@ -98,6 +98,472 @@
class RsDownloadListModel : public QAbstractItemModel
explicit RsDownloadListModel(QObject *parent = NULL) : QAbstractItemModel(parent) {}
int rowCount(const QModelIndex& parent = QModelIndex()) const
std::cerr << "in rowCount()" << std::endl;
void *ref = (parent.isValid())?parent.internalPointer():NULL ;
return mDownloads.size() ;
uint32_t entry = 0 ;
int source_id ;
if(!convertRefPointerToTabEntry(ref,entry,source_id) || entry >= mDownloads.size())
return 0 ;
return mDownloads[entry].peers.size(); // costly
int columnCount(const QModelIndex &parent = QModelIndex()) const
return 14 ;
bool hasChildren(const QModelIndex &parent = QModelIndex()) const
std::cerr << "in hasChildren()" << std::endl;
void *ref = (parent.isValid())?parent.internalPointer():NULL ;
uint32_t entry = 0;
int source_id=0 ;
return true ;
if(!convertRefPointerToTabEntry(ref,entry,source_id) || entry >= mDownloads.size())
return false ;
return !mDownloads[entry].peers.empty(); // costly
QModelIndex index(int row, int column, const QModelIndex & parent) const
std::cerr << "in index() row=" << row << " column=" << column << std::endl;
if(row < 0)
return QModelIndex();
void *ref = (parent.isValid())?parent.internalPointer():NULL ;
uint32_t entry = 0;
int source_id=0 ;
void *subref = NULL ;
if(!ref) // top level. The entry is that of a transfer
return QModelIndex() ;
std::cerr << "normal behavior (no parent). subref=" << subref << std::endl;
return createIndex(row,column,subref) ;
if(!convertRefPointerToTabEntry(ref,entry,source_id) || entry >= mDownloads.size() || int(mDownloads[entry].peers.size()) <= source_id)
return QModelIndex() ;
if(source_id != -1)
std::cerr << "ERROR: parent.source_id != -1 in index()" << std::endl;
return QModelIndex() ;
std::cerr << "normal behavior. subref=" << subref << std::endl;
return createIndex(row,column,subref) ;
QModelIndex parent(const QModelIndex& child) const
std::cerr << "in parent()" << std::endl;
void *ref = (child.isValid())?child.internalPointer():NULL ;
uint32_t entry = 0;
int source_id=0 ;
return QModelIndex() ;
if(!convertRefPointerToTabEntry(ref,entry,source_id) || entry >= mDownloads.size() || int(mDownloads[entry].peers.size()) <= source_id)
return QModelIndex() ;
if(source_id < 0)
return QModelIndex() ;
void *subref =NULL;
return QModelIndex() ;
return createIndex(entry,0,subref) ;
QVariant headerData(int section, Qt::Orientation orientation, int role = Qt::DisplayRole) const
std::cerr << "in headerData()" << std::endl;
if(role != Qt::DisplayRole)
return QVariant();
case COLUMN_NAME: return tr("Name", "i.e: file name");
case COLUMN_SIZE: return tr("Size", "i.e: file size");
case COLUMN_COMPLETED: return tr("Completed", "");
case COLUMN_DLSPEED: return tr("Speed", "i.e: Download speed");
case COLUMN_PROGRESS: return tr("Progress / Availability", "i.e: % downloaded");
case COLUMN_SOURCES: return tr("Sources", "i.e: Sources");
case COLUMN_STATUS: return tr("Status");
case COLUMN_PRIORITY: return tr("Speed / Queue position");
case COLUMN_REMAINING: return tr("Remaining");
case COLUMN_DOWNLOADTIME: return tr("Download time", "i.e: Estimated Time of Arrival / Time left");
case COLUMN_ID: return tr("Hash");
case COLUMN_LASTDL: return tr("Last Time Seen", "i.e: Last Time Receiced Data");
case COLUMN_PATH: return tr("Path", "i.e: Where file is saved");
