mirror of
synced 2025-02-26 01:31:30 -05:00
Added a graphframe to Bandwidth Control Window and Turtle Router Statistics Dialog
git-svn-id: http://svn.code.sf.net/p/retroshare/code/trunk@7500 b45a01b8-16f6-495d-af2f-9b41ad6348cc
This commit is contained in:
@ -239,6 +239,7 @@ void TurtleRouterStatistics::updateDisplay()
//updateTunnelRequests(hashes_info,tunnels_info,search_reqs_info,tunnel_reqs_info) ;
_tst_CW->updateTunnelStatistics(hashes_info,tunnels_info,search_reqs_info,tunnel_reqs_info) ;
QString TurtleRouterStatistics::getPeerName(const RsPeerId &peer_id)
@ -306,8 +307,8 @@ void TurtleRouterStatisticsWidget::updateTunnelStatistics(const std::vector<std:
oy += celly ;
painter.drawText(ox,oy+celly,tr("Turtle router traffic")+":") ; oy += celly*2 ;
painter.drawText(ox+2*cellx,oy+celly,tr("Tunnel requests Up")+"\t: " + speedString(info.tr_up_Bps) ) ; oy += celly ;
painter.drawText(ox+2*cellx,oy+celly,tr("Tunnel requests Dn")+"\t: " + speedString(info.tr_dn_Bps) ) ; oy += celly ;
painter.drawText(ox+2*cellx,oy+celly,tr("Tunnel requests Up")+"\t: " + speedString(info.tr_up_Bps) ) ; oy += celly ;
painter.drawText(ox+2*cellx,oy+celly,tr("Incoming file data")+"\t: " + speedString(info.data_dn_Bps) ) ; oy += celly ;
painter.drawText(ox+2*cellx,oy+celly,tr("Outgoing file data")+"\t: " + speedString(info.data_up_Bps) ) ; oy += celly ;
painter.drawText(ox+2*cellx,oy+celly,tr("Forwarded data ")+"\t: " + speedString(info.unknown_updn_Bps) ) ; oy += celly ;
@ -351,3 +352,17 @@ void TurtleRouterStatisticsWidget::resizeEvent(QResizeEvent *event)
void TurtleRouterStatistics::updateTunnelGraph()
TurtleTrafficStatisticsInfo info ;
rsTurtle->getTrafficStatistics(info) ;
void TurtleRouterStatistics::updateGraph(qreal bytesTrup, qreal bytesTrdown, qreal bytesDatadown, qreal bytesDataup, qreal bytesunknownupdn)
/* Graph only cares about kilobytes */
frmGraph->addPoints(bytesTrup/1024.0, bytesTrdown/1024.0, bytesDatadown/1024.0, bytesDataup/1024.0, bytesunknownupdn/1024.0 );
@ -40,6 +40,11 @@ class TurtleRouterStatistics: public RsAutoUpdatePage, public Ui::TurtleRouterSt
// Cache for peer names.
static QString getPeerName(const RsPeerId& peer_id) ;
public slots:
void updateTunnelGraph();
void updateGraph(qreal bytesTrup, qreal bytesTrdown, qreal bytesDatadown, qreal bytesDataup, qreal bytesunknownupdn);
void processSettings(bool bLoad);
@ -7,7 +7,7 @@
<property name="windowTitle">
@ -20,6 +20,9 @@
<widget class="QScrollArea" name="_tunnel_statistics_F">
<property name="styleSheet">
<string notr="true"/>
<property name="frameShape">
@ -35,15 +38,50 @@
<property name="autoFillBackground">
<item row="1" column="0">
<widget class="GraphFrameTunnel" name="frmGraph">
<property name="minimumSize">
<property name="font">
<property name="contextMenuPolicy">
<property name="frameShape">
<property name="frameShadow">
@ -283,6 +283,9 @@ void BwCtrlWindow::updateBandwidth()
/* insert */
QTreeWidgetItem *item = new QTreeWidgetItem();
/* do Totals */
item -> setData(COLUMN_PEERID, Qt::DisplayRole, tr("TOTALS"));
@ -420,5 +423,10 @@ void BwCtrlWindow::updateBandwidth()
/** Adds new data to the graph. */
void BwCtrlWindow::updateGraph(qreal bytesRead, qreal bytesWritten)
/* Graph only cares about kilobytes */
ui->frmGraph->addPoints(bytesRead/*/1024.0*/, bytesWritten/*/1024.0*/);
@ -83,6 +83,8 @@ public:
public slots:
void update();
/** Adds new data to the graph */
void updateGraph(qreal bytesRead, qreal bytesWritten);
//void changeEvent(QEvent *e);
@ -15,6 +15,10 @@
<layout class="QGridLayout" name="gridLayout">
<item row="0" column="0">
<widget class="QSplitter" name="splitter">
<property name="orientation">
<widget class="QTreeWidget" name="bwTreeWidget">
<property name="sortingEnabled">
@ -80,9 +84,40 @@
<widget class="GraphFrame" name="frmGraph">
<property name="minimumSize">
<property name="font">
<property name="contextMenuPolicy">
<property name="frameShape">
<property name="frameShadow">
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,384 @@
* This file is distributed under the following license:
