493 lines
19 KiB
Raw Normal View History

* RetroShare is distributed under the following license:
* Copyright (C) 2006 - 2010 RetroShare Team
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
* as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
* of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor,
* Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
#include <QColorDialog>
#include <QFontDialog>
#include <QMenu>
#include <QMessageBox>
#include <time.h>
#include <retroshare/rsnotify.h>
#include <retroshare/rsmsgs.h>
#include <retroshare/rspeers.h>
#include "ChatPage.h"
#include <gui/RetroShareLink.h>
#include "gui/chat/ChatStyle.h"
#include "gui/chat/ChatDialog.h"
#include "gui/notifyqt.h"
#include "rsharesettings.h"
#include <retroshare/rshistory.h>
#include <retroshare/rsmsgs.h>
#define VARIANT_STANDARD "Standard"
#define IMAGE_CHAT_CREATE ":/images/add_24x24.png"
#define IMAGE_CHAT_OPEN ":/images/typing.png"
#define IMAGE_CHAT_DELETE ":/images/deletemail24.png"
#define IMAGE_CHAT_COPY ":/images/copyrslink.png"
static QString loadStyleInfo(ChatStyle::enumStyleType type, QListWidget *listWidget, QComboBox *comboBox, QString &styleVariant)
QList<ChatStyleInfo> styles;
QList<ChatStyleInfo>::iterator style;
QListWidgetItem *item;
QListWidgetItem *activeItem = NULL;
QString stylePath;
switch (type) {
case ChatStyle::TYPE_PUBLIC:
Settings->getPublicChatStyle(stylePath, styleVariant);
case ChatStyle::TYPE_PRIVATE:
Settings->getPrivateChatStyle(stylePath, styleVariant);
case ChatStyle::TYPE_HISTORY:
Settings->getHistoryChatStyle(stylePath, styleVariant);
case ChatStyle::TYPE_UNKNOWN:
return "";
ChatStyle::getAvailableStyles(type, styles);
for (style = styles.begin(); style != styles.end(); ++style) {
item = new QListWidgetItem(style->styleName);
item->setData(Qt::UserRole, qVariantFromValue(*style));
if (style->stylePath == stylePath) {
activeItem = item;
/* now the combobox should be filled */
int index = comboBox->findText(styleVariant);
if (index != -1) {
} else {
if (comboBox->count()) {
return stylePath;
/** Constructor */
ChatPage::ChatPage(QWidget * parent, Qt::WindowFlags flags)
: ConfigPage(parent, flags)
/* Invoke the Qt Designer generated object setup routine */
#if QT_VERSION < 0x040600
/** Saves the changes on this page */
ChatPage::save(QString &/*errmsg*/)
Chat service: - Added send time to ChatInfo. Chat: - Reworked IMHistoryKeeper to save only needed data as raw data (not formatted from PeersDialog). - Renamed the public chat history file from "his1.xml" to "chatPublic.xml" and moved it from data dir to config dir. The current history is lost. Please delete the file "his1.xml" manually. - Optimized save of the history. Save only when changed, also during the runtime. - Clear the history in PeersDialog clears the IMHistoryKeeper too. - New setting to send chat message with Ctrl+Return. Changed the check for Enter in PeersDialog and PopupChatDialog from textChanged to eventFilter. - Smileys are inserted at the current cursor position, not added at the end. - Don't send emty messages. New class ChatStyle: - Created a new class for the work with chat styles and smileys. - Currently only two internal styles are available - private and public. Later more external styles planned. - Moved functions for loading and showing the emoticons from PeersDialog and PopupChatDialog to the new class. Private chat: - Split private chat style into incoming.htm and outgoing.htm. - Removed style change. Public chat: - New chat style incoming.htm, outgoing.htm, hincoming.htm and houtgoing.htm. Chat feed: - Show links and emoticons if they are enabled for public chat. PeersDialog: - Show the own name and location only once at start and not with QTimer every 1.5 second. git-svn-id: http://svn.code.sf.net/p/retroshare/code/trunk@3441 b45a01b8-16f6-495d-af2f-9b41ad6348cc
2010-09-04 14:23:30 +00:00
Settings->setValue("Emoteicons_PrivatChat", ui.checkBox_emoteprivchat->isChecked());
Settings->setValue("Emoteicons_GroupChat", ui.checkBox_emotegroupchat->isChecked());
Settings->setValue("EnableCustomFonts", ui.checkBox_enableCustomFonts->isChecked());
