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* libretroshare/src/pqi pqistreamer.h
* 3P/PQI network interface for RetroShare.
* Copyright 2004-2008 by Robert Fernie.
* This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public
* License Version 2 as published by the Free Software Foundation.
* This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* Library General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public
* License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307
* USA.
* Please report all bugs and problems to "retroshare@lunamutt.com".
// Only dependent on the base stuff.
#include "pqi/pqi_base.h"
#include "util/rsthreads.h"
#include "retroshare/rstypes.h"
#include <list>
// Fully implements the PQInterface.
// and communicates with peer etc via the BinInterface.
// The interface does not handle connection, just communication.
// possible bioflags: BIN_FLAGS_NO_CLOSE | BIN_FLAGS_NO_DELETE
struct PartialPacketRecord
void *mem ;
uint32_t size ;
class pqistreamer: public PQInterface
pqistreamer(RsSerialiser *rss, const RsPeerId& peerid, BinInterface *bio_in, int bio_flagsin);
virtual ~pqistreamer();
// PQInterface
virtual int SendItem(RsItem *item)
std::cerr << "Warning pqistreamer::sendItem(RsItem*) should not be called. Plz call SendItem(RsItem *,uint32_t& serialized_size) instead." << std::endl;
uint32_t serialized_size ;
return SendItem(item,serialized_size) ;
virtual int SendItem(RsItem *,uint32_t& serialized_size);
virtual RsItem *GetItem();
virtual int status();
time_t getLastIncomingTS(); // Time of last data packet, for checking a connection is alive.
virtual void getRates(RsBwRates &rates);
virtual int getQueueSize(bool in); // extracting data.
virtual int gatherStatistics(std::list<RSTrafficClue>& outqueue_stats,std::list<RSTrafficClue>& inqueue_stats); // extracting data.
// mutex protected versions of RateInterface calls.
virtual void setRate(bool b,float f) ;
virtual void setMaxRate(bool b,float f) ;
virtual float getRate(bool b) ;
int tick_bio();
int tick_send(uint32_t timeout);
int tick_recv(uint32_t timeout);
/* Implementation */
// These methods are redefined in pqiQoSstreamer
2016-04-23 17:10:25 -04:00
virtual void locked_storeInOutputQueue(void *ptr, int size, int priority) ;
virtual int locked_out_queue_size() const ;
virtual void locked_clear_out_queue() ;
virtual int locked_compute_out_pkt_size() const ;
2016-04-25 23:37:02 -04:00
virtual void *locked_pop_out_data(uint32_t max_slice_size,uint32_t& size,bool& starts,bool& ends,uint32_t& packet_id);
2016-04-23 17:10:25 -04:00
virtual int locked_gatherStatistics(std::list<RSTrafficClue>& outqueue_stats,std::list<RSTrafficClue>& inqueue_stats); // extracting data.
void updateRates() ;
RsMutex mStreamerMtx ; // Protects data, fns below, protected so pqiqos can use it too.
// Binary Interface for IO, initialisated at startup.
BinInterface *mBio;
unsigned int mBio_flags; // BIN_FLAGS_NO_CLOSE | BIN_FLAGS_NO_DELETE
int queue_outpqi_locked(RsItem *i,uint32_t& serialized_size);
int handleincomingitem_locked(RsItem *i, int len);
// ticked regularly (manages out queues and sending
// via above interfaces.
virtual int handleoutgoing_locked();
virtual int handleincoming_locked();
// Bandwidth/Streaming Management.
float outTimeSlice_locked();
int outAllowedBytes_locked();
void outSentBytes_locked(uint32_t );
int inAllowedBytes_locked();
void inReadBytes_locked(uint32_t );
// RsSerialiser - determines which packets can be serialised.
RsSerialiser *mRsSerialiser;
void *mPkt_wpending; // storage for pending packet to write.
uint32_t mPkt_wpending_size; // ... and its size.
void allocate_rpend_locked(); // use these two functions to allocate/free the buffer below
void free_rpend_locked();
int mPkt_rpend_size; // size of pkt_rpending.
void *mPkt_rpending; // storage for read in pending packets.
enum {reading_state_packet_started=1,
reading_state_initial=0 } ;
int mReading_state ;
int mFailed_read_attempts ;
// Temp Storage for transient data.....
std::list<void *> mOutPkts; // Cntrl / Search / Results queue
std::list<RsItem *> mIncoming;
uint32_t mIncomingSize; // size of mIncoming. To avoid calling linear cost std::list::size()
// data for network stats.
int mTotalRead;
int mTotalSent;
// these are representative (but not exact)
int mCurrRead;
int mCurrSent;
time_t mCurrReadTS; // TS from which these are measured.
time_t mCurrSentTS;
time_t mAvgLastUpdate; // TS from which these are measured.
float mAvgReadCount;
float mAvgSentCount;
time_t mLastIncomingTs;
// traffic statistics
std::list<RSTrafficClue> mPreviousStatsChunk_In ;
std::list<RSTrafficClue> mPreviousStatsChunk_Out ;
std::list<RSTrafficClue> mCurrentStatsChunk_In ;
std::list<RSTrafficClue> mCurrentStatsChunk_Out ;
time_t mStatisticsTimeStamp ;
bool mAcceptsPacketSlicing ;
time_t mLastSentPacketSlicingProbe ;
2016-04-23 17:10:25 -04:00
void locked_addTrafficClue(const RsItem *pqi, uint32_t pktsize, std::list<RSTrafficClue> &lst);
RsItem *addPartialPacket(const void *block, uint32_t len, uint32_t slice_packet_id,bool packet_starting,bool packet_ending,uint32_t& total_len);
std::map<uint32_t,PartialPacketRecord> mPartialPackets ;