2012-01-11 23:01:29 +00:00
#ifndef RSGIXS_H
#define RSGIXS_H
2012-01-15 13:07:31 +00:00
* libretroshare/src/gxs: gxs.h
2012-02-12 15:29:49 +00:00
* General Identity Exchange Service interface for RetroShare.
2012-01-15 13:07:31 +00:00
2012-01-18 23:20:53 +00:00
* Copyright 2011-2011 by Robert Fernie, Christopher Evi-Prker
2012-01-15 13:07:31 +00:00
* This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public
* License Version 2 as published by the Free Software Foundation.
* This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* Library General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public
* License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307
* USA.
* Please report all bugs and problems to "retroshare@lunamutt.com".
2012-01-11 23:01:29 +00:00
#include "gxs/rsgxs.h"
2012-10-21 15:48:18 +00:00
#include "gxs/rsgenexchange.h"
2012-01-11 23:01:29 +00:00
2012-11-29 22:48:28 +00:00
#include "retroshare/rsgxscircles.h"
2012-10-21 15:48:18 +00:00
#include "serialiser/rstlvkeys.h"
2014-03-17 20:56:06 +00:00
#include "retroshare/rsids.h"
2012-01-26 16:51:01 +00:00
2012-02-12 15:29:49 +00:00
* GIXP: General Identity Exchange Service.
2012-01-15 13:07:31 +00:00
* As we're always running into troubles with GPG signatures... we are going to
* create a layer of RSA Keys for the following properties:
* 1) RSA Keys can be Anonymous, Self-Signed with Pseudonym, Signed by GPG Key.
2012-01-26 16:51:01 +00:00
* To clarify:
* a. This forms a layer of keys stay between GPG and pub/priv publish key ?
* b. Difference between anonymous and pseudonym keys?
* - Anonymous cannot be signed?
* -
* c. To some extent this determines security model of RsGeneralExchangeService
2012-01-15 13:07:31 +00:00
* - Anonymous & Pseudonym Keys will be shared network-wide (Hop by Hop).
- GPG signed Keys will only be shared if we can validate the signature
(providing similar behaviour to existing GPG Keys).
- GPG signed Keys can optionally be marked for Network-wide sharing.
* 2) These keys can be used anywhere, specifically in the protocols described below.
* 3) These keys can be used to sign, encrypt, verify & decrypt
* 4) Keys will never need to be directly accessed - stored in this class.
2012-01-26 16:51:01 +00:00
* a. I guess can work solely through Id
* b. Use Case: Receivve a message, has a key id, request
2012-01-15 13:07:31 +00:00
* 5) They will be cached locally and exchanged p2p, by pull request.
* 6) This class will use the generalised packet storage for efficient caching & loading.
* 7) Data will be stored encrypted.
2012-01-11 23:01:29 +00:00
2012-01-15 13:07:31 +00:00
2012-10-14 18:32:33 +00:00
* More notes. The ideas above have been crystalised somewhat.
* The Identity service will now serve two roles:
* 1) validating msgs.
* 2) reputation of identity.
* The identity will be equivalent to a Group Definition.
* and the reputation contained in the group's messages.
* Group
* MetaData:
* Public Key
* Signatures. (Admin & optional GPG).
* RealData:
* Nickname.
* GPGHash
* The GPGHash will allow people to identify the real gpg user behind the identity.
* We must make sure that the Hash input has enough entropy that it cannot be brute-forced (e.g. like password hashes).
* The Identity service only has to provide hooks to access the Keys for each group.
* All the key definitions are exactly the same as for GroupMetaData.
* The Interface is split into three parts.
* 1) Internal interface used by GXS to verify signatures.
* 2) Internal interface used by GXS to help decide if we get a message or not.
* 3) External interface to access nicknames, generate new identities etc.
* The actual implementation will cache frequently used keys and nicknames,
* as these will be used very frequently.