QVariant data(const QModelIndex &index, int role = Qt::DisplayRole) const
std::cerr << "in data()" << std::endl;
return QVariant();
int coln = index.column() ;
case Qt::SizeHintRole: return sizeHintRole(index.column()) ;
case Qt::TextAlignmentRole:
case Qt::TextColorRole:
case Qt::WhatsThisRole:
case Qt::EditRole:
case Qt::ToolTipRole:
case Qt::StatusTipRole:
return QVariant();
void *ref = (index.isValid())?index.internalPointer():NULL ;
uint32_t entry = 0;
int source_id=0 ;
std::cerr << "ref=NULL!" << std::endl;
return false ;
if(!convertRefPointerToTabEntry(ref,entry,source_id) || entry >= mDownloads.size())
std::cerr << "Bad pointer: " << (void*)ref << std::endl;
return false ;
const FileInfo& finfo(mDownloads[entry]) ;
case Qt::DisplayRole: return displayRole (finfo,source_id,index.column()) ;
case Qt::DecorationRole: return decorationRole(finfo,source_id,index.column()) ;
case Qt::UserRole: return userRole (finfo,source_id,index.column()) ;
return QVariant();
QVariant sizeHintRole(int col) const
case COLUMN_NAME: return QVariant( 170 );
case COLUMN_SIZE: return QVariant( 70 );
case COLUMN_COMPLETED: return QVariant( 75 );
case COLUMN_DLSPEED: return QVariant( 75 );
case COLUMN_PROGRESS: return QVariant( 170 );
case COLUMN_SOURCES: return QVariant( 90 );
case COLUMN_STATUS: return QVariant( 100 );
case COLUMN_PRIORITY: return QVariant( 100 );
case COLUMN_REMAINING: return QVariant( 100 );
case COLUMN_DOWNLOADTIME: return QVariant( 100 );
case COLUMN_ID: return QVariant( 100 );
case COLUMN_LASTDL: return QVariant( 100 );
case COLUMN_PATH: return QVariant( 100 );
QVariant displayRole(const FileInfo& fileInfo,int source_id,int col) const
if(source_id == 0)
case COLUMN_NAME: return QVariant(QString::fromUtf8(fileInfo.fname.c_str()));
case COLUMN_COMPLETED: return QVariant((qlonglong)fileInfo.transfered);
case COLUMN_DLSPEED: return QVariant((double)((fileInfo.downloadStatus == FT_STATE_DOWNLOADING) ? (fileInfo.tfRate * 1024.0) : 0.0));
case COLUMN_PROGRESS: return QVariant((float)((fileInfo.size == 0) ? 0 : (fileInfo.transfered * 100.0 / (float)fileInfo.size)));
QString status;
switch (fileInfo.downloadStatus)
case FT_STATE_FAILED: status = tr("Failed"); break;
case FT_STATE_OKAY: status = tr("Okay"); break;
case FT_STATE_WAITING: status = tr("Waiting"); break;
case FT_STATE_DOWNLOADING: status = tr("Downloading"); break;
case FT_STATE_COMPLETE: status = tr("Complete"); break;
case FT_STATE_QUEUED: status = tr("Queued"); break;
case FT_STATE_PAUSED: status = tr("Paused"); break;
case FT_STATE_CHECKING_HASH:status = tr("Checking..."); break;
default: status = tr("Unknown"); break;
return QVariant(status);
double priority = PRIORITY_NULL;
if (fileInfo.downloadStatus == FT_STATE_QUEUED)
priority = fileInfo.queue_position;
else if (fileInfo.downloadStatus == FT_STATE_COMPLETE)
priority = 0;
switch (fileInfo.priority)
case SPEED_LOW: priority = PRIORITY_SLOWER; break;
case SPEED_NORMAL: priority = PRIORITY_AVERAGE; break;
case SPEED_HIGH: priority = PRIORITY_FASTER; break;
default: priority = PRIORITY_AVERAGE; break;
return QVariant(priority);
case COLUMN_REMAINING: return QVariant((qlonglong)(fileInfo.size - fileInfo.transfered));
case COLUMN_DOWNLOADTIME: return QVariant((qlonglong)(fileInfo.tfRate > 0)?( (fileInfo.size - fileInfo.transfered) / (fileInfo.tfRate * 1024.0) ) : 0);
