220 lines
7.2 KiB
Raw Normal View History

@echo off
set Quite=^>nul
:: Initialize environment
call "%~dp0..\env.bat"
if errorlevel 1 goto error_env
call "%EnvPath%\env.bat"
if errorlevel 1 goto error_env
call "%EnvPath%\env-msys2.bat"
if errorlevel 1 goto error_env
:: Initialize environment
call "%~dp0env.bat" %*
if errorlevel 2 exit /B 2
if errorlevel 1 goto error_env
:: Install ntldd
%EnvMSYS2Cmd% "pacman --noconfirm --needed -S make git mingw-w64-%RsMSYS2Architecture%-ntldd-git"
:: Remove deploy path
if exist "%RsDeployPath%" rmdir /S /Q "%RsDeployPath%"
:: Check compilation
if not exist "%RsBuildPath%\Makefile" echo Project is not compiled.& goto error
:: Get compiled revision
set GetRsVersion=%SourcePath%\build_scripts\Windows-msys2\tools\get-rs-version.bat
if not exist "%GetRsVersion%" (
%cecho% error "File not found"
echo %GetRsVersion%
goto error
:: Get compiled version
call "%GetRsVersion%" "%RsBuildPath%\retroshare-gui\src\%RsBuildConfig%\retroshare.exe" RsVersion
if errorlevel 1 %cecho% error "Revision not found."& goto error
if "%RsVersion.Major%"=="" %cecho% error "Major version not found."& goto error
if "%RsVersion.Minor%"=="" %cecho% error "Minor version not found."& goto error
if "%RsVersion.Mini%"=="" %cecho% error "Mini number not found".& goto error
if "%RsVersion.Extra%"=="" %cecho% error "Extra number not found".& goto error
set RsVersion=%RsVersion.Major%.%RsVersion.Minor%.%RsVersion.Mini%
:: Check WMIC is available
wmic.exe alias /? >nul 2>&1 || echo WMIC is not available.&& goto error
:: Use WMIC to retrieve date in format YYYYMMDD
set RsDate=
for /f "tokens=2 delims==" %%I in ('wmic os get localdatetime /format:list') do set RsDate=%%I
set RsDate=%RsDate:~0,4%%RsDate:~4,2%%RsDate:~6,2%
if "%ParamTor%"=="1" (
:: Check for tor executable
if not exist "%EnvDownloadPath%\tor\Tor\tor.exe" (
%cecho% error "Tor binary not found. Please download Tor Expert Bundle from\nhttps://www.torproject.org/download/download.html.en\nand unpack to\n%EnvDownloadPath:\=\\%\\tor"
goto error
set QtMainVersion=%QtVersion:~0,1%
set QtSharePath=%RsMinGWPath%\share\qt%QtMainVersion%\
rem Qt 4 = QtSvg4.dll
rem Qt 5 = Qt5Svg.dll
set QtMainVersion1=
set QtMainVersion2=
if "%QtMainVersion%"=="4" set QtMainVersion2=4
if "%QtMainVersion%"=="5" set QtMainVersion1=5
if "%RsBuildConfig%" NEQ "release" (
set Archive=%RsPackPath%\RetroShare-%RsVersion%-Windows-Portable-%RsDate%-%RsVersion.Extra%-Qt-%QtVersion%-msys2%RsType%%RsArchiveAdd%-%RsBuildConfig%.7z
) else (
set Archive=%RsPackPath%\RetroShare-%RsVersion%-Windows-Portable-%RsDate%-%RsVersion.Extra%-Qt-%QtVersion%-msys2%RsType%%RsArchiveAdd%.7z
if exist "%Archive%" del /Q "%Archive%"
:: Create deploy path
mkdir "%RsDeployPath%"
title Pack - %SourceName%%RsType%-%RsBuildConfig% [copy files]
set ExtensionsFile=%SourcePath%\libretroshare\src\rsserver\rsinit.cc
set Extensions=
for /f %%e in ('type "%ExtensionsFile%" ^| sed.exe -n "s/^.*\/\(extensions[^/]*\)\/.*$/\1/p" ^| sed.exe -n "1,1p"') do set Extensions=%%e
if "%Extensions%"=="" echo Folder for extensions not found in %ExtensionsFile%& goto error
:: Copy files
mkdir "%RsDeployPath%\Data\%Extensions%"
mkdir "%RsDeployPath%\imageformats"
mkdir "%RsDeployPath%\qss"
mkdir "%RsDeployPath%\stylesheets"
mkdir "%RsDeployPath%\sounds"
mkdir "%RsDeployPath%\translations"
copy nul "%RsDeployPath%\portable" %Quite%
echo copy binaries
copy "%RsBuildPath%\retroshare-gui\src\%RsBuildConfig%\RetroShare*.exe" "%RsDeployPath%" %Quite%