Settings->setValue("EnableCustomFontSize", ui.checkBox_enableCustomFontSize->isChecked());
Settings->setValue("EnableBold", ui.checkBox_enableBold->isChecked());
Settings->setValue("EnableItalics", ui.checkBox_enableItalics->isChecked());
Settings->setValue("MinimumContrast", ui.minimumContrast->value());
Chat service: - Added send time to ChatInfo. Chat: - Reworked IMHistoryKeeper to save only needed data as raw data (not formatted from PeersDialog). - Renamed the public chat history file from "his1.xml" to "chatPublic.xml" and moved it from data dir to config dir. The current history is lost. Please delete the file "his1.xml" manually. - Optimized save of the history. Save only when changed, also during the runtime. - Clear the history in PeersDialog clears the IMHistoryKeeper too. - New setting to send chat message with Ctrl+Return. Changed the check for Enter in PeersDialog and PopupChatDialog from textChanged to eventFilter. - Smileys are inserted at the current cursor position, not added at the end. - Don't send emty messages. New class ChatStyle: - Created a new class for the work with chat styles and smileys. - Currently only two internal styles are available - private and public. Later more external styles planned. - Moved functions for loading and showing the emoticons from PeersDialog and PopupChatDialog to the new class. Private chat: - Split private chat style into incoming.htm and outgoing.htm. - Removed style change. Public chat: - New chat style incoming.htm, outgoing.htm, hincoming.htm and houtgoing.htm. Chat feed: - Show links and emoticons if they are enabled for public chat. PeersDialog: - Show the own name and location only once at start and not with QTimer every 1.5 second. git-svn-id: http://svn.code.sf.net/p/retroshare/code/trunk@3441 b45a01b8-16f6-495d-af2f-9b41ad6348cc
2010-09-04 14:23:30 +00:00
Chat service: - Added send time to ChatInfo. Chat: - Reworked IMHistoryKeeper to save only needed data as raw data (not formatted from PeersDialog). - Renamed the public chat history file from "his1.xml" to "chatPublic.xml" and moved it from data dir to config dir. The current history is lost. Please delete the file "his1.xml" manually. - Optimized save of the history. Save only when changed, also during the runtime. - Clear the history in PeersDialog clears the IMHistoryKeeper too. - New setting to send chat message with Ctrl+Return. Changed the check for Enter in PeersDialog and PopupChatDialog from textChanged to eventFilter. - Smileys are inserted at the current cursor position, not added at the end. - Don't send emty messages. New class ChatStyle: - Created a new class for the work with chat styles and smileys. - Currently only two internal styles are available - private and public. Later more external styles planned. - Moved functions for loading and showing the emoticons from PeersDialog and PopupChatDialog to the new class. Private chat: - Split private chat style into incoming.htm and outgoing.htm. - Removed style change. Public chat: - New chat style incoming.htm, outgoing.htm, hincoming.htm and houtgoing.htm. Chat feed: - Show links and emoticons if they are enabled for public chat. PeersDialog: - Show the own name and location only once at start and not with QTimer every 1.5 second. git-svn-id: http://svn.code.sf.net/p/retroshare/code/trunk@3441 b45a01b8-16f6-495d-af2f-9b41ad6348cc
2010-09-04 14:23:30 +00:00
rsHistory->setEnable(RS_HISTORY_TYPE_PUBLIC , ui.publicChatEnable->isChecked());
rsHistory->setEnable(RS_HISTORY_TYPE_PRIVATE, ui.privateChatEnable->isChecked());
rsHistory->setEnable(RS_HISTORY_TYPE_LOBBY , ui.lobbyChatEnable->isChecked());
rsHistory->setSaveCount(RS_HISTORY_TYPE_PUBLIC , ui.publicChatSaveCount->value());
rsHistory->setSaveCount(RS_HISTORY_TYPE_PRIVATE, ui.privateChatSaveCount->value());
rsHistory->setSaveCount(RS_HISTORY_TYPE_LOBBY , ui.lobbyChatSaveCount->value());
RsGxsId chosen_id ;
case GxsIdChooser::KnowId:
case GxsIdChooser::UnKnowId:
rsMsgs->setDefaultIdentityForChatLobby(chosen_id) ;
break ;
ChatStyleInfo info;
QListWidgetItem *item = ui.publicList->currentItem();
if (item) {