* Copyright (c) 2006-2007, crypton
* Copyright (c) 2006, Matt Edman, Justin Hipple
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
* as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
* of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor,
* Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
#include <QtGlobal>
#include "graphframetunnel.h"
/** Default contructor */
GraphFrameTunnel::GraphFrameTunnel(QWidget *parent)
: QFrame(parent)
/* Create Graph Frame related objects */
_tunnelrequestdownData = new QList<qreal>();
_tunnelrequestupData = new QList<qreal>();
_incomingfileData = new QList<qreal>();
_outgoingfileData = new QList<qreal>();
_forwardedData = new QList<qreal>();
_painter = new QPainter();
_graphStyle = SolidLine;
/* Initialize graph values */
_maxPoints = getNumPoints();
_showTrdown = true;
_showTrup = true;
_showIncoming = true;
_showOutgoing = true;
_showForwarded = true;
_maxValue = MIN_SCALE;
/** Default destructor */
delete _painter;
delete _tunnelrequestdownData;
delete _tunnelrequestupData;
delete _incomingfileData;
delete _outgoingfileData;
delete _forwardedData;
/** Gets the width of the desktop, which is the maximum number of points
* we can plot in the graph. */
QDesktopWidget *desktop = QApplication::desktop();
int width = desktop->width();
return width;
/** Adds new data points to the graph. */
GraphFrameTunnel::addPoints(qreal trup, qreal trdown, qreal datadown,qreal dataup, qreal forwardupdown)
/* If maximum number of points plotted, remove oldest */
if (_tunnelrequestupData->size() == _maxPoints) {
/* Add the points to their respective lists */
/* Add to the total counters */
/* These are not the real total values, but should be close enough. */
_totalTrup += GRAPH_REFRESH_RATE * trup / 1000;
_totalTrdown += GRAPH_REFRESH_RATE * trdown / 1000;
_totalInFileData += GRAPH_REFRESH_RATE * datadown / 1000;
_totalOutgoingFileData += GRAPH_REFRESH_RATE * dataup / 1000;
_totalForwardedData += GRAPH_REFRESH_RATE * forwardupdown / 1000;
/* Check for a new maximum value */
if (trup > _maxValue) _maxValue = trup;
if (trdown > _maxValue) _maxValue = trdown;
if (datadown > _maxValue) _maxValue = datadown;
if (dataup > _maxValue) _maxValue = dataup;
if (forwardupdown > _maxValue) _maxValue = forwardupdown;
/** Clears the graph. */
_maxValue = MIN_SCALE;
_totalTrup = 0;
_totalTrdown = 0;
_totalInFileData = 0;
_totalOutgoingFileData = 0;
_totalForwardedData = 0;
/** Toggles display of respective graph lines and counters. */
GraphFrameTunnel::setShowCounters(bool showTrdown, bool showTrup, bool showIncoming, bool showOutgoing)
_showTrdown = showTrdown;
_showTrup = showTrup;
_showIncoming = showIncoming;
_showOutgoing = showOutgoing;
/** Overloads default QWidget::paintEvent. Draws the actual
* bandwidth graph. */
GraphFrameTunnel::paintEvent(QPaintEvent *event)
/* Set current graph dimensions */
_rec = this->frameRect();
/* Start the painter */
/* We want antialiased lines and text */
/* Fill in the background */
_painter->fillRect(_rec, QBrush(BACK_COLOR));
/* Paint the scale */
/* Plot the send/receive data */
/* Paint the send/recv totals */
/* Stop the painter */
/** Paints an integral and an outline of that integral for each data set (send
* and/or receive) that is to be displayed. The integrals will be drawn first,
* followed by the outlines, since we want the area of overlapping integrals
* to blend, but not the outlines of those integrals. */
//QVector<QPointF> recvPoints, sendPoints;
QVector<QPointF> trdownPoints, trupPoints, infilePoints, outfilePoints, forwardedPoints;
/* Convert the bandwidth data points to graph points */
trdownPoints = pointsFromData( _tunnelrequestupData);
trupPoints = pointsFromData( _tunnelrequestdownData);
infilePoints = pointsFromData(_incomingfileData);
outfilePoints = pointsFromData(_outgoingfileData);
forwardedPoints = pointsFromData(_forwardedData);
if (_graphStyle == AreaGraph) {
/* Plot the bandwidth data as area graphs */
if (_showTrdown)
paintIntegral(trdownPoints, TRDOWN_COLOR, 0.6);
if (_showTrup)
paintIntegral(trupPoints, TRUP_COLOR, 0.4);
