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* libretroshare/src/services: p3turtle.h
* Services for RetroShare.
* Copyright 2009 by Cyril Soler
* This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public
* License Version 2 as published by the Free Software Foundation.
* This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* Library General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public
* License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307
* USA.
* Please report all bugs and problems to "".
//====================================== General setup of the router ===================================//
// This class implements the turtle hopping router. It basically serves as
// - a cache of turtle tunnels which are the communicating ways between distant peers.
// - turtle tunnels are either end-point tunnels, or transitory points, in which case items are just
// re-serialized and passed on along the tunnel.
// - turtle tunnels are dug on request when calling diggTurtleTunnel(const std::string& hash)
// this command lets a trace in each peer along the tunnel of where
// packets come from and where they should go. Doing so, once a tunnel is
// dug, packets are directly forwarded to the correct peer.
// - an entry point for search request from the interface
// - search results, as they come back, are forwarded upwards with some additional info:
// - depth // depth of the file. This is here for debug bug will disapear for anonymity.
// - peer id // peer id owning the file. This is here for debug bug will disapear for anonymity.
// - hash // hash of the file found
// - name // name of the file found
// - search request id. //
// - when downloading:
// - for a given hash, a set of starting tunnels is maintained. Transitory
// tunnels are also maintained for other hashes as requested by distant
// peers.
//============================================= Operations =============================================//
// A download session works as follows:
// Initiation:
// 1 - the user searches for files (turtle search), and selects one and clicks download.
// 2 - In parallel:
// - the ft module gets a request, and searches for peers to provide this using its search modules.
// - the turtle router is informed that a turtle download will happen with the given hash, so
// it initiates tunnels for this hash.
// In a loop:
// 3 - the ft module asks the hash to the turtle searchModule, and sends file requests to the pqi
// interface of this module.
// 4 - the turtle pqi interface forwards these requests to the turtle router, which sends them to
// the correct peers, selecting randomly among all the possible tunnels for this hash.
// 5 - when a file data packet gets back, the turtle router forwards it back to the file transfer module.
//================================ connexion to the file transfer module ===============================//
// The turtle router should provide the ft module with the necessary interface for asking files, and
// retreiving data:
// - a search module that responds with a given fake peer id for hash request for which it has tunnels.
// - a pqi interface to ask for file data
// - p3turtle sends back file data packets to the file transfer module
//========================================== Tunnel usage rules ========================================//
// Tunnels should be used according to their capacity. This is an unresolved problem as for now.
//======================================= Tunnel maintenance rules =====================================//
// P3turtle should derive from pqihandler, just as p3disc, so that newly connected peers should trigger
// asking for new tunnels, and disconnecting peers should produce a close tunnel packet.
// - when a peer A connects:
// - initiate new tunnels for all active file hashes (go through the list of hashes) by
// asking to A, for the same hash and the same source. Only report tunnels for which the destination
// endpoint is different, which should not happen in fact, because of bouncing gards.
// - when a peer A disconnects.
// - close tunnels whose destination is beyond A by sending a close request backward.
// - close tunnels whose source is beyond A by sending a forward close request.
// - when receive open tunnel from A
// - check whether it's a bouncing request. If yes, give up.
// - check hash against local files.
// if > 0
// return tunnel ok item. No need to go forward, as sub tunnels are not useful.
// else
// forward request to peers, notting source and hashes.
// - when receive tunnel ok from A
// - no need to check whether we already have this tunnel, as bouncing gards prevent this.
// - leave a trace for the tunnel, and send (forward) backward.
// - when receive close tunnel from A
// - if I am the endpoint
// - locally close the tunnel.
// - respond with tunnel closed.
// - otherwise, block the tunnel, and forward close tunnel to tunnel destination.
// - when receive tunnel closed from A
// - locally close the tunnel
// - forward back
// Ids management:
// - tunnel ids should be identical for requests between 2 same peers for the same file hash.
// - tunnel requests ids do not need to be identical.
// So:
// - when issuing an open tunnel order,
// - a random request id is generated and used for packet routing
// - a partial tunnel id is build, which is unique to the pair (source,file hash)
// - when tunnel_ok is sent back, the tunnel id is completed so that it is unique to the
// triplet (source, destination, file hash).
// For these needs, tunnels are represented by:
// - their file hash. Each tunnel is only designed for transferring a single and same file.
// - their local endpoints id. These are the ids of the peers in direction to the source and destination.
// - the tunnel id, which is unique to the triple hash+global source+global destination.
// - there is a difference between source and destination in tunnels. The source is the file asker, the
// destination is the file provider. This helps sorting tunnels.
// - a timestamp, used for cleaning unused tunnels.
// The turtle router has:
// - a list of search requests and where to bounce them back.
// - a list of tunnel digging requests and where to bounce them, back.
// - a list of active file hashes, for which is should constantly maintain tunnels.
// - a list of active tunnels, some being transitory, some being endpoints.
