Allow announce handlers to also receive path responses

This commit is contained in:
Mark Qvist 2024-09-06 19:52:05 +02:00
parent 971f5ffadd
commit 8a82d6bfeb

@ -1677,30 +1677,38 @@ class Transport:
# Call externally registered callbacks from apps
# wanting to know when an announce arrives
if packet.context != RNS.Packet.PATH_RESPONSE:
for handler in Transport.announce_handlers:
# Check that the announced destination matches
# the handlers aspect filter
execute_callback = False
announce_identity = RNS.Identity.recall(packet.destination_hash)
if handler.aspect_filter == None:
# If the handlers aspect filter is set to
# None, we execute the callback in all cases
for handler in Transport.announce_handlers:
# Check that the announced destination matches
# the handlers aspect filter
execute_callback = False
announce_identity = RNS.Identity.recall(packet.destination_hash)
if handler.aspect_filter == None:
# If the handlers aspect filter is set to
# None, we execute the callback in all cases
execute_callback = True
handler_expected_hash = RNS.Destination.hash_from_name_and_identity(handler.aspect_filter, announce_identity)
if packet.destination_hash == handler_expected_hash:
execute_callback = True
# If this is a path response, check whether the
# handler wants to receive it.
if packet.context == RNS.Packet.PATH_RESPONSE:
if hasattr(handler, "receive_path_responses") and handler.receive_path_responses == True:
handler_expected_hash = RNS.Destination.hash_from_name_and_identity(handler.aspect_filter, announce_identity)
if packet.destination_hash == handler_expected_hash:
execute_callback = True
if execute_callback:
except Exception as e:
RNS.log("Error while processing external announce callback.", RNS.LOG_ERROR)
RNS.log("The contained exception was: "+str(e), RNS.LOG_ERROR)
execute_callback = False
if execute_callback:
except Exception as e:
RNS.log("Error while processing external announce callback.", RNS.LOG_ERROR)
RNS.log("The contained exception was: "+str(e), RNS.LOG_ERROR)
# Handling for link requests to local destinations
elif packet.packet_type == RNS.Packet.LINKREQUEST:
@ -1979,7 +1987,9 @@ class Transport:
Registers an announce handler.
:param handler: Must be an object with an *aspect_filter* attribute and a *received_announce(destination_hash, announced_identity, app_data)* callable. See the :ref:`Announce Example<example-announce>` for more info.
:param handler: Must be an object with an *aspect_filter* attribute and a *received_announce(destination_hash, announced_identity, app_data)*
callable. Can optionally have a *receive_path_responses* attribute set to ``True``, to also receive all path responses, in addition to live
announces. See the :ref:`Announce Example<example-announce>` for more info.
if hasattr(handler, "received_announce") and callable(handler.received_announce):
if hasattr(handler, "aspect_filter"):