paintIntegral(infilePoints, INFILEDATA_COLOR, 0.6);
paintIntegral(outfilePoints, OUTFILEDATA_COLOR, 0.4);
//paintIntegral(forwardedPoints, FORWARDED_COLOR, 0.6);
/* Plot the bandwidth as solid lines. If the graph style is currently an
* area graph, we end up outlining the integrals. */
if (_showTrdown)
paintLine(trdownPoints, TRDOWN_COLOR);
if (_showTrup)
paintLine(trupPoints, TRUP_COLOR);
paintLine(infilePoints, INFILEDATA_COLOR);
paintLine(outfilePoints, OUTFILEDATA_COLOR);
//paintLine(forwardedPoints, FORWARDED_COLOR);
/** Returns a list of points on the bandwidth graph based on the supplied set
* of send or receive values. */
GraphFrameTunnel::pointsFromData(QList<qreal>* list)
QVector<QPointF> points;
int x = _rec.width();
int y = _rec.height();
qreal scale = (y - (y/10)) / _maxValue;
qreal currValue;
/* Translate all data points to points on the graph frame */
points << QPointF(x, y);
for (int i = 0; i < list->size(); i++) {
currValue = y - (list->at(i) * scale);
points << QPointF(SCALE_WIDTH, currValue);
points << QPointF(x, currValue);
points << QPointF(SCALE_WIDTH, y);
return points;
/** Plots an integral using the data points in <b>points</b>. The area will be
* filled in using <b>color</b> and an alpha-blending level of <b>alpha</b>
* (default is opaque). */
GraphFrameTunnel::paintIntegral(QVector<QPointF> points, QColor color, qreal alpha)
/* Save the current brush, plot the integral, and restore the old brush */
QBrush oldBrush = _painter->brush();
_painter->drawPolygon(points.data(), points.size());
/** Iterates the input list and draws a line on the graph in the appropriate
* color. */
GraphFrameTunnel::paintLine(QVector<QPointF> points, QColor color, Qt::PenStyle lineStyle)
/* Save the current brush, plot the line, and restore the old brush */
QPen oldPen = _painter->pen();
_painter->setPen(QPen(color, lineStyle));
_painter->drawPolyline(points.data(), points.size());
/** Paints selected total indicators on the graph. */
int x = SCALE_WIDTH + FONT_SIZE, y = 0;
int rowHeight = FONT_SIZE;
#if !defined(Q_WS_MAC)
/* On Mac, we don't need vertical spacing between the text rows. */
rowHeight += 5;
/* If total received is selected */
if (_showTrdown) {
y = rowHeight;
_painter->drawText(x, y,
tr("Tunnel requests Down: ") + totalToStr(_totalTrdown) +
" ("+tr("%1 KB/s").arg(_tunnelrequestdownData->first(), 0, 'f', 2)+")");
/* If total sent is selected */
if (_showTrup) {
y += rowHeight;
_painter->drawText(x, y,
tr("Tunnel requests Up: ") + totalToStr(_totalTrup) +
" ("+tr("%1 KB/s").arg(_tunnelrequestupData->first(), 0, 'f', 2)+")");
/* If total received is selected */
if (_showIncoming) {
y += rowHeight;
_painter->drawText(x, y,
tr("Incoming file data: ") + totalToStr(_totalInFileData) +
" ("+tr("%1 KB/s").arg(_incomingfileData->first(), 0, 'f', 2)+")");
/* If total sent is selected */
if (_showOutgoing) {
y += rowHeight;
_painter->drawText(x, y,
tr("Outgoing file data: ") + totalToStr(_totalOutgoingFileData) +
" ("+tr("%1 KB/s").arg(_outgoingfileData->first(), 0, 'f', 2)+")");
/* If total sent is selected */
/*if (_showForwarded) {
y += rowHeight;
_painter->drawText(x, y,
tr("Forwarded data: ") + totalToStr(_totalOutgoingFileData) +
" ("+tr("%1 KB/s").arg(_outgoingfileData->first(), 0, 'f', 2)+")");
/** Returns a formatted string with the correct size suffix. */
GraphFrameTunnel::totalToStr(qreal total)
/* Determine the correct size suffix */
if (total < 1024) {
/* Use KB suffix */
return tr("%1 KB").arg(total, 0, 'f', 2);
} else if (total < 1048576) {
/* Use MB suffix */
return tr("%1 MB").arg(total/1024.0, 0, 'f', 2);
} else {
/* Use GB suffix */
return tr("%1 GB").arg(total/1048576.0, 0, 'f', 2);
/** Paints the scale on the graph. */
qreal markStep = _maxValue * .25;
int top = _rec.y();
int bottom = _rec.height();
qreal paintStep = (bottom - (bottom/10)) / 4;
/* Draw the other marks in their correctly scaled locations */
qreal scale;
qreal pos;
for (int i = 1; i < 5; i++) {
pos = bottom - (i * paintStep);
scale = i * markStep;
_painter->drawText(QPointF(5, pos+FONT_SIZE),