2014-03-17 20:56:06 +00:00
typedef RsPeerId PeerId; // SHOULD BE REMOVED => RsPeerId (SSLID)
typedef PGPIdType RsPgpId;
2012-10-14 18:32:33 +00:00
/* Identity Interface for GXS Message Verification.
class RsGixs
2015-03-14 14:33:23 +00:00
static const uint32_t RS_GIXS_ERROR_NO_ERROR = 0x0000 ;
static const uint32_t RS_GIXS_ERROR_UNKNOWN = 0x0001 ;
static const uint32_t RS_GIXS_ERROR_KEY_NOT_AVAILABLE = 0x0002 ;
static const uint32_t RS_GIXS_ERROR_SIGNATURE_MISMATCH = 0x0003 ;
/* Performs/validate a signature with the given key ID. The key must be available, otherwise the signature error
* will report it. Each time a key is used to validate a signature, its usage timestamp is updated.
* If force_load is true, the key will be forced loaded from the cache. If not, uncached keys will return
* with error_status=RS_GIXS_SIGNATURE_ERROR_KEY_NOT_AVAILABLE, but will likely be cached on the next call.
virtual bool signData(const uint8_t *data,uint32_t data_size,const RsGxsId& signer_id,RsTlvKeySignature& signature,uint32_t& signing_error) = 0 ;
virtual bool validateData(const uint8_t *data,uint32_t data_size,const RsTlvKeySignature& signature,bool force_load,uint32_t& signing_error) = 0 ;
virtual bool encryptData(const uint8_t *clear_data,uint32_t clear_data_size,uint8_t *& encrypted_data,uint32_t& encrypted_data_size,const RsGxsId& encryption_key_id,bool force_load,uint32_t& encryption_error) = 0 ;
virtual bool decryptData(const uint8_t *encrypted_data,uint32_t encrypted_data_size,uint8_t *& clear_data,uint32_t& clear_data_size,const RsGxsId& encryption_key_id,uint32_t& encryption_error) = 0 ;
2015-04-18 19:59:27 +00:00
virtual bool getOwnIds(std::list<RsGxsId>& ids) = 0;
2015-03-14 14:33:23 +00:00
virtual bool isOwnId(const RsGxsId& key_id) = 0 ;
virtual void timeStampKey(const RsGxsId& key_id) = 0 ;
2015-10-22 20:24:36 -04:00
// Key related interface - used for validating msgs and groups.
2012-10-14 18:32:33 +00:00
* Use to query a whether given key is available by its key reference
* @param keyref the keyref of key that is being checked for
* @return true if available, false otherwise
2012-10-21 15:48:18 +00:00
virtual bool haveKey(const RsGxsId &id) = 0;
2012-10-14 18:32:33 +00:00
* Use to query whether private key member of the given key reference is available
* @param keyref the KeyRef of the key being checked for
* @return true if private key is held here, false otherwise
2012-10-21 15:48:18 +00:00
virtual bool havePrivateKey(const RsGxsId &id) = 0;
2012-10-14 18:32:33 +00:00
2015-10-22 20:24:36 -04:00
// The fetchKey has an optional peerList.. this is people that had the msg with the signature.
// These same people should have the identity - so we ask them first.
2012-10-14 18:32:33 +00:00
* Use to request a given key reference
* @param keyref the KeyRef of the key being requested
* @return will
2012-10-21 15:48:18 +00:00
virtual bool requestKey(const RsGxsId &id, const std::list<PeerId> &peers) = 0;
2012-11-03 11:57:27 +00:00
virtual bool requestPrivateKey(const RsGxsId &id) = 0;
2012-10-14 18:32:33 +00:00
* Retrieves a key identity
* @param keyref
* @return a pointer to a valid profile if successful, otherwise NULL
2014-11-25 20:31:18 +00:00
virtual bool getKey(const RsGxsId &id, RsTlvSecurityKey &key) = 0;
virtual bool getPrivateKey(const RsGxsId &id, RsTlvSecurityKey &key) = 0; // For signing outgoing messages.
