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* libretroshare/src/services:
* Services for RetroShare.
* Copyright 2004-2008 by Robert Fernie.
* This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public
* License Version 2 as published by the Free Software Foundation.
* This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* Library General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public
* License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307
* USA.
* Please report all bugs and problems to "".
#include "services/p3disc.h"
// for active local cert stuff.
#include "pqi/pqissl.h"
#include <iostream>
#include <errno.h>
#include <cmath>
const uint32_t AUTODISC_LDI_SUBTYPE_PING = 0x01;
const uint32_t AUTODISC_LDI_SUBTYPE_RPLY = 0x02;
#include <sstream>
#include "pqi/pqidebug.h"
const int pqidisczone = 2482;
static int updateAutoServer(autoserver *as, RsDiscItem *di);
static int convertTDeltaToTRange(double tdelta);
static int convertTRangeToTDelta(int trange);
static int updateCertAvailabilityFlags(cert *c, unsigned long discFlags);
static unsigned long determineCertAvailabilityFlags(cert *c);
// Operating System specific includes.
#include "pqi/pqinetwork.h"
p3disc::p3disc(sslroot *r)
:p3Service(RS_SERVICE_TYPE_DISC), sroot(r)
addSerialType(new RsDiscSerialiser());
ldata = NULL;
ldlenmax = 1024;
local_disc = false; //true;
remote_disc = true;
// set last check to current time, this prevents queued.
// messages at the start! (actually shouldn't matter - as they aren't connected).
ts_lastcheck = time(NULL); // 0;
// configure...
int p3disc::tick()
pqioutput(PQL_DEBUG_ALL, pqidisczone,
if (local_disc)
if (ts_nextlp == 0)
pqioutput(PQL_DEBUG_ALL, pqidisczone,
"Local Discovery On!");
pqioutput(PQL_DEBUG_ALL, pqidisczone,
"Local Discovery Off!");
// ten minute counter.
if (--ts_nextlp < 0)
ts_nextlp = 600;
if (ts_nextlp % 300 == 0)
/* remote discovery can run infrequently....
* this is a good idea, as it ensures that
* multiple Pings aren't sent to neighbours....
* only run every 5 seconds.
if (ts_nextlp % 5 != 0)
return 1;
// important bit
int nr = handleReplies(); // discards packets if not running.
if (remote_disc)
pqioutput(PQL_DEBUG_ALL, pqidisczone,
"Remote Discovery On!");
if ((sroot -> collectedCerts()) || (nr > 0))
pqioutput(PQL_DEBUG_ALL, pqidisczone,
"Remote Discovery Off!");
return 1;
static int local_disc_def_port = 7770;
static int local_disc_secondary_port = 7870;
int p3disc::setLocalAddress(struct sockaddr_in srvaddr)
saddr = srvaddr;
return 1;
int p3disc::determineLocalNetAddr()
// laddr filled in by load_configuration.
laddr.sin_port = htons(local_disc_def_port);
/********************************** WINDOWS/UNIX SPECIFIC PART ******************/
#ifndef WINDOWS_SYS // ie UNIX
// broadcast address.
baddr.sin_family = AF_INET;
inet_aton("", &(baddr.sin_addr));
baddr.sin_port = htons(local_disc_def_port);
#else // WIN
baddr. sin_family = AF_INET;
// So as recommended on this site.. will use |+& to calc it.
unsigned long netmask = inet_addr("");
unsigned long netaddr = saddr.sin_addr.s_addr & netmask;
baddr.sin_addr.s_addr = netaddr | (~netmask);
// direct works!
//baddr.sin_addr.s_addr = inet_addr("");
//baddr.sin_addr.s_addr = inet_addr("");
// broadcast!
baddr.sin_addr.s_addr = INADDR_BROADCAST;
baddr.sin_port = htons(local_disc_def_port);
/********************************** WINDOWS/UNIX SPECIFIC PART ******************/
std::ostringstream out;
out << "p3disc::determineLocalNetAddr() baddr: ";
out << inet_ntoa(baddr.sin_addr) << std::endl;
pqioutput(PQL_DEBUG_BASIC, pqidisczone, out.str());
return 1;
int p3disc::setupLocalPacket(int type, struct sockaddr_in *home,
struct sockaddr_in *server)
if (ldata == NULL)
ldata = malloc(ldlenmax);
// setup packet.
// 8 bytes - tag
((char *) ldata)[0] = 'P';
((char *) ldata)[1] = 'Q';
((char *) ldata)[2] = 'I';
((char *) ldata)[3] = 'L';
((char *) ldata)[4] = 'D';
((char *) ldata)[5] = 'I';
((char *) ldata)[6] = 'S';
((char *) ldata)[7] = 'C';
((char *) ldata)[4] = 'R';
((char *) ldata)[5] = 'P';
((char *) ldata)[6] = 'L';
((char *) ldata)[7] = 'Y';
// sockaddr copy.
ldlen = 8;
for(unsigned int i = 0; i < sizeof(*home); i++)
((char *) ldata)[ldlen + i] = ((char *) home)[i];
ldlen += sizeof(*home);
for(unsigned int i = 0; i < sizeof(*server); i++)
((char *) ldata)[ldlen + i] = ((char *) server)[i];
ldlen += sizeof(*server);
return 1;
int p3disc::localSetup()
if (!local_disc)
pqioutput(PQL_DEBUG_BASIC, pqidisczone,
"p3disc::localSetup() Warning local_disc OFF!");
return -1;
//First we must attempt to open the default socket
int err = 0;
lsock = socket(PF_INET, SOCK_DGRAM, 0);
/********************************** WINDOWS/UNIX SPECIFIC PART ******************/
#ifndef WINDOWS_SYS // ie UNIX
if (lsock < 0)
pqioutput(PQL_DEBUG_BASIC, pqidisczone,
"p3disc::localSetup() Cannot open UDP socket!");
local_disc = false;
return -1;
err = fcntl(lsock, F_SETFL, O_NONBLOCK);
if (err < 0)
pqioutput(PQL_DEBUG_BASIC, pqidisczone,
"p3disc::localSetup() Error: Cannot make socket NON-Blocking: ");
local_disc = false;
return -1;
int on = 1;
if(0 != (err =setsockopt(lsock, SOL_SOCKET, SO_BROADCAST,(void *) &on, sizeof(on))))
pqioutput(PQL_DEBUG_BASIC, pqidisczone,
"p3disc::localSetup() Error: Cannot make socket Broadcast: ");
local_disc = false;
return -1;
pqioutput(PQL_DEBUG_BASIC, pqidisczone,
"p3disc::localSetup() Broadcast Flag Set!");
/********************************** WINDOWS/UNIX SPECIFIC PART ******************/
if (lsock == INVALID_SOCKET)
pqioutput(PQL_DEBUG_BASIC, pqidisczone,
"p3disc::localSetup() Cannot open UDP socket!");
local_disc = false;
return -1;
unsigned long int on = 1;
