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* libretroshare/src/pqi: p3peermgr.h
* 3P/PQI network interface for RetroShare.
* Copyright 2007-2011 by Robert Fernie.
* This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public
* License Version 2 as published by the Free Software Foundation.
* This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* Library General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public
* License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307
* USA.
* Please report all bugs and problems to "retroshare@lunamutt.com".
#include <retroshare/rspeers.h>
#include "pqi/pqimonitor.h"
#include "pqi/pqiipset.h"
#include "pqi/pqiassist.h"
#include "pqi/p3cfgmgr.h"
#include "util/rsthreads.h"
/* RS_VIS_STATE -> specified in rspeers.h
/* Startup Modes (confirmed later) */
const uint32_t RS_NET_MODE_TRYMODE = 0xff00;
const uint32_t RS_NET_MODE_TRY_EXT = 0x0100;
const uint32_t RS_NET_MODE_TRY_UPNP = 0x0200;
const uint32_t RS_NET_MODE_TRY_UDP = 0x0400;
const uint32_t RS_NET_MODE_TRY_LOOPBACK = 0x0800;
/* Actual State */
const uint32_t RS_NET_MODE_ACTUAL = 0x00ff;
const uint32_t RS_NET_MODE_UNKNOWN = 0x0000;
const uint32_t RS_NET_MODE_EXT = 0x0001;
const uint32_t RS_NET_MODE_UPNP = 0x0002;
const uint32_t RS_NET_MODE_UDP = 0x0004;
const uint32_t RS_NET_MODE_HIDDEN = 0x0008;
const uint32_t RS_NET_MODE_UNREACHABLE = 0x0010;
/* flags of peerStatus */
const uint32_t RS_NET_FLAGS_USE_DISC = 0x0001;
const uint32_t RS_NET_FLAGS_USE_DHT = 0x0002;
const uint32_t RS_NET_FLAGS_ONLINE = 0x0004;
const uint32_t RS_NET_FLAGS_EXTERNAL_ADDR = 0x0008;
const uint32_t RS_NET_FLAGS_STABLE_UDP = 0x0010;
const uint32_t RS_NET_FLAGS_TRUSTS_ME = 0x0020;
class peerState
peerState(); /* init */
RsPeerId id;
RsPgpId gpg_id;
uint32_t netMode; /* EXT / UPNP / UDP / HIDDEN / INVALID */
/* visState */
uint16_t vs_disc;
uint16_t vs_dht;
struct sockaddr_storage localaddr;
struct sockaddr_storage serveraddr;
std::string dyndns;
time_t lastcontact;
/* list of addresses from various sources */
pqiIpAddrSet ipAddrs;
bool hiddenNode; /* all IP addresses / dyndns must be blank */
std::string hiddenDomain;
uint16_t hiddenPort;
std::string location;
std::string name;
class RsPeerGroupItem;
class RsGroupInfo;
std::string textPeerState(peerState &state);
class p3LinkMgr;
class p3NetMgr;
class p3LinkMgrIMPL;
class p3NetMgrIMPL;
class p3PeerMgr
p3PeerMgr() { return; }
virtual ~p3PeerMgr() { return; }
virtual bool addFriend(const RsPeerId &ssl_id, const RsPgpId &gpg_id, uint32_t netMode = RS_NET_MODE_UDP,
uint16_t vsDisc = RS_VS_DISC_FULL, uint16_t vsDht = RS_VS_DHT_FULL,
time_t lastContact = 0,ServicePermissionFlags = ServicePermissionFlags(RS_NODE_PERM_DEFAULT)) = 0;
virtual bool removeFriend(const RsPeerId &ssl_id, bool removePgpId) = 0;
virtual bool isFriend(const RsPeerId& ssl_id) = 0;
virtual bool getAssociatedPeers(const RsPgpId &gpg_id, std::list<RsPeerId> &ids) = 0;
virtual bool removeAllFriendLocations(const RsPgpId &gpgid) = 0;
/******************** Groups **********************/
/* This is solely used by p3peers - makes sense */
virtual bool addGroup(RsGroupInfo &groupInfo) = 0;
virtual bool editGroup(const std::string &groupId, RsGroupInfo &groupInfo) = 0;
virtual bool removeGroup(const std::string &groupId) = 0;
virtual bool getGroupInfo(const std::string &groupId, RsGroupInfo &groupInfo) = 0;
virtual bool getGroupInfoList(std::list<RsGroupInfo> &groupInfoList) = 0;
virtual bool assignPeersToGroup(const std::string &groupId, const std::list<RsPgpId> &peerIds, bool assign) = 0;
virtual bool resetOwnExternalAddressList() = 0 ;
virtual ServicePermissionFlags servicePermissionFlags(const RsPgpId& gpg_id) =0;
virtual ServicePermissionFlags servicePermissionFlags(const RsPeerId& ssl_id) =0;
virtual void setServicePermissionFlags(const RsPgpId& gpg_id,const ServicePermissionFlags& flags) =0;
/**************** Set Net Info ****************/
* These functions are used by:
* 1) p3linkmgr
* 2) p3peers - reasonable
* 3) p3disc - reasonable
virtual bool setLocalAddress(const RsPeerId &id, const struct sockaddr_storage &addr) = 0;
virtual bool setExtAddress(const RsPeerId &id, const struct sockaddr_storage &addr) = 0;
virtual bool setDynDNS(const RsPeerId &id, const std::string &dyndns) = 0;
virtual bool setNetworkMode(const RsPeerId &id, uint32_t netMode) = 0;
virtual bool setVisState(const RsPeerId &id, uint16_t vs_disc, uint16_t vs_dht) = 0;
