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synced 2025-03-02 20:19:17 -05:00
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%! PostScript set of library objects for XCircuit
% Version: 3.7
% Library name is: (user)
% Author: zinka,,, <zinka@zinka-OptiPlex-3020>
% Depend ::isolator generic::arrowhead
% Depend ::circulator generic::arrowhead
% Depend ::VSWR generic::dot
% Depend ::attenuator analog::resistor analog::gnd
% Depend ::TXLine diodes::circle
% Depend ::Sopen diodes::circle diodes::open1
% Depend ::Sshort diodes::circle
% Depend ::Popen diodes::circle
% Depend ::Pshort diodes::circle
% Depend ::source2 analog::acsource diodes::circle
% Depend ::Sload diodes::series diodes::circle
% Depend ::Pload diodes::circle
% Depend ::Transf analog::inductor diodes::circle
% Depend 2port diodes::circle
% Depend 3port diodes::circle
% Depend 4port diodes::circle
% Depend DC diodes::circle
% Depend circulator2 generic::arrowhead diodes::circle
% XCircuitLib library objects
/::waveguide {
0 1.000 -128 80 -128 -80 -112 -80 -112 80 4 polygon
1 1.000 -112 64 112 64 112 -64 -112 -64 4 polygon
0 1.000 112 80 112 -80 128 -80 128 80 4 polygon
} def
/generic::arrowhead {
% nonetwork
8 -28 beginpath
3 -18 3 -15 0 0 curveto
-3 -15 -3 -18 -8 -28 curveto
-2 -26 2 -26 8 -28 curveto
1.000 endpath
} def
/::isolator {
0 1.000 -128 80 -128 -80 -112 -80 -112 80 4 polygon
1 1.000 -112 64 112 64 112 -64 -112 -64 4 polygon
0 1.000 112 80 112 -80 128 -80 128 80 4 polygon
1 1.000 -32 0 32 0 2 polygon
1.000 90 48 0 generic::arrowhead
} def
/::circulator {
0 1.000 -128 96 -128 -64 -112 -64 -112 96 4 polygon
1 1.000 -112 80 112 80 112 -48 -112 -48 4 polygon
0 1.000 112 96 112 -64 128 -64 128 96 4 polygon
1 1.000 -1 13 35 90.000 360.000 xcarc
1.000 90 15 46 generic::arrowhead
0 1.000 -80 -80 -80 -96 80 -96 80 -80 4 polygon
1 1.000 -64 -48 -64 -80 2 polygon
1 1.000 64 -48 64 -80 2 polygon
} def
/::match {
0 1.000 -128 80 -128 -80 -112 -80 -112 80 4 polygon
1 1.000 -112 64 -32 64 -32 -64 -112 -64 4 polygon
0 1.000 -32 80 -32 -80 128 -80 128 80 4 polygon
1 1.000 128 48 0 0 128 -48 3 polygon
} def
/::DUT {
0 1.000 -128 80 -128 -80 -112 -80 -112 80 4 polygon
1 1.000 -112 64 -32 64 -32 -64 -112 -64 4 polygon
0 1.000 -32 80 -32 -80 128 -80 128 80 4 polygon
(DUT) {/Times-Roman cf} 2 16 0 1.000 6 -11 label
} def
/::T\040Junction {
0 1.000 128 -96 128 64 112 64 112 -96 4 polygon
1 1.000 112 -80 -112 -80 -112 48 112 48 4 polygon
0 1.000 -112 -96 -112 64 -128 64 -128 -96 4 polygon
0 1.000 80 80 80 96 -80 96 -80 80 4 polygon
1 1.000 64 48 64 80 2 polygon
1 1.000 -64 48 -64 80 2 polygon
} def
/::Magic {
0 1.000 128 -80 128 80 112 80 112 -80 4 polygon
1 1.000 112 -64 -112 -64 -112 64 112 64 4 polygon
0 1.000 -112 -80 -112 80 -128 80 -128 -80 4 polygon
0 1.000 80 96 80 112 -80 112 -80 96 4 polygon
1 1.000 64 64 64 96 2 polygon
1 1.000 -64 64 -64 96 2 polygon
0 1.000 80 -96 80 -112 -80 -112 -80 -96 4 polygon
1 1.000 64 -64 64 -96 2 polygon
1 1.000 -64 -64 -64 -96 2 polygon
} def
/::wavemeter {
0 1.000 -112 64 -112 -96 -96 -96 -96 64 4 polygon