if (0 != (err = ioctlsocket(lsock, FIONBIO, &on)))
pqioutput(PQL_DEBUG_BASIC, pqidisczone,
"p3disc::localSetup() Error: Cannot make socket NON-Blocking: ");
local_disc = false;
return -1;
on = 1;
if(0 != (err=setsockopt(lsock, SOL_SOCKET, SO_BROADCAST,(char *) &on, sizeof(on))))
pqioutput(PQL_DEBUG_BASIC, pqidisczone,
"p3disc::localSetup() Error: Cannot make socket Broadcast: ");
local_disc = false;
return -1;
pqioutput(PQL_DEBUG_BASIC, pqidisczone,
"p3disc::localSetup() Broadcast Flag Set!");
/********************************** WINDOWS/UNIX SPECIFIC PART ******************/
std::ostringstream out;
out << "p3disc::localSetup()" << std::endl;
out << "\tSetup Family: " << laddr.sin_family;
out << std::endl;
out << "\tSetup Address: " << inet_ntoa(laddr.sin_addr);
out << std::endl;
out << "\tSetup Port: " << ntohs(laddr.sin_port) << std::endl;
pqioutput(PQL_DEBUG_BASIC, pqidisczone, out.str());
if (0 != (err = bind(lsock, (struct sockaddr *) &laddr, sizeof(laddr))))
std::ostringstream out;
out << "p3disc::localSetup()";
out << " Cannot Bind to Default Address!" << std::endl;
out << std::endl;
out << " Trying Secondary Address." << std::endl;
pqioutput(PQL_DEBUG_BASIC, pqidisczone, out.str());
// ifsucessful then call localPing
// set ts to -1 and don't worry about outgoing until
// we receive a packet
std::ostringstream out;
out << "p3disc::localSetup()" << std::endl;
out << " Bound to Address." << std::endl;
out << "\tSetup Address: " << inet_ntoa(laddr.sin_addr);
out << std::endl;
out << "\tSetup Port: " << ntohs(laddr.sin_port) << std::endl;
pqioutput(PQL_DEBUG_BASIC, pqidisczone, out.str());
ts_nextlp = -1;
ts_nextlp = 10;
return 1;
laddr.sin_port = htons(local_disc_secondary_port);
if (0 != (err = bind(lsock, (struct sockaddr *) &laddr, sizeof(laddr))))
std::ostringstream out;
out << "p3disc::localSetup()";
out << " Cannot Bind to Secondary Address!" << std::endl;
out << std::endl;
out << " Giving Up!" << std::endl;
pqioutput(PQL_DEBUG_BASIC, pqidisczone, out.str());
local_disc = false;
return -1;
std::ostringstream out;
out << "p3disc::localSetup()" << std::endl;
out << " Bound to Secondary Address." << std::endl;
out << "\tSetup Address: " << inet_ntoa(laddr.sin_addr);
out << std::endl;
out << "\tSetup Port: " << ntohs(laddr.sin_port) << std::endl;
pqioutput(PQL_DEBUG_BASIC, pqidisczone, out.str());
ts_nextlp = 10;
return 1;
// else we open a random port and set the timer
// ie - don't bind to a port.....
ts_nextlp = 10; // ping every 10 minutes.
return 1;
int p3disc::localPing(struct sockaddr_in reply_to)
//This function sends a meessage out containing both cert
// and server address, as well as the ping address (if not standard)
// so we send a packet out to that address
// (most likely broadcast address).
// setup up the data for connection.
setupLocalPacket(AUTODISC_LDI_SUBTYPE_PING,&laddr, &saddr);
// Cast to char for windows benefit.
int len = sendto(lsock, (char *) ldata, ldlen, 0, (struct sockaddr *) &reply_to, sizeof(reply_to));
if (len != ldlen)
std::ostringstream out;
out << "p3disc::localPing()";
out << " Failed to send Packet." << std::endl;
out << "Sent (" << len << "/" << ldlen;
out << std::endl;
out << "Addr:" << inet_ntoa(reply_to.sin_addr) << std::endl;
out << "Port:" << ntohs(reply_to.sin_port) << std::endl;
out << std::endl;
pqioutput(PQL_DEBUG_BASIC, pqidisczone, out.str());
std::ostringstream out;
out << "p3disc::localPing() Success!" << std::endl;
out << "Sent To Addr:" << inet_ntoa(reply_to.sin_addr) << std::endl;
out << "Sent To Port:" << ntohs(reply_to.sin_port) << std::endl;
out << "Message Size: " << len << std::endl;
pqioutput(PQL_DEBUG_BASIC, pqidisczone, out.str());
return 1;
int p3disc::localReply(struct sockaddr_in reply_to)
//This function sends a meessage out containing both cert
// and server address, as well as the ping address (if not standard)
// so we send a packet out to that address
// (most likely broadcast address).
// setup up the data for connection.
setupLocalPacket(AUTODISC_LDI_SUBTYPE_RPLY,&laddr, &saddr);
// Cast to char for windows benefit.
int len = sendto(lsock, (char *) ldata, ldlen, 0, (struct sockaddr *) &reply_to, sizeof(reply_to));
if (len != ldlen)
std::ostringstream out;
out << "p3disc::localPing()";
out << " Failed to send Packet." << std::endl;
pqioutput(PQL_DEBUG_BASIC, pqidisczone, out.str());
return 1;
int p3disc::localListen()
//This function listens to the ping address.
//For each reply, store the result in the structure and mark as local
struct sockaddr_in addr;
struct sockaddr_in neighbour;
struct sockaddr_in server;
socklen_t alen = sizeof(addr);
int nlen = sizeof(neighbour);
int len;
int size = 0;
while(0 < (size = recvfrom(lsock, (char *) ldata, ldlen, 0,
(struct sockaddr *) &addr, &alen)))
std::ostringstream out;
out << "Recved Message" << std::endl;
out << "From Addr:" << inet_ntoa(addr.sin_addr) << std::endl;
out << "From Port:" << ntohs(addr.sin_port) << std::endl;
out << "Message Size: " << size << std::endl;
for(int i = 0; i < 8; i++)
out << ((char *) ldata)[i];
out << std::endl;
len = 8;
// sockaddr copy.
for(int i = 0; i < nlen; i++)
((char *) &neighbour)[i] = ((char *) ldata)[len + i];
len += nlen;
for(int i = 0; i < nlen; i++)
((char *) &server)[i] = ((char *) ldata)[len + i];
len += nlen;
out << "Neighbour Addr:" << inet_ntoa(neighbour.sin_addr) << std::endl;
out << "Neighbour Port:" << ntohs(neighbour.sin_port) << std::endl;
out << "Server Addr:" << inet_ntoa(server.sin_addr) << std::endl;
out << "Server Port:" << ntohs(server.sin_port) << std::endl;
if ((laddr.sin_addr.s_addr == neighbour.sin_addr.s_addr) &&
(laddr.sin_port == neighbour.sin_port))
// Then We Sent it!!!!
