponseItem::serial_size()const
uint32_t s = 8; //header size
s += RsFileHash::serial_size(); // entry hash
s += RsFileHash::serial_size(); // checksum
s += 4; // flags
s += 4; // last_known_recurs_modf_TS
s += 8; // request_id
@ -348,6 +351,7 @@ std::ostream& RsFileListsSyncResponseItem::print(std::ostream &out, uint16_t ind
uint16_t int_Indent = indent + 2;
printIndent(out , int_Indent); out << "Entry hash: " << entry_hash << std::endl;
printIndent(out , int_Indent); out << "Checksum : " << checksum << std::endl;
printIndent(out , int_Indent); out << "Flags: " << (uint32_t) flags << std::endl;
printIndent(out , int_Indent); out << "Last modf TS: " << last_known_recurs_modf_TS << std::endl;
printIndent(out , int_Indent); out << "request id: " << std::hex << request_id << std::dec << std::endl;
@ -66,6 +66,8 @@ public:
static const uint32_t FLAGS_SYNC_DIR_CONTENT = 0x0004 ;
static const uint32_t FLAGS_ENTRY_UP_TO_DATE = 0x0008 ;
static const uint32_t FLAGS_ENTRY_WAS_REMOVED = 0x0010 ;
static const uint32_t FLAGS_SYNC_PARTIAL = 0x0020 ;
static const uint32_t FLAGS_SYNC_PARTIAL_END = 0x0040 ;
@ -102,6 +104,7 @@ public:
virtual uint32_t serial_size() const ;
RsFileHash entry_hash ; // hash of the directory to sync
RsFileHash checksum ; // checksum of the bindary data, for checking
uint32_t flags; // is it a partial/final item (used for large items only)
uint32_t last_known_recurs_modf_TS; // time of last modification, computed over all files+directories below.
uint64_t request_id; // use to determine if changes that have occured since last hash
Reference in New Issue
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