0 1.000 80 64 80 -96 96 -96 96 64 4 polygon
0 1.000 -96 48 -96 -80 -48 -80 -48 48 4 polygon
0 1.000 -48 80 -48 -96 32 -96 32 80 4 polygon
0 1.000 32 48 32 -80 80 -80 80 48 4 polygon
496 1.000 -48 96 -48 80 32 80 32 96 4 polygon
} def
/generic::dot {
% trivial
248 1.000 0 0 6 0.000 360.000 xcarc
1.000 0.000 0.000 scb
(x) {/Times-Roman cf} 2 29 0 1.000 0 0 pinlabel
} def
/::VSWR {
0 1.000 -64 80 -64 -80 64 -80 64 80 4 polygon
0 1.000 -48 64 -48 0 48 0 48 64 4 polygon
1 1.000 0 0 32 48 2 polygon
1 1.000 -32 -32 11 0.000 360.000 xcarc
1 1.000 32 -32 11 0.000 360.000 xcarc
1.000 0 -32 -64 generic::dot
} def
/::WG2Coax {
0 1.000 48 80 48 -80 64 -80 64 80 4 polygon
0 1.000 -48 64 -48 -64 48 -64 48 64 4 polygon
0 1.000 -16 64 -16 96 16 96 16 64 4 polygon
} def
/analog::resistor {
1 1.000 0 64 0 36 2 polygon
1 1.000 0 -64 0 -36 2 polygon
1 1.000 0 -36 14 -30 -14 -18 14 -6 -14 6 14 18 -14 30 0 36 8 polygon
1.000 0.000 0.000 scb
(r.1) {/Times-Roman cf} 2 9 0 1.000 0 64 pinlabel
(r.2) {/Times-Roman cf} 2 13 0 1.000 0 -64 pinlabel
0.180 0.545 0.341 scb
(spice:R%i %pr.1 %pr.2 1.0K) {/Times-Roman cf} 2 0 0 1.000 -208 -160 infolabel
(sim:r %pr.1 %pr.2) {/Times-Roman cf} 2 0 0 1.000 -208 -208 infolabel
} def
/analog::gnd {
% trivial
1 1.000 0 0 0 -32 2 polygon
1 1.000 -32 -32 32 -32 2 polygon
1 1.000 -18 -46 18 -46 2 polygon
1 1.000 -4 -60 4 -60 2 polygon
0.933 0.604 0.000 scb
(GND) {/Times-Roman cf} 2 1 0 1.000 0 0 pinglobal
} def
/::attenuator {
0 1.000 -160 80 -160 -80 -144 -80 -144 80 4 polygon
0 1.000 144 80 144 -80 160 -80 160 80 4 polygon
0 1.000 -144 64 -144 -64 -96 -64 -96 64 4 polygon
0 1.000 -96 80 -96 -80 96 -80 96 80 4 polygon
0 1.000 96 64 96 -64 144 -64 144 64 4 polygon
0.500 0 0 0 analog::resistor
0.500 90 -32 32 analog::resistor
0.500 90 32 32 analog::resistor
0.500 0 0 -32 analog::gnd
} def
/::iris {
496 1.000 0 96 0 -96 16 -96 16 96 4 polygon
} def
/::DC {
0 1.000 -272 128 -272 -32 -256 -32 -256 128 4 polygon
0 1.000 256 128 256 -32 272 -32 272 128 4 polygon
0 1.000 -256 112 -256 -16 256 -16 256 112 4 polygon
0 1.000 -112 -96 -112 -112 -272 -112 -272 -96 4 polygon
0 1.000 272 -96 272 -112 112 -112 112 -96 4 polygon
1 1.000 -256 -96 -256 -32 -208 -16 -256 -96 spline
1 1.000 -128 -96 -128 -32 -80 -16 -128 -96 spline
1 1.000 256 -96 256 -32 208 -16 256 -96 spline
1 1.000 128 -96 128 -32 80 -16 128 -96 spline
} def
/::sloted {
0 1.000 -272 80 -272 -80 -256 -80 -256 80 4 polygon
0 1.000 256 80 256 -80 272 -80 272 80 4 polygon
0 1.000 -256 64 -256 -64 256 -64 256 64 4 polygon
1 1.000 -192 64 -192 32 2 polygon
1 1.000 -176 64 -176 48 2 polygon
1 1.000 -160 64 -160 32 2 polygon
1 1.000 -144 64 -144 48 2 polygon
1 1.000 -128 64 -128 32 2 polygon
1 1.000 -112 64 -112 48 2 polygon
1 1.000 -96 64 -96 32 2 polygon
1 1.000 -80 64 -80 48 2 polygon
1 1.000 -64 64 -64 32 2 polygon
1 1.000 -48 64 -48 48 2 polygon
1 1.000 -32 64 -32 32 2 polygon
1 1.000 -16 64 -16 48 2 polygon
1 1.000 0 64 0 32 2 polygon
1 1.000 16 64 16 48 2 polygon
1 1.000 32 64 32 32 2 polygon
1 1.000 48 64 48 48 2 polygon
