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* RetroShare FileCache Module:
* Copyright 2004-2007 by Robert Fernie.
* This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public
* License Version 2 as published by the Free Software Foundation.
* This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* Library General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public
* License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307
* USA.
* Please report all bugs and problems to "".
#include "dbase/cachestrapper.h"
#include "serialiser/rsconfigitems.h"
#include "pqi/p3linkmgr.h"
#include "pqi/p3peermgr.h"
#include "util/rsdir.h"
#include <iostream>
#include <iomanip>
* #define CS_DEBUG 1
bool operator<(const CacheId &a, const CacheId &b)
if (a.type == b.type)
return (a.subid < b.subid);
return (a.type < b.type);
bool operator<(const CachePair &a, const CachePair &b)
return ( <;
std::ostream &operator<<(std::ostream &out, const CacheData &d)
out << "[ p: " << << " id: <" << d.cid.type << "," << d.cid.subid;
out << "> #" << d.hash << " size: " << d.size;
out << " \"" << << "\"@\"" << d.path;
out << "\" ]";
return out;
/********************************* Cache Store / Source **************************
* This is a generic interface which interacts with the FileTransfer Unit
* to collect Data to be Cached.
********************************* Cache Store / Source *************************/
CacheSource::CacheSource(uint16_t t, bool m, CacheStrapper *cs, std::string cachedir)
:cacheType(t), multiCache(m), mStrapper(cs), cacheDir(cachedir), cMutex("CacheSource")
/* Mutex Stuff -> to be done... */
void CacheSource::lockData() const
#ifdef CS_DEBUG
std::cerr << "CacheSource::lockData()" << std::endl;
void CacheSource::unlockData() const
#ifdef CS_DEBUG
std::cerr << "CacheSource::unlockData()" << std::endl;
/* to be overloaded for inherited Classes */
bool CacheSource::loadLocalCache(const CacheData &data)
return refreshCache(data);
/* control Caches available */
bool CacheSource::refreshCache(const CacheData &data)
lockData(); /* LOCK MUTEX */
bool ret = false;
if (data.cid.type == getCacheType())
int subid = 0;
if (isMultiCache())
subid = data.cid.subid;
/* Backup the old Caches */
CacheSet::const_iterator it;
if (caches.end() != (it = caches.find(subid)))
mOldCaches[it->second.hash] = it->second;
/* store new cache */
caches[subid] = data;
ret = true;
unlockData(); /* UNLOCK MUTEX */
if (mStrapper) /* allow testing without full feedback */
return ret;
bool CacheSource::clearCache(CacheId id)
lockData(); /* LOCK MUTEX */
bool ret = false;
if (id.type == getCacheType())
CacheSet::iterator it;
if (caches.end() != (it = caches.find(id.subid)))
/* Backup the old Caches */
mOldCaches[it->second.hash] = it->second;
ret = true;
unlockData(); /* UNLOCK MUTEX */
return ret;
bool CacheSource::cachesAvailable(RsPeerId /* pid */, std::map<CacheId, CacheData> &ids)
lockData(); /* LOCK MUTEX */
/* can overwrite for more control! */
CacheSet::iterator it;
for(it = caches.begin(); it != caches.end(); it++)
ids[(it->second).cid] = it->second;
bool ret = (caches.size() > 0);