// Turtle router entries:
// - a function for performing turtle search
// - a function for downloading files.
// Questions:
// - should tunnels be re-used ? nope. The only useful case would be when two peers are exchanging files, which happens quite rarely.
// - at a given moment, there is at most 1 tunnel for a given triplet (hash, source, destination).
#include <string>
#include <list>
#include "pqi/pqinetwork.h"
#include "pqi/pqi.h"
#include "pqi/pqimonitor.h"
#include "services/p3service.h"
#include "serialiser/rsserviceids.h"
#include "rsiface/rsturtle.h"
class p3AuthMgr;
class p3ConnectMgr;
const uint8_t RS_TURTLE_SUBTYPE_SEARCH_RESULT = 0x02 ;
const uint8_t RS_TURTLE_SUBTYPE_OPEN_TUNNEL = 0x03 ;
const uint8_t RS_TURTLE_SUBTYPE_TUNNEL_OK = 0x04 ;
const uint8_t RS_TURTLE_SUBTYPE_CLOSE_TUNNEL = 0x05 ;
const uint8_t RS_TURTLE_SUBTYPE_TUNNEL_CLOSED = 0x06 ;
static const int TURTLE_MAX_SEARCH_DEPTH = 6 ;
typedef std::string TurtlePeerId ;
typedef std::string TurtleFileHash ;
typedef std::string TurtleFileName ;
typedef TurtleRequestId TurtleSearchRequestId ;
typedef uint32_t TurtleTunnelRequestId ;
typedef uint32_t TurtleTunnelId ;
class RsTurtleItem: public RsItem
RsTurtleItem(uint8_t turtle_subtype) : RsItem(RS_PKT_VERSION_SERVICE,RS_SERVICE_TYPE_TURTLE,turtle_subtype) {}
virtual bool serialize(void *data,uint32_t& size) = 0 ; // Isn't it better that items can serialize themselves ?
virtual uint32_t serial_size() = 0 ; // deserialise is handled using a constructor
virtual void clear() {}
class RsTurtleSearchResultItem: public RsTurtleItem
RsTurtleSearchResultItem() : RsTurtleItem(RS_TURTLE_SUBTYPE_SEARCH_RESULT) {}
RsTurtleSearchResultItem(void *data,uint32_t size) ; // deserialization
uint16_t depth ;
uint8_t peer_id[16]; // peer id. This will eventually be obfuscated in some way.
TurtleSearchRequestId request_id ; // randomly generated request id.
std::list<TurtleFileInfo> result ;
virtual std::ostream& print(std::ostream& o, uint16_t) ;
virtual bool serialize(void *data,uint32_t& size) ;
virtual uint32_t serial_size() ;
class RsTurtleSearchRequestItem: public RsTurtleItem
RsTurtleSearchRequestItem() : RsTurtleItem(RS_TURTLE_SUBTYPE_SEARCH_REQUEST) {}
RsTurtleSearchRequestItem(void *data,uint32_t size) ; // deserialization
std::string match_string ; // string to match
uint32_t request_id ; // randomly generated request id.
uint16_t depth ; // Used for limiting search depth.
virtual std::ostream& print(std::ostream& o, uint16_t) ;
virtual bool serialize(void *data,uint32_t& size) ;
virtual uint32_t serial_size() ;
class RsTurtleOpenTunnelItem: public RsTurtleItem
RsTurtleOpenTunnelItem() : RsTurtleItem(RS_TURTLE_SUBTYPE_OPEN_TUNNEL) {}
RsTurtleOpenTunnelItem(void *data,uint32_t size) ; // deserialization
TurtleFileHash file_hash ; // hash to match
uint32_t request_id ; // randomly generated request id.
uint32_t partial_tunnel_id ; // uncomplete tunnel id. Will be completed at destination.
uint16_t depth ; // Used for limiting search depth.
virtual std::ostream& print(std::ostream& o, uint16_t) ;
virtual bool serialize(void *data,uint32_t& size) ;
virtual uint32_t serial_size() ;
class RsTurtleTunnelOkItem: public RsTurtleItem
RsTurtleTunnelOkItem() : RsTurtleItem(RS_TURTLE_SUBTYPE_TUNNEL_OK) {}
RsTurtleTunnelOkItem(void *data,uint32_t size) ; // deserialization
uint32_t tunnel_id ; // id of the tunnel. Should be identical for a tunnel between two same peers for the same hash.
uint32_t request_id ; // randomly generated request id corresponding to the intial request.
virtual std::ostream& print(std::ostream& o, uint16_t) ;
virtual bool serialize(void *data,uint32_t& size) ;
virtual uint32_t serial_size() ;
class RsTurtleCloseTunnelItem: public RsTurtleItem
RsTurtleCloseTunnelItem() : RsTurtleItem(RS_TURTLE_SUBTYPE_CLOSE_TUNNEL) {}
RsTurtleCloseTunnelItem(void *data,uint32_t size) ; // deserialization
uint32_t tunnel_id ; // id of the tunnel to close.