virtual bool setLocation(const RsPeerId &pid, const std::string &location) = 0;
virtual bool setHiddenDomainPort(const RsPeerId &id, const std::string &domain_addr, const uint16_t domain_port) = 0;
virtual bool updateCurrentAddress(const RsPeerId& id, const pqiIpAddress &addr) = 0;
virtual bool updateLastContact(const RsPeerId& id) = 0;
virtual bool updateAddressList(const RsPeerId& id, const pqiIpAddrSet &addrs) = 0;
virtual bool UpdateOwnAddress(const struct sockaddr_storage &local_addr, const struct sockaddr_storage &ext_addr) = 0;
/**************** Net Status Info ****************/
* These functions are used by:
* 1) p3face-config ... to remove!
* 2) p3peers - reasonable
* 3) p3disc - reasonable
virtual bool getOwnNetStatus(peerState &state) = 0;
virtual bool getFriendNetStatus(const RsPeerId &id, peerState &state) = 0;
virtual bool getOthersNetStatus(const RsPeerId &id, peerState &state) = 0;
virtual bool getPeerName(const RsPeerId &ssl_id, std::string &name) = 0;
virtual bool getGpgId(const RsPeerId &sslId, RsPgpId &gpgId) = 0;
virtual uint32_t getConnectionType(const RsPeerId &sslId) = 0;
virtual bool setProxyServerAddress(const struct sockaddr_storage &proxy_addr) = 0;
virtual bool getProxyServerAddress(struct sockaddr_storage &proxy_addr) = 0;
virtual bool getProxyServerStatus(uint32_t& status) = 0;
virtual bool isHidden() = 0;
virtual bool isHiddenPeer(const RsPeerId &ssl_id) = 0;
virtual bool getProxyAddress(const RsPeerId &ssl_id, struct sockaddr_storage &proxy_addr, std::string &domain_addr, uint16_t &domain_port) = 0;
virtual int getFriendCount(bool ssl, bool online) = 0;
/************* DEPRECIATED FUNCTIONS (TO REMOVE) ********/
// Single Use Function... shouldn't be here. used by p3serverconfig.cc
virtual bool haveOnceConnected() = 0;
class p3PeerMgrIMPL: public p3PeerMgr, public p3Config
virtual bool addFriend(const RsPeerId&ssl_id, const RsPgpId&gpg_id, uint32_t netMode = RS_NET_MODE_UDP,
uint16_t vsDisc = RS_VS_DISC_FULL, uint16_t vsDht = RS_VS_DHT_FULL,
time_t lastContact = 0,ServicePermissionFlags = ServicePermissionFlags(RS_NODE_PERM_DEFAULT));
virtual bool removeFriend(const RsPeerId &ssl_id, bool removePgpId);
virtual bool removeFriend(const RsPgpId &pgp_id);
virtual bool isFriend(const RsPeerId &ssl_id);
virtual bool getAssociatedPeers(const RsPgpId &gpg_id, std::list<RsPeerId> &ids);
virtual bool removeAllFriendLocations(const RsPgpId &gpgid);
/******************** Groups **********************/
/* This is solely used by p3peers - makes sense */
virtual bool addGroup(RsGroupInfo &groupInfo);
virtual bool editGroup(const std::string &groupId, RsGroupInfo &groupInfo);
virtual bool removeGroup(const std::string &groupId);
virtual bool getGroupInfo(const std::string &groupId, RsGroupInfo &groupInfo);
virtual bool getGroupInfoList(std::list<RsGroupInfo> &groupInfoList);
virtual bool assignPeersToGroup(const std::string &groupId, const std::list<RsPgpId> &peerIds, bool assign);
virtual ServicePermissionFlags servicePermissionFlags(const RsPgpId& gpg_id) ;
virtual ServicePermissionFlags servicePermissionFlags(const RsPeerId& ssl_id) ;
virtual void setServicePermissionFlags(const RsPgpId& gpg_id,const ServicePermissionFlags& flags) ;
/**************** Set Net Info ****************/
* These functions are used by:
* 1) p3linkmgr
* 2) p3peers - reasonable
* 3) p3disc - reasonable
virtual bool setLocalAddress(const RsPeerId &id, const struct sockaddr_storage &addr);
virtual bool setExtAddress(const RsPeerId &id, const struct sockaddr_storage &addr);
virtual bool setDynDNS(const RsPeerId &id, const std::string &dyndns);
virtual bool setNetworkMode(const RsPeerId &id, uint32_t netMode);
virtual bool setVisState(const RsPeerId &id, uint16_t vs_disc, uint16_t vs_dht);
virtual bool setLocation(const RsPeerId &pid, const std::string &location);
virtual bool setHiddenDomainPort(const RsPeerId &id, const std::string &domain_addr, const uint16_t domain_port);
virtual bool updateCurrentAddress(const RsPeerId& id, const pqiIpAddress &addr);
virtual bool updateLastContact(const RsPeerId& id);
virtual bool updateAddressList(const RsPeerId& id, const pqiIpAddrSet &addrs);
virtual bool resetOwnExternalAddressList() ;
virtual bool UpdateOwnAddress(const struct sockaddr_storage &local_addr, const struct sockaddr_storage &ext_addr);
/**************** Net Status Info ****************/
* These functions are used by:
* 1) p3face-config ... to remove!