unlockData(); /* UNLOCK MUTEX */
return ret;
bool CacheSource::findCache(std::string hash, CacheData &data) const
lockData(); /* LOCK MUTEX */
bool found = false;
CacheSet::const_iterator it;
for(it = caches.begin(); it != caches.end(); it++)
if (hash == (it->second).hash)
data = it->second;
found = true;
if (!found)
std::map<std::string, CacheData>::const_iterator oit;
oit = mOldCaches.find(hash);
if (oit != mOldCaches.end())
data = oit->second;
found = true;
unlockData(); /* UNLOCK MUTEX */
return found;
void CacheSource::listCaches(std::ostream &out)
lockData(); /* LOCK MUTEX */
/* can overwrite for more control! */
CacheSet::iterator it;
out << "CacheSource::listCaches() [" << getCacheType();
out << "] Total: " << caches.size() << std::endl;
int i;
for(i = 0, it = caches.begin(); it != caches.end(); it++, i++)
out << "\tC[" << i << "] : " << it->second << std::endl;
unlockData(); /* UNLOCK MUTEX */
CacheStore::CacheStore(uint16_t t, bool m,
CacheStrapper *cs, CacheTransfer *cft, std::string cachedir)
:cacheType(t), multiCache(m), mStrapper(cs),
cacheTransfer(cft), cacheDir(cachedir), cMutex("CacheStore")
/* not much */
/* Mutex Stuff -> to be done... */
void CacheStore::lockData() const
#ifdef CS_DEBUG
// std::cerr << "CacheStore::lockData()" << std::endl;
void CacheStore::unlockData() const
#ifdef CS_DEBUG
// std::cerr << "CacheStore::unlockData()" << std::endl;
void CacheStore::listCaches(std::ostream &out)
lockData(); /* LOCK MUTEX */
/* can overwrite for more control! */
std::map<RsPeerId, CacheSet>::iterator pit;
out << "CacheStore::listCaches() [" << getCacheType();
out << "] Total People: " << caches.size();
out << std::endl;
for(pit = caches.begin(); pit != caches.end(); pit++)
CacheSet::iterator it;
out << "\tTotal for [" << pit->first << "] : " << (pit->second).size();
out << std::endl;
for(it = (pit->second).begin(); it != (pit->second).end(); it++)
out << "\t\t" << it->second;
out << std::endl;
unlockData(); /* UNLOCK MUTEX */
/* look for stored data. using pic/cid in CacheData
bool CacheStore::getStoredCache(CacheData &data)
lockData(); /* LOCK MUTEX */
bool ok = locked_getStoredCache(data);
unlockData(); /* UNLOCK MUTEX */
return ok;
bool CacheStore::locked_getStoredCache(CacheData &data)
if (data.cid.type != getCacheType())
return false;
std::map<RsPeerId, CacheSet>::iterator pit;
if (caches.end() == (pit = caches.find(
return false;
CacheSet::iterator cit;
if (isMultiCache())
/* look for subid */
if ((pit->second).end() ==
(cit = (pit->second).find(data.cid.subid)))
return false;
if ((pit->second).end() ==
(cit = (pit->second).find(0)))
return false;
/* we found it! (cit) */
data = cit->second;
return true;
bool CacheStore::getAllStoredCaches(std::list<CacheData> &data)
lockData(); /* LOCK MUTEX */
std::map<RsPeerId, CacheSet>::iterator pit;
for(pit = caches.begin(); pit != caches.end(); pit++)
CacheSet::iterator cit;
/* look for subid */
for(cit = (pit->second).begin();
cit != (pit->second).end(); cit++)
unlockData(); /* UNLOCK MUTEX */
return true;
/* input from CacheStrapper.
* check if we want to download it...
* determine the new name/path
* then request it.