// ignore..
out << "Found Self! Addr - " << inet_ntoa(neighbour.sin_addr);
out << ":" << ntohs(neighbour.sin_port) << std::endl;
if ('D' == (((char *) ldata)[4])) // Then Ping.
// reply.
addLocalNeighbour(&neighbour, &server);
pqioutput(PQL_DEBUG_BASIC, pqidisczone, out.str());
/********************************** WINDOWS/UNIX SPECIFIC PART ******************/
#ifndef WINDOWS_SYS // ie UNIX
if ((size < 0) && (errno != EAGAIN))
std::ostringstream out;
out << "Error Recieving Message" << std::endl;
out << "Errno: " << errno << std::endl;
out << socket_errorType(errno) << std::endl;
pqioutput(PQL_DEBUG_BASIC, pqidisczone, out.str());
/********************************** WINDOWS/UNIX SPECIFIC PART ******************/
#else // WINDOWS_SYS
if (size == SOCKET_ERROR)
int err = WSAGetLastError();
std::ostringstream out;
out << "Error Recieving Message" << std::endl;
out << "WSE: " << err << std::endl;
pqioutput(PQL_DEBUG_BASIC, pqidisczone, out.str());
/********************************** WINDOWS/UNIX SPECIFIC PART ******************/
return 1;
// This needs to be fixed up....
// Local dicsovery disabled for the moment....
int p3disc::addLocalNeighbour(struct sockaddr_in *n, struct sockaddr_in *s)
std::list<autoneighbour *>::iterator it;
for(it = neighbours.begin(); it != neighbours.end(); it++)
// if the server address matches one already!
// make sure its flags as local and return.
if (0 == memcmp((char *) &((*it) -> server_addr), (char *) s, sizeof(*s)))
(*it) -> local = true;
return 1;
// else add it in!
autoneighbour *ln = new autoneighbour();
ln -> server_addr = (*s);
ln -> local = true;
ln -> id = NULL; // null cert
std::string nname = "Local Neighbour (";
nname += inet_ntoa(ln -> server_addr.sin_addr);
nname += ")";
//ln -> id -> Name(nname);
// now we call the dummy connect...
// this will only be done once per local neighbour.
// connectForExchange(ln -> server_addr);
// update dicovered.
return 1;
// Code Fragment that might be useful when local is patched up....
int p3disc::distillLocalData()
// This transforms the autoneighbour tree into
// a list of certificates with the best guess settings.
pqioutput(PQL_DEBUG_BASIC, pqidisczone, "p3disc::distillData()");
std::list<autoneighbour *>::iterator it;
std::list<autoneighbour *>::iterator it2;
// Now check for local -> remote duplicates....
for(it = neighbours.begin(); it != neighbours.end();)
cert *c = (cert *) ((*it) -> id);
if (((*it) -> local) && (c == NULL))
// potentially a duplicate.
bool found = false;
for(it2 = neighbours.begin(); it2 != neighbours.end(); it2++)
// if address is the same -> remove first version.
if ((it != it2) && (0 == memcmp((char *) &((*it) -> addr),
(char *) &((*it2) -> addr),
sizeof(struct sockaddr))))
(*it2) -> local = true;
found = true;
if (found == true)
// remove the certless local.
it = neighbours.erase(it);
int p3disc::idServers()
std::list<autoneighbour *>::iterator it;
std::list<autoserver *>::iterator nit;
int cts = time(NULL);
std::ostringstream out;
out << "::::AutoDiscovery Neighbours::::" << std::endl;
for(it = neighbours.begin(); it != neighbours.end(); it++)
if ((*it) -> local)
out << "Local Neighbour: ";
out << "Friend of a friend: ";
cert *c = (cert *) ((*it) -> id);
if (c != NULL)
if (c -> certificate != NULL)
out << c -> certificate -> name;
out << c -> Name();
out << "UnIdentified";
out << std::endl;
out << "BG LocalAddr: ";
out << inet_ntoa((*it) -> local_addr.sin_addr);
out << ":" << ntohs((*it) -> local_addr.sin_port) << std::endl;
out << "BG Server: ";
out << inet_ntoa((*it) -> server_addr.sin_addr);
out << ":" << ntohs((*it) -> server_addr.sin_port) << std::endl;
out << " Listen TR: ";
if (((*it) -> listen) && ((*it) -> l_ts))
out << cts - (*it) -> l_ts << " sec ago";
out << "Never";
out << " ";
out << "Connect TR: ";
if (((*it) -> connect) && ((*it) -> c_ts))
out << cts - (*it) -> c_ts << " sec ago";
out << "Never";
if ((*it) -> active)
out << " Active!!!";
out << std::endl;
out << " -->DiscFlags: 0x" << std::hex << (*it)->discFlags;
out << std::dec << std::endl;
for(nit = ((*it) -> neighbour_of).begin();
nit != ((*it) -> neighbour_of).end(); nit++)
out << "\tConnected via: ";
if ((*nit) -> id != NULL)
out << ((*nit) ->id) -> Name() << "(";
out << inet_ntoa(((*nit) -> id) -> lastaddr.sin_addr);
out << ":" << ntohs(((*nit) -> id) -> lastaddr.sin_port);
out << ")";
out << std::endl;
out << "\t\tServer: ";
out << inet_ntoa((*nit) -> server_addr.sin_addr);
out <<":"<< ntohs((*nit) -> server_addr.sin_port);
out << std::endl;
out << "\t\tLocalAddr: ";
out << inet_ntoa((*nit) -> local_addr.sin_addr);
out <<":"<< ntohs((*nit) -> local_addr.sin_port);
out << std::endl;
if ((*nit) -> listen)
out << "\t\tListen TR:";
out << cts - (*nit) -> l_ts << " sec ago";
out << "\t\tNever Received!";
out << std::endl;
if ((*nit) -> connect)
out << "\t\tConnect TR:";
out << cts - (*nit) -> c_ts << " sec ago";
out << "\t\tNever Connected!";
out << std::endl;
out << "\t\tDiscFlags: 0x" << std::hex << (*nit)->discFlags;
out << std::dec << std::endl;
pqioutput(PQL_WARNING, pqidisczone, out.str());
return 1;
int p3disc::newRequests()
// Check the timestamp against the list of certs.
// If any are newer and currently active, then
// send out Discovery Request.
// This initiates the p3disc procedure.
if (!remote_disc)
pqioutput(PQL_DEBUG_ALL, pqidisczone,
"p3disc::newRequests() Remote Discovery is turned off");
return -1;
pqioutput(PQL_DEBUG_ALL, pqidisczone,
"p3disc::newRequests() checkin for new neighbours");
// Perform operation on the cert list.
std::list<cert *>::iterator it;
// Temp variable
std::list<cert *> &certlist = sroot -> getCertList();
std::ostringstream out;
out << "Checking CertList!" << std::endl;
out << "last_check: " << ts_lastcheck;
out << " time(): " << time(NULL);
pqioutput(PQL_DEBUG_ALL, pqidisczone, out.str());
for(it = certlist.begin(); it != certlist.end(); it++)
std::ostringstream out;
out << "Cert: " << (*it) -> Name();
out << " lc_ts: " << (*it) -> lc_timestamp;
out << " lr_ts: " << (*it) -> lr_timestamp;
pqioutput(PQL_DEBUG_ALL, pqidisczone, out.str());
// This should be Connected(), rather than Accepted().