qint64 qi64LastDL = fileInfo.lastTS ;
if (qi64LastDL == 0) // file is complete, or any raison why the time has not been set properly
QFileInfo file;
if (fileInfo.downloadStatus == FT_STATE_COMPLETE)
file = QFileInfo(QString::fromUtf8(fileInfo.path.c_str()), QString::fromUtf8(fileInfo.fname.c_str()));
file = QFileInfo(QString::fromUtf8(rsFiles->getPartialsDirectory().c_str()), QString::fromUtf8(fileInfo.hash.toStdString().c_str()));
//Get Last Access on File
if (file.exists())
qi64LastDL = file.lastModified().toTime_t();
return QVariant(qi64LastDL) ;
QString strPath = QString::fromUtf8(fileInfo.path.c_str());
QString strPathAfterDL = strPath;
return QVariant(strPathAfterDL);
return QVariant("[ TODO ]");
return QVariant("[ TODO ]");
virtual QVariant userRole(const FileInfo& fileInfo,int source_id,int col) const
FileChunksInfo fcinfo;
if (!rsFiles->FileDownloadChunksDetails(fileInfo.hash, fcinfo))
return -1;
FileProgressInfo pinfo;
pinfo.cmap = fcinfo.chunks;
pinfo.type = FileProgressInfo::DOWNLOAD_LINE;
pinfo.progress = (fileInfo.size == 0) ? 0 : (fileInfo.transfered * 100.0 / fileInfo.size);
pinfo.nb_chunks = pinfo.cmap._map.empty() ? 0 : fcinfo.chunks.size();
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < fcinfo.chunks.size(); ++i)
case FileChunksInfo::CHUNK_CHECKING: pinfo.chunks_in_checking.push_back(i);
break ;
case FileChunksInfo::CHUNK_ACTIVE: pinfo.chunks_in_progress.push_back(i);
break ;
case FileChunksInfo::CHUNK_DONE:
case FileChunksInfo::CHUNK_OUTSTANDING:
break ;
return QVariant::fromValue(pinfo);
return QVariant();
virtual QVariant sortRole(const QModelIndex&,const DirDetails&,int) const
std::cerr << "Unimplemented: " << __PRETTY_FUNCTION__ << std::endl;
QVariant decorationRole(const FileInfo& fileInfo,int source_id,int col) const
if(col == COLUMN_NAME)
return QVariant(FilesDefs::getIconFromFilename(QString::fromUtf8(fileInfo.fname.c_str())));
return QVariant();
void update_transfers()
std::list<RsFileHash> downHashes;
mDownloads.resize(downHashes.size()) ;
std::cerr << "updating file list: found " << mDownloads.size() << " transfers." << std::endl;
uint32_t i=0;
for(auto it(downHashes.begin());it!=downHashes.end();++it,++i)
FileInfo& fileInfo(mDownloads[i]);
rsFiles->FileDetails(*it, RS_FILE_HINTS_DOWNLOAD, fileInfo);
QModelIndex topLeft = createIndex(0,0), bottomRight = createIndex(mDownloads.size(), COLUMN_COUNT-1);
emit dataChanged(topLeft, bottomRight);
//shit code follow (rewrite this please)
// size_t old_size = neighs.size(), new_size = 0;
// std::list<RsPgpId> old_neighs = neighs;
// new_size = new_neighs.size();
// //set model data to new cleaned up data
// neighs = new_neighs;
// neighs.sort();
// neighs.unique(); //remove possible dups
// //reflect actual row count in model
// if(old_size < new_size)
// {
// beginInsertRows(QModelIndex(), old_size, new_size);
// insertRows(old_size, new_size - old_size);
// endInsertRows();
// }
// else if(new_size < old_size)
// {
// beginRemoveRows(QModelIndex(), new_size, old_size);
// removeRows(old_size, old_size - new_size);
// endRemoveRows();
// }
// //update data in ui, to avoid unnecessary redraw and ui updates, updating only changed elements
// //TODO: libretroshare should implement a way to obtain only changed elements via some signalling non-blocking api.