copy "%RsBuildPath%\retroshare-nogui\src\%RsBuildConfig%\retroshare*-nogui.exe" "%RsDeployPath%" %Quite%
copy "%RsBuildPath%\retroshare-service\src\%RsBuildConfig%\retroshare*-service.exe" "%RsDeployPath%" %Quite%
copy "%RsBuildPath%\supportlibs\cmark\build\src\libcmark.dll" "%RsDeployPath%" %Quite%
echo copy extensions
for /D %%D in ("%RsBuildPath%\plugins\*") do (
call :copy_extension "%%D" "%RsDeployPath%\Data\%Extensions%"
echo copy Qt DLL's
copy "%RsMinGWPath%\bin\Qt%QtMainVersion1%Svg%QtMainVersion2%.dll" "%RsDeployPath%" %Quite%
if "%QtMainVersion%"=="5" (
mkdir "%RsDeployPath%\platforms"
copy "%QtSharePath%\plugins\platforms\qwindows.dll" "%RsDeployPath%\platforms" %Quite%
mkdir "%RsDeployPath%\audio"
copy "%QtSharePath%\plugins\audio\qtaudio_windows.dll" "%RsDeployPath%\audio" %Quite%
if exist "%QtSharePath%\plugins\styles\qwindowsvistastyle.dll" (
echo Copy styles
mkdir "%RsDeployPath%\styles" %Quite%
copy "%QtSharePath%\plugins\styles\qwindowsvistastyle.dll" "%RsDeployPath%\styles" %Quite%
copy "%QtSharePath%\plugins\imageformats\*.dll" "%RsDeployPath%\imageformats" %Quite%
del /Q "%RsDeployPath%\imageformats\*d?.dll" %Quite%
echo copy dependencies
for /R "%RsDeployPath%" %%D in (*.dll, *.exe) do (
call :copy_dependencies "%%D" "%RsDeployPath%"
echo copy qss
xcopy /S "%SourcePath%\retroshare-gui\src\qss" "%RsDeployPath%\qss" %Quite%
echo copy stylesheets
xcopy /S "%SourcePath%\retroshare-gui\src\gui\qss\chat" "%RsDeployPath%\stylesheets" %Quite%
rmdir /S /Q "%RsDeployPath%\stylesheets\compact" %Quite%
rmdir /S /Q "%RsDeployPath%\stylesheets\standard" %Quite%
rmdir /S /Q "%RsDeployPath%\stylesheets\__MACOSX__Bubble" %Quite%
echo copy sounds
xcopy /S "%SourcePath%\retroshare-gui\src\sounds" "%RsDeployPath%\sounds" %Quite%
echo copy translation
copy "%SourcePath%\retroshare-gui\src\translations\qt_tr.qm" "%RsDeployPath%\translations" %Quite%
copy "%QtSharePath%\translations\qt_*.qm" "%RsDeployPath%\translations" %Quite%
if "%QtMainVersion%"=="5" (
copy "%QtSharePath%\translations\qtbase_*.qm" "%RsDeployPath%\translations" %Quite%
copy "%QtSharePath%\translations\qtscript_*.qm" "%RsDeployPath%\translations" %Quite%
copy "%QtSharePath%\translations\qtquick1_*.qm" "%RsDeployPath%\translations" %Quite%
copy "%QtSharePath%\translations\qtmultimedia_*.qm" "%RsDeployPath%\translations" %Quite%
copy "%QtSharePath%\translations\qtxmlpatterns_*.qm" "%RsDeployPath%\translations" %Quite%
echo copy bdboot.txt
copy "%SourcePath%\libbitdht\src\bitdht\bdboot.txt" "%RsDeployPath%" %Quite%
echo copy changelog.txt
copy "%SourcePath%\retroshare-gui\src\changelog.txt" "%RsDeployPath%" %Quite%
echo copy buildinfo.txt
copy "%RsBuildPath%\buildinfo.txt" "%RsDeployPath%" %Quite%
if exist "%SourcePath%\libresapi\src\webui" (
echo copy webui
mkdir "%RsDeployPath%\webui"
xcopy /S "%SourcePath%\libresapi\src\webui" "%RsDeployPath%\webui" %Quite%
if "%ParamTor%"=="1" (
echo copy tor
echo n | copy /-y "%EnvDownloadPath%\tor\Tor\*.*" "%RsDeployPath%" %Quite%
rem pack files
title Pack - %SourceName%%RsType%-%RsBuildConfig% [pack files]
"%EnvSevenZipExe%" a -mx=9 -t7z "%Archive%" "%RsDeployPath%\*"
title %COMSPEC%
call :cleanup
exit /B 0
call :Cleanup
exit /B 1
goto :EOF
echo Failed to initialize environment.
exit /B 1
if exist "%~1\%RsBuildConfig%\%~n1.dll" (
copy "%~1\%RsBuildConfig%\%~n1.dll" %2 %Quite%
goto :EOF
for /F "usebackq" %%A in (`%ToolsPath%\depends.bat %1`) do (
if not exist "%~2\%%A" (
if exist "%RsMinGWPath%\bin\%%A" (
copy "%RsMinGWPath%\bin\%%A" %2 %Quite%
goto :EOF