219 lines
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Raw Normal View History

* This file is distributed under the following license:
* Copyright (C) 2014 RetroShare Team
* Copyright (c) 2006-2007, crypton
* Copyright (c) 2006, Matt Edman, Justin Hipple
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
* as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
* of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor,
* Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
#pragma once
#include <map>
#include <set>
#include <QApplication>
#include <QDesktopWidget>
#include <QFrame>
#include <stdint.h>
#define SCALE_WIDTH 75 /** Width of the scale */
#define MINUSER_SCALE 2000 /** 2000 users is the minimum scale */
#define SCROLL_STEP 4 /** Horizontal change on graph update */
#define BACK_COLOR Qt::white
#define SCALE_COLOR Qt::black
#define GRID_COLOR Qt::lightGray
#define RSDHT_COLOR Qt::magenta
#define ALLDHT_COLOR Qt::yellow
// This class provides a source value that the graph can retrieve on demand.
// In order to use your own source, derive from RSGraphSource and overload the value() method.
class RSGraphSource: public QObject
virtual ~RSGraphSource() ;
void start() ;
void stop() ;
void clear() ;
void reset() ;
virtual QString unitName() const { return "" ; }// overload to give your own unit name (KB/s, Users, etc)
int n_values() const ;
// Might be overloaded in order to show a fancy digit number with adaptive units.
// The default is to return v + unitName()
virtual QString displayValue(float v) const ;
// return the vector of last values up to date
virtual void getCurrentValues(std::vector<QPointF>& vals) const ;
// returns what to display in the legend. Derive this to show additional info.
virtual QString legend(int i,float v) const ;
// Returns the n^th interpolated value at the given time in floating point seconds backward.
virtual void getDataPoints(int index, std::vector<QPointF>& pts) const ;
// returns the name to give to the nth entry in the graph
virtual QString displayName(int index) const ;
// Sets the maximum time for keeping values. Units=seconds.
void setCollectionTimeLimit(qint64 msecs) ;
// Sets the time period for collecting new values. Units=milliseconds.
void setCollectionTimePeriod(qint64 msecs) ;
void setDigits(int d) { _digits = d ;}
protected slots:
// Calls the internal source for a new data points; called by the timer. You might want to overload this
// if the collection system needs it. Otherwise, the default method will call getValues()
virtual void update() ;
void updateIfPossible() ;
virtual void getValues(std::map<std::string,float>& values) const = 0 ;// overload this in your own class to fill in the values you want to display.
qint64 getTime() const ; // returns time in ms since RS has started
// Storage of collected events. The string is any string used to represent the collected data.
std::map<std::string, std::list<std::pair<qint64,float> > > _points ;
QTimer *_timer ;
qint64 _time_limit_msecs ;
qint64 _update_period_msecs ;
qint64 _time_orig_msecs ;
int _digits ;
class RSGraphWidget: public QFrame
static const uint32_t RSGRAPH_FLAGS_AUTO_SCALE_Y = 0x0001 ;// automatically adjust Y scale
static const uint32_t RSGRAPH_FLAGS_LOG_SCALE_Y = 0x0002 ;// log scale in Y
static const uint32_t RSGRAPH_FLAGS_ALWAYS_COLLECT = 0x0004 ;// keep collecting while not displayed
static const uint32_t RSGRAPH_FLAGS_PAINT_STYLE_PLAIN = 0x0008 ;// use plain / line drawing style
static const uint32_t RSGRAPH_FLAGS_SHOW_LEGEND = 0x0010 ;// show legend in the graph
/** Bandwidth graph style. */
enum GraphStyle
SolidLine = 0, /**< Plot bandwidth as solid lines. */
AreaGraph = 1 /**< Plot bandwidth as alpha blended area graphs. */
/** Default Constructor */
RSGraphWidget(QWidget *parent = 0);
/** Default Destructor */
// sets the update interval period.
void setTimerPeriod(int miliseconds) ;
void setSource(RSGraphSource *gs) ;
void setTimeScale(float pixels_per_second) ;
/** Add data points. */
//void addPoints(qreal rsDHT, qreal allDHT);
/** Clears the graph. */
void resetGraph();
/** Toggles display of data counters. */
//void setShowCounters(bool showRSDHT, bool showALLDHT);
void setShowEntry(uint32_t entry, bool show) ;
void setCurvesOpacity(float f) ;
void setFlags(uint32_t flag) { _flags |= flag ; }
void resetFlags(uint32_t flag) { _flags &= ~flag ; }
/** Overloaded QWidget::paintEvent() */
void paintEvent(QPaintEvent *event);
virtual QSizeF sizeHint( Qt::SizeHint which, const QSizeF & constraint = QSizeF() ) const;
protected slots:
void updateIfPossible() ;
virtual void wheelEvent(QWheelEvent *e);
/** Gets the width of the desktop, the max # of points. */
int getNumPoints();
/** Paints an integral and an outline of that integral for each data set
* (rsdht and/or alldht) that is to be displayed. */
void paintData();
/** Paints the rsdht/alldht totals. */
void paintTotals();
/** Paints the scale in the graph. */
void paintLegend();
/** Paints the scale in the graph. */
void paintScale1();
void paintScale2();
QColor getColor(int i) ;
/** Returns a formatted string representation of total. */
QString totalToStr(qreal total);
/** Returns a list of points on the bandwidth graph based on the supplied set
* of rsdht or alldht values. */
void pointsFromData(const std::vector<QPointF>& values, QVector<QPointF> &points ) ;
/** Paints a line with the data in <b>points</b>. */
void paintLine(const QVector<QPointF>& points, QColor color,
Qt::PenStyle lineStyle = Qt::SolidLine);
/** Paints an integral using the supplied data. */
void paintIntegral(const QVector<QPointF>& points, QColor color, qreal alpha = 1.0);
/** A QPainter object that handles drawing the various graph elements. */
QPainter* _painter;
/** The current dimensions of the graph. */
QRect _rec;
/** The maximum data value plotted. */
qreal _maxValue;
/** The maximum number of points to store. */
qreal _y_scale ;
qreal _opacity ;
qreal pixelsToValue(qreal) ;
qreal valueToPixels(qreal) ;
int _maxPoints;
std::set<std::string> _masked_entries ;
qreal _time_scale ; // horizontal scale in pixels per sec.
/** Show the respective lines and counters. */
//bool _showRSDHT;
//bool _showALLDHT;
uint32_t _flags ;
QTimer *_timer ;
RSGraphSource *_source ;