// {
// size_t ii1 = 0;
// for(auto i1 = neighs.begin(), end1 = neighs.end(), i2 = old_neighs.begin(), end2 = old_neighs.end(); i1 != end1; ++i1, ++i2, ii1++)
// {
// if(i2 == end2)
// break;
// if(*i1 != *i2)
// {
// QModelIndex topLeft = createIndex(ii1,0), bottomRight = createIndex(ii1, COLUMN_COUNT-1);
// emit dataChanged(topLeft, bottomRight);
// }
// }
// }
// if(new_size > old_size)
// {
// QModelIndex topLeft = createIndex(old_size ? old_size -1 : 0 ,0), bottomRight = createIndex(new_size -1, COLUMN_COUNT-1);
// emit dataChanged(topLeft, bottomRight);
// }
// //dirty solution for initial data fetch
// //TODO: do it properly!
// if(!old_size)
// {
// beginResetModel();
// endResetModel();
// }
static const uint32_t TRANSFERS_NB_DOWNLOADS_BITS_32BITS = 22 ; // Means 2^22 simultaneous transfers
static const uint32_t TRANSFERS_NB_DOWNLOADS_BIT_MASK_32BITS = 0x003fffff ; // actual bit mask corresponding to previous number of bits
static const uint32_t TRANSFERS_NB_SOURCES_BITS_32BITS = 10 ; // Means 2^10 simultaneous sources
static bool convertTabEntryToRefPointer(uint32_t entry,int source_id,void *& ref)
if(source_id < -1)
std::cerr << "(EE) inconsistent source id = " << source_id << " in convertTabEntryToRefPointer()" << std::endl;
return false;
// the pointer is formed the following way:
// [ 10 bits | 22 bits ]
// This means that the whoel software has the following build-in limitation:
// * 1023 sources
// * 4M simultaenous file transfers
if(uint32_t(source_id+1) >= (1u<<TRANSFERS_NB_SOURCES_BITS_32BITS) || (entry+1) >= (1u<< TRANSFERS_NB_DOWNLOADS_BITS_32BITS))
std::cerr << "(EE) cannot convert download index " << entry << " and source " << source_id << " to pointer." << std::endl;
return false ;
ref = reinterpret_cast<void*>( ( uint32_t(1+source_id) << TRANSFERS_NB_DOWNLOADS_BITS_32BITS ) + ( (entry+1) & TRANSFERS_NB_DOWNLOADS_BIT_MASK_32BITS)) ;
return true;
static bool convertRefPointerToTabEntry(void *ref,uint32_t& entry,int& source_id)
// we pack the couple (id of DL, id of source) into a single 32-bits pointer that is required by the AbstractItemModel class.
#pragma GCC diagnostic ignored "-Wstrict-aliasing"
uint32_t ntr = uint32_t( *reinterpret_cast<uint32_t*>(&ref) & TRANSFERS_NB_DOWNLOADS_BIT_MASK_32BITS ) ;
uint32_t src = ( *reinterpret_cast<uint32_t*>(&ref)) >> TRANSFERS_NB_DOWNLOADS_BITS_32BITS ;
#pragma GCC diagnostic pop
if(ntr == 0)
std::cerr << "ERROR! ntr=0!"<< std::endl;
return false ;
source_id = int(src) - 1 ;
entry = ntr - 1 ;
return true;
std::vector<FileInfo> mDownloads ; // store the list of downloads, updated from rsFiles.
