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* "$Id: p3face.h,v 1.9 2007-05-05 16:10:06 rmf24 Exp $"
* RetroShare C++ Interface.
* Copyright 2004-2006 by Robert Fernie.
* This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public
* License Version 2 as published by the Free Software Foundation.
* This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* Library General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public
* License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307
* USA.
* Please report all bugs and problems to "retroshare@lunamutt.com".
#include "server/filedexserver.h"
//#include "pqi/pqissl.h"
#include "pqi/p3cfgmgr.h"
#include "pqi/p3connmgr.h"
#include "pqi/pqipersongrp.h"
#include "rsiface/rsiface.h"
#include "rsiface/rstypes.h"
#include "util/rsthreads.h"
#include "services/p3disc.h"
#include "services/p3msgservice.h"
#include "services/p3chatservice.h"
#include "services/p3ranking.h"
#include "services/p3Qblog.h"
/* The Main Interface Class - for controlling the server */
/* The init functions are actually Defined in p3face-startup.cc
RsInit *InitRsConfig();
void CleanupRsConfig(RsInit *);
int InitRetroShare(int argc, char **argv, RsInit *config);
int LoadCertificates(RsInit *config);
RsControl *createRsControl(RsIface &iface, NotifyBase &notify);
#if 0
class PendingDirectory
PendingDirectory(RsCertId in_id, const DirInfo *req_dir, int depth);
void addEntry(PQFileItem *item);
RsCertId id;
int reqDepth;
int reqTime;
DirInfo data;
class RsServer: public RsControl, public RsThread
/* p3face-startup.cc: init... */
virtual int StartupRetroShare(RsInit *config);
/* p3face.cc: main loop / util fns / locking. */
RsServer(RsIface &i, NotifyBase &callback);
virtual ~RsServer();
/* Thread Fn: Run the Core */
virtual void run();
/* locking stuff */
void lockRsCore()
// std::cerr << "RsServer::lockRsCore()" << std::endl;
void unlockRsCore()
// std::cerr << "RsServer::unlockRsCore()" << std::endl;
/* mutex */
RsMutex coreMutex;
/* General Internal Helper Functions
(Must be Locked)
#if 0
cert *intFindCert(RsCertId id);
RsCertId intGetCertId(cert *c);
/* p3face-people Operations */
/* p3face-file Operations */
/* Directory Actions */
virtual int RequestDirDetails(std::string uid, std::string path,
DirDetails &details);
virtual int RequestDirDetails(void *ref, DirDetails &details, uint32_t flags);
virtual int SearchKeywords(std::list<std::string> keywords, std::list<FileDetail> &results);
virtual int SearchBoolExp(Expression *exp, std::list<FileDetail> &results);
virtual bool ConvertSharedFilePath(std::string path, std::string &fullpath);
virtual void ForceDirectoryCheck();
virtual bool InDirectoryCheck();
/* Actions For Upload/Download */
// REDO these three TODO XXX .