virtual std::ostream& print(std::ostream& o, uint16_t) ;
virtual bool serialize(void *data,uint32_t& size) ;
virtual uint32_t serial_size() ;
class RsTurtleTunnelClosedItem: public RsTurtleItem
RsTurtleTunnelClosedItem() : RsTurtleItem(RS_TURTLE_SUBTYPE_TUNNEL_CLOSED) {}
RsTurtleTunnelClosedItem(void *data,uint32_t size) ; // deserialization
uint32_t tunnel_id ; // id of the tunnel to close.
virtual std::ostream& print(std::ostream& o, uint16_t) ;
virtual bool serialize(void *data,uint32_t& size) ;
virtual uint32_t serial_size() ;
// Class responsible for serializing/deserializing all turtle items.
class RsTurtleSerialiser: public RsSerialType
virtual uint32_t size (RsItem *item)
return static_cast<RsTurtleItem *>(item)->serial_size() ;
virtual bool serialise(RsItem *item, void *data, uint32_t *size)
return static_cast<RsTurtleItem *>(item)->serialize(data,*size) ;
virtual RsItem *deserialise (void *data, uint32_t *size) ;
class TurtleTunnel
TurtlePeerId local_src ; // where packets come from. Direction to the source.
TurtlePeerId local_dst ; // where packets should go. Direction to the destination.
uint32_t time_stamp ; // last time the tunnel was actually used. Used for cleaning old tunnels.
class p3turtle: public p3Service, public pqiMonitor, public RsTurtle
p3turtle(p3ConnectMgr *cm);
// Lauches a search request through the pipes, and immediately returns
// the request id, which will be further used by the gui to store results
// as they come back.
virtual TurtleSearchRequestId turtleSearch(const std::string& string_to_match) ;
// Initiates tunnel handling for the given file hash.
// tunnels. Launches an exception if an error occurs during the
// initialization process. The turtle router itself does not initiate downloads,
// it only maintains tunnels for the given hash. The download should be
// driven by the file transfer module. Maybe this function can do the whole thing:
// - initiate tunnel handling
// - send the file request to the file transfer module
// - populate the file transfer module with the adequate pqi interface and search module.
virtual void turtleDownload(const std::string& file_hash) ;
/************* from pqiMonitor *******************/
// Informs the turtle router that some peers are (dis)connected. This should initiate digging new tunnels,
// and closing other tunnels.
virtual void statusChange(const std::list<pqipeer> &plist);
/************* from pqiMonitor *******************/
// This function does many things:
// - It handles incoming and outgoing packets
// - it sorts search requests and forwards search results upward.
// - it cleans unused (tunnel+search) requests.
// - it maintains the pool of tunnels, for each request file hash.
virtual int tick();
//--------------------------- Admin/Helper functions -------------------------//
uint32_t generatePersonalFilePrint(const TurtleFileHash&) ; /// Generates a cyphered combination of ownId() and file hash
uint32_t generateRandomRequestId() ; /// Generates a random uint32_t number.
void autoWash() ; /// Auto cleaning of unused tunnels, search requests and tunnel requests.
//------------------------------ Tunnel handling -----------------------------//
void diggTunnel(const TurtleFileHash& hash) ; /// initiates tunnels from here to any peers having the given file hash
//----------------------------- Routing functions ----------------------------//
int handleIncoming(); /// Main routing function
void handleSearchRequest(RsTurtleSearchRequestItem *item); /// specific routing functions for handling particular packets.
void handleSearchResult(RsTurtleSearchResultItem *item);
void handleTunnelRequest(RsTurtleOpenTunnelItem *item);
void handleTunnelResult(RsTurtleTunnelOkItem *item);
//------ Functions connecting the turtle router to other components.----------//
// Performs a search calling local cache and search structure.
void performLocalSearch(const std::string& match_string,std::list<TurtleFileInfo>& result) ;
// Returns a search result upwards (possibly to the gui)
void returnSearchResult(RsTurtleSearchResultItem *item) ;
// Returns true if the file with given hash is hosted locally.
bool performLocalHashSearch(const TurtleFileHash& hash) ;
//--------------------------- Local variables --------------------------------//
/* data */
p3ConnectMgr *mConnMgr;
RsMutex mTurtleMtx;
std::map<TurtleSearchRequestId,TurtlePeerId> _search_requests_origins ; /// keeps trace of who emmitted a given search request
std::map<TurtleTunnelRequestId,TurtlePeerId> _tunnel_requests_origins ; /// keeps trace of who emmitted a tunnel request
std::map<TurtleFileHash,std::list<TurtleTunnelId> > _file_hashes_tunnels ; /// stores adequate tunnels for each file hash locally asked
std::map<TurtleTunnelId,TurtleTunnel > _local_tunnels ; /// local tunnels, stored by ids (Either transiting or ending).
time_t _last_clean_time ;