class SortByNameItem : public QStandardItem
@ -170,21 +636,23 @@ TransfersDialog::TransfersDialog(QWidget *parent)
connect( ui.downloadList, SIGNAL( customContextMenuRequested( QPoint ) ), this, SLOT( downloadListCustomPopupMenu( QPoint ) ) );
DLListModel = new RsDownloadListModel ;
// Set Download list model
DLListModel = new QStandardItemModel(0,COLUMN_COUNT);
DLListModel->setHeaderData(COLUMN_NAME, Qt::Horizontal, tr("Name", "i.e: file name"));
DLListModel->setHeaderData(COLUMN_SIZE, Qt::Horizontal, tr("Size", "i.e: file size"));
DLListModel->setHeaderData(COLUMN_COMPLETED, Qt::Horizontal, tr("Completed", ""));
DLListModel->setHeaderData(COLUMN_DLSPEED, Qt::Horizontal, tr("Speed", "i.e: Download speed"));
DLListModel->setHeaderData(COLUMN_PROGRESS, Qt::Horizontal, tr("Progress / Availability", "i.e: % downloaded"));
DLListModel->setHeaderData(COLUMN_SOURCES, Qt::Horizontal, tr("Sources", "i.e: Sources"));
DLListModel->setHeaderData(COLUMN_STATUS, Qt::Horizontal, tr("Status"));
DLListModel->setHeaderData(COLUMN_PRIORITY, Qt::Horizontal, tr("Speed / Queue position"));
DLListModel->setHeaderData(COLUMN_REMAINING, Qt::Horizontal, tr("Remaining"));
DLListModel->setHeaderData(COLUMN_DOWNLOADTIME, Qt::Horizontal, tr("Download time", "i.e: Estimated Time of Arrival / Time left"));
DLListModel->setHeaderData(COLUMN_ID, Qt::Horizontal, tr("Hash"));
DLListModel->setHeaderData(COLUMN_LASTDL, Qt::Horizontal, tr("Last Time Seen", "i.e: Last Time Receiced Data"));
DLListModel->setHeaderData(COLUMN_PATH, Qt::Horizontal, tr("Path", "i.e: Where file is saved"));
// DLListModel = new QStandardItemModel(0,COLUMN_COUNT);
// DLListModel->setHeaderData(COLUMN_NAME, Qt::Horizontal, tr("Name", "i.e: file name"));
// DLListModel->setHeaderData(COLUMN_SIZE, Qt::Horizontal, tr("Size", "i.e: file size"));
// DLListModel->setHeaderData(COLUMN_COMPLETED, Qt::Horizontal, tr("Completed", ""));
// DLListModel->setHeaderData(COLUMN_DLSPEED, Qt::Horizontal, tr("Speed", "i.e: Download speed"));
// DLListModel->setHeaderData(COLUMN_PROGRESS, Qt::Horizontal, tr("Progress / Availability", "i.e: % downloaded"));
// DLListModel->setHeaderData(COLUMN_SOURCES, Qt::Horizontal, tr("Sources", "i.e: Sources"));
// DLListModel->setHeaderData(COLUMN_STATUS, Qt::Horizontal, tr("Status"));
// DLListModel->setHeaderData(COLUMN_PRIORITY, Qt::Horizontal, tr("Speed / Queue position"));
// DLListModel->setHeaderData(COLUMN_REMAINING, Qt::Horizontal, tr("Remaining"));
// DLListModel->setHeaderData(COLUMN_DOWNLOADTIME, Qt::Horizontal, tr("Download time", "i.e: Estimated Time of Arrival / Time left"));
// DLListModel->setHeaderData(COLUMN_ID, Qt::Horizontal, tr("Hash"));
// DLListModel->setHeaderData(COLUMN_LASTDL, Qt::Horizontal, tr("Last Time Seen", "i.e: Last Time Receiced Data"));
// DLListModel->setHeaderData(COLUMN_PATH, Qt::Horizontal, tr("Path", "i.e: Where file is saved"));
DLLFilterModel = new QSortFilterProxyModel(this);
DLLFilterModel->setSourceModel( DLListModel);
@ -211,39 +679,37 @@ TransfersDialog::TransfersDialog(QWidget *parent)
selection = ui.downloadList->selectionModel();