1 1.000 64 64 64 32 2 polygon
1 1.000 80 64 80 48 2 polygon
1 1.000 96 64 96 32 2 polygon
1 1.000 112 64 112 48 2 polygon
1 1.000 128 64 128 32 2 polygon
1 1.000 144 64 144 48 2 polygon
1 1.000 160 64 160 32 2 polygon
1 1.000 176 64 176 48 2 polygon
0 1.000 -144 96 -144 64 -112 64 -112 96 4 polygon
1 1.000 -128 -16 11 0.000 360.000 xcarc
} def
/::source {
1 1.000 0 0 32 0.000 360.000 xcarc
1 0.800 0 -48 0 48 -16 0 16 0 spline
} def
/diodes::circle {
1 1.000 0 0 5 0.000 360.000 xcarc
1.000 1.000 1.000 scb
497 1.000 0 0 3 0.000 360.000 xcarc
} def
/::TXLine {
1 3.000 128 64 -128 64 2 polygon
1 3.000 128 -64 -128 -64 2 polygon
1.000 0 128 64 diodes::circle
1.000 0 128 -64 diodes::circle
1.000 0 -128 -64 diodes::circle
1.000 0 -128 64 diodes::circle
} def
/diodes::open1 {
1 3.000 -64 -96 -64 96 2 polygon
1 3.000 64 -96 64 96 2 polygon
1.000 0 -64 96 diodes::circle
1.000 0 64 96 diodes::circle
1.000 0 -64 -96 diodes::circle
1.000 0 64 -96 diodes::circle
} def
/::Sopen {
1 1.000 -64 -160 64 -160 2 polygon
1.000 0 -64 -160 diodes::circle
1.000 0 64 -160 diodes::circle
1.000 0 0 64 diodes::open1
} def
/::Sshort {
1 3.000 -64 -32 -64 160 2 polygon
1 3.000 64 -32 64 160 2 polygon
1.000 0 -64 -32 diodes::circle
1.000 0 64 -32 diodes::circle
1 1.000 -64 160 -64 176 64 176 64 160 4 polygon
1.000 0 -64 160 diodes::circle
1.000 0 64 160 diodes::circle
1 1.000 -64 -160 64 -160 2 polygon
1.000 0 -64 -160 diodes::circle
1.000 0 64 -160 diodes::circle
} def
/::Popen {
1 3.000 96 32 -80 -144 2 polygon
1 3.000 96 160 -80 -16 2 polygon
1.000 0 96 160 diodes::circle
1.000 0 96 32 diodes::circle
1.000 0 -80 -16 diodes::circle
1.000 0 -80 -144 diodes::circle
} def
/::Pshort {
1 3.000 96 32 -80 -144 2 polygon
1 3.000 96 160 -80 -16 2 polygon
1.000 0 96 160 diodes::circle
1.000 0 96 32 diodes::circle
1 1.000 -80 -16 -96 -32 -96 -160 -80 -144 4 polygon
1.000 0 -80 -16 diodes::circle
1.000 0 -80 -144 diodes::circle
} def
/analog::source {
% hidden
1 1.000 0 0 32 0.000 360.000 xcarc
1 1.000 0 32 0 64 2 polygon
1 1.000 0 -32 0 -64 2 polygon
} def
/analog::acsource {
1.000 0 0 0 analog::source
1 0.800 0 -48 0 48 -16 0 16 0 spline
1.000 0.000 0.000 scb
(s.p) {/Times-Roman cf} 2 9 0 1.000 0 64 pinlabel
(s.m) {/Times-Roman cf} 2 13 0 1.000 0 -64 pinlabel
} def
/::source2 {
1.000 0 -48 0 analog::acsource
0 1.000 -16 72 -16 56 48 56 48 72 4 polygon
1 1.000 -48 64 -16 64 2 polygon
1 1.000 48 64 80 64 2 polygon
1.000 0 80 64 diodes::circle
1 1.000 -48 -64 80 -64 2 polygon
1.000 0 80 -64 diodes::circle
} def
/diodes::series {
0 1.000 -48 8 -48 -8 16 -8 16 8 4 polygon
1 1.000 -80 0 -48 0 2 polygon
1 1.000 16 0 48 0 2 polygon
1.000 0 48 0 diodes::circle
1.000 0 -80 0 diodes::circle
} def
/::Sload {
1.000 0 16 64 diodes::series
1 1.000 -64 -64 64 -64 2 polygon
1.000 0 -64 -64 diodes::circle
1.000 0 64 -64 diodes::circle
} def
/::Pload {
0 1.000 -8 32 -8 -32 8 -32 8 32 4 polygon
1 1.000 0 64 0 64 0 32 3 polygon
1 1.000 0 -64 0 -64 0 -32 3 polygon
1.000 0 0 64 diodes::circle
1.000 0 0 -64 diodes::circle
} def
/analog::inductor {