void CacheStore::availableCache(const CacheData &data)
#ifdef CS_DEBUG
std::cerr << "CacheStore::availableCache() :" << data << std::endl;
/* basic checks */
lockData(); /* LOCK MUTEX */
bool rightCache = (data.cid.type == getCacheType());
unlockData(); /* UNLOCK MUTEX */
if (!rightCache)
return; /* bad id */
/* These Functions lock the Mutex themselves
if (!fetchCache(data))
return; /* ignore it */
CacheData rData = data;
/* get new name */
if (!nameCache(rData))
return; /* error naming */
/* request it */
cacheTransfer -> RequestCache(rData, this);
/* will get callback when it is complete */
/* called when the download is completed ... updates internal data */
void CacheStore::downloadedCache(const CacheData &data)
#ifdef CS_DEBUG
std::cerr << "CacheStore::downloadedCache() :" << data << std::endl;
/* updates data */
if (!loadCache(data))
/* called when the download is completed ... updates internal data */
void CacheStore::failedCache(const CacheData &data)
(void) data;
#ifdef CS_DEBUG
std::cerr << "CacheStore::failedCache() :" << data << std::endl;
/* virtual function overloaded by cache implementor */
bool CacheStore::fetchCache(const CacheData &data)
/* should we fetch it? */
#ifdef CS_DEBUG
std::cerr << "CacheStore::fetchCache() tofetch?:" << data << std::endl;
CacheData incache = data;
lockData(); /* LOCK MUTEX */
bool haveCache = ((locked_getStoredCache(incache)) && (data.hash == incache.hash));
unlockData(); /* UNLOCK MUTEX */
if (haveCache)
#ifdef CS_DEBUG
std::cerr << "CacheStore::fetchCache() Already have it: false" << std::endl;
return false;
#ifdef CS_DEBUG
std::cerr << "CacheStore::fetchCache() Missing this cache: true" << std::endl;
return true;
int CacheStore::nameCache(CacheData &data)
/* name it... */
lockData(); /* LOCK MUTEX */
#ifdef CS_DEBUG
std::cerr << "CacheStore::nameCache() for:" << data << std::endl;
#endif = data.hash;
data.path = getCacheDir();
#ifdef CS_DEBUG
std::cerr << "CacheStore::nameCache() done:" << data << std::endl;
unlockData(); /* UNLOCK MUTEX */
return 1;
int CacheStore::loadCache(const CacheData &data)
/* attempt to load -> dummy function */
#ifdef CS_DEBUG
std::cerr << "CacheStore::loadCache() Dummy Load for:" << data << std::endl;
lockData(); /* LOCK MUTEX */
unlockData(); /* UNLOCK MUTEX */
return 1;
/* This function is called to store Cache Entry in the CacheStore Table.
* it must be called from within a Mutex Lock....
* It doesn't lock itself -> to avoid race conditions
void CacheStore::locked_storeCacheEntry(const CacheData &data)
/* store what we loaded - overwriting if necessary */
std::map<RsPeerId, CacheSet>::iterator pit;
if (caches.end() == (pit = caches.find(
/* add in a new CacheSet */
CacheSet emptySet;
caches[] = emptySet;
pit = caches.find(;
if (isMultiCache())
(pit->second)[data.cid.subid] = data;
(pit->second)[0] = data;
/* tell the strapper we've loaded one */
if (mStrapper)
/********************************* CacheStrapper *********************************
* This is the bit which handles queries
********************************* CacheStrapper ********************************/
CacheStrapper::CacheStrapper(p3LinkMgr *lm)
:p3Config(CONFIG_TYPE_CACHE), mLinkMgr(lm), csMtx("CacheStrapper")
void CacheStrapper::addCachePair(CachePair set)
caches[] = set;
/**************** from pqimonclient ********************/
void CacheStrapper::statusChange(const std::list<pqipeer> &plist)
std::list<pqipeer>::const_iterator it;
for(it = plist.begin(); it != plist.end(); it++)
if (it->actions & RS_PEER_CONNECTED)
/* grab all the cache ids and add */
std::map<CacheId,CacheData> hashs;
std::map<CacheId,CacheData>::iterator cit;
handleCacheQuery(it->id, hashs);
RsStackMutex stack(csMtx); /******* LOCK STACK MUTEX *********/
for(cit = hashs.begin(); cit != hashs.end(); cit++)
mCacheUpdates.push_back(std::make_pair(it->id, cit->second));
/**************** from pqimonclient ********************/
void CacheStrapper::refreshCache(const CacheData &data)
/* we've received an update
* send to all online peers + self
#ifdef CS_DEBUG
std::cerr << "CacheStrapper::refreshCache() : " << data << std::endl;
std::list<std::string> ids;
std::list<std::string>::iterator it;
RsStackMutex stack(csMtx); /******* LOCK STACK MUTEX *********/
for(it = ids.begin(); it != ids.end(); it++)