// should reply with all Accepted(), but only send to all connected().
// if (((*it) -> Accepted()) &&
// need >= to ensure that it will happen,
// about 1 in 5 chance of multiple newRequests if called every 5 secs.
// can live with this. (else switch to fractional seconds).
if (((*it) -> Connected()) &&
(((*it) -> lc_timestamp >= ts_lastcheck)
|| ((*it) -> lr_timestamp >= ts_lastcheck)))
// also must not have already sent message.
// (unless reconnection?)
// actually - this should occur, even if last
// exchange not complete.
// reconnect
* No more need for ad_init silliness....
//if (ad_init.end() ==
// find(ad_init.begin(),ad_init.end(),*it))
// infact - we need the opposite behaviour.
// remove if in the init list.
std::list<cert *>::iterator it2;
if (ad_init.end() !=
(it2 = find(ad_init.begin(),ad_init.end(),*it)))
// Then send message.
std::ostringstream out;
out << "p3disc::newRequests()";
out << "Constructing a Message!" << std::endl;
out << "Sending to: " << (*it) -> Name();
out << " lc_ts: " << (*it) -> lc_timestamp;
out << " lr_ts: " << (*it) -> lr_timestamp;
pqioutput(PQL_DEBUG_BASIC, pqidisczone, out.str());
// Construct a message
RsDiscItem *di = new RsDiscItem();
// get our details.....
cert *own = sroot -> getOwnCert();
// Fill the message
di -> PeerId((*it) -> PeerId());
di -> laddr = own -> localaddr;
di -> saddr = own -> serveraddr;
// if we are firewalled..... (and no forwarding...)
// set received as impossible.
if (own -> Firewalled() && (!(own -> Forwarded())))
di -> receive_tr = 0; /* invalid */
di -> receive_tr = 1; /* zero time */
di -> connect_tr = 1; /* zero time */
di -> discFlags = determineCertAvailabilityFlags(own);
// Send off message
* No more need for ad_init silliness....
// push onto init list.
// Finally we should also advertise the
// new connection to our neighbours????
ts_lastcheck = time(NULL);
return 1;
int p3disc::handleReplies()
RsItem *item = NULL;
pqioutput(PQL_DEBUG_ALL, pqidisczone, "p3disc::handleReplies()");
// if off discard item.
if (!remote_disc)
while(NULL != (item = recvItem()))
std::ostringstream out;
out << "p3disc::handleReplies()";
out << " Deleting - Cos RemoteDisc Off!" << std::endl;
item -> print(out);
pqioutput(PQL_DEBUG_BASIC, pqidisczone, out.str());
delete item;
return 0;
int nhandled = 0;
// While messages read
while(NULL != (item = recvItem()))
RsDiscItem *di = NULL;
RsDiscReply *dri = NULL;
if (NULL == (di = dynamic_cast<RsDiscItem *> (item)))
std::ostringstream out;
out << "p3disc::handleReplies()";
out << "Deleting Non RsDiscItem Msg" << std::endl;
item -> print(out);
pqioutput(PQL_DEBUG_BASIC, pqidisczone, out.str());
// delete and continue to next loop.
delete item;
std::ostringstream out;
out << "p3disc::handleReplies()";
out << " Received Message!" << std::endl;
di -> print(out);
pqioutput(PQL_DEBUG_BASIC, pqidisczone, out.str());
// if discovery reply then respondif haven't already.
if (NULL != (dri = dynamic_cast<RsDiscReply *> (di)))
// add to data tree.
else /* Ping */
/* find the certificate */
certsign sign;
convert_to_certsign(di->PeerId(), sign);
cert *peer = getSSLRoot() -> findcertsign(sign);
if (peer)
pqioutput(PQL_DEBUG_BASIC, pqidisczone,
"After Reply to Ping");
pqioutput(PQL_ALERT, pqidisczone,
"Failed to Match disc Ping ID");
delete di;
return nhandled;
int p3disc::sendDiscoveryReply(cert *p)
if (!remote_disc)
return -1;
// So to send a discovery reply .... we need to....
// 1) generate a list of our neighbours.....
pqioutput(PQL_DEBUG_BASIC, pqidisczone,
"p3disc::sendDiscoveryReply() Generating Messages!");
std::list<cert *>::iterator it;
// Temp variable
std::list<cert *> &certlist = sroot -> getCertList();
int good_certs = 0;
int cts = time(NULL);
for(it = certlist.begin(); it != certlist.end(); it++)
// if accepted and has connected (soon)
if ((*it) -> Accepted())
std::ostringstream out;
out << "p3disc::sendDiscoveryReply()";
out << " Found Neighbour Cert!" << std::endl;
out << "Encoding: "<<(*it)->Name() << std::endl;
out << "Encoding(2): "<<(*it)->certificate->name << std::endl;
pqioutput(PQL_DEBUG_BASIC, pqidisczone, out.str());
// Construct a message
RsDiscReply *di = new RsDiscReply();
// Fill the message
// Set Target as input cert.
di -> PeerId(p -> PeerId());
// set the server address.
di -> laddr = (*it) -> localaddr;
di -> saddr = (*it) -> serveraddr;
// set the timeframe since last connection.
if ((*it) -> lr_timestamp <= 0)
di -> receive_tr = 0;
di -> receive_tr = convertTDeltaToTRange(cts - (*it) -> lr_timestamp);
if ((*it) -> lc_timestamp <= 0)
di -> connect_tr = 0;
di -> connect_tr = convertTDeltaToTRange(cts - (*it) -> lc_timestamp);
di -> discFlags = determineCertAvailabilityFlags(*it);
// actually ned to copy certificate to array
// for proper cert stuff.
/**************** PQI_USE_XPGP ******************/
#if defined(PQI_USE_XPGP)
int len = i2d_XPGP((*it) -> certificate, (unsigned char **) &(di -> certDER.bin_data));
#else /* X509 Certificates */
/**************** PQI_USE_XPGP ******************/
int len = i2d_X509((*it) -> certificate, (unsigned char **) &(di -> certDER.bin_data));
#endif /* X509 Certificates */
/**************** PQI_USE_XPGP ******************/
if (len > 0)
di -> certDER.bin_len = len;
std::ostringstream out;
out << "Cert Encoded(" << len << ")" << std::endl;
pqioutput(PQL_DEBUG_BASIC, pqidisczone, out.str());
pqioutput(PQL_DEBUG_BASIC, pqidisczone, "Failed to Encode Cert");
di -> certDER.bin_len = 0;
// Send off message
pqioutput(PQL_DEBUG_BASIC, pqidisczone, "Sent DI Message");
std::ostringstream out;
out << "p3disc::sendDiscoveryReply()";
out << "Not Sending Cert: " << std::endl;
out << (*it) -> Name() << std::endl;
pqioutput(PQL_DEBUG_BASIC, pqidisczone, out.str());
std::ostringstream out;
out << "p3disc::sendDiscoveryReply()";
out << "Found " << good_certs << " Certs" << std::endl;
pqioutput(PQL_DEBUG_BASIC, pqidisczone, out.str());
return 1;
int p3disc::handleDiscoveryPing(RsDiscItem *di)
std::list<autoneighbour *>::iterator it;
// as already connected.... certificate available.
certsign sign;
convert_to_certsign(di->PeerId(), sign);
cert *c = getSSLRoot() -> findcertsign(sign);
if (c == NULL)
return -1;
std::ostringstream out;
out << "p3disc::handleDiscoveryPing()" << std::endl;
di -> print(out);
out << "RECEIVED Self Describing RsDiscItem!";
out << std::endl;
pqioutput(PQL_DEBUG_BASIC, pqidisczone, out.str());
// The first check is whether this packet came from
// the cert in the reply.