* 2) p3peers - reasonable
* 3) p3disc - reasonable
virtual bool getOwnNetStatus(peerState &state);
virtual bool getFriendNetStatus(const RsPeerId &id, peerState &state);
virtual bool getOthersNetStatus(const RsPeerId &id, peerState &state);
virtual bool getPeerName(const RsPeerId& ssl_id, std::string& name);
virtual bool getGpgId(const RsPeerId& sslId, RsPgpId& gpgId);
virtual uint32_t getConnectionType(const RsPeerId& sslId);
virtual bool setProxyServerAddress(const struct sockaddr_storage &proxy_addr);
virtual bool getProxyServerAddress(struct sockaddr_storage &proxy_addr);
virtual bool getProxyServerStatus(uint32_t &proxy_status);
virtual bool isHidden();
virtual bool isHiddenPeer(const RsPeerId& ssl_id);
virtual bool getProxyAddress(const RsPeerId& ssl_id, struct sockaddr_storage &proxy_addr, std::string &domain_addr, uint16_t &domain_port);
virtual int getFriendCount(bool ssl, bool online);
/************* DEPRECIATED FUNCTIONS (TO REMOVE) ********/
// Single Use Function... shouldn't be here. used by p3serverconfig.cc
virtual bool haveOnceConnected();
/* Extra IMPL Functions (used by p3LinkMgr, p3NetMgr + Setup) */
p3PeerMgrIMPL( const RsPeerId& ssl_own_id,
const RsPgpId& gpg_own_id,
const std::string& gpg_own_name,
const std::string& ssl_own_location) ;
void setManagers(p3LinkMgrIMPL *linkMgr, p3NetMgrIMPL *netMgr);
bool forceHiddenNode();
bool setupHiddenNode(const std::string &hiddenAddress, const uint16_t hiddenPort);
void tick();
const RsPeerId& getOwnId();
bool setOwnNetworkMode(uint32_t netMode);
bool setOwnVisState(uint16_t vs_disc, uint16_t vs_dht);
int getConnectAddresses(const RsPeerId &id,
struct sockaddr_storage &lAddr, struct sockaddr_storage &eAddr,
pqiIpAddrSet &histAddrs, std::string &dyndns);
/* Internal Functions */
bool removeUnusedLocations();
void printPeerLists(std::ostream &out);
/*********************** p3config ******************************/
/* Key Functions to be overloaded for Full Configuration */
virtual RsSerialiser *setupSerialiser();
virtual bool saveList(bool &cleanup, std::list<RsItem *>&);
virtual void saveDone();
virtual bool loadList(std::list<RsItem *>& load);
/* other important managers */
p3LinkMgrIMPL *mLinkMgr;
p3NetMgrIMPL *mNetMgr;
RsMutex mPeerMtx; /* protects below */
bool mStatusChanged;
std::list<pqiMonitor *> clients;
peerState mOwnState;
std::map<RsPeerId, peerState> mFriendList; // <SSLid , peerState>
std::map<RsPeerId, peerState> mOthersList;
std::list<RsPeerGroupItem *> groupList;
uint32_t lastGroupId;
std::list<RsItem *> saveCleanupList; /* TEMPORARY LIST WHEN SAVING */
std::map<RsPgpId, ServicePermissionFlags> mFriendsPermissionFlags ; // permission flags for each gpg key
struct sockaddr_storage mProxyServerAddress;
uint32_t mProxyServerStatus ;