//virtual int FileBroadcast(std::string uId, std::string src, int size);
//virtual int FileDelete(std::string, std::string);
virtual int FileRecommend(std::string fname, std::string hash, int size);
virtual int FileRequest(std::string fname, std::string hash, uint32_t size, std::string dest);
virtual int FileCancel(std::string fname, std::string hash, uint32_t size);
virtual int FileClearCompleted();
virtual int FileSetBandwidthTotals(float outkB, float inkB);
int UpdateAllTransfers();
/* send requests to people */
int UpdateRemotePeople();
/* p3face-msg Operations */
/* Channel Items */
virtual int ChannelCreateNew(ChannelInfo &info);
virtual int ChannelSendMsg(ChannelInfo &info);
/* Flagging Persons / Channels / Files in or out of a set (CheckLists) */
virtual int SetInChat(std::string id, bool in); /* friend : chat msgs */
virtual int SetInMsg(std::string id, bool in); /* friend : msg receipients */
virtual int SetInBroadcast(std::string id, bool in); /* channel : channel broadcast */
virtual int SetInSubscribe(std::string id, bool in); /* channel : subscribed channels */
virtual int SetInRecommend(std::string id, bool in); /* file : recommended file */
virtual int ClearInChat();
virtual int ClearInMsg();
virtual int ClearInBroadcast();
virtual int ClearInSubscribe();
virtual int ClearInRecommend();
virtual bool IsInChat(std::string id); /* friend : chat msgs */
virtual bool IsInMsg(std::string id); /* friend : msg recpts*/
std::list<std::string> mInChatList, mInMsgList;
/* Internal Update Iface Fns */
int UpdateAllChannels();
/* Internal Helper Fns */
RsChanId signToChanId(const channelSign &cs) const;
int intAddChannel(ChannelInfo &info);
int intAddChannelMsg(RsChanId id, MessageInfo &msg);
void initRsCI(pqichannel *in, ChannelInfo &out);
void initRsCMI(pqichannel *chan, channelMsg *cm, MessageInfo &msg);
void initRsCMFI(pqichannel *chan, chanMsgSummary *msg,
const PQChanItem::FileItem *cfdi, FileInfo &file);
void intCheckFileStatus(FileInfo &file);
void initRsMI(RsMsgItem *msg, MessageInfo &mi);
/* RsIface Networking */
//virtual int NetworkDHTActive(bool active);
//virtual int NetworkUPnPActive(bool active);
//virtual int NetworkDHTStatus();
//virtual int NetworkUPnPStatus();
/* internal */
//int InitNetworking(std::string);
//int CheckNetworking();
//int InitDHT(std::string);
//int CheckDHT();
//int InitUPnP();
//int CheckUPnP();
//int UpdateNetworkConfig(RsConfig &config);
//int SetExternalPorts();
/* RsIface Config */
/* Config */
virtual int ConfigAddSharedDir( std::string dir );
virtual int ConfigRemoveSharedDir( std::string dir );
virtual int ConfigSetIncomingDir( std::string dir );
//virtual int ConfigSetLocalAddr( std::string ipAddr, int port );
//virtual int ConfigSetExtAddr( std::string ipAddr, int port );
//virtual int ConfigSetExtName( std::string addr );
//virtual int ConfigSetLanConfig( bool fire, bool forw );
virtual int ConfigSetDataRates( int total, int indiv );
virtual int ConfigSetBootPrompt( bool on );
virtual void ConfigFinalSave( );
/************* Rs shut down function: in upnp 'port lease time' bug *****************/
* This function is responsible for ensuring Retroshare exits in a legal state:
* i.e. releases all held resources and saves current configuration
virtual void rsGlobalShutDown( );
int UpdateAllConfig();
// The real Server Parts.
filedexserver *server;
p3ConnectMgr *mConnMgr;
p3AuthMgr *mAuthMgr;
pqipersongrp *pqih;
//sslroot *sslr;
/* services */
p3disc *ad;
p3MsgService *msgSrv;
p3ChatService *chatSrv;
/* caches (that need ticking) */
p3Ranking *mRanking;
p3Qblog *mQblog;
/* Config */
p3ConfigMgr *mConfigMgr;
p3GeneralConfig *mGeneralConfig;
// Worker Data.....
/* Helper function to convert windows paths
* into unix (ie switch \ to /) for FLTK's file chooser
std::string make_path_unix(std::string winpath);
/* Initialisation Class (not publicly disclosed to RsIFace) */
class RsInit
/* Commandline/Directory options */
/* Key Parameters that must be set before
* RetroShare will start up:
std::string load_cert;
std::string load_key;
std::string passwd;
bool havePasswd; /* for Commandline password */
bool autoLogin; /* autoLogin allowed */
/* Win/Unix Differences */
char dirSeperator;
/* Directories */
std::string basedir;
std::string homePath;
/* Listening Port */
bool forceExtPort;
bool forceLocalAddr;
unsigned short port;
char inet[256];
/* Logging */
bool haveLogFile;
bool outStderr;
bool haveDebugLevel;
int debugLevel;
char logfname[1024];
bool firsttime_run;
bool load_trustedpeer;
std::string load_trustedpeer_file;
bool udpListenerOnly;