info = item->data(Qt::UserRole).value<ChatStyleInfo>();
if (publicStylePath != info.stylePath || publicStyleVariant != ui.publicComboBoxVariant->currentText()) {
Settings->setPublicChatStyle(info.stylePath, ui.publicComboBoxVariant->currentText());
item = ui.privateList->currentItem();
if (item) {
info = item->data(Qt::UserRole).value<ChatStyleInfo>();
if (privateStylePath != info.stylePath || privateStyleVariant != ui.privateComboBoxVariant->currentText()) {
Settings->setPrivateChatStyle(info.stylePath, ui.privateComboBoxVariant->currentText());
item = ui.historyList->currentItem();
if (item) {
info = item->data(Qt::UserRole).value<ChatStyleInfo>();
if (historyStylePath != info.stylePath || historyStyleVariant != ui.historyComboBoxVariant->currentText()) {
Settings->setHistoryChatStyle(info.stylePath, ui.historyComboBoxVariant->currentText());
rsHistory->setMaxStorageDuration(ui.max_storage_period->value() * 86400) ;
uint chatflags = 0;
if (ui.chat_NewWindow->isChecked())
chatflags |= RS_CHAT_OPEN;
if (ui.chat_Focus->isChecked())
chatflags |= RS_CHAT_FOCUS;
if (ui.chat_tabbedWindow->isChecked())
if (ui.chat_Blink->isChecked())
chatflags |= RS_CHAT_BLINK;
uint chatLobbyFlags = 0;
if (ui.chatLobby_Blink->isChecked())
chatLobbyFlags |= RS_CHATLOBBY_BLINK;
Chat service: - Added send time to ChatInfo. Chat: - Reworked IMHistoryKeeper to save only needed data as raw data (not formatted from PeersDialog). - Renamed the public chat history file from "his1.xml" to "chatPublic.xml" and moved it from data dir to config dir. The current history is lost. Please delete the file "his1.xml" manually. - Optimized save of the history. Save only when changed, also during the runtime. - Clear the history in PeersDialog clears the IMHistoryKeeper too. - New setting to send chat message with Ctrl+Return. Changed the check for Enter in PeersDialog and PopupChatDialog from textChanged to eventFilter. - Smileys are inserted at the current cursor position, not added at the end. - Don't send emty messages. New class ChatStyle: - Created a new class for the work with chat styles and smileys. - Currently only two internal styles are available - private and public. Later more external styles planned. - Moved functions for loading and showing the emoticons from PeersDialog and PopupChatDialog to the new class. Private chat: - Split private chat style into incoming.htm and outgoing.htm. - Removed style change. Public chat: - New chat style incoming.htm, outgoing.htm, hincoming.htm and houtgoing.htm. Chat feed: - Show links and emoticons if they are enabled for public chat. PeersDialog: - Show the own name and location only once at start and not with QTimer every 1.5 second. git-svn-id: http://svn.code.sf.net/p/retroshare/code/trunk@3441 b45a01b8-16f6-495d-af2f-9b41ad6348cc
2010-09-04 14:23:30 +00:00
return true;
/** Loads the settings for this page */
Chat service: - Added send time to ChatInfo. Chat: - Reworked IMHistoryKeeper to save only needed data as raw data (not formatted from PeersDialog). - Renamed the public chat history file from "his1.xml" to "chatPublic.xml" and moved it from data dir to config dir. The current history is lost. Please delete the file "his1.xml" manually. - Optimized save of the history. Save only when changed, also during the runtime. - Clear the history in PeersDialog clears the IMHistoryKeeper too. - New setting to send chat message with Ctrl+Return. Changed the check for Enter in PeersDialog and PopupChatDialog from textChanged to eventFilter. - Smileys are inserted at the current cursor position, not added at the end. - Don't send emty messages. New class ChatStyle: - Created a new class for the work with chat styles and smileys. - Currently only two internal styles are available - private and public. Later more external styles planned. - Moved functions for loading and showing the emoticons from PeersDialog and PopupChatDialog to the new class. Private chat: - Split private chat style into incoming.htm and outgoing.htm. - Removed style change. Public chat: - New chat style incoming.htm, outgoing.htm, hincoming.htm and houtgoing.htm. Chat feed: - Show links and emoticons if they are enabled for public chat. PeersDialog: - Show the own name and location only once at start and not with QTimer every 1.5 second. git-svn-id: http://svn.code.sf.net/p/retroshare/code/trunk@3441 b45a01b8-16f6-495d-af2f-9b41ad6348cc