tr("%1 KB/s").arg(scale, 0, 'f', 2));
_painter->drawLine(QPointF(SCALE_WIDTH, pos),
QPointF(_rec.width(), pos));
/* Draw vertical separator */
_painter->drawLine(SCALE_WIDTH, top, SCALE_WIDTH, bottom);
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,143 @@
* This file is distributed under the following license:
* Copyright (c) 2006-2007, crypton
* Copyright (c) 2006, Matt Edman, Justin Hipple
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
* as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
* of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor,
* Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
#include <QApplication>
#include <QDesktopWidget>
#include <QFrame>
#include <QPainter>
#include <QPen>
#include <QList>
#define HOR_SPC 2 /** Space between data points */
#define SCALE_WIDTH 75 /** Width of the scale */
#define MIN_SCALE 10 /** 10 kB/s is the minimum scale */
#define SCROLL_STEP 4 /** Horizontal change on graph update */
#define BACK_COLOR Qt::black
#define SCALE_COLOR Qt::green
#define GRID_COLOR Qt::darkGreen
#define TRDOWN_COLOR Qt::cyan
#define TRUP_COLOR Qt::yellow
#define INFILEDATA_COLOR Qt::magenta
#define OUTFILEDATA_COLOR Qt::blue
#define FORWARDED_COLOR qt::red
#define FONT_SIZE 11
/** Redraw graph every BWGRAPH_REFRESH_RATE ms **/
class GraphFrameTunnel : public QFrame
/** Bandwidth graph style. */
enum GraphStyle {
SolidLine = 0, /**< Plot bandwidth as solid lines. */
AreaGraph /**< Plot bandwidth as alpha blended area graphs. */
/** Default Constructor */
GraphFrameTunnel(QWidget *parent = 0);
/** Default Destructor */
/** Add data points. */
void addPoints(qreal trup, qreal trdown, qreal datadown,qreal dataup, qreal forwardupdown );
/** Clears the graph. */
void resetGraph();
/** Toggles display of data counters. */
void setShowCounters(bool showTrdown, bool showTrup, bool showIncoming, bool showOutgoing);
/** Sets the graph style used to display bandwidth data. */
void setGraphStyle(GraphStyle style) { _graphStyle = style; }
/** Overloaded QWidget::paintEvent() */
void paintEvent(QPaintEvent *event);
/** Gets the width of the desktop, the max # of points. */
int getNumPoints();
/** Paints an integral and an outline of that integral for each data set
* (send and/or receive) that is to be displayed. */
void paintData();
/** Paints the send/receive totals. */
void paintTotals();
/** Paints the scale in the graph. */
void paintScale();
/** Returns a formatted string representation of total. */
QString totalToStr(qreal total);
/** Returns a list of points on the bandwidth graph based on the supplied set
* of send or receive values. */
QVector<QPointF> pointsFromData(QList<qreal>* list);
/** Paints a line with the data in <b>points</b>. */
void paintLine(QVector<QPointF> points, QColor color,
Qt::PenStyle lineStyle = Qt::SolidLine);
/** Paints an integral using the supplied data. */
void paintIntegral(QVector<QPointF> points, QColor color, qreal alpha = 1.0);
/** Style with which the bandwidth data will be graphed. */
GraphStyle _graphStyle;
/** A QPainter object that handles drawing the various graph elements. */
QPainter* _painter;
/** Holds the tunnel request down data points. */
QList<qreal> *_tunnelrequestdownData;
/** Holds the tunnel request up data points. */
QList<qreal> *_tunnelrequestupData;
/** Holds the incoming file data points. */
QList<qreal> *_incomingfileData;
/** Holds the outgoin file data points. */
QList<qreal> *_outgoingfileData;
/** Holds the received data points. */
QList<qreal> *_forwardedData;
/** The current dimensions of the graph. */
QRect _rec;
/** The maximum data value plotted. */
qreal _maxValue;
/** The maximum number of points to store. */
int _maxPoints;
/** The total data sent/recv. */
qreal _totalTrup;
qreal _totalTrdown;
qreal _totalInFileData;
qreal _totalOutgoingFileData;
qreal _totalForwardedData;
/** Show the respective lines and counters. */
bool _showTrdown;
bool _showTrup;
bool _showIncoming;
bool _showOutgoing;
bool _showForwarded;
@ -165,39 +165,6 @@ void GlobalRouterStatisticsWidget::updateContent()
// draw...