// Local address is always right!
// No User control anyway!
c -> localaddr = di -> laddr;
// The Rest of this should only be set
// if we are in autoconnect mode.....
// else should be done manually.
// ----> Think we should do this always (is disc from then)
if (!(c -> Manual()))
// if the connect addr isn't valid.
if (!isValidNet(&(c -> lastaddr.sin_addr)))
// set it all
c -> serveraddr = di -> saddr;
pqioutput(PQL_WARNING, pqidisczone,
"lastaddr !Valid -> serveraddr=di->saddr");
// if the connect addr == dispkt.local
else if (0 == inaddr_cmp(c -> lastaddr, di -> laddr))
// set it all
c -> serveraddr = di -> saddr;
c -> Local(true);
pqioutput(PQL_WARNING, pqidisczone,
"lastaddr=di->laddr -> Local & serveraddr=di->saddr");
else if (0 == inaddr_cmp(c -> lastaddr, di -> saddr))
pqioutput(PQL_WARNING, pqidisczone,
"lastaddr=di->saddr -> !Local & serveraddr=di->saddr");
c -> serveraddr = di -> saddr;
c -> Local(false);
pqioutput(PQL_WARNING, pqidisczone,
"lastaddr!=(di->laddr|di->saddr) -> !Local,serveraddr left");
c -> Local(false);
updateCertAvailabilityFlags(c, di->discFlags);
pqioutput(PQL_WARNING, pqidisczone,
"peer is Manual -> leaving server settings");
if (0 == inaddr_cmp(c -> lastaddr, di -> laddr))
pqioutput(PQL_WARNING, pqidisczone,
"c->lastaddr=di->laddr -> local");
c -> Local(true);
pqioutput(PQL_WARNING, pqidisczone,
"c->lastaddr!=di->laddr -> !local");
c -> Local(false);
// Now add it into the system.
// check if it exists already......
for(it = neighbours.begin(); it != neighbours.end(); it++)
cert *c2 = (cert *) (*it) -> id;
/**************** PQI_USE_XPGP ******************/
#if defined(PQI_USE_XPGP)
if ((c2 != NULL) && (0 == XPGP_cmp(
c -> certificate, c2 -> certificate)))
#else /* X509 Certificates */
/**************** PQI_USE_XPGP ******************/
if ((c2 != NULL) && (0 == X509_cmp(
c -> certificate, c2 -> certificate)))
#endif /* X509 Certificates */
/**************** PQI_USE_XPGP ******************/
// matching....
// update it....;
pqioutput(PQL_DEBUG_BASIC, pqidisczone, "Updating Certificate (AN)!");
(*it)-> local = c -> Local();
updateAutoServer((*it), di);
/* now look through the neighbours_of */
std::list<autoserver *>::iterator nit;
for(nit = ((*it) -> neighbour_of).begin();
nit != ((*it) -> neighbour_of).end(); nit++)
/* check if we already have a autoserver.... */
if ((*it)->id == (*nit)->id)
/* we already have one */
// update it....;
pqioutput(PQL_DEBUG_BASIC, pqidisczone,
"Updating Certificate (AS)!");
updateAutoServer(*nit, di);
return 0;
pqioutput(PQL_DEBUG_BASIC, pqidisczone,
"Adding Certificate (AS)!");
/* if we get here, we need to add an autoserver */
autoserver *as = new autoserver();
as -> id = c;
updateAutoServer(as, di);
(*it) -> neighbour_of.push_back(as);
return 1;
// if get here must add a autoneighbour + an autoserver.
autoneighbour *an = new autoneighbour();
an -> id = c;
an -> local = c -> Local();
updateAutoServer(an, di);
// add autoserver to an.
autoserver *as = new autoserver();
as -> id = c;
updateAutoServer(as, di);
an -> neighbour_of.push_back(as);
return 1;
int p3disc::handleDiscoveryData(RsDiscReply *di)
std::list<autoneighbour *>::iterator it;
std::ostringstream out;
out << "p3disc::handleDiscoveryData()" << std::endl;
di -> print(out);
pqioutput(PQL_DEBUG_BASIC, pqidisczone, out.str());
certsign sign;
convert_to_certsign(di->PeerId(), sign);
cert *di_peer = getSSLRoot() -> findcertsign(sign);
if (!di_peer)
std::ostringstream out;
out << "p3disc::handleDiscoveryData() BAD Id" << std::endl;
di -> print(out);
pqioutput(PQL_ALERT, pqidisczone, out.str());
delete di;
return 0;
/* WIN/LINUX Difference.
/********************************** WINDOWS/UNIX SPECIFIC PART ******************/
#ifndef WINDOWS_SYS // ie UNIX
const unsigned char *certptr = (const unsigned char *) di -> certDER.bin_data;
unsigned char *certptr = (unsigned char *) di -> certDER.bin_data;
/********************************** WINDOWS/UNIX SPECIFIC PART ******************/
// load up the certificate.....
/**************** PQI_USE_XPGP ******************/
#if defined(PQI_USE_XPGP)
XPGP *tmp = NULL;
XPGP *xpgp = d2i_XPGP(&tmp, (unsigned char **) &certptr, di -> certDER.bin_len);
if (xpgp == NULL)
return -1;
std::ostringstream out;
out << "p3disc::handleDiscoveryData()" << std::endl;
out << "certificate name: " << xpgp -> name << std::endl;
pqioutput(PQL_DEBUG_BASIC, pqidisczone, out.str());
// if a duplicate with ad/or sslroot;
cert *c = sroot -> makeCertificateXPGP(xpgp);
if (c == NULL)
pqioutput(PQL_DEBUG_BASIC, pqidisczone,
"Failed to Create Certificate");
// delete the cert.