2010-09-04 14:23:30 +00:00
ui.checkBox_emoteprivchat->setChecked(Settings->value("Emoteicons_PrivatChat", true).toBool());
ui.checkBox_emotegroupchat->setChecked(Settings->value("Emoteicons_GroupChat", true).toBool());
ui.checkBox_enableCustomFonts->setChecked(Settings->value("EnableCustomFonts", true).toBool());
ui.checkBox_enableCustomFontSize->setChecked(Settings->value("EnableCustomFontSize", true).toBool());
ui.checkBox_enableBold->setChecked(Settings->value("EnableBold", true).toBool());
ui.checkBox_enableItalics->setChecked(Settings->value("EnableItalics", true).toBool());
ui.minimumContrast->setValue(Settings->value("MinimumContrast", 4.5).toDouble());
Chat service: - Added send time to ChatInfo. Chat: - Reworked IMHistoryKeeper to save only needed data as raw data (not formatted from PeersDialog). - Renamed the public chat history file from "his1.xml" to "chatPublic.xml" and moved it from data dir to config dir. The current history is lost. Please delete the file "his1.xml" manually. - Optimized save of the history. Save only when changed, also during the runtime. - Clear the history in PeersDialog clears the IMHistoryKeeper too. - New setting to send chat message with Ctrl+Return. Changed the check for Enter in PeersDialog and PopupChatDialog from textChanged to eventFilter. - Smileys are inserted at the current cursor position, not added at the end. - Don't send emty messages. New class ChatStyle: - Created a new class for the work with chat styles and smileys. - Currently only two internal styles are available - private and public. Later more external styles planned. - Moved functions for loading and showing the emoticons from PeersDialog and PopupChatDialog to the new class. Private chat: - Split private chat style into incoming.htm and outgoing.htm. - Removed style change. Public chat: - New chat style incoming.htm, outgoing.htm, hincoming.htm and houtgoing.htm. Chat feed: - Show links and emoticons if they are enabled for public chat. PeersDialog: - Show the own name and location only once at start and not with QTimer every 1.5 second. git-svn-id: http://svn.code.sf.net/p/retroshare/code/trunk@3441 b45a01b8-16f6-495d-af2f-9b41ad6348cc
2010-09-04 14:23:30 +00:00
Chat service: - Added send time to ChatInfo. Chat: - Reworked IMHistoryKeeper to save only needed data as raw data (not formatted from PeersDialog). - Renamed the public chat history file from "his1.xml" to "chatPublic.xml" and moved it from data dir to config dir. The current history is lost. Please delete the file "his1.xml" manually. - Optimized save of the history. Save only when changed, also during the runtime. - Clear the history in PeersDialog clears the IMHistoryKeeper too. - New setting to send chat message with Ctrl+Return. Changed the check for Enter in PeersDialog and PopupChatDialog from textChanged to eventFilter. - Smileys are inserted at the current cursor position, not added at the end. - Don't send emty messages. New class ChatStyle: - Created a new class for the work with chat styles and smileys. - Currently only two internal styles are available - private and public. Later more external styles planned. - Moved functions for loading and showing the emoticons from PeersDialog and PopupChatDialog to the new class. Private chat: - Split private chat style into incoming.htm and outgoing.htm. - Removed style change. Public chat: - New chat style incoming.htm, outgoing.htm, hincoming.htm and houtgoing.htm. Chat feed: - Show links and emoticons if they are enabled for public chat. PeersDialog: - Show the own name and location only once at start and not with QTimer every 1.5 second. git-svn-id: http://svn.code.sf.net/p/retroshare/code/trunk@3441 b45a01b8-16f6-495d-af2f-9b41ad6348cc
2010-09-04 14:23:30 +00:00
QPixmap pix(24, 24);
// using fontTempChat.rawname() does not always work!