#ifdef CS_DEBUG
std::cerr << "CacheStrapper::refreshCache() Send To: " << *it << std::endl;
mCacheUpdates.push_back(std::make_pair(*it, data));
mCacheUpdates.push_back(std::make_pair(mLinkMgr->getOwnId(), data));
IndicateConfigChanged(); /**** INDICATE MSG CONFIG CHANGED! *****/
void CacheStrapper::refreshCacheStore(const CacheData & /* data */ )
/* indicate to save data */
IndicateConfigChanged(); /**** INDICATE MSG CONFIG CHANGED! *****/
bool CacheStrapper::getCacheUpdates(std::list<std::pair<RsPeerId, CacheData> > &updates)
RsStackMutex stack(csMtx); /******* LOCK STACK MUTEX *********/
updates = mCacheUpdates;
return true;
/* pass to correct CacheSet */
void CacheStrapper::recvCacheResponse(CacheData &data, time_t /* ts */)
/* find cache store */
std::map<uint16_t, CachePair>::iterator it2;
if (caches.end() == (it2 = caches.find(data.cid.type)))
/* error - don't have this type of cache */
/* notify the CacheStore */
(it2 -> second).store -> availableCache(data);
/* generate periodically or at a change */
#if 0
bool CacheStrapper::sendCacheQuery(std::list<RsPeerId> &id, time_t ts)
/* iterate through peers, and see who we haven't got an answer from recently */
std::map<RsPeerId, CacheTS>::iterator it;
for(it = status.begin(); it != status.end(); it++)
if ((ts - (it->second).query) > queryPeriod)
/* query this one */
(it->second).query = ts;
return (id.size() > 0);
void CacheStrapper::handleCacheQuery(RsPeerId id, std::map<CacheId,CacheData> &hashs)
/* basic version just iterates through ....
* more complex could decide who gets what!
* or that can be handled on a cache by cache basis.
std::map<uint16_t, CachePair>::iterator it;
for(it = caches.begin(); it != caches.end(); it++)
(it->second).source -> cachesAvailable(id, hashs);
void CacheStrapper::listCaches(std::ostream &out)
/* can overwrite for more control! */
std::map<uint16_t, CachePair>::iterator it;
out << "CacheStrapper::listCaches() [" << mLinkMgr->getOwnId();
out << "] " << " Total Caches: " << caches.size();
out << std::endl;
for(it = caches.begin(); it != caches.end(); it++)
out << "CacheType: " << it->first;
out << std::endl;
out << std::endl;
void CacheStrapper::listPeerStatus(std::ostream & /* out */)
#if 0
std::map<RsPeerId, CacheTS>::iterator it;
out << "CacheStrapper::listPeerStatus() [" << ownId;
out << "] Total Peers: " << status.size() << " Total Caches: " << caches.size();
out << std::endl;
for(it = status.begin(); it != status.end(); it++)
out << "Peer: " << it->first;
out << " Query: " << (it->second).query;
out << " Answer: " << (it->second).answer;
out << std::endl;
bool CacheStrapper::findCache(std::string hash, CacheData &data) const
/* can overwrite for more control! */
std::map<uint16_t, CachePair>::const_iterator it;
for(it = caches.begin(); it != caches.end(); it++)
if ((it->second).source->findCache(hash, data))
return true;
return false;
bool CacheStrapper::CacheExist(CacheData& data){
std::string filename = data.path + "/" +;
FILE* file = NULL;
file = RsDirUtil::rs_fopen(filename.c_str(), "r");
if(file == NULL)
return false;
return true;
/****************************** CONFIGURATION HANDLING *********************/
/**** OVERLOADED FROM p3Config ****/
RsSerialiser *CacheStrapper::setupSerialiser()
RsSerialiser *rss = new RsSerialiser();
/* add in the types we need! */
rss->addSerialType(new RsCacheConfigSerialiser());
return rss;
bool CacheStrapper::saveList(bool &cleanup, std::list<RsItem *>& saveData)
/* it can delete them! */
cleanup = true;
#ifdef CS_DEBUG
std::cerr << "CacheStrapper::saveList()" << std::endl;
/* iterate through the Caches (local first) */
std::list<CacheData>::iterator cit;
std::list<CacheData> ownCaches;
std::list<CacheData> remoteCaches;
std::string ownId = mLinkMgr->getOwnId();
std::map<uint16_t, CachePair>::iterator it;
for(it = caches.begin(); it != caches.end(); it++)
std::map<CacheId, CacheData>::iterator tit;
std::map<CacheId, CacheData> ownTmp;
(it->second).source -> cachesAvailable(ownId, ownTmp);
(it->second).store -> getAllStoredCaches(remoteCaches);
for(tit = ownTmp.begin(); tit != ownTmp.end(); tit++)
for(cit = ownCaches.begin(); cit != ownCaches.end(); cit++)
RsCacheConfig *rscc = new RsCacheConfig();
// Fixup lazy behaviour in clients...