return -1;
#else /* X509 Certificates */
/**************** PQI_USE_XPGP ******************/
X509 *tmp = NULL;
X509 *x509 = d2i_X509(&tmp, &certptr, di -> certLen);
if (x509 == NULL)
return -1;
std::ostringstream out;
out << "p3disc::handleDiscoveryData()" << std::endl;
out << "certificate name: " << x509 -> name << std::endl;
pqioutput(PQL_DEBUG_BASIC, pqidisczone, out.str());
// if a duplicate with ad/or sslroot;
cert *c = sroot -> makeCertificate(x509);
if (c == NULL)
pqioutput(PQL_DEBUG_BASIC, pqidisczone,
"Failed to Create Certificate");
// delete the cert.
return -1;
#endif /* X509 Certificates */
/**************** PQI_USE_XPGP ******************/
// So have new/existing cert;
// check if it exists already......
for(it = neighbours.begin(); it != neighbours.end(); it++)
cert *c2 = (cert *) (*it) -> id;
/**************** PQI_USE_XPGP ******************/
#if defined(PQI_USE_XPGP)
if ((c2 != NULL) && (0 == XPGP_cmp(
c -> certificate, c2 -> certificate)))
#else /* X509 Certificates */
/**************** PQI_USE_XPGP ******************/
if ((c2 != NULL) && (0 == X509_cmp(
c -> certificate, c2 -> certificate)))
#endif /* X509 Certificates */
/**************** PQI_USE_XPGP ******************/
// matching.... check neighbours of....
// for the source of the message.
std::list<autoserver *>::iterator nit;
for(nit = ((*it) -> neighbour_of).begin();
nit != ((*it) -> neighbour_of).end(); nit++)
/**************** PQI_USE_XPGP ******************/
#if defined(PQI_USE_XPGP)
if (0 == XPGP_cmp(
#else /* X509 Certificates */
/**************** PQI_USE_XPGP ******************/
if (0 == X509_cmp(
#endif /* X509 Certificates */
/**************** PQI_USE_XPGP ******************/
((cert *) (*nit) -> id) -> certificate,
di_peer -> certificate))
// update it....;
pqioutput(PQL_DEBUG_BASIC, pqidisczone,
"Updating Certificate!");
updateAutoServer(*nit, di);
return 0;
// if we get to here - add neighbour of info.
autoserver *as = new autoserver();
as -> id = di_peer;
// add in some more -> addr = (di -> );
updateAutoServer(as, di);
(*it) -> neighbour_of.push_back(as);
return 1;
// if get here must add a autoneighbour + autoserver.
std::ostringstream out;
out << "p3disc::handleDiscoveryData()" << std::endl;
out << "Adding New AutoNeighbour:" << c -> Name() << std::endl;
pqioutput(PQL_DEBUG_BASIC, pqidisczone, out.str());
autoneighbour *an = new autoneighbour();
an -> id = c;
// initial guess.
an -> local_addr = di -> laddr;
an -> server_addr = di -> saddr;
an -> local = false;
autoserver *as = new autoserver();
as -> id = di_peer;
updateAutoServer(as, di);
an -> neighbour_of.push_back(as);
return 1;
int p3disc::collectCerts()
// First get any extras from the CollectedCerts Queue.
// if the cert matches an existing one.... update + discard
// else add in....
std::list<autoneighbour *>::iterator it;
std::list<autoneighbour *>::iterator it2;
cert *nc;
while(NULL != (nc = sroot -> getCollectedCert()))
// check for matching certs.
bool found = false;
std::ostringstream out;
out << "p3disc::collectCert: " << std::endl;
out << "Name: " << nc -> Name() << std::endl;
out << "CN: " << nc -> certificate -> name << std::endl;
out << " From: ";
out << inet_ntoa(nc -> lastaddr.sin_addr);
out << ":" << ntohs(nc -> lastaddr.sin_port) << std::endl;
out << " Local: ";
out << inet_ntoa(nc -> localaddr.sin_addr);
out << ":" << ntohs(nc -> localaddr.sin_port) << std::endl;
out << " Server: ";
out << inet_ntoa(nc -> serveraddr.sin_addr);
out << ":" << ntohs(nc -> serveraddr.sin_port) << std::endl;
out << " Listen TS:";
out << nc -> lr_timestamp << " ";
out << "Connect TR:";
out << nc -> lc_timestamp << std::endl;
out << std::endl;
pqioutput(PQL_DEBUG_BASIC, pqidisczone, out.str());
for(it = neighbours.begin(); (!found) && (it != neighbours.end()); it++)
cert *c = (cert *) ((*it) -> id);
/**************** PQI_USE_XPGP ******************/
#if defined(PQI_USE_XPGP)
if ((c != NULL) &&
(0 == XPGP_cmp(c -> certificate, nc -> certificate)))
#else /* X509 Certificates */
/**************** PQI_USE_XPGP ******************/
if ((c != NULL) &&
(0 == X509_cmp(c -> certificate, nc -> certificate)))
#endif /* X509 Certificates */
/**************** PQI_USE_XPGP ******************/
/* addresses handled already ....
* by sslroot. (more intelligent decisions).
* update timestamps so we don't overwrite
* the uptodate cert data.
found = true;
if ((nc -> lc_timestamp > 0) &&
((unsigned) nc -> lc_timestamp > (*it) -> c_ts))
// connect.... timestamp
(*it) -> connect = true;
(*it) -> c_ts = nc -> lc_timestamp;
// don't make this decision here.
//(*it) -> server_addr = nc -> lastaddr;
if ((nc -> lr_timestamp > 0) &&
((unsigned) nc -> lr_timestamp > (*it) -> l_ts))
// received.... timestamp
(*it) -> listen = true;
(*it) -> l_ts = nc -> lr_timestamp;
if ((c != nc) ||
(c -> certificate != nc -> certificate))
std::ostringstream out;
out << "Warning Dup/Diff Mem ";
out << " Found in p3Disc!";
out << std::endl;
pqioutput(PQL_ALERT, pqidisczone, out.str());
if (!found)
// add into the list.....
autoneighbour *an = new autoneighbour();
an -> id = nc;
// initial guess.
an -> local_addr = nc -> localaddr;
an -> server_addr = nc -> serveraddr;
an -> local = false;
if (nc -> lc_timestamp > 0)
an -> c_ts = nc -> lc_timestamp;
an -> connect = true;
an -> c_ts = 0;
an -> connect = false;
if (nc -> lr_timestamp > 0)
an -> l_ts = nc -> lr_timestamp;
an -> listen = true;
an -> l_ts = 0;
an -> listen = false;
return 1;
int p3disc::distillData()
// This transforms the autoneighbour tree into
// a list of certificates with the best guess settings.
// get any extra. from sslroot.
std::ostringstream out;
out << "p3disc::distillData()" << std::endl;
std::list<autoneighbour *>::iterator it;
std::list<autoneighbour *>::iterator it2;
std::list<autoserver *>::iterator nit;
cert *own = sroot -> getOwnCert();
for(it = neighbours.begin(); it != neighbours.end(); it++)
/* for the moment this is going to be a simplistic
* (and non-fault tolerent design)....
* we will take the most up-to-date values.... from the friends of neighbours.
* if these are more up-to-date than both the
* (1) neighbour (*it) and
* (2) the actual certificate and
* (3) we are not connected... then
* (a) we update the addresses and timestamps on the neighbour.