// see http://doc.qt.digia.com/qt-maemo/qfont.html#rawName
QStringList fontname = fontTempChat.toString().split(",");
Chat service: - Added send time to ChatInfo. Chat: - Reworked IMHistoryKeeper to save only needed data as raw data (not formatted from PeersDialog). - Renamed the public chat history file from "his1.xml" to "chatPublic.xml" and moved it from data dir to config dir. The current history is lost. Please delete the file "his1.xml" manually. - Optimized save of the history. Save only when changed, also during the runtime. - Clear the history in PeersDialog clears the IMHistoryKeeper too. - New setting to send chat message with Ctrl+Return. Changed the check for Enter in PeersDialog and PopupChatDialog from textChanged to eventFilter. - Smileys are inserted at the current cursor position, not added at the end. - Don't send emty messages. New class ChatStyle: - Created a new class for the work with chat styles and smileys. - Currently only two internal styles are available - private and public. Later more external styles planned. - Moved functions for loading and showing the emoticons from PeersDialog and PopupChatDialog to the new class. Private chat: - Split private chat style into incoming.htm and outgoing.htm. - Removed style change. Public chat: - New chat style incoming.htm, outgoing.htm, hincoming.htm and houtgoing.htm. Chat feed: - Show links and emoticons if they are enabled for public chat. PeersDialog: - Show the own name and location only once at start and not with QTimer every 1.5 second. git-svn-id: http://svn.code.sf.net/p/retroshare/code/trunk@3441 b45a01b8-16f6-495d-af2f-9b41ad6348cc
2010-09-04 14:23:30 +00:00
ui.max_storage_period->setValue(rsHistory->getMaxStorageDuration()/86400) ;
/* Load styles */
publicStylePath = loadStyleInfo(ChatStyle::TYPE_PUBLIC, ui.publicList, ui.publicComboBoxVariant, publicStyleVariant);
privateStylePath = loadStyleInfo(ChatStyle::TYPE_PRIVATE, ui.privateList, ui.privateComboBoxVariant, privateStyleVariant);
historyStylePath = loadStyleInfo(ChatStyle::TYPE_HISTORY, ui.historyList, ui.historyComboBoxVariant, historyStyleVariant);
RsGxsId gxs_id ;
rsMsgs->getDefaultIdentityForChatLobby(gxs_id) ;
ui.chatLobbyIdentity_IC->setFlags(IDCHOOSER_ID_REQUIRED) ;
uint chatflags = Settings->getChatFlags();
ui.chat_NewWindow->setChecked(chatflags & RS_CHAT_OPEN);
ui.chat_Focus->setChecked(chatflags & RS_CHAT_FOCUS);
ui.chat_tabbedWindow->setChecked(chatflags & RS_CHAT_TABBED_WINDOW);
ui.chat_Blink->setChecked(chatflags & RS_CHAT_BLINK);
uint chatLobbyFlags = Settings->getChatLobbyFlags();
ui.chatLobby_Blink->setChecked(chatLobbyFlags & RS_CHATLOBBY_BLINK);
// load personal invites
#ifdef TO_BE_DONE
QListWidgetItem *item = new QListWidgetItem;
item->setData(Qt::DisplayRole,tr("Private chat invite from")+" "+QString::fromUtf8(detail.name.c_str())) ;
QString tt ;
tt += tr("Name :")+" " + QString::fromUtf8(detail.name.c_str()) ;
tt += "\n" + tr("PGP id :")+" " + QString::fromStdString(invites[i].destination_pgp_id.toStdString()) ;
tt += "\n" + tr("Valid until :")+" " + QDateTime::fromTime_t(invites[i].time_of_validity).toString() ;
item->setData(Qt::UserRole,QString::fromStdString(invites[i].pid.toStdString())) ;
item->setToolTip(tt) ;
ui._collected_contacts_LW->insertItem(0,item) ;
void ChatPage::on_pushButtonChangeChatFont_clicked()
bool ok;
QFont font = QFontDialog::getFont(&ok, fontTempChat, this);
if (ok) {
fontTempChat = font;
// using fontTempChat.rawname() does not always work!