/* Set header resize modes and initial section sizes Downloads TreeView*/
// /* Set header resize modes and initial section sizes Downloads TreeView*/
QHeaderView * dlheader = ui.downloadList->header () ;
QHeaderView_setSectionResizeModeColumn(dlheader, COLUMN_NAME, QHeaderView::Interactive);
QHeaderView_setSectionResizeModeColumn(dlheader, COLUMN_SIZE, QHeaderView::Interactive);
QHeaderView_setSectionResizeModeColumn(dlheader, COLUMN_COMPLETED, QHeaderView::Interactive);
QHeaderView_setSectionResizeModeColumn(dlheader, COLUMN_DLSPEED, QHeaderView::Interactive);
QHeaderView_setSectionResizeModeColumn(dlheader, COLUMN_PROGRESS, QHeaderView::Interactive);
QHeaderView_setSectionResizeModeColumn(dlheader, COLUMN_SOURCES, QHeaderView::Interactive);
QHeaderView_setSectionResizeModeColumn(dlheader, COLUMN_STATUS, QHeaderView::Interactive);
QHeaderView_setSectionResizeModeColumn(dlheader, COLUMN_PRIORITY, QHeaderView::Interactive);
QHeaderView_setSectionResizeModeColumn(dlheader, COLUMN_REMAINING, QHeaderView::Interactive);
QHeaderView_setSectionResizeModeColumn(dlheader, COLUMN_DOWNLOADTIME, QHeaderView::Interactive);
QHeaderView_setSectionResizeModeColumn(dlheader, COLUMN_ID, QHeaderView::Interactive);
QHeaderView_setSectionResizeModeColumn(dlheader, COLUMN_LASTDL, QHeaderView::Interactive);
QHeaderView_setSectionResizeModeColumn(dlheader, COLUMN_PATH, QHeaderView::Interactive);
// QHeaderView_setSectionResizeModeColumn(dlheader, COLUMN_NAME, QHeaderView::Interactive);
// QHeaderView_setSectionResizeModeColumn(dlheader, COLUMN_SIZE, QHeaderView::Interactive);
// QHeaderView_setSectionResizeModeColumn(dlheader, COLUMN_COMPLETED, QHeaderView::Interactive);
// QHeaderView_setSectionResizeModeColumn(dlheader, COLUMN_DLSPEED, QHeaderView::Interactive);
// QHeaderView_setSectionResizeModeColumn(dlheader, COLUMN_PROGRESS, QHeaderView::Interactive);
// QHeaderView_setSectionResizeModeColumn(dlheader, COLUMN_SOURCES, QHeaderView::Interactive);
// QHeaderView_setSectionResizeModeColumn(dlheader, COLUMN_STATUS, QHeaderView::Interactive);
// QHeaderView_setSectionResizeModeColumn(dlheader, COLUMN_PRIORITY, QHeaderView::Interactive);
// QHeaderView_setSectionResizeModeColumn(dlheader, COLUMN_REMAINING, QHeaderView::Interactive);
// QHeaderView_setSectionResizeModeColumn(dlheader, COLUMN_DOWNLOADTIME, QHeaderView::Interactive);
// QHeaderView_setSectionResizeModeColumn(dlheader, COLUMN_ID, QHeaderView::Interactive);
// QHeaderView_setSectionResizeModeColumn(dlheader, COLUMN_LASTDL, QHeaderView::Interactive);
// QHeaderView_setSectionResizeModeColumn(dlheader, COLUMN_PATH, QHeaderView::Interactive);
dlheader->resizeSection ( COLUMN_NAME, 170 );
dlheader->resizeSection ( COLUMN_SIZE, 70 );
dlheader->resizeSection ( COLUMN_COMPLETED, 75 );
dlheader->resizeSection ( COLUMN_DLSPEED, 75 );
dlheader->resizeSection ( COLUMN_PROGRESS, 170 );
dlheader->resizeSection ( COLUMN_SOURCES, 90 );
dlheader->resizeSection ( COLUMN_STATUS, 100 );
dlheader->resizeSection ( COLUMN_PRIORITY, 100 );
dlheader->resizeSection ( COLUMN_REMAINING, 100 );