* (b) addresses on the certificate.
* Therefore
* cert has (1) our connect times, (2) best guess server.
* neighbour has uptodate times/servers from last distill.
* NOTE this requires a better algorithm.
unsigned int mr_connect = 0;
unsigned int mr_listen = 0;
unsigned int mr_both = 0; /* connect or receive */
/* three fields below match most recent (of either) */
struct sockaddr_in mr_server;
struct sockaddr_in mr_local;
unsigned int mr_flags = 0;
/* if we find a neighbour_of, which is the same cert.
* then we have the definitive answer already
* (and it has been installed)
bool haveDefinitive = false;
cert *c = (cert *) (*it) -> id;
for(nit = ((*it) -> neighbour_of).begin();
nit != ((*it) -> neighbour_of).end(); nit++)
out << "\tDistill Connected via: ";
if ((*nit) -> id != NULL)
out << ((*nit) ->id) -> Name();
out << std::endl;
out << "\t\tServer: ";
out << inet_ntoa((*nit)->server_addr.sin_addr);
out << ":" << ntohs((*nit)->server_addr.sin_port);
out << std::endl;
if ((*nit)->id == (*it)->id)
haveDefinitive = true;
out << "\t\tIs Definitive Answer!";
out << std::endl;
if ((*nit) -> listen)
if ((*nit)->l_ts > mr_listen)
mr_listen = (*nit)->l_ts;
if (mr_listen > mr_both)
mr_both = mr_listen;
mr_server = (*nit) -> server_addr;
mr_local = (*nit) -> local_addr;
mr_flags = (*nit) -> discFlags;
if ((*nit) -> connect)
if ((*nit) -> c_ts > mr_connect)
mr_connect = (*nit)->c_ts;
if (mr_connect > mr_both)
mr_both = mr_connect;
mr_server = (*nit) -> server_addr;
mr_local = (*nit) -> local_addr;
mr_flags = (*nit) -> discFlags;
if ((c == own) || (haveDefinitive))
out << c -> Name();
out << ": Is Own or Definitive: no Update...";
out << std::endl;
if ((mr_both > (*it)-> c_ts) && (mr_both > (*it)-> l_ts))
(*it) -> server_addr = mr_server;
(*it) -> local_addr = mr_local;
(*it) -> discFlags = mr_flags;
/* now we can check against (*it) */
if ((!(*it)->listen) || ((*it)-> l_ts < mr_listen))
(*it) -> listen = true;
(*it)-> l_ts = mr_listen;
if ((!(*it)->connect) || ((*it)-> c_ts < mr_connect))
(*it) -> connect = true;
(*it)-> c_ts = mr_connect;
/* XXX fixme ***/
// Finally we can update the certificate, if auto
// is selected.... or not in use.
if (!(c -> Connected()))
out << "Checking: " << c -> Name() << std::endl;
// if empty local
if (0 == inaddr_cmp(c -> localaddr, INADDR_ANY))
out << "\tUpdating NULL Local Addr:" << std::endl;
out << "\t\tOld: ";
out << inet_ntoa(c->localaddr.sin_addr);
out << ":" << ntohs(c->localaddr.sin_port);
c -> localaddr = (*it) -> local_addr;
out << "\t\tNew: ";
out << inet_ntoa(c->localaddr.sin_addr);
out << ":" << ntohs(c->localaddr.sin_port);
// if empty server .....
if (0 == inaddr_cmp(c -> serveraddr, INADDR_ANY))
out << "\tUpdating NULL Serv Addr:" << std::endl;
out << "\t\tOld: ";
out << inet_ntoa(c->serveraddr.sin_addr);
out << ":" << ntohs(c->serveraddr.sin_port);
c -> serveraddr = (*it) -> server_addr;
out << "\t\tNew: ";
out << inet_ntoa(c->serveraddr.sin_addr);
out << ":" << ntohs(c->serveraddr.sin_port);
// if local (second as should catch empty)
else if ((0 == inaddr_cmp((*it) -> server_addr,
c -> localaddr)))
//&& (inaddr_local(c -> localaddr))
out << "\tMaking Local..." << std::endl;
c -> Local(true);
// Finally the key update ....
// check only against the latest data....
if (mr_both)
unsigned int cert_both = c -> lc_timestamp;
if (cert_both < (unsigned) c -> lr_timestamp)
cert_both = c -> lr_timestamp;
int log_delta = -1; /* invalid log */
if (mr_both > cert_both)
log_delta = (int) log10((double) (mr_both - cert_both));
/* if a peer has connected more recently than us */
if (log_delta > 3) // or > 10000 (secs), or ~3 hours.
out << "\tUpdating OLD Addresses:" << std::endl;
out << "\t\tOld Local: ";
out << inet_ntoa(c->serveraddr.sin_addr);
out << ":" << ntohs(c->serveraddr.sin_port);
out << std::endl;
out << "\t\tOld Server: ";
out << inet_ntoa(c->serveraddr.sin_addr);
out << ":" << ntohs(c->serveraddr.sin_port);
out << std::endl;
if (c->Firewalled())
out << "\t\tFireWalled/";
out << "\t\tNot FireWalled/";
if (c->Forwarded())
out << "Forwarded";
out << "Not Forwarded";
out << std::endl;
if (0!=inaddr_cmp(mr_server, INADDR_ANY))
c -> serveraddr = mr_server;
if (0!=inaddr_cmp(mr_local, INADDR_ANY))
c -> localaddr = mr_local;
updateCertAvailabilityFlags(c, mr_flags);
out << "\t\tNew: ";
out << inet_ntoa(c->serveraddr.sin_addr);
out << ":" << ntohs(c->serveraddr.sin_port);
out << "\t\tNew Local: ";
out << inet_ntoa(c->serveraddr.sin_addr);
out << ":" << ntohs(c->serveraddr.sin_port);
out << std::endl;
out << "\t\tNew Server: ";
out << inet_ntoa(c->serveraddr.sin_addr);
out << ":" << ntohs(c->serveraddr.sin_port);
out << std::endl;
if (c->Firewalled())
out << "\t\tFireWalled/";
out << "\t\tNot FireWalled/";
if (c->Forwarded())
out << "Forwarded";
out << "Not Forwarded";
out << std::endl;
pqioutput(PQL_DEBUG_BASIC, pqidisczone, out.str());
return 1;
std::list<cert *> &p3disc::getDiscovered()
return discovered;
static const std::string pqi_adflags("PQI_ADFLAGS");
int p3disc::save_configuration()
if (sroot == NULL)
return -1;
std::string localflags;
if (local_disc)
localflags += "L";
if (remote_disc)
localflags += "R";
sroot -> setSetting(pqi_adflags, localflags);
return 1;
// load configuration from sslcert -> owncert()
// instead of from the configuration files.
