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* "$Id: rsiface.h,v 1.9 2007-04-21 19:08:51 rmf24 Exp $"
* RetroShare C++ Interface.
* Copyright 2011-2011 by Cyril Soler
* This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public
* License Version 2 as published by the Free Software Foundation.
* This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* Library General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public
* License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307
* USA.
* Please report all bugs and problems to "retroshare@lunamutt.com".
#pragma once
#include <time.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include "retroshare/rspeers.h"
#include "retroshare/rsfiles.h"
#include "../../libretroshare/src/util/rsversion.h"
class RsPluginHandler ;
extern RsPluginHandler *rsPlugins ;
class p3Service ;
class p3LinkMgr ;
class MainPage ;
class QIcon ;
class QString ;
class QDialog ;
class QWidget ;
class QTranslator;
class QApplication;
class RsCacheService ;
class ftServer ;
class ConfigPage ;
class RsPQIService ;
class RsAutoUpdatePage ;
class PopupChatDialog ;
// Used for the status of plugins.
class RsPluginHandler;
* convenience class to store gui interfaces
class RsPlugInInterfaces {
RsPlugInInterfaces() { mPeers = NULL; mFiles = NULL; }
RsPeers* mPeers;
RsFiles* mFiles;
class RsPlugin
//================================ Services ==================================//
// Cache service. Use this for providing cache-based services, such as channels, forums.
// Example plugin: LinksCloud
virtual RsCacheService *rs_cache_service() const { return NULL ; }
// Peer-to-Peer service. Use this for providing a service based to friend to friend
// exchange of data, such as chat, messages, etc.
// Example plugin: VOIP
virtual RsPQIService *rs_pqi_service() const { return NULL ; }
virtual uint16_t rs_service_id() const { return 0 ; }
// Filename used for saving the specific plugin configuration. Both RsCacheService and RsPQIService
// derive from p3Config, which means that the service provided by the plugin can load/save its own
// config by deriving loadList() and saveList() from p3Config.
virtual std::string configurationFileName() const { return std::string() ; }
//=================================== GUI ====================================//
// Derive the following methods to provide GUI additions to RetroShare's GUI.
// Main page: like Transfers, Channels, Forums, etc.
virtual MainPage *qt_page() const { return NULL ; } // The page itself
virtual QIcon *qt_icon() const { return NULL ; } // the page icon. Todo: put icon as virtual in MainPage
virtual QWidget *qt_config_panel() const { return NULL ; } // Config panel, to appear config->plugins->[]->
virtual QDialog *qt_about_page() const { return NULL ; } // About/Help button in plugin entry will show this up
virtual ConfigPage *qt_config_page() const { return NULL ; } // Config tab to add in config panel.
virtual RsAutoUpdatePage *qt_transfers_tab() const { return NULL ; } // Tab to add in transfers, after turtle statistics.
virtual std::string qt_transfers_tab_name()const { return "Tab" ; } // Tab name
// Any derived class of PopupChatDialog to be used for chat.
virtual PopupChatDialog *qt_allocate_new_popup_chat_dialog() const { return NULL ; }
virtual QTranslator *qt_translator(QApplication * /* app */, const QString& /* languageCode */ ) const { return NULL ; }
//========================== Plugin Description ==============================//
// All these items appear in the config->plugins tab, as a description of the plugin.
uint32_t getSvnRevision() const { return SVN_REVISION_NUMBER ; } // This is read from libretroshare/util/rsversion.h
virtual std::string getShortPluginDescription() const = 0 ;
virtual std::string getPluginName() const = 0 ;
virtual void getPluginVersion(int& major,int& minor,int& svn_rev) const = 0 ;
//========================== Plugin Interface ================================//
// Use these methods to access main objects from RetroShare.
virtual void setInterfaces(RsPlugInInterfaces& interfaces) = 0;
virtual void setPlugInHandler(RsPluginHandler* pgHandler) = 0;
class RsPluginHandler
// Returns the number of loaded plugins.
virtual int nbPlugins() const = 0 ;
virtual RsPlugin *plugin(int i) = 0 ;
virtual const std::vector<std::string>& getPluginDirectories() const = 0;
virtual void getPluginStatus(int i,uint32_t& status,std::string& file_name,std::string& file_hash,uint32_t& svn_revision,std::string& error_string) const = 0 ;
virtual void enablePlugin(const std::string& hash) = 0;
virtual void disablePlugin(const std::string& hash) = 0;
virtual void allowAllPlugins(bool b) = 0 ;
virtual bool getAllowAllPlugins() const = 0 ;
virtual void slowTickPlugins(time_t sec) = 0 ;
virtual const std::string& getLocalCacheDir() const =0;
virtual const std::string& getRemoteCacheDir() const =0;
virtual ftServer *getFileServer() const = 0;
virtual p3LinkMgr *getLinkMgr() const = 0;