// This ensures correct loading later.
// (used to be: rscc->pid = cit->pid;)
rscc->pid = ownId;
//rscc->pname = cit->pname;
rscc->cachetypeid = cit->cid.type;
rscc->cachesubid = cit->cid.subid;
rscc->path = cit->path;
rscc->name = cit->name;
rscc->hash = cit->hash;
rscc->size = cit->size;
rscc->recvd = cit->recvd;
for(cit = remoteCaches.begin(); cit != remoteCaches.end(); cit++)
if (cit->pid == ownId)
#ifdef CS_DEBUG
std::cerr << "CacheStrapper::loadList() discarding Own Remote Cache";
std::cerr << std::endl;
continue; /* skip own caches -> will get transferred anyway */
RsCacheConfig *rscc = new RsCacheConfig();
rscc->pid = cit->pid;
//rscc->pname = cit->pname;
rscc->cachetypeid = cit->cid.type;
rscc->cachesubid = cit->cid.subid;
rscc->path = cit->path;
rscc->name = cit->name;
rscc->hash = cit->hash;
rscc->size = cit->size;
rscc->recvd = cit->recvd;
/* list completed! */
return true;
bool CacheStrapper::loadList(std::list<RsItem *>& load)
std::list<RsItem *>::iterator it;
RsCacheConfig *rscc;
#ifdef CS_DEBUG
std::cerr << "CacheStrapper::loadList() Item Count: " << load.size();
std::cerr << std::endl;
std::list<CacheData> ownCaches;
std::list<CacheData> remoteCaches;
std::string ownId = mLinkMgr->getOwnId();
//peerConnectState ownState;
//std::string ownName =" ("+ownState.location+")";
std::map<std::string, std::list<std::string> > saveFiles;
std::map<std::string, std::list<std::string> >::iterator sit;
for(it = load.begin(); it != load.end(); it++)
/* switch on type */
if (NULL != (rscc = dynamic_cast<RsCacheConfig *>(*it)))
#ifdef CS_DEBUG
std::cerr << "CacheStrapper::loadList() Item: ";
std::cerr << std::endl;
rscc->print(std::cerr, 10);
std::cerr << std::endl;
CacheData cd; = rscc->pid;
#if 0
if( == ownId)
cd.pname = ownName;
peerConnectState pca;
mPeerMgr->getFriendNetStatus(rscc->pid, pca);
cd.pname =" ("+pca.location+")";
cd.cid.type = rscc->cachetypeid;
cd.cid.subid = rscc->cachesubid;
cd.path = RsDirUtil::convertPathToUnix(rscc->path); = rscc->name;
cd.hash = rscc->hash;
cd.size = rscc->size;
cd.recvd = rscc->recvd;
/* store files that we want to keep */
std::map<uint16_t, CachePair>::iterator it2;
if (caches.end() == (it2 = caches.find(cd.cid.type)))
/* error - don't have this type of cache */
#ifdef CS_DEBUG
std::cerr << "CacheStrapper::loadList() Can't Find Cache discarding";
std::cerr << std::endl;
/* check that the file exists first.... */
std::string filename = cd.path;
filename += "/";
filename +=;
#ifdef CS_DEBUG
std::cerr << "CacheStrapper::loadList() Checking File: " << filename;
std::cerr << std::endl;
bool fileExists = RsDirUtil::checkFile(filename);
if (fileExists)
#ifdef CS_DEBUG
std::cerr << "CacheStrapper::loadList() Exists ... continuing";
std::cerr << std::endl;
if ( == ownId)
/* load local */
(it2 -> second).source -> loadLocalCache(cd);
#ifdef CS_DEBUG
std::cerr << "CacheStrapper::loadList() loaded Local";
std::cerr << std::endl;
/* load remote */