dlheader->resizeSection ( COLUMN_DOWNLOADTIME, 100 );
dlheader->resizeSection ( COLUMN_ID, 100 );
dlheader->resizeSection ( COLUMN_LASTDL, 100 );
dlheader->resizeSection ( COLUMN_PATH, 100 );
// dlheader->resizeSection ( COLUMN_NAME, 170 );
// dlheader->resizeSection ( COLUMN_SIZE, 70 );
// dlheader->resizeSection ( COLUMN_COMPLETED, 75 );
// dlheader->resizeSection ( COLUMN_DLSPEED, 75 );
// dlheader->resizeSection ( COLUMN_PROGRESS, 170 );
// dlheader->resizeSection ( COLUMN_SOURCES, 90 );
// dlheader->resizeSection ( COLUMN_STATUS, 100 );
// dlheader->resizeSection ( COLUMN_PRIORITY, 100 );
// dlheader->resizeSection ( COLUMN_REMAINING, 100 );
// dlheader->resizeSection ( COLUMN_DOWNLOADTIME, 100 );
// dlheader->resizeSection ( COLUMN_ID, 100 );
// dlheader->resizeSection ( COLUMN_LASTDL, 100 );
// dlheader->resizeSection ( COLUMN_PATH, 100 );
// set default column and sort order for download
ui.downloadList->sortByColumn(COLUMN_NAME, Qt::AscendingOrder);
@ -867,6 +1333,7 @@ void TransfersDialog::setDestinationDirectory()
int TransfersDialog::addDLItem(int row, const FileInfo &fileInfo)
QString fileHash = QString::fromStdString(fileInfo.hash.toStdString());
@ -915,7 +1382,7 @@ int TransfersDialog::addDLItem(int row, const FileInfo &fileInfo)
file = QFileInfo(QString::fromUtf8(rsFiles->getPartialsDirectory().c_str()), QString::fromUtf8(fileInfo.hash.toStdString().c_str()));
/*Get Last Access on File */
//Get Last Access on File
if (file.exists())
qi64LastDL = file.lastModified().toTime_t();
@ -987,8 +1454,7 @@ int TransfersDialog::addDLItem(int row, const FileInfo &fileInfo)
int active = 0;
if (fileInfo.downloadStatus != FT_STATE_COMPLETE) {
for (std::list<TransferInfo>::const_iterator pit = fileInfo.peers.begin()
; pit != fileInfo.peers.end(); ++pit)
for (std::vector<TransferInfo>::const_iterator pit = fileInfo.peers.begin() ; pit != fileInfo.peers.end(); ++pit)
const TransferInfo &transferInfo = *pit;
@ -1009,7 +1475,7 @@ int TransfersDialog::addDLItem(int row, const FileInfo &fileInfo)
/* get the sources (number of online peers) */
// get the sources (number of online peers)
if (transferInfo.tfRate > 0 && fileInfo.downloadStatus == FT_STATE_DOWNLOADING)
@ -1144,6 +1610,7 @@ int TransfersDialog::addPeerToDLItem(QStandardItem *dlItem, const RsPeerId& peer
return childRow;
int TransfersDialog::addULItem(int row, const FileInfo &fileInfo)
@ -1185,8 +1652,7 @@ int TransfersDialog::addULItem(int row, const FileInfo &fileInfo)
double peerULSpeedTotal = 0;
bool bOnlyOne = ( fileInfo.peers.size() == 1 );
for(std::list<TransferInfo>::const_iterator pit = fileInfo.peers.begin()
; pit != fileInfo.peers.end(); ++pit)
for(std::vector<TransferInfo>::const_iterator pit = fileInfo.peers.begin() ; pit != fileInfo.peers.end(); ++pit)
const TransferInfo &transferInfo = *pit;
@ -1329,67 +1795,69 @@ void TransfersDialog::updateDisplay()
void TransfersDialog::insertTransfers()
/* disable for performance issues, enable after insert all transfers */
/* get the download lists */
std::list<RsFileHash> downHashes;
/* build set for quick search */