int p3disc::load_configuration()
unsigned int i = 0;
if (sroot == NULL)
return -1;
Person *p = sroot -> getOwnCert();
if (p == NULL)
return -1;
laddr = p -> localaddr;
//laddr.sin_family = AF_INET;
saddr = p -> serveraddr;
local_firewalled = p -> Firewalled();
local_forwarded = p -> Forwarded();
std::string localflags = sroot -> getSetting(pqi_adflags);
// initially drop out gracefully.
if (localflags.length() == 0)
return 1;
if (i < localflags.length())
if (local_disc = ('L' == localflags[i]))
if (i < localflags.length())
if (remote_disc = ('R' == localflags[i]))
// temp turn on!
local_disc = false; // true;
remote_disc = true;
return 1;
std::list<cert *> p3disc::potentialproxy(cert *target)
std::list<cert *> certs;
// search the discovery tree for proxies for target.
std::list<autoneighbour *>::iterator it;
std::list<autoserver *>::iterator nit;
pqioutput(PQL_DEBUG_BASIC, pqidisczone,
for(it = neighbours.begin(); it != neighbours.end(); it++)
cert *c = (cert *) (*it) -> id;
if (c == target)
// found target.
for(nit = ((*it) -> neighbour_of).begin();
nit != ((*it) -> neighbour_of).end(); nit++)
/* can't use target as proxy */
cert *pp = (cert *) (*nit)->id;
if ((pp -> Connected()) && (target != pp))
std::ostringstream out;
out << "Potential Proxy: ";
out << pp -> Name();
pqioutput(PQL_DEBUG_BASIC, pqidisczone,
return certs;
pqioutput(PQL_DEBUG_BASIC, pqidisczone,
"p3disc::potentialproxy() No proxies found");
// empty list.
return certs;
std::list<struct sockaddr_in> p3disc::requestStunServers()
/* loop through all the possibilities
* find the ones which aren't firewalled.
* get their addresses.
cert *own = sroot -> getOwnCert();
std::list<struct sockaddr_in> stunList;
std::list<autoneighbour *>::iterator it;
for(it = neighbours.begin(); it != neighbours.end(); it++)
cert *c = (cert *) (*it) -> id;
/* if flags are correct, and the address looks
* valid.
/* switch on Local Stun for testing */
bool isExtern = true;
bool isExtern = (!c->Firewalled()) ||
(c->Firewalled() && c->Forwarded());
if (isExtern)
// second level of checks.
// if we will connect, and haven't -> they are probably
// offline.
if (c->Accepted() && (!c->Connected()))
std::ostringstream out;
out << "Offline Friend: ";
out << c -> Name();
out << " not available for Stun";
pqioutput(PQL_DEBUG_ALERT, pqidisczone, out.str());
isExtern = false;
// and address looks good.
// and not in our subnet (external to us)
if (isExtern)
std::ostringstream out;
out << "Potential Stun Server: ";
out << c -> Name();
out << std::endl;
out << " ServerAddr: " << inet_ntoa(c->serveraddr.sin_addr);
out << " : " << ntohs(c->serveraddr.sin_port);
out << std::endl;
out << " LocalAddr: " << inet_ntoa(c->localaddr.sin_addr);
out << " : " << ntohs(c->localaddr.sin_port);
out << std::endl;
if (isValidNet(&(c->serveraddr.sin_addr)) &&
(!sameNet(&(own->serveraddr.sin_addr), &(c->serveraddr.sin_addr))))
if ((isValidNet(&(c->serveraddr.sin_addr))) &&
(!isPrivateNet(&(c->serveraddr.sin_addr))) &&
(!sameNet(&(own->localaddr.sin_addr), &(c->serveraddr.sin_addr))) &&
(!sameNet(&(own->serveraddr.sin_addr), &(c->serveraddr.sin_addr))))
out << " -- Chose Server Address";
out << std::endl;
else if (isValidNet(&(c->localaddr.sin_addr)))
else if ((!c->Firewalled()) &&
(isValidNet(&(c->localaddr.sin_addr))) &&
(!isPrivateNet(&(c->localaddr.sin_addr))) &&
(!sameNet(&(own->localaddr.sin_addr), &(c->localaddr.sin_addr))))
out << " -- Chose Local Address";
out << std::endl;
out << "<=> Invalid / Private Addresses";
out << std::endl;
pqioutput(PQL_DEBUG_ALERT, pqidisczone, out.str());
std::ostringstream out;
out << "Non-Stun Neighbour: ";
out << c -> Name();
pqioutput(PQL_DEBUG_ALERT, pqidisczone, out.str());
return stunList;
// tdelta -> trange.
// -inf...<0 0 (invalid)
// 0.. <9 1
// 9...<99 2
// 99...<999 3
// 999...<9999 4
// etc...
int convertTDeltaToTRange(double tdelta)
if (tdelta < 0)
return 0;
int trange = 1 + (int) log10(tdelta + 1.0);
return trange;
// trange -> tdelta
// -inf...0 -1 (invalid)
// 1 8
// 2 98
// 3 998
// 4 9998
// etc...
int convertTRangeToTDelta(int trange)
if (trange <= 0)
return -1;
return (int) (pow(10.0, trange) - 1.5); // (int) xxx98.5 -> xxx98
// fn which updates: connect, c_ts,
// listen, l_ts,
// local_addr, server_addr,
// and discFlags.
int updateAutoServer(autoserver *as, RsDiscItem *di)
int cts = time(NULL);
as->listen = (di->receive_tr != 0);
as->connect= (di->connect_tr != 0);
/* convert [r|c]_tf to timestamps....
* Conversion to a _tf....
* */
if (as->listen)
as->l_ts = cts - convertTRangeToTDelta(di->receive_tr);
if (as->connect)
as->c_ts = cts - convertTRangeToTDelta(di->connect_tr);
as->local_addr = di->laddr;
as->server_addr = di->saddr;
as->discFlags = di->discFlags;
return 1;
static const int PQI_DISC_FLAGS_FIREWALLED = 0x0001;
static const int PQI_DISC_FLAGS_FORWARDED = 0x0002;
static const int PQI_DISC_FLAGS_LOCAL = 0x0004;
int updateCertAvailabilityFlags(cert *c, unsigned long discFlags)
if (c)
c->Firewalled(discFlags & PQI_DISC_FLAGS_FIREWALLED);
c->Forwarded(discFlags & PQI_DISC_FLAGS_FORWARDED);
pqioutput(PQL_WARNING, pqidisczone,
"updateCertAvailabilityFlags() Setting Firewalled Flag = true");
pqioutput(PQL_WARNING, pqidisczone,
"updateCertAvailabilityFlags() Setting Firewalled Flag = false");
pqioutput(PQL_WARNING, pqidisczone,
"updateCertAvailabilityFlags() Setting Forwarded Flag = true");
pqioutput(PQL_WARNING, pqidisczone,
"updateCertAvailabilityFlags() Setting Forwarded Flag = false");
return 1;
return 0;
unsigned long determineCertAvailabilityFlags(cert *c)
unsigned long flags = 0;
if (c->Firewalled())
if (c->Forwarded())
if (c->Local())
return flags;