(it2 -> second).store -> loadCache(cd);
#ifdef CS_DEBUG
std::cerr << "CacheStrapper::loadList() loaded Remote";
std::cerr << std::endl;
std::cerr << "CacheStrapper::loadList() Doesn't Exist dropping: " << filename;
std::cerr << std::endl;
/* cleanup */
delete (*it);
/* cleanup */
delete (*it);
/* assemble a list of dirs to clean (union of cache dirs) */
std::list<std::string> cacheDirs;
std::list<std::string>::iterator dit;
#ifdef CS_DEBUG
std::list<std::string>::iterator fit;
std::map<uint16_t, CachePair>::iterator cit;
for(cit = caches.begin(); cit != caches.end(); cit++)
std::string lcdir = (cit->second).source->getCacheDir();
std::string rcdir = (cit->second).store->getCacheDir();
if (cacheDirs.end() == std::find(cacheDirs.begin(), cacheDirs.end(), lcdir))
if (cacheDirs.end() == std::find(cacheDirs.begin(), cacheDirs.end(), rcdir))
#ifdef CS_DEBUG
std::cerr << "CacheStrapper::loadList() Files To Save:" << std::endl;
#ifdef CS_DEBUG
for(sit = saveFiles.begin(); sit != saveFiles.end(); sit++)
std::cerr << "CacheStrapper::loadList() Files To Save in dir: <" << sit->first << ">" << std::endl;
for(fit = (sit->second).begin(); fit != (sit->second).end(); fit++)
std::cerr << "\tFile: " << *fit << std::endl;
std::list<std::string> emptyList;
for(dit = cacheDirs.begin(); dit != cacheDirs.end(); dit++)
#ifdef CS_DEBUG
std::cerr << "CacheStrapper::loadList() Cleaning cache dir: <" << *dit << ">" << std::endl;
sit = saveFiles.find(RsDirUtil::convertPathToUnix(*dit));
if (sit != saveFiles.end())
#ifdef CS_DEBUG
for(fit = (sit->second).begin(); fit != (sit->second).end(); fit++)
std::cerr << "CacheStrapper::loadList() Keeping File: " << *fit << std::endl;
RsDirUtil::cleanupDirectory(*dit, sit->second);
#ifdef CS_DEBUG
std::cerr << "CacheStrapper::loadList() No Files to save here!" << std::endl;
RsDirUtil::cleanupDirectory(*dit, emptyList);
return true;
/********************************* CacheStrapper *********************************
* This is the bit which handles queries
********************************* CacheStrapper ********************************/
/* request from CacheStore */
bool CacheTransfer::RequestCache(CacheData &data, CacheStore *cbStore)
/* check for a previous request -> and cancel
* - if duplicate pid, cid -> cancel old transfer
* - if duplicate hash -> Fail Transfer
std::map<std::string, CacheData>::iterator dit;
std::map<std::string, CacheStore *>::iterator sit;
for(dit = cbData.begin(); dit != cbData.end(); dit++)
if (((dit->second).pid == &&
((dit->second).cid.type == data.cid.type) &&
((dit->second).cid.subid == data.cid.subid))
sit = cbStores.find(dit->second.hash);
/* if identical to previous request, then we don't want to cancel
* a partially transferred cache file
* We wouldn't expect to have to request it again, however the feedback loop
* from ftController is not completed (it should callback and tell us if it cancels
* the cache file. XXX TO FIX.