1 1.000 20 -22 20 -38 0 -42 0 -18 spline
1 1.000 -20 -14 -20 -26 0 -22 0 -18 spline
1 1.000 20 38 20 22 0 18 0 42 spline
1 1.000 20 18 20 2 0 -2 0 22 spline
1 1.000 20 -2 20 -18 0 -22 0 2 spline
1 1.000 -20 26 -20 14 0 18 0 22 spline
1 1.000 -20 6 -20 -6 0 -2 0 2 spline
1 1.000 0 -42 0 -64 2 polygon
1 1.000 0 42 0 64 2 polygon
1.000 0.000 0.000 scb
(l.1) {/Times-Roman cf} 2 9 0 1.000 0 64 pinlabel
(l.2) {/Times-Roman cf} 2 13 0 1.000 0 -64 pinlabel
0.180 0.545 0.341 scb
(spice:L%i %pl.1 %pl.2 1.0U) {/Times-Roman cf} 2 0 0 1.000 -208 -160 infolabel
(sim:l %pl.1 %pl.2) {/Times-Roman cf} 2 0 0 1.000 -208 -208 infolabel
} def
/::Transf {
1.000 0 -32 0 analog::inductor
-1.000 0 48 0 analog::inductor
1 1.000 0 32 0 -48 2 polygon
1 1.000 16 32 16 -48 2 polygon
1 1.000 -32 64 -64 64 2 polygon
1 1.000 -32 -64 -64 -64 2 polygon
1 1.000 48 64 80 64 2 polygon
1 1.000 48 -64 80 -64 2 polygon
1.000 0 -64 64 diodes::circle
1.000 0 80 64 diodes::circle
1.000 0 80 -64 diodes::circle
1.000 0 -64 -64 diodes::circle
} def
/::2port {
0 1.000 -128 96 -128 -96 144 -96 144 96 4 polygon
1 1.000 -128 64 -160 64 2 polygon
1.000 0 -160 64 diodes::circle
1 1.000 -128 -64 -160 -64 2 polygon
1.000 0 -160 -64 diodes::circle
1 1.000 144 -64 176 -64 2 polygon
-1.000 0 176 -64 diodes::circle
1 1.000 144 64 176 64 2 polygon
-1.000 0 176 64 diodes::circle
} def
/::3port {
0 1.000 -128 80 -128 -112 128 -112 128 80 4 polygon
1 1.000 -128 48 -160 48 2 polygon
1.000 0 -160 48 diodes::circle
1 1.000 -128 -80 -160 -80 2 polygon
1.000 0 -160 -80 diodes::circle
1 1.000 128 -80 160 -80 2 polygon
-1.000 0 160 -80 diodes::circle
1 1.000 128 48 160 48 2 polygon
-1.000 0 160 48 diodes::circle
1 1.000 -64 80 -64 112 2 polygon
1 1.000 64 80 64 112 2 polygon
1.000 0 -64 112 diodes::circle
1.000 0 64 112 diodes::circle
} def
/::4port {
0 1.000 -128 96 -128 -96 128 -96 128 96 4 polygon
1 1.000 -128 64 -160 64 2 polygon
1.000 0 -160 64 diodes::circle
1 1.000 -128 -64 -160 -64 2 polygon
1.000 0 -160 -64 diodes::circle
1 1.000 128 -64 160 -64 2 polygon
-1.000 0 160 -64 diodes::circle
1 1.000 128 64 160 64 2 polygon
-1.000 0 160 64 diodes::circle
1 1.000 -64 96 -64 128 2 polygon
1 1.000 64 96 64 128 2 polygon
1.000 0 -64 128 diodes::circle
1.000 0 64 128 diodes::circle
1 1.000 -64 -96 -64 -128 2 polygon
1 1.000 64 -96 64 -128 2 polygon
-1.000 180 -64 -128 diodes::circle
-1.000 180 64 -128 diodes::circle
} def
/::DC {
0 1.000 -128 96 -128 -96 144 -96 144 96 4 polygon
1 1.000 176 64 -160 64 2 polygon
1.000 0 -160 64 diodes::circle
1 1.000 176 -64 -160 -64 2 polygon
1.000 0 -160 -64 diodes::circle
1.000 0 176 64 diodes::circle
1.000 0 176 -64 diodes::circle
1 1.000 -64 64 80 -64 2 polygon
1 1.000 80 64 -64 -64 2 polygon
} def
/::circulator2 {
1 1.000 16 0 93 0.000 360.000 xcarc
1 1.000 16 0 50 90.000 360.000 xcarc
1.000 90 32 48 generic::arrowhead
1 1.000 -80 0 -112 0 2 polygon
1 1.000 16 96 16 128 2 polygon
1 1.000 16 -96 16 -128 2 polygon
1.000 0 16 128 diodes::circle
1.000 0 16 -128 diodes::circle
1.000 0 -112 0 diodes::circle
} def
% EndLib