2015-10-24 10:41:31 -04:00
virtual bool getIdDetails(const RsGxsId& id, RsIdentityDetails& details) = 0 ; // Proxy function so that we get p3Identity info from Gxs
2012-10-14 18:32:33 +00:00
2012-10-21 15:48:18 +00:00
class GixsReputation
2013-06-04 21:00:43 +00:00
GixsReputation() : score(0) {}
2012-10-21 15:48:18 +00:00
RsGxsId id;
int score;
2012-10-14 18:32:33 +00:00
class RsGixsReputation
// get Reputation.
2013-06-04 21:00:43 +00:00
virtual bool haveReputation(const RsGxsId &id) = 0;
2014-03-17 20:56:06 +00:00
virtual bool loadReputation(const RsGxsId &id, const std::list<RsPeerId>& peers) = 0;
2013-06-04 21:00:43 +00:00
virtual bool getReputation(const RsGxsId &id, GixsReputation &rep) = 0;
2012-10-14 18:32:33 +00:00
/*** This Class pulls all the GXS Interfaces together ****/
2012-10-28 18:40:01 +00:00
class RsGxsIdExchange:
public RsGenExchange,
public RsGixsReputation,
public RsGixs
2013-03-24 19:21:30 +00:00
RsGxsIdExchange(RsGeneralDataService* gds, RsNetworkExchangeService* ns, RsSerialType* serviceSerialiser, uint16_t mServType, uint32_t authenPolicy)
:RsGenExchange(gds,ns,serviceSerialiser,mServType, this, authenPolicy) { return; }
2012-10-28 18:40:01 +00:00
virtual ~RsGxsIdExchange() { return; }
2012-10-14 18:32:33 +00:00
2012-10-28 18:40:01 +00:00
2012-10-14 18:32:33 +00:00
2012-11-29 22:48:28 +00:00
/* For Circles Too */
2012-10-14 18:32:33 +00:00
2012-11-29 22:48:28 +00:00
class RsGcxs
2012-02-12 15:18:05 +00:00
2012-11-29 22:48:28 +00:00
2012-01-15 13:07:31 +00:00
2012-11-29 22:48:28 +00:00
/* GXS Interface - for working out who can receive */
virtual bool isLoaded(const RsGxsCircleId &circleId) = 0;
virtual bool loadCircle(const RsGxsCircleId &circleId) = 0;
2012-01-15 13:07:31 +00:00
2016-02-20 17:53:03 -05:00
virtual int canSend(const RsGxsCircleId &circleId, const RsPgpId &id,bool& should_encrypt) = 0;
2015-09-27 23:53:55 -04:00
virtual int canReceive(const RsGxsCircleId &circleId, const RsPgpId &id) = 0;
virtual bool recipients(const RsGxsCircleId &circleId, std::list<RsPgpId>& friendlist) = 0;
virtual bool recipients(const RsGxsCircleId &circleId, std::list<RsGxsId>& idlist) = 0;
2016-03-21 23:21:26 -04:00
virtual bool getLocalCircleServerUpdateTS(const RsGxsCircleId& gid,time_t& grp_server_update_TS,time_t& msg_server_update_TS) =0;
2012-02-12 15:18:05 +00:00
2012-01-15 13:07:31 +00:00
2012-11-29 22:48:28 +00:00
class RsGxsCircleExchange: public RsGenExchange, public RsGcxs
2012-02-12 15:18:05 +00:00
2012-11-29 22:48:28 +00:00
RsGxsCircleExchange(RsGeneralDataService* gds, RsNetworkExchangeService* ns, RsSerialType* serviceSerialiser,
uint16_t mServType, RsGixs* gixs, uint32_t authenPolicy)
:RsGenExchange(gds,ns,serviceSerialiser,mServType, gixs, authenPolicy) { return; }
2016-03-21 23:21:26 -04:00
virtual ~RsGxsCircleExchange() { return; }
virtual bool getLocalCircleServerUpdateTS(const RsGxsCircleId& gid,time_t& grp_server_update_TS,time_t& msg_server_update_TS)
return RsGenExchange::getGroupServerUpdateTS(RsGxsGroupId(gid),grp_server_update_TS,msg_server_update_TS) ;
2012-02-12 15:18:05 +00:00
2012-01-11 23:01:29 +00:00
#endif // RSGIXS_H