int ox=5,oy=5 ;
painter.setFont(times_f) ;
painter.drawText(ox,oy+celly,tr("Pending packets")+":" + QString::number(cache_infos.size())) ; oy += celly*2 ;
painter.setFont(monospace_f) ;
static const QString status_string[5] = { "UNKN", "PEND","SENT","ACKN","DEAD" } ;
time_t now = time(NULL) ;
std::map<QString, std::vector<QString> > tos ;
for(uint32_t i=0;i<cache_infos.size();++i)
QString packet_string ;
packet_string += QString("Id=")+QString::number(cache_infos[i].mid,16) ;
packet_string += tr(" by ")+QString::fromStdString(cache_infos[i].local_origin.toStdString()) ;
packet_string += tr(" size=")+QString::number(cache_infos[i].data_size) ;
packet_string += tr(" Status ")+status_string[cache_infos[i].status % 6] ;
packet_string += " "+QString::number(now - cache_infos[i].time_stamp) + tr(" secs ago");
tos[ QString::fromStdString(cache_infos[i].destination.toStdString()) ].push_back(packet_string) ;
for(std::map<QString,std::vector<QString> >::const_iterator it(tos.begin());it!=tos.end();++it)
painter.drawText(ox+2*cellx,oy+celly,tr("To: ")+it->first ) ; oy += celly ;
for(uint32_t i=0;i<it->second.size();++i)
painter.drawText(ox+4*cellx,oy+celly,it->second[i] ) ;
oy += celly ;
oy += celly ;
painter.setFont(times_f) ;
painter.drawText(ox,oy+celly,tr("Managed keys")+":" + QString::number(matrix_info.published_keys.size())) ; oy += celly*2 ;
@ -248,6 +215,41 @@ void GlobalRouterStatisticsWidget::updateContent()
oy += celly ;
oy += celly ;
painter.setFont(times_f) ;
painter.drawText(ox,oy+celly,tr("Pending packets")+":" + QString::number(cache_infos.size())) ; oy += celly*2 ;
painter.setFont(monospace_f) ;
static const QString status_string[5] = { "UNKN", "PEND","SENT","ACKN","DEAD" } ;
time_t now = time(NULL) ;
std::map<QString, std::vector<QString> > tos ;
for(uint32_t i=0;i<cache_infos.size();++i)
QString packet_string ;
packet_string += QString("Id=")+QString::number(cache_infos[i].mid,16) ;
packet_string += tr(" by ")+QString::fromStdString(cache_infos[i].local_origin.toStdString()) ;
packet_string += tr(" size=")+QString::number(cache_infos[i].data_size) ;
packet_string += tr(" Status ")+status_string[cache_infos[i].status % 6] ;
packet_string += " "+QString::number(now - cache_infos[i].time_stamp) + tr(" secs ago");
tos[ QString::fromStdString(cache_infos[i].destination.toStdString()) ].push_back(packet_string) ;
for(std::map<QString,std::vector<QString> >::const_iterator it(tos.begin());it!=tos.end();++it)
painter.drawText(ox+2*cellx,oy+celly,tr("To: ")+it->first ) ; oy += celly ;
for(uint32_t i=0;i<it->second.size();++i)
painter.drawText(ox+4*cellx,oy+celly,it->second[i] ) ;
oy += celly ;
oy += celly ;
oy += celly ;
@ -323,6 +323,7 @@ HEADERS += rshare.h \
gui/NetworkDialog.h \
gui/GenCertDialog.h \
gui/graphframe.h \
gui/graphframetunnel.h \
gui/linetypes.h \
gui/mainpagestack.h \
gui/MainWindow.h \
@ -657,6 +658,7 @@ SOURCES += main.cpp \
gui/GenCertDialog.cpp \
gui/NetworkDialog.cpp \
gui/graphframe.cpp \
gui/graphframetunnel.cpp \
gui/mainpagestack.cpp \
gui/MainWindow.cpp \
gui/NetworkView.cpp \
Reference in New Issue
Block a user