// see http://doc.qt.digia.com/qt-maemo/qfont.html#rawName
QStringList fontname = fontTempChat.toString().split(",");
void ChatPage::setPreviewMessages(QString &stylePath, QString styleVariant, QTextBrowser *textBrowser)
ChatStyle style;
style.setStylePath(stylePath, styleVariant);
QString nameIncoming = tr("Incoming");
QString nameOutgoing = tr("Outgoing");
QDateTime timestmp = QDateTime::fromTime_t(time(NULL));
textBrowser->append(style.formatMessage(ChatStyle::FORMATMSG_HINCOMING, nameIncoming, timestmp, tr("Incoming message in history")));
textBrowser->append(style.formatMessage(ChatStyle::FORMATMSG_HOUTGOING, nameOutgoing, timestmp, tr("Outgoing message in history")));
textBrowser->append(style.formatMessage(ChatStyle::FORMATMSG_INCOMING, nameIncoming, timestmp, tr("Incoming message")));
textBrowser->append(style.formatMessage(ChatStyle::FORMATMSG_OUTGOING, nameOutgoing, timestmp, tr("Outgoing message")));
textBrowser->append(style.formatMessage(ChatStyle::FORMATMSG_OOUTGOING, nameOutgoing, timestmp, tr("Outgoing offline message")));
textBrowser->append(style.formatMessage(ChatStyle::FORMATMSG_SYSTEM, tr("System"), timestmp, tr("System message")));
void ChatPage::fillPreview(QListWidget *listWidget, QComboBox *comboBox, QTextBrowser *textBrowser)
QListWidgetItem *item = listWidget->currentItem();
if (item) {
ChatStyleInfo info = item->data(Qt::UserRole).value<ChatStyleInfo>();
setPreviewMessages(info.stylePath, comboBox->currentText(), textBrowser);
} else {
void ChatPage::on_publicList_currentRowChanged(int currentRow)
if (currentRow != -1) {
QListWidgetItem *item = ui.publicList->item(currentRow);
ChatStyleInfo info = item->data(Qt::UserRole).value<ChatStyleInfo>();
QString author = info.authorName;
if (info.authorEmail.isEmpty() == false) {
author += " (" + info.authorEmail + ")";
QStringList variants;
ChatStyle::getAvailableVariants(info.stylePath, variants);
ui.publicComboBoxVariant->setEnabled(variants.size() != 0);
/* try to find "Standard" */
int index = ui.publicComboBoxVariant->findText(VARIANT_STANDARD);
if (index != -1) {
} else {
} else {
fillPreview(ui.publicList, ui.publicComboBoxVariant, ui.publicPreview);
void ChatPage::on_privateList_currentRowChanged(int currentRow)
if (currentRow != -1) {
QListWidgetItem *item = ui.privateList->item(currentRow);
ChatStyleInfo info = item->data(Qt::UserRole).value<ChatStyleInfo>();
QString author = info.authorName;
if (info.authorEmail.isEmpty() == false) {
author += " (" + info.authorEmail + ")";
QStringList variants;
ChatStyle::getAvailableVariants(info.stylePath, variants);
ui.privateComboBoxVariant->setEnabled(variants.size() != 0);
/* try to find "Standard" */
int index = ui.privateComboBoxVariant->findText(VARIANT_STANDARD);
if (index != -1) {
} else {
} else {
fillPreview(ui.privateList, ui.privateComboBoxVariant, ui.privatePreview);
void ChatPage::on_historyList_currentRowChanged(int currentRow)
if (currentRow != -1) {
QListWidgetItem *item = ui.historyList->item(currentRow);
ChatStyleInfo info = item->data(Qt::UserRole).value<ChatStyleInfo>();
QString author = info.authorName;
if (info.authorEmail.isEmpty() == false) {
author += " (" + info.authorEmail + ")";
QStringList variants;
ChatStyle::getAvailableVariants(info.stylePath, variants);
ui.historyComboBoxVariant->setEnabled(variants.size() != 0);
/* try to find "Standard" */
int index = ui.historyComboBoxVariant->findText(VARIANT_STANDARD);
if (index != -1) {
} else {
} else {
fillPreview(ui.historyList, ui.historyComboBoxVariant, ui.historyPreview);
void ChatPage::on_publicComboBoxVariant_currentIndexChanged(int /*index*/)
fillPreview(ui.publicList, ui.publicComboBoxVariant, ui.publicPreview);
void ChatPage::on_privateComboBoxVariant_currentIndexChanged(int /*index*/)
fillPreview(ui.privateList, ui.privateComboBoxVariant, ui.privatePreview);
void ChatPage::on_historyComboBoxVariant_currentIndexChanged(int /*index*/)
fillPreview(ui.historyList, ui.historyComboBoxVariant, ui.historyPreview);
void ChatPage::on_cbSearch_WithoutLimit_toggled(bool checked)
void ChatPage::on_btSearch_FoundColor_clicked()
bool ok;
QRgb color = QColorDialog::getRgba(rgbChatSearchFoundColor, &ok, window());
if (ok) {
QPixmap pix(24, 24);