std::set<RsFileHash> hashs;
for (std::list<RsFileHash>::iterator it = downHashes.begin(); it != downHashes.end(); ++it) {
/* add downloads, first iterate all rows in list */
int rowCount = DLListModel->rowCount();
for (int row = 0; row < rowCount; ) {
RsFileHash hash ( DLListModel->item(row, COLUMN_ID)->data(Qt::UserRole).toString().toStdString());
std::set<RsFileHash>::iterator hashIt = hashs.find(hash);
if (hashIt == hashs.end()) {
// remove not existing downloads
rowCount = DLListModel->rowCount();
FileInfo fileInfo;
if (!rsFiles->FileDetails(hash, RS_FILE_HINTS_DOWNLOAD, fileInfo)) {
rowCount = DLListModel->rowCount();
if (addDLItem(row, fileInfo) < 0) {
rowCount = DLListModel->rowCount();
/* then add new downloads to the list */
for (std::set<RsFileHash>::iterator hashIt = hashs.begin()
; hashIt != hashs.end(); ++hashIt)
FileInfo fileInfo;
if (!rsFiles->FileDetails(*hashIt, RS_FILE_HINTS_DOWNLOAD, fileInfo)) {
addDLItem(-1, fileInfo);
// /* disable for performance issues, enable after insert all transfers */
// ui.downloadList->setSortingEnabled(false);
// /* get the download lists */
// std::list<RsFileHash> downHashes;
// rsFiles->FileDownloads(downHashes);
// /* build set for quick search */
// std::set<RsFileHash> hashs;
// for (std::list<RsFileHash>::iterator it = downHashes.begin(); it != downHashes.end(); ++it) {
// hashs.insert(*it);
// }
// /* add downloads, first iterate all rows in list */
// int rowCount = DLListModel->rowCount();
// for (int row = 0; row < rowCount; ) {
// RsFileHash hash ( DLListModel->item(row, COLUMN_ID)->data(Qt::UserRole).toString().toStdString());
// std::set<RsFileHash>::iterator hashIt = hashs.find(hash);
// if (hashIt == hashs.end()) {
// // remove not existing downloads
// DLListModel->removeRow(row);
// rowCount = DLListModel->rowCount();
// continue;
// }
// FileInfo fileInfo;
// if (!rsFiles->FileDetails(hash, RS_FILE_HINTS_DOWNLOAD, fileInfo)) {
// DLListModel->removeRow(row);
// rowCount = DLListModel->rowCount();
// continue;
// }
// hashs.erase(hashIt);
// if (addDLItem(row, fileInfo) < 0) {
// DLListModel->removeRow(row);
// rowCount = DLListModel->rowCount();
// continue;
// }
// ++row;
// }
// /* then add new downloads to the list */
// for (std::set<RsFileHash>::iterator hashIt = hashs.begin()
// ; hashIt != hashs.end(); ++hashIt)
// {
// FileInfo fileInfo;
// if (!rsFiles->FileDetails(*hashIt, RS_FILE_HINTS_DOWNLOAD, fileInfo)) {
// continue;
// }
// addDLItem(-1, fileInfo);
// }
// ui.downloadList->setSortingEnabled(true);
// Now show upload hashes
@ -1402,7 +1870,7 @@ void TransfersDialog::insertTransfers()
/* build set for quick search */
std::set<RsFileHash> hashs;
for(std::list<RsFileHash>::iterator it = upHashes.begin(); it != upHashes.end(); ++it) {
@ -1410,7 +1878,7 @@ void TransfersDialog::insertTransfers()
/* add uploads, first iterate all rows in list */
rowCount = ULListModel->rowCount();
int rowCount = ULListModel->rowCount();
for (int row = 0; row < rowCount; ) {
RsFileHash hash ( ULListModel->item(row, COLUMN_UHASH)->data(Qt::UserRole).toString().toStdString());