if ((data.hash == dit->second.hash) &&
(data.path == dit->second.path) &&
(data.size == dit->second.size) &&
(cbStore == cbStore))
std::cerr << "Re-request duplicate cache... let it continue";
std::cerr << std::endl;
/* request data */
RequestCacheFile(, data.path, data.hash, data.size);
return true;
/* cancel old transfer */
CancelCacheFile(dit->, dit->second.path,
dit->second.hash, dit->second.size);
sit = cbStores.find(dit->second.hash);
/* find in store.... */
sit = cbStores.find(data.hash);
if (sit != cbStores.end())
/* Duplicate Current Request */
cbStore -> failedCache(data);
return false;
/* store request */
cbData[data.hash] = data;
cbStores[data.hash] = cbStore;
/* request data */
RequestCacheFile(, data.path, data.hash, data.size);
/* wait for answer */
return true;
/* to be overloaded */
bool CacheTransfer::RequestCacheFile(RsPeerId id, std::string path, std::string hash, uint64_t size)
(void) id;
(void) path;
(void) size;
#ifdef CS_DEBUG
std::cerr << "CacheTransfer::RequestCacheFile() : from:" << id << " #";
std::cerr << hash << " size: " << size;
std::cerr << " savepath: " << path << std::endl;
std::cerr << "CacheTransfer::RequestCacheFile() Dummy... saying completed";
std::cerr << std::endl;
/* just tell them we've completed! */
return true;
/* to be overloaded */
bool CacheTransfer::CancelCacheFile(RsPeerId id, std::string path, std::string hash, uint64_t size)
(void) id;
(void) path;
(void) hash;
(void) size;
#ifdef CS_DEBUG
std::cerr << "CacheTransfer::CancelCacheFile() : from:" << id << " #";
std::cerr << hash << " size: " << size;
std::cerr << " savepath: " << path << std::endl;
std::cerr << "CacheTransfer::CancelCacheFile() Dummy fn";
std::cerr << std::endl;
return true;
/* internal completion -> does cb */
bool CacheTransfer::CompletedCache(std::string hash)
std::map<std::string, CacheData>::iterator dit;
std::map<std::string, CacheStore *>::iterator sit;
#ifdef CS_DEBUG
std::cerr << "CacheTransfer::CompletedCache(" << hash << ")";
std::cerr << std::endl;
/* find in store.... */
sit = cbStores.find(hash);
dit = cbData.find(hash);
if ((sit == cbStores.end()) || (dit == cbData.end()))
#ifdef CS_DEBUG
std::cerr << "CacheTransfer::CompletedCache() Failed to find it";
std::cerr << std::endl;
return false;
#ifdef CS_DEBUG
std::cerr << "CacheTransfer::CompletedCache() callback to store";
std::cerr << std::endl;
/* callback */
(sit -> second) -> downloadedCache(dit->second);
/* clean up store */
return true;
/* internal completion -> does cb */
bool CacheTransfer::FailedCache(std::string hash)
std::map<std::string, CacheData>::iterator dit;
std::map<std::string, CacheStore *>::iterator sit;
/* find in store.... */
sit = cbStores.find(hash);
dit = cbData.find(hash);
if ((sit == cbStores.end()) || (dit == cbData.end()))
return false;
/* callback */
(sit -> second) -> failedCache(dit->second);
/* clean up store */
return true;
bool CacheTransfer::FindCacheFile(std::string hash, std::string &path, uint64_t &size)
CacheData data;
if (strapper->findCache(hash, data))
path = data.path + "/" +;
size